%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1998-2010. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% External exports
-export([new/0, store/3, retrieve/2, soft_retrieve/2, intf_resolv/3]).
-export([get_full_scoped_name/3, scoped_id_new_global/1, scoped_id_new/1]).
-export([scoped_id_is_global/1, scoped_id_add/2]).
%% Internal exports
%% External functions
%% Symbol table routines
%% Symbol tables handles mappings Id -> Value, where Id is an
%% ordinary Id from the parser (or a string) and value is an
%% arbitrary term.
%% Func: new/0 (used to be symtab_new)
new() ->
ets:new(symtab, [set, public]).
%% Func: store/3 (used to be symtab_store)
store(G, N, X) ->
Name = [ic_forms:get_id2(X) | N],
%%io:format("Adding id: ~p~n", [N]),
case soft_retrieve(G, Name) of
{error, _} ->
ets:insert(G#genobj.symtab, {Name, X});
{ok, Y} when is_record(Y, forward) ->
ets:insert(G#genobj.symtab, {Name, X});
{ok, Y} when is_record(Y, constr_forward) ->
ets:insert(G#genobj.symtab, {Name, X});
{ok, _Y} ->
ic_error:error(G, {multiply_defined, X})
%% Func: retrieve/2 (used to be symtab_retrieve)
%% Makes a lookup in the symbol table for Id. Will throw
%% not_found if it fails.
retrieve(G, Id) ->
case ets:lookup(G#genobj.symtab, Id) of
[{_, Val}] -> Val;
[] -> ic_error:error(G, {symtab_not_found, Id})
%% Func: soft_retrieve/2 (used to be symtab_soft_retrieve)
%% Same as retrieve but will use tagged return values.
soft_retrieve(G, Id) ->
case ets:lookup(G#genobj.symtab, Id) of
[{_, Val}] -> {ok, Val};
[] -> {error, {symtab_not_found, Id}}
%% Func: intf_resolv/3 and resolv2/3
%% (used to be symtab_intf_resolv and symtab_intf_resolv2)
%% Tries to resolv the interface identifier reference. The id can
%% be either a scoped name or an standard identifier. The
%% function returns a global reference to the id.
%% Will throw not_found if the id really cannot be found. Will
%% throw illegal_forward if any forward references are founf in
%% the inheritance list.
intf_resolv(G, Scope, Id) ->
case scoped_id_is_global(Id) of
true ->
retrieve(G, Id),
false ->
intf_resolv2(G, Scope, Id)
intf_resolv2(G, Scope, Id) ->
N = scoped_id_add(Scope, Id),
case soft_retrieve(G, scoped_id_strip(N)) of
{ok, F} when is_record(F, forward) ->
ic_error:error(G, {illegal_forward, Id}), [];
{ok, _Val} ->
_ ->
case scoped_id_is_top(Scope) of
false ->
intf_resolv2(G, scoped_id_up_one(Scope), Id);
true ->
ic_error:error(G, {symtab_not_found, Id}), []
%% Scoped id routines
%% A scoped id is an id written as M::Id in IDL. Scoped ids are
%% implemented as lists of id in reverse order, so M1::F1 becomes
%% [F1, M1].
get_full_scoped_name(G, N, S) when element(1, S) == scoped_id ->
ictype:scoped_lookup(G, ic_genobj:tktab(G), N, S).
scoped_id_new_global(Id) ->
X=scoped_id_new(Id), X#scoped_id{type=global}.
scoped_id_new(Id) ->
#scoped_id{line=ic_forms:get_line(Id), id=[ic_forms:get_id(Id)]}.
%% Adds one more id to the list of ids
scoped_id_add(S1, S2) when is_record(S2, scoped_id) ->
S1#scoped_id{id=S2#scoped_id.id ++ S1#scoped_id.id,
scoped_id_add(S, Id) ->
S#scoped_id{id=[ic_forms:get_id(Id) | S#scoped_id.id], line=ic_forms:get_line(Id)}.
scoped_id_mk_global(S) -> S#scoped_id{type=global}.
scoped_id_is_global(S) when is_record(S, scoped_id), S#scoped_id.type==global ->
scoped_id_is_global(_) -> false.
%% Top level scope (i.e no more cd ..)
scoped_id_is_top(S) when S#scoped_id.id==[] -> true;
scoped_id_is_top(_) -> false.
scoped_id_up_one(S) -> S#scoped_id{id=tl(S#scoped_id.id)}. % cd .. in scope
%%scoped_id_get_def(S) -> hd(S#scoped_id.id). % Last added id
scoped_id_strip(S) -> S#scoped_id.id. % Strips all junk
% Add CORBA::<Types> that as if they
% were defined in an included file.
% This is only supported in the case
% of Corba backend
symtab_add_faked_included_types(G) ->
case ic_options:get_opt(G, be) of
false ->
%% Add TypeCode as if it were defiend in included file
ets:insert(G#genobj.symtab, {["CORBA"],
erl_corba ->
%% Add TypeCode as if it were defiend in included file
ets:insert(G#genobj.symtab, {["CORBA"],
erl_template ->
%% Add TypeCode as if it were defiend in included file
ets:insert(G#genobj.symtab, {["CORBA"],
_ ->
%% Internal functions