%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2001-2015. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
-export([t/3, t1/2, t2/2, t4/2]).
-export([do/1, do/2, do/3, do/4, do/5]).
-export([main/5, poller_main/4, poller_loop/4]).
-record(stat, {pid, time = undefined, count = undefined, res}).
%% -define(NUM_POLLERS, 10).
-define(NUM_POLLERS, 1).
%%% -----------------------------------------------------------------
%%% Test suite interface
t1(Host, Port) ->
t(ip_comm, Host, Port).
t2(Host, Port) ->
t(ssl, Host, Port).
t4(Host, Port) ->
t(essl, Host, Port).
t(SocketType, Host, Port) ->
%% put(dbg,true),
main(?NUM_POLLERS, SocketType, Host, Port, 60000).
%%% -----------------------------------------------------------------
%%% Public interface when running the time test manually...
do(Port) ->
do(ip_comm, hostname(), Port).
do(Port, Time) when is_integer(Port) andalso is_integer(Time) ->
do(ip_comm, hostname(), Port, Time);
do(Host, Port) ->
do(ip_comm, Host, Port).
do(Host, Port, Time) when is_integer(Port) andalso is_integer(Time) ->
do(1, ip_comm, Host, Port, Time);
do(SocketType, Host, Port) when is_integer(Port) ->
do(1, SocketType, Host, Port, 60000).
do(N, SocketType, Host, Port) when is_integer(N) andalso is_integer(Port) ->
do(N, SocketType, Host, Port, 60000);
do(SocketType, Host, Port, Time)
when is_integer(Port) andalso is_integer(Time) ->
do(1, SocketType, Host, Port, Time).
do(N, SocketType, Host, Port, Time)
when is_integer(N) andalso is_integer(Port) andalso is_integer(Time) ->
do_it(N, SocketType, Host, Port, Time).
do_it(N, SocketType, Host, Port, Time) ->
d("do_it -> entry with"
"~n N: ~p"
"~n SocketType: ~p"
"~n Host: ~p"
"~n Port: ~p"
"~n Time: ~p", [N, SocketType, Host, Port, Time]),
proc_lib:spawn(?MODULE, main, [N, SocketType, Host, Port, Time]).
%%% -----------------------------------------------------------------
%%% Controller (main) process
main(N, SocketType, Host, Port, Time)
when is_integer(N) andalso
is_atom(SocketType) andalso
is_integer(Port) andalso
is_integer(Time) ->
%% put(dbg,true),
d("main -> entry"),
Pollers = start_pollers(N, [self(), SocketType, Host, Port]),
d("main -> Pollers: ~p", [Pollers]),
loop(Pollers, Time).
loop(Pollers, Timeout) ->
d("loop -> entry when"
"~n Timeout: ~p", [Timeout]),
Start = t(),
{'EXIT', Pid, {poller_stat_failure, SocketType, Host, Port, Time, Reason}} ->
case is_poller(Pid, Pollers) of
true ->
error_msg("received unexpected exit from poller ~p~n"
"before completion of test "
"after ~p micro sec"
"~n SocketType: ~p"
"~n Host: ~p"
"~n Port: ~p"
[Pid, SocketType, Host, Port, Time, Reason]),
exit({fail, {poller_exit, Pid, Time, Reason}});
false ->
error_msg("received unexpected ~p from ~p"
"befor completion of test", [Reason, Pid]),
loop(Pollers, to(Timeout, Start))
{poller_stat_failure, Pid, {SocketType, Host, Port, Time, Reason}} ->
error_msg("received stat failure ~p from poller ~p after ~p "
"befor completion of test"
"~n SocketType: ~p"
"~n Host: ~p"
"~n Port: ~p",
[Reason, Pid, Time, SocketType, Host, Port]),
exit({fail, {poller_failure, Pid, Time, Reason}});
{poller_stat_failure, Pid, SocketType, Host, Port, Reason} ->
error_msg("received stat failure ~p from poller ~p "
"befor completion of test"
"~n SocketType: ~p"
"~n Host: ~p"
"~n Port: ~p",
[Reason, Pid, SocketType, Host, Port]),
exit({fail, {poller_failure, Pid, Reason}});
Any ->
error_msg("received unexpected message befor completion of test: "
"~n ~p", [Any]),
exit({fail, Any})
after Timeout ->
d("loop -> timeout: stop pollers"),
d("loop -> collect poller statistics"),
Stats = collect_poller_stat(Pollers, []),
d("loop -> Stats: ~p", [Stats]),
display_poller_stat(Stats, Timeout),
collect_poller_stat([], PollersStat) ->
collect_poller_stat(Pollers, PollersStat) ->
d("collect_poller_stat -> entry with"
"~n Pollers: ~p"
"~n PollersStat: ~p", [Pollers, PollersStat]),
{poller_statistics, Poller, {Time, Count}} ->
d("collect_poller_stat -> got statistics from ~p", [Poller]),
case lists:keysearch(Poller, 2, Pollers) of
{value, PollerStat} ->
d("collect_poller_stat -> current statistic record: ~p",
P = lists:keydelete(Poller, 2, Pollers),
d("collect_poller_stat -> P: ~p", [P]),
S = PollerStat#stat{time = Time, count = Count, res = ok},
d("collect_poller_stat -> S: ~p", [S]),
collect_poller_stat(P, [S | PollersStat]);
false ->
error_msg("statistics already received for ~p", [Poller]),
collect_poller_stat(Pollers, PollersStat)
{poller_stat_failure, Poller, Else} ->
error_msg("poller statistics failure for ~p with ~p",
[Poller, Else]),
case lists:keysearch(Poller, 2, Pollers) of
{value, PollerStat} ->
P = lists:keydelete(Poller, 2, Pollers),
S = PollerStat#stat{res = {error, Else}},
collect_poller_stat(P, [S | PollerStat]);
false ->
error_msg("statistics already received for ~p", [Poller]),
collect_poller_stat(Pollers, PollersStat)
display_poller_stat(Stats, T) ->
display_poller_stat(Stats, 1, T, 0).
display_poller_stat([], _, TestTime, AccCount) ->
io:format("Total statistics:~n"
" Accumulated count: ~w~n"
" Average access time: ~w milli sec~n",
[AccCount, (TestTime/AccCount)]);
display_poller_stat([#stat{res = ok} = Stat | Stats], N, TestTime, AccCount) ->
#stat{pid = Pid, time = Time, count = Count} = Stat,
io:format("Statistics for poller ~p (~p):~n"
" time: ~w seconds~n"
" count: ~w~n"
" Average access time: ~w milli sec~n",
[Pid, N, Time/(1000*1000), Count, (TestTime/Count)]),
display_poller_stat(Stats, N + 1, TestTime, AccCount+Count);
display_poller_stat([Stat | Stats], N, TestTime, AccCount) ->
#stat{pid = Pid, res = Error} = Stat,
io:format("Statistics failed for poller ~p (~p):~n"
" ~p~n", [Pid, N, Error]),
display_poller_stat(Stats, N + 1, TestTime, AccCount).
%%% -----------------------------------------------------------------
%%% Poller process
start_pollers(N, Args) ->
start_pollers(N, Args, []).
start_pollers(0, _Args, Pollers) ->
start_pollers(N, Args, Pollers) ->
Pid = proc_lib:spawn_link(?MODULE, poller_main, Args),
start_pollers(N-1, Args, [#stat{pid = Pid} | Pollers]).
stop_pollers(Pollers) ->
[Pid ! stop || #stat{pid = Pid} <- Pollers],
await_stop_pollers([]) ->
await_stop_pollers(Pollers0) ->
{'EXIT', Pid, _Reason} ->
Pollers = lists:keydelete(Pid, 2, Pollers0),
after 5000 ->
[Pid ! shutdown || #stat{pid = Pid} <- Pollers0]
is_poller(_, []) ->
is_poller(Pid, [#stat{pid = Pid}|_]) ->
is_poller(Pid, [_|Rest]) ->
is_poller(Pid, Rest).
poller_main(Parent, SocketType, Host, Port) ->
put(sname, poller),
case timer:tc(?MODULE, poller_loop, [SocketType, Host, Port, uris()]) of
{Time, Count} when is_integer(Time) andalso is_integer(Count) ->
Parent ! {poller_statistics, self(), {Time, Count}};
{Time, {'EXIT', Reason}} when is_integer(Time) ->
exit({poller_stat_failure, SocketType, Host, Port, Time, Reason});
{Time, Other} when is_integer(Time) ->
Parent ! {poller_stat_failure, self(), {SocketType, Host, Port, Time, Other}};
Else ->
Parent ! {poller_stat_failure, self(), SocketType, Host, Port, Else}
uris() ->
uris(L) when is_list(L) ->
uris(_) ->
poller_loop(SocketType, Host, Port, URIs) ->
poller_loop(SocketType, Host, Port, URIs, 0).
poller_loop(SocketType, Host, Port, URIs, Count) ->
stop ->
after 0 ->
case poller_loop1(SocketType, Host, Port, URIs) of
done ->
poller_loop(SocketType, Host, Port, URIs,
Count + length(URIs));
{error, Reason, FailURI, FailURIs} ->
SuccessCount =
Count + (length(URIs) - (length(FailURIs) + 1)),
exit({Reason, FailURI, SuccessCount})
poller_loop1(_SocketType, _Host, _Port, []) ->
poller_loop1(SocketType, Host, Port, [URI | URIs]) ->
Res = inets_test_lib:connect_byte(SocketType, Host, Port),
case (catch poll(Res, SocketType, URI, "200")) of
ok ->
poller_loop1(SocketType, Host, Port, URIs);
{'EXIT', Reason} ->
{error, Reason, URI, URIs}
poll({ok, Socket}, SocketType, URI, ExpRes) ->
Req = "GET " ++ URI ++ " HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n",
Res = inets_test_lib:send(SocketType, Socket, Req),
await_poll_response(Res, SocketType, Socket, ExpRes);
poll({error, Reason}, _SocketType, _URI, _ExpRes) ->
exit({failed_creating_socket, Reason});
poll(Error, _SocketType, _URI, _ExpRes) ->
exit({failed_creating_socket, Error}).
await_poll_response(ok, SocketType, Socket, ExpStatusCode) ->
await_poll_response2(SocketType, Socket, ExpStatusCode, []);
await_poll_response(Error, _SocketType, _Socket, _ExpStatusCode) ->
%% The reply *can* be split into two messages (this is a
%% result of OTP-9757 for ssl), so we read them all until
%% the sockets closes, then we analyze the response.
await_poll_response2(SocketType, Socket, ExpStatusCode, Data) ->
%% SSL receives
{ssl, Socket, NewData} ->
d("await_poll_response2 -> "
"received part (~w bytes) of the response", [sz(NewData)]),
await_poll_response2(SocketType, Socket, ExpStatusCode,
[NewData | Data]);
{ssl_closed, Socket} ->
%% We are done or we failed
d("await_poll_response2 -> "
"we are done after receiving ~w bytes data", [sz(Data)]),
validate(ExpStatusCode, SocketType, Socket,
{ssl_error, Socket, Error} ->
exit({connection_error, Error});
%% TCP receives
{tcp, Socket, NewData} ->
d("await_poll_response2 -> "
"received part (~w bytes) of the response", [sz(NewData)]),
await_poll_response2(SocketType, Socket, ExpStatusCode,
[NewData | Data]);
{tcp_closed, Socket} ->
%% We are done or we failed
d("await_poll_response2 -> "
"we are done after receiving ~w bytes data", [sz(Data)]),
validate(ExpStatusCode, SocketType, Socket,
{tcp_error, Socket, Error} ->
exit({connection_error, Error})
after 10000 ->
d("we timed out while waiting for response, "
"validate whatever we got so far"),
validate(ExpStatusCode, SocketType, Socket,
%% exit(response_timed_out)
validate(ExpStatusCode, _SocketType, _Socket, Response) ->
%% Sz = sz(Response),
%% trash_the_rest(Socket, Sz),
%% inets_test_lib:close(SocketType, Socket),
case inets_regexp:split(Response," ") of
{ok, ["HTTP/1.0", ExpStatusCode|_]} ->
{ok, ["HTTP/1.0", StatusCode|_]} ->
error_msg("Unexpected status code: ~p (~s). "
"Expected status code: ~p (~s)",
[StatusCode, status_to_message(StatusCode),
ExpStatusCode, status_to_message(ExpStatusCode)]),
exit({unexpected_response_code, StatusCode, ExpStatusCode});
{ok, ["HTTP/1.1", ExpStatusCode|_]} ->
{ok, ["HTTP/1.1", StatusCode|_]} ->
error_msg("Unexpected status code: ~p (~s). "
"Expected status code: ~p (~s)",
[StatusCode, status_to_message(StatusCode),
ExpStatusCode, status_to_message(ExpStatusCode)]),
exit({unexpected_response_code, StatusCode, ExpStatusCode});
{ok, Unexpected} ->
error_msg("Unexpected response split: ~p (~s)",
[Unexpected, Response]),
exit({unexpected_response, Unexpected, Response});
{error, Reason} ->
error_msg("Failed processing response: ~p (~s)",
[Reason, Response]),
exit({failed_response_processing, Reason, Response})
sz(L) when is_list(L) ->
sz(B) when is_binary(B) ->
sz(O) ->
%% --------------------------------------------------------------
%% Status code to printable string
status_to_message(L) when is_list(L) ->
case (catch list_to_integer(L)) of
I when is_integer(I) ->
_ ->
io_lib:format("UNKNOWN STATUS CODE: '~p'",[L])
status_to_message(100) -> "Section 10.1.1: Continue";
status_to_message(101) -> "Section 10.1.2: Switching Protocols";
status_to_message(200) -> "Section 10.2.1: OK";
status_to_message(201) -> "Section 10.2.2: Created";
status_to_message(202) -> "Section 10.2.3: Accepted";
status_to_message(203) -> "Section 10.2.4: Non-Authoritative Information";
status_to_message(204) -> "Section 10.2.5: No Content";
status_to_message(205) -> "Section 10.2.6: Reset Content";
status_to_message(206) -> "Section 10.2.7: Partial Content";
status_to_message(300) -> "Section 10.3.1: Multiple Choices";
status_to_message(301) -> "Section 10.3.2: Moved Permanently";
status_to_message(302) -> "Section 10.3.3: Found";
status_to_message(303) -> "Section 10.3.4: See Other";
status_to_message(304) -> "Section 10.3.5: Not Modified";
status_to_message(305) -> "Section 10.3.6: Use Proxy";
status_to_message(307) -> "Section 10.3.8: Temporary Redirect";
status_to_message(400) -> "Section 10.4.1: Bad Request";
status_to_message(401) -> "Section 10.4.2: Unauthorized";
status_to_message(402) -> "Section 10.4.3: Peyment Required";
status_to_message(403) -> "Section 10.4.4: Forbidden";
status_to_message(404) -> "Section 10.4.5: Not Found";
status_to_message(405) -> "Section 10.4.6: Method Not Allowed";
status_to_message(406) -> "Section 10.4.7: Not Acceptable";
status_to_message(407) -> "Section 10.4.8: Proxy Authentication Required";
status_to_message(408) -> "Section 10.4.9: Request Time-Out";
status_to_message(409) -> "Section 10.4.10: Conflict";
status_to_message(410) -> "Section 10.4.11: Gone";
status_to_message(411) -> "Section 10.4.12: Length Required";
status_to_message(412) -> "Section 10.4.13: Precondition Failed";
status_to_message(413) -> "Section 10.4.14: Request Entity Too Large";
status_to_message(414) -> "Section 10.4.15: Request-URI Too Large";
status_to_message(415) -> "Section 10.4.16: Unsupported Media Type";
status_to_message(416) -> "Section 10.4.17: Requested range not satisfiable";
status_to_message(417) -> "Section 10.4.18: Expectation Failed";
status_to_message(500) -> "Section 10.5.1: Internal Server Error";
status_to_message(501) -> "Section 10.5.2: Not Implemented";
status_to_message(502) -> "Section 10.5.3: Bad Gatteway";
status_to_message(503) -> "Section 10.5.4: Service Unavailable";
status_to_message(504) -> "Section 10.5.5: Gateway Time-out";
status_to_message(505) -> "Section 10.5.6: HTTP Version not supported";
status_to_message(Code) -> io_lib:format("Unknown status code: ~p",[Code]).
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
to(To, Start) ->
To - (t() - Start).
%% Time in milli seconds
t() ->
%% Adapt to OTP 18 erlang time API and be back-compatible
error:undef ->
%% Use Erlang system time as monotonic time
{A,B,C} = erlang:now(),
A*1000000000+B*1000+(C div 1000)
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
% close(Socket) ->
% gen_tcp:close(Socket).
% send(Socket, Data) ->
% gen_tcp:send(Socket, Data).
hostname() ->
{ok, Hostname} = inet:gethostname(),
hostname(Hostname) when is_list(Hostname) ->
hostname(Hostname) ->
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
error_msg(F,A) -> error_logger:error_msg(F ++ "~n",A).
d(F) ->
d(F,A) ->
d(true, F, A) ->
io:format("DBG ~p ~p " ++ F ++ "~n", [self(),get(sname)]++A);
d(_,_,_) ->