%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
%% ====================================================================
%% Filename : hipe_icode_exceptions.erl
%% Module : hipe_icode_exceptions
%% Purpose : Rewrite calls in intermediate code to use Continuation
%% and Fail-To labels.
%% Catch-instructions work as follows:
%% - A begin_try(FailLabel) starts a catch-region which
%% is ended by a corresponding end_try(FailLabel).
%% - The handler begins with a begin_handler(FailLabel).
%% However, the begin/end instructions do not always appear
%% as parentheses around the section that they protect (in
%% linear Beam/Icode). Also, different begin_catch
%% instructions can reach the same basic blocks (which may
%% raise exceptions), due to code compation optimizations
%% in the Beam compiler, even though they have different
%% handlers. Because of this, a data flow analysis is
%% necessary to find out which catches may reach which
%% basic blocks. After that, we clone basic blocks as
%% needed to ensure that each block belongs to at most one
%% unique begin_catch. The Beam does not have this problem,
%% since it will find the correct catch-handler frame
%% pushed on the stack. (Note that since there can be no
%% tail-calls within a catch region, our dataflow analysis
%% for finding all catch-stacks is sure to terminate.)
%% Finally, we can remove all special catch instructions
%% and rewrite calls within catch regions to use explicit
%% fail-to labels, which is the main point of all this.
%% Fail labels that were set before this pass are kept.
%% (Note that calls that have only a continuation label do
%% not always end their basic blocks. Adding a fail label
%% to such a call can thus force us to split the block.)
%% Notes : As of November 2003, primops that do not fail in the
%% normal sense are allowed to have a fail-label even
%% before this pass. (Used for the mbox-empty + get_msg
%% primitive in receives.)
%% Native floating point operations cannot fail in the
%% normal sense. Instead they throw a hardware exception
%% which will be caught by a special fp check error
%% instruction. These primops do not need a fail label even
%% in a catch. This pass checks for this with
%% hipe_icode_primops:fails/1. If a call cannot fail, no
%% fail label is added.
%% Explicit fails (exit, error and throw) inside
%% a catch have to be handled. They have to build their
%% exit value and jump directly to the catch handler. An
%% alternative solution would be to have a new type of
%% fail instruction that takes a fail-to label...
%% CVS:
%% $Id$
%% ====================================================================
-spec fix_catches(cfg()) -> cfg().
fix_catches(CFG) ->
{Map, State} = build_mapping(find_catches(init_state(CFG))),
hipe_icode_cfg:remove_unreachable_code(get_cfg(rewrite(State, Map))).
%% This finds the set of possible catch-stacks for each basic block
find_catches(State) ->
find_catches([L|Ls], State0) ->
case is_visited(L, State0) of
true ->
find_catches(Ls, State0);
false ->
State1 = set_visited(L, State0),
Code = get_bb_code(L, State1),
Cs = get_new_catches_in(L, State1),
State2 = set_catches_in(L, Cs, State1), % memorize
Cs1 = catches_out(Code, Cs),
Ls1 = get_succ(L, State2) ++ Ls,
Cs0 = get_catches_out(L, State2),
if Cs1 =:= Cs0 ->
find_catches(Ls1, State2);
true ->
State3 = set_catches_out(L, Cs1, State2),
find_catches(Ls1, set_changed(State3))
find_catches([], State) ->
case is_changed(State) of
true ->
false ->
catches_out([I|Is], Cs) ->
catches_out(Is, catches_out_instr(I, Cs));
catches_out([], Cs) ->
catches_out_instr(I, Cs) ->
case I of
#icode_begin_try{} ->
Id = hipe_icode:begin_try_label(I),
push_catch(Id, Cs);
#icode_end_try{} ->
#icode_begin_handler{} ->
_ ->
%% This builds the mapping used for cloning
build_mapping(State) ->
build_mapping(get_start_labels(State), clear_visited(State),
build_mapping([L|Ls], State0, Map) ->
case is_visited(L, State0) of
true ->
build_mapping(Ls, State0, Map);
false ->
State1 = set_visited(L, State0),
Cs = list_of_catches(get_catches_in(L, State1)), % get memorized
{Map1, State2} = map_bb(L, Cs, State1, Map),
Ls1 = get_succ(L, State2) ++ Ls,
build_mapping(Ls1, State2, Map1)
build_mapping([], State, Map) ->
{Map, State}.
map_bb(_L, [_C], State, Map) ->
{Map, State};
map_bb(L, [C | Cs], State, Map) ->
%% This block will be cloned - we need to create N-1 new labels.
%% The identity mapping will be used for the first element.
Map1 = new_catch_labels(Cs, L, Map),
State1 = set_catches_in(L, single_catch(C), State), % update catches in
Code = get_bb_code(L, State1),
State2 = clone(Cs, L, Code, State1, Map1),
{Map1, State2}.
clone([C | Cs], L, Code, State, Map) ->
Ren = get_renaming(C, Map),
L1 = Ren(L),
State1 = set_bb_code(L1, Code, State),
State2 = set_catches_in(L1, single_catch(C), State1), % set catches in
clone(Cs, L, Code, State2, Map);
clone([], _L, _Code, State, _Map) ->
new_catch_labels([C | Cs], L, Map) ->
L1 = hipe_icode:label_name(hipe_icode:mk_new_label()),
Map1 = set_mapping(C, L, L1, Map),
new_catch_labels(Cs, L, Map1);
new_catch_labels([], _L, Map) ->
%% This does all the actual rewriting and cloning.
rewrite(State, Map) ->
rewrite(get_start_labels(State), clear_visited(State), Map).
rewrite([L|Ls], State0, Map) ->
case is_visited(L, State0) of
true ->
rewrite(Ls, State0, Map);
false ->
State1 = set_visited(L, State0),
Code = get_bb_code(L, State1),
Cs = list_of_catches(get_catches_in(L, State1)), % get memorized
State2 = rewrite_bb(L, Cs, Code, State1, Map),
Ls1 = get_succ(L, State2) ++ Ls,
rewrite(Ls1, State2, Map)
rewrite([], State, _Map) ->
rewrite_bb(L, [C], Code, State, Map) ->
{Code1, State1} = rewrite_code(Code, C, State, Map),
set_bb_code(L, Code1, State1).
rewrite_code(Is, C, State, Map) ->
rewrite_code(Is, C, State, Map, []).
rewrite_code([I|Is], C, State, Map, As) ->
[C1] = list_of_catches(catches_out_instr(I, single_catch(C))),
case I of
#icode_begin_try{} ->
{I1, Is1, State1} = update_begin_try(I, Is, C, State, Map),
I2 = redirect_instr(I1, C, Map),
rewrite_code(Is1, C1, State1, Map, [I2 | As]);
#icode_end_try{} ->
rewrite_code(Is, C1, State, Map, As);
#icode_call{} ->
{I1, Is1, State1} = update_call(I, Is, C, State, Map),
I2 = redirect_instr(I1, C, Map),
rewrite_code(Is1, C1, State1, Map, [I2 | As]);
#icode_fail{} ->
{I1, Is1, State1} = update_fail(I, Is, C, State, Map),
I2 = redirect_instr(I1, C, Map),
rewrite_code(Is1, C1, State1, Map, [I2 | As]);
_ ->
I1 = redirect_instr(I, C, Map),
rewrite_code(Is, C1, State, Map, [I1 | As])
rewrite_code([], _C, State, _Map, As) ->
{lists:reverse(As), State}.
redirect_instr(I, C, Map) ->
redirect_instr_1(I, hipe_icode:successors(I), get_renaming(C, Map)).
redirect_instr_1(I, [L0 | Ls], Ren) ->
I1 = hipe_icode:redirect_jmp(I, L0, Ren(L0)),
redirect_instr_1(I1, Ls, Ren);
redirect_instr_1(I, [], _Ren) ->
update_begin_try(I, Is, _C, State0, _Map) ->
L = hipe_icode:begin_try_successor(I),
I1 = hipe_icode:mk_goto(L),
{I1, Is, State0}.
update_call(I, Is, C, State0, Map) ->
case top_of_stack(C) of
[] ->
%% No active catch. Assume cont./fail labels are correct as is.
{I, Is, State0};
L ->
%% Only update the fail label if the call *can* fail.
case hipe_icode_primops:fails(hipe_icode:call_fun(I)) of
true ->
%% We only update the fail label if it is not already set.
case hipe_icode:call_fail_label(I) of
[] ->
I1 = hipe_icode:call_set_fail_label(I, L),
%% Now the call will end the block, so we must put the rest of
%% the code (if nonempty) in a new block!
if Is =:= [] ->
{I1, Is, State0};
true ->
L1 = hipe_icode:label_name(hipe_icode:mk_new_label()),
I2 = hipe_icode:call_set_continuation(I1, L1),
State1 = set_bb_code(L1, Is, State0),
State2 = set_catches_in(L1, single_catch(C), State1),
State3 = rewrite_bb(L1, [C], Is, State2, Map),
{I2, [], State3}
_ when Is =:= [] ->
%% Something is very wrong if Is is not empty here. A call
%% with a fail label should have ended its basic block.
{I, Is, State0}
false ->
%% Make sure that the fail label is not set.
I1 = hipe_icode:call_set_fail_label(I, []),
{I1, Is, State0}
update_fail(I, Is, C, State, _Map) ->
case hipe_icode:fail_label(I) of
[] ->
{hipe_icode:fail_set_label(I, top_of_stack(C)), Is, State};
_ ->
{I, Is, State}
%% Abstraction for sets of catch stacks.
%% This is the bottom element
no_catches() -> [].
%% A singleton set
single_catch(C) -> [C].
%% A single, empty stack
empty_stack() -> [].
%% Getting the label to fail to
top_of_stack([C|_]) -> C;
top_of_stack([]) -> []. % nil is used in Icode for "no label"
join_catches(Cs1, Cs2) ->
ordsets:union(Cs1, Cs2).
list_of_catches(Cs) -> Cs.
%% Note that prepending an element to all elements in the list will
%% preserve the ordering of the list, and will never make two existing
%% elements become identical, so the list is still an ordset.
push_catch(L, []) ->
push_catch(L, Cs) ->
push_catch_1(L, Cs).
push_catch_1(L, [C|Cs]) ->
[[L|C] | push_catch_1(L, Cs)];
push_catch_1(_L, []) ->
%% However, after discarding the head of all elements, the list
%% is no longer an ordset, and must be processed.
pop_catch(Cs) ->
pop_catch_1([[_|C] | Cs]) ->
[C | pop_catch_1(Cs)];
pop_catch_1([[] | Cs]) ->
%% The elements in the list represent different possible incoming
%% stacks of catch handlers to this BB. Before the fixpoint has
%% been found these elements are underapproximations of the true
%% stacks, therefore it's possible for these elements to be too
%% short for the number of pops implied by the code in the BB.
%% We must not fail in that case, so we set pop([]) = [].
%% This fixes find_catches_crash.erl and compiler_tests in the
%% HiPE test suite.
[[] | pop_catch_1(Cs)];
pop_catch_1([]) ->
%% Mapping from catch-stacks to renamings on labels.
new_mapping() ->
set_mapping(C, L0, L1, Map) ->
Dict = case gb_trees:lookup(C, Map) of
{value, Dict0} ->
gb_trees:enter(L0, L1, Dict0);
none ->
gb_trees:insert(L0, L1, gb_trees:empty())
gb_trees:enter(C, Dict, Map).
%% Return a label renaming function for a particular catch-stack
get_renaming(C, Map) ->
case gb_trees:lookup(C, Map) of
{value, Dict} ->
fun (L0) ->
case gb_trees:lookup(L0, Dict) of
{value, L1} -> L1;
none -> L0
none ->
fun (L0) -> L0 end
%% State abstraction
-record(state, {cfg :: cfg(),
changed = false :: boolean(),
succ :: cfg(),
pred :: cfg(),
start_labels :: [icode_lbl(),...],
visited = hipe_icode_cfg:none_visited() :: gb_sets:set(),
out = gb_trees:empty() :: gb_trees:tree(),
in = gb_trees:empty() :: gb_trees:tree()
init_state(CFG) ->
SLs = [hipe_icode_cfg:start_label(CFG)],
#state{cfg = CFG, succ = CFG, pred = CFG, start_labels = SLs}.
get_cfg(State) ->
get_start_labels(State) ->
get_pred(L, State) ->
hipe_icode_cfg:pred(State#state.pred, L).
get_succ(L, State) ->
hipe_icode_cfg:succ(State#state.succ, L).
set_changed(State) ->
State#state{changed = true}.
is_changed(State) ->
clear_changed(State) ->
State#state{changed = false}.
set_catches_out(L, Cs, State) ->
State#state{out = gb_trees:enter(L, Cs, State#state.out)}.
get_catches_out(L, State) ->
case gb_trees:lookup(L, State#state.out) of
{value, Cs} -> Cs;
none -> no_catches()
set_catches_in(L, Cs, State) ->
State#state{in = gb_trees:enter(L, Cs, State#state.in)}.
get_catches_in(L, State) ->
case gb_trees:lookup(L, State#state.in) of
{value, Cs} -> Cs;
none -> no_catches()
set_visited(L, State) ->
State#state{visited = hipe_icode_cfg:visit(L, State#state.visited)}.
is_visited(L, State) ->
hipe_icode_cfg:is_visited(L, State#state.visited).
clear_visited(State) ->
State#state{visited = hipe_icode_cfg:none_visited()}.
get_bb_code(L, State) ->
hipe_bb:code(hipe_icode_cfg:bb(State#state.cfg, L)).
set_bb_code(L, Code, State) ->
CFG = State#state.cfg,
CFG1 = hipe_icode_cfg:bb_add(CFG, L, hipe_bb:mk_bb(Code)),
SLs = [hipe_icode_cfg:start_label(CFG1)],
State#state{cfg = CFG1, succ = CFG1, pred = CFG1, start_labels = SLs}.
get_new_catches_in(L, State) ->
Ps = get_pred(L, State),
Cs = case lists:member(L, get_start_labels(State)) of
true -> single_catch(empty_stack());
false -> no_catches()
get_new_catches_in(Ps, Cs, State).
get_new_catches_in([P | Ps], Cs, State) ->
Cs1 = join_catches(Cs, get_catches_out(P, State)),
get_new_catches_in(Ps, Cs1, State);
get_new_catches_in([], Cs, _) ->