%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
%% Computes basic block weights by using branch probabilities as weights in a
%% linear equation system, that is then solved using Gauss-Jordan Elimination.
%% The equation system representation is intentionally sparse, since most blocks
%% have at most two successors.
-export([compute/3, compute_fast/3, weight/2, call_exn_pred/0]).
%% If the equation system is large, it might take too long to solve it exactly.
%% Thus, if there are more than ?HEUR_MAX_SOLVE labels, we use the iterative
%% approximation.
-define(HEUR_MAX_SOLVE, 10000).
-opaque bb_weights() :: #{label() => float()}.
-type cfg() :: any().
-type target_module() :: module().
-type target_context() :: any().
-type target() :: {target_module(), target_context()}.
-type label() :: integer().
-type var() :: label().
-type assignment() :: {var(), float()}.
-type eq_assoc() :: [{var(), key()}].
-type solution() :: [assignment()].
%% Constant. Predicted probability of a call resulting in an exception.
-spec call_exn_pred() -> float().
call_exn_pred() -> 0.01.
-spec compute(cfg(), target_module(), target_context()) -> bb_weights().
compute(CFG, TgtMod, TgtCtx) ->
Target = {TgtMod, TgtCtx},
Labels = labels(CFG, Target),
if length(Labels) > ?HEUR_MAX_SOLVE ->
?debug_msg("~w: Too many labels (~w), approximating.~n",
[?MODULE, length(Labels)]),
compute_fast(CFG, TgtMod, TgtCtx);
true ->
{EqSys, EqAssoc} = build_eq_system(CFG, Labels, Target),
case solve(EqSys, EqAssoc) of
{ok, Solution} ->
-spec build_eq_system(cfg(), [label()], target()) -> {eq_system(), eq_assoc()}.
build_eq_system(CFG, Labels, Target) ->
StartLb = hipe_gen_cfg:start_label(CFG),
EQS0 = eqs_new(),
{EQS1, Assoc} = build_eq_system(Labels, CFG, Target, [], EQS0),
{StartLb, StartKey} = lists:keyfind(StartLb, 1, Assoc),
StartRow0 = eqs_get(StartKey, EQS1),
StartRow = row_set_const(-1.0, StartRow0), % -1.0 since StartLb coef is -1.0
EQS = eqs_put(StartKey, StartRow, EQS1),
{EQS, Assoc}.
build_eq_system([], _CFG, _Target, Map, EQS) -> {EQS, lists:reverse(Map)};
build_eq_system([L|Ls], CFG, Target, Map, EQS0) ->
PredProb = pred_prob(L, CFG, Target),
{Key, EQS} = eqs_insert(row_new([{L, -1.0}|PredProb], 0.0), EQS0),
build_eq_system(Ls, CFG, Target, [{L, Key}|Map], EQS).
pred_prob(L, CFG, Target) ->
BB = bb(CFG, Pred, Target),
Ps = branch_preds(hipe_bb:last(BB), Target),
?ASSERT(length(lists:ukeysort(1, Ps))
=:= length(hipe_gen_cfg:succ(CFG, Pred))),
case lists:keyfind(L, 1, Ps) of
{L, Prob} when is_float(Prob) -> {Pred, Prob}
end || Pred <- hipe_gen_cfg:pred(CFG, L)].
-spec triangelise(eq_system(), eq_assoc()) -> {eq_system(), eq_assoc()}.
triangelise(EQS, VKs) ->
triangelise_1(mk_triix(EQS, VKs), []).
triangelise_1(TIX0, Acc) ->
case triix_is_empty(TIX0) of
true -> {triix_eqs(TIX0), lists:reverse(Acc)};
false ->
{V,Key,TIX1} = triix_pop_smallest(TIX0),
Row0 = triix_get(Key, TIX1),
case row_get(V, Row0) of
Coef when Coef > -0.0001, Coef < 0.0001 ->
_ ->
Row = row_normalise(V, Row0),
TIX2 = triix_put(Key, Row, TIX1),
TIX = eliminate_triix(V, Key, Row, TIX2),
triangelise_1(TIX, [{V,Key}|Acc])
%% Triangelisation maintains its own index, outside of eqs. This index is
%% essentially a BST (used as a heap) of all equations by size, with {Key,Var}
%% as the values and only containing a subset of all the keys in the whole
%% equation system. The key operation is triix_pop_smallest/1, which pops a
%% {Key,Var} from the heap corresponding to one of the smallest equations. This
%% is critical in order to prevent the equations from growing during
%% triangelisation, which would make the algorithm O(n^2) in the common case.
-type tri_eq_system() :: {eq_system(),
gb_trees:tree(key(), var()))}.
triix_eqs({EQS, _}) -> EQS.
triix_get(Key, {EQS, _}) -> eqs_get(Key, EQS).
triix_is_empty({_, Tree}) -> gb_trees:is_empty(Tree).
triix_lookup(V, {EQS, _}) -> eqs_lookup(V, EQS).
mk_triix(EQS, VKs) ->
lists:foldl(fun({V,Key}, Tree) ->
Size = row_size(eqs_get(Key, EQS)),
sitree_insert(Size, Key, V, Tree)
end, gb_trees:empty(), VKs)}.
sitree_insert(Size, Key, V, SiTree) ->
SubTree1 =
case gb_trees:lookup(Size, SiTree) of
none -> gb_trees:empty();
{value, SubTree0} -> SubTree0
SubTree = gb_trees:insert(Key, V, SubTree1),
gb_trees:enter(Size, SubTree, SiTree).
sitree_update_subtree(Size, SubTree, SiTree) ->
case gb_trees:is_empty(SubTree) of
true -> gb_trees:delete(Size, SiTree);
false -> gb_trees:update(Size, SubTree, SiTree)
triix_put(Key, Row, {EQS, Tree0}) ->
OldSize = row_size(eqs_get(Key, EQS)),
case row_size(Row) of
OldSize -> {eqs_put(Key, Row, EQS), Tree0};
Size ->
Tree =
case gb_trees:lookup(OldSize, Tree0) of
none -> Tree0;
{value, SubTree0} ->
case gb_trees:lookup(Key, SubTree0) of
none -> Tree0;
{value, V} ->
SubTree = gb_trees:delete(Key, SubTree0),
Tree1 = sitree_update_subtree(OldSize, SubTree, Tree0),
sitree_insert(Size, Key, V, Tree1)
{eqs_put(Key, Row, EQS), Tree}
triix_pop_smallest({EQS, Tree}) ->
{Size, SubTree0} = gb_trees:smallest(Tree),
{Key, V, SubTree} = gb_trees:take_smallest(SubTree0),
{V, Key, {EQS, sitree_update_subtree(Size, SubTree, Tree)}}.
row_normalise(Var, Row) ->
%% Normalise v's coef to 1.0
%% row_set_coef ensures the coef is exactly 1.0 (no rounding errors)
row_set_coef(Var, 1.0, row_scale(Row, 1.0/row_get(Var, Row))).
%% Precondition: Row must be normalised; i.e. Vars coef must be 1.0 (mod
%% rounding errors)
-spec eliminate(var(), key(), row(), eq_system()) -> eq_system().
eliminate(Var, Key, Row, TIX0) ->
eliminate_abstr(Var, Key, Row, TIX0,
fun eqs_get/2, fun eqs_lookup/2, fun eqs_put/3).
-spec eliminate_triix(var(), key(), row(), tri_eq_system()) -> tri_eq_system().
eliminate_triix(Var, Key, Row, TIX0) ->
eliminate_abstr(Var, Key, Row, TIX0,
fun triix_get/2, fun triix_lookup/2, fun triix_put/3).
%% The same function implemented for two data types, eqs and triix.
-compile({inline, eliminate_abstr/7}).
-spec eliminate_abstr(var(), key(), row(), ADT, fun((key(), ADT) -> row()),
fun((var(), ADT) -> [key()]),
fun((key(), row(), ADT) -> ADT)) -> ADT.
eliminate_abstr(Var, Key, Row, ADT0, GetFun, LookupFun, PutFun) ->
?ASSERT(1.0 =:= row_get(Var, Row)),
lists:foldl(fun(RK, ADT1) when RK =:= Key -> ADT1;
(RK, ADT1) ->
R = GetFun(RK, ADT1),
PutFun(RK, row_addmul(R, Row, -row_get(Var, R)), ADT1)
end, ADT0, LookupFun(Var, ADT0)),
[Key] = LookupFun(Var, ADT),
-spec solve(eq_system(), eq_assoc()) -> error | {ok, solution()}.
solve(EQS0, EqAssoc0) ->
try triangelise(EQS0, EqAssoc0)
of {EQS1, EqAssoc} ->
{ok, solve_1(EqAssoc, maps:from_list(EqAssoc), EQS1, [])}
catch error -> error
solve_1([], _VarEqs, _EQS, Acc) -> Acc;
solve_1([{V,K}|Ps], VarEqs, EQS0, Acc0) ->
Row0 = eqs_get(K, EQS0),
VarsToKill = [Var || {Var, _} <- row_coefs(Row0), Var =/= V],
Row1 = kill_vars(VarsToKill, VarEqs, EQS0, Row0),
[{V,_}] = row_coefs(Row1), % assertion
Row = row_normalise(V, Row1),
[{V,1.0}] = row_coefs(Row), % assertion
EQS = eliminate(V, K, Row, EQS0),
[K] = eqs_lookup(V, EQS),
solve_1(Ps, VarEqs, eqs_remove(K, EQS), [{V, row_const(Row)}|Acc0]).
kill_vars([], _VarEqs, _EQS, Row) -> Row;
kill_vars([V|Vs], VarEqs, EQS, Row0) ->
VRow0 = eqs_get(maps:get(V, VarEqs), EQS),
VRow = row_normalise(V, VRow0),
?ASSERT(1.0 =:= row_get(V, VRow)),
Row = row_addmul(Row0, VRow, -row_get(V, Row0)),
?ASSERT(0.0 =:= row_get(V, Row)), % V has been killed
kill_vars(Vs, VarEqs, EQS, Row).
-spec weight(label(), bb_weights()) -> float().
weight(Lbl, Weights) ->
maps:get(Lbl, Weights).
%% Row datatype
%% Invariant: No 0.0 coefficiets!
-spec row_empty() -> row().
row_empty() -> {orddict:new(), 0.0}.
-spec row_new([{var(), float()}], float()) -> row().
row_new(Coefs, Const) when is_float(Const) ->
row_ensure_invar({row_squash_multiples(lists:keysort(1, Coefs)), Const}).
row_squash_multiples([{K, C1},{K, C2}|Ps]) ->
row_squash_multiples([P|Ps]) -> [P|row_squash_multiples(Ps)];
row_squash_multiples([]) -> [].
row_ensure_invar({Coef, Const}) ->
{orddict:filter(fun(_, 0.0) -> false; (_, F) when is_float(F) -> true end,
Coef), Const}.
row_const({_, Const}) -> Const.
row_coefs({Coefs, _}) -> orddict:to_list(Coefs).
row_size({Coefs, _}) -> orddict:size(Coefs).
row_get(Var, {Coefs, _}) ->
case lists:keyfind(Var, 1, Coefs) of
false -> 0.0;
{_, Coef} -> Coef
row_set_coef(Var, 0.0, {Coefs, Const}) ->
{orddict:erase(Var, Coefs), Const};
row_set_coef(Var, Coef, {Coefs, Const}) ->
{orddict:store(Var, Coef, Coefs), Const}.
row_set_const(Const, {Coefs, _}) -> {Coefs, Const}.
%% Lhs + Rhs*Factor
-spec row_addmul(row(), row(), float()) -> row().
row_addmul({LhsCoefs, LhsConst}, {RhsCoefs, RhsConst}, Factor)
when is_float(Factor) ->
Coefs = row_addmul_coefs(LhsCoefs, RhsCoefs, Factor),
Const = LhsConst + RhsConst * Factor,
{Coefs, Const}.
row_addmul_coefs(Ls, [], Factor) when is_float(Factor) -> Ls;
row_addmul_coefs([], Rs, Factor) when is_float(Factor) ->
row_scale_coefs(Rs, Factor);
row_addmul_coefs([L={LV, _}|Ls], Rs=[{RV,_}|_], Factor)
when LV < RV, is_float(Factor) ->
[L|row_addmul_coefs(Ls, Rs, Factor)];
row_addmul_coefs(Ls=[{LV, _}|_], [{RV, RC}|Rs], Factor)
when LV > RV, is_float(RC), is_float(Factor) ->
[{RV, RC*Factor}|row_addmul_coefs(Ls, Rs, Factor)];
row_addmul_coefs([{V, LC}|Ls], [{V, RC}|Rs], Factor)
when is_float(LC), is_float(RC), is_float(Factor) ->
case LC + RC * Factor of
0.0 -> row_addmul_coefs(Ls, Rs, Factor);
C -> [{V,C}|row_addmul_coefs(Ls, Rs, Factor)]
row_scale(_, 0.0) -> row_empty();
row_scale({RowCoefs, RowConst}, Factor) when is_float(Factor) ->
{row_scale_coefs(RowCoefs, Factor), RowConst * Factor}.
row_scale_coefs([{V,C}|Cs], Factor) when is_float(Factor), is_float(C) ->
[{V,C*Factor}|row_scale_coefs(Cs, Factor)];
row_scale_coefs([], Factor) when is_float(Factor) ->
%% Equation system ADT
%% Stores a linear equation system, allowing for efficient updates and efficient
%% queries for all equations mentioning a variable.
%% It is sort of like a "database" table of {Primary, Terms, Const} indexed both
%% on Primary as well as the vars (map keys) in Terms.
-type row() :: {Terms :: orddict:orddict(var(), float()),
Const :: float()}.
-type key() :: non_neg_integer().
-type rev_index() :: #{var() => ordsets:ordset(key())}.
-record(eq_system, {
rows = #{} :: #{key() => row()},
revidx = revidx_empty() :: rev_index(),
next_key = 0 :: key()
-type eq_system() :: #eq_system{}.
eqs_new() -> #eq_system{}.
-spec eqs_insert(row(), eq_system()) -> {key(), eq_system()}.
eqs_insert(Row, EQS=#eq_system{next_key=NextKey0}) ->
Key = NextKey0,
NextKey = NextKey0 + 1,
{Key, eqs_insert(Key, Row, EQS#eq_system{next_key=NextKey})}.
eqs_insert(Key, Row, EQS=#eq_system{rows=Rows, revidx=RevIdx0}) ->
RevIdx = revidx_add(Key, Row, RevIdx0),
EQS#eq_system{rows=Rows#{Key => Row}, revidx=RevIdx}.
eqs_put(Key, Row, EQS0) ->
eqs_insert(Key, Row, eqs_remove(Key, EQS0)).
eqs_remove(Key, EQS=#eq_system{rows=Rows, revidx=RevIdx0}) ->
OldRow = maps:get(Key, Rows),
RevIdx = revidx_remove(Key, OldRow, RevIdx0),
EQS#eq_system{rows = maps:remove(Key, Rows), revidx=RevIdx}.
-spec eqs_get(key(), eq_system()) -> row().
eqs_get(Key, #eq_system{rows=Rows}) -> maps:get(Key, Rows).
%% Keys of all equations containing a nonzero coefficient for Var
-spec eqs_lookup(var(), eq_system()) -> ordsets:ordset(key()).
eqs_lookup(Var, #eq_system{revidx=RevIdx}) -> maps:get(Var, RevIdx).
%% eqs_rows(#eq_system{rows=Rows}) -> maps:to_list(Rows).
%% eqs_print(EQS) ->
%% lists:foreach(fun({_, Row}) ->
%% row_print(Row)
%% end, lists:sort(eqs_rows(EQS))).
%% row_print(Row) ->
%% CoefStrs = [io_lib:format("~wl~w", [Coef, Var])
%% || {Var, Coef} <- row_coefs(Row)],
%% CoefStr = lists:join(" + ", CoefStrs),
%% io:format("~w = ~s~n", [row_const(Row), CoefStr]).
revidx_empty() -> #{}.
-spec revidx_add(key(), row(), rev_index()) -> rev_index().
revidx_add(Key, Row, RevIdx0) ->
orddict:fold(fun(Var, _Coef, RevIdx1) ->
?ASSERT(_Coef /= 0.0),
RevIdx1#{Var => ordsets:add_element(
Key, maps:get(Var, RevIdx1, ordsets:new()))}
end, RevIdx0, row_coefs(Row)).
-spec revidx_remove(key(), row(), rev_index()) -> rev_index().
revidx_remove(Key, {Coefs, _}, RevIdx0) ->
orddict:fold(fun(Var, _Coef, RevIdx1) ->
case RevIdx1 of
#{Var := Keys0} ->
case ordsets:del_element(Key, Keys0) of
[] -> maps:remove(Var, RevIdx1);
Keys -> RevIdx1#{Var := Keys}
end, RevIdx0, Coefs).
-define(FAST_ITERATIONS, 5).
%% @doc Computes a rough approximation of BB weights. The approximation is
%% particularly poor (converges slowly) for recursive functions and loops.
-spec compute_fast(cfg(), target_module(), target_context()) -> bb_weights().
compute_fast(CFG, TgtMod, TgtCtx) ->
Target = {TgtMod, TgtCtx},
StartLb = hipe_gen_cfg:start_label(CFG),
RPO = reverse_postorder(CFG, Target),
PredProbs = [{L, pred_prob(L, CFG, Target)} || L <- RPO, L =/= StartLb],
Probs0 = (maps:from_list([{L, 0.0} || L <- RPO]))#{StartLb := 1.0},
fast_iterate(?FAST_ITERATIONS, PredProbs, Probs0).
fast_iterate(0, _Pred, Probs) -> Probs;
fast_iterate(Iters, Pred, Probs0) ->
fast_iterate(Iters-1, Pred,
fast_one(Pred, Probs0)).
fast_one([{L, Pred}|Ls], Probs0) ->
Weight = fast_sum(Pred, Probs0, 0.0),
Probs = Probs0#{L => Weight},
fast_one(Ls, Probs);
fast_one([], Probs) ->
fast_sum([{P,EWt}|Pred], Probs, Acc) when is_float(EWt), is_float(Acc) ->
case Probs of
#{P := PWt} when is_float(PWt) ->
fast_sum(Pred, Probs, Acc + PWt * EWt)
fast_sum([], _Probs, Acc) when is_float(Acc) ->
%% Target module interface functions
-define(TGT_IFACE_0(N), N( {M,C}) -> M:N( C)).
-define(TGT_IFACE_1(N), N(A1, {M,C}) -> M:N(A1, C)).
-define(TGT_IFACE_2(N), N(A1,A2, {M,C}) -> M:N(A1,A2, C)).
-define(TGT_IFACE_3(N), N(A1,A2,A3,{M,C}) -> M:N(A1,A2,A3,C)).