%%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
%%% %CopyrightBegin%
%%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2001-2016. All Rights Reserved.
%%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
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%%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
%%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%%% limitations under the License.
%%% %CopyrightEnd%
%%% Translate 3-address RTL code to 2-address pseudo-x86 code.
-define(HIPE_RTL_TO_X86, hipe_rtl_to_amd64).
-define(HIPE_X86_REGISTERS, hipe_amd64_registers).
-define(ECX, rcx).
-define(EAX, rax).
-define(HIPE_RTL_TO_X86, hipe_rtl_to_x86).
-define(HIPE_X86_REGISTERS, hipe_x86_registers).
-define(ECX, ecx).
-define(EAX, eax).
translate(RTL) -> % RTL function -> x86 defun
hipe_gensym:set_var(x86, ?HIPE_X86_REGISTERS:first_virtual()),
hipe_gensym:set_label(x86, hipe_gensym:get_label(rtl)),
Map0 = vmap_empty(),
{Formals, Map1} = conv_formals(hipe_rtl:rtl_params(RTL), Map0),
OldData = hipe_rtl:rtl_data(RTL),
{Code0, NewData} = conv_insn_list(hipe_rtl:rtl_code(RTL), Map1, OldData),
{RegFormals,_} = split_args(Formals),
Code =
case RegFormals of
[] -> Code0;
_ -> [hipe_x86:mk_label(hipe_gensym:get_next_label(x86)) |
move_formals(RegFormals, Code0)]
IsClosure = hipe_rtl:rtl_is_closure(RTL),
IsLeaf = hipe_rtl:rtl_is_leaf(RTL),
conv_insn_list([H|T], Map, Data) ->
{NewH, NewMap, NewData1} = conv_insn(H, Map, Data),
%% io:format("~w \n ==>\n ~w\n- - - - - - - - -\n",[H,NewH]),
{NewT, NewData2} = conv_insn_list(T, NewMap, NewData1),
{NewH ++ NewT, NewData2};
conv_insn_list([], _, Data) ->
{[], Data}.
conv_insn(I, Map, Data) ->
case I of
#alu{} ->
%% dst = src1 binop src2
BinOp = conv_binop(hipe_rtl:alu_op(I)),
{Dst, Map0} = conv_dst(hipe_rtl:alu_dst(I), Map),
{FixSrc1, Src1, Map1} = conv_src(hipe_rtl:alu_src1(I), Map0),
{FixSrc2, Src2, Map2} = conv_src(hipe_rtl:alu_src2(I), Map1),
I2 =
case hipe_rtl:is_shift_op(hipe_rtl:alu_op(I)) of
true ->
conv_shift(Dst, Src1, BinOp, Src2);
false ->
conv_alu(Dst, Src1, BinOp, Src2, [])
{FixSrc1++FixSrc2++I2, Map2, Data};
#alub{} ->
%% dst = src1 op src2; if COND goto label
BinOp = conv_binop(hipe_rtl:alub_op(I)),
{Dst, Map0} = conv_dst(hipe_rtl:alub_dst(I), Map),
{FixSrc1, Src1, Map1} = conv_src(hipe_rtl:alub_src1(I), Map0),
{FixSrc2, Src2, Map2} = conv_src(hipe_rtl:alub_src2(I), Map1),
Cc = conv_cond(hipe_rtl:alub_cond(I)),
I1 = [hipe_x86:mk_pseudo_jcc(Cc,
I2 = conv_alu(Dst, Src1, BinOp, Src2, I1),
{FixSrc1++FixSrc2++I2, Map2, Data};
#branch{} ->
%% <unused> = src1 - src2; if COND goto label
{FixSrc1, Src1, Map0} = conv_src(hipe_rtl:branch_src1(I), Map),
{FixSrc2, Src2, Map1} = conv_src(hipe_rtl:branch_src2(I), Map0),
Cc = conv_cond(hipe_rtl:branch_cond(I)),
I2 = conv_branch(Src1, Cc, Src2,
{FixSrc1++FixSrc2++I2, Map1, Data};
#call{} ->
%% push <arg1>
%% ...
%% push <argn>
%% eax := call <Fun>; if exn goto <Fail> else goto Next
%% Next:
%% <Dst> := eax
%% goto <Cont>
{FixArgs, Args, Map0} = conv_src_list(hipe_rtl:call_arglist(I), Map),
{Dsts, Map1} = conv_dst_list(hipe_rtl:call_dstlist(I), Map0),
{Fun, Map2} = conv_fun(hipe_rtl:call_fun(I), Map1),
I2 = conv_call(Dsts, Fun, Args,
%% XXX Fixme: this ++ is probably inefficient.
{FixArgs++I2, Map2, Data};
#comment{} ->
I2 = [hipe_x86:mk_comment(hipe_rtl:comment_text(I))],
{I2, Map, Data};
#enter{} ->
{FixArgs, Args, Map0} = conv_src_list(hipe_rtl:enter_arglist(I), Map),
{Fun, Map1} = conv_fun(hipe_rtl:enter_fun(I), Map0),
I2 = conv_tailcall(Fun, Args, hipe_rtl:enter_type(I)),
{FixArgs++I2, Map1, Data};
#goto{} ->
I2 = [hipe_x86:mk_jmp_label(hipe_rtl:goto_label(I))],
{I2, Map, Data};
#label{} ->
I2 = [hipe_x86:mk_label(hipe_rtl:label_name(I))],
{I2, Map, Data};
#load{} ->
{Dst, Map0} = conv_dst(hipe_rtl:load_dst(I), Map),
{FixSrc, Src, Map1} = conv_src_noimm(hipe_rtl:load_src(I), Map0),
{FixOff, Off, Map2} = conv_src(hipe_rtl:load_offset(I), Map1),
I2 = case {hipe_rtl:load_size(I), hipe_rtl:load_sign(I)} of
{byte, signed} ->
[hipe_x86:mk_movsx(hipe_x86:mk_mem(Src, Off, 'byte'), Dst)];
{byte, unsigned} ->
[hipe_x86:mk_movzx(hipe_x86:mk_mem(Src, Off, 'byte'), Dst)];
{int16, signed} ->
[hipe_x86:mk_movsx(hipe_x86:mk_mem(Src, Off, 'int16'), Dst)];
{int16, unsigned} ->
[hipe_x86:mk_movzx(hipe_x86:mk_mem(Src, Off, 'int16'), Dst)];
{LoadSize, LoadSign} ->
mk_load(LoadSize, LoadSign, Src, Off, Dst)
{FixSrc++FixOff++I2, Map2, Data};
#load_address{} ->
{Dst, Map0} = conv_dst(hipe_rtl:load_address_dst(I), Map),
Addr = hipe_rtl:load_address_addr(I),
Type = hipe_rtl:load_address_type(I),
Src = hipe_x86:mk_imm_from_addr(Addr, Type),
I2 = mk_load_address(Type, Src, Dst),
{I2, Map0, Data};
#load_atom{} ->
{Dst, Map0} = conv_dst(hipe_rtl:load_atom_dst(I), Map),
Src = hipe_x86:mk_imm_from_atom(hipe_rtl:load_atom_atom(I)),
I2 = [hipe_x86:mk_move(Src, Dst)],
{I2, Map0, Data};
#move{src=Dst, dst=Dst} -> {[], Map, Data};
#move{} ->
{Dst, Map0} = conv_dst(hipe_rtl:move_dst(I), Map),
{FixSrc, Src, Map1} = conv_src(hipe_rtl:move_src(I), Map0),
I2 = [hipe_x86:mk_move(Src, Dst)],
{FixSrc++I2, Map1, Data};
#return{} ->
{FixArgs, Args, Map0} = conv_src_list(hipe_rtl:return_varlist(I), Map),
%% frame will fill in npop later, hence the "mk_ret(-1)"
I2 = move_retvals(Args, [hipe_x86:mk_ret(-1)]),
{FixArgs++I2, Map0, Data};
#store{} ->
{FixPtr, Ptr, Map0} = conv_src_noimm(hipe_rtl:store_base(I), Map),
{FixSrc, Src, Map1} = conv_src(hipe_rtl:store_src(I), Map0),
{FixOff, Off, Map2} = conv_src(hipe_rtl:store_offset(I), Map1),
I2 = mk_store(hipe_rtl:store_size(I), Src, Ptr, Off),
{FixPtr++FixSrc++FixOff++I2, Map2, Data};
#switch{} -> % this one also updates Data :-(
%% from hipe_rtl2sparc, but we use a hairy addressing mode
%% instead of doing the arithmetic manually
Labels = hipe_rtl:switch_labels(I),
LMap = [{label,L} || L <- Labels],
{NewData, JTabLab} =
case hipe_rtl:switch_sort_order(I) of
[] ->
hipe_consttab:insert_block(Data, word, LMap);
SortOrder ->
Data, word, LMap, SortOrder)
%% no immediates allowed here
{Index, Map1} = conv_dst(hipe_rtl:switch_src(I), Map),
I2 = mk_jmp_switch(Index, JTabLab, Labels),
{I2, Map1, NewData};
#fload{} ->
{Dst, Map0} = conv_dst(hipe_rtl:fload_dst(I), Map),
{[], Src, Map1} = conv_src_noimm(hipe_rtl:fload_src(I), Map0),
{[], Off, Map2} = conv_src(hipe_rtl:fload_offset(I), Map1),
I2 = [hipe_x86:mk_fmove(hipe_x86:mk_mem(Src, Off, 'double'),Dst)],
{I2, Map2, Data};
#fstore{} ->
{Dst, Map0} = conv_dst(hipe_rtl:fstore_base(I), Map),
{[], Src, Map1} = conv_src(hipe_rtl:fstore_src(I), Map0),
{[], Off, Map2} = conv_src(hipe_rtl:fstore_offset(I), Map1),
I2 = [hipe_x86:mk_fmove(Src, hipe_x86:mk_mem(Dst, Off, 'double'))],
{I2, Map2, Data};
#fp{} ->
{Dst, Map0} = conv_dst(hipe_rtl:fp_dst(I), Map),
{[], Src1, Map1} = conv_src(hipe_rtl:fp_src1(I), Map0),
{[], Src2, Map2} = conv_src(hipe_rtl:fp_src2(I), Map1),
FpBinOp = conv_fp_binop(hipe_rtl:fp_op(I)),
I2 = conv_fp_binary(Dst, Src1, FpBinOp, Src2),
{I2, Map2, Data};
#fp_unop{} ->
{Dst, Map0} = conv_dst(hipe_rtl:fp_unop_dst(I), Map),
{[], Src, Map1} = conv_src(hipe_rtl:fp_unop_src(I), Map0),
FpUnOp = conv_fp_unop(hipe_rtl:fp_unop_op(I)),
I2 = conv_fp_unary(Dst, Src, FpUnOp),
{I2, Map1, Data};
#fmove{} ->
{Dst, Map0} = conv_dst(hipe_rtl:fmove_dst(I), Map),
{[], Src, Map1} = conv_src(hipe_rtl:fmove_src(I), Map0),
I2 = [hipe_x86:mk_fmove(Src, Dst)],
{I2, Map1, Data};
#fconv{} ->
{Dst, Map0} = conv_dst(hipe_rtl:fconv_dst(I), Map),
{[], Src, Map1} = conv_src(hipe_rtl:fconv_src(I), Map0),
I2 = conv_fconv(Dst, Src),
{I2, Map1, Data};
X ->
%% gctest??
%% jmp, jmp_link, jsr, esr, multimove,
%% stackneed, pop_frame, restore_frame, save_frame
throw({?MODULE, {"unknown RTL instruction", X}})
%%% Finalise the conversion of a 3-address ALU operation, taking
%%% care to not introduce more temps and moves than necessary.
conv_alu(Dst, Src1, 'imul', Src2, Tail) ->
mk_imul(Src1, Src2, Dst, Tail);
conv_alu(Dst, Src1, BinOp, Src2, Tail) ->
case same_opnd(Dst, Src1) of
true -> % x = x op y
[hipe_x86:mk_alu(BinOp, Src2, Dst) | Tail]; % x op= y
false -> % z = x op y, where z != x
case same_opnd(Dst, Src2) of
false -> % z = x op y, where z != x && z != y
[hipe_x86:mk_move(Src1, Dst), % z = x
hipe_x86:mk_alu(BinOp, Src2, Dst) | Tail]; % z op= y
true -> % y = x op y, where y != x
case binop_commutes(BinOp) of
true -> % y = y op x
[hipe_x86:mk_alu(BinOp, Src1, Dst) | Tail]; % y op= x
false -> % y = x op y, where op doesn't commute
Tmp = clone_dst(Dst),
[hipe_x86:mk_move(Src1, Tmp), % t = x
hipe_x86:mk_alu(BinOp, Src2, Tmp), % t op= y
hipe_x86:mk_move(Tmp, Dst) | Tail] % y = t
mk_imul(Src1, Src2, Dst, Tail) ->
case hipe_x86:is_imm(Src1) of
true ->
case hipe_x86:is_imm(Src2) of
true ->
mk_imul_iit(Src1, Src2, Dst, Tail);
_ ->
mk_imul_itt(Src1, Src2, Dst, Tail)
_ ->
case hipe_x86:is_imm(Src2) of
true ->
mk_imul_itt(Src2, Src1, Dst, Tail);
_ ->
mk_imul_ttt(Src1, Src2, Dst, Tail)
mk_imul_iit(Src1, Src2, Dst, Tail) ->
io:format("~w: RTL mul with two immediates\n", [?MODULE]),
Tmp2 = new_untagged_temp(),
[hipe_x86:mk_move(Src2, Tmp2) |
mk_imul_itt(Src1, Tmp2, Dst, Tail)].
mk_imul_itt(Src1, Src2, Dst, Tail) ->
[hipe_x86:mk_imul(Src1, Src2, Dst) | Tail].
mk_imul_ttt(Src1, Src2, Dst, Tail) ->
case same_opnd(Dst, Src1) of
true ->
[hipe_x86:mk_imul([], Src2, Dst) | Tail];
false ->
case same_opnd(Dst, Src2) of
true ->
[hipe_x86:mk_imul([], Src1, Dst) | Tail];
false ->
[hipe_x86:mk_move(Src1, Dst),
hipe_x86:mk_imul([], Src2, Dst) | Tail]
conv_shift(Dst, Src1, BinOp, Src2) ->
{NewSrc2,I1} =
case hipe_x86:is_imm(Src2) of
true ->
{Src2, []};
false ->
NewSrc = hipe_x86:mk_temp(?HIPE_X86_REGISTERS:?ECX(), 'untagged'),
{NewSrc, [hipe_x86:mk_move(Src2, NewSrc)]}
I2 = case same_opnd(Dst, Src1) of
true -> % x = x op y
[hipe_x86:mk_shift(BinOp, NewSrc2, Dst)]; % x op= y
false -> % z = x op y, where z != x
case same_opnd(Dst, Src2) of
false -> % z = x op y, where z != x && z != y
[hipe_x86:mk_move(Src1, Dst), % z = x
hipe_x86:mk_shift(BinOp, NewSrc2, Dst)];% z op= y
true -> % y = x op y, no shift op commutes
Tmp = clone_dst(Dst),
[hipe_x86:mk_move(Src1, Tmp), % t = x
hipe_x86:mk_shift(BinOp, NewSrc2, Tmp), % t op= y
hipe_x86:mk_move(Tmp, Dst)] % y = t
I1 ++ I2.
%%% Finalise the conversion of a conditional branch operation, taking
%%% care to not introduce more temps and moves than necessary.
conv_branch(Src1, Cc, Src2, TrueLab, FalseLab, Pred) ->
case hipe_x86:is_imm(Src1) of
false ->
mk_branch(Src1, Cc, Src2, TrueLab, FalseLab, Pred);
true ->
case hipe_x86:is_imm(Src2) of
false ->
NewCc = commute_cc(Cc),
mk_branch(Src2, NewCc, Src1, TrueLab, FalseLab, Pred);
true ->
%% two immediates, let the optimiser clean it up
Tmp = new_untagged_temp(),
[hipe_x86:mk_move(Src1, Tmp) |
mk_branch(Tmp, Cc, Src2, TrueLab, FalseLab, Pred)]
mk_branch(Src1, Cc, Src2, TrueLab, FalseLab, Pred) ->
%% PRE: not(is_imm(Src1))
[hipe_x86:mk_cmp(Src2, Src1),
hipe_x86:mk_pseudo_jcc(Cc, TrueLab, FalseLab, Pred)].
%%% Convert an RTL ALU or ALUB binary operator.
conv_binop(BinOp) ->
case BinOp of
'add' -> 'add';
'sub' -> 'sub';
'or' -> 'or';
'and' -> 'and';
'xor' -> 'xor';
'sll' -> 'shl';
'srl' -> 'shr';
'sra' -> 'sar';
'mul' -> 'imul';
%% andnot ???
_ -> exit({?MODULE, {"unknown binop", BinOp}})
binop_commutes(BinOp) ->
case BinOp of
'add' -> true;
'or' -> true;
'and' -> true;
'xor' -> true;
_ -> false
%%% Convert an RTL conditional operator.
conv_cond(Cond) ->
case Cond of
eq -> 'e';
ne -> 'ne';
gt -> 'g';
gtu -> 'a';
ge -> 'ge';
geu -> 'ae';
lt -> 'l';
ltu -> 'b';
le -> 'le';
leu -> 'be';
overflow -> 'o';
not_overflow -> 'no';
_ -> exit({?MODULE, {"unknown rtl cond", Cond}})
commute_cc(Cc) -> % if x Cc y, then y commute_cc(Cc) x
case Cc of
'e' -> 'e'; % ==, ==
'ne' -> 'ne'; % !=, !=
'g' -> 'l'; % >, <
'a' -> 'b'; % >u, <u
'ge' -> 'le'; % >=, <=
'ae' -> 'be'; % >=u, <=u
'l' -> 'g'; % <, >
'b' -> 'a'; % <u, >u
'le' -> 'ge'; % <=, >=
'be' -> 'ae'; % <=u, >=u
%% overflow/not_overflow: n/a
_ -> exit({?MODULE, {"unknown cc", Cc}})
%%% Test if Dst and Src are the same operand.
same_opnd(Dst, Src) -> Dst =:= Src.
%%% Finalise the conversion of a tailcall instruction.
conv_tailcall(Fun, Args, Linkage) ->
Arity = length(Args),
{RegArgs,StkArgs} = split_args(Args),
hipe_x86:mk_pseudo_tailcall(Fun, Arity, StkArgs, Linkage)]).
split_args(Args) ->
split_args(0, ?HIPE_X86_REGISTERS:nr_args(), Args, []).
split_args(I, N, [Arg|Args], RegArgs) when I < N ->
Reg = ?HIPE_X86_REGISTERS:arg(I),
Temp = hipe_x86:mk_temp(Reg, 'tagged'),
split_args(I+1, N, Args, [{Arg,Temp}|RegArgs]);
split_args(_, _, StkArgs, RegArgs) ->
{RegArgs, StkArgs}.
move_actuals([], Rest) -> Rest;
move_actuals([{Src,Dst}|Actuals], Rest) ->
move_actuals(Actuals, [hipe_x86:mk_move(Src, Dst) | Rest]).
move_formals([], Rest) -> Rest;
move_formals([{Dst,Src}|Formals], Rest) ->
move_formals(Formals, [hipe_x86:mk_move(Src, Dst) | Rest]).
%%% Finalise the conversion of a call instruction.
conv_call(Dsts, Fun, Args, ContLab, ExnLab, Linkage) ->
case hipe_x86:is_prim(Fun) of
true ->
conv_primop_call(Dsts, Fun, Args, ContLab, ExnLab, Linkage);
false ->
conv_general_call(Dsts, Fun, Args, ContLab, ExnLab, Linkage)
conv_primop_call(Dsts, Prim, Args, ContLab, ExnLab, Linkage) ->
case hipe_x86:prim_prim(Prim) of
'fwait' ->
conv_fwait_call(Dsts, Args, ContLab, ExnLab, Linkage);
_ ->
conv_general_call(Dsts, Prim, Args, ContLab, ExnLab, Linkage)
conv_fwait_call([], [], [], [], not_remote) ->
[hipe_x86:mk_fp_unop('fwait', [])].
conv_general_call(Dsts, Fun, Args, ContLab, ExnLab, Linkage) ->
%% The backend does not support pseudo_calls without a
%% continuation label, so we make sure each call has one.
{RealContLab, Tail} =
case do_call_results(Dsts) of
[] ->
%% Avoid consing up a dummy basic block if the moves list
%% is empty, as is typical for calls to suspend/0.
%% This should be subsumed by a general "optimise the CFG"
%% module, and could probably be removed.
case ContLab of
[] ->
NewContLab = hipe_gensym:get_next_label(x86),
{NewContLab, [hipe_x86:mk_label(NewContLab)]};
_ ->
{ContLab, []}
Moves ->
%% Change the call to continue at a new basic block.
%% In this block move the result registers to the Dsts,
%% then continue at the call's original continuation.
%% This should be fixed to propagate "fallthrough calls"
%% When the rest of the backend supports them.
NewContLab = hipe_gensym:get_next_label(x86),
case ContLab of
[] ->
%% This is just a fallthrough
%% No jump back after the moves.
[hipe_x86:mk_label(NewContLab) |
_ ->
%% The call has a continuation
%% jump to it.
[hipe_x86:mk_label(NewContLab) |
Moves ++
SDesc = hipe_x86:mk_sdesc(ExnLab, 0, length(Args), {}),
CallInsn = hipe_x86:mk_pseudo_call(Fun, SDesc, RealContLab, Linkage),
{RegArgs,StkArgs} = split_args(Args),
do_push_args(StkArgs, move_actuals(RegArgs, [CallInsn | Tail])).
do_push_args([Arg|Args], Tail) ->
[hipe_x86:mk_push(Arg) | do_push_args(Args, Tail)];
do_push_args([], Tail) ->
%%% Move return values from the return value registers.
do_call_results(DstList) ->
do_call_results(DstList, 0, []).
do_call_results([Dst|DstList], I, Rest) ->
Src = hipe_x86:mk_temp(?HIPE_X86_REGISTERS:ret(I), 'tagged'),
Move = hipe_x86:mk_move(Src, Dst),
do_call_results(DstList, I+1, [Move|Rest]);
do_call_results([], _, Insns) -> Insns.
%%% Move return values to the return value registers.
move_retvals(SrcLst, Rest) ->
move_retvals(SrcLst, 0, Rest).
move_retvals([Src|SrcLst], I, Rest) ->
Dst = hipe_x86:mk_temp(?HIPE_X86_REGISTERS:ret(I), 'tagged'),
Move = hipe_x86:mk_move(Src, Dst),
move_retvals(SrcLst, I+1, [Move|Rest]);
move_retvals([], _, Insns) -> Insns.
%%% Convert a 'fun' operand (MFA, prim, or temp)
conv_fun(Fun, Map) ->
case hipe_rtl:is_var(Fun) of
true ->
conv_dst(Fun, Map);
false ->
case hipe_rtl:is_reg(Fun) of
true ->
conv_dst(Fun, Map);
false ->
case Fun of
Prim when is_atom(Prim) ->
{hipe_x86:mk_prim(Prim), Map};
{M,F,A} when is_atom(M), is_atom(F), is_integer(A) ->
{hipe_x86:mk_mfa(M,F,A), Map};
_ ->
conv_src_noimm(Opnd, Map) ->
R={FixSrc0, Src, NewMap} = conv_src(Opnd, Map),
case hipe_x86:is_imm(Src) of
false -> R;
true ->
Tmp = new_untagged_temp(),
{FixSrc0 ++ [hipe_x86:mk_move(Src, Tmp)],
Tmp, NewMap}
%%% Convert an RTL source operand (imm/var/reg).
conv_src(Opnd, Map) ->
case hipe_rtl:is_imm(Opnd) of
true ->
conv_imm(Opnd, Map);
false ->
{NewOpnd,NewMap} = conv_dst(Opnd, Map),
{[], NewOpnd, NewMap}
conv_imm(Opnd, Map) ->
ImmVal = hipe_rtl:imm_value(Opnd),
case is_imm64(ImmVal) of
true ->
Temp = hipe_x86:mk_new_temp('untagged'),
{[hipe_x86:mk_move64(hipe_x86:mk_imm(ImmVal), Temp)], Temp, Map};
false ->
{[], hipe_x86:mk_imm(ImmVal), Map}
is_imm64(Value) when is_integer(Value) ->
(Value < -(1 bsl (32 - 1))) or (Value > (1 bsl (32 - 1)) - 1);
is_imm64({_,atom}) -> false; % Atoms are 32 bits.
is_imm64({_,c_const}) -> false; % c_consts are 32 bits.
is_imm64({_,_}) -> true . % Other relocs are 64 bits.
conv_imm(Opnd, Map) ->
{[], hipe_x86:mk_imm(hipe_rtl:imm_value(Opnd)), Map}.
conv_src_list([O|Os], Map) ->
{NewInstr, V, Map1} = conv_src(O, Map),
{Instrs, Vs, Map2} = conv_src_list(Os, Map1),
{Instrs++NewInstr, [V|Vs], Map2};
conv_src_list([], Map) ->
{[], [], Map}.
%%% Convert an RTL destination operand (var/reg).
conv_dst(Opnd, Map) ->
{Name, Type} =
case hipe_rtl:is_var(Opnd) of
true ->
{hipe_rtl:var_index(Opnd), 'tagged'};
false ->
case hipe_rtl:is_fpreg(Opnd) of
true ->
{hipe_rtl:fpreg_index(Opnd), 'double'};
false ->
{hipe_rtl:reg_index(Opnd), 'untagged'}
case ?HIPE_X86_REGISTERS:is_precoloured(Name) of
true ->
case ?HIPE_X86_REGISTERS:proc_offset(Name) of
false ->
{hipe_x86:mk_temp(Name, Type), Map};
Offset ->
Preg = ?HIPE_X86_REGISTERS:proc_pointer(),
Pbase = hipe_x86:mk_temp(Preg, 'untagged'),
Poff = hipe_x86:mk_imm(Offset),
{hipe_x86:mk_mem(Pbase, Poff, Type), Map}
false ->
case vmap_lookup(Map, Opnd) of
{value, NewTemp} ->
{NewTemp, Map};
_ ->
NewTemp = hipe_x86:mk_new_temp(Type),
{NewTemp, vmap_bind(Map, Opnd, NewTemp)}
conv_dst_list([O|Os], Map) ->
{Dst, Map1} = conv_dst(O, Map),
{Dsts, Map2} = conv_dst_list(Os, Map1),
{[Dst|Dsts], Map2};
conv_dst_list([], Map) ->
{[], Map}.
conv_formals(Os, Map) ->
conv_formals(?HIPE_X86_REGISTERS:nr_args(), Os, Map, []).
conv_formals(N, [O|Os], Map, Res) ->
Type =
case hipe_rtl:is_var(O) of
true -> 'tagged';
false ->'untagged'
Dst =
if N > 0 -> hipe_x86:mk_new_temp(Type); % allocatable
true -> hipe_x86:mk_new_nonallocatable_temp(Type)
Map1 = vmap_bind(Map, O, Dst),
conv_formals(N-1, Os, Map1, [Dst|Res]);
conv_formals(_, [], Map, Res) ->
{lists:reverse(Res), Map}.
%%% typeof_src -- what's src's type?
typeof_src(Src) ->
case hipe_x86:is_imm(Src) of
true ->
_ ->
%%% typeof_dst -- what's dst's type?
typeof_dst(Dst) ->
case hipe_x86:is_temp(Dst) of
true ->
_ ->
%%% clone_dst -- conjure up a scratch reg with same type as dst
clone_dst(Dst) ->
%%% new_untagged_temp -- conjure up an untagged scratch reg
new_untagged_temp() ->
%%% Map from RTL var/reg operands to x86 temps.
vmap_empty() ->
vmap_lookup(Map, Key) ->
gb_trees:lookup(Key, Map).
vmap_bind(Map, Key, Val) ->
gb_trees:insert(Key, Val, Map).
%%% Finalise the conversion of an Integer-to-Float operation.
conv_fconv(Dst, Src) ->
case hipe_x86:is_imm(Src) of
false ->
[hipe_x86:mk_fmove(Src, Dst)];
true ->
%% cvtsi2sd does not allow src to be an immediate
Tmp = new_untagged_temp(),
[hipe_x86:mk_move(Src, Tmp),
hipe_x86:mk_fmove(Tmp, Dst)]
%%% Finalise the conversion of a 2-address FP operation.
conv_fp_unary(Dst, Src, FpUnOp) ->
case same_opnd(Dst, Src) of
true ->
[hipe_x86:mk_fp_unop(FpUnOp, Dst)];
_ ->
[hipe_x86:mk_fmove(Src, Dst),
hipe_x86:mk_fp_unop(FpUnOp, Dst)]
conv_fp_unop(RtlFpUnOp) ->
case RtlFpUnOp of
'fchs' -> 'fchs'
%%% Finalise the conversion of a 3-address FP operation.
conv_fp_binary(Dst, Src1, FpBinOp, Src2) ->
case same_opnd(Dst, Src1) of
true -> % x = x op y
[hipe_x86:mk_fp_binop(FpBinOp, Src2, Dst)]; % x op= y
false -> % z = x op y, where z != x
case same_opnd(Dst, Src2) of
false -> % z = x op y, where z != x && z != y
[hipe_x86:mk_fmove(Src1, Dst), % z = x
hipe_x86:mk_fp_binop(FpBinOp, Src2, Dst)]; % z op= y
true -> % y = x op y, where y != x
case fp_binop_commutes(FpBinOp) of
true -> % y = y op x
[hipe_x86:mk_fp_binop(FpBinOp, Src1, Dst)]; % y op= x
false -> % y = x op y, where op doesn't commute
RevFpBinOp = reverse_fp_binop(FpBinOp),
[hipe_x86:mk_fp_binop(RevFpBinOp, Src1, Dst)]
%%% Convert an RTL FP binary operator.
conv_fp_binop(RtlFpBinOp) ->
case RtlFpBinOp of
'fadd' -> 'fadd';
'fdiv' -> 'fdiv';
'fmul' -> 'fmul';
'fsub' -> 'fsub'
fp_binop_commutes(FpBinOp) ->
case FpBinOp of
'fadd' -> true;
'fmul' -> true;
_ -> false
reverse_fp_binop(FpBinOp) ->
case FpBinOp of
'fsub' -> 'fsubr';
'fdiv' -> 'fdivr'
%%% Create a jmp_switch instruction.
mk_jmp_switch(Index, JTabLab, Labels) ->
JTabReg = hipe_x86:mk_new_temp('untagged'),
JTabImm = hipe_x86:mk_imm_from_addr(JTabLab, constant),
[hipe_x86:mk_move64(JTabImm, JTabReg),
hipe_x86:mk_jmp_switch(Index, JTabReg, Labels)].
mk_jmp_switch(Index, JTabLab, Labels) ->
%% this is equivalent to "jmp *JTabLab(,Index,4)"
%% ("r = Index; r *= 4; r += &JTab; jmp *r" isn't as nice)
[hipe_x86:mk_jmp_switch(Index, JTabLab, Labels)].
%%% Finalise the translation of a load_address instruction.
mk_load_address(Type, Src, Dst) ->
case Type of
c_const -> % 32 bits
[hipe_x86:mk_move(Src, Dst)];
_ ->
[hipe_x86:mk_move64(Src, Dst)]
mk_load_address(_Type, Src, Dst) ->
[hipe_x86:mk_move(Src, Dst)].
%%% Translate 32-bit and larger loads.
mk_load(LoadSize, LoadSign, Src, Off, Dst) ->
case {LoadSize, LoadSign} of
{int32, signed} ->
[hipe_x86:mk_movsx(hipe_x86:mk_mem(Src, Off, 'int32'), Dst)];
{int32, unsigned} ->
%% The processor zero-extends for us. No need for 'movzx'.
[hipe_x86:mk_move(hipe_x86:mk_mem(Src, Off, 'int32'), Dst)];
{_, _} ->
mk_load_word(Src, Off, Dst)
mk_load(_LoadSize, _LoadSign, Src, Off, Dst) ->
mk_load_word(Src, Off, Dst).
mk_load_word(Src, Off, Dst) ->
Type = typeof_dst(Dst),
[hipe_x86:mk_move(hipe_x86:mk_mem(Src, Off, Type), Dst)].
%%% Finalise the translation of a store instruction.
mk_store(RtlStoreSize, Src, Ptr, Off) ->
Type = case RtlStoreSize of
word ->
OtherType ->
[hipe_x86:mk_move(Src, hipe_x86:mk_mem(Ptr, Off, Type))].
mk_store(RtlStoreSize, Src, Ptr, Off) ->
case RtlStoreSize of
word ->
Type = typeof_src(Src),
[hipe_x86:mk_move(Src, hipe_x86:mk_mem(Ptr, Off, Type))];
int32 ->
Type = typeof_src(Src),
[hipe_x86:mk_move(Src, hipe_x86:mk_mem(Ptr, Off, Type))];
int16 ->
Type = 'int16',
[hipe_x86:mk_move(Src, hipe_x86:mk_mem(Ptr, Off, Type))];
byte ->
Type = 'byte',
{NewSrc, I1} = conv_small_store(Src),
I1 ++ [hipe_x86:mk_move(NewSrc, hipe_x86:mk_mem(Ptr, Off, Type))]
conv_small_store(Src) ->
case hipe_x86:is_imm(Src) of
true ->
{Src, []};
false ->
NewSrc = hipe_x86:mk_temp(hipe_x86_registers:eax(), 'untagged'),
{NewSrc, [hipe_x86:mk_move(Src, NewSrc)]}