%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2013. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% Interface module for the file server and the file io servers.
%%% External exports
%% File system and metadata.
-export([get_cwd/0, get_cwd/1, set_cwd/1, delete/1, rename/2,
make_dir/1, del_dir/1, list_dir/1, list_dir_all/1,
read_file_info/1, read_file_info/2,
write_file_info/2, write_file_info/3,
read_link_info/1, read_link_info/2,
read_link/1, read_link_all/1,
make_link/2, make_symlink/2,
read_file/1, write_file/2, write_file/3]).
%% Specialized
%% Generic file contents.
-export([open/2, close/1, advise/4, allocate/3,
read/2, write/2,
pread/2, pread/3, pwrite/2, pwrite/3,
position/2, truncate/1, datasync/1, sync/1,
copy/2, copy/3]).
%% High level operations
-export([consult/1, path_consult/2]).
-export([eval/1, eval/2, path_eval/2, path_eval/3, path_open/3]).
-export([script/1, script/2, path_script/2, path_script/3]).
-export([change_owner/2, change_owner/3, change_group/2,
change_mode/2, change_time/2, change_time/3]).
%% Sendfile functions
%%% Obsolete exported functions
-export([raw_read_file_info/1, raw_write_file_info/2]).
%% Internal export to prim_file and ram_file until they implement
%% an efficient copy themselves.
%% Types that can be used from other modules -- alphabetically ordered.
-export_type([date_time/0, fd/0, file_info/0, filename/0, filename_all/0,
io_device/0, name/0, name_all/0, posix/0]).
%%% Includes and defines
-define(FILE_IO_SERVER_TABLE, file_io_servers).
-define(FILE_SERVER, file_server_2). % Registered name
-define(PRIM_FILE, prim_file). % Module
-define(RAM_FILE, ram_file). % Module
%% data types
-type filename() :: string().
-type filename_all() :: string() | binary().
-type file_info() :: #file_info{}.
-type fd() :: #file_descriptor{}.
-type io_device() :: pid() | fd().
-type location() :: integer() | {'bof', Offset :: integer()}
| {'cur', Offset :: integer()}
| {'eof', Offset :: integer()} | 'bof' | 'cur' | 'eof'.
-type mode() :: 'read' | 'write' | 'append'
| 'exclusive' | 'raw' | 'binary'
| {'delayed_write',
Size :: non_neg_integer(),
Delay :: non_neg_integer()}
| 'delayed_write' | {'read_ahead', Size :: pos_integer()}
| 'read_ahead' | 'compressed'
| {'encoding', unicode:encoding()}
| sync.
-type deep_list() :: [char() | atom() | deep_list()].
-type name() :: string() | atom() | deep_list().
-type name_all() :: string() | atom() | deep_list() | (RawFilename :: binary()).
-type posix() :: 'eacces' | 'eagain' | 'ebadf' | 'ebusy' | 'edquot'
| 'eexist' | 'efault' | 'efbig' | 'eintr' | 'einval'
| 'eio' | 'eisdir' | 'eloop' | 'emfile' | 'emlink'
| 'enametoolong'
| 'enfile' | 'enodev' | 'enoent' | 'enomem' | 'enospc'
| 'enotblk' | 'enotdir' | 'enotsup' | 'enxio' | 'eperm'
| 'epipe' | 'erofs' | 'espipe' | 'esrch' | 'estale'
| 'exdev'.
-type date_time() :: calendar:datetime().
-type posix_file_advise() :: 'normal' | 'sequential' | 'random'
| 'no_reuse' | 'will_need' | 'dont_need'.
-type sendfile_option() :: {chunk_size, non_neg_integer()}
| {use_threads, boolean()}.
-type file_info_option() :: {'time', 'local'} | {'time', 'universal'}
| {'time', 'posix'}.
%%% BIFs
-export([file_info/1, native_name_encoding/0]).
-spec file_info(Filename) -> {ok, FileInfo} | {error, Reason} when
Filename :: name_all(),
FileInfo :: file_info(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg.
file_info(_) ->
-spec native_name_encoding() -> latin1 | utf8.
native_name_encoding() ->
%%% End of BIFs
%%% General functions
-spec format_error(Reason) -> Chars when
Reason :: posix() | badarg | terminated | system_limit
| {Line :: integer(), Mod :: module(), Term :: term()},
Chars :: string().
format_error({_Line, ?MODULE, undefined_script}) ->
"no value returned from script";
format_error({Line, ?MODULE, {Class, Reason, Stacktrace}}) ->
io_lib:format("~w: evaluation failed with reason ~w:~w and stacktrace ~w",
[Line, Class, Reason, Stacktrace]);
format_error({Line, ?MODULE, {Reason, Stacktrace}}) ->
io_lib:format("~w: evaluation failed with reason ~w and stacktrace ~w",
[Line, Reason, Stacktrace]);
format_error({Line, Mod, Reason}) ->
io_lib:format("~w: ~ts", [Line, Mod:format_error(Reason)]);
format_error(badarg) ->
"bad argument";
format_error(system_limit) ->
"a system limit was hit, probably not enough ports";
format_error(terminated) ->
"the file server process is terminated";
format_error(ErrorId) ->
-spec pid2name(Pid) -> {ok, Filename} | undefined when
Filename :: filename_all(),
Pid :: pid().
pid2name(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) ->
case whereis(?FILE_SERVER) of
undefined ->
_ ->
case ets:lookup(?FILE_IO_SERVER_TABLE, Pid) of
[{_, Name} | _] ->
{ok, Name};
_ ->
%%% File server functions.
%%% Functions that do not operate on a single open file.
%%% Stateless.
-spec get_cwd() -> {ok, Dir} | {error, Reason} when
Dir :: filename(),
Reason :: posix().
get_cwd() ->
call(get_cwd, []).
-spec get_cwd(Drive) -> {ok, Dir} | {error, Reason} when
Drive :: string(),
Dir :: filename(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg.
get_cwd(Drive) ->
check_and_call(get_cwd, [file_name(Drive)]).
-spec set_cwd(Dir) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
Dir :: name() | EncodedBinary,
EncodedBinary :: binary(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg | no_translation.
set_cwd(Dirname) ->
check_and_call(set_cwd, [file_name(Dirname)]).
-spec delete(Filename) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
Filename :: name_all(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg.
delete(Name) ->
check_and_call(delete, [file_name(Name)]).
-spec rename(Source, Destination) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
Source :: name_all(),
Destination :: name_all(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg.
rename(From, To) ->
check_and_call(rename, [file_name(From), file_name(To)]).
-spec make_dir(Dir) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
Dir :: name_all(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg.
make_dir(Name) ->
check_and_call(make_dir, [file_name(Name)]).
-spec del_dir(Dir) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
Dir :: name_all(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg.
del_dir(Name) ->
check_and_call(del_dir, [file_name(Name)]).
-spec read_file_info(Filename) -> {ok, FileInfo} | {error, Reason} when
Filename :: name_all(),
FileInfo :: file_info(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg.
read_file_info(Name) ->
check_and_call(read_file_info, [file_name(Name)]).
-spec read_file_info(Filename, Opts) -> {ok, FileInfo} | {error, Reason} when
Filename :: name_all(),
Opts :: [file_info_option()],
FileInfo :: file_info(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg.
read_file_info(Name, Opts) when is_list(Opts) ->
check_and_call(read_file_info, [file_name(Name), Opts]).
-spec altname(Name :: name_all()) -> any().
altname(Name) ->
check_and_call(altname, [file_name(Name)]).
-spec read_link_info(Name) -> {ok, FileInfo} | {error, Reason} when
Name :: name_all(),
FileInfo :: file_info(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg.
read_link_info(Name) ->
check_and_call(read_link_info, [file_name(Name)]).
-spec read_link_info(Name, Opts) -> {ok, FileInfo} | {error, Reason} when
Name :: name_all(),
Opts :: [file_info_option()],
FileInfo :: file_info(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg.
read_link_info(Name, Opts) when is_list(Opts) ->
check_and_call(read_link_info, [file_name(Name),Opts]).
-spec read_link(Name) -> {ok, Filename} | {error, Reason} when
Name :: name_all(),
Filename :: filename(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg.
read_link(Name) ->
check_and_call(read_link, [file_name(Name)]).
-spec read_link_all(Name) -> {ok, Filename} | {error, Reason} when
Name :: name_all(),
Filename :: filename_all(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg.
read_link_all(Name) ->
check_and_call(read_link_all, [file_name(Name)]).
-spec write_file_info(Filename, FileInfo) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
Filename :: name_all(),
FileInfo :: file_info(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg.
write_file_info(Name, Info = #file_info{}) ->
check_and_call(write_file_info, [file_name(Name), Info]).
-spec write_file_info(Filename, FileInfo, Opts) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
Filename :: name_all(),
Opts :: [file_info_option()],
FileInfo :: file_info(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg.
write_file_info(Name, Info = #file_info{}, Opts) when is_list(Opts) ->
check_and_call(write_file_info, [file_name(Name), Info, Opts]).
-spec list_dir(Dir) -> {ok, Filenames} | {error, Reason} when
Dir :: name_all(),
Filenames :: [filename()],
Reason :: posix()
| badarg
| {no_translation, Filename :: unicode:latin1_binary()}.
list_dir(Name) ->
check_and_call(list_dir, [file_name(Name)]).
-spec list_dir_all(Dir) -> {ok, Filenames} | {error, Reason} when
Dir :: name_all(),
Filenames :: [filename_all()],
Reason :: posix() | badarg.
list_dir_all(Name) ->
check_and_call(list_dir_all, [file_name(Name)]).
-spec read_file(Filename) -> {ok, Binary} | {error, Reason} when
Filename :: name_all(),
Binary :: binary(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg | terminated | system_limit.
read_file(Name) ->
check_and_call(read_file, [file_name(Name)]).
-spec make_link(Existing, New) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
Existing :: name_all(),
New :: name_all(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg.
make_link(Old, New) ->
check_and_call(make_link, [file_name(Old), file_name(New)]).
-spec make_symlink(Existing, New) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
Existing :: name_all(),
New :: name_all(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg.
make_symlink(Old, New) ->
check_and_call(make_symlink, [file_name(Old), file_name(New)]).
-spec write_file(Filename, Bytes) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
Filename :: name_all(),
Bytes :: iodata(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg | terminated | system_limit.
write_file(Name, Bin) ->
check_and_call(write_file, [file_name(Name), make_binary(Bin)]).
%% This whole operation should be moved to the file_server and prim_file
%% when it is time to change file server protocol again.
%% Meanwhile, it is implemented here, slightly less efficient.
-spec write_file(Filename, Bytes, Modes) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
Filename :: name_all(),
Bytes :: iodata(),
Modes :: [mode()],
Reason :: posix() | badarg | terminated | system_limit.
write_file(Name, Bin, ModeList) when is_list(ModeList) ->
case make_binary(Bin) of
B when is_binary(B) ->
case open(Name, [binary, write |
lists:delete(write, ModeList))]) of
{ok, Handle} ->
case write(Handle, B) of
ok ->
E1 ->
_ = close(Handle),
E2 ->
E3 ->
%% Obsolete, undocumented, local node only, don't use!.
%% XXX to be removed.
raw_read_file_info(Name) ->
Args = [file_name(Name)],
case check_args(Args) of
ok ->
[FileName] = Args,
Error ->
%% Obsolete, undocumented, local node only, don't use!.
%% XXX to be removed.
raw_write_file_info(Name, #file_info{} = Info) ->
Args = [file_name(Name)],
case check_args(Args) of
ok ->
[FileName] = Args,
?PRIM_FILE:write_file_info(FileName, Info);
Error ->
%%% File io server functions.
%%% They operate on a single open file.
%%% Stateful.
%% Contemporary mode specification - list of options
-spec open(File, Modes) -> {ok, IoDevice} | {error, Reason} when
File :: Filename | iodata(),
Filename :: name_all(),
Modes :: [mode() | ram],
IoDevice :: io_device(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg | system_limit.
open(Item, ModeList) when is_list(ModeList) ->
case lists:member(raw, ModeList) of
%% Raw file, use ?PRIM_FILE to handle this file
true ->
Args = [file_name(Item) | ModeList],
case check_args(Args) of
ok ->
[FileName | _] = Args,
%% We rely on the returned Handle (in {ok, Handle})
%% being a pid() or a #file_descriptor{}
?PRIM_FILE:open(FileName, ModeList);
Error ->
false ->
case lists:member(ram, ModeList) of
%% RAM file, use ?RAM_FILE to handle this file
true ->
case check_args(ModeList) of
ok ->
?RAM_FILE:open(Item, ModeList);
Error ->
%% File server file
false ->
Args = [file_name(Item) | ModeList],
case check_args(Args) of
ok ->
[FileName | _] = Args,
call(open, [FileName, ModeList]);
Error ->
%% Old obsolete mode specification in atom or 2-tuple format
open(Item, Mode) ->
open(Item, mode_list(Mode)).
%%% The following interface functions operate on open files.
%%% The File argument must be either a Pid or a handle
%%% returned from ?PRIM_FILE:open.
-spec close(IoDevice) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
IoDevice :: io_device(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg | terminated.
close(File) when is_pid(File) ->
case file_request(File, close) of
{error, terminated} ->
Other ->
%% unlink(File),
%% exit(File, close),
%% ok;
close(#file_descriptor{module = Module} = Handle) ->
close(_) ->
{error, badarg}.
-spec advise(IoDevice, Offset, Length, Advise) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
IoDevice :: io_device(),
Offset :: integer(),
Length :: integer(),
Advise :: posix_file_advise(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg.
advise(File, Offset, Length, Advise) when is_pid(File) ->
file_request(File, {advise, Offset, Length, Advise});
advise(#file_descriptor{module = Module} = Handle, Offset, Length, Advise) ->
Module:advise(Handle, Offset, Length, Advise);
advise(_, _, _, _) ->
{error, badarg}.
-spec allocate(File, Offset, Length) ->
'ok' | {'error', posix()} when
File :: io_device(),
Offset :: non_neg_integer(),
Length :: non_neg_integer().
allocate(File, Offset, Length) when is_pid(File) ->
file_request(File, {allocate, Offset, Length});
allocate(#file_descriptor{module = Module} = Handle, Offset, Length) ->
Module:allocate(Handle, Offset, Length).
-spec read(IoDevice, Number) -> {ok, Data} | eof | {error, Reason} when
IoDevice :: io_device() | atom(),
Number :: non_neg_integer(),
Data :: string() | binary(),
Reason :: posix()
| badarg
| terminated
| {no_translation, unicode, latin1}.
read(File, Sz) when (is_pid(File) orelse is_atom(File)), is_integer(Sz), Sz >= 0 ->
case io:request(File, {get_chars, '', Sz}) of
Data when is_list(Data); is_binary(Data) ->
{ok, Data};
Other ->
read(#file_descriptor{module = Module} = Handle, Sz)
when is_integer(Sz), Sz >= 0 ->
Module:read(Handle, Sz);
read(_, _) ->
{error, badarg}.
-spec read_line(IoDevice) -> {ok, Data} | eof | {error, Reason} when
IoDevice :: io_device() | atom(),
Data :: string() | binary(),
Reason :: posix()
| badarg
| terminated
| {no_translation, unicode, latin1}.
read_line(File) when (is_pid(File) orelse is_atom(File)) ->
case io:request(File, {get_line, ''}) of
Data when is_list(Data); is_binary(Data) ->
{ok, Data};
Other ->
read_line(#file_descriptor{module = Module} = Handle) ->
read_line(_) ->
{error, badarg}.
-spec pread(IoDevice, LocNums) -> {ok, DataL} | eof | {error, Reason} when
IoDevice :: io_device(),
LocNums :: [{Location :: location(), Number :: non_neg_integer()}],
DataL :: [Data],
Data :: string() | binary() | eof,
Reason :: posix() | badarg | terminated.
pread(File, L) when is_pid(File), is_list(L) ->
pread_int(File, L, []);
pread(#file_descriptor{module = Module} = Handle, L) when is_list(L) ->
Module:pread(Handle, L);
pread(_, _) ->
{error, badarg}.
pread_int(_File, [], R) ->
{ok, lists:reverse(R)};
pread_int(File, [{At, Sz} | T], R) when is_integer(Sz), Sz >= 0 ->
case pread(File, At, Sz) of
{ok, Data} ->
pread_int(File, T, [Data | R]);
eof ->
pread_int(File, T, [eof | R]);
{error, _} = Error ->
pread_int(_, _, _) ->
{error, badarg}.
-spec pread(IoDevice, Location, Number) ->
{ok, Data} | eof | {error, Reason} when
IoDevice :: io_device(),
Location :: location(),
Number :: non_neg_integer(),
Data :: string() | binary(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg | terminated.
pread(File, At, Sz) when is_pid(File), is_integer(Sz), Sz >= 0 ->
file_request(File, {pread, At, Sz});
pread(#file_descriptor{module = Module} = Handle, Offs, Sz)
when is_integer(Sz), Sz >= 0 ->
Module:pread(Handle, Offs, Sz);
pread(_, _, _) ->
{error, badarg}.
-spec write(IoDevice, Bytes) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
IoDevice :: io_device() | atom(),
Bytes :: iodata(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg | terminated.
write(File, Bytes) when (is_pid(File) orelse is_atom(File)) ->
case make_binary(Bytes) of
Bin when is_binary(Bin) ->
io:request(File, {put_chars,latin1,Bin});
Error ->
write(#file_descriptor{module = Module} = Handle, Bytes) ->
Module:write(Handle, Bytes);
write(_, _) ->
{error, badarg}.
-spec pwrite(IoDevice, LocBytes) -> ok | {error, {N, Reason}} when
IoDevice :: io_device(),
LocBytes :: [{Location :: location(), Bytes :: iodata()}],
N :: non_neg_integer(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg | terminated.
pwrite(File, L) when is_pid(File), is_list(L) ->
pwrite_int(File, L, 0);
pwrite(#file_descriptor{module = Module} = Handle, L) when is_list(L) ->
Module:pwrite(Handle, L);
pwrite(_, _) ->
{error, badarg}.
pwrite_int(_File, [], _R) ->
pwrite_int(File, [{At, Bytes} | T], R) ->
case pwrite(File, At, Bytes) of
ok ->
pwrite_int(File, T, R+1);
{error, Reason} ->
{error, {R, Reason}}
pwrite_int(_, _, _) ->
{error, badarg}.
-spec pwrite(IoDevice, Location, Bytes) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
IoDevice :: io_device(),
Location :: location(),
Bytes :: iodata(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg | terminated.
pwrite(File, At, Bytes) when is_pid(File) ->
file_request(File, {pwrite, At, Bytes});
pwrite(#file_descriptor{module = Module} = Handle, Offs, Bytes) ->
Module:pwrite(Handle, Offs, Bytes);
pwrite(_, _, _) ->
{error, badarg}.
-spec datasync(IoDevice) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
IoDevice :: io_device(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg | terminated.
datasync(File) when is_pid(File) ->
file_request(File, datasync);
datasync(#file_descriptor{module = Module} = Handle) ->
datasync(_) ->
{error, badarg}.
-spec sync(IoDevice) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
IoDevice :: io_device(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg | terminated.
sync(File) when is_pid(File) ->
file_request(File, sync);
sync(#file_descriptor{module = Module} = Handle) ->
sync(_) ->
{error, badarg}.
-spec position(IoDevice, Location) -> {ok, NewPosition} | {error, Reason} when
IoDevice :: io_device(),
Location :: location(),
NewPosition :: integer(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg | terminated.
position(File, At) when is_pid(File) ->
file_request(File, {position,At});
position(#file_descriptor{module = Module} = Handle, At) ->
Module:position(Handle, At);
position(_, _) ->
{error, badarg}.
-spec truncate(IoDevice) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
IoDevice :: io_device(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg | terminated.
truncate(File) when is_pid(File) ->
file_request(File, truncate);
truncate(#file_descriptor{module = Module} = Handle) ->
truncate(_) ->
{error, badarg}.
-spec copy(Source, Destination) -> {ok, BytesCopied} | {error, Reason} when
Source :: io_device() | Filename | {Filename, Modes},
Destination :: io_device() | Filename | {Filename, Modes},
Filename :: name_all(),
Modes :: [mode()],
BytesCopied :: non_neg_integer(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg | terminated.
copy(Source, Dest) ->
copy_int(Source, Dest, infinity).
-spec copy(Source, Destination, ByteCount) ->
{ok, BytesCopied} | {error, Reason} when
Source :: io_device() | Filename | {Filename, Modes},
Destination :: io_device() | Filename | {Filename, Modes},
Filename :: name_all(),
Modes :: [mode()],
ByteCount :: non_neg_integer() | infinity,
BytesCopied :: non_neg_integer(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg | terminated.
copy(Source, Dest, Length)
when is_integer(Length), Length >= 0;
is_atom(Length) ->
copy_int(Source, Dest, Length);
copy(_, _, _) ->
{error, badarg}.
%% Here we know that Length is either an atom or an integer >= 0
%% (by the way, atoms > integers)
%% Copy between open files.
copy_int(Source, Dest, Length)
when is_pid(Source), is_pid(Dest);
is_pid(Source), is_record(Dest, file_descriptor);
is_record(Source, file_descriptor), is_pid(Dest) ->
copy_opened_int(Source, Dest, Length, 0);
%% Copy between open raw files, both handled by the same module
copy_int(#file_descriptor{module = Module} = Source,
#file_descriptor{module = Module} = Dest,
Length) ->
Module:copy(Source, Dest, Length);
%% Copy between open raw files of different modules
copy_int(#file_descriptor{} = Source,
#file_descriptor{} = Dest, Length) ->
copy_opened_int(Source, Dest, Length, 0);
%% Copy between filenames, let the server do the copy
copy_int({SourceName, SourceOpts}, {DestName, DestOpts}, Length)
when is_list(SourceOpts), is_list(DestOpts) ->
[file_name(SourceName), SourceOpts,
file_name(DestName), DestOpts,
%% Filename -> open file; must open Source and do client copy
copy_int({SourceName, SourceOpts}, Dest, Length)
when is_list(SourceOpts), is_pid(Dest);
is_list(SourceOpts), is_record(Dest, file_descriptor) ->
case file_name(SourceName) of
{error, _} = Error ->
Source ->
case open(Source, [read | SourceOpts]) of
{ok, Handle} ->
Result = copy_opened_int(Handle, Dest, Length, 0),
_ = close(Handle),
{error, _} = Error ->
%% Open file -> filename; must open Dest and do client copy
copy_int(Source, {DestName, DestOpts}, Length)
when is_pid(Source), is_list(DestOpts);
is_record(Source, file_descriptor), is_list(DestOpts) ->
case file_name(DestName) of
{error, _} = Error ->
Dest ->
case open(Dest, [write | DestOpts]) of
{ok, Handle} ->
case copy_opened_int(Source, Handle, Length, 0) of
{ok, _} = OK ->
case close(Handle) of
ok -> OK;
Error -> Error
Error ->
_ = close(Handle),
{error, _} = Error ->
%% That was all combinations of {Name, Opts} tuples
%% and open files. At least one of Source and Dest has
%% to be a bare filename.
%% If Source is not a bare filename; Dest must be
copy_int(Source, Dest, Length)
when is_pid(Source);
is_record(Source, file_descriptor) ->
copy_int(Source, {Dest, []}, Length);
copy_int({_SourceName, SourceOpts} = Source, Dest, Length)
when is_list(SourceOpts) ->
copy_int(Source, {Dest, []}, Length);
%% If Dest is not a bare filename; Source must be
copy_int(Source, Dest, Length)
when is_pid(Dest);
is_record(Dest, file_descriptor) ->
copy_int({Source, []}, Dest, Length);
copy_int(Source, {_DestName, DestOpts} = Dest, Length)
when is_list(DestOpts) ->
copy_int({Source, []}, Dest, Length);
%% Both must be bare filenames. If they are not,
%% the filename check in the copy operation will yell.
copy_int(Source, Dest, Length) ->
copy_int({Source, []}, {Dest, []}, Length).
copy_opened(Source, Dest, Length)
when is_integer(Length), Length >= 0;
is_atom(Length) ->
copy_opened_int(Source, Dest, Length);
copy_opened(_, _, _) ->
{error, badarg}.
%% Here we know that Length is either an atom or an integer >= 0
%% (by the way, atoms > integers)
copy_opened_int(Source, Dest, Length)
when is_pid(Source), is_pid(Dest) ->
copy_opened_int(Source, Dest, Length, 0);
copy_opened_int(Source, Dest, Length)
when is_pid(Source), is_record(Dest, file_descriptor) ->
copy_opened_int(Source, Dest, Length, 0);
copy_opened_int(Source, Dest, Length)
when is_record(Source, file_descriptor), is_pid(Dest) ->
copy_opened_int(Source, Dest, Length, 0);
copy_opened_int(Source, Dest, Length)
when is_record(Source, file_descriptor), is_record(Dest, file_descriptor) ->
copy_opened_int(Source, Dest, Length, 0);
copy_opened_int(_, _, _) ->
{error, badarg}.
%% Here we know that Source and Dest are handles to open files, Length is
%% as above, and Copied is an integer >= 0
%% Copy loop in client process
copy_opened_int(_, _, Length, Copied) when Length =< 0 -> % atom() > integer()
{ok, Copied};
copy_opened_int(Source, Dest, Length, Copied) ->
N = if Length > 65536 -> 65536; true -> Length end, % atom() > integer() !
case read(Source, N) of
{ok, Data} ->
M = if is_binary(Data) -> byte_size(Data);
is_list(Data) -> length(Data)
case write(Dest, Data) of
ok ->
if M < N ->
%% Got less than asked for - must be end of file
{ok, Copied+M};
true ->
%% Decrement Length (might be an atom (infinity))
NewLength = if is_atom(Length) -> Length;
true -> Length-M
copy_opened_int(Source, Dest, NewLength, Copied+M)
{error, _} = Error ->
eof ->
{ok, Copied};
{error, _} = Error ->
%% Special indirect pread function. Introduced for Dets.
%% Reads a header from pos 'Pos', the header is first a size encoded as
%% 32 bit big endian unsigned and then a position also encoded as
%% 32 bit big endian. Finally it preads the data from that pos and size
%% in the file.
ipread_s32bu_p32bu(File, Pos, MaxSize) when is_pid(File) ->
ipread_s32bu_p32bu_int(File, Pos, MaxSize);
ipread_s32bu_p32bu(#file_descriptor{module = Module} = Handle, Pos, MaxSize) ->
Module:ipread_s32bu_p32bu(Handle, Pos, MaxSize);
ipread_s32bu_p32bu(_, _, _) ->
{error, badarg}.
ipread_s32bu_p32bu_int(File, Pos, Infinity) when is_atom(Infinity) ->
ipread_s32bu_p32bu_int(File, Pos, (1 bsl 31)-1);
ipread_s32bu_p32bu_int(File, Pos, MaxSize)
when is_integer(MaxSize), MaxSize >= 0 ->
MaxSize < (1 bsl 31) ->
case pread(File, Pos, 8) of
{ok, Header} ->
ipread_s32bu_p32bu_2(File, Header, MaxSize);
Error ->
true ->
{error, einval}
ipread_s32bu_p32bu_int(_File, _Pos, _MaxSize) ->
{error, badarg}.
<<0:32/big-unsigned, Pos:32/big-unsigned>>,
_MaxSize) ->
{ok, {0, Pos, eof}};
<<Size:32/big-unsigned, Pos:32/big-unsigned>>,
when Size =< MaxSize ->
case pread(File, Pos, Size) of
{ok, Data} ->
{ok, {Size, Pos, Data}};
eof ->
{ok, {Size, Pos, eof}};
Error ->
_MaxSize) ->
_MaxSize) ->
MaxSize) when is_list(Header) ->
ipread_s32bu_p32bu_2(File, list_to_binary(Header), MaxSize).
%%% The following functions, built upon the other interface functions,
%%% provide a higher-lever interface to files.
-spec consult(Filename) -> {ok, Terms} | {error, Reason} when
Filename :: name_all(),
Terms :: [term()],
Reason :: posix() | badarg | terminated | system_limit
| {Line :: integer(), Mod :: module(), Term :: term()}.
consult(File) ->
case open(File, [read]) of
{ok, Fd} ->
R = consult_stream(Fd),
_ = close(Fd),
Error ->
-spec path_consult(Path, Filename) -> {ok, Terms, FullName} | {error, Reason} when
Path :: [Dir],
Dir :: name_all(),
Filename :: name_all(),
Terms :: [term()],
FullName :: filename_all(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg | terminated | system_limit
| {Line :: integer(), Mod :: module(), Term :: term()}.
path_consult(Path, File) ->
case path_open(Path, File, [read]) of
{ok, Fd, Full} ->
case consult_stream(Fd) of
{ok, List} ->
_ = close(Fd),
{ok, List, Full};
E1 ->
_ = close(Fd),
E2 ->
-spec eval(Filename) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
Filename :: name_all(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg | terminated | system_limit
| {Line :: integer(), Mod :: module(), Term :: term()}.
eval(File) ->
eval(File, erl_eval:new_bindings()).
-spec eval(Filename, Bindings) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
Filename :: name_all(),
Bindings :: erl_eval:binding_struct(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg | terminated | system_limit
| {Line :: integer(), Mod :: module(), Term :: term()}.
eval(File, Bs) ->
case open(File, [read]) of
{ok, Fd} ->
R = eval_stream(Fd, ignore, Bs),
_ = close(Fd),
Error ->
-spec path_eval(Path, Filename) -> {ok, FullName} | {error, Reason} when
Path :: [Dir :: name_all()],
Filename :: name_all(),
FullName :: filename_all(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg | terminated | system_limit
| {Line :: integer(), Mod :: module(), Term :: term()}.
path_eval(Path, File) ->
path_eval(Path, File, erl_eval:new_bindings()).
-spec path_eval(Path, Filename, Bindings) ->
{ok, FullName} | {error, Reason} when
Path :: [Dir :: name_all()],
Filename :: name_all(),
Bindings :: erl_eval:binding_struct(),
FullName :: filename_all(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg | terminated | system_limit
| {Line :: integer(), Mod :: module(), Term :: term()}.
path_eval(Path, File, Bs) ->
case path_open(Path, File, [read]) of
{ok, Fd, Full} ->
case eval_stream(Fd, ignore, Bs) of
ok ->
_ = close(Fd),
{ok, Full};
E1 ->
_ = close(Fd),
E2 ->
-spec script(Filename) -> {ok, Value} | {error, Reason} when
Filename :: name_all(),
Value :: term(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg | terminated | system_limit
| {Line :: integer(), Mod :: module(), Term :: term()}.
script(File) ->
script(File, erl_eval:new_bindings()).
-spec script(Filename, Bindings) -> {ok, Value} | {error, Reason} when
Filename :: name_all(),
Bindings :: erl_eval:binding_struct(),
Value :: term(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg | terminated | system_limit
| {Line :: integer(), Mod :: module(), Term :: term()}.
script(File, Bs) ->
case open(File, [read]) of
{ok, Fd} ->
R = eval_stream(Fd, return, Bs),
_ = close(Fd),
Error ->
-spec path_script(Path, Filename) ->
{ok, Value, FullName} | {error, Reason} when
Path :: [Dir :: name_all()],
Filename :: name_all(),
Value :: term(),
FullName :: filename_all(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg | terminated | system_limit
| {Line :: integer(), Mod :: module(), Term :: term()}.
path_script(Path, File) ->
path_script(Path, File, erl_eval:new_bindings()).
-spec path_script(Path, Filename, Bindings) ->
{ok, Value, FullName} | {error, Reason} when
Path :: [Dir :: name_all()],
Filename :: name_all(),
Bindings :: erl_eval:binding_struct(),
Value :: term(),
FullName :: filename_all(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg | terminated | system_limit
| {Line :: integer(), Mod :: module(), Term :: term()}.
path_script(Path, File, Bs) ->
case path_open(Path, File, [read]) of
{ok,Fd,Full} ->
case eval_stream(Fd, return, Bs) of
{ok,R} ->
_ = close(Fd),
{ok, R, Full};
E1 ->
_ = close(Fd),
E2 ->
%% path_open(Paths, Filename, Mode) ->
%% {ok,FileDescriptor,FullName}
%% {error,Reason}
%% Searches the Paths for file Filename which can be opened with Mode.
%% The path list is ignored if Filename contains an absolute path.
-spec path_open(Path, Filename, Modes) ->
{ok, IoDevice, FullName} | {error, Reason} when
Path :: [Dir :: name_all()],
Filename :: name_all(),
Modes :: [mode()],
IoDevice :: io_device(),
FullName :: filename_all(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg | system_limit.
path_open(PathList, Name, Mode) ->
case file_name(Name) of
{error, _} = Error ->
FileName ->
case filename:pathtype(FileName) of
relative ->
path_open_first(PathList, FileName, Mode, enoent);
_ ->
case open(Name, Mode) of
{ok, Fd} ->
{ok, Fd, Name};
Error ->
-spec change_mode(Filename, Mode) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
Filename :: name_all(),
Mode :: integer(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg.
change_mode(Name, Mode)
when is_integer(Mode) ->
write_file_info(Name, #file_info{mode=Mode}).
-spec change_owner(Filename, Uid) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
Filename :: name_all(),
Uid :: integer(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg.
change_owner(Name, OwnerId)
when is_integer(OwnerId) ->
write_file_info(Name, #file_info{uid=OwnerId}).
-spec change_owner(Filename, Uid, Gid) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
Filename :: name_all(),
Uid :: integer(),
Gid :: integer(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg.
change_owner(Name, OwnerId, GroupId)
when is_integer(OwnerId), is_integer(GroupId) ->
write_file_info(Name, #file_info{uid=OwnerId, gid=GroupId}).
-spec change_group(Filename, Gid) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
Filename :: name_all(),
Gid :: integer(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg.
change_group(Name, GroupId)
when is_integer(GroupId) ->
write_file_info(Name, #file_info{gid=GroupId}).
-spec change_time(Filename, Mtime) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
Filename :: name_all(),
Mtime :: date_time(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg.
change_time(Name, {{Y, M, D}, {H, Min, Sec}}=Time)
when is_integer(Y), is_integer(M), is_integer(D),
is_integer(H), is_integer(Min), is_integer(Sec)->
write_file_info(Name, #file_info{mtime=Time}).
-spec change_time(Filename, Atime, Mtime) -> ok | {error, Reason} when
Filename :: name_all(),
Atime :: date_time(),
Mtime :: date_time(),
Reason :: posix() | badarg.
change_time(Name, {{AY, AM, AD}, {AH, AMin, ASec}}=Atime,
{{MY, MM, MD}, {MH, MMin, MSec}}=Mtime)
when is_integer(AY), is_integer(AM), is_integer(AD),
is_integer(AH), is_integer(AMin), is_integer(ASec),
is_integer(MY), is_integer(MM), is_integer(MD),
is_integer(MH), is_integer(MMin), is_integer(MSec)->
write_file_info(Name, #file_info{atime=Atime, mtime=Mtime}).
%% Send data using sendfile
-define(MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, (1 bsl 20)*20). %% 20 MB, has to fit in primary memory
-spec sendfile(RawFile, Socket, Offset, Bytes, Opts) ->
{'ok', non_neg_integer()} | {'error', inet:posix() |
closed | badarg | not_owner} when
RawFile :: fd(),
Socket :: inet:socket(),
Offset :: non_neg_integer(),
Bytes :: non_neg_integer(),
Opts :: [sendfile_option()].
sendfile(File, _Sock, _Offet, _Bytes, _Opts) when is_pid(File) ->
{error, badarg};
sendfile(File, Sock, Offset, Bytes, []) ->
sendfile(File, Sock, Offset, Bytes, ?MAX_CHUNK_SIZE, [], [], []);
sendfile(File, Sock, Offset, Bytes, Opts) ->
ChunkSize0 = proplists:get_value(chunk_size, Opts, ?MAX_CHUNK_SIZE),
ChunkSize = if ChunkSize0 > ?MAX_CHUNK_SIZE ->
true -> ChunkSize0
%% Support for headers, trailers and options has been removed because the
%% Darwin and BSD API for using it does not play nice with
%% non-blocking sockets. See unix_efile.c for more info.
sendfile(File, Sock, Offset, Bytes, ChunkSize, [], [], Opts).
%% sendfile/2
-spec sendfile(Filename, Socket) ->
{'ok', non_neg_integer()} | {'error', inet:posix() |
closed | badarg | not_owner}
when Filename :: name_all(),
Socket :: inet:socket().
sendfile(Filename, Sock) ->
case file:open(Filename, [read, raw, binary]) of
{error, Reason} ->
{error, Reason};
{ok, Fd} ->
Res = sendfile(Fd, Sock, 0, 0, []),
_ = file:close(Fd),
%% Internal sendfile functions
sendfile(#file_descriptor{ module = Mod } = Fd, Sock, Offset, Bytes,
ChunkSize, Headers, Trailers, Opts)
when is_port(Sock) ->
case Mod:sendfile(Fd, Sock, Offset, Bytes, ChunkSize, Headers, Trailers,
Opts) of
{error, enotsup} ->
sendfile_fallback(Fd, Sock, Offset, Bytes, ChunkSize,
Headers, Trailers);
Else ->
sendfile(_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_) ->
{error, badarg}.
%% Sendfile Fallback
sendfile_fallback(File, Sock, Offset, Bytes, ChunkSize,
Headers, Trailers)
when Headers == []; is_integer(Headers) ->
case sendfile_fallback(File, Sock, Offset, Bytes, ChunkSize) of
{ok, BytesSent} when is_list(Trailers),
Trailers =/= [],
is_integer(Headers) ->
sendfile_send(Sock, Trailers, BytesSent+Headers);
{ok, BytesSent} when is_list(Trailers), Trailers =/= [] ->
sendfile_send(Sock, Trailers, BytesSent);
{ok, BytesSent} when is_integer(Headers) ->
{ok, BytesSent + Headers};
Else ->
sendfile_fallback(File, Sock, Offset, Bytes, ChunkSize, Headers, Trailers) ->
case sendfile_send(Sock, Headers, 0) of
{ok, BytesSent} ->
sendfile_fallback(File, Sock, Offset, Bytes, ChunkSize, BytesSent,
Else ->
sendfile_fallback(File, Sock, Offset, Bytes, ChunkSize) ->
{ok, CurrPos} = file:position(File, {cur, 0}),
{ok, _NewPos} = file:position(File, {bof, Offset}),
Res = sendfile_fallback_int(File, Sock, Bytes, ChunkSize, 0),
_ = file:position(File, {bof, CurrPos}),
sendfile_fallback_int(File, Sock, Bytes, ChunkSize, BytesSent)
when Bytes > BytesSent; Bytes == 0 ->
Size = if Bytes == 0 ->
(Bytes - BytesSent) < ChunkSize ->
Bytes - BytesSent;
true ->
case file:read(File, Size) of
{ok, Data} ->
case sendfile_send(Sock, Data, BytesSent) of
{ok,NewBytesSent} ->
File, Sock, Bytes, ChunkSize,
Error ->
eof ->
{ok, BytesSent};
Error ->
sendfile_fallback_int(_File, _Sock, BytesSent, _ChunkSize, BytesSent) ->
{ok, BytesSent}.
sendfile_send(Sock, Data, Old) ->
Len = iolist_size(Data),
case gen_tcp:send(Sock, Data) of
ok ->
{ok, Len+Old};
Else ->
%%% Helpers
consult_stream(Fd) ->
_ = epp:set_encoding(Fd),
consult_stream(Fd, 1, []).
consult_stream(Fd, Line, Acc) ->
case io:read(Fd, '', Line) of
{ok,Term,EndLine} ->
consult_stream(Fd, EndLine, [Term|Acc]);
{error,Error,_Line} ->
{eof,_Line} ->
eval_stream(Fd, Handling, Bs) ->
_ = epp:set_encoding(Fd),
eval_stream(Fd, Handling, 1, undefined, [], Bs).
eval_stream(Fd, H, Line, Last, E, Bs) ->
eval_stream2(io:parse_erl_exprs(Fd, '', Line), Fd, H, Last, E, Bs).
eval_stream2({ok,Form,EndLine}, Fd, H, Last, E, Bs0) ->
try erl_eval:exprs(Form, Bs0) of
{value,V,Bs} ->
eval_stream(Fd, H, EndLine, {V}, E, Bs)
catch Class:Reason ->
Error = {EndLine,?MODULE,{Class,Reason,erlang:get_stacktrace()}},
eval_stream(Fd, H, EndLine, Last, [Error|E], Bs0)
eval_stream2({error,What,EndLine}, Fd, H, Last, E, Bs) ->
eval_stream(Fd, H, EndLine, Last, [What | E], Bs);
eval_stream2({eof,EndLine}, _Fd, H, Last, E, _Bs) ->
case {H, Last, E} of
{return, {Val}, []} ->
{ok, Val};
{return, undefined, E} ->
{error, hd(lists:reverse(E, [{EndLine,?MODULE,undefined_script}]))};
{ignore, _, []} ->
{_, _, [_|_] = E} ->
{error, hd(lists:reverse(E))}
path_open_first([Path|Rest], Name, Mode, LastError) ->
case file_name(Path) of
{error, _} = Error ->
FilePath ->
FileName = fname_join(FilePath, Name),
case open(FileName, Mode) of
{ok, Fd} ->
{ok, Fd, FileName};
{error, enoent} ->
path_open_first(Rest, Name, Mode, LastError);
Error ->
path_open_first([], _Name, _Mode, LastError) ->
{error, LastError}.
fname_join(".", Name) ->
fname_join(Dir, Name) ->
filename:join(Dir, Name).
%%% Utility functions.
%% file_name(FileName)
%% Generates a flat file name from a deep list of atoms and
%% characters (integers).
file_name(N) when is_binary(N) ->
file_name(N) ->
catch Reason ->
{error, Reason}
file_name_1([C|T],latin1) when is_integer(C), C < 256->
file_name_1([C|T],utf8) when is_integer(C) ->
file_name_1([H|T],E) ->
file_name_1(H,E) ++ file_name_1(T,E);
file_name_1([],_) ->
file_name_1(N,_) when is_atom(N) ->
file_name_1(_,_) ->
make_binary(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
make_binary(List) ->
%% Convert the list to a binary in order to avoid copying a list
%% to the file server.
catch error:Reason ->
{error, Reason}
mode_list(read) ->
mode_list(write) ->
mode_list(read_write) ->
[read, write];
mode_list({binary, Mode}) when is_atom(Mode) ->
[binary | mode_list(Mode)];
mode_list({character, Mode}) when is_atom(Mode) ->
mode_list(_) ->
[{error, badarg}].
%% Functions for communicating with the file server
call(Command, Args) when is_list(Args) ->
X = erlang:dt_spread_tag(true),
Y = gen_server:call(?FILE_SERVER, list_to_tuple([Command | Args]),
check_and_call(Command, Args) when is_list(Args) ->
case check_args(Args) of
ok ->
call(Command, Args);
Error ->
check_args([{error, _}=Error|_Rest]) ->
check_args([_Name|Rest]) ->
check_args([]) ->
%% Function for communicating with a file io server.
%% The messages sent have the following formats:
%% {file_request,From,ReplyAs,Request}
%% {file_reply,ReplyAs,Reply}
file_request(Io, Request) ->
Ref = erlang:monitor(process, Io),
Io ! {file_request,self(),Ref,Request},
{file_reply,Ref,Reply} ->
erlang:demonitor(Ref, [flush]),
{'DOWN', Ref, _, _, _} ->
{error, terminated}