%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2005-2009. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% Description: This module impements handling of ftp server responses.
%% Internal API
-export([parse_lines/3, interpret/1, error_string/1]).
%% First group of reply code digits
-define(POS_PREL, 1).
-define(POS_COMPL, 2).
-define(POS_INTERM, 3).
-define(TRANS_NEG_COMPL, 4).
-define(PERM_NEG_COMPL, 5).
%% Second group of reply code digits
%% parse_lines(Data, AccLines, StatusCode) -> {ok, Lines} |
%% {continue, {Data,
%% AccLines, StatusCode}}
%% Data = binary() - data recived on the control connection from the
%% ftp-server.
%% AccLines = [string()]
%% StatusCode = start | {byte(), byte(), byte()} | finish -
%% Indicates where in the parsing process we are.
%% start - (looking for the status code of the message)
%% {byte(), byte(), byte()} - status code found, now
%% looking for the last line indication.
%% finish - now on the last line.
%% Description: Parses a ftp control response message.
%% "A reply is defined to contain the 3-digit code, followed by Space
%% <SP>, followed by one line of text (where some maximum line length
%% has been specified), and terminated by the Telnet end-of-line
%% code (CRLF), or a so called multilined reply for example:
%% 123-First line
%% Second line
%% 234 A line beginning with numbers
%% 123 The last line
%% The user-process then simply needs to search for the second
%% occurrence of the same reply code, followed by <SP> (Space), at
%% the beginning of a line, and ignore all intermediary lines. If
%% an intermediary line begins with a 3-digit number, the Server
%% will pad the front to avoid confusion.
%% Make sure we received the first 4 bytes so we know how to parse
%% the FTP server response e.i. is the response composed of one
%% or multiple lines.
parse_lines(Bin, Lines, start) when size(Bin) < 4 ->
{continue, {Bin, Lines, start}};
%% Multiple lines exist
parse_lines(<<C1, C2, C3, $-, Rest/binary>>, Lines, start) ->
parse_lines(Rest, [$-, C3, C2, C1 | Lines], {C1, C2, C3});
%% Only one line exists
parse_lines(<<C1, C2, C3, ?WHITE_SPACE, Bin/binary>>, Lines, start) ->
parse_lines(Bin, [?WHITE_SPACE, C3, C2, C1 | Lines], finish);
%% Last line found
parse_lines(<<C1, C2, C3, ?WHITE_SPACE, Rest/binary>>, Lines, {C1, C2, C3}) ->
parse_lines(Rest, [?WHITE_SPACE, C3, C2, C1 | Lines], finish);
%% Potential end found wait for more data
parse_lines(<<C1, C2, C3>> = Bin, Lines, {C1, C2, C3}) ->
{continue, {Bin, Lines, {C1, C2, C3}}};
%% Intermidate line begining with status code
parse_lines(<<C1, C2, C3, Rest/binary>>, Lines, {C1, C2, C3}) ->
parse_lines(Rest, [C3, C2, C1 | Lines], {C1, C2, C3});
%% Potential last line wait for more data
parse_lines(<<C1, C2>> = Data, Lines, {C1, C2, _} = StatusCode) ->
{continue, {Data, Lines, StatusCode}};
parse_lines(<<C1>> = Data, Lines, {C1, _, _} = StatusCode) ->
{continue, {Data, Lines, StatusCode}};
parse_lines(<<>> = Data, Lines, {_,_,_} = StatusCode) ->
{continue, {Data, Lines, StatusCode}};
%% Part of the multiple lines
parse_lines(<<Octet, Rest/binary>>, Lines, {_,_, _} = StatusCode) ->
parse_lines(Rest, [Octet | Lines], StatusCode);
%% End of FTP server response found
parse_lines(<<?CR, ?LF>>, Lines, finish) ->
{ok, lists:reverse([?LF, ?CR | Lines]), <<>>};
parse_lines(<<?CR, ?LF, Rest/binary>>, Lines, finish) ->
{ok, lists:reverse([?LF, ?CR | Lines]), Rest};
%% Potential end found wait for more data
parse_lines(<<?CR>> = Data, Lines, finish) ->
{continue, {Data, Lines, finish}};
parse_lines(<<>> = Data, Lines, finish) ->
{continue, {Data, Lines, finish}};
%% Part of last line
parse_lines(<<Octet, Rest/binary>>, Lines, finish) ->
parse_lines(Rest, [Octet | Lines], finish).
%% interpret(Lines) -> {Status, Text}
%% Lines = [byte(), byte(), byte() | Text] - ftp server response as
%% returned by parse_lines/3
%% Stauts = atom() (see interpret_status/3)
%% Text = [string()]
%% Description: Create nicer data to match on.
interpret([Didgit1, Didgit2, Didgit3 | Data]) ->
Code1 = Didgit1 - $0,
Code2 = Didgit2 - $0,
Code3 = Didgit3 - $0,
{interpret_status(Code1, Code2, Code3), Data}.
%% error_string(Error) -> string()
%% Error = {error, term()} | term()
%% Description: Translates error codes into strings intended for
%% human interpretation.
error_string({error, Reason}) ->
error_string(echunk) -> "Synchronisation error during chunk sending.";
error_string(eclosed) -> "Session has been closed.";
error_string(econn) -> "Connection to remote server prematurely closed.";
error_string(eexists) ->"File or directory already exists.";
error_string(ehost) -> "Host not found, FTP server not found, "
"or connection rejected.";
error_string(elogin) -> "User not logged in.";
error_string(enotbinary) -> "Term is not a binary.";
error_string(epath) -> "No such file or directory, already exists, "
"or permission denied.";
error_string(etype) -> "No such type.";
error_string(euser) -> "User name or password not valid.";
error_string(etnospc) -> "Insufficient storage space in system.";
error_string(enofile) -> "No files found or file unavailable";
error_string(epnospc) -> "Exceeded storage allocation "
"(for current directory or dataset).";
error_string(efnamena) -> "File name not allowed.";
error_string(Reason) ->
lists:flatten(io_lib:format("Unknown error: ~w", [Reason])).
%%% Internal functions
%% Positive Preleminary Reply
interpret_status(?POS_PREL,_,_) -> pos_prel;
%%FIXME ??? 3??? interpret_status(?POS_COMPL, ?AUTH_ACC, 3) -> tls_upgrade;
interpret_status(?POS_COMPL, ?AUTH_ACC, 4) -> tls_upgrade;
%% Positive Completion Reply
interpret_status(?POS_COMPL,_,_) -> pos_compl;
%% Positive Intermediate Reply nedd account
interpret_status(?POS_INTERM,?AUTH_ACC,2) -> pos_interm_acct;
%% Positive Intermediate Reply
interpret_status(?POS_INTERM,_,_) -> pos_interm;
%% No files found or file not available
interpret_status(?TRANS_NEG_COMPL,?FILE_SYSTEM,0) -> enofile;
%% No storage area no action taken
interpret_status(?TRANS_NEG_COMPL,?FILE_SYSTEM,2) -> etnospc;
%% Temporary Error, no action taken
interpret_status(?TRANS_NEG_COMPL,_,_) -> trans_neg_compl;
%% Permanent disk space error, the user shall not try again
interpret_status(?PERM_NEG_COMPL,?FILE_SYSTEM,0) -> epath;
interpret_status(?PERM_NEG_COMPL,?FILE_SYSTEM,2) -> epnospc;
interpret_status(?PERM_NEG_COMPL,?FILE_SYSTEM,3) -> efnamena;
interpret_status(?PERM_NEG_COMPL,_,_) -> perm_neg_compl.