%%% %CopyrightBegin%
%%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2001-2009. All Rights Reserved.
%%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
%%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%%% limitations under the License.
%%% %CopyrightEnd%
%%% concrete representation of 2-address pseudo-x86 code
%%% x86 operands:
%%% int32 ::= <a 32-bit integer>
%%% reg ::= <token from hipe_x86_registers module>
%%% type ::= 'tagged' | 'untagged'
%%% label ::= <an integer>
%%% label_type ::= 'label' | 'constant'
%%% aluop ::= <an atom denoting a binary alu op>
%%% term ::= <any Erlang term>
%%% cc ::= <an atom denoting a condition code>
%%% pred ::= <a real number between 0.0 and 1.0 inclusive>
%%% npop ::= <a 32-bit natural number which is a multiple of 4>
%%% temp ::= {x86_temp, reg, type, allocatable}
%%% allocatable ::= 'true' | 'false'
%%% imm ::= {x86_imm, value}
%%% value ::= int32 | atom | {label, label_type}
%%% mem ::= {x86_mem, base, off, mem_type}
%%% base ::= temp | [] (XXX BUG: not quite true before RA)
%%% off ::= imm | temp
%%% mem_type ::= 'byte' | 'int16' (only valid with mov{s,z}x)
%%% | type
%%% src ::= temp | mem | imm
%%% dst ::= temp | mem
%%% arg ::= src
%%% args ::= <list of arg>
%%% mfa ::= {x86_mfa, atom, atom, byte}
%%% prim ::= {x86_prim, atom}
%%% fun ::= mfa | prim | temp | mem
%%% jtab ::= label (equiv. to {x86_imm,{label,'constant'}})
%%% sdesc ::= {x86_sdesc, exnlab, fsize, arity, live}
%%% exnlab ::= [] | label
%%% fsize ::= <int32> (frame size in words)
%%% live ::= <tuple of int32> (word offsets)
%%% arity ::= int32
-record(x86_temp, {reg, type, allocatable}).
-record(x86_imm, {value}).
-record(x86_mem, {base, off, type}).
-record(x86_fpreg, {reg, pseudo}).
-record(x86_mfa, {m::atom(), f::atom(), a::arity()}).
-record(x86_prim, {prim}).
-record(x86_sdesc, {exnlab, fsize, arity::arity(), live::tuple()}).
%%% Basic instructions.
%%% These follow the AT&T convention, i.e. op src,dst (dst := dst op src)
%%% After register allocation, at most one operand in a binary
%%% instruction (alu, cmp, move) may denote a memory cell.
%%% After frame allocation, every temp must denote a physical register.
-record(alu, {aluop, src, dst}).
-record(call, {'fun', sdesc, linkage}).
-record(cmovcc, {cc, src, dst}).
-record(cmp, {src, dst}). % a 'sub' alu which doesn't update dst
-record(comment, {term}).
-record(fmove, {src, dst}).
-record(fp_binop, {op, src, dst}).
-record(fp_unop, {op, arg}). % arg may be [] :-(
-record(imul, {imm_opt, src, temp}). % imm_opt:[]|imm, src:temp|mem
-record(jcc, {cc, label}).
-record(jmp_fun, {'fun', linkage}). % tailcall, direct or indirect
-record(jmp_label, {label}). % local jmp, direct
-record(jmp_switch, {temp, jtab, labels}). % local jmp, indirect
-record(label, {label}).
-record(lea, {mem, temp}).
-record(move, {src, dst}).
-record(move64, {imm, dst}).
-record(movsx, {src, dst}).
-record(movzx, {src, dst}).
-record(pseudo_call, {'fun', sdesc, contlab, linkage}).
-record(pseudo_jcc, {cc, true_label, false_label, pred}).
-record(pseudo_spill, {args=[]}).
-record(pseudo_tailcall, {'fun', arity, stkargs, linkage}).
-record(pseudo_tailcall_prepare, {}).
-record(push, {src}).
-record(pop, {dst}).
-record(ret, {npop}). % EAX is live-in
-record(shift, {shiftop, src, dst}).
-record(test, {src, dst}).
%%% Function definitions.
-record(defun, {mfa :: mfa(), formals, code,
data :: hipe_consttab(),
isclosure :: boolean(),
isleaf :: boolean(),
var_range, label_range}).