%%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
%%% %CopyrightBegin%
%%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2001-2016. All Rights Reserved.
%%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%%% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
%%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%%% limitations under the License.
%%% %CopyrightEnd%
%%% x86 stack frame handling
%%% - map non-register temps to stack slots
%%% - add explicit stack management code to prologue and epilogue,
%%% and at calls and tailcalls
%%% TODO:
%%% - Compute max stack in a pre-pass? (get rid of ref cell updates)
%%% - Merge all_temps and defun_minframe to a single
%%% pass, for compile-time efficiency reasons.
-define(HIPE_X86_FRAME, hipe_amd64_frame).
-define(HIPE_X86_REGISTERS, hipe_amd64_registers).
-define(HIPE_X86_LIVENESS, hipe_amd64_liveness).
-define(HIPE_X86_FRAME, hipe_x86_frame).
-define(HIPE_X86_REGISTERS, hipe_x86_registers).
-define(HIPE_X86_LIVENESS, hipe_x86_liveness).
frame(CFG0, _Options) ->
Formals = fix_formals(hipe_x86_cfg:params(CFG0)),
Temps0 = all_temps(CFG0, Formals),
MinFrame = defun_minframe(CFG0),
Temps = ensure_minframe(MinFrame, Temps0),
Liveness = ?HIPE_X86_LIVENESS:analyse(CFG0),
do_body(CFG0, Liveness, Formals, Temps).
fix_formals(Formals) ->
fix_formals(?HIPE_X86_REGISTERS:nr_args(), Formals).
fix_formals(0, Rest) -> Rest;
fix_formals(N, [_|Rest]) -> fix_formals(N-1, Rest);
fix_formals(_, []) -> [].
do_body(CFG0, Liveness, Formals, Temps) ->
Context = mk_context(Liveness, Formals, Temps),
CFG1 = do_blocks(CFG0, Context),
do_prologue(CFG1, Context).
do_blocks(CFG, Context) ->
hipe_x86_cfg:map_bbs(fun(Lbl, BB) -> do_block(Lbl, BB, Context) end, CFG).
do_block(Label, Block, Context) ->
Liveness = context_liveness(Context),
LiveOut = ?HIPE_X86_LIVENESS:liveout(Liveness, Label),
Code = hipe_bb:code(Block),
NewCode = do_block(Code, LiveOut, Context, context_framesize(Context), []),
hipe_bb:code_update(Block, NewCode).
do_block([I|Insns], LiveOut, Context, FPoff0, RevCode) ->
{NewIs, FPoff1} = do_insn(I, LiveOut, Context, FPoff0),
do_block(Insns, LiveOut, Context, FPoff1, lists:reverse(NewIs, RevCode));
do_block([], _, Context, FPoff, RevCode) ->
FPoff0 = context_framesize(Context),
if FPoff =:= FPoff0 -> [];
true -> exit({?MODULE,do_block,FPoff})
lists:reverse(RevCode, []).
do_insn(I, LiveOut, Context, FPoff) ->
case I of
#alu{} ->
{[do_alu(I, Context, FPoff)], FPoff};
#cmp{} ->
{[do_cmp(I, Context, FPoff)], FPoff};
#fp_unop{} ->
{do_fp_unop(I, Context, FPoff), FPoff};
#fp_binop{} ->
{do_fp_binop(I, Context, FPoff), FPoff};
#fmove{} ->
{[do_fmove(I, Context, FPoff)], FPoff};
#imul{} ->
{[do_imul(I, Context, FPoff)], FPoff};
#move{} ->
{[do_move(I, Context, FPoff)], FPoff};
#movsx{} ->
{[do_movsx(I, Context, FPoff)], FPoff};
#movzx{} ->
{[do_movzx(I, Context, FPoff)], FPoff};
#pseudo_call{} ->
do_pseudo_call(I, LiveOut, Context, FPoff);
#pseudo_tailcall{} ->
{do_pseudo_tailcall(I, Context), context_framesize(Context)};
#push{} ->
{[do_push(I, Context, FPoff)], FPoff+word_size()};
#ret{} ->
{do_ret(I, Context, FPoff), context_framesize(Context)};
#shift{} ->
{[do_shift(I, Context, FPoff)], FPoff};
#test{} ->
{[do_test(I, Context, FPoff)], FPoff};
_ -> % comment, jmp, label, pseudo_jcc, pseudo_tailcall_prepare
{[I], FPoff}
%%% Convert any pseudo-temp operand in a binary (alu, cmp, move)
%%% or unary (push) instruction to an explicit x86_mem operand.
do_alu(I, Context, FPoff) ->
#alu{src=Src0,dst=Dst0} = I,
Src = conv_opnd(Src0, FPoff, Context),
Dst = conv_opnd(Dst0, FPoff, Context),
do_cmp(I, Context, FPoff) ->
#cmp{src=Src0,dst=Dst0} = I,
Src = conv_opnd(Src0, FPoff, Context),
Dst = conv_opnd(Dst0, FPoff, Context),
do_fp_unop(I, Context, FPoff) ->
#fp_unop{arg=Arg0} = I,
Arg = conv_opnd(Arg0, FPoff, Context),
do_fp_binop(I, Context, FPoff) ->
#fp_binop{src=Src0,dst=Dst0} = I,
Src = conv_opnd(Src0, FPoff, Context),
Dst = conv_opnd(Dst0, FPoff, Context),
do_fmove(I, Context, FPoff) ->
#fmove{src=Src0,dst=Dst0} = I,
Src = conv_opnd(Src0, FPoff, Context),
Dst = conv_opnd(Dst0, FPoff, Context),
do_imul(I, Context, FPoff) ->
#imul{src=Src0} = I,
Src = conv_opnd(Src0, FPoff, Context),
do_move(I, Context, FPoff) ->
#move{src=Src0,dst=Dst0} = I,
Src = conv_opnd(Src0, FPoff, Context),
Dst = conv_opnd(Dst0, FPoff, Context),
do_movsx(I, Context, FPoff) ->
#movsx{src=Src0,dst=Dst0} = I,
Src = conv_opnd(Src0, FPoff, Context),
Dst = conv_opnd(Dst0, FPoff, Context),
do_movzx(I, Context, FPoff) ->
#movzx{src=Src0,dst=Dst0} = I,
Src = conv_opnd(Src0, FPoff, Context),
Dst = conv_opnd(Dst0, FPoff, Context),
do_push(I, Context, FPoff) ->
#push{src=Src0} = I,
Src = conv_opnd(Src0, FPoff, Context),
do_shift(I, Context, FPoff) ->
#shift{src=Src0,dst=Dst0} = I,
Src = conv_opnd(Src0, FPoff, Context),
Dst = conv_opnd(Dst0, FPoff, Context),
do_test(I, Context, FPoff) ->
#test{src=Src0,dst=Dst0} = I,
Src = conv_opnd(Src0, FPoff, Context),
Dst = conv_opnd(Dst0, FPoff, Context),
conv_opnd(Opnd, FPoff, Context) ->
case opnd_is_pseudo(Opnd) of
false ->
true ->
conv_pseudo(Opnd, FPoff, Context)
conv_pseudo(Temp, FPoff, Context) ->
Off = FPoff + context_offset(Context, Temp),
conv_pseudo(Temp, Off).
conv_pseudo(Temp, Off) ->
hipe_x86:mk_mem(mk_sp(), hipe_x86:mk_imm(Off), hipe_x86:temp_type(Temp)).
%%% Return - deallocate frame and emit 'ret $N' insn.
do_ret(_I, Context, FPoff) ->
%% XXX: this conses up a new ret insn, ignoring the one rtl->x86 made
adjust_sp(FPoff, [hipe_x86:mk_ret(word_size()*context_arity(Context))]).
adjust_sp(N, Rest) ->
if N =:= 0 ->
true ->
[hipe_x86:mk_alu('add', hipe_x86:mk_imm(N), mk_sp()) | Rest]
%%% Recursive calls.
do_pseudo_call(I, LiveOut, Context, FPoff0) ->
#x86_sdesc{exnlab=ExnLab,arity=OrigArity} = hipe_x86:pseudo_call_sdesc(I),
Fun0 = hipe_x86:pseudo_call_fun(I),
Fun1 = conv_opnd(Fun0, FPoff0, Context),
LiveTemps = [Temp || Temp <- LiveOut, temp_is_pseudo(Temp)],
SDesc = mk_sdesc(ExnLab, Context, LiveTemps),
ContLab = hipe_x86:pseudo_call_contlab(I),
Linkage = hipe_x86:pseudo_call_linkage(I),
CallCode = [hipe_x86:mk_pseudo_call(Fun1, SDesc, ContLab, Linkage)],
%% +word_size() for our RA and +word_size() for callee's RA should
%% it need to call inc_stack
StkArity = erlang:max(0, OrigArity - ?HIPE_X86_REGISTERS:nr_args()),
context_need_stack(Context, stack_need(FPoff0 + 2*word_size(), StkArity, Fun1)),
ArgsBytes = word_size() * StkArity,
{CallCode, FPoff0 - ArgsBytes}.
stack_need(FPoff, StkArity, Fun) ->
case Fun of
#x86_prim{} -> FPoff;
#x86_mfa{m=M,f=F,a=A} ->
case erlang:is_builtin(M, F, A) of
true -> FPoff;
false -> stack_need_general(FPoff, StkArity)
#x86_temp{} -> stack_need_general(FPoff, StkArity);
#x86_mem{} -> stack_need_general(FPoff, StkArity)
stack_need_general(FPoff, StkArity) ->
erlang:max(FPoff, FPoff + (?LEAF_WORDS - 2 - StkArity) * word_size()).
%%% Create stack descriptors for call sites.
mk_sdesc(ExnLab, Context, Temps) -> % for normal calls
Temps0 = only_tagged(Temps),
Live = mk_live(Context, Temps0),
Arity = context_arity(Context),
FSize = context_framesize(Context),
hipe_x86:mk_sdesc(ExnLab, FSize div word_size(), Arity,
[X || X <- Temps, hipe_x86:temp_type(X) =:= 'tagged'].
mk_live(Context, Temps) ->
lists:sort([temp_to_slot(Context, Temp) || Temp <- Temps]).
temp_to_slot(Context, Temp) ->
(context_framesize(Context) + context_offset(Context, Temp))
div word_size().
mk_minimal_sdesc(Context) -> % for inc_stack_0 calls
hipe_x86:mk_sdesc([], 0, context_arity(Context), {}).
%%% Tailcalls.
do_pseudo_tailcall(I, Context) -> % always at FPoff=context_framesize(Context)
Arity = context_arity(Context),
Args = hipe_x86:pseudo_tailcall_stkargs(I) ++ [context_ra(Context)],
Fun0 = hipe_x86:pseudo_tailcall_fun(I),
{Insns, FPoff1, Fun1} = do_tailcall_args(Args, Context, Fun0),
context_need_stack(Context, FPoff1),
FPoff2 = FPoff1 + word_size()+word_size()*Arity - word_size()*length(Args),
%% +word_size() for callee's inc_stack RA
StkArity = length(hipe_x86:pseudo_tailcall_stkargs(I)),
context_need_stack(Context, stack_need(FPoff2 + word_size(), StkArity, Fun1)),
I2 = hipe_x86:mk_jmp_fun(Fun1, hipe_x86:pseudo_tailcall_linkage(I)),
Insns ++ adjust_sp(FPoff2, [I2]).
do_tailcall_args(Args, Context, Fun0) ->
FPoff0 = context_framesize(Context),
Arity = context_arity(Context),
FrameTop = word_size() + word_size()*Arity,
DangerOff = FrameTop - word_size()*length(Args),
Moves = mk_moves(Args, FrameTop, []),
{Stores, Simple, Conflict} =
split_moves(Moves, Context, DangerOff, [], [], []),
%% sanity check (shouldn't trigger any more)
if DangerOff < -FPoff0 ->
true -> []
FPoff1 = FPoff0,
{Pushes, MoreSimple, FPoff2} = split_conflict(Conflict, FPoff1, [], []),
{PushFun0, FPoff3, LoadFun1, Fun1} =
case opnd_is_pseudo(Fun0) of
false ->
{[], FPoff2, [], Fun0};
true ->
Type = hipe_x86:temp_type(Fun0),
Temp1 = mk_temp1(Type),
Fun0Off = context_offset(Context, Fun0),
MEM0 = conv_pseudo(Fun0, FPoff2 + Fun0Off),
if Fun0Off >= DangerOff ->
Fun1Off = hipe_x86:mk_imm(0),
MEM1 = hipe_x86:mk_mem(mk_sp(), Fun1Off, Type),
FPoff2 + word_size(),
[hipe_x86:mk_move(MEM1, Temp1)],
true ->
{[], FPoff2, [hipe_x86:mk_move(MEM0, Temp1)], Temp1}
RegTemp0 = ?HIPE_X86_REGISTERS:temp0(),
TempReg =
case hipe_x86:is_temp(Fun1) of
true ->
RegFun1 = hipe_x86:temp_reg(Fun1),
if RegFun1 =/= RegTemp0 -> RegTemp0;
true -> ?HIPE_X86_REGISTERS:temp1()
false ->
{Pushes ++ PushFun0 ++
store_moves(Stores, FPoff3, LoadFun1 ++
simple_moves(Simple, FPoff3, TempReg,
simple_moves(MoreSimple, FPoff3, TempReg,
FPoff3, Fun1}.
mk_moves([Arg|Args], Off, Moves) ->
Off1 = Off - word_size(),
mk_moves(Args, Off1, [{Arg,Off1}|Moves]);
mk_moves([], _, Moves) ->
split_moves([Move|Moves], Context, DangerOff, Stores, Simple, Conflict) ->
{Src,DstOff} = Move,
case src_is_pseudo(Src) of
false ->
split_moves(Moves, Context, DangerOff, [Move|Stores],
Simple, Conflict);
true ->
SrcOff = context_offset(Context, Src),
Type = typeof_src(Src),
if SrcOff =:= DstOff ->
split_moves(Moves, Context, DangerOff, Stores,
Simple, Conflict);
SrcOff >= DangerOff ->
split_moves(Moves, Context, DangerOff, Stores,
Simple, [{SrcOff,DstOff,Type}|Conflict]);
true ->
split_moves(Moves, Context, DangerOff, Stores,
[{SrcOff,DstOff,Type}|Simple], Conflict)
split_moves([], _, _, Stores, Simple, Conflict) ->
{Stores, Simple, Conflict}.
split_conflict([{SrcOff,DstOff,Type}|Conflict], FPoff, Pushes, Simple) ->
Push = hipe_x86:mk_push(
hipe_x86:mk_mem(mk_sp(), hipe_x86:mk_imm(FPoff+SrcOff), Type)),
split_conflict(Conflict, FPoff+word_size(), [Push|Pushes],
split_conflict([], FPoff, Pushes, Simple) ->
{lists:reverse(Pushes), Simple, FPoff}.
simple_moves([{SrcOff,DstOff,Type}|Moves], FPoff, TempReg, Rest) ->
Temp = hipe_x86:mk_temp(TempReg, Type),
SP = mk_sp(),
LoadOff = hipe_x86:mk_imm(FPoff+SrcOff),
LD = hipe_x86:mk_move(hipe_x86:mk_mem(SP, LoadOff, Type), Temp),
StoreOff = hipe_x86:mk_imm(FPoff+DstOff),
ST = hipe_x86:mk_move(Temp, hipe_x86:mk_mem(SP, StoreOff, Type)),
simple_moves(Moves, FPoff, TempReg, [LD, ST | Rest]);
simple_moves([], _, _, Rest) ->
store_moves([{Src,DstOff}|Moves], FPoff, Rest) ->
Type = typeof_src(Src),
SP = mk_sp(),
StoreOff = hipe_x86:mk_imm(FPoff+DstOff),
ST = hipe_x86:mk_move(Src, hipe_x86:mk_mem(SP, StoreOff, Type)),
store_moves(Moves, FPoff, [ST | Rest]);
store_moves([], _, Rest) ->
%%% Contexts
-record(context, {liveness, framesize, arity, map, ra, ref_maxstack}).
mk_context(Liveness, Formals, Temps) ->
RA = hipe_x86:mk_new_temp('untagged'),
{Map, MinOff} = mk_temp_map(Formals, RA, Temps),
FrameSize = (-MinOff),
RefMaxStack = hipe_bifs:ref(FrameSize),
Context = #context{liveness=Liveness,
framesize=FrameSize, arity=length(Formals),
map=Map, ra=RA, ref_maxstack=RefMaxStack},
context_need_stack(#context{ref_maxstack=RM}, N) ->
M = hipe_bifs:ref_get(RM),
if N > M -> hipe_bifs:ref_set(RM, N);
true -> []
context_maxstack(#context{ref_maxstack=RM}) ->
context_arity(#context{arity=Arity}) ->
context_framesize(#context{framesize=FrameSize}) ->
context_liveness(#context{liveness=Liveness}) ->
context_offset(#context{map=Map}, Temp) ->
tmap_lookup(Map, Temp).
context_ra(#context{ra=RA}) ->
mk_temp_map(Formals, RA, Temps) ->
{Map, _} = enter_vars(Formals, word_size() * (length(Formals)+1),
tmap_bind(tmap_empty(), RA, 0)),
enter_vars(tset_to_list(Temps), 0, Map).
enter_vars([V|Vs], PrevOff, Map) ->
Off =
case hipe_x86:temp_type(V) of
'double' -> PrevOff - float_size();
_ -> PrevOff - word_size()
enter_vars(Vs, Off, tmap_bind(Map, V, Off));
enter_vars([], Off, Map) ->
{Map, Off}.
tmap_empty() ->
tmap_bind(Map, Key, Val) ->
gb_trees:insert(Key, Val, Map).
tmap_lookup(Map, Key) ->
gb_trees:get(Key, Map).
%%% do_prologue: prepend stack frame allocation code.
%%% NewStart:
%%% temp0 = sp - MaxStack
%%% if( temp0 < SP_LIMIT(P) ) goto IncStack else goto AllocFrame
%%% AllocFrame:
%%% sp -= FrameSize
%%% goto OldStart
%%% OldStart:
%%% ...
%%% IncStack:
%%% call inc_stack
%%% goto NewStart
do_prologue(CFG, Context) ->
do_check_stack(do_alloc_frame(CFG, Context), Context).
do_alloc_frame(CFG, Context) ->
case context_framesize(Context) of
0 ->
FrameSize ->
OldStartLab = hipe_x86_cfg:start_label(CFG),
AllocFrameLab = hipe_gensym:get_next_label(x86),
SP = mk_sp(),
AllocFrameCode =
[hipe_x86:mk_alu('sub', hipe_x86:mk_imm(FrameSize), SP),
CFG1 = hipe_x86_cfg:bb_add(CFG, AllocFrameLab,
hipe_x86_cfg:start_label_update(CFG1, AllocFrameLab)
do_check_stack(CFG, Context) ->
MaxStack = context_maxstack(Context),
Arity = context_arity(Context),
Guaranteed = erlang:max(0, (?LEAF_WORDS - 1 - Arity) * word_size()),
if MaxStack =< Guaranteed ->
%% io:format("~w: MaxStack ~w =< Guaranteed ~w :-)\n", [?MODULE,MaxStack,Guaranteed]),
true ->
%% io:format("~w: MaxStack ~w > Guaranteed ~w :-(\n", [?MODULE,MaxStack,Guaranteed]),
AllocFrameLab = hipe_x86_cfg:start_label(CFG),
NewStartLab = hipe_gensym:get_next_label(x86),
IncStackLab = hipe_gensym:get_next_label(x86),
Type = 'untagged',
Preg = ?HIPE_X86_REGISTERS:proc_pointer(),
Pbase = hipe_x86:mk_temp(Preg, Type),
SP_LIMIT_OFF = hipe_x86:mk_imm(
Temp0 = mk_temp0(Type),
SP = mk_sp(),
NewStartCode =
%% hopefully this lea is faster than the mov;sub it replaced
hipe_x86:mk_mem(SP, hipe_x86:mk_imm(-MaxStack), 'untagged'),
hipe_x86:mk_mem(Pbase, SP_LIMIT_OFF, Type), Temp0),
hipe_x86:mk_pseudo_jcc('b', IncStackLab, AllocFrameLab, 0.01)],
IncStackCode =
mk_minimal_sdesc(Context), not_remote),
CFG1 = hipe_x86_cfg:bb_add(CFG, NewStartLab,
CFG2 = hipe_x86_cfg:bb_add(CFG1, IncStackLab,
hipe_x86_cfg:start_label_update(CFG2, NewStartLab)
%%% typeof_src -- what's src's type?
typeof_src(Src) ->
case Src of
#x86_imm{} ->
#x86_temp{} ->
#x86_mem{} ->
%%% Cons up an '%sp' Temp.
mk_sp() ->
hipe_x86:mk_temp(?HIPE_X86_REGISTERS:sp(), 'untagged').
%%% Cons up a '%temp0' Temp.
mk_temp0(Type) ->
hipe_x86:mk_temp(?HIPE_X86_REGISTERS:temp0(), Type).
%%% Cons up a '%temp1' Temp.
mk_temp1(Type) ->
hipe_x86:mk_temp(?HIPE_X86_REGISTERS:temp1(), Type).
%%% Check if an operand is a pseudo-Temp.
src_is_pseudo(Src) ->
opnd_is_pseudo(Opnd) ->
case hipe_x86:is_temp(Opnd) of
true -> temp_is_pseudo(Opnd);
false -> false
temp_is_pseudo(Temp) ->
case hipe_x86:is_temp(Temp) of
true ->
false ->
%%% Build the set of all temps used in a Defun's body.
all_temps(CFG, Formals) ->
S0 = fold_insns(fun find_temps/2, tset_empty(), CFG),
S1 = tset_del_list(S0, Formals),
S2 = tset_filter(S1, fun(T) -> temp_is_pseudo(T) end),
find_temps(I, S0) ->
S1 = tset_add_list(S0, hipe_x86_defuse:insn_def(I)),
tset_add_list(S1, hipe_x86_defuse:insn_use(I)).
fold_insns(Fun, InitAcc, CFG) ->
fun(_, BB, Acc0) -> lists:foldl(Fun, Acc0, hipe_bb:code(BB)) end,
InitAcc, CFG).
-compile({inline, [tset_empty/0, tset_size/1, tset_insert/2,
tset_filter/2, tset_to_list/1]}).
tset_empty() ->
tset_size(S) ->
tset_insert(S, T) ->
S#{T => []}.
tset_add_list(S, []) -> S;
tset_add_list(S, [T|Ts]) ->
tset_add_list(S#{T => []}, Ts).
tset_del_list(S, []) -> S;
tset_del_list(S, [T|Ts]) ->
tset_del_list(maps:remove(T,S), Ts).
tset_filter(S, F) ->
maps:filter(fun(K, _V) -> F(K) end, S).
tset_to_list(S) ->
%%% Compute minimum permissible frame size, ignoring spilled temps.
%%% This is done to ensure that we won't have to adjust the frame size
%%% in the middle of a tailcall.
defun_minframe(CFG) ->
MaxTailArity = fold_insns(fun insn_mta/2, 0, CFG),
MyArity = length(fix_formals(hipe_x86_cfg:params(CFG))),
erlang:max(MaxTailArity - MyArity, 0).
insn_mta(I, MTA) ->
case I of
#pseudo_tailcall{arity=Arity} ->
erlang:max(MTA, Arity - ?HIPE_X86_REGISTERS:nr_args());
_ -> MTA
%%% Ensure that we have enough temps to satisfy the minimum frame size,
%%% if necessary by prepending unused dummy temps.
ensure_minframe(MinFrame, Temps) ->
ensure_minframe(MinFrame, tset_size(Temps), Temps).
ensure_minframe(MinFrame, Frame, Temps) ->
if MinFrame > Frame ->
Temp = hipe_x86:mk_new_temp('untagged'),
ensure_minframe(MinFrame, Frame+1, tset_insert(Temps, Temp));
true -> Temps
word_size() ->
float_size() ->