%% -*- erlang-indent-level: 2 -*-
%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2008-2016. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% ====================================================================
%% Authors : Dogan Yazar and Erdem Aksu (KT2 project of 2008)
%% ====================================================================
-define(HIPE_X86_SPILL_RESTORE, hipe_amd64_spill_restore).
-define(HIPE_X86_LIVENESS, hipe_amd64_liveness).
-define(HIPE_X86_SPECIFIC, hipe_amd64_specific).
-define(HIPE_X86_REGISTERS, hipe_amd64_registers).
-define(X86STR, "amd64").
-define(HIPE_X86_SPILL_RESTORE, hipe_x86_spill_restore).
-define(HIPE_X86_LIVENESS, hipe_x86_liveness).
-define(HIPE_X86_SPECIFIC, hipe_x86_specific).
-define(HIPE_X86_REGISTERS, hipe_x86_registers).
-define(X86STR, "x86").
%% controls which set library is used to keep temp variables.
-define(SET_MODULE, ordsets).
%% Turn on instrumentation.
-include("../x86/hipe_x86.hrl"). % Added for the definition of #pseudo_call{}
-include("../flow/cfg.hrl"). % Added for the definition of #cfg{}
%% Main function
spill_restore(Defun, Options) ->
CFG = ?option_time(firstPass(Defun), ?X86STR" First Pass", Options),
CFGFinal = ?option_time(secondPass(CFG), ?X86STR" Second Pass", Options),
%% Performs the first pass of the algorithm.
%% By working bottom up, introduce the pseudo_spills.
firstPass(Defun) ->
CFG0 = ?HIPE_X86_SPECIFIC:defun_to_cfg(Defun),
%% get the labels bottom up
Labels = hipe_x86_cfg:postorder(CFG0),
Liveness = ?HIPE_X86_LIVENESS:analyse(CFG0),
%% spill around the function will be introduced below the move
%% formals, so get all labels except it.
LabelsExceptMoveFormals = lists:sublist(Labels, length(Labels)-1),
%% all work is done by the helper function firstPassHelper
%% saveTree keeps the all newly introduced spills. Keys are the labels.
{CFG1, SaveTree} = firstPassHelper(LabelsExceptMoveFormals, Liveness, CFG0),
case hipe_x86_cfg:reverse_postorder(CFG0) of
[Label1, Label2|_] ->
SaveTreeElement = saveTreeLookup(Label2, SaveTree),
%% FilteredSaveTreeElement is the to be spilled temps around the
%% function call. They are spilled just before move formals.
FilteredSaveTreeElement = [T || T <- SaveTreeElement, temp_is_pseudo(T)],
Block = hipe_x86_cfg:bb(CFG1, Label1),
Code = hipe_bb:code(Block),
%% The following statements are tedious but work ok.
%% Put spills between move formals and the jump code.
%% This disgusting thing is done because spills should be
%% introduced after move formals.
%% Another solution may be to introduce another block.
MoveCodes = lists:sublist(Code, length(Code)-1),
JumpCode = lists:last(Code),
hipe_x86_cfg:bb_add(CFG1, Label1, hipe_bb:mk_bb(MoveCodes ++ [hipe_x86:mk_pseudo_spill(FilteredSaveTreeElement), JumpCode]));
_ ->
%% helper function of firstPass
%% processes all labels recursively and decides the spills to be put.
%% spills are introduced before each function call (pseudo_call) as well as
%% global spill is found
firstPassHelper(Labels, Liveness, CFG) ->
firstPassHelper(Labels, Liveness, CFG, gb_trees:empty()).
firstPassHelper([Label|Labels], Liveness, CFG, SaveTree) ->
LiveOut = from_list(?HIPE_X86_LIVENESS:liveout(Liveness, Label)),
Block = hipe_x86_cfg:bb(CFG, Label),
Code = hipe_bb:code(Block),
Succ = hipe_x86_cfg:succ(CFG, Label),
IntersectedSaveList = findIntersectedSaveList(Succ,SaveTree),
%% call firstPassDoBlock which will give the updated block
%% code(including spills) as well as Intersected Save List which
%% should be passed above blocks
{_,NewIntersectedList,NewCode} =
firstPassDoBlock(Code, LiveOut,IntersectedSaveList),
NewBlock = hipe_bb:code_update(Block, NewCode),
NewCFG = hipe_x86_cfg:bb_add(CFG, Label, NewBlock),
SizeOfSet = setSize(NewIntersectedList),
%% if the Intersected Save List is not empty, insert it in the save tree.
if SizeOfSet =/= 0 ->
UpdatedSaveTree = gb_trees:insert(Label, NewIntersectedList, SaveTree),
firstPassHelper(Labels, Liveness, NewCFG, UpdatedSaveTree);
true ->
firstPassHelper(Labels, Liveness, NewCFG, SaveTree)
firstPassHelper([], _, CFG, SaveTree) ->
{CFG, SaveTree}.
%% handle each instruction in the block bottom up
firstPassDoBlock(Insts, LiveOut, IntersectedSaveList) ->
lists:foldr(fun firstPassDoInsn/2, {LiveOut,IntersectedSaveList,[]}, Insts).
firstPassDoInsn(I, {LiveOut,IntersectedSaveList,PrevInsts}) ->
case I of
#pseudo_call{} ->
do_pseudo_call(I, {LiveOut,IntersectedSaveList,PrevInsts});
_ -> % other instructions
DefinedList = from_list( ?HIPE_X86_LIVENESS:defines(I)),
UsedList = from_list(?HIPE_X86_LIVENESS:uses(I)),
NewLiveOut = subtract(union(LiveOut, UsedList), DefinedList),
NewIntersectedSaveList = subtract(IntersectedSaveList, DefinedList),
{NewLiveOut, NewIntersectedSaveList, [I|PrevInsts]}
do_pseudo_call(I, {LiveOut,IntersectedSaveList,PrevInsts}) ->
LiveTemps = [Temp || Temp <- to_list(LiveOut), temp_is_pseudo(Temp)],
NewIntersectedSaveList = union(IntersectedSaveList, LiveOut),
{LiveOut, NewIntersectedSaveList, [hipe_x86:mk_pseudo_spill(LiveTemps), I | PrevInsts]}.
findIntersectedSaveList(LabelList, SaveTree) ->
findIntersectedSaveList([saveTreeLookup(Label,SaveTree) || Label <- LabelList]).
findIntersectedSaveList([]) ->
findIntersectedSaveList([List1]) ->
findIntersectedSaveList([List1,List2|Rest]) ->
findIntersectedSaveList([intersection(List1, List2)|Rest]).
saveTreeLookup(Label, SaveTree) ->
case gb_trees:lookup(Label, SaveTree) of
{value, SaveList} ->
_ ->
%% Performs the second pass of the algorithm.
%% It basically eliminates the unnecessary spills and introduces restores.
%% Works top down
secondPass(CFG0) ->
Labels = hipe_x86_cfg:reverse_postorder(CFG0),
Liveness = ?HIPE_X86_LIVENESS:analyse(CFG0),
%% helper function of secondPass.
%% recursively handle all labels given.
secondPassHelper(Labels, Liveness, CFG) ->
secondPassHelper(Labels, Liveness, CFG, gb_trees:empty(), CFG).
%% AccumulatedCFG stands for the CFG that has restore edges incrementally.
%% UnmodifiedCFG is the CFG created after first pass.
%% AccumulatedSaveTree is used to eliminate the unnecessary saves. The
%% saves (spills) in above blocks are traversed down (if still live
%% and not redefined) and redundant saves are eliminated in the lower
%% blocks.
%% For memory efficiency, it may be better not to maintain the
%% AccumulatedSaveTree but traverse the tree recursively and pass the
%% save lists to the childs individually.
%% But current approach may be faster even though it needs bigger memory.
secondPassHelper([Label|RestOfLabels], Liveness,
AccumulatedCFG, AccumulatedSaveTree, UnmodifiedCFG) ->
LiveOut = ?HIPE_X86_LIVENESS:liveout(Liveness, Label),
Block = hipe_x86_cfg:bb(AccumulatedCFG, Label),
Code = hipe_bb:code(Block),
%% UnmodifiedCFG is needed for getting the correct predecessors.
%% (i.e. not to get the restore edge blocks)
PredList = hipe_x86_cfg:pred(UnmodifiedCFG, Label),
%% find the spills coming from all the parents by intersecting
InitialAccumulatedSaveList =
findIntersectedSaveList(PredList, AccumulatedSaveTree),
AccumulatedSaveList =
keepLiveVarsInAccumSaveList(InitialAccumulatedSaveList, LiveOut),
{NewCode, CFGUpdateWithRestores, NewAccumulatedSaveList} =
secondPassDoBlock(Label, Code, AccumulatedCFG, AccumulatedSaveList),
UpdatedAccumulatedSaveTree =
gb_trees:insert(Label, NewAccumulatedSaveList, AccumulatedSaveTree),
NewBlock = hipe_bb:code_update(Block, NewCode),
NewCFG = hipe_x86_cfg:bb_add(CFGUpdateWithRestores, Label, NewBlock),
secondPassHelper(RestOfLabels, Liveness, NewCFG,
UpdatedAccumulatedSaveTree, UnmodifiedCFG);
secondPassHelper([], _, AccumulatedCFG, _, _) ->
secondPassDoBlock(CurrentLabel, Insts, CFG, AccumulatedSaveList) ->
{NewAccumulatedSaveList,NewInsts,_,_,CFGUpdateWithRestores} =
lists:foldl(fun secondPassDoInsn/2, {AccumulatedSaveList,[],[],CurrentLabel,CFG}, Insts),
{NewInsts, CFGUpdateWithRestores, NewAccumulatedSaveList}.
secondPassDoInsn(I, {AccumulatedSaveList,PrevInsts,SpillList,CurrentLabel,CFG}) ->
case I of
#pseudo_spill{} ->
%% spill variables that are not accumulated from top down
%% (which are not already saved)
VariablesAlreadySaved = [X || {X,_} <- to_list(AccumulatedSaveList)],
VariablesToBeSpilled = I#pseudo_spill.args -- VariablesAlreadySaved,
NewSpillList = [{Temp, hipe_x86:mk_new_temp(Temp#x86_temp.type)} || Temp <- VariablesToBeSpilled],
%% update accumulated saved list by adding the newly spilled variables.
NewAccumulatedSaveList = union(AccumulatedSaveList, from_list(NewSpillList)),
{NewAccumulatedSaveList, PrevInsts ++ secondPassDoPseudoSpill(NewSpillList), NewSpillList, CurrentLabel, CFG};
#pseudo_call{} ->
{CFGUpdateWithRestores, NewPseudoCall} =
secondPassDoPseudoCall(I, AccumulatedSaveList, CFG),
%% spill list is emptied after use
{AccumulatedSaveList, PrevInsts ++ [NewPseudoCall], CurrentLabel, [], CFGUpdateWithRestores};
_ ->
%% remove the defined variables from the accumulated save
%% list since they need to be saved again in later occasions.
DefinedList = from_list(?HIPE_X86_LIVENESS:defines(I)),
NewAccumulatedSaveList = removeRedefVarsFromAccumSaveList(AccumulatedSaveList, DefinedList),
{NewAccumulatedSaveList, PrevInsts ++ [I], SpillList, CurrentLabel, CFG}
%% remove dead vars from accumulated save list so that they are not restored.
keepLiveVarsInAccumSaveList([], _) ->
keepLiveVarsInAccumSaveList([{Var,Temp}|Rest], DefinedList) ->
IsDefined = is_element(Var, DefinedList),
case IsDefined of
true -> [{Var,Temp}|keepLiveVarsInAccumSaveList(Rest, DefinedList)];
false -> keepLiveVarsInAccumSaveList(Rest, DefinedList)
%% remove the redefined variables from accumulated save list since
%% they are changed.
removeRedefVarsFromAccumSaveList([], _) ->
removeRedefVarsFromAccumSaveList([{Var,Temp}|Rest], DefinedList) ->
IsDefined = is_element(Var, DefinedList),
case IsDefined of
true -> removeRedefVarsFromAccumSaveList(Rest, DefinedList);
false -> [{Var,Temp}|removeRedefVarsFromAccumSaveList(Rest, DefinedList)]
%% convert pseudo_spills to move instructions.
secondPassDoPseudoSpill(SpillList) ->
lists:foldl(fun convertPseudoSpillToMov/2, [], SpillList).
%% if there are variables to be restored, then call addRestoreBlockToEdge to
%% place them in a new block on the edge of the blocks.
secondPassDoPseudoCall(I, RestoreList, CFG) ->
ContLabel = I#pseudo_call.contlab,
SizeOfSet = setSize(RestoreList),
if SizeOfSet =/= 0 ->
addRestoreBlockToEdge(I, ContLabel, CFG, RestoreList);
true ->
{CFG, I}
%% prepares the moves for the spills.
convertPseudoSpillToMov({Temp, NewTemp}, OtherMoves) ->
OtherMoves ++ [mkMove(Temp, NewTemp)].
%% prepares the moves for the restores.
%% Called by addRestoreBlockToEdge while introducing the restores.
convertPseudoRestoreToMov({Temp, NewTemp}, OtherMoves) ->
OtherMoves ++ [mkMove(NewTemp, Temp)].
%% makes the move record, special care is taken for doubles.
mkMove(NewTemp,Temp) ->
if Temp#x86_temp.type =:= 'double' ->
hipe_x86:mk_fmove(NewTemp, Temp);
true ->
hipe_x86:mk_move(NewTemp, Temp)
%% adds a new block (on the edge) that includes introduced restore moves.
addRestoreBlockToEdge(PseudoCall, ContLabel, CFG, TempArgsList) ->
NextLabel = hipe_gensym:get_next_label(x86),
NewCode = lists:foldl(fun convertPseudoRestoreToMov/2, [], TempArgsList) ++ [hipe_x86:mk_jmp_label(ContLabel)],
NewBlock = hipe_bb:mk_bb(NewCode),
NewPseudoCall = redirect_pseudo_call(PseudoCall, ContLabel, NextLabel),
NewCFG = hipe_x86_cfg:bb_add(CFG, NextLabel, NewBlock),
{NewCFG, NewPseudoCall}.
%% used instead of hipe_x86_cfg:redirect_jmp since it does not handle
%% pseudo_call calls.
redirect_pseudo_call(I = #pseudo_call{contlab=ContLabel}, Old, New) ->
case Old =:= ContLabel of
true -> I#pseudo_call{contlab=New};
false -> I
temp_is_pseudo(Temp) ->
case hipe_x86:is_temp(Temp) of
true -> not(?HIPE_X86_REGISTERS:is_precoloured(hipe_x86:temp_reg(Temp)));
false -> false
%% Set operations where the module name is an easily changeable macro
union(Set1, Set2) ->
?SET_MODULE:union(Set1, Set2).
setSize(Set) ->
from_list(List) ->
to_list(Set) ->
subtract(Set1, Set2) ->
?SET_MODULE:subtract(Set1, Set2).
intersection(Set1, Set2) ->
?SET_MODULE:intersection(Set1, Set2).
is_element(Element, Set) ->
?SET_MODULE:is_element(Element, Set).