%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
%% This is a basic ILP cycle scheduler:
%% * set cycle = 0
%% * while ready[cycle] nonempty do
%% - take x with greatest priority from ready[cycle]
%% - try to schedule x;
%% * if scheduling x was possible,
%% - reserve resources
%% - add x to schedule and delete x from dag
%% - update earliest-time for all successor nodes
%% as max[earliest[y],cycle+latency[x]]
%% - if some node y now has no predecessors,
%% add y to ready[earliest[y]]
%% * if it was impossible, put x in ready[cycle+1]
%% (= try again)
%% We use the following data structures:
%% 1. all nodes are numbered and indices used as array keys
%% 2. priority per node can be computed statically or dynamically
%% * statically: before scheduling, each node gets a priority value
%% * dynamically: at each cycle, compute priorities for all ready nodes
%% 3. earliest: earliest cycle of issue, starts at 0
%% and is updated as predecessors issue
%% 4. predecessors: number of predecessors (0 = ready to issue)
%% 5. successors: list of {Latency,NodeID}
%% 6. ready: an array indexed by cycle-time (integer), where
%% ready nodes are kept.
%% 7. resources: a resource representation (ADT) that answers
%% certain queries, e.g., "can x be scheduled this cycle"
%% and "reserve resources for x".
%% 8. schedule: list of scheduled instructions {Instr,Cycle}
%% in the order of issue
%% 9. instructions: maps IDs back to instructions
%% Inputs:
%% - a list of {ID,Node} pairs (where ID is a unique key)
%% - a dependence list {ID0,Latency,ID1}, which is used to
%% build the DAG.
%% Note that there is some leeway in how things are represented
%% from here.
%% - Some basic blocks are not worth scheduling (e.g., GC save/restore code)
%% yet are pretty voluminous. How do we skip them?
%% - Scheduling should be done at finalization time: when basic block is
%% linearized and is definitely at Sparc assembly level, THEN reorder
%% stuff.
-export([cfg/1, est_cfg/1, delete_node/5]).
%% Function : cfg
%% Argument : CFG - the control flow graph
%% Returns : CFG - A new cfg with scheduled blocks
%% Description : Takes each basic block and schedules them one by one.
cfg(CFG) ->
?debug3("CFG: ~n~p", [CFG]),
update_all( [ {L,
block(L,hipe_bb:code(hipe_sparc_cfg:bb(CFG,L))) )}
|| L <- hipe_sparc_cfg:labels(CFG) ], CFG).
%% Function : update_all
%% Argument : Blocks - [{Label, Block}] , a list with labels and new code
%% used for updating the old CFG.
%% CFG - The old controlflow graph
%% Returns : An updated controlflow graph.
%% Description : Just swappes the basic blocks in the CFG to the scheduled one.
update_all([],CFG) -> CFG;
update_all([{L,NewB}|Ls],CFG) ->
est_cfg(CFG) ->
update_all([ {L, hipe_bb:mk_bb(est_block(hipe_bb:code(hipe_sparc_cfg:bb(CFG,L))))}
|| L <- hipe_sparc_cfg:labels(CFG) ], CFG).
%% Provides an estimation of how quickly a block will execute.
%% This is done by chaining all instructions in sequential order
%% by 0-cycle dependences (which means they will never be reordered),
%% then scheduling the mess.
est_block([]) -> [];
est_block([I]) -> [I];
est_block(Blk) ->
{IxBlk,DAG} = est_deps(Blk),
Sch = bb(IxBlk,DAG),
est_deps(Blk) ->
IxBlk = indexed_bb(Blk),
DAG = deps(IxBlk),
{IxBlk, chain_instrs(IxBlk,DAG)}.
chain_instrs([{N,_}|Xs],DAG) ->
chain_i(_,[],DAG) -> DAG;
chain_i(N,[{M,_}|Xs],DAG) ->
NewDAG = dep_arc(N,zero_latency(),M,DAG),
zero_latency() -> 0.
lookup_instr([{N,I}|_], N) -> I;
lookup_instr([_|Xs], N) -> lookup_instr(Xs, N).
%% Function : block
%% Argument : Instrs - [Instr], list of all the instructions in a basic
%% block.
%% Returns : A new scheduled block
%% Description : Schedule a basic block
%% Note: does not consider delay slots!
%% (another argument for using only annulled delay slots?)
%% * how do we add delay slots? somewhat tricky to
%% reconcile with the sort of scheduling we consider.
%% (as-early-as-possible)
%% => rewrite scheduler into as-late-as-possible?
%% (=> just reverse the dependence arcs??)
%% Don't fire up the scheduler if there's no work to do.
block(_, []) ->
block(_L, [I]) ->
case hipe_sparc:is_any_branch(I) of
true -> [hipe_sparc:nop_create(), I];
false -> [I]
block(_L, Blk) ->
IxBlk = indexed_bb(Blk),
case IxBlk of
[{_N, I}] -> % comments and nops may have been removed.
case hipe_sparc:is_any_branch(I) of
true -> [hipe_sparc:nop_create(), I];
false -> [I]
_ ->
Sch = bb(IxBlk, {DAG, _Preds} = deps(IxBlk)),
{NewSch, NewIxBlk} = fill_delays(Sch, IxBlk, DAG),
X = finalize_block(NewSch, NewIxBlk),
debug1_stuff(Blk, DAG, IxBlk, Sch, X),
%% Function : fill_delays
%% Argument : Sch - List of {{cycle, C}, {node, N}} : C = current cycle
%% N = node index
%% IxBlk - Indexed block [{N, Instr}]
%% DAG - Dependence graph
%% Returns : {NewSch, NewIxBlk} - vector with new schedule and vector
%% with {N, Instr}
%% Description : Goes through the schedule from back to front looking for
%% branches/jumps. If one is found fill_del tries to find
%% an instr to fill the delayslot.
fill_delays(Sch, IxBlk, DAG) ->
NewIxBlk = hipe_vectors:list_to_vector(IxBlk),
%% NewSch = hipe_vectors:list_to_vector(Sch),
NewSch = fill_del(length(Sch), hipe_vectors:list_to_vector(Sch),
NewIxBlk, DAG),
{NewSch, NewIxBlk}.
%% Function : fill_del
%% Argument : N - current index in the schedule
%% Sch - schedule
%% IxBlk - indexed block
%% DAG - dependence graph
%% Returns : Sch - New schedule with possibly a delay instr in the last
%% position.
%% Description : If a call/jump is found fill_branch_delay/fill_call_delay
%% is called to find a delay-filler.
fill_del(N, Sch, _IxBlk, _DAG) when N < 1 -> Sch;
fill_del(N, Sch, IxBlk, DAG) ->
Index = get_index(Sch, N),
?debug2("Index for ~p: ~p~nInstr: ~p~n",
[N, Index, get_instr(IxBlk, Index)]),
NewSch =
case get_instr(IxBlk, Index) of
#call_link{} ->
fill_branch_delay(N - 1, N, Sch, IxBlk, DAG);
#jmp_link{} ->
fill_call_delay(N - 1, N, Sch, IxBlk, DAG);
#jmp{} ->
fill_call_delay(N - 1, N, Sch, IxBlk, DAG);
#b{} ->
fill_branch_delay(N - 1, N, Sch, IxBlk, DAG);
#br{} ->
fill_branch_delay(N - 1, N, Sch, IxBlk, DAG);
#goto{} ->
fill_branch_delay(N - 1, N, Sch, IxBlk, DAG);
_Other ->
%% fill_del(N - 1, NewSch, IxBlk, DAG).
%% Function : fill_call_delay
%% Argument : Cand - index in schedule of delay-candidate
%% Call - index in schedule of call
%% Sch - schedule vector: < {{cycle,Ci},{node,Nj}}, ... >
%% IxBlk - block vector: < {N, Instr1}, {N+1, Instr2} ... >
%% DAG - dependence graph
%% Returns : Sch - new updated schedule.
%% Description : Searches backwards through the schedule trying to find an
%% instr without conflicts with the Call-instr.
fill_call_delay(Cand, _Call, Sch, _IxBlk, _DAG) when Cand < 1 -> Sch;
fill_call_delay(Cand, Call, Sch, IxBlk, DAG) ->
CandIndex = get_index(Sch, Cand),
CallIndex = get_index(Sch, Call),
CandI = get_instr(IxBlk, CandIndex),
case move_or_alu(CandI) of
true ->
case single_depend(CandIndex, CallIndex, DAG) of
false -> % Other instrs depends on Cand ...
fill_call_delay(Cand - 1, Call, Sch, IxBlk, DAG);
true ->
CallI = get_instr(IxBlk, CallIndex),
CandDefs = ordsets:from_list(hipe_sparc:defines(CandI)),
%% CandUses = ordsets:from_list(hipe_sparc:uses(CandI)),
%% CallDefs = ordsets:from_list(hipe_sparc:defines(CallI)),
CallUses = ordsets:from_list(hipe_sparc:uses(CallI)),
Args = case CallI of
#jmp_link{} ->
#jmp{} ->
#call_link{} ->
CallUses2 = ordsets:subtract(CallUses, Args),
Conflict = ordsets:intersection(CandDefs, CallUses2),
%% io:format("single_depend -> true:~n ~p~n, ~p~n,~p~n",[CandI,CallI,DAG]),
%% io:format("Cand = ~p~nCall = ~p~n",[CandI,CallI]),
%% io:format("CandDefs = ~p~nCallDefs = ~p~n",[CandDefs,CallDefs]),
%% io:format("CandUses = ~p~nCallUses = ~p~n",[CandUses,CallUses]),
%% io:format("Args = ~p~nCallUses2 = ~p~n",[Args,CallUses2]),
%% io:format("Conflict = ~p~n",[Conflict]),
case Conflict of
[] -> % No conflicts ==> Cand can fill delayslot after Call
update_schedule(Cand, Call, Sch);
_ -> % Conflict: try with preceeding instrs
fill_call_delay(Cand - 1, Call, Sch, IxBlk, DAG)
false ->
fill_call_delay(Cand - 1, Call, Sch, IxBlk, DAG)
%% Function : fill_branch_delay
%% Argument : Cand - index in schedule of delay-candidate
%% Branch - index in schedule of branch
%% Sch - schedule
%% IxBlk - indexed block
%% DAG - dependence graph
%% Returns : Sch - new updated schedule.
%% Description : Searches backwards through the schedule trying to find an
%% instr without conflicts with the Branch-instr.
fill_branch_delay(Cand, _Br, Sch, _IxBlk, _DAG) when Cand < 1 -> Sch;
fill_branch_delay(Cand, Br, Sch, IxBlk, DAG) ->
CandIndex = get_index(Sch, Cand),
BrIndex = get_index(Sch, Br),
CandI = get_instr(IxBlk, CandIndex),
case move_or_alu(CandI) of
true ->
case single_depend(CandIndex, BrIndex, DAG) of
false -> % Other instrs depends on Cand ...
fill_branch_delay(Cand - 1, Br, Sch, IxBlk, DAG);
true ->
BrI = get_instr(IxBlk, BrIndex),
CandDefs = ordsets:from_list(hipe_sparc:defines(CandI)),
%% CandUses = ordsets:from_list(hipe_sparc:uses(CandI)),
%% BrDefs = ordsets:from_list(hipe_sparc:defines(BrI)),
BrUses = ordsets:from_list(hipe_sparc:uses(BrI)),
Conflict = ordsets:intersection(CandDefs, BrUses),
%% io:format("single_depend -> true: ~p~n, ~p~n,~p~n", [CandI, BrI, DAG]),
%% io:format("Cand = ~p~nBr = ~p~n",[CandI,BrI]),
%% io:format("CandDefs = ~p~nBrDefs = ~p~n",[CandDefs,BrDefs]),
%% io:format("CandUses = ~p~nBrUses = ~p~n",[CandUses,BrUses]),
%% io:format("Conflict = ~p~n",[Conflict]);
case Conflict of
[] -> % No conflicts ==>
% Cand can fill delayslot after Branch
update_schedule(Cand, Br, Sch);
_ -> % Conflict: try with preceeding instrs
fill_branch_delay(Cand - 1, Br, Sch, IxBlk, DAG)
false ->
fill_branch_delay(Cand - 1, Br, Sch, IxBlk, DAG)
%% Function : update_schedule
%% Argument : From - the position from where to switch indexes in Sch
%% To - the position to where to switch indexes in Sch
%% Sch - schedule
%% Returns : Sch - an updated schedule
%% Description : If From is the delay-filler and To is the Call/jump, the
%% schedule is updated so From gets index To, To gets index
%% To - 1, and the nodes between From and To gets old_index - 1.
update_schedule(To, To, Sch) ->
{{cycle, C}, {node, _N} = Node} = hipe_vectors:get(Sch, To-1),
hipe_vectors:set(Sch, To-1, {{cycle, C+1}, Node});
update_schedule(From, To, Sch) ->
Temp = hipe_vectors:get(Sch, From-1),
Sch1 = hipe_vectors:set(Sch, From-1, hipe_vectors:get(Sch, From)),
update_schedule(From + 1, To, hipe_vectors:set(Sch1, From, Temp)).
%% Function : single_depend
%% Argument : N - Index of the delayslot candidate
%% M - Index of the node that N possibly has a single
%% depend to.
%% DAG - The dependence graph
%% Returns : true if no other nodes than N os depending on N
%% Description : Checks that no other nodes than M depends on N and that the
%% latency between them is zero or 1.
single_depend(N, M, DAG) ->
Deps = hipe_vectors:get(DAG, N-1),
single_depend(M, Deps).
single_depend(_N, []) -> true;
single_depend(N, [{0, N}]) -> true;
single_depend(N, [{1, N}]) -> true;
single_depend(_N, [{_Lat, _}|_]) -> false.
%% Function : get_index
%% Argument : Sch - schedule
%% N - index in schedule
%% Returns : Index - index of the node
%% Description : Returns the index of the node on position N in the schedule.
get_index(Sch, N) ->
{{cycle, _C}, {node, Index}} = hipe_vectors:get(Sch,N-1),
%% Function : get_instr
%% Argument : IxBlk - indexed block
%% N - index in block
%% Returns : Instr
%% Description : Returns the instr on position N in the indexed block.
get_instr(IxBlk, N) ->
{_, Instr} = hipe_vectors:get(IxBlk, N-1),
%% Function : get_instr
%% Argument : Sch - schedule
%% IxBlk - indexed block
%% N - index in schedule
%% Returns : Instr
%% Description : Returns the instr on position N in the schedule.
get_instr(Sch, IxBlk, N) ->
{{cycle, _C}, {node, Index}} = hipe_vectors:get(Sch, N-1),
{_, Instr} = hipe_vectors:get(IxBlk, Index-1),
separate_block(Sch,IxBlk) ->
sep_comments([{C,lookup_instr(IxBlk,N)} || {{cycle,C},{node,N}} <- Sch]).
sep_comments([]) -> [];
sep_comments([{C,I}|Xs]) ->
[hipe_sparc:comment_create({cycle,C}), I | sep_comments(Xs,C)].
sep_comments([], _) -> [];
sep_comments([{C1,I}|Xs], C0) ->
C1 > C0 ->
true ->
[I|sep_comments(Xs, C0)]
finalize_block(Sch, IxBlk) ->
?debug5("Sch: ~p~nIxBlk: ~p~n",[Sch,IxBlk]),
finalize_block(1, hipe_vectors:size(Sch), 1, Sch, IxBlk, []).
finalize_block(N, End, _C, Sch, IxBlk, _Instrs) when N =:= End - 1 ->
NextLast = get_instr(Sch, IxBlk, N),
Last = get_instr(Sch, IxBlk, End),
?debug5("NextLast: ~p~nLast: ~p~n",[NextLast,Last]),
case hipe_sparc:is_any_branch(Last) of
true -> % Couldn't fill delayslot ==> add NOP
[NextLast , hipe_sparc:nop_create(), Last];
false -> % Last is a delayslot-filler ==> change order...
[Last, NextLast]
finalize_block(N, End, C0, Sch, IxBlk, Instrs) ->
{{cycle, _C1}, {node, _M}} = hipe_vectors:get(Sch, N-1),
Instr = get_instr(Sch, IxBlk, N),
?debug5("Instr: ~p~n~n",[Instr]),
[Instr | finalize_block(N + 1, End, C0, Sch, IxBlk, Instrs)].
%% Function : bb
%% Argument : IxBlk - indexed block
%% DAG - {Dag, Preds} where Dag is dependence graph and
%% Preds is number of predecessors for each node.
%% Returns : Sch
%% Description : Initializes earliest-list, ready-list, priorities, resources
%% and so on, and calls the cycle_sched which does the scheduling
bb(IxBlk,DAG) ->
bb(length(IxBlk), IxBlk, DAG).
bb(N,IxBlk,{DAG, Preds}) ->
Earliest = init_earliest(N),
BigArray = N*10, % "nothing" is this big :-)
Ready = hipe_schedule_prio:init_ready(BigArray,Preds),
I_res = init_instr_resources(N, IxBlk),
Prio = hipe_schedule_prio:init_instr_prio(N,DAG),
Rsrc = init_resources(BigArray),
?debug4("I_res: ~n~p~nPrio: ~n~p~nRsrc: ~n~p~n", [I_res,Prio,Rsrc]),
?debug('cycle 1~n',[]),
Sch = empty_schedule(),
%% Function : cycle_sched
%% Argument : - C is current cycle, 1 or more.
%% - Ready is an array (Cycle -> [Node])
%% yielding the collection of nodes ready to be
%% scheduled in a cycle.
%% - DAG is an array (Instr -> [{Latency,Instr}])
%% represents the dependence DAG.
%% - Preds is an array (Instr -> NumPreds)
%% counts the number of predecessors
%% (0 preds = ready to be scheduled).
%% - Earl is an array (Instr -> EarliestCycle)
%% holds the earliest cycle an instruction can be scheduled.
%% - Rsrc is a 'resource ADT' that handles scheduler resource
%% management checks whether instruction can be scheduled
%% this cycle without a stall.
%% - I_res is an array (Instr -> Required_resources)
%% holds the resources required to schedule an instruction.
%% - Sch is the representation of the schedule current schedule.
%% - N is the number of nodes remaining to be scheduled
%% tells us when to stop the scheduler.
%% - IxBlk is the indexed block with instrs
%% Returns : present schedule
%% Description : Scheduler main loop.
%% Pick next ready node in priority order for cycle C until
%% none remain.
%% * check each node if it can be scheduled w/o stalling
%% * if so, schedule it
%% * otherwise, bump the node to the next cycle
cycle_sched(C,Ready,DAG,Preds,Earl,Rsrc,I_res,Prio,Sch,N,IxBlk) ->
case hipe_schedule_prio:next_ready(C,Ready,Prio,IxBlk,DAG,Preds,Earl) of
% case hipe_schedule_prio:next_ready(C,Ready,Prio,IxBlk) of
{next,I,Ready1} ->
?debug('try ~p~n==> ready = ~p~n',[I, Ready1]),
case resources_available(C,I,Rsrc,I_res) of
{yes,NewRsrc} ->
?debug(' scheduled~n==> Rscrs = ~p~n',[NewRsrc]),
NewSch = add_to_schedule(I,C,Sch),
{ReadyNs,NewDAG,NewPreds,NewEarl} =
?debug("NewPreds : ~p~n",[Preds]),
?debug(' ReadyNs: ~p~n',[ReadyNs]),
NewReady = hipe_schedule_prio:add_ready_nodes(ReadyNs,
?debug(' New ready: ~p~n',[NewReady]),
NewRsrc,I_res,Prio,NewSch,N-1, IxBlk);
no ->
?debug(' resource conflict~n',[]),
NewReady = hipe_schedule_prio:insert_node(C+1,I,Ready1),
none -> % schedule next cycle if some node remains
N > 0 ->
?debug('cycle ~p~n',[C+1]),
I_res,Prio,Sch,N, IxBlk);
true ->
%% Function : init_earliest
%% Argument : N - number of instrs
%% Returns :
%% Description :
init_earliest(N) ->
%% Schedule is kept reversed until the end.
%% Function : empty_schedule
%% Description : Returns an empty schedule.
empty_schedule() -> [].
%% Function : add_to_schedule
%% Argument : I - instr
%% Cycle - cycle when I was placed
%% Sch - schedule
%% Description : Adds instr to schedule
add_to_schedule(I,Cycle,Sch) ->
present_schedule(Sch) -> lists:reverse(Sch).
%% Interface to resource manager:
%% Function : init_resources
%% Description : Yields a 'big enough' array mapping (Cycle -> Resources);
%% this array is called Rsrc below.
init_resources(S) ->
%% Function : init_instr_resources
%% Argument : Nodes - a list of the instructions
%% N - is the number of nodes
%% Description : return a vector (NodeID -> Resource_requirements)
init_instr_resources(N,Nodes) ->
%% Function : resources_available
%% Argument : Cycle - the current cycle
%% I - the current instruction (index = NodeID)
%% Rsrc - a map (Cycle -> Resources)
%% I_res - maps (NodeID -> Resource_requirements)
%% Description : returns {yes,NewResTab} | no
resources_available(Cycle,I,Rsrc,I_res) ->
%% Function : advance_cycle
%% Argument : Rsrc - resources
%% Description : Returns an empty resources-state
advance_cycle(Rsrc) ->
%% Function : delete_node
%% Argument : Cycle - current cycle
%% I - index of instr
%% DAG - dependence dag
%% Preds - array with number of predecessors for nodes
%% Earl - array with earliest-times for nodes
%% Returns : {ReadyNs,NewDAG,NewPreds,NewEarl}
%% Description : Deletes node I and updates earliest times for the rest.
delete_node(Cycle,I,DAG,Preds,Earl) ->
Succ = hipe_vectors:get(DAG,I-1),
NewDAG = hipe_vectors:set(DAG,I-1,scheduled), % provides debug 'support'
{ReadyNs,NewPreds,NewEarl} = update_earliest(Succ,Cycle,Preds,Earl,[]),
?debug('earliest after ~p: ~p~n',[I,[{Ix+1,V} || {Ix,V} <- hipe_vectors:list(NewEarl)]]),
%% Function : update_earliest
%% Argument : Succ - successor list
%% Cycle - current cycle
%% Preds - predecessors
%% Earl - earliest times for nodes
%% Ready - array with readynodes for cycles
%% Returns : {Ready,Preds,Earl}
%% Description : Updates the earliest times for nodes and updates number of
%% predecessors for nodes
update_earliest([],_Cycle,Preds,Earl,Ready) ->
update_earliest([{Lat,N}|Xs],Cycle,Preds,Earl,Ready) ->
Old_earl = hipe_vectors:get(Earl,N-1),
New_earl = erlang:max(Old_earl,Cycle+Lat),
NewEarl = hipe_vectors:set(Earl,N-1,New_earl),
Num_preds = hipe_vectors:get(Preds,N-1),
NewPreds = hipe_vectors:set(Preds,N-1,Num_preds-1),
Num_preds =:= 0 ->
?debug('inconsistent DAG~n',[]),
Num_preds =:= 1 ->
NewReady = [{New_earl,N}|Ready],
NewPreds2 = hipe_vectors:set(NewPreds,N-1,0),
is_integer(Num_preds), Num_preds > 1 ->
%% Collect instruction dependences.
%% Three forms:
%% - data/register
%% * insert RAW, WAR, WAW dependences
%% - memory
%% * stores serialize memory references
%% * alias analysis may allow loads to bypass stores
%% - control
%% * unsafe operations are 'trapped' between branches
%% * branches are ordered
%% returns { [{Index,Instr}], DepDAG }
%% DepDAG is defined below.
%% Function : deps
%% Argument : BB - Basic block
%% Returns : {IxBB,DAG} - indexed block and dependence graph. DAG consists
%% of both Dag and Preds, where Preds is number
%% of predecessors for nodes.
%% Description : Collect instruction dependences.
%% Three forms:
%% - data/register
%% * insert RAW, WAR, WAW dependences
%% - memory
%% * stores serialize memory references
%% * alias analysis may allow loads to bypass stores
%% - control
%% * unsafe operations are 'trapped' between branches
%% * branches are ordered
deps(IxBB) ->
N = length(IxBB),
DAG = empty_dag(N), % The DAG contains both dependence-arcs and
% number of predeccessors...
{_DepTab,DAG1} = dd(IxBB, DAG),
DAG2 = md(IxBB, DAG1),
cd(IxBB, DAG2).
%% Function : empty_dag
%% Argument : N - number of nodes
%% Returns : empty DAG
%% Description : DAG consists of dependence graph and predeccessors
empty_dag(N) ->
{hipe_vectors:new(N, []), hipe_vectors:new(N, 0)}.
%% Function : indexed_bb
%% Argument : BB - basic block
%% Returns : [{N, Instr}]
%% Description : Puts indexes to all instrs of a block, removes comments.
%% NOP's are also removed because if both sparc_schedule and
%% sparc_post_schedule options are used, the first pass will
%% add nop's before the branch if necessary, and these are
%% removed before scheduling the second pass.
indexed_bb(BB) ->
indexed_bb([],_N) -> [];
indexed_bb([X|Xs],N) ->
case X of
#comment{} ->
#nop{} ->
_Other ->
%% Function : dep_arc
%% Argument : N - Current node
%% Lat - Latency from current node to M
%% M - The dependent node
%% DAG - The dependence graph. Consists of both DAG and
%% predeccessors
%% Returns : A new DAG with the arc added and number of predeccessors for
%% M increased.
%% Description : Adds a new arc to the graph, if an older arc goes from N to M
%% it will be replaced with a new arc {max(OldLat, NewLat), M}.
%% Number of predeccessors for node M is increased.
dep_arc(N, Lat, M, {Dag,Preds}) ->
OldDeps = hipe_vectors:get(Dag, N-1),
%% io:format("{OldDeps} = {~p}~n",[OldDeps]),
{NewDeps, Status} = add_arc(Lat, M, OldDeps),
%% io:format("{NewDeps, Status} = {~p, ~p}~n",[NewDeps, Status]),
NewDag = hipe_vectors:set(Dag, N-1, NewDeps),
NewPreds = case Status of
added -> % just increase preds if new arc was added
OldPreds = hipe_vectors:get(Preds, M-1),
hipe_vectors:set(Preds, M-1, OldPreds + 1);
non_added ->
{NewDag, NewPreds}.
%% Function : add_arc
%% Argument : Lat - The latency from current node to To.
%% To - The instr-id of the node which the dependence goes to
%% Arcs - The dependecies that are already in the dep-graph
%% Returns : A dependence graph sorted by To.
%% Description : A new arc that is added is sorted in the right place, and if
%% there is already an arc between nodes A and B, the one with
%% the greatest latency is chosen.
add_arc(Lat,To, []) -> {[{Lat, To}], added};
add_arc(Lat1, To, [{Lat2, To} | Arcs]) ->
{[{erlang:max(Lat1, Lat2), To} | Arcs], non_added};
add_arc(Lat1,To1, [{Lat2, To2} | Arcs]) when To1 < To2 ->
{[{Lat1, To1}, {Lat2, To2} | Arcs], added};
add_arc(Lat1 ,To1, [{Lat2, To2} | Arcs]) ->
{Arcs1, Status} = add_arc(Lat1, To1, Arcs),
{[{Lat2, To2} | Arcs1], Status}.
%% The register/data dependence DAG of a block is represented
%% as a mapping (Variable -> {NextWriter,NextReaders})
%% where NextWriter is a pair {Ix,Type}
%% and NextReaders is a list of pairs {Ix,Type}.
%% Type is used to determine latencies of operations; on the UltraSparc,
%% latencies of arcs (n -> m) are determined by both n and m. (E.g., if
%% n is an integer op and m is a store, then latency is 0; if m is an
%% integer op, it's 1.)
dd([],DAG) -> { empty_deptab(), DAG };
dd([{N,I}|Is],DAG0) ->
{DepTab,DAG1} = dd(Is,DAG0),
%% Function : add_deps
%% Argument : N - current node
%% Instr - current instr
%% DepTab - hashtable with {next-writer, next-readers} for reg
%% DAG - dependence graph
%% Returns : {DepTab, BlockInfo, DAG} - with new values
%% Description : Adds dependencies for node N to the graph. The registers that
%% node N defines and uses are used for computing the
%% dependencies to the following nodes.
add_deps(N,Instr,DepTab,DAG) ->
{Ds,Us} = def_use(Instr),
Type = dd_type(Instr),
{DepTab1,DAG1} = add_write_deps(Ds,N,Type,DepTab,DAG),
%% Instructions are classified into symbolic categories,
%% which are subsequently used to determine operation latencies
dd_type(Instr) ->
case Instr of
#b{} -> branch;
%% #br{} -> branch;
#call_link{} -> branch;
#jmp_link{} -> branch;
#jmp{} -> branch;
#goto{} -> branch;
#load{} -> load;
#store{} -> store;
#alu{} -> alu;
#move{} -> alu;
#multimove{} ->
Src = hipe_sparc:multimove_src(Instr),
Lat = round(length(Src)/2),
#sethi{} -> alu;
#alu_cc{} -> alu_cc;
%% #cmov_cc{} -> cmov_cc;
%% #cmov_r{} -> alu;
#load_atom{} -> alu;
#load_address{} -> alu;
#pseudo_enter{} -> pseudo;
#pseudo_pop{} -> pseudo;
#pseudo_return{} -> pseudo;
#pseudo_spill{} -> pseudo;
#pseudo_unspill{} -> pseudo
%% Function : add_write_deps
%% Argument : Defs - registers that node N defines.
%% N - current node
%% Ty - the type of current instr
%% DepTab - Dependence-table
%% DAG - The dependence graph.
%% Returns : {DepTab,DAG} - with new values
%% Description : Adds dependencies to the graph for nodes that depends on the
%% registers that N defines.
add_write_deps([],_N,_Ty,DepTab,DAG) -> {DepTab,DAG};
add_write_deps([D|Ds],N,Ty,DepTab,DAG) ->
{NewDepTab,NewDAG} = add_write_dep(D,N,Ty,DepTab,DAG),
%% Function : add_write_dep
%% Description : Updates the dependence table with N as next writer, and
%% updates the DAG with the dependencies from N to subsequent
%% nodes.
add_write_dep(X,N,Ty,DepTab,DAG) ->
{NxtWriter,NxtReaders} = lookup(X,DepTab),
NewDepTab = writer(X,N,Ty,DepTab),
NewDAG = write_deps(N,Ty,NxtWriter,NxtReaders,DAG),
{NewDepTab, NewDAG}.
%% Function : write_deps
%% Argument : Instr - Current instr
%% Ty - Type of current instr
%% NxtWriter - The node that is the next writer of the ragister
%% that Instr defines.
%% NxtReaders - The nodes that are subsequent readers of the
%% register that N defines.
%% DAG - The dependence graph
%% Returns : Calls raw_deps that finally returns a new DAG with the new
%% dependence arcs added.
%% Description : If a next writer exists a dependence arc for this node is
%% added, and after this raw_deps is called to compute the
%% arcs for read-after-write dependencies.
write_deps(Instr,Ty,NxtWriter,NxtReaders,DAG) ->
DAG1 = case NxtWriter of
none ->
{Instr,_} ->
{Wr,WrTy} ->
Wr, DAG)
%% Function : raw_deps
%% Argument : Instr - current instr
%% Type - type of instr
%% Readers - subsequent readers
%% DAG - dependence graph
%% Returns : DAG - A new DAG with read-after-write dependencies added
%% Description : Updates the DAG with the dependence-arcs from Instr to the
%% subsequent readers, with the appropriate latencies.
raw_deps(_Instr,_Type,[],DAG) -> DAG;
raw_deps(Instr,Ty,[{Rd,RdTy}|Xs],DAG) ->
%% Function : add_read_deps
%% Argument : Uses - The registers that node N uses.
%% N - Index of the current node.
%% Ty - Type of current node.
%% DepTab - Dependence table
%% DAG - Dependence graph
%% Returns : {DepTab, DAG} - with updated values.
%% Description : Adds the read dependencies from node N to subsequent ones,
%% according to the registers that N uses.
add_read_deps([],_N,_Ty,DepTab,DAG) -> {DepTab,DAG};
add_read_deps([U|Us],N,Ty,DepTab,DAG) ->
{NewDepTab,NewDAG} = add_read_dep(U,N,Ty,DepTab,DAG),
%% Function : add_read_dep
%% Argument : X - Used register
%% N - Index of checked instr
%% Ty - Type of checked instr
%% DepTab - Hashtable with {next-writer, next-readers}
%% DAG - Dependence graph
%% Returns : {DepTab, DAG} - with updated values
%% Description : Looks up what the next-writer/next-readers are, and adjusts
%% the table with current node as new reader. Finally
%% read-dependencies are added to the DAG.
add_read_dep(X,N,Ty,DepTab,DAG) ->
{NxtWriter,_NxtReaders} = lookup(X,DepTab),
NewDepTab = reader(X,N,Ty,DepTab),
NewDAG = read_deps(N,Ty,NxtWriter,DAG),
{NewDepTab, NewDAG}.
% If NxtWriter is 'none', then this var is not written subsequently
% Add WAR from Instr to NxtWriter (if it exists)
% *** UNFINISHED ***
%% Function : read_deps
%% Argument : N - Index of current node
%% Ty - Type of current node
%% Writer - tuple {NextWriter, WrType} where NextWriter is the
%% subsequent instr that writes this register next time,
%% and WrType is the type of that instr.
%% DAG - The dependence graph
%% Returns : DAG
%% Description : Returns a new DAG if a next-writer exists, otherwise the old
%% DAG is returned.
read_deps(_Instr,_Ty,none,DAG) ->
read_deps(_Instr,_Ty,{_Instr,_},DAG) ->
read_deps(Instr,Ty,{NxtWr,NxtWrTy},DAG) ->
%% Function : empty_deptab
%% Description : Creates an empty dependence table (hash-table)
empty_deptab() ->
%% Function : lookup
%% Argument : X - key (register)
%% DepTab - dependence table
%% Returns : {NextWriter, NextReaders}
%% Description : Returns next writer and a list of following readers on
%% register X.
lookup(X, DepTab) ->
case gb_trees:lookup(X, DepTab) of
none ->
{none, []};
{value, {W, Rs} = Val} ->
%% Function : writer
%% Argument : X - key (register)
%% N - index of writer
%% Ty - type of writer
%% DepTab - dependence table to be updated
%% Returns : DepTab - new dependence table
%% Description : Sets N tobe next writer on X
writer(X, N, Ty, DepTab) ->
gb_trees:enter(X, {{N, Ty}, []}, DepTab).
%% Function : reader
%% Argument : X - key (register)
%% N - index of reader
%% Ty - type of reader
%% DepTab - dependence table to be updated
%% Returns : DepTab - new dependence table
%% Description : Adds N to the dependence table as a reader.
reader(X,N,Ty,DepTab) ->
{W,Rs} = lookup(X,DepTab),
%% The following version of md/2 separates heap- and stack operations,
%% which allows for greater reordering.
%% Function : md
%% Argument : IxBB - indexed block
%% DAG - dependence graph
%% Returns : DAG - new dependence graph
%% Description : Adds arcs for load/store dependencies to the DAG.
md(IxBB, DAG) ->
md([],_,DAG) -> DAG;
md([{N,I}|Is],St,DAG) ->
case md_type(I) of
other ->
{st,T} ->
{ WAW_nodes, WAR_nodes, NewSt } = st_overlap(N,T,St),
{ld,T} ->
{ RAW_nodes, NewSt } = ld_overlap(N,T,St),
%% Function : md_war_deps
%% Argument : WAR_nodes - write-after-read nodes depending on N
%% N - index of current instr
%% DAG - dependence graph
%% Returns : DAG - updated DAG
%% Description : Adds arcs for write-after-read dependencies for N
md_war_deps([],_,DAG) -> DAG;
md_war_deps([M|Ms],N,DAG) ->
%% Function : md_waw_deps
%% Argument : WAW_nodes - write-after-write nodes depending on N
%% N - index of current instr
%% DAG - dependence graph
%% Returns : DAG - updated DAG
%% Description : Adds arcs for write-after-write dependencies for N
md_waw_deps([],_,DAG) -> DAG;
md_waw_deps([M|Ms],N,DAG) ->
%% Function : md_raw_deps
%% Argument : RAW_nodes - read-after-write nodes depending on N
%% N - index of current instr
%% DAG - dependence graph
%% Returns : DAG - updated DAG
%% Description : Adds arcs for read-after-write dependencies for N
md_raw_deps([],_,DAG) -> DAG;
md_raw_deps([M|Ms],N,DAG) ->
%% Function : empty_md_state
%% Description : Returns an empty memorydependence state, eg. 4 lists
%% representing {StackStores, HeapStores, StackLoads, HeapLoads}
empty_md_state() -> {[], [], [], []}.
%% Function : md_type
%% Argument : I - instr
%% Description : Maps the instr-type to a simplified type, telling if it's
%% store/load resp. heap or stack.
md_type(I) ->
case I of
#load{} ->
Sp = hipe_sparc_registers:stack_pointer(),
Src = hipe_sparc:load_src(I),
N = hipe_sparc:reg_nr(Src),
Off = hipe_sparc:load_off(I),
N =:= Sp -> % operation on stack
true ->
#store{} ->
Sp = hipe_sparc_registers:stack_pointer(),
Dst = hipe_sparc:store_dest(I),
N = hipe_sparc:reg_nr(Dst),
Off = hipe_sparc:store_off(I),
N =:= Sp ->
true ->
_ ->
%% Given a memory operation and a 'memory op state',
%% overlap(N,MemOp,State) returns { Preceding_Dependent_Ops, NewState }.
%% which are either a tuple { WAW_deps, WAR_deps } or a list RAW_deps.
%% Note that Erlang's semantics ("heap stores never overwrite existing data")
%% means we can be quite free in reordering stores to the heap.
%% Ld/St to the stack are simply handled by their offsets; since we do not
%% rename the stack pointer, this is sufficient.
%% *** We assume all memory ops have uniform size = 4 ***
%% The method mentioned above has now been changed because the assumption that
%% "heap stores never overwrite existing data" caused a bug when the
%% process-pointer was treated the same way as the heap. We were also told
%% that the semantics can possibly change in the future, so it would be more
%% safe to treat the heap store/loads as the stack.
%% A future improvement can be to do an alias analysis to give more freedom
%% in reordering stuff...
%% Alias state:
%% { [StackOp], [HeapOp], [StackOp], [HeapOp] }
%% where StackOp = {InstrID, Offset}
%% HeapOp = {InstrID, Reg, Offset}
%% Function : st_overlap
%% Argument : N - Index of current node
%% Type - {sp,Off} or {hp,Dst,Off}, store on stack or heap
%% State - { [StackStrs], [HeapStrs], [StackLds], [HeapLds] }
%% where StackStrs/StackLds = {InstrID, Offset}
%% and HeapStrs/HeapLds = {InstrID, Reg, Offset}
%% Returns : { DepStrs, DepLds, State } -
%% where DepStrs/DepLds = [NodeId]
%% and State is the new state
%% Description : Adds dependencies for overlapping stores.
st_overlap(N, {sp, Off}, {St_Sp, St_Hp, Ld_Sp, Ld_Hp}) ->
{DepSt, IndepSt_Sp} = st_sp_dep(St_Sp, Off),
{DepLd, IndepLd_Sp} = ld_sp_dep(Ld_Sp, Off),
{DepSt, DepLd, {[{N, Off}|IndepSt_Sp], St_Hp, IndepLd_Sp, Ld_Hp}};
st_overlap(N, {hp, Dst, Off}, {St_Sp, St_Hp, Ld_Sp, Ld_Hp}) ->
DstOff = {Dst, Off},
{DepSt,_IndepSt_Hp} = st_hp_dep(St_Hp, DstOff),
{DepLd, IndepLd_Hp} = ld_hp_dep(Ld_Hp, DstOff),
{DepSt, DepLd, {St_Sp, [{N, Dst, Off}|St_Hp], Ld_Sp, IndepLd_Hp}}.
%% Function : ld_overlap
%% Argument : N - Index of current node
%% Type - {sp,Off} or {hp,Dst,Off}, store on stack or heap
%% State - { [StackStrs], [HeapStrs], [StackLds], [HeapLds] }
%% where StackStrs/StackLds = {InstrID, Offset}
%% and HeapStrs/HeapLds = {InstrID, Reg, Offset}
%% Returns : { DepStrs, State }
%% Description : Adds dependencies for overlapping laods
ld_overlap(N, {sp, Off}, {St_Sp, St_Hp, Ld_Sp, Ld_Hp}) ->
DepSt = sp_dep_only(St_Sp, Off),
{DepSt, {St_Sp, St_Hp, [{N, Off}|Ld_Sp], Ld_Hp}};
ld_overlap(N, {hp, Src, Off}, {St_Sp, St_Hp, Ld_Sp, Ld_Hp}) ->
DepSt = hp_dep_only(St_Hp, Src, Off),
{DepSt, {St_Sp, St_Hp, Ld_Sp, [{N, Src, Off}|Ld_Hp]}}.
%% Function : st_sp_dep
%% Description : Adds dependencies that are depending on a stack store
st_sp_dep(Stores, Off) ->
sp_dep(Stores, Off, [], []).
%% Function : ld_sp_dep
%% Description : Adds dependencies that are depending on a stack load
ld_sp_dep(Loads, Off) ->
sp_dep(Loads, Off, [], []).
%% Function : st_hp_dep
%% Description : Adds dependencies that are depending on a heap store
st_hp_dep(Stores, {_Reg, _Off} = RegOff) ->
hp_dep(Stores, RegOff, [], []).
%% Function : ld_hp_dep
%% Description : Adds dependencies that are depending on a heap load
ld_hp_dep(Loads, {_Reg, _Off} = RegOff) ->
hp_dep(Loads, RegOff, [], []).
%% Function : sp_dep
%% Description : Returns {Dependent, Independent} which are lists of nodes
%% that depends or not on a stack load/store
sp_dep([], _Off, Dep, Indep) -> {Dep, Indep};
sp_dep([{N,Off}|Xs], Off, Dep, Indep) ->
sp_dep(Xs, Off, [N|Dep], Indep);
sp_dep([X|Xs], Off, Dep, Indep) ->
sp_dep(Xs, Off, Dep, [X|Indep]).
%% Function : hp_dep
%% Description : Returns {Dependent, Independent} which are lists of nodes
%% that depends or not on a heap load/store
hp_dep([], {_Reg,_Off}, Dep, Indep) -> {Dep,Indep};
hp_dep([{N,Reg,Off1}|Xs], {Reg,Off}, Dep, Indep) when Off1 =/= Off ->
hp_dep(Xs, {Reg,Off}, Dep, [{N,Reg,Off1}|Indep]);
hp_dep([{N,_,_}|Xs], {Reg,Off}, Dep, Indep) ->
hp_dep(Xs, {Reg,Off}, [N|Dep], Indep).
%% Function : sp_dep_only
%% Description : Returns a list of nodes that are depending on a stack store
sp_dep_only(Stores, Off) ->
[N || {N,Off0} <- Stores, Off =:= Off0].
%% Dependences from heap stores to heap loads.
%% *** UNFINISHED ***
%% - but works
%% This is somewhat subtle:
%% - a heap load can only bypass a heap store if we KNOW it won't
%% load the stored value
%% - unfortunately, we do not know the relationships between registers
%% at this point, so we can't say that store(p+4) is independent of
%% load(q+0).
%% (OR CAN WE? A bit closer reasoning might show that it's possible?)
%% - We can ONLY say that st(p+c) and ld(p+c') are independent when c /= c'
%% (As said before, it might be possible to lighten this restriction?)
hp_dep_only([], _Reg, _Off) -> [];
hp_dep_only([{_N,Reg,Off_1}|Xs], Reg, Off) when Off_1 =/= Off ->
hp_dep_only(Xs, Reg, Off);
hp_dep_only([{N,_,_}|Xs], Reg, Off) ->
[N|hp_dep_only(Xs, Reg, Off)].
%% Control dependences:
%% - add dependences so that
%% * branches are performed in order
%% * unsafe operations are 'fenced in' by surrounding branches
%% Function : cd
%% Argument : IxBB - indexed block
%% DAG - dependence graph
%% Returns : DAG - new dependence graph
%% Description : Adds conditional dependencies to the DAG
cd(IxBB,DAG) ->
cd(IxBB, DAG, none, [], []).
%% Function : cd
%% Argument : IxBB - indexed block
%% DAG - dependence graph
%% PrevBr - previous branch
%% PrevUnsafe - previous unsafe instr (mem-op)
%% PrevOthers - previous other instrs, used to "fix" preceeding
%% instrs so they don't bypass a branch.
%% Returns : DAG - new dependence graph
%% Description : Adds conditional dependencies to the graph.
cd([], DAG, _PrevBr, _PrevUnsafe, _PrevOthers) ->
cd([{N,I}|Xs], DAG, PrevBr, PrevUnsafe, PrevOthers) ->
case cd_type(I) of
{branch,Ty} ->
DAG1 = cd_branch_to_other_deps(N, PrevOthers, DAG),
NewDAG = cd_branch_deps(PrevBr, PrevUnsafe, N, Ty, DAG1),
{unsafe,Ty} ->
NewDAG = cd_unsafe_deps(PrevBr,N,Ty,DAG),
cd(Xs, NewDAG, PrevBr, [{N,Ty}|PrevUnsafe], PrevOthers);
{other,_Ty} ->
cd(Xs, DAG, PrevBr, PrevUnsafe, [N|PrevOthers])
%% Function : cd_branch_to_other_deps
%% Argument : N - index of branch
%% Ms - list of indexes of "others" preceeding instrs
%% DAG - dependence graph
%% Returns : DAG - new graph
%% Description : Makes preceeding instrs fixed so they don't bypass a branch
cd_branch_to_other_deps(_, [], DAG) ->
cd_branch_to_other_deps(N, [M | Ms], DAG) ->
cd_branch_to_other_deps(N, Ms, dep_arc(M, zero_latency(), N, DAG)).
%% Is the operation a branch, an unspeculable op or something else?
%% Returns
%% {branch,BranchType}
%% {unsafe,OpType}
%% {other,OpType}
%% *** UNFINISHED ***
%% Function : cd_type
%% Argument : I - instr
%% Description : Maps instrs to a simpler type.
cd_type(I) ->
case I of
#goto{} ->
#br{} ->
#b{} ->
#call_link{} ->
#jmp_link{} ->
#jmp{} ->
#load{} ->
#store{} ->
T ->
%% add dependences to keep order of branches + unspeculable ops:
%% Function : cd_branch_deps
%% Argument : PrevBr - preceeding branch
%% PrevUnsafe - preceeding unsafe ops, eg, mem-ops
%% N - current id.
%% Ty - type of current instr
%% DAG - dependence graph
%% Returns : DAG - new DAG
%% Description : Adds arcs between branches and calls deps_to_unsafe that adds
%% arcs between branches and unsafe ops.
cd_branch_deps(PrevBr, PrevUnsafe, N, Ty, DAG) ->
DAG1 = case PrevBr of
none ->
{Br,BrTy} ->
deps_to_unsafe(PrevUnsafe, N, Ty, DAG1).
%% Function : deps_to_unsafe
%% Description : Adds dependencies between unsafe's and branches
deps_to_unsafe([], _, _, DAG) -> DAG;
deps_to_unsafe([{M,UTy}|Us], N, Ty, DAG) ->
dep_arc(M, hipe_target_machine:unsafe_to_br_latency(UTy,Ty),
N, DAG)).
%% Function : cd_unsafe_deps
%% Description : Adds dependencies between branches and unsafe's
cd_unsafe_deps(none, _, _, DAG) ->
cd_unsafe_deps({Br,BrTy}, N, Ty, DAG) ->
dep_arc(Br, hipe_target_machine:br_to_unsafe_latency(BrTy, Ty), N, DAG).
%% Function : def_use
%% Argument : Instr
%% Description : Returns the registers that Instr defines resp. uses as 2 lists
def_use(Instr) ->
{hipe_sparc:defines(Instr), hipe_sparc:uses(Instr)}.
%% Function : move_or_alu
%% Description : True if the instruction is a move or an alu; false otherwise
move_or_alu(#move{}) -> true;
move_or_alu(#alu{}) -> true;
move_or_alu(_) -> false.
%% Debugging stuff below %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
debug1_stuff(Blk, DAG, IxBlk, Sch, X) ->
io:format("Blk: ~p~n",[Blk]),
io:format("DAG: ~n~p~n~p",[DAG,IxBlk]),
print_sch(Sch, IxBlk),
print_instrs([]) ->
print_instrs([{N,Instr} | Instrs]) ->
io:format("(~p): ",[N]),
print_instrs2([]) ->
print_instrs2([Instr | Instrs]) ->
print_sch([],_) -> io:format("~n");
print_sch([{{cycle,Cycle},{node,I}} | Rest], IxBlk) ->
io:format("{C~p, N~p} ",[Cycle,I]),
print_node(I, IxBlk),
print_sch(Rest, IxBlk).
print_node(_, []) ->
print_node(I, [{I, Instr} | _]) ->
print_node(I, [_ | IxBlk]) ->
print_node(I, IxBlk).
debug1_stuff(_Blk, _DAG, _IxBlk, _Sch, _X) ->