%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2002-2011. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% Internal Application API
%% connect_and_send/2,
%% gen_server callbacks
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
terminate/2, code_change/3]).
request_timers = [], % [ref()]
queue_timer % ref()
request, % #request{}
session, % #session{}
status_line, % {Version, StatusCode, ReasonPharse}
headers, % #http_response_h{}
body, % binary()
mfa, % {Moduel, Function, Args}
pipeline = queue:new(), % queue()
keep_alive = queue:new(), % queue()
status, % undefined | new | pipeline | keep_alive | close | ssl_tunnel
canceled = [], % [RequestId]
max_header_size = nolimit, % nolimit | integer()
max_body_size = nolimit, % nolimit | integer()
options, % #options{}
timers = #timers{}, % #timers{}
profile_name, % atom() - id of httpc_manager process.
once % send | undefined
%% External functions
%% Function: start_link(Request, Options, ProfileName) -> {ok, Pid}
%% Request = #request{}
%% Options = #options{}
%% ProfileName = atom() - id of httpc manager process
%% Description: Starts a http-request handler process. Intended to be
%% called by the httpc profile supervisor or the http manager process
%% if the client is started stand alone form inets.
%% Note: Uses proc_lib and gen_server:enter_loop so that waiting
%% for gen_tcp:connect to timeout in init/1 will not
%% block the httpc manager process in odd cases such as trying to call
%% a server that does not exist. (See OTP-6735) The only API function
%% sending messages to the handler process that can be called before
%% init has compleated is cancel and that is not a problem! (Send and
%% stream will not be called before the first request has been sent and
%% the reply or part of it has arrived.)
start_link(Parent, Request, Options, ProfileName) ->
{ok, proc_lib:start_link(?MODULE, init, [[Parent, Request, Options,
%% Function: send(Request, Pid) -> ok
%% Request = #request{}
%% Pid = pid() - the pid of the http-request handler process.
%% Description: Uses this handlers session to send a request. Intended
%% to be called by the httpc manager process.
send(Request, Pid) ->
call(Request, Pid, 5000).
%% Function: cancel(RequestId, Pid) -> ok
%% RequestId = ref()
%% Pid = pid() - the pid of the http-request handler process.
%% Description: Cancels a request. Intended to be called by the httpc
%% manager process.
cancel(RequestId, Pid, From) ->
cast({cancel, RequestId, From}, Pid).
%% Function: stream_next(Pid) -> ok
%% Pid = pid() - the pid of the http-request handler process.
%% Description: Works as inets:setopts(active, once) but for
%% body chunks sent to the user.
stream_next(Pid) ->
cast(stream_next, Pid).
%% Function: info(Pid) -> [{Key, Val}]
%% Pid = pid() - the pid of the http-request handler process.
%% Description:
%% Returns various information related to this handler
%% Used for debugging and testing
info(Pid) ->
call(info, Pid).
%% Function: stream(BodyPart, Request, Code) -> _
%% BodyPart = binary()
%% Request = #request{}
%% Code = integer()
%% Description: Stream the HTTP body to the caller process (client)
%% or to a file. Note that the data that has been stream
%% does not have to be saved. (We do not want to use up
%% memory in vain.)
%% Request should not be streamed
stream(BodyPart, #request{stream = none} = Request, _) ->
?hcrt("stream - none", []),
{BodyPart, Request};
%% Stream to caller
stream(BodyPart, #request{stream = Self} = Request, Code)
when ((Code =:= 200) orelse (Code =:= 206)) andalso
((Self =:= self) orelse (Self =:= {self, once})) ->
?hcrt("stream - self", [{stream, Self}, {code, Code}]),
{Request#request.id, stream, BodyPart}),
{<<>>, Request};
%% Stream to file
%% This has been moved to start_stream/3
%% We keep this for backward compatibillity...
stream(BodyPart, #request{stream = Filename} = Request, Code)
when ((Code =:= 200) orelse (Code =:= 206)) andalso is_list(Filename) ->
?hcrt("stream - filename", [{stream, Filename}, {code, Code}]),
case file:open(Filename, [write, raw, append, delayed_write]) of
{ok, Fd} ->
?hcrt("stream - file open ok", [{fd, Fd}]),
stream(BodyPart, Request#request{stream = Fd}, 200);
{error, Reason} ->
exit({stream_to_file_failed, Reason})
%% Stream to file
stream(BodyPart, #request{stream = Fd} = Request, Code)
when ((Code =:= 200) orelse (Code =:= 206)) ->
?hcrt("stream to file", [{stream, Fd}, {code, Code}]),
case file:write(Fd, BodyPart) of
ok ->
{<<>>, Request};
{error, Reason} ->
exit({stream_to_file_failed, Reason})
stream(BodyPart, Request,_) -> % only 200 and 206 responses can be streamed
?hcrt("stream - ignore", [{request, Request}]),
{BodyPart, Request}.
%% Server functions
%% Function: init([Options, ProfileName]) -> {ok, State} |
%% {ok, State, Timeout} | ignore | {stop, Reason}
%% Options = #options{}
%% ProfileName = atom() - id of httpc manager process
%% Description: Initiates the httpc_handler process
%% Note: The init function may not fail, that will kill the
%% httpc_manager process. We could make the httpc_manager more comlex
%% but we do not want that so errors will be handled by the process
%% sending an init_error message to itself.
init([Parent, Request, Options, ProfileName]) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
%% Do not let initial tcp-connection block the manager-process
proc_lib:init_ack(Parent, self()),
Address = handle_proxy(Request#request.address, Options#options.proxy),
{ok, State} =
case {Address /= Request#request.address, Request#request.scheme} of
{true, https} ->
Error = https_through_proxy_is_not_currently_supported,
self() ! {init_error,
Error, httpc_response:error(Request, Error)},
{ok, #state{request = Request, options = Options,
status = ssl_tunnel}};
{_, _} ->
connect_and_send_first_request(Address, Request,
#state{options = Options,
profile_name = ProfileName})
gen_server:enter_loop(?MODULE, [], State).
%% Function: handle_call(Request, From, State) -> {reply, Reply, State} |
%% {reply, Reply, State, Timeout} |
%% {noreply, State} |
%% {noreply, State, Timeout} |
%% {stop, Reason, Reply, State} | (terminate/2 is called)
%% {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called)
%% Description: Handling call messages
handle_call(#request{address = Addr} = Request, _,
#state{status = Status,
session = #session{type = pipeline} = Session,
timers = Timers,
options = #options{proxy = Proxy} = _Options,
profile_name = ProfileName} = State)
when Status =/= undefined ->
?hcrv("new request on a pipeline session",
[{request, Request},
{profile, ProfileName},
{status, Status},
{timers, Timers}]),
Address = handle_proxy(Addr, Proxy),
case httpc_request:send(Address, Session, Request) of
ok ->
?hcrd("request sent", []),
%% Activate the request time out for the new request
NewState =
activate_request_timeout(State#state{request = Request}),
ClientClose =
case State#state.request of
#request{} -> %% Old request not yet finished
?hcrd("old request still not finished", []),
%% Make sure to use the new value of timers in state
NewTimers = NewState#state.timers,
NewPipeline = queue:in(Request, State#state.pipeline),
NewSession =
Session#session{queue_length =
%% Queue + current
queue:len(NewPipeline) + 1,
client_close = ClientClose},
httpc_manager:insert_session(NewSession, ProfileName),
?hcrd("session updated", []),
{reply, ok, State#state{pipeline = NewPipeline,
session = NewSession,
timers = NewTimers}};
undefined ->
%% Note: tcp-message receiving has already been
%% activated by handle_pipeline/2.
?hcrd("no current request", []),
NewSession =
Session#session{queue_length = 1,
client_close = ClientClose},
httpc_manager:insert_session(NewSession, ProfileName),
Relaxed =
MFA = {httpc_response, parse,
[State#state.max_header_size, Relaxed]},
NewTimers = Timers#timers{queue_timer = undefined},
?hcrd("session created", []),
{reply, ok, NewState#state{request = Request,
session = NewSession,
mfa = MFA,
timers = NewTimers}}
{error, Reason} ->
?hcri("failed sending request", [{reason, Reason}]),
{reply, {pipeline_failed, Reason}, State}
handle_call(#request{address = Addr} = Request, _,
#state{status = Status,
session = #session{type = keep_alive} = Session,
timers = Timers,
options = #options{proxy = Proxy} = _Options,
profile_name = ProfileName} = State)
when Status =/= undefined ->
?hcrv("new request on a keep-alive session",
[{request, Request},
{profile, ProfileName},
{status, Status}]),
Address = handle_proxy(Addr, Proxy),
case httpc_request:send(Address, Session, Request) of
ok ->
?hcrd("request sent", []),
%% Activate the request time out for the new request
NewState =
activate_request_timeout(State#state{request = Request}),
ClientClose =
case State#state.request of
#request{} -> %% Old request not yet finished
%% Make sure to use the new value of timers in state
?hcrd("old request still not finished", []),
NewTimers = NewState#state.timers,
NewKeepAlive = queue:in(Request, State#state.keep_alive),
NewSession =
Session#session{queue_length =
%% Queue + current
queue:len(NewKeepAlive) + 1,
client_close = ClientClose},
httpc_manager:insert_session(NewSession, ProfileName),
?hcrd("session updated", []),
{reply, ok, State#state{keep_alive = NewKeepAlive,
session = NewSession,
timers = NewTimers}};
undefined ->
%% Note: tcp-message reciving has already been
%% activated by handle_pipeline/2.
?hcrd("no current request", []),
NewSession =
Session#session{queue_length = 1,
client_close = ClientClose},
httpc_manager:insert_session(NewSession, ProfileName),
Relaxed =
MFA = {httpc_response, parse,
[State#state.max_header_size, Relaxed]},
{reply, ok, NewState#state{request = Request,
session = NewSession,
mfa = MFA}}
{error, Reason} ->
?hcri("failed sending request", [{reason, Reason}]),
{reply, {request_failed, Reason}, State}
handle_call(info, _, State) ->
Info = handler_info(State),
{reply, Info, State}.
%% Function: handle_cast(Msg, State) -> {noreply, State} |
%% {noreply, State, Timeout} |
%% {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called)
%% Description: Handling cast messages
%% When the request in process has been canceled the handler process is
%% stopped and the pipelined requests will be reissued or remaining
%% requests will be sent on a new connection. This is is
%% based on the assumption that it is proably cheaper to reissue the
%% requests than to wait for a potentiall large response that we then
%% only throw away. This of course is not always true maybe we could
%% do something smarter here?! If the request canceled is not
%% the one handled right now the same effect will take place in
%% handle_pipeline/2 when the canceled request is on turn,
%% handle_keep_alive_queue/2 on the other hand will just skip the
%% request as if it was never issued as in this case the request will
%% not have been sent.
handle_cast({cancel, RequestId, From},
#state{request = #request{id = RequestId} = Request,
profile_name = ProfileName,
canceled = Canceled} = State) ->
?hcrv("cancel current request", [{request_id, RequestId},
{profile, ProfileName},
{canceled, Canceled}]),
httpc_manager:request_canceled(RequestId, ProfileName, From),
?hcrv("canceled", []),
{stop, normal,
State#state{canceled = [RequestId | Canceled],
request = Request#request{from = answer_sent}}};
handle_cast({cancel, RequestId, From},
#state{profile_name = ProfileName,
request = #request{id = CurrId},
canceled = Canceled} = State) ->
?hcrv("cancel", [{request_id, RequestId},
{curr_req_id, CurrId},
{profile, ProfileName},
{canceled, Canceled}]),
httpc_manager:request_canceled(RequestId, ProfileName, From),
?hcrv("canceled", []),
{noreply, State#state{canceled = [RequestId | Canceled]}};
handle_cast(stream_next, #state{session = Session} = State) ->
{noreply, State#state{once = once}}.
%% Function: handle_info(Info, State) -> {noreply, State} |
%% {noreply, State, Timeout} |
%% {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called)
%% Description: Handling all non call/cast messages
handle_info({Proto, _Socket, Data},
#state{mfa = {Module, Function, Args},
request = #request{method = Method,
stream = Stream} = Request,
session = Session,
status_line = StatusLine} = State)
when (Proto =:= tcp) orelse
(Proto =:= ssl) orelse
(Proto =:= httpc_handler) ->
?hcri("received data", [{proto, Proto},
{module, Module},
{function, Function},
{method, Method},
{stream, Stream},
{session, Session},
{status_line, StatusLine}]),
FinalResult =
try Module:Function([Data | Args]) of
{ok, Result} ->
?hcrd("data processed - ok", []),
handle_http_msg(Result, State);
{_, whole_body, _} when Method =:= head ->
?hcrd("data processed - whole body", []),
handle_response(State#state{body = <<>>});
{Module, whole_body, [Body, Length]} ->
?hcrd("data processed - whole body", [{length, Length}]),
{_, Code, _} = StatusLine,
{NewBody, NewRequest} = stream(Body, Request, Code),
%% When we stream we will not keep the already
%% streamed data, that would be a waste of memory.
NewLength =
case Stream of
none ->
_ ->
Length - size(Body)
NewState = next_body_chunk(State),
NewMFA = {Module, whole_body, [NewBody, NewLength]},
{noreply, NewState#state{mfa = NewMFA,
request = NewRequest}};
NewMFA ->
?hcrd("data processed - new mfa", []),
{noreply, State#state{mfa = NewMFA}}
exit:_Exit ->
?hcrd("data processing exit", [{exit, _Exit}]),
ClientReason = {could_not_parse_as_http, Data},
ClientErrMsg = httpc_response:error(Request, ClientReason),
NewState = answer_request(Request, ClientErrMsg, State),
{stop, normal, NewState};
error:_Error ->
?hcrd("data processing error", [{error, _Error}]),
ClientReason = {could_not_parse_as_http, Data},
ClientErrMsg = httpc_response:error(Request, ClientReason),
NewState = answer_request(Request, ClientErrMsg, State),
{stop, normal, NewState}
?hcri("data processed", [{final_result, FinalResult}]),
handle_info({Proto, Socket, Data},
#state{mfa = MFA,
request = Request,
session = Session,
status = Status,
status_line = StatusLine,
profile_name = Profile} = State)
when (Proto =:= tcp) orelse
(Proto =:= ssl) orelse
(Proto =:= httpc_handler) ->
error_logger:warning_msg("Received unexpected ~p data on ~p"
"~n Data: ~p"
"~n MFA: ~p"
"~n Request: ~p"
"~n Session: ~p"
"~n Status: ~p"
"~n StatusLine: ~p"
"~n Profile: ~p"
[Proto, Socket, Data, MFA,
Request, Session, Status, StatusLine, Profile]),
{noreply, State};
%% The Server may close the connection to indicate that the
%% whole body is now sent instead of sending an length
%% indicator.
handle_info({tcp_closed, _}, State = #state{mfa = {_, whole_body, Args}}) ->
handle_response(State#state{body = hd(Args)});
handle_info({ssl_closed, _}, State = #state{mfa = {_, whole_body, Args}}) ->
handle_response(State#state{body = hd(Args)});
%%% Server closes idle pipeline
handle_info({tcp_closed, _}, State = #state{request = undefined}) ->
{stop, normal, State};
handle_info({ssl_closed, _}, State = #state{request = undefined}) ->
{stop, normal, State};
%%% Error cases
handle_info({tcp_closed, _}, #state{session = Session0} = State) ->
Socket = Session0#session.socket,
Session = Session0#session{socket = {remote_close, Socket}},
%% {stop, session_remotly_closed, State};
{stop, normal, State#state{session = Session}};
handle_info({ssl_closed, _}, #state{session = Session0} = State) ->
Socket = Session0#session.socket,
Session = Session0#session{socket = {remote_close, Socket}},
%% {stop, session_remotly_closed, State};
{stop, normal, State#state{session = Session}};
handle_info({tcp_error, _, _} = Reason, State) ->
{stop, Reason, State};
handle_info({ssl_error, _, _} = Reason, State) ->
{stop, Reason, State};
%% Timeouts
%% Internally, to a request handling process, a request timeout is
%% seen as a canceled request.
handle_info({timeout, RequestId},
#state{request = #request{id = RequestId} = Request,
canceled = Canceled,
profile_name = ProfileName} = State) ->
?hcri("timeout of current request", [{id, RequestId}]),
httpc_response:error(Request, timeout)),
httpc_manager:request_done(RequestId, ProfileName),
?hcrv("response (timeout) sent - now terminate", []),
{stop, normal,
State#state{request = Request#request{from = answer_sent},
canceled = [RequestId | Canceled]}};
handle_info({timeout, RequestId},
#state{canceled = Canceled,
profile_name = ProfileName} = State) ->
?hcri("timeout", [{id, RequestId}]),
Filter =
fun(#request{id = Id, from = From} = Request) when Id =:= RequestId ->
?hcrv("found request", [{id, Id}, {from, From}]),
%% Notify the owner
httpc_response:error(Request, timeout)),
httpc_manager:request_done(RequestId, ProfileName),
?hcrv("response (timeout) sent", []),
[Request#request{from = answer_sent}];
(_) ->
case State#state.status of
pipeline ->
?hcrd("pipeline", []),
Pipeline = queue:filter(Filter, State#state.pipeline),
{noreply, State#state{canceled = [RequestId | Canceled],
pipeline = Pipeline}};
keep_alive ->
?hcrd("keep_alive", []),
KeepAlive = queue:filter(Filter, State#state.keep_alive),
{noreply, State#state{canceled = [RequestId | Canceled],
keep_alive = KeepAlive}}
handle_info(timeout_queue, State = #state{request = undefined}) ->
{stop, normal, State};
%% Timing was such as the pipeline_timout was not canceled!
handle_info(timeout_queue, #state{timers = Timers} = State) ->
{noreply, State#state{timers =
Timers#timers{queue_timer = undefined}}};
%% Setting up the connection to the server somehow failed.
handle_info({init_error, Tag, ClientErrMsg},
State = #state{request = Request}) ->
?hcrv("init error", [{tag, Tag}, {client_error, ClientErrMsg}]),
NewState = answer_request(Request, ClientErrMsg, State),
{stop, normal, NewState};
%%% httpc_manager process dies.
handle_info({'EXIT', _, _}, State = #state{request = undefined}) ->
{stop, normal, State};
%%Try to finish the current request anyway,
%% there is a fairly high probability that it can be done successfully.
%% Then close the connection, hopefully a new manager is started that
%% can retry requests in the pipeline.
handle_info({'EXIT', _, _}, State) ->
{noreply, State#state{status = close}}.
%% Function: terminate(Reason, State) -> _ (ignored by gen_server)
%% Description: Shutdown the httpc_handler
%% Init error there is no socket to be closed.
#state{request = Request,
session = {send_failed, AReason} = Reason} = State) ->
?hcrd("terminate", [{send_reason, AReason}, {request, Request}]),
httpc_response:error(Request, Reason),
#state{request = Request,
session = {connect_failed, AReason} = Reason} = State) ->
?hcrd("terminate", [{connect_reason, AReason}, {request, Request}]),
httpc_response:error(Request, Reason),
terminate(normal, #state{session = undefined}) ->
%% Init error sending, no session information has been setup but
%% there is a socket that needs closing.
#state{session = #session{id = undefined} = Session}) ->
%% Socket closed remotely
#state{session = #session{socket = {remote_close, Socket},
socket_type = SocketType,
id = Id},
profile_name = ProfileName,
request = Request,
timers = Timers,
pipeline = Pipeline,
keep_alive = KeepAlive} = State) ->
?hcrt("terminate(normal) - remote close",
[{id, Id}, {profile, ProfileName}]),
%% Clobber session
(catch httpc_manager:delete_session(Id, ProfileName)),
maybe_retry_queue(Pipeline, State),
maybe_retry_queue(KeepAlive, State),
%% Cancel timers
%% Maybe deliver answers to requests
%% And, just in case, close our side (**really** overkill)
http_transport:close(SocketType, Socket);
terminate(Reason, #state{session = #session{id = Id,
socket = Socket,
socket_type = SocketType},
request = undefined,
profile_name = ProfileName,
timers = Timers,
pipeline = Pipeline,
keep_alive = KeepAlive} = State) ->
[{id, Id}, {profile, ProfileName}, {reason, Reason}]),
%% Clobber session
(catch httpc_manager:delete_session(Id, ProfileName)),
maybe_retry_queue(Pipeline, State),
maybe_retry_queue(KeepAlive, State),
cancel_timer(Timers#timers.queue_timer, timeout_queue),
http_transport:close(SocketType, Socket);
terminate(Reason, #state{request = undefined}) ->
?hcrt("terminate", [{reason, Reason}]),
terminate(Reason, #state{request = Request} = State) ->
?hcrd("terminate", [{reason, Reason}, {request, Request}]),
NewState = maybe_send_answer(Request,
httpc_response:error(Request, Reason),
terminate(Reason, NewState#state{request = undefined}).
maybe_retry_queue(Q, State) ->
case queue:is_empty(Q) of
false ->
retry_pipeline(queue:to_list(Q), State);
true ->
maybe_send_answer(#request{from = answer_sent}, _Reason, State) ->
maybe_send_answer(Request, Answer, State) ->
answer_request(Request, Answer, State).
deliver_answer(#request{id = Id, from = From} = Request)
when is_pid(From) ->
Response = httpc_response:error(Request, socket_closed_remotely),
?hcrd("deliver answer", [{id, Id}, {from, From}, {response, Response}]),
httpc_response:send(From, Response);
deliver_answer(Request) ->
?hcrd("skip deliver answer", [{request, Request}]),
%% Func: code_change(_OldVsn, State, Extra) -> {ok, NewState}
%% Purpose: Convert process state when code is changed
%% code_change(_, #state{request = Request, pipeline = Queue} = State,
%% [{from, '5.0.1'}, {to, '5.0.2'}]) ->
%% Settings = new_http_options(Request#request.settings),
%% NewRequest = Request#request{settings = Settings},
%% NewQueue = new_queue(Queue, fun new_http_options/1),
%% {ok, State#state{request = NewRequest, pipeline = NewQueue}};
%% code_change(_, #state{request = Request, pipeline = Queue} = State,
%% [{from, '5.0.2'}, {to, '5.0.1'}]) ->
%% Settings = old_http_options(Request#request.settings),
%% NewRequest = Request#request{settings = Settings},
%% NewQueue = new_queue(Queue, fun old_http_options/1),
%% {ok, State#state{request = NewRequest, pipeline = NewQueue}};
code_change(_, State, _) ->
{ok, State}.
%% new_http_options({http_options, TimeOut, AutoRedirect, SslOpts,
%% Auth, Relaxed}) ->
%% {http_options, "HTTP/1.1", TimeOut, AutoRedirect, SslOpts,
%% Auth, Relaxed}.
%% old_http_options({http_options, _, TimeOut, AutoRedirect,
%% SslOpts, Auth, Relaxed}) ->
%% {http_options, TimeOut, AutoRedirect, SslOpts, Auth, Relaxed}.
%% new_queue(Queue, Fun) ->
%% List = queue:to_list(Queue),
%% NewList =
%% lists:map(fun(Request) ->
%% Settings =
%% Fun(Request#request.settings),
%% Request#request{settings = Settings}
%% end, List),
%% queue:from_list(NewList).
%%% Internal functions
connect(SocketType, ToAddress,
#options{ipfamily = IpFamily,
ip = FromAddress,
port = FromPort,
socket_opts = Opts0}, Timeout) ->
Opts1 =
case FromPort of
default ->
_ ->
[{port, FromPort} | Opts0]
Opts2 =
case FromAddress of
default ->
_ ->
[{ip, FromAddress} | Opts1]
case IpFamily of
inet6fb4 ->
Opts3 = [inet6 | Opts2],
case http_transport:connect(SocketType, ToAddress, Opts3, Timeout) of
{error, _Reason} = Error ->
Opts4 = [inet | Opts2],
case http_transport:connect(SocketType,
ToAddress, Opts4, Timeout) of
{error, _} ->
%% Reply with the "original" error
OK ->
OK ->
_ ->
Opts3 = [IpFamily | Opts2],
http_transport:connect(SocketType, ToAddress, Opts3, Timeout)
connect_and_send_first_request(Address, Request, #state{options = Options} = State) ->
SocketType = socket_type(Request),
ConnTimeout = (Request#request.settings)#http_options.connect_timeout,
[{address, Address}, {request, Request}, {options, Options}]),
case connect(SocketType, Address, Options, ConnTimeout) of
{ok, Socket} ->
ClientClose =
SessionType = httpc_manager:session_type(Options),
SocketType = socket_type(Request),
Session = #session{id = {Request#request.address, self()},
scheme = Request#request.scheme,
socket = Socket,
socket_type = SocketType,
client_close = ClientClose,
type = SessionType},
?hcri("connected - now send first request", [{socket, Socket}]),
case httpc_request:send(Address, Session, Request) of
ok ->
?hcri("first request sent", []),
TmpState = State#state{request = Request,
session = Session,
mfa = init_mfa(Request, State),
status_line =
headers = undefined,
body = undefined,
status = new},
Socket, [{active, once}]),
NewState = activate_request_timeout(TmpState),
{ok, NewState};
{error, Reason} ->
self() ! {init_error, error_sending,
httpc_response:error(Request, Reason)},
{ok, State#state{request = Request,
session =
#session{socket = Socket}}}
{error, Reason} ->
self() ! {init_error, error_connecting,
httpc_response:error(Request, Reason)},
{ok, State#state{request = Request}}
handler_info(#state{request = Request,
session = Session,
status_line = _StatusLine,
pipeline = Pipeline,
keep_alive = KeepAlive,
status = Status,
canceled = _Canceled,
options = _Options,
timers = _Timers} = _State) ->
?hcrt("handler info", [{request, Request},
{session, Session},
{pipeline, Pipeline},
{keep_alive, KeepAlive},
{status, Status}]),
%% Info about the current request
RequestInfo =
case Request of
undefined ->
#request{id = Id,
started = ReqStarted} ->
[{id, Id}, {started, ReqStarted}]
?hcrt("handler info", [{request_info, RequestInfo}]),
%% Info about the current session/socket
SessionType = Session#session.type,
QueueLen = case SessionType of
pipeline ->
keep_alive ->
Scheme = Session#session.scheme,
Socket = Session#session.socket,
SocketType = Session#session.socket_type,
?hcrt("handler info", [{session_type, SessionType},
{queue_length, QueueLen},
{scheme, Scheme},
{socket, Socket}]),
SocketOpts = http_transport:getopts(SocketType, Socket),
SocketStats = http_transport:getstat(SocketType, Socket),
Remote = http_transport:peername(SocketType, Socket),
Local = http_transport:sockname(SocketType, Socket),
?hcrt("handler info", [{remote, Remote},
{local, Local},
{socket_opts, SocketOpts},
{socket_stats, SocketStats}]),
SocketInfo = [{remote, Remote},
{local, Local},
{socket_opts, SocketOpts},
{socket_stats, SocketStats}],
SessionInfo =
[{type, SessionType},
{queue_length, QueueLen},
{scheme, Scheme},
{socket_info, SocketInfo}],
[{status, Status},
{current_request, RequestInfo},
{session, SessionInfo}].
handle_http_msg({Version, StatusCode, ReasonPharse, Headers, Body},
State = #state{request = Request}) ->
?hcrt("handle_http_msg", [{headers, Headers}]),
case Headers#http_response_h.'content-type' of
"multipart/byteranges" ++ _Param ->
exit({not_yet_implemented, multypart_byteranges});
_ ->
StatusLine = {Version, StatusCode, ReasonPharse},
{ok, NewRequest} = start_stream(StatusLine, Headers, Request),
State#state{request = NewRequest,
status_line = StatusLine,
headers = Headers})
handle_http_msg({ChunkedHeaders, Body}, #state{headers = Headers} = State) ->
[{chunked_headers, ChunkedHeaders}, {headers, Headers}]),
NewHeaders = http_chunk:handle_headers(Headers, ChunkedHeaders),
handle_response(State#state{headers = NewHeaders, body = Body});
handle_http_msg(Body, #state{status_line = {_,Code, _}} = State) ->
?hcrt("handle_http_msg", [{code, Code}]),
{NewBody, NewRequest} = stream(Body, State#state.request, Code),
handle_response(State#state{body = NewBody, request = NewRequest}).
handle_http_body(<<>>, State = #state{status_line = {_,304, _}}) ->
?hcrt("handle_http_body - 304", []),
handle_response(State#state{body = <<>>});
handle_http_body(<<>>, State = #state{status_line = {_,204, _}}) ->
?hcrt("handle_http_body - 204", []),
handle_response(State#state{body = <<>>});
handle_http_body(<<>>, State = #state{request = #request{method = head}}) ->
?hcrt("handle_http_body - head", []),
handle_response(State#state{body = <<>>});
handle_http_body(Body, #state{headers = Headers,
max_body_size = MaxBodySize,
status_line = {_,Code, _},
request = Request} = State) ->
[{max_body_size, MaxBodySize}, {headers, Headers}, {code, Code}]),
TransferEnc = Headers#http_response_h.'transfer-encoding',
case case_insensitive_header(TransferEnc) of
"chunked" ->
?hcrt("handle_http_body - chunked", []),
case http_chunk:decode(Body, State#state.max_body_size,
{Code, Request}) of
{Module, Function, Args} ->
?hcrt("handle_http_body - new mfa",
[{module, Module},
{function, Function},
{args, Args}]),
NewState = next_body_chunk(State),
{noreply, NewState#state{mfa =
{Module, Function, Args}}};
{ok, {ChunkedHeaders, NewBody}} ->
?hcrt("handle_http_body - new body",
[{chunked_headers, ChunkedHeaders},
{new_body, NewBody}]),
NewHeaders = http_chunk:handle_headers(Headers,
handle_response(State#state{headers = NewHeaders,
body = NewBody})
Encoding when is_list(Encoding) ->
?hcrt("handle_http_body - encoding", [{encoding, Encoding}]),
NewState = answer_request(Request,
{stop, normal, NewState};
_ ->
?hcrt("handle_http_body - other", []),
Length =
case ((Length =< MaxBodySize) orelse (MaxBodySize =:= nolimit)) of
true ->
case httpc_response:whole_body(Body, Length) of
{ok, Body} ->
{NewBody, NewRequest} =
stream(Body, Request, Code),
handle_response(State#state{body = NewBody,
request = NewRequest});
MFA ->
NewState = next_body_chunk(State),
{noreply, NewState#state{mfa = MFA}}
false ->
NewState =
{stop, normal, NewState}
handle_response(#state{status = new} = State) ->
?hcrd("handle response - status = new", []),
handle_response(#state{request = Request,
status = Status,
session = Session,
status_line = StatusLine,
headers = Headers,
body = Body,
options = Options,
profile_name = ProfileName} = State)
when Status =/= new ->
?hcrd("handle response", [{profile, ProfileName},
{status, Status},
{request, Request},
{session, Session},
{status_line, StatusLine}]),
handle_cookies(Headers, Request, Options, ProfileName),
case httpc_response:result({StatusLine, Headers, Body}, Request) of
%% 100-continue
continue ->
?hcrd("handle response - continue", []),
%% Send request body
{_, RequestBody} = Request#request.content,
send_raw(Session, RequestBody),
%% Wait for next response
Relaxed = (Request#request.settings)#http_options.relaxed,
MFA = {httpc_response, parse,
[State#state.max_header_size, Relaxed]},
{noreply, State#state{mfa = MFA,
status_line = undefined,
headers = undefined,
body = undefined}};
%% Ignore unexpected 100-continue response and receive the
%% actual response that the server will send right away.
{ignore, Data} ->
?hcrd("handle response - ignore", [{data, Data}]),
Relaxed = (Request#request.settings)#http_options.relaxed,
MFA = {httpc_response, parse,
[State#state.max_header_size, Relaxed]},
NewState = State#state{mfa = MFA,
status_line = undefined,
headers = undefined,
body = undefined},
handle_info({httpc_handler, dummy, Data}, NewState);
%% On a redirect or retry the current request becomes
%% obsolete and the manager will create a new request
%% with the same id as the current.
{redirect, NewRequest, Data} ->
?hcrt("handle response - redirect",
[{new_request, NewRequest}, {data, Data}]),
ok = httpc_manager:redirect_request(NewRequest, ProfileName),
handle_queue(State#state{request = undefined}, Data);
{retry, TimeNewRequest, Data} ->
?hcrt("handle response - retry",
[{time_new_request, TimeNewRequest}, {data, Data}]),
ok = httpc_manager:retry_request(TimeNewRequest, ProfileName),
handle_queue(State#state{request = undefined}, Data);
{ok, Msg, Data} ->
?hcrd("handle response - ok", []),
end_stream(StatusLine, Request),
NewState = maybe_send_answer(Request, Msg, State),
handle_queue(NewState, Data);
{stop, Msg} ->
?hcrd("handle response - stop", [{msg, Msg}]),
end_stream(StatusLine, Request),
NewState = maybe_send_answer(Request, Msg, State),
{stop, normal, NewState}
handle_cookies(_,_, #options{cookies = disabled}, _) ->
%% User wants to verify the cookies before they are stored,
%% so the user will have to call a store command.
handle_cookies(_,_, #options{cookies = verify}, _) ->
handle_cookies(Headers, Request, #options{cookies = enabled}, ProfileName) ->
{Host, _ } = Request#request.address,
Cookies = httpc_cookie:cookies(Headers#http_response_h.other,
Request#request.path, Host),
httpc_manager:store_cookies(Cookies, Request#request.address,
%% This request could not be pipelined or used as sequential keep alive
%% queue
handle_queue(#state{status = close} = State, _) ->
{stop, normal, State};
handle_queue(#state{status = keep_alive} = State, Data) ->
handle_keep_alive_queue(State, Data);
handle_queue(#state{status = pipeline} = State, Data) ->
handle_pipeline(State, Data).
handle_pipeline(#state{status = pipeline,
session = Session,
profile_name = ProfileName,
options = #options{pipeline_timeout = TimeOut}} =
Data) ->
?hcrd("handle pipeline", [{profile, ProfileName},
{session, Session},
{timeout, TimeOut}]),
case queue:out(State#state.pipeline) of
{empty, _} ->
?hcrd("epmty pipeline queue", []),
%% The server may choose too teminate an idle pipeline
%% in this case we want to receive the close message
%% at once and not when trying to pipeline the next
%% request.
%% If a pipeline that has been idle for some time is not
%% closed by the server, the client may want to close it.
NewState = activate_queue_timeout(TimeOut, State),
NewSession = Session#session{queue_length = 0},
httpc_manager:insert_session(NewSession, ProfileName),
%% Note mfa will be initilized when a new request
%% arrives.
NewState#state{request = undefined,
mfa = undefined,
status_line = undefined,
headers = undefined,
body = undefined}};
{{value, NextRequest}, Pipeline} ->
case lists:member(NextRequest#request.id,
State#state.canceled) of
true ->
?hcrv("next request had been cancelled", []),
%% See comment for handle_cast({cancel, RequestId})
{stop, normal,
State#state{request =
NextRequest#request{from = answer_sent},
pipeline = Pipeline}};
false ->
?hcrv("next request", [{request, NextRequest}]),
NewSession =
Session#session{queue_length =
%% Queue + current
queue:len(Pipeline) + 1},
httpc_manager:insert_session(NewSession, ProfileName),
Relaxed =
MFA = {httpc_response,
[State#state.max_header_size, Relaxed]},
NewState =
State#state{pipeline = Pipeline,
request = NextRequest,
mfa = MFA,
status_line = undefined,
headers = undefined,
body = undefined},
case Data of
<<>> ->
{noreply, NewState};
_ ->
%% If we already received some bytes of
%% the next response
handle_info({httpc_handler, dummy, Data},
#state{status = keep_alive,
session = Session,
profile_name = ProfileName,
options = #options{keep_alive_timeout = TimeOut}} = State,
Data) ->
?hcrd("handle keep_alive", [{profile, ProfileName},
{session, Session},
{timeout, TimeOut}]),
case queue:out(State#state.keep_alive) of
{empty, _} ->
?hcrd("empty keep_alive queue", []),
%% The server may choose too terminate an idle keep_alive session
%% in this case we want to receive the close message
%% at once and not when trying to send the next
%% request.
%% If a keep_alive session has been idle for some time is not
%% closed by the server, the client may want to close it.
NewState = activate_queue_timeout(TimeOut, State),
NewSession = Session#session{queue_length = 0},
httpc_manager:insert_session(NewSession, ProfileName),
%% Note mfa will be initilized when a new request
%% arrives.
NewState#state{request = undefined,
mfa = undefined,
status_line = undefined,
headers = undefined,
body = undefined
{{value, NextRequest}, KeepAlive} ->
case lists:member(NextRequest#request.id,
State#state.canceled) of
true ->
?hcrv("next request has already been canceled", []),
State#state{keep_alive = KeepAlive}, Data);
false ->
?hcrv("next request", [{request, NextRequest}]),
Relaxed =
MFA = {httpc_response, parse,
[State#state.max_header_size, Relaxed]},
NewState =
State#state{request = NextRequest,
keep_alive = KeepAlive,
mfa = MFA,
status_line = undefined,
headers = undefined,
body = undefined},
case Data of
<<>> ->
{noreply, NewState};
_ ->
%% If we already received some bytes of
%% the next response
handle_info({httpc_handler, dummy, Data},
case_insensitive_header(Str) when is_list(Str) ->
%% Might be undefined if server does not send such a header
case_insensitive_header(Str) ->
activate_once(#session{socket = Socket, socket_type = SocketType}) ->
http_transport:setopts(SocketType, Socket, [{active, once}]).
close_socket(#session{socket = Socket, socket_type = SocketType}) ->
http_transport:close(SocketType, Socket).
#state{request = #request{timer = undefined} = Request} = State) ->
Timeout = (Request#request.settings)#http_options.timeout,
case Timeout of
infinity ->
_ ->
ReqId = Request#request.id,
?hcrt("activate request timer",
[{request_id, ReqId},
{time_consumed, t() - Request#request.started},
{timeout, Timeout}]),
Msg = {timeout, ReqId},
Ref = erlang:send_after(Timeout, self(), Msg),
Request2 = Request#request{timer = Ref},
ReqTimers = [{Request#request.id, Ref} |
Timers = #timers{request_timers = ReqTimers},
State#state{request = Request2, timers = Timers}
%% Timer is already running! This is the case for a redirect or retry
activate_request_timeout(State) ->
activate_queue_timeout(infinity, State) ->
activate_queue_timeout(Time, State) ->
Ref = erlang:send_after(Time, self(), timeout_queue),
State#state{timers = #timers{queue_timer = Ref}}.
is_pipeline_enabled_client(#session{type = pipeline}) ->
is_pipeline_enabled_client(_) ->
is_keep_alive_enabled_server("HTTP/1." ++ N, _) when (hd(N) >= $1) ->
#http_response_h{connection = "keep-alive"}) ->
is_keep_alive_enabled_server(_,_) ->
is_keep_alive_connection(Headers, #session{client_close = ClientClose}) ->
(not ((ClientClose) orelse httpc_response:is_server_closing(Headers))).
#state{session = Session,
request = #request{method = Method},
status_line = {Version, _, _},
headers = Headers,
profile_name = ProfileName} = State) ->
?hcrd("try to enable pipeline or keep-alive",
[{version, Version},
{headers, Headers},
{session, Session}]),
case is_keep_alive_enabled_server(Version, Headers) andalso
is_keep_alive_connection(Headers, Session) of
true ->
case (is_pipeline_enabled_client(Session) andalso
httpc_request:is_idempotent(Method)) of
true ->
httpc_manager:insert_session(Session, ProfileName),
State#state{status = pipeline};
false ->
httpc_manager:insert_session(Session, ProfileName),
%% Make sure type is keep_alive in session
%% as it in this case might be pipeline
NewSession = Session#session{type = keep_alive},
State#state{status = keep_alive,
session = NewSession}
false ->
State#state{status = close}
answer_request(#request{id = RequestId, from = From} = Request, Msg,
#state{timers = Timers, profile_name = ProfileName} = State) ->
?hcrt("answer request", [{request, Request}, {msg, Msg}]),
httpc_response:send(From, Msg),
RequestTimers = Timers#timers.request_timers,
TimerRef =
proplists:get_value(RequestId, RequestTimers, undefined),
Timer = {RequestId, TimerRef},
cancel_timer(TimerRef, {timeout, Request#request.id}),
httpc_manager:request_done(RequestId, ProfileName),
State#state{request = Request#request{from = answer_sent},
timers =
Timers#timers{request_timers =
lists:delete(Timer, RequestTimers)}}.
cancel_timers(#timers{request_timers = ReqTmrs, queue_timer = QTmr}) ->
cancel_timer(QTmr, timeout_queue),
CancelTimer = fun({_, Timer}) -> cancel_timer(Timer, timeout) end,
lists:foreach(CancelTimer, ReqTmrs).
cancel_timer(undefined, _) ->
cancel_timer(Timer, TimeoutMsg) ->
TimeoutMsg ->
after 0 ->
retry_pipeline([], _) ->
%% Skip requests when the answer has already been sent
retry_pipeline([#request{from = answer_sent}|PipeLine], State) ->
retry_pipeline(PipeLine, State);
retry_pipeline([Request | PipeLine],
#state{timers = Timers,
profile_name = ProfileName} = State) ->
NewState =
case (catch httpc_manager:retry_request(Request, ProfileName)) of
ok ->
RequestTimers = Timers#timers.request_timers,
ReqId = Request#request.id,
TimerRef =
proplists:get_value(ReqId, RequestTimers, undefined),
cancel_timer(TimerRef, {timeout, ReqId}),
NewReqsTimers = lists:delete({ReqId, TimerRef}, RequestTimers),
NewTimers = Timers#timers{request_timers = NewReqsTimers},
State#state{timers = NewTimers};
Error ->
httpc_response:error(Request, Error), State)
retry_pipeline(PipeLine, NewState).
%%% Check to see if the given {Host,Port} tuple is in the NoProxyList
%%% Returns an eventually updated {Host,Port} tuple, with the proxy address
handle_proxy(HostPort = {Host, _Port}, {Proxy, NoProxy}) ->
case Proxy of
undefined ->
Proxy ->
case is_no_proxy_dest(Host, NoProxy) of
true ->
false ->
is_no_proxy_dest(_, []) ->
is_no_proxy_dest(Host, [ "*." ++ NoProxyDomain | NoProxyDests]) ->
case is_no_proxy_dest_domain(Host, NoProxyDomain) of
true ->
false ->
is_no_proxy_dest(Host, NoProxyDests)
is_no_proxy_dest(Host, [NoProxyDest | NoProxyDests]) ->
IsNoProxyDest = case http_util:is_hostname(NoProxyDest) of
true ->
fun is_no_proxy_host_name/2;
false ->
fun is_no_proxy_dest_address/2
case IsNoProxyDest(Host, NoProxyDest) of
true ->
false ->
is_no_proxy_dest(Host, NoProxyDests)
is_no_proxy_host_name(Host, Host) ->
is_no_proxy_host_name(_,_) ->
is_no_proxy_dest_domain(Dest, DomainPart) ->
lists:suffix(DomainPart, Dest).
is_no_proxy_dest_address(Dest, Dest) ->
is_no_proxy_dest_address(Dest, AddressPart) ->
lists:prefix(AddressPart, Dest).
init_mfa(#request{settings = Settings}, State) ->
case Settings#http_options.version of
"HTTP/0.9" ->
{httpc_response, whole_body, [<<>>, -1]};
_ ->
Relaxed = Settings#http_options.relaxed,
{httpc_response, parse, [State#state.max_header_size, Relaxed]}
init_status_line(#request{settings = Settings}) ->
case Settings#http_options.version of
"HTTP/0.9" ->
{"HTTP/0.9", 200, "OK"};
_ ->
socket_type(#request{scheme = http}) ->
socket_type(#request{scheme = https, settings = Settings}) ->
%% socket_type(http) ->
%% ip_comm;
%% socket_type(https) ->
%% {ssl1, []}. %% Dummy value ok for ex setopts that does not use this value
start_stream({_Version, _Code, _ReasonPhrase}, _Headers,
#request{stream = none} = Request) ->
?hcrt("start stream - none", []),
{ok, Request};
start_stream({_Version, Code, _ReasonPhrase}, Headers,
#request{stream = self} = Request)
when (Code =:= 200) orelse (Code =:= 206) ->
?hcrt("start stream - self", [{code, Code}]),
Msg = httpc_response:stream_start(Headers, Request, ignore),
httpc_response:send(Request#request.from, Msg),
{ok, Request};
start_stream({_Version, Code, _ReasonPhrase}, Headers,
#request{stream = {self, once}} = Request)
when (Code =:= 200) orelse (Code =:= 206) ->
?hcrt("start stream - self:once", [{code, Code}]),
Msg = httpc_response:stream_start(Headers, Request, self()),
httpc_response:send(Request#request.from, Msg),
{ok, Request};
start_stream({_Version, Code, _ReasonPhrase}, _Headers,
#request{stream = Filename} = Request)
when ((Code =:= 200) orelse (Code =:= 206)) andalso is_list(Filename) ->
?hcrt("start stream", [{code, Code}, {filename, Filename}]),
case file:open(Filename, [write, raw, append, delayed_write]) of
{ok, Fd} ->
?hcri("start stream - file open ok", [{fd, Fd}]),
{ok, Request#request{stream = Fd}};
{error, Reason} ->
exit({stream_to_file_failed, Reason})
start_stream(_StatusLine, _Headers, Request) ->
?hcrt("start stream - no op", []),
{ok, Request}.
%% Note the end stream message is handled by httpc_response and will
%% be sent by answer_request
end_stream(_, #request{stream = none}) ->
?hcrt("end stream - none", []),
end_stream(_, #request{stream = self}) ->
?hcrt("end stream - self", []),
end_stream(_, #request{stream = {self, once}}) ->
?hcrt("end stream - self:once", []),
end_stream({_,200,_}, #request{stream = Fd}) ->
?hcrt("end stream - 200", [{stream, Fd}]),
case file:close(Fd) of
ok ->
{error, enospc} -> % Could be due to delayed_write
end_stream({_,206,_}, #request{stream = Fd}) ->
?hcrt("end stream - 206", [{stream, Fd}]),
case file:close(Fd) of
ok ->
{error, enospc} -> % Could be due to delayed_write
end_stream(SL, R) ->
?hcrt("end stream", [{status_line, SL}, {request, R}]),
next_body_chunk(#state{request = #request{stream = {self, once}},
once = once,
session = Session} = State) ->
State#state{once = inactive};
next_body_chunk(#state{request = #request{stream = {self, once}},
once = inactive} = State) ->
State; %% Wait for user to call stream_next
next_body_chunk(#state{session = Session} = State) ->
handle_verbose(verbose) ->
dbg:p(self(), [r]);
handle_verbose(debug) ->
dbg:p(self(), [call]),
dbg:tp(?MODULE, [{'_', [], [{return_trace}]}]);
handle_verbose(trace) ->
dbg:p(self(), [call]),
dbg:tpl(?MODULE, [{'_', [], [{return_trace}]}]);
handle_verbose(_) ->
send_raw(#session{socket = Socket, socket_type = SocketType},
{ProcessBody, Acc}) when is_function(ProcessBody, 1) ->
?hcrt("send raw", [{acc, Acc}]),
send_raw(SocketType, Socket, ProcessBody, Acc);
send_raw(#session{socket = Socket, socket_type = SocketType}, Body) ->
http_transport:send(SocketType, Socket, Body).
send_raw(SocketType, Socket, ProcessBody, Acc) ->
case ProcessBody(Acc) of
eof ->
{ok, Data, NewAcc} ->
DataBin = iolist_to_binary(Data),
?hcrd("send", [{data, DataBin}]),
case http_transport:send(SocketType, Socket, DataBin) of
ok ->
send_raw(SocketType, Socket, ProcessBody, NewAcc);
Error ->
call(Msg, Pid) ->
Timeout = infinity,
call(Msg, Pid, Timeout).
call(Msg, Pid, Timeout) ->
gen_server:call(Pid, Msg, Timeout).
cast(Msg, Pid) ->
gen_server:cast(Pid, Msg).
t() ->