%%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
%%% %CopyrightBegin%
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%%% %CopyrightEnd%
%%% File : hipe_dot.erl
%%% Author : Per Gustafsson <pergu@it.uu.se>
%%% Description :
%%% Created : 25 Nov 2004 by Per Gustafsson <pergu@it.uu.se>
-export([translate_digraph/3, translate_digraph/5,
translate_list/3, translate_list/4, translate_list/5]).
-type gnode() :: any().
-type edge() :: {gnode(), gnode()}.
%% This module creates .dot representations of graphs from their
%% Erlang representations. There are two different forms of Erlang
%% representations that the module accepts, digraphs and lists of two
%% tuples (where each tuple represents a directed edge).
%% The functions also require a FileName and a name of the graph. The
%% filename is the name of the resulting .dot file the GraphName is
%% pretty much useless.
%% The resulting .dot reprsentation will be stored in the flie FileName.
%% Interfaces:
%% translate_list(Graph::[{Node,Node}], FileName::string(),
%% GraphName::string()) -> ok
%% translate_list(Graph::[{Node,Node}], FileName::string(),
%% GraphName::string(), Options::[option] ) -> ok
%% translate_list(Graph::[{Node,Node}], FileName::string(),
%% GraphName::string(), Fun::fun(term() -> string()),
%% Options::[option]) -> ok
%% The optional Fun argument dictates how the node/names should be output.
%% The option list can be used to pass options to .dot to decide how
%% different nodes and edges should be displayed.
%% translate_digraph has the same interface as translate_list except
%% it takes a digraph rather than a list.
-spec translate_digraph(digraph(), string(), string()) -> 'ok'.
translate_digraph(G, FileName, GName) ->
translate_digraph(G, FileName, GName,
fun(X) -> io_lib:format("~p", [X]) end, []).
-spec translate_digraph(digraph(), string(), string(),
fun((_) -> string()), [_]) -> 'ok'.
translate_digraph(G, FileName, GName, Fun, Opts) ->
Edges = [digraph:edge(G, X) || X <- digraph:edges(G)],
EdgeList = [{X, Y} || {_, X, Y, _} <- Edges],
translate_list(EdgeList, FileName, GName, Fun, Opts).
-spec translate_list([edge()], string(), string()) -> 'ok'.
translate_list(List, FileName, GName) ->
translate_list(List, FileName, GName,
fun(X) -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [X])) end, []).
-spec translate_list([edge()], string(), string(), [_]) -> 'ok'.
translate_list(List, FileName, GName, Opts) ->
translate_list(List, FileName, GName,
fun(X) -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p", [X])) end, Opts).
-spec translate_list([edge()], string(), string(),
fun((_) -> string()), [_]) -> 'ok'.
translate_list(List, FileName, GName, Fun, Opts) ->
{NodeList1, NodeList2} = lists:unzip(List),
NodeList = NodeList1 ++ NodeList2,
NodeSet = ordsets:from_list(NodeList),
Start = ["digraph ",GName ," {"],
VertexList = [node_format(Opts, Fun, V) ||V <- NodeSet],
End = ["graph [", GName, "=", GName, "]}"],
EdgeList = [edge_format(Opts, Fun, X, Y) || {X,Y} <- List],
String = [Start, VertexList, EdgeList, End],
%% io:format("~p~n", [lists:flatten([String])]),
ok = file:write_file(FileName, list_to_binary(String)).
node_format(Opt, Fun, V) ->
OptText = nodeoptions(Opt, Fun ,V),
Tmp = io_lib:format("~p", [Fun(V)]),
String = lists:flatten(Tmp),
%% io:format("~p", [String]),
{Width, Heigth} = calc_dim(String),
W = ((Width div 7) + 1) * 0.55,
H = Heigth * 0.4,
SL = io_lib:format("~f", [W]),
SH = io_lib:format("~f", [H]),
[String, " [width=", SL, " heigth=", SH, " ", OptText,"];\n"].
edge_format(Opt, Fun, V1, V2) ->
OptText =
case lists:flatten(edgeoptions(Opt, Fun ,V1, V2)) of
[] ->
[_|X] ->
String = [io_lib:format("~p", [Fun(V1)]), " -> ",
io_lib:format("~p", [Fun(V2)])],
[String, " [", OptText, "];\n"].
calc_dim(String) ->
calc_dim(String, 1, 0, 0).
calc_dim("\\n" ++ T, H, TmpW, MaxW) ->
calc_dim(T, H+1, 0, erlang:max(TmpW, MaxW));
calc_dim([_|T], H, TmpW, MaxW) ->
calc_dim(T, H, TmpW+1, MaxW);
calc_dim([], H, TmpW, MaxW) ->
{erlang:max(TmpW, MaxW), H}.
edgeoptions([{all_edges, {OptName, OptVal}}|T], Fun, V1, V2) ->
case legal_edgeoption(OptName) of
true ->
[io_lib:format(",~p=~p ", [OptName, OptVal])|edgeoptions(T, Fun, V1, V2)]
%% false ->
%% edgeoptions(T, Fun, V1, V2)
edgeoptions([{N1, N2, {OptName, OptVal}}|T], Fun, V1, V2) ->
case %% legal_edgeoption(OptName) andalso
Fun(N1) =:= Fun(V1) andalso Fun(N2) =:= Fun(V2) of
true ->
[io_lib:format(",~p=~p ", [OptName, OptVal])|edgeoptions(T, Fun, V1, V2)];
false ->
edgeoptions(T, Fun, V1, V2)
edgeoptions([_|T], Fun, V1, V2) ->
edgeoptions(T, Fun, V1, V2);
edgeoptions([], _, _, _) ->
nodeoptions([{all_nodes, {OptName, OptVal}}|T], Fun, V) ->
case legal_nodeoption(OptName) of
true ->
[io_lib:format(",~p=~p ", [OptName, OptVal])|nodeoptions(T, Fun, V)];
false ->
nodeoptions(T, Fun, V)
nodeoptions([{Node, {OptName, OptVal}}|T], Fun, V) ->
case Fun(Node) =:= Fun(V) andalso legal_nodeoption(OptName) of
true ->
[io_lib:format("~p=~p ", [OptName, OptVal])|nodeoptions(T, Fun, V)];
false ->
nodeoptions(T, Fun, V)
nodeoptions([_|T], Fun, V) ->
nodeoptions(T, Fun, V);
nodeoptions([], _Fun, _V) ->
legal_nodeoption(bottomlabel) -> true;
legal_nodeoption(color) -> true;
legal_nodeoption(comment) -> true;
legal_nodeoption(distortion) -> true;
legal_nodeoption(fillcolor) -> true;
legal_nodeoption(fixedsize) -> true;
legal_nodeoption(fontcolor) -> true;
legal_nodeoption(fontname) -> true;
legal_nodeoption(fontsize) -> true;
legal_nodeoption(group) -> true;
legal_nodeoption(height) -> true;
legal_nodeoption(label) -> true;
legal_nodeoption(layer) -> true;
legal_nodeoption(orientation) -> true;
legal_nodeoption(peripheries) -> true;
legal_nodeoption(regular) -> true;
legal_nodeoption(shape) -> true;
legal_nodeoption(shapefile) -> true;
legal_nodeoption(sides) -> true;
legal_nodeoption(skew) -> true;
legal_nodeoption(style) -> true;
legal_nodeoption(toplabel) -> true;
legal_nodeoption('URL') -> true;
legal_nodeoption(z) -> true;
legal_nodeoption(Option) when is_atom(Option) -> false.
legal_edgeoption(Option) when is_atom(Option) -> true.