%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2009. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% ------------------------------------------------------------
%% Basic Radiobutton Type
%% ------------------------------------------------------------
%% Attributes:
%% activebg Color
%% activefg Color
%% align n,w,s,e,nw,se,ne,sw,center
%% anchor n,w,s,e,nw,se,ne,sw,center
%% bg Color
%% bw Int
%% data Data
%% disabledfg Color
%% enable Bool
%% fg Color
%% group Atom
%% groupid Groupid
%% height Int
%% highlightbg Color
%% highlightbw Int
%% highlightfg Color
%% justify left|right|center
%% label {text, String} | {image, BitmapFile}
%% padx Int (Pixels)
%% pady Int (Pixels)
%% relief Relief [flat|raised|sunken|ridge|groove]
%% selectbg Color
%% underline Int
%% value Atom
%% width Int
%% wraplength Int
%% x Int
%% y Int
%% Commands:
%% flash
%% invoke
%% select Bool
%% setfocus Bool
%% Events:
%% buttonpress [Bool | {Bool, Data}]
%% buttonrelease [Bool | {Bool, Data}]
%% click [Bool | {Bool, Data}]
%% configure [Bool | {Bool, Data}]
%% destroy [Bool | {Bool, Data}]
%% enter [Bool | {Bool, Data}]
%% focus [Bool | {Bool, Data}]
%% keypress [Bool | {Bool, Data}]
%% keyrelease [Bool | {Bool, Data}]
%% leave [Bool | {Bool, Data}]
%% motion [Bool | {Bool, Data}]
%% Read Options:
%% children
%% id
%% parent
%% type
%% Not Implemented:
%% cursor ??????
%% focus ?????? (-takefocus)
%% font ??????
%% Function : create/3
%% Purpose : Create a widget of the type defined in this module.
create(DB, GstkId, Opts) ->
TkW = gstk_generic:mk_tkw_child(DB,GstkId),
{G, GID, V, NOpts} = fix_group_and_value(Opts, DB, GstkId#gstkid.owner),
NGstkId=GstkId#gstkid{widget=TkW,widget_data={G, GID, V}},
PlacePreCmd = [";place ", TkW],
case gstk_generic:make_command(NOpts, NGstkId, TkW, "", PlacePreCmd, DB) of
{error,Reason} -> {error,Reason};
Cmd when is_list(Cmd) ->
gstk:exec(["radiobutton ", TkW," -bo 2 -indi true ",Cmd]),
%% Function : config/3
%% Purpose : Configure a widget of the type defined in this module.
%% Args : DB - The Database
%% Gstkid - The gstkid of the widget
%% Opts - A list of options for configuring the widget
%% Return : [true | {bad_result, Reason}]
config(DB, Gstkid, Opts) ->
TkW = Gstkid#gstkid.widget,
{NOpts, NGstkid} = fix_group_and_value(Opts, DB, Gstkid#gstkid.owner, Gstkid),
SimplePreCmd = [TkW, " conf"],
PlacePreCmd = [";place ", TkW],
%% Function : read/3
%% Purpose : Read one option from a widget
%% Args : DB - The Database
%% Gstkid - The gstkid of the widget
%% Opt - An option to read
%% Return : [OptionValue | {bad_result, Reason}]
read(DB, Gstkid, Opt) ->
gstk_generic:read_option(DB, Gstkid, Opt).
%% Function : delete/2
%% Purpose : Delete widget from databas and return tkwidget to destroy
%% Args : DB - The Database
%% Gstkid - The gstkid of the widget
%% Return : TkWidget to destroy
delete(DB, Gstkid) ->
gstk_db:delete_widget(DB, Gstkid),
{_, Gid, _} = Gstkid#gstkid.widget_data,
gstk_db:delete_bgrp(DB, Gid),
%% Function : event/5
%% Purpose : Construct the event and send it to the owner of the widget
%% Args : DB - The Database
%% Gstkid - The gstkid of the widget
%% Etype - The event type
%% Edata - The event data
%% Args - The data from tcl/tk
%% Return : [true | {bad_result, Reason}]
event(DB, Gstkid, Etype, Edata, Args) ->
Arg2 = case Etype of
click ->
[Text, _Grp | Rest] = Args,
{G, _Gid, V} = Gstkid#gstkid.widget_data,
[Text, G, V | Rest];
_Other ->
gstk_generic:event(DB, Gstkid, Etype, Edata, Arg2).
%% Function : option/4
%% Purpose : Take care of options
%% Args : Option - An option tuple
%% Gstkid - The gstkid of the widget
%% TkW - The tk-widget
%% DB - The Database
%% Return : A tuple {OptionType, OptionCmd}
option(Option, Gstkid, TkW, DB,_) ->
case Option of
{disabledfg, Color} -> {s, [" -disabledforegr ", gstk:to_color(Color)]};
{group, Group} -> {s, [" -var ", gstk:to_ascii(Group)]};
{selectbg, Color} -> {s, [" -selectc ", gstk:to_color(Color)]};
{underline, Int} -> {s, [" -un ", gstk:to_ascii(Int)]};
{value, V} -> {s, [" -val ", gstk:to_ascii(V)]};
{wraplength, Int} -> {s, [" -wr ", gstk:to_ascii(Int)]};
flash -> {c, [TkW, " f;"]};
invoke -> {c, [TkW, " i;"]};
{select, true} -> {c, [TkW, " se;"]};
{select, false} -> {c, [TkW, " des;"]};
{click, On} -> cbind(DB, Gstkid, click, On);
_ -> invalid_option
%% Function : read_option/4
%% Purpose : Take care of a read option
%% Args : DB - The Database
%% Gstkid - The gstkid of the widget
%% Option - An option
%% Return : The value of the option or invalid_option
%% [OptionValue | {bad_result, Reason}]
read_option(Option,Gstkid, TkW,DB,_) ->
case Option of
disabledfg -> tcl2erl:ret_color([TkW," cg -disabledforegr"]);
group -> {G, _, _} = Gstkid#gstkid.widget_data, G;
groupid -> {_, Gid, _} = Gstkid#gstkid.widget_data, Gid;
selectbg -> tcl2erl:ret_color([TkW," cg -selectc"]);
underline -> tcl2erl:ret_int([TkW," cg -un"]);
value -> {_, _, V} = Gstkid#gstkid.widget_data, V;
wraplength -> tcl2erl:ret_int([TkW," cg -wr"]);
select ->
Cmd = ["list [set x [",TkW," cg -var];global $x;set $x] [",
TkW," cg -val]"],
case tcl2erl:ret_tuple(Cmd) of
{X, X} -> true;
_Other -> false
click -> gstk_db:is_inserted(DB, Gstkid, click);
_ -> {bad_result, {Gstkid#gstkid.objtype, invalid_option, Option}}
%% create version
fix_group_and_value(Opts, DB, Owner) ->
{G, GID, V, NOpts} = fgav(Opts, erlNIL, erlNIL, erlNIL, []),
RV = case V of
erlNIL -> list_to_atom(lists:concat([v,gstk_db:counter(DB,value)]));
Other0 -> Other0
NG = case G of
erlNIL -> rb;
Other1 -> Other1
RGID = case GID of
erlNIL -> {rbgrp, NG, Owner};
Other2 -> Other2
RG = gstk_db:insert_bgrp(DB, RGID),
{NG, RGID, RV, [{group, RG}, {value, RV} | NOpts]}.
%% config version
fix_group_and_value(Opts, DB, Owner, Gstkid) ->
{RG, RGID, RV} = Gstkid#gstkid.widget_data,
{G, GID, V, NOpts} = fgav(Opts, RG, RGID, RV, []),
case {G, GID, V} of
{RG, RGID, RV} ->
{NOpts, Gstkid};
{NG, RGID, RV} ->
NGID = {rbgrp, NG, Owner},
gstk_db:delete_bgrp(DB, RGID),
NRG = gstk_db:insert_bgrp(DB, NGID),
NGstkid = Gstkid#gstkid{widget_data={NG,NGID,RV}},
gstk_db:insert_widget(DB, NGstkid),
{[{group, NRG} | NOpts], NGstkid};
{RG, RGID, NRV} ->
NGstkid = Gstkid#gstkid{widget_data={RG,RGID,NRV}},
gstk_db:insert_widget(DB, NGstkid),
{[{value,NRV} | NOpts], NGstkid};
{_, NGID, RV} when NGID =/= RGID ->
gstk_db:delete_bgrp(DB, RGID),
NRG = gstk_db:insert_bgrp(DB, NGID),
NGstkid = Gstkid#gstkid{widget_data={RG,NGID,RV}},
gstk_db:insert_widget(DB, NGstkid),
{[{group, NRG} | NOpts], NGstkid};
{_, NGID, NRV} when NGID =/= RGID ->
gstk_db:delete_bgrp(DB, RGID),
NRG = gstk_db:insert_bgrp(DB, NGID),
NGstkid = Gstkid#gstkid{widget_data={RG,NGID,NRV}},
gstk_db:insert_widget(DB, NGstkid),
{[{group, NRG}, {value,NRV} | NOpts], NGstkid};
{NG, RGID, NRV} ->
NGID = {rbgrp, NG, Owner},
gstk_db:delete_bgrp(DB, RGID),
NRG = gstk_db:insert_bgrp(DB, NGID),
NGstkid = Gstkid#gstkid{widget_data={NG,NGID,NRV}},
gstk_db:insert_widget(DB, NGstkid),
{[{group, NRG}, {value,NRV} | NOpts], NGstkid}
fgav([{group, G} | Opts], _, GID, V, Nopts) ->
fgav(Opts, G, GID, V, Nopts);
fgav([{groupid, GID} | Opts], G, _, V, Nopts) ->
fgav(Opts, G, GID, V, Nopts);
fgav([{value, V} | Opts], G, GID, _, Nopts) ->
fgav(Opts, G, GID, V, Nopts);
fgav([Opt | Opts], G, GID, V, Nopts) ->
fgav(Opts, G, GID, V, [Opt | Nopts]);
fgav([], Group, GID, Value, Opts) ->
{Group, GID, Value, Opts}.
%% Config bind
cbind(DB, Gstkid, Etype, On) ->
TkW = Gstkid#gstkid.widget,
Cmd = case On of
{true, Edata} ->
Eref = gstk_db:insert_event(DB, Gstkid, Etype, Edata),
[" -command {erlsend ", Eref,
" \\\"[", TkW, " cg -text]\\\" [", TkW, " cg -var]}"];
true ->
Eref = gstk_db:insert_event(DB, Gstkid, Etype, ""),
[" -command {erlsend ", Eref,
" \\\"[", TkW, " cg -text]\\\" [", TkW, " cg -var]}"];
_Other ->
gstk_db:delete_event(DB, Gstkid, Etype),
" -command {}"
{s, Cmd}.
%% ----- Done -----