%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1999-2009. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
-export([do_gen/3, gen/3, emit_type_function/4]).
%% Entry point
do_gen(G, _File, Form) ->
gen(G, [], Form).
%% Generate the client side C stubs.
%% Each module is generated to a separate file.
%% Each function needs to generate a function head and
%% a body. IDL parameters must be converted into C parameters.
gen(G, N, [X|Xs]) when is_record(X, preproc) ->
NewG = handle_preproc(G, N, X#preproc.cat, X),
gen(NewG, N, Xs);
gen(G, N, [X|Xs]) when is_record(X, module) ->
gen_module(G, N, X),
gen(G, N, Xs);
gen(G, N, [X|Xs]) when is_record(X, interface) ->
gen_interface(G, N, X),
gen(G, N, Xs);
gen(G, N, [X|Xs]) when is_record(X, const) ->
ic_constant_java:gen(G, N, X),
gen(G, N, Xs);
gen(G, N, [X|Xs]) when is_record(X, op) ->
gen(G, N, Xs);
gen(G, N, [X|Xs]) when is_record(X, attr) ->
gen(G, N, Xs);
gen(G, N, [X|Xs]) when is_record(X, except) ->
gen_exception(G, N, X),
gen(G, N, Xs);
gen(G, N, [X|Xs]) when is_record(X, enum) ->
ic_enum_java:gen(G, N, X),
gen(G, N, Xs);
gen(G, N, [X|Xs]) when is_record(X, struct) ->
ic_struct_java:gen(G, N, X),
gen(G, N, Xs);
gen(G, N, [X|Xs]) when is_record(X, union) ->
ic_union_java:gen(G, N, X),
gen(G, N, Xs);
gen(G, N, [X|Xs]) when is_record(X, typedef) ->
gen_typedef(G, N, X),
gen(G, N, Xs);
gen(G, N, [X|Xs]) when is_record(X, member) ->
%%?PRINTDEBUG2("gen member: ~p\n",[ic_forms:get_type(X)]),
gen_member(G, N, X),
gen(G, N, Xs);
gen(G, N, [X|Xs]) when is_record(X, case_dcl) ->
%%?PRINTDEBUG2("gen case decl: ~p\n",[ic_forms:get_type(X)]),
gen(G, N, [ic_forms:get_type(X)]),
gen(G, N, Xs);
gen(G, N, [_|Xs]) ->
gen(G, N, Xs);
gen(_G, _N, []) ->
%%% Just generates the directory to host
%%% the module files
gen_module(G, N, X) ->
case ic_genobj:do_gen(G) of
true -> %% Generate & register
N1 = [ic_forms:get_id2(X) | N],
%% Create directory
ic_file:createJavaDirectory(G, N1),
gen(G, N1, ic_forms:get_body(X));
false -> %% Register only
N1 = [ic_forms:get_id2(X) | N],
reg(G, N1, ic_forms:get_body(X))
reg(G, N, [X|_Xs]) when is_record(X, module) ->
reg(G, [ic_forms:get_id2(X) | N], ic_forms:get_body(X));
reg(G, N, [X|_Xs]) when is_record(X, interface) ->
reg(G, [ic_forms:get_id2(X) | N], ic_forms:get_body(X));
reg(G, N, [X|Xs]) when is_record(X, typedef) ->
Name = ic_util:to_dot(G,[ic_forms:get_java_id(X) | N]),
case X#typedef.type of
{scoped_id,_,_,_} ->
{FullScopedName, _, _, _} =
ic_symtab:get_full_scoped_name(G, N, X#typedef.type),
Type = ic_code:get_basetype(G, ic_util:to_dot(G,FullScopedName)),
ic_code:insert_typedef(G, Name, Type);
_ ->
reg(G, N, Xs);
reg(G, N, [_|Xs]) ->
reg(G, N, Xs);
reg(_G, _N, []) ->
%%% Generates the interface code
gen_interface(G, N, X) ->
case ic_genobj:do_gen(G) of
true ->
G1 = ic_file:javaInterfaceFilePush(G, N, X),
%% Generate Interface file
InterfaceFd = ic_genobj:interfacefiled(G1),
emit_interface(G1, N, X, InterfaceFd),
%% Generate Helper file
HelperFd = ic_genobj:helperfiled(G1),
emit_helper(G1, N, X, HelperFd),
%% Generate Holder file
HolderFd = ic_genobj:holderfiled(G1),
emit_holder(G1, N, X, HolderFd),
%% Generate Stub file
StubFd = ic_genobj:stubfiled(G1),
emit_stub(G1,N,X,StubFd), %<--------------------------------------------------- 1
%% Generate Skeleton file
SkelFd = ic_genobj:skelfiled(G1),
emit_skel(G1, N, X, SkelFd),
false ->
%%% Typedef redirection
gen_typedef(G, N, X) ->
Name = ic_util:to_dot(G,[ic_forms:get_java_id(X) | N]),
case X#typedef.type of
{scoped_id,_,_,_} ->
{FullScopedName, _, _, _} =
ic_symtab:get_full_scoped_name(G, N, X#typedef.type),
Type = ic_code:get_basetype(G, ic_util:to_dot(G,FullScopedName)),
ic_code:insert_typedef(G, Name, Type);
_ ->
gen_typedef_1(G, N, X, ic_forms:get_body(X)).
gen_typedef_1(G, N, X, Type) when is_record(Type, sequence) ->
ic_sequence_java:gen(G, N, Type, ic_forms:get_java_id(X));
gen_typedef_1(G, N, X, Type) when is_record(Type, array) ->
ic_array_java:gen(G, N, X, Type);
gen_typedef_1(G, N, X, _Type) ->
gen_typedef_2(G, N, X, X#typedef.id),
gen_typedef_2(G, N, X, Type) when is_record(Type, array) ->
gen_typedef_1(G, N, X, Type);
gen_typedef_2(G, N, X, Type) when is_list(Type) ->
case Type of
[] ->
_ ->
gen_typedef_2(G, N, X, hd(Type)),
gen_typedef_2(G, N, X, tl(Type))
%gen_typedef_2(G, N, X, Type) -> %% Generating Helpers for typedef
% %% Stoped due to compatibility problems
% %% with erl_genserv backend
% case ic_java_type:isBasicType(G,N,X#typedef.type) of
% true ->
% ok;
% false ->
% case ic_forms:get_type_code(G,N,X#typedef.type) of
% {'tk_struct', _, _, _} ->
% ic_struct_java:gen(G, N, X);
% {'tk_sequence',_,_} ->
% ic_sequence_java:gen(G, N, X, ic_forms:get_java_id(X)),
% ok;
% _ ->
% ok
% end
% end;
gen_typedef_2(_G, _N, _X, _Type) ->
%%% Member redirection
gen_member(G, N, X) ->
gen_member_1(G, N, X, [X#member.type]),
gen_member_2(G, N, X, X#member.id).
gen_member_1(_G, _N, _X, []) ->
gen_member_1(G, N, X, [T|Ts]) when is_record(T, sequence) ->
ic_sequence_java:gen(G, N, T, ic_forms:get_java_id(X)),
gen_member_1(G, N, X, Ts);
gen_member_1(G, N, X, [T|Ts]) ->
gen_member_2(_G, _N, _X, []) ->
gen_member_2(G, N, X, [T|Ts]) when is_record(T, array) -> %% BUG !
ic_array_java:gen(G, N, X, T),
gen_member_2(G, N, X, Ts);
gen_member_2(G, N, X, [_T|Ts]) ->
gen_member_2(G, N, X, Ts).
gen_exception(_G, N, X) ->
io:format("Warning : Exceptions not supported for java mapping, ~p ignored\n",
%%% Interface file generation
emit_interface(G, N, X, Fd) ->
Interface = ic_forms:get_java_id(X), %% Java Interface Name
IFCName = ic_forms:get_id2(X), %% Internal Interface Name
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, "public interface ~s {\n\n",[Interface]),
Body = ic_forms:get_body(X),
%% Generate type declarations inside interface
gen(G, [IFCName |N], Body),
lists:foreach(fun({_Name, Body1}) ->
emit_interface_prototypes(G, [IFCName|N], Body1, Fd) end,
[{x, Body} | X#interface.inherit_body]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, "}\n\n").
emit_interface_prototypes(G, N, [X |Xs], Fd) when is_record(X, op) ->
{_, ArgNames, TypeList} = extract_info(G, N, X),
{R, ParameterTypes, _} = TypeList,
OpName = ic_forms:get_java_id(X),
RT = ic_java_type:getParamType(G,N,R,ret),
PL = ic_util:mk_list(gen_par_list(G, N, X, ParameterTypes,ArgNames)),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, "/*\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " * Operation ~p interface functions \n", [ic_util:to_colon([OpName|N])]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " */\n\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, "~s ~s(~s)\n",[RT, OpName, PL]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " throws java.lang.Exception;\n\n\n"),
emit_interface_prototypes(G, N, Xs, Fd);
emit_interface_prototypes(G, N, [X |Xs], Fd) when is_record(X, attr) ->
ic_attribute_java:emit_attribute_prototype(G, N, X, Fd),
emit_interface_prototypes(G, N, Xs, Fd);
emit_interface_prototypes(G, N, [_X|Xs], Fd) ->
emit_interface_prototypes(G, N, Xs, Fd);
emit_interface_prototypes(_G, _N, [], _Fd) -> ok.
%%% Holder file generation
emit_holder(_G, N, X, Fd) ->
InterfaceName = ic_forms:get_java_id(X),
FullInterfaceName = ic_util:to_dot([InterfaceName|N]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, "public final class ~sHolder {\n\n",[InterfaceName]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Instance variable\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public ~s value;\n\n",[FullInterfaceName]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Constructors\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public ~sHolder() {\n",[InterfaceName]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " this(null);\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public ~sHolder(~s _arg) {\n",[InterfaceName, FullInterfaceName]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " value = _arg;\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public void _marshal() {\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public void _unmarshal() {\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, "}\n\n").
%%% Helper file generation
emit_helper(G, N, X, Fd) ->
InterfaceName = ic_forms:get_java_id(X),
FullInterfaceName = ic_util:to_dot([InterfaceName|N]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, "public final class ~sHelper {\n\n",[InterfaceName]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Constructor\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public ~sHelper() {\n",[InterfaceName]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public static void _marshal() {\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Writing the object to the message\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public static ~s _unmarshal() {\n",[FullInterfaceName]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Reading the object from the message\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " return null;\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public static java.lang.String id() {\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " return ~p;\n",[ictk:get_IR_ID(G, N, X)]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, "}\n\n").
%%% Stub file generation
emit_stub(G, N, X, Fd) ->
InterfaceName = ic_forms:get_java_id(X), %% Java Interface Name
IFCName = ic_forms:get_id2(X), %% Internal Interface Name
FullInterfaceName = ic_util:to_dot([InterfaceName|N]),
Body = ic_forms:get_body(X),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, "public class _~sStub implements ~s {\n\n",
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Client data\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public ~sEnvironment _env;\n\n",[?ICPACKAGE]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Constructors\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public _~sStub(~sOtpSelf _self,\n",[InterfaceName,?ERLANGPACKAGE]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~sOtpPeer _peer,\n",[?ERLANGPACKAGE]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " java.lang.Object _server) throws java.lang.Exception {\n\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _env =\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " new ~sEnvironment(_self, _peer, _server);\n",[?ICPACKAGE]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _env.connect();\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public _~sStub(java.lang.String _selfN,\n",[InterfaceName]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " java.lang.String _peerN,\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " java.lang.String _cookie,\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " java.lang.Object _server) throws java.lang.Exception {\n\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _env =\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " new ~sEnvironment(_selfN, _peerN, _cookie, _server);\n",[?ICPACKAGE]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _env.connect();\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public _~sStub(~sOtpConnection _connection,\n",[InterfaceName, ?ERLANGPACKAGE]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " java.lang.Object _server) throws java.lang.Exception {\n\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _env =\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " new ~sEnvironment(_connection, _server);\n",[?ICPACKAGE]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _env.connect();\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n"),
lists:foreach(fun({_Name, Body1}) ->
emit_op_implementation(G, [IFCName|N], Body1, Fd) end,
[{x, Body} | X#interface.inherit_body]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, "}\n\n").
emit_op_implementation(G, N, [X |Xs], Fd) when is_record(X, op) ->
WireOpName = ic_forms:get_id2(X),
OpName = ic_forms:get_java_id(WireOpName),
{_, ArgNames, TypeList} = extract_info(G, N, X),
{R, ParamTypes, _} = TypeList,
RT = ic_java_type:getParamType(G,N,R,ret),
PL = ic_util:mk_list(gen_par_list(G, N, X, ParamTypes, ArgNames)),
CMCPL = ic_util:mk_list(gen_client_marshal_call_par_list(ArgNames)),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Operation ~p implementation\n", [ic_util:to_colon([WireOpName|N])]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public ~s ~s(~s)\n", [RT, OpName, PL]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " throws java.lang.Exception {\n\n"),
%% Function marshal call
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Calling the marshal function\n"),
case CMCPL of
"" ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _~s_marshal(_env);\n\n",[OpName]);
_ ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _~s_marshal(_env, ~s);\n\n",[OpName, CMCPL])
%% Sending call
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Message send\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _env.send();\n\n"),
case ic_forms:is_oneway(X) of
true ->
false ->
%% Receiving return values
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Message receive\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _env.receive();\n\n"),
%% Function unmarshal call
case RT of
"void" ->
case ic_util:mk_list(gen_client_unmarshal_call_par_list(ArgNames)) of
"" ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Calling the unmarshal function\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _~s_unmarshal(_env);\n",
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Calling the unmarshal function\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _~s_unmarshal(_env, ~s);\n",
_ ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Calling the unmarshal function\n"),
case ic_util:mk_list(gen_client_unmarshal_call_par_list(ArgNames)) of
"" ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " return _~s_unmarshal(_env);\n",
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " return _~s_unmarshal(_env, ~s);\n",
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n"),
%% Marshalling
emit_op_marshal(G, N, X, Fd),
%% UnMarshalling
emit_op_unmarshal(G, N, X, Fd),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, "\n"),
emit_op_implementation(G, N, Xs, Fd);
emit_op_implementation(G, N, [X |Xs], Fd) when is_record(X, attr) ->
ic_attribute_java:emit_attribute_stub_code(G, N, X, Fd),
emit_op_implementation(G, N, Xs, Fd);
emit_op_implementation(G, N, [_X|Xs], Fd) ->
emit_op_implementation(G, N, Xs, Fd);
emit_op_implementation(_G, _N, [], _Fd) -> ok.
%% Marshal operation generation
emit_op_marshal(G, N, X, Fd) ->
WireOpName = ic_forms:get_id2(X),
OpName = ic_forms:get_java_id(WireOpName),
{_, ArgNames, TypeList} = extract_info(G, N, X),
{_R, ParamTypes, _} = TypeList,
PL = ic_util:mk_list(gen_marshal_par_list(G, N, X, ParamTypes, ArgNames)),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Marshal operation for ~p\n", [OpName]),
case PL of
"" ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public static void _~s_marshal(~sEnvironment __env)\n",
[OpName, ?ICPACKAGE]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " throws java.lang.Exception {\n\n");
_ ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public static void _~s_marshal(~sEnvironment __env, ~s)\n",
[OpName, ?ICPACKAGE, PL]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " throws java.lang.Exception {\n\n")
%% Message encoding
emit_op_encode(G, N, X, OpName, WireOpName, ParamTypes, ArgNames, Fd),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n").
emit_op_encode(G, N, X, _OpN, WOpN, ParamTypes, ArgNames, Fd) ->
OpCallName = case ic_options:get_opt(G, scoped_op_calls) of
true ->
false ->
SendParamNr = count_client_send(ArgNames),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~sOtpOutputStream __os = __env.getOs();\n\n",
case ic_forms:is_oneway(X) of
true ->
%% Initiating call tuple
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Message header assembly\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " __os.reset();\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " __os.write_tuple_head(2);\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " __os.write_atom(\"$gen_cast\");\n\n");
false ->
%% Initiating call tuple
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Message header assembly\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " __os.reset();\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " __os.write_tuple_head(3);\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " __os.write_atom(\"$gen_call\");\n\n"),
%% Initiating call identity tuple
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Message identity part creation\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " __os.write_tuple_head(2);\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " __env.write_client_pid();\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " __env.write_client_ref();\n\n")
%% Operation part initializations
case SendParamNr > 0 of
true ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Operation attribute creation\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " __os.write_tuple_head(~p);\n", [SendParamNr+1]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " __os.write_atom(~p);\n", [OpCallName]),
emit_op_encode_loop(G, N, X, ParamTypes, ArgNames, 1, Fd);
false -> %% No in/inout paramaters
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " __os.write_atom(~p);\n", [OpCallName])
emit_op_encode_loop(_,_,_,_,[],_,_Fd) ->
emit_op_encode_loop(G, N, X, [_Type|Types],[{out, _Arg}|Args], Counter, Fd) ->
emit_op_encode_loop(G, N, X, Types, Args, Counter, Fd);
emit_op_encode_loop(G, N, X, [Type|Types], [{inout, Arg}|Args], Counter, Fd) ->
case ic_java_type:isBasicType(G, N, Type) of
true ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " __os~s(~s.value);\n",
[ic_java_type:marshalFun(G, N, X, Type),Arg]);
false ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~s(__os, ~s.value);\n",
[ic_java_type:marshalFun(G, N, X, Type),Arg])
emit_op_encode_loop(G, N, X, Types, Args, Counter+1, Fd);
emit_op_encode_loop(G, N, X, [Type|Types], [{in, Arg}|Args], Counter, Fd) ->
case ic_java_type:isBasicType(G, N, Type) of
true ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " __os~s(~s);\n",
[ic_java_type:marshalFun(G, N, X, Type),Arg]);
false ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~s(__os, ~s);\n",
[ic_java_type:marshalFun(G, N, X, Type),Arg])
emit_op_encode_loop(G, N, X, Types, Args, Counter+1, Fd).
%% UnMarshal operation generation
emit_op_unmarshal(G, N, X, Fd) ->
case ic_forms:is_oneway(X) of
true ->
false ->
OpName = ic_forms:get_java_id(X),
{_, ArgNames, TypeList} = extract_info(G, N, X),
{R, ParamTypes, _} = TypeList,
RT = ic_java_type:getParamType(G,N,R,ret),
PL = ic_util:mk_list(gen_unmarshal_par_list(G, N, X, ParamTypes, ArgNames)),
case PL of
"" ->
case RT of
"void" ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Unmarshal operation for ~p\n", [OpName]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public static void _~s_unmarshal(~sEnvironment __env)\n",
[OpName, ?ICPACKAGE]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " throws java.lang.Exception {\n\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " __env.getIs().read_atom();\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n");
_ ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Unmarshal operation for ~p\n", [OpName]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public static ~s _~s_unmarshal(~sEnvironment __env)\n",
[RT, OpName, ?ICPACKAGE]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " throws java.lang.Exception {\n\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Get input stream\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~sOtpInputStream __is = __env.getIs();\n\n",
emit_op_decode(G, N, X, R, RT, ParamTypes, ArgNames, Fd),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n")
_ ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Unmarshal operation for ~p\n", [OpName]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public static ~s _~s_unmarshal(~sEnvironment __env, ~s)\n",
[RT, OpName, ?ICPACKAGE, PL]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " throws java.lang.Exception {\n\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Get input stream\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~sOtpInputStream __is = __env.getIs();\n\n",
emit_op_decode(G, N, X, R, RT, ParamTypes, ArgNames, Fd),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n")
emit_op_decode(G, N, X, R, RT, ParamTypes, ArgNames, Fd) ->
ReceiveNr = count_client_receive(ArgNames),
case RT of
"void" ->
case ReceiveNr > 0 of
true ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Extracting output values\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " __is.read_tuple_head();\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " __is.read_atom();\n"),
emit_op_decode_loop(G, N, X, ParamTypes, ArgNames, 1, Fd);
false ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " __is.read_atom();\n")
_ ->
case ReceiveNr > 0 of
true ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Extracting return/output values\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " __is.read_tuple_head();\n"),
case ic_java_type:isBasicType(G,N,R) of
true ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~s _result = __is~s;\n",
[RT,ic_java_type:unMarshalFun(G, N, X, R)]);
false ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~s _result = ~s.unmarshal(__is);\n",
[RT, ic_java_type:getUnmarshalType(G,N,X,R)])
emit_op_decode_loop(G, N, X, ParamTypes, ArgNames, 1, Fd),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " return _result;\n");
false ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Extracting return value\n"),
case ic_java_type:isBasicType(G,N,R) of
true ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " return __is~s;\n",
[ic_java_type:unMarshalFun(G, N, X, R)]);
false ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " return ~s.unmarshal(__is);\n",
emit_op_decode_loop(_,_,_,_,[],_,_Fd) ->
emit_op_decode_loop(G, N, X, [_Type|Types], [{in, _Arg}|Args], Counter, Fd) ->
emit_op_decode_loop(G, N, X, Types, Args, Counter, Fd);
emit_op_decode_loop(G, N, X, [Type|Types], [{_, Arg}|Args], Counter, Fd) ->
case ic_java_type:isBasicType(G,N,Type) of
true ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~s.value = __is~s;\n",
ic_java_type:unMarshalFun(G, N, X, Type)]);
false ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~s.value = ~s.unmarshal(__is);\n",
ic_java_type:getUnmarshalType(G, N, X, Type)])
emit_op_decode_loop(G, N, X, Types, Args, Counter+1, Fd).
emit_message_reference_extraction(Fd) ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Returns call reference\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public ~sOtpErlangRef __getRef()\n",
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " throws java.lang.Exception {\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " return _env.received_ref();\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n").
emit_servers_object_access(Fd) ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Returns the server\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public java.lang.Object __server() {\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " return _env.server();\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n").
emit_client_connection_close(Fd) ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Closes connection\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public void __disconnect() {\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _env.disconnect();\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n").
emit_client_connection_reconnect(Fd) ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Reconnects client\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public void __reconnect()\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " throws java.lang.Exception {\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _env.reconnect();\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n").
emit_client_destroy(Fd) ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Destroy server\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public void __stop()\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " throws java.lang.Exception {\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _env.client_stop_server();\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n").
%%% Generates the server code
emit_skel(G, N, X, Fd) ->
InterfaceName = ic_forms:get_java_id(X),
FullInterfaceName = ic_util:to_dot([InterfaceName|N]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, "public abstract class _~sImplBase implements ~s {\n\n",
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Server data\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " protected ~sEnvironment _env = null;\n\n",[?ICPACKAGE]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Constructors\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public _~sImplBase() {\n",[InterfaceName]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n"),
emit_caller_pid(G, N, X, Fd),
%% Emit operation dictionary
emit_dictionary(G, N, X, Fd),
%% Emit server switch
emit_server_switch(G, N, X, Fd),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, "}\n").
emit_server_switch(G, N, X, Fd) ->
IFCName = ic_forms:get_id2(X), %% Internal Interface Name
Body = ic_forms:get_body(X),
Counter = 0,
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Operation invokation\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public ~sOtpOutputStream invoke(~sOtpInputStream _in)\n",
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " throws java.lang.Exception {\n\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Create a new environment if needed\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " if (_env == null)\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _env = new com.ericsson.otp.ic.Environment();\n\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Unmarshal head\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _env.uHead(_in);\n\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Switch over operation\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " return __switch(_env);\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Operation switch\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public ~sOtpOutputStream __switch(~sEnvironment __env)\n", [?ERLANGPACKAGE,?ICPACKAGE]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " throws java.lang.Exception {\n\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Setup streams and operation label\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~sOtpOutputStream __os = __env.getOs();\n",[?ERLANGPACKAGE]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " __os.reset();\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " int __label = __env.uLabel(__operations);\n\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Switch over operation\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " switch(__label) {\n\n"),
OpNr = emit_server_op_switch_loop(G,
[{x, Body} | X#interface.inherit_body],
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " case ~p: { // Standard stop operation\n\n",[OpNr]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " __env.server_stop_server();\n\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " } break;\n\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " default: // It will never come down here \n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " throw new java.lang.Exception(\"BAD OPERATION\");\n\n", []),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " if(__os.count() > 0)\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " return __os;\n\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " return null;\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n").
emit_server_op_switch_loop(_G, _N, [], C, _Fd) ->
emit_server_op_switch_loop(G, N, [{_,X}|Xs], C, Fd) ->
C1 = emit_server_op_switch(G, N, X, C, Fd),
emit_server_op_switch_loop(G, N, Xs, C1, Fd).
emit_server_op_switch(G, N, [X|Xs], C, Fd) when is_record(X, op) ->
OpName = ic_forms:get_java_id(X),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " case ~p: { // Operation ~s\n\n",[C,ic_util:to_dot([OpName|N])]),
emit_invoke(G, N, X, Fd),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " } break;\n\n"),
emit_server_op_switch(G, N, Xs, C+1, Fd);
emit_server_op_switch(G, N, [X |Xs], C, Fd) when is_record(X, attr) ->
C1 = ic_attribute_java:emit_attribute_switch_case(G,N,X,Fd,C),
emit_server_op_switch(G, N, Xs, C1, Fd);
emit_server_op_switch(G, N, [_X|Xs], C, Fd) ->
emit_server_op_switch(G, N, Xs, C, Fd);
emit_server_op_switch(_G, _N, [], C, _Fd) ->
emit_caller_pid(_G, _N, _X, Fd) ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Extracts caller identity\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public ~sOtpErlangPid __getCallerPid() {\n", [?ERLANGPACKAGE]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " return _env.getScaller();\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public ~sOtpErlangPid __getCallerPid(~sEnvironment __env) {\n",
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " return __env.getScaller();\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public boolean __isStopped() {\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " return _env.isStopped();\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public boolean __isStopped(~sEnvironment __env) {\n",
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " return __env.isStopped();\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n").
%% Creates an operation dictionary
emit_dictionary(G, N, X, Fd) ->
Counter = 0,
Body = ic_forms:get_body(X),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Operation dictionary\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " private static java.util.Dictionary __operations = new java.util.Hashtable();\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " static {\n"),
[{x, Body} | X#interface.inherit_body],
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Operation dictionary access\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " public static java.util.Dictionary __operations() {\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " return __operations;\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n").
emit_dictionary_loop(_G, _N, [], C, Fd) ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " __operations.put(~p, new java.lang.Integer(~p));\n",
emit_dictionary_loop(G, N, [{_,X}|Xs], C, Fd) ->
C1 = emit_dictionary(G, N, X, C, Fd),
emit_dictionary_loop(G, N, Xs, C1, Fd).
emit_dictionary(G, N, [X|Xs], C, Fd) when is_record(X, op) ->
OpName = case ic_options:get_opt(G, scoped_op_calls) of
true ->
false ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " __operations.put(~p, new java.lang.Integer(~p));\n",
emit_dictionary(G, N, Xs, C+1, Fd);
emit_dictionary(G, N, [X |Xs], C, Fd) when is_record(X, attr) ->
C1 = ic_attribute_java:emit_atrribute_on_dictionary(G, N, X, Fd, C),
emit_dictionary(G, N, Xs, C1, Fd);
emit_dictionary(G, N, [_X|Xs], C, Fd) ->
emit_dictionary(G, N, Xs, C, Fd);
emit_dictionary(_G, _N, [], C, _Fd) ->
emit_invoke(G, N, X, Fd) ->
{_, ArgNames, TypeList} = extract_info(G, N, X),
{R, ParamTypes, _} = TypeList,
OpName = ic_forms:get_java_id(X),
RT = ic_java_type:getParamType(G,N,R,ret),
PL = ic_util:mk_list(gen_cb_arg_list(ArgNames)),
OutParamNr = count_server_send(ArgNames),
case count_server_receive(ArgNames) of
0 ->
_C ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Preparing input\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~sOtpInputStream __is = __env.getIs();\n",
emit_server_unmarshal_loop(G, N, X, ParamTypes, ArgNames, 1, Fd)
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Calling implementation function\n"),
case RT of
"void" ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " this.~s(~s);\n\n",
_ ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~s _result = this.~s(~s);\n\n",
[RT, OpName, PL])
case ic_forms:is_oneway(X) of
true ->
false ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " // Marshaling output\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~sOtpErlangRef __ref = __env.getSref();\n",[?ERLANGPACKAGE]),
case RT of
"void" ->
case OutParamNr > 0 of
true ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " __os.write_tuple_head(2);\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " __os.write_ref(__ref.node(),__ref.ids(),__ref.creation()); // Call reference\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " __os.write_tuple_head(~p);\n",[OutParamNr+1]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " __os.write_atom(\"ok\");\n"),
emit_server_marshal_loop(G, N, X, ParamTypes,ArgNames,1,Fd);
false ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " __os.write_tuple_head(2);\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " __os.write_ref(__ref.node(),__ref.ids(),__ref.creation()); // Call reference\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " __os.write_atom(\"ok\");\n\n")
_ ->
case OutParamNr > 0 of
true ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " __os.write_tuple_head(2);\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " __os.write_ref(__ref.node(),__ref.ids(),__ref.creation()); // Call reference\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " __os.write_tuple_head(~p);\n",[OutParamNr+1]),
case ic_java_type:isBasicType(G,N,R) of
true ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " __os~s(_result); // Return value\n",
false ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~s(__os,_result); // Return value\n",
emit_server_marshal_loop(G, N, X, ParamTypes,ArgNames,1,Fd);
false ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " __os.write_tuple_head(2);\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " __os.write_ref(__ref.node(),__ref.ids(),__ref.creation()); // Call reference\n"),
case ic_java_type:isBasicType(G,N,R) of
true ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " __os~s(_result); // Return value\n\n",
false ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~s(__os,_result); // Return value\n\n",
emit_server_unmarshal_loop(_,_,_,_,[],_,Fd) ->
emit_server_unmarshal_loop(G, N, X, [Type|Types], [{in, Arg}|Args], Counter, Fd) ->
case ic_java_type:isBasicType(G,N,Type) of
true ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~s ~s = __is~s; // In value\n",
false ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~s ~s = ~s.unmarshal(__is); // In value\n",
emit_server_unmarshal_loop(G, N, X, Types, Args, Counter+1, Fd);
emit_server_unmarshal_loop(G, N, X, [Type|Types],[{inout, Arg}|Args], Counter, Fd) ->
Holder = ic_java_type:getHolderType(G,N,Type),
case ic_java_type:isBasicType(G,N,Type) of
true ->
% OtpEncVar = ic_java_type:getUnmarshalType(G,N,X,Type),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~s _~s = __is~s;\n",
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~s ~s = new ~s(_~s); // InOut value\n",
false ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~s ~s = new ~s(); // InOut value\n",
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~s._unmarshal(__is);\n",
emit_server_unmarshal_loop(G, N, X, Types, Args, Counter+1, Fd);
emit_server_unmarshal_loop(G, N, X, [Type|Types],[{out, Arg}|Args], Counter, Fd) ->
Holder = ic_java_type:getHolderType(G,N,Type),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~s ~s = new ~s(); // Out value\n", [Holder, Arg, Holder]),
emit_server_unmarshal_loop(G, N, X, Types, Args, Counter, Fd).
emit_server_marshal_loop(_,_,_,_,[],_,_Fd) ->
emit_server_marshal_loop(G, N, X, [_Type|Types],[{in, _Arg}|Args], Counter, Fd) ->
emit_server_marshal_loop(G, N, X, Types, Args, Counter, Fd);
emit_server_marshal_loop(G, N, X, [Type|Types],[{_, Arg}|Args], Counter, Fd) ->
% Holder = ic_java_type:getHolderType(G,N,Type),
case ic_java_type:isBasicType(G,N,Type) of
true ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " __os~s(~s.value); // Out/InOut value\n",
false ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~s._marshal(__os); // Out/InOut value\n",
emit_server_marshal_loop(G, N, X, Types, Args, Counter+1, Fd).
%%% Utilities
extract_info(_G, N, X) when is_record(X, op) ->
Name = ic_util:to_undersc([ic_forms:get_id2(X) | N]),
Args = X#op.params,
ArgNames = mk_c_vars(Args),
TypeList = {ic_forms:get_type(X),
lists:map(fun(Y) -> ic_forms:get_type(Y) end, Args),
{Name, ArgNames, TypeList};
extract_info(_G, N, X) ->
Name = ic_util:to_undersc([ic_forms:get_id2(X) | N]),
{Name, [], []}.
%% Input is a list of parameters (in parse form) and output is a list
%% of parameter attribute and variable names.
mk_c_vars(Params) ->
lists:map(fun(P) -> {A, _} = P#param.inout,
{A, ic_forms:get_id(P#param.id)}
handle_preproc(G, _N, line_nr, X) ->
Id = ic_forms:get_java_id(X),
Flags = X#preproc.aux,
case Flags of
[] -> ic_genobj:push_file(G, Id);
_ ->
lists:foldr(fun({_, _, "1"}, Gprim) -> ic_genobj:push_file(Gprim, Id);
({_, _, "2"}, Gprim) -> ic_genobj:pop_file(Gprim, Id);
({_, _, "3"}, Gprim) -> ic_genobj:sys_file(Gprim, Id) end,
G, Flags)
handle_preproc(G, _N, _Other, _X) ->
gen_par_list(_, _, _, [], []) ->
gen_par_list(G, N, X, [Type |Types], [{Attr, Arg}|Args]) ->
JType = ic_java_type:getParamType(G, N, Type, Attr),
[JType ++ " " ++ Arg |
gen_par_list(G, N, X, Types, Args)].
gen_marshal_par_list(_, _, _, [], []) ->
gen_marshal_par_list(G, N, X, [_Type |Types], [{out, _Arg}|Args]) ->
gen_marshal_par_list(G, N, X, Types, Args);
gen_marshal_par_list(G, N, X, [Type |Types], [{Attr, Arg}|Args]) ->
JType = ic_java_type:getParamType(G, N, Type, Attr),
[JType ++ " " ++ Arg |
gen_marshal_par_list(G, N, X, Types, Args)].
gen_unmarshal_par_list(_, _, _, [], []) ->
gen_unmarshal_par_list(G, N, X, [_Type |Types], [{in, _Arg}|Args]) ->
gen_unmarshal_par_list(G, N, X, Types, Args);
gen_unmarshal_par_list(G, N, X, [Type |Types], [{Attr, Arg}|Args]) ->
JType = ic_java_type:getParamType(G, N, Type, Attr),
[JType ++ " " ++ Arg |
gen_unmarshal_par_list(G, N, X, Types, Args)].
gen_client_marshal_call_par_list([]) ->
gen_client_marshal_call_par_list([{out, _Arg}|Args]) ->
gen_client_marshal_call_par_list([{_Attr, Arg}|Args]) ->
[Arg | gen_client_marshal_call_par_list(Args)].
gen_client_unmarshal_call_par_list([]) ->
gen_client_unmarshal_call_par_list([{in, _Arg}|Args]) ->
gen_client_unmarshal_call_par_list([{_Attr, Arg}|Args]) ->
[Arg | gen_client_unmarshal_call_par_list(Args)].
count_client_receive(ArgNames) ->
count_client_receive([],C) ->
count_client_receive([{in, _Arg}|Args],C) ->
count_client_receive([_|Args],C) ->
count_client_send(ArgNames) ->
count_client_send([],C) ->
count_client_send([{out, _Arg}|Args],C) ->
count_client_send([_|Args],C) ->
gen_cb_arg_list([]) ->
gen_cb_arg_list([{_Attr, Arg}|Args]) ->
[Arg | gen_cb_arg_list(Args)].
count_server_receive(ArgNames) ->
count_server_receive([],C) ->
count_server_receive([_|Args],C) ->
count_server_send(ArgNames) ->
count_server_send([],C) ->
count_server_send([{in, _Arg}|Args],C) ->
count_server_send([_|Args],C) ->
emit_type_function(G, N, X, Fd) ->
TC = ic_forms:get_type_code(G, N, X),
%%io:format("X = ~p\nTC = ~p\n",[X,TC]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " private static ~sTypeCode _tc;\n",[?ICPACKAGE]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " synchronized public static ~sTypeCode type() {\n\n",[?ICPACKAGE]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " if (_tc != null)\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " return _tc;\n\n"),
emit_type_function(TC, 0, Fd),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, "\n _tc = _tc0;\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, "\n return _tc0;\n"),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " }\n\n").
emit_type_function({tk_struct, ID, Name, ML}, C, Fd) -> %% struct
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~sTypeCode _tc~p =\n",[?ICPACKAGE,C]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " new ~sTypeCode();\n", [?ICPACKAGE]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _tc~p.kind(~sTCKind.tk_struct);\n", [C,?ICPACKAGE]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _tc~p.id(~p);\n", [C,ID]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _tc~p.name(~p);\n", [C,Name]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _tc~p.member_count(~p);\n", [C,length(ML)]),
emit_struct_members(ML, C, C+1, 0, Fd);
emit_type_function({tk_enum, ID, Name, MNames}, C, Fd) -> %% enum
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~sTypeCode _tc~p =\n",[?ICPACKAGE,C]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " new ~sTypeCode();\n", [?ICPACKAGE]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _tc~p.kind(~sTCKind.tk_enum);\n", [C,?ICPACKAGE]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _tc~p.id(~p);\n", [C,ID]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _tc~p.name(~p);\n", [C,Name]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _tc~p.member_count(~p);\n", [C,length(MNames)]),
emit_enum_members(MNames, C, 0, Fd),
emit_type_function({tk_array, ET, L}, C, Fd) -> %% array
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~sTypeCode _tc~p =\n",[?ICPACKAGE,C]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " new ~sTypeCode();\n", [?ICPACKAGE]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _tc~p.kind(~sTCKind.tk_array);\n", [C,?ICPACKAGE]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _tc~p.id(id());\n",[C]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _tc~p.length(~p);\n", [C,L]),
C1 = C+1,
C2 = emit_type_function(ET, C1, Fd),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _tc~p.content_type(_tc~p);\n", [C,C1]),
emit_type_function({tk_sequence, ET, L}, C, Fd) -> %% sequence
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~sTypeCode _tc~p =\n",[?ICPACKAGE,C]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " new ~sTypeCode();\n", [?ICPACKAGE]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _tc~p.kind(~sTCKind.tk_sequence);\n", [C,?ICPACKAGE]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _tc~p.id(id());\n",[C]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _tc~p.length(~p);\n", [C,L]),
C1 = C+1,
C2 = emit_type_function(ET, C1, Fd),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _tc~p.content_type(_tc~p);\n", [C,C1]),
emit_type_function({tk_string, L}, C, Fd) -> %% string
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~sTypeCode _tc~p =\n",[?ICPACKAGE,C]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " new ~sTypeCode();\n", [?ICPACKAGE]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _tc~p.kind(~sTCKind.tk_string);\n", [C,?ICPACKAGE]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _tc~p.length(~p);\n", [C,L]),
emit_type_function({tk_union, ID, Name, DT, DI, LL}, C, Fd) -> %% union
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~sTypeCode _tc~p =\n",[?ICPACKAGE,C]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " new ~sTypeCode();\n", [?ICPACKAGE]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _tc~p.kind(~sTCKind.tk_union);\n", [C,?ICPACKAGE]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _tc~p.id(~p);\n", [C,ID]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _tc~p.name(~p);\n", [C,Name]),
C1 = C+1,
C2 = emit_type_function(DT, C1, Fd),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _tc~p.discriminator_type(_tc~p);\n", [C,C1]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _tc~p.default_index(~p);\n", [C,DI]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _tc~p.member_count(~p);\n", [C,length(LL)]),
emit_union_labels(LL, C, DT, C2, 0, Fd);
emit_type_function(tk_term, C, Fd) -> %% term, must change it to tk_any
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~sTypeCode _tc~p =\n",[?ICPACKAGE,C]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " new ~sTypeCode();\n", [?ICPACKAGE]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _tc~p.kind(~sTCKind.tk_any);\n", [C,?ICPACKAGE]),
emit_type_function(TC, C, Fd) -> %% other
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~sTypeCode _tc~p =\n",[?ICPACKAGE,C]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " new ~sTypeCode();\n", [?ICPACKAGE]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _tc~p.kind(~sTCKind.~p);\n", [C,?ICPACKAGE,TC]),
emit_struct_members([], _, TCtr, _, _Fd) ->
emit_struct_members([{Name,MT}|Rest], BTCtr, TCtr, I, Fd) ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _tc~p.member_name(~p,~p);\n", [BTCtr,I,Name]),
TCtr2 = emit_type_function(MT, TCtr, Fd),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _tc~p.member_type(~p,_tc~p);\n", [BTCtr,I,TCtr]),
emit_struct_members(Rest, BTCtr, TCtr2, I+1, Fd).
emit_enum_members([], _, _, _Fd) ->
emit_enum_members([Name|Names], BTCtr, I, Fd) ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _tc~p.member_name(~p,~p);\n", [BTCtr,I,Name]),
emit_enum_members(Names, BTCtr, I+1, Fd).
emit_union_labels([], _, _, TCtr, _, _) ->
emit_union_labels([{L, LN, LT}|Rest], BTCtr, DT, TCtr, I, Fd) ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " ~sAny _any~p =\n",[?ICPACKAGE,TCtr]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " new ~sAny();\n", [?ICPACKAGE]),
TCtr1 = TCtr+1,
TCtr2 = emit_type_function(LT, TCtr1,Fd),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _any~p.type(_tc~p);\n",[TCtr,TCtr1]),
case L of
default ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _any~p.insert_atom(\"default\");\n", [TCtr]);
_ ->
case DT of
tk_boolean ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _any~p.insert_boolean(~p);\n",[TCtr,L]);
tk_char ->
Default = if is_integer(L) ->
true ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _any~p.insert_char('~s');\n",[TCtr,Default]);
tk_ushort ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _any~p.insert_ushort(~p);\n",[TCtr,L]);
tk_ulong ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _any~p.insert_ulong(~p);\n",[TCtr,L]);
tk_short ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _any~p.insert_short(~p);\n",[TCtr,L]);
tk_long ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _any~p.insert_long(~p);\n",[TCtr,L]);
_ ->
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _any~p.insert_string(~p);\n", [TCtr,L])
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _tc~p.member_label(~p,_any~p);\n", [BTCtr,I,TCtr]),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _tc~p.member_name(~p,~p);\n", [BTCtr,I,LN]),
TCtr3 = emit_type_function(LT, TCtr2, Fd),
ic_codegen:emit(Fd, " _tc~p.member_type(~p,_tc~p);\n", [BTCtr,I,TCtr2]),
emit_union_labels(Rest, BTCtr, DT, TCtr3, I+1, Fd).