%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2014. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% Behavior callbacks
%% API
-export([parse_query/1, reload_config/2, info/1, info/2, info/3]).
%%% API
parse_query(String) ->
{ok, SplitString} = inets_regexp:split(String,"[&;]"),
reload_config(Config = [Value| _], Mode) when is_tuple(Value) ->
do_reload_config(Config, Mode);
reload_config(ConfigFile, Mode) ->
case httpd_conf:load(ConfigFile) of
{ok, ConfigList} ->
do_reload_config(ConfigList, Mode);
Error ->
info(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) ->
info(Pid, []).
info(Pid, Properties) when is_pid(Pid) andalso is_list(Properties) ->
{ok, ServiceInfo} = service_info(Pid),
Address = proplists:get_value(bind_address, ServiceInfo),
Port = proplists:get_value(port, ServiceInfo),
Profile = proplists:get_value(profile, ServiceInfo, default),
case Properties of
[] ->
info(Address, Port, Profile);
_ ->
info(Address, Port, Profile, Properties)
info(Address, Port) when is_integer(Port) ->
info(Address, Port, default).
info(Address, Port, Profile) when is_integer(Port), is_atom(Profile) ->
httpd_conf:get_config(Address, Port, Profile);
info(Address, Port, Properties) when is_integer(Port) andalso
is_list(Properties) ->
httpd_conf:get_config(Address, Port, default, Properties).
info(Address, Port, Profile, Properties) when is_integer(Port) andalso
is_atom(Profile) andalso is_list(Properties) ->
httpd_conf:get_config(Address, Port, Profile, Properties).
%%% Behavior callbacks
start_standalone(Config) ->
httpd_sup:start_link([{httpd, Config}], stand_alone).
start_service(Conf) ->
stop_service({Address, Port}) ->
stop_service({Address, Port, ?DEFAULT_PROFILE});
stop_service({Address, Port, Profile}) ->
httpd_sup:stop_child(Address, Port, Profile);
stop_service(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) ->
case service_info(Pid) of
{ok, Info} ->
Address = proplists:get_value(bind_address, Info),
Port = proplists:get_value(port, Info),
Profile = proplists:get_value(profile, Info, ?DEFAULT_PROFILE),
stop_service({Address, Port, Profile});
Error ->
services() ->
[{httpd, ChildPid} || {_, ChildPid, _, _} <-
service_info(Pid) ->
[{ChildName, ChildPid} ||
{ChildName, ChildPid, _, _} <-
supervisor:which_children(httpd_sup)] of
Children ->
child_name2info(child_name(Pid, Children))
exit:{noproc, _} ->
{error, service_not_available}
%%% Internal functions
child_name(_, []) ->
child_name(Pid, [{Name, Pid} | _]) ->
child_name(Pid, [_ | Children]) ->
child_name(Pid, Children).
child_name2info(undefined) ->
{error, no_such_service};
child_name2info({httpd_instance_sup, any, Port, Profile}) ->
{ok, Host} = inet:gethostname(),
Info = info(any, Port, Profile, [server_name]),
{ok, [{bind_address, any}, {host, Host}, {port, Port} | Info]};
child_name2info({httpd_instance_sup, Address, Port, Profile}) ->
Info = info(Address, Port, Profile, [server_name]),
case inet:gethostbyaddr(Address) of
{ok, {_, Host, _, _,_, _}} ->
{ok, [{bind_address, Address},
{host, Host}, {port, Port} | Info]};
_ ->
{ok, [{bind_address, Address}, {port, Port} | Info]}
reload(Config, Address, Port, Profile) ->
Name = make_name(Address,Port, Profile),
case whereis(Name) of
Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
httpd_manager:reload(Pid, Config);
_ ->
%%% =========================================================
%%% Function: block/3, block/4
%%% block(Addr, Port, Mode)
%%% block(ConfigFile, Mode, Timeout)
%%% block(Addr, Port, Mode, Timeout)
%%% Returns: ok | {error,Reason}
%%% Description: This function is used to block an HTTP server.
%%% The blocking can be done in two ways,
%%% disturbing or non-disturbing. Default is disturbing.
%%% When a HTTP server is blocked, all requests are rejected
%%% (status code 503).
%%% disturbing:
%%% By performing a disturbing block, the server
%%% is blocked forcefully and all ongoing requests
%%% are terminated. No new connections are accepted.
%%% If a timeout time is given then, on-going requests
%%% are given this much time to complete before the
%%% server is forcefully blocked. In this case no new
%%% connections is accepted.
%%% non-disturbing:
%%% A non-disturbing block is more gracefull. No
%%% new connections are accepted, but the ongoing
%%% requests are allowed to complete.
%%% If a timeout time is given, it waits this long before
%%% giving up (the block operation is aborted and the
%%% server state is once more not-blocked).
%%% Types: Port -> integer()
%%% Addr -> {A,B,C,D} | string() | undefined
%%% ConfigFile -> string()
%%% Mode -> disturbing | non_disturbing
%%% Timeout -> integer()
block(Addr, Port, Profile, disturbing) when is_integer(Port) ->
do_block(Addr, Port, Profile, disturbing);
block(Addr, Port, Profile, non_disturbing) when is_integer(Port) ->
do_block(Addr, Port, Profile, non_disturbing).
do_block(Addr, Port, Profile, Mode) when is_integer(Port) andalso is_atom(Mode) ->
Name = make_name(Addr, Port, Profile),
case whereis(Name) of
Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
httpd_manager:block(Pid, Mode);
_ ->
%%% =========================================================
%%% Function: unblock/2
%%% unblock(Addr, Port)
%%% Description: This function is used to reverse a previous block
%%% operation on the HTTP server.
%%% Types: Port -> integer()
%%% Addr -> {A,B,C,D} | string() | undefined
%%% ConfigFile -> string()
unblock(Addr, Port, Profile) when is_integer(Port) ->
Name = make_name(Addr,Port, Profile),
case whereis(Name) of
Pid when is_pid(Pid) ->
_ ->
foreach([]) ->
foreach([KeyValue|Rest]) ->
{ok, Plus2Space, _} = inets_regexp:gsub(KeyValue,"[\+]"," "),
case inets_regexp:split(Plus2Space,"=") of
{ok,[Key|Value]} ->
{ok,_} ->
make_name(Addr, Port, Profile) ->
httpd_util:make_name("httpd", Addr, Port, Profile).
do_reload_config(ConfigList, Mode) ->
case (catch httpd_conf:validate_properties(ConfigList)) of
{ok, Config} ->
Address = proplists:get_value(bind_address, Config, any),
Port = proplists:get_value(port, Config, 80),
Profile = proplists:get_value(profile, Config, default),
case block(Address, Port, Profile, Mode) of
ok ->
reload(Config, Address, Port, Profile),
unblock(Address, Port, Profile);
Error ->
Error ->
%%% Deprecated