%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2013. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% Store info about ip addresses, names, aliases host files resolver
%% options
%% If the macro DEBUG is defined during compilation,
%% debug printouts are done through erlang:display/1.
%% Activate this feature by starting the compiler
%% with> erlc -DDEBUG ...
%% before running make (in the OTP make system)
%% (the example is for tcsh)
%% External exports
-export([start/0, start_link/0, stop/0, reset/0, clear_cache/0]).
-export([add_ns/1,add_ns/2, ins_ns/1, ins_ns/2,
del_ns/2, del_ns/1, del_ns/0]).
-export([add_alt_ns/1,add_alt_ns/2, ins_alt_ns/1, ins_alt_ns/2,
del_alt_ns/2, del_alt_ns/1, del_alt_ns/0]).
-export([add_search/1,ins_search/1,del_search/1, del_search/0]).
-export([set_lookup/1, set_recurse/1]).
-export([set_socks_server/1, set_socks_port/1, add_socks_methods/1,
del_socks_methods/1, del_socks_methods/0,
add_socks_noproxy/1, del_socks_noproxy/1]).
-export([set_cache_size/1, set_cache_refresh/1]).
-export([set_timeout/1, set_retry/1, set_inet6/1, set_usevc/1]).
-export([set_edns/1, set_udp_payload_size/1]).
-export([set_resolv_conf/1, set_hosts_file/1, get_hosts_file/0]).
-export([tcp_module/0, set_tcp_module/1]).
-export([udp_module/0, set_udp_module/1]).
-export([register_socket/2, unregister_socket/1, lookup_socket/1]).
%% Host name & domain
-export([set_hostname/1, set_domain/1]).
%% file interface
-export([add_host/2, del_host/1, clear_hosts/0, add_hosts/1]).
-export([add_rc/1, add_rc_bin/1, add_rc_list/1, get_rc/0]).
-export([res_option/1, res_option/2, res_check_option/2]).
-export([getbyname/2, get_searchlist/0]).
-export([res_update_conf/0, res_update_hosts/0]).
%% inet help functions
-define(dbg(Fmt, Args), io:format(Fmt, Args)).
-define(dbg(Fmd, Args), ok).
%% gen_server callbacks
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2]).
{db, %% resolver data
cache, %% bag of resource records
hosts_byname, %% hosts table
hosts_byaddr, %% hosts table
hosts_file_byname, %% hosts table from system file
hosts_file_byaddr, %% hosts table from system file
cache_timer %% timer reference for refresh
-type state() :: #state{}.
%%% API
start() ->
case gen_server:start({local, inet_db}, inet_db, [], []) of
{ok, _Pid}=Ok -> inet_config:init(), Ok;
Error -> Error
start_link() ->
case gen_server:start_link({local, inet_db}, inet_db, [], []) of
{ok, _Pid}=Ok -> inet_config:init(), Ok;
Error -> Error
call(Req) ->
gen_server:call(inet_db, Req, infinity).
stop() ->
reset() ->
%% insert all resolve options from this file (MAY GO)
add_resolv(File) ->
case inet_parse:resolv(File) of
{ok, Res} -> add_rc_list(Res);
Error -> Error
%% add all aliases from this hosts file (MAY GO)
add_hosts(File) ->
case inet_parse:hosts(File) of
{ok, Res} ->
fun({IP, Name, Aliases}) -> add_host(IP, [Name|Aliases]) end,
Error -> Error
add_host(IP, Names) -> call({add_host, IP, Names}).
del_host(IP) -> call({del_host, IP}).
clear_hosts() -> call(clear_hosts).
%% add to the end of name server list
add_ns(IP) ->
add_ns(IP,Port) ->
call({listop, nameservers, add, {IP,Port}}).
%% insert at head of name server list
ins_ns(IP) ->
ins_ns(IP,Port) ->
call({listop, nameservers, ins, {IP,Port}}).
%% delete this name server entry (delete all ns having this ip)
del_ns(IP) ->
del_ns(IP, Port) ->
call({listop, nameservers, del, {IP,Port}}).
del_ns() ->
call({listdel, nameservers}).
%% add to the end of name server list
add_alt_ns(IP) ->
add_alt_ns(IP, ?NAMESERVER_PORT).
add_alt_ns(IP,Port) ->
call({listop, alt_nameservers, add, {IP,Port}}).
%% insert at head of name server list
ins_alt_ns(IP) ->
ins_alt_ns(IP, ?NAMESERVER_PORT).
ins_alt_ns(IP,Port) ->
call({listop, alt_nameservers, ins, {IP,Port}}).
%% delete this name server entry
del_alt_ns(IP) ->
del_alt_ns(IP, ?NAMESERVER_PORT).
del_alt_ns(IP, Port) ->
call({listop, alt_nameservers, del, {IP,Port}}).
del_alt_ns() ->
call({listdel, alt_nameservers}).
%% add this domain to the search list
add_search(Domain) when is_list(Domain) ->
call({listop, search, add, Domain}).
ins_search(Domain) when is_list(Domain) ->
call({listop, search, ins, Domain}).
del_search(Domain) ->
call({listop, search, del, Domain}).
del_search() ->
call({listdel, search}).
%% set host name used by inet
%% Should only be used by inet_config at startup!
set_hostname(Name) ->
call({set_hostname, Name}).
%% set default domain
set_domain(Domain) -> res_option(domain, Domain).
%% set lookup methods
set_lookup(Methods) -> res_option(lookup, Methods).
%% resolver
set_recurse(Flag) -> res_option(recurse, Flag).
set_timeout(Time) -> res_option(timeout, Time).
set_retry(N) -> res_option(retry, N).
set_inet6(Bool) -> res_option(inet6, Bool).
set_usevc(Bool) -> res_option(usevc, Bool).
set_edns(Version) -> res_option(edns, Version).
set_udp_payload_size(Size) -> res_option(udp_payload_size, Size).
set_resolv_conf(Fname) -> res_option(resolv_conf, Fname).
set_hosts_file(Fname) -> res_option(hosts_file, Fname).
get_hosts_file() ->
get_rc_hosts([], [], inet_hosts_file_byname).
%% set socks options
set_socks_server(Server) -> call({set_socks_server, Server}).
set_socks_port(Port) -> call({set_socks_port, Port}).
add_socks_methods(Ms) -> call({add_socks_methods,Ms}).
del_socks_methods(Ms) -> call({del_socks_methods,Ms}).
del_socks_methods() -> call(del_socks_methods).
add_socks_noproxy({Net,Mask}) -> call({add_socks_noproxy, {Net,Mask}}).
del_socks_noproxy(Net) -> call({del_socks_noproxy, Net}).
%% cache options
set_cache_size(Limit) -> call({set_cache_size, Limit}).
set_cache_refresh(Time) -> call({set_cache_refresh, Time}).
clear_cache() -> call(clear_cache).
set_tcp_module(Module) -> call({set_tcp_module, Module}).
tcp_module() -> db_get(tcp_module).
set_udp_module(Module) -> call({set_udp_module, Module}).
udp_module() -> db_get(udp_module).
set_sctp_module(Family)-> call({set_sctp_module,Family}).
sctp_module()-> db_get(sctp_module).
%% Add an inetrc file
add_rc(File) ->
case file:consult(File) of
{ok, List} -> add_rc_list(List);
Error -> Error
%% Add an inetrc binary term must be a rc list
add_rc_bin(Bin) ->
case catch binary_to_term(Bin) of
List when is_list(List) ->
_ ->
{error, badarg}
add_rc_list(List) -> call({add_rc_list, List}).
%% All kind of flavors !
translate_lookup(["bind" | Ls]) -> [dns | translate_lookup(Ls)];
translate_lookup(["dns" | Ls]) -> [dns | translate_lookup(Ls)];
translate_lookup(["hosts" | Ls]) -> [file | translate_lookup(Ls)];
translate_lookup(["files" | Ls]) -> [file | translate_lookup(Ls)];
translate_lookup(["file" | Ls]) -> [file | translate_lookup(Ls)];
translate_lookup(["yp" | Ls]) -> [yp | translate_lookup(Ls)];
translate_lookup(["nis" | Ls]) -> [nis | translate_lookup(Ls)];
translate_lookup(["nisplus" | Ls]) -> [nisplus | translate_lookup(Ls)];
translate_lookup(["native" | Ls]) -> [native | translate_lookup(Ls)];
translate_lookup([M | Ls]) when is_atom(M) -> translate_lookup([atom_to_list(M) | Ls]);
translate_lookup([_ | Ls]) -> translate_lookup(Ls);
translate_lookup([]) -> [].
valid_lookup() -> [dns, file, yp, nis, nisplus, native].
%% Reconstruct an inetrc sturcture from inet_db
get_rc() ->
get_rc([hosts, domain, nameservers, search, alt_nameservers,
timeout, retry, inet6, usevc,
edns, udp_payload_size, resolv_conf, hosts_file,
socks5_server, socks5_port, socks5_methods, socks5_noproxy,
udp, sctp, tcp, host, cache_size, cache_refresh, lookup], []).
get_rc([K | Ks], Ls) ->
case K of
hosts -> get_rc_hosts(Ks, Ls, inet_hosts_byname);
domain -> get_rc(domain, res_domain, "", Ks, Ls);
nameservers -> get_rc_ns(db_get(res_ns),nameservers,Ks,Ls);
alt_nameservers -> get_rc_ns(db_get(res_alt_ns),alt_nameservers,Ks,Ls);
search -> get_rc(search, res_search, [], Ks, Ls);
timeout -> get_rc(timeout,res_timeout,?RES_TIMEOUT, Ks,Ls);
retry -> get_rc(retry, res_retry, ?RES_RETRY, Ks, Ls);
inet6 -> get_rc(inet6, res_inet6, false, Ks, Ls);
usevc -> get_rc(usevc, res_usevc, false, Ks, Ls);
edns -> get_rc(edns, res_edns, false, Ks, Ls);
udp_payload_size -> get_rc(udp_payload_size, res_udp_payload_size,
resolv_conf -> get_rc(resolv_conf, res_resolv_conf, undefined, Ks, Ls);
hosts_file -> get_rc(hosts_file, res_hosts_file, undefined, Ks, Ls);
tcp -> get_rc(tcp, tcp_module, ?DEFAULT_TCP_MODULE, Ks, Ls);
udp -> get_rc(udp, udp_module, ?DEFAULT_UDP_MODULE, Ks, Ls);
sctp -> get_rc(sctp, sctp_module, ?DEFAULT_SCTP_MODULE, Ks, Ls);
lookup -> get_rc(lookup, res_lookup, [native,file], Ks, Ls);
cache_size -> get_rc(cache_size, cache_size, ?CACHE_LIMIT, Ks, Ls);
cache_refresh ->
get_rc(cache_refresh, cache_refresh_interval,?CACHE_REFRESH,Ks,Ls);
socks5_server -> get_rc(socks5_server, socks5_server, "", Ks, Ls);
socks5_port -> get_rc(socks5_port,socks5_port,?IPPORT_SOCKS,Ks,Ls);
socks5_methods -> get_rc(socks5_methods,socks5_methods,[none],Ks,Ls);
socks5_noproxy ->
case db_get(socks5_noproxy) of
[] -> get_rc(Ks, Ls);
NoProxy -> get_rc_noproxy(NoProxy, Ks, Ls)
_ ->
get_rc(Ks, Ls)
get_rc([], Ls) ->
get_rc(Name, Key, Default, Ks, Ls) ->
case db_get(Key) of
Default -> get_rc(Ks, Ls);
Value -> get_rc(Ks, [{Name, Value} | Ls])
get_rc_noproxy([{Net,Mask} | Ms], Ks, Ls) ->
get_rc_noproxy(Ms, Ks, [{socks5_noproxy, Net, Mask} | Ls]);
get_rc_noproxy([], Ks, Ls) -> get_rc(Ks, Ls).
get_rc_ns([{IP,?NAMESERVER_PORT} | Ns], Tag, Ks, Ls) ->
get_rc_ns(Ns, Tag, Ks, [{Tag, IP} | Ls]);
get_rc_ns([{IP,Port} | Ns], Tag, Ks, Ls) ->
get_rc_ns(Ns, Tag, Ks, [{Tag, IP, Port} | Ls]);
get_rc_ns([], _Tag, Ks, Ls) ->
get_rc(Ks, Ls).
get_rc_hosts(Ks, Ls, Tab) ->
case lists:keysort(3, ets:tab2list(Tab)) of
[] -> get_rc(Ks, Ls);
[{N,_,IP}|Hosts] -> get_rc_hosts(Ks, Ls, IP, Hosts, [N])
get_rc_hosts(Ks, Ls, IP, [], Ns) ->
get_rc(Ks, [{host,IP,lists:reverse(Ns)}|Ls]);
get_rc_hosts(Ks, Ls, IP, [{N,_,IP}|Hosts], Ns) ->
get_rc_hosts(Ks, Ls, IP, Hosts, [N|Ns]);
get_rc_hosts(Ks, Ls, IP, [{N,_,NewIP}|Hosts], Ns) ->
[{host,IP,lists:reverse(Ns)}|get_rc_hosts(Ks, Ls, NewIP, Hosts, [N])].
%% Resolver options
res_option(next_id) ->
Cnt = ets:update_counter(inet_db, res_id, 1),
case Cnt band 16#ffff of
0 ->
ets:update_counter(inet_db, res_id, -Cnt),
Id ->
res_option(Option) ->
case res_optname(Option) of
undefined ->
erlang:error(badarg, [Option]);
ResOptname ->
res_option(Option, Value) ->
case res_optname(Option) of
undefined ->
erlang:error(badarg, [Option,Value]);
_ ->
res_optname(nameserver) -> res_ns; %% Legacy
res_optname(alt_nameserver) -> res_alt_ns; %% Legacy
res_optname(nameservers) -> res_ns;
res_optname(alt_nameservers) -> res_alt_ns;
res_optname(domain) -> res_domain;
res_optname(lookup) -> res_lookup;
res_optname(recurse) -> res_recurse;
res_optname(search) -> res_search;
res_optname(retry) -> res_retry;
res_optname(timeout) -> res_timeout;
res_optname(inet6) -> res_inet6;
res_optname(usevc) -> res_usevc;
res_optname(edns) -> res_edns;
res_optname(udp_payload_size) -> res_udp_payload_size;
res_optname(resolv_conf) -> res_resolv_conf;
res_optname(resolv_conf_name) -> res_resolv_conf;
res_optname(hosts_file) -> res_hosts_file;
res_optname(hosts_file_name) -> res_hosts_file;
res_optname(_) -> undefined.
res_check_option(nameserver, NSs) -> %% Legacy
res_check_list(NSs, fun res_check_ns/1);
res_check_option(alt_nameserver, NSs) -> %% Legacy
res_check_list(NSs, fun res_check_ns/1);
res_check_option(nameservers, NSs) ->
res_check_list(NSs, fun res_check_ns/1);
res_check_option(alt_nameservers, NSs) ->
res_check_list(NSs, fun res_check_ns/1);
res_check_option(domain, Dom) ->
res_check_option(lookup, Methods) ->
try lists_subtract(Methods, valid_lookup()) of
[] -> true;
_ -> false
error:_ -> false
res_check_option(recurse, R) when R =:= 0; R =:= 1 -> true; %% Legacy
res_check_option(recurse, R) when is_boolean(R) -> true;
res_check_option(search, SearchList) ->
res_check_list(SearchList, fun res_check_search/1);
res_check_option(retry, N) when is_integer(N), N > 0 -> true;
res_check_option(timeout, T) when is_integer(T), T > 0 -> true;
res_check_option(inet6, Bool) when is_boolean(Bool) -> true;
res_check_option(usevc, Bool) when is_boolean(Bool) -> true;
res_check_option(edns, V) when V =:= false; V =:= 0 -> true;
res_check_option(udp_payload_size, S) when is_integer(S), S >= 512 -> true;
res_check_option(resolv_conf, "") -> true;
res_check_option(resolv_conf, F) ->
res_check_option(resolv_conf_name, "") -> true;
res_check_option(resolv_conf_name, F) ->
res_check_option(hosts_file, "") -> true;
res_check_option(hosts_file, F) ->
res_check_option(hosts_file_name, "") -> true;
res_check_option(hosts_file_name, F) ->
res_check_option(_, _) -> false.
res_check_option_absfile(F) ->
try filename:pathtype(F) of
absolute -> true;
_ -> false
_:_ -> false
res_check_list([], _Fun) -> true;
res_check_list([H|T], Fun) ->
Fun(H) andalso res_check_list(T, Fun);
res_check_list(_, _Fun) -> false.
res_check_ns({{A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H}, Port})
when ?ip6(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H), Port band 65535 =:= Port -> true;
res_check_ns({{A,B,C,D}, Port})
when ?ip(A,B,C,D), Port band 65535 =:= Port -> true;
res_check_ns(_) -> false.
res_check_search("") -> true;
res_check_search(Dom) -> inet_parse:visible_string(Dom).
socks_option(server) -> db_get(socks5_server);
socks_option(port) -> db_get(socks5_port);
socks_option(methods) -> db_get(socks5_methods);
socks_option(noproxy) -> db_get(socks5_noproxy).
gethostname() -> db_get(hostname).
res_update_conf() ->
res_update(res_resolv_conf, res_resolv_conf_tm, res_resolv_conf_info,
set_resolv_conf_tm, fun set_resolv_conf/1).
res_update_hosts() ->
res_update(res_hosts_file, res_hosts_file_tm, res_hosts_file_info,
set_hosts_file_tm, fun set_hosts_file/1).
res_update(Tag, TagTm, TagInfo, TagSetTm, SetFun) ->
case db_get(TagTm) of
undefined -> ok;
TM ->
case times() of
Now when Now >= TM + ?RES_FILE_UPDATE_TM ->
case db_get(Tag) of
undefined ->
"" ->
File ->
case erl_prim_loader:read_file_info(File) of
{ok, Finfo0} ->
Finfo =
Finfo0#file_info{access = undefined,
atime = undefined},
case db_get(TagInfo) of
Finfo ->
call({TagSetTm, Now});
_ ->
_ ->
call({TagSetTm, Now}),
_ -> ok
db_get(Name) ->
case ets:lookup(inet_db, Name) of
[] -> undefined;
[{_,Val}] -> Val
add_rr(RR) ->
call({add_rr, RR}).
add_rr(Domain, Class, Type, TTL, Data) ->
call({add_rr, #dns_rr { domain = Domain, class = Class,
type = Type, ttl = TTL, data = Data}}).
del_rr(Domain, Class, Type, Data) ->
call({del_rr, #dns_rr { domain = Domain, class = Class,
type = Type, cnt = '_', tm = '_', ttl = '_',
bm = '_', func = '_', data = Data}}).
res_cache_answer(Rec) ->
lists:foreach( fun(RR) -> add_rr(RR) end, Rec#dns_rec.anlist).
%% getbyname (cache version)
%% This function and inet_res:res_getbyname/3 must look up names
%% in the same manner, but not from the same places.
getbyname(Name, Type) ->
{EmbeddedDots, TrailingDot} = inet_parse:dots(Name),
Dot = if TrailingDot -> ""; true -> "." end,
if TrailingDot ->
hostent_by_domain(Name, Type);
EmbeddedDots =:= 0 ->
getbysearch(Name, Dot, get_searchlist(), Type, {error,nxdomain});
true ->
case hostent_by_domain(Name, Type) of
{error,_}=Error ->
getbysearch(Name, Dot, get_searchlist(), Type, Error);
Other -> Other
getbysearch(Name, Dot, [Dom | Ds], Type, _) ->
case hostent_by_domain(Name ++ Dot ++ Dom, Type) of
{ok, _HEnt}=Ok -> Ok;
Error -> getbysearch(Name, Dot, Ds, Type, Error)
getbysearch(_Name, _Dot, [], _Type, Error) ->
%% get_searchlist
get_searchlist() ->
case res_option(search) of
[] -> [res_option(domain)];
L -> L
make_hostent(Name, Addrs, Aliases, ?S_A) ->
#hostent {
h_name = Name,
h_addrtype = inet,
h_length = 4,
h_addr_list = Addrs,
h_aliases = Aliases
make_hostent(Name, Addrs, Aliases, ?S_AAAA) ->
#hostent {
h_name = Name,
h_addrtype = inet6,
h_length = 16,
h_addr_list = Addrs,
h_aliases = Aliases
make_hostent(Name, Datas, Aliases, Type) ->
%% Use #hostent{} for other Types as well !
#hostent {
h_name = Name,
h_addrtype = Type,
h_length = length(Datas),
h_addr_list = Datas,
h_aliases = Aliases
hostent_by_domain(Domain, Type) ->
?dbg("hostent_by_domain: ~p~n", [Domain]),
hostent_by_domain(stripdot(Domain), [], [], Type).
hostent_by_domain(Domain, Aliases, LAliases, Type) ->
case lookup_type(Domain, Type) of
[] ->
case lookup_cname(Domain) of
[] ->
{error, nxdomain};
[CName | _] ->
LDomain = tolower(Domain),
case lists:member(CName, [LDomain | LAliases]) of
true ->
{error, nxdomain};
false ->
hostent_by_domain(CName, [Domain | Aliases],
[LDomain | LAliases], Type)
Addrs ->
{ok, make_hostent(Domain, Addrs, Aliases, Type)}
%% lookup address record
lookup_type(Domain, Type) ->
[R#dns_rr.data || R <- lookup_rr(Domain, in, Type) ].
%% lookup canonical name
lookup_cname(Domain) ->
[R#dns_rr.data || R <- lookup_rr(Domain, in, ?S_CNAME) ].
%% Have to do all lookups (changes to the db) in the
%% process in order to make it possible to refresh the cache.
lookup_rr(Domain, Class, Type) ->
call({lookup_rr, Domain, Class, Type}).
%% hostent_by_domain (newly resolved version)
%% match data field directly and cache RRs.
res_hostent_by_domain(Domain, Type, Rec) ->
RRs = lists:map(fun lower_rr/1, Rec#dns_rec.anlist),
res_cache_answer(Rec#dns_rec{anlist = RRs}),
?dbg("res_hostent_by_domain: ~p - ~p~n", [Domain, RRs]),
res_hostent_by_domain(stripdot(Domain), [], [], Type, RRs).
res_hostent_by_domain(Domain, Aliases, LAliases, Type, RRs) ->
LDomain = tolower(Domain),
case res_lookup_type(LDomain, Type, RRs) of
[] ->
case res_lookup_type(LDomain, ?S_CNAME, RRs) of
[] ->
{error, nxdomain};
[CName | _] ->
case lists:member(tolower(CName), [LDomain | LAliases]) of
true ->
{error, nxdomain};
false ->
res_hostent_by_domain(CName, [Domain | Aliases],
[LDomain | LAliases], Type,
Addrs ->
{ok, make_hostent(Domain, Addrs, Aliases, Type)}
%% newly resolved lookup address record
res_lookup_type(Domain,Type,RRs) ->
[R#dns_rr.data || R <- RRs,
R#dns_rr.domain =:= Domain,
R#dns_rr.type =:= Type].
%% gethostbyaddr (cache version)
%% match data field directly
gethostbyaddr(IP) ->
case dnip(IP) of
{ok, {IP1, HType, HLen, DnIP}} ->
RRs = match_rr(#dns_rr { domain = DnIP, class = in, type = ptr,
cnt = '_', tm = '_', ttl = '_',
bm = '_', func = '_', data = '_' }),
ent_gethostbyaddr(RRs, IP1, HType, HLen);
Error -> Error
%% res_gethostbyaddr (newly resolved version)
%% match data field directly and cache RRs.
res_gethostbyaddr(IP, Rec) ->
{ok, {IP1, HType, HLen}} = dnt(IP),
RRs = lists:map(fun lower_rr/1, Rec#dns_rec.anlist),
res_cache_answer(Rec#dns_rec{anlist = RRs}),
ent_gethostbyaddr(Rec#dns_rec.anlist, IP1, HType, HLen).
ent_gethostbyaddr(RRs, IP, AddrType, Length) ->
case RRs of
[] -> {error, nxdomain};
[RR|TR] ->
%% debug
if TR =/= [] ->
?dbg("gethostbyaddr found extra=~p~n", [TR]);
true -> ok
Domain = RR#dns_rr.data,
H = #hostent { h_name = Domain,
h_aliases = lookup_cname(Domain),
h_addr_list = [IP],
h_addrtype = AddrType,
h_length = Length },
{ok, H}
dnip(IP) ->
case dnt(IP) of
{ok,{IP1 = {A,B,C,D}, inet, HLen}} ->
{ok,{IP1, inet, HLen, dn_in_addr_arpa(A,B,C,D)}};
{ok,{IP1 = {A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H}, inet6, HLen}} ->
{ok,{IP1, inet6, HLen, dn_ip6_int(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H)}};
_ ->
{error, formerr}
dnt(IP = {A,B,C,D}) when ?ip(A,B,C,D) ->
{ok, {IP, inet, 4}};
dnt({0,0,0,0,0,16#ffff,G,H}) when is_integer(G+H) ->
A = G div 256, B = G rem 256, C = H div 256, D = H rem 256,
{ok, {{A,B,C,D}, inet, 4}};
dnt(IP = {A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H}) when ?ip6(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H) ->
{ok, {IP, inet6, 16}};
dnt(_) ->
{error, formerr}.
%% Register socket Modules
register_socket(Socket, Module) when is_port(Socket), is_atom(Module) ->
try erlang:port_set_data(Socket, Module)
error:badarg -> false
unregister_socket(Socket) when is_port(Socket) ->
ok. %% not needed any more
lookup_socket(Socket) when is_port(Socket) ->
try erlang:port_get_data(Socket) of
Module when is_atom(Module) -> {ok,Module};
_ -> {error,closed}
error:badarg -> {error,closed}
%%% Callback functions from gen_server
%% Func: init/1
%% Returns: {ok, State} |
%% {ok, State, Timeout} |
%% {stop, Reason}
%% hostname String - SHORT host name
%% Resolver options
%% ----------------
%% res_ns [Nameserver] - list of name servers
%% res_alt_ns [AltNameServer] - list of alternate name servers (nxdomain)
%% res_search [Domain] - list of domains for short names
%% res_domain Domain - local domain for short names
%% res_recurse Bool - recursive query
%% res_usevc Bool - use tcp only
%% res_id Integer - NS query identifier
%% res_retry Integer - Retry count for UDP query
%% res_timeout Integer - UDP query timeout before retry
%% res_inet6 Bool - address family inet6 for gethostbyname/1
%% res_usevc Bool - use Virtual Circuit (TCP)
%% res_edns false|Integer - false or EDNS version
%% res_udp_payload_size Integer - size for EDNS, both query and reply
%% res_resolv_conf Filename - file to watch for resolver config i.e
%% {res_ns, res_search}
%% res_hosts_file Filename - file to watch for hosts config
%% Socks5 options
%% --------------
%% socks5_server Server - IP address of the socks5 server
%% socks5_port Port - TCP port of the socks5 server
%% socks5_methods Ls - List of authentication methods
%% socks5_noproxy IPs - List of {Net,Subnetmask}
%% Generic tcp/udp options
%% -----------------------
%% tcp_module Module - The default gen_tcp module
%% udp_module Module - The default gen_udp module
%% sctp_module Module - The default gen_sctp module
%% Distribution options
%% --------------------
%% {node_auth,N} Ls - List of authentication for node N
%% {node_crypt,N} Ls - List of encryption methods for node N
%% node_auth Ls - Default authenication
%% node_crypt Ls - Default encryption
-spec init([]) -> {'ok', state()}.
init([]) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
Db = ets:new(inet_db, [public, named_table]),
CacheOpts = [public, bag, {keypos,#dns_rr.domain}, named_table],
Cache = ets:new(inet_cache, CacheOpts),
BynameOpts = [protected, bag, named_table, {keypos,1}],
ByaddrOpts = [protected, bag, named_table, {keypos,3}],
HostsByname = ets:new(inet_hosts_byname, BynameOpts),
HostsByaddr = ets:new(inet_hosts_byaddr, ByaddrOpts),
HostsFileByname = ets:new(inet_hosts_file_byname, BynameOpts),
HostsFileByaddr = ets:new(inet_hosts_file_byaddr, ByaddrOpts),
{ok, #state{db = Db,
cache = Cache,
hosts_byname = HostsByname,
hosts_byaddr = HostsByaddr,
hosts_file_byname = HostsFileByname,
hosts_file_byaddr = HostsFileByaddr,
cache_timer = init_timer() }}.
reset_db(Db) ->
ets:insert(Db, {hostname, []}),
ets:insert(Db, {res_ns, []}),
ets:insert(Db, {res_alt_ns, []}),
ets:insert(Db, {res_search, []}),
ets:insert(Db, {res_domain, ""}),
ets:insert(Db, {res_lookup, []}),
ets:insert(Db, {res_recurse, true}),
ets:insert(Db, {res_usevc, false}),
ets:insert(Db, {res_id, 0}),
ets:insert(Db, {res_retry, ?RES_RETRY}),
ets:insert(Db, {res_timeout, ?RES_TIMEOUT}),
ets:insert(Db, {res_inet6, false}),
ets:insert(Db, {res_edns, false}),
ets:insert(Db, {res_udp_payload_size, ?DNS_UDP_PAYLOAD_SIZE}),
ets:insert(Db, {cache_size, ?CACHE_LIMIT}),
ets:insert(Db, {cache_refresh_interval,?CACHE_REFRESH}),
ets:insert(Db, {socks5_server, ""}),
ets:insert(Db, {socks5_port, ?IPPORT_SOCKS}),
ets:insert(Db, {socks5_methods, [none]}),
ets:insert(Db, {socks5_noproxy, []}),
ets:insert(Db, {tcp_module, ?DEFAULT_TCP_MODULE}),
ets:insert(Db, {udp_module, ?DEFAULT_UDP_MODULE}),
ets:insert(Db, {sctp_module, ?DEFAULT_SCTP_MODULE}).
%% Func: handle_call/3
%% Returns: {reply, Reply, State} |
%% {reply, Reply, State, Timeout} |
%% {noreply, State} |
%% {noreply, State, Timeout} |
%% {stop, Reason, Reply, State} | (terminate/2 is called)
%% {stop, Reason, Reply, State} (terminate/2 is called)
-spec handle_call(term(), {pid(), term()}, state()) ->
{'reply', term(), state()} | {'stop', 'normal', 'ok', state()}.
handle_call(Request, From, #state{db=Db}=State) ->
case Request of
{load_hosts_file,IPNmAs} when is_list(IPNmAs) ->
NIPs =
[ [{N,
if tuple_size(IP) =:= 4 -> inet;
tuple_size(IP) =:= 8 -> inet6
end,IP} || N <- [Nm|As]]
|| {IP,Nm,As} <- IPNmAs]),
Byname = State#state.hosts_file_byname,
Byaddr = State#state.hosts_file_byaddr,
%% Byname has lowercased names while Byaddr keep the name casing.
%% This is to be able to reconstruct the original
%% /etc/hosts entry.
ets:insert(Byname, [{tolower(N),Type,IP} || {N,Type,IP} <- NIPs]),
ets:insert(Byaddr, NIPs),
{reply, ok, State};
when ?ip(A,B,C,D), is_list(N), is_list(As) ->
Names, inet, IP),
{reply, ok, State};
when ?ip6(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H), is_list(N), is_list(As) ->
Names, inet6, IP),
{reply, ok, State};
{del_host,{A,B,C,D}=IP} when ?ip(A,B,C,D) ->
{reply, ok, State};
{del_host,{A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H}=IP} when ?ip6(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H) ->
{reply, ok, State};
{add_rr, RR} when is_record(RR, dns_rr) ->
?dbg("add_rr: ~p~n", [RR]),
do_add_rr(RR, Db, State),
{reply, ok, State};
{del_rr, RR} when is_record(RR, dns_rr) ->
%% note. del_rr will handle wildcards !!!
Cache = State#state.cache,
ets:match_delete(Cache, RR),
{reply, ok, State};
{lookup_rr, Domain, Class, Type} ->
{reply, do_lookup_rr(Domain, Class, Type), State};
{listop, Opt, Op, E} ->
El = [E],
case res_check_option(Opt, El) of
true ->
Optname = res_optname(Opt),
[{_,Es}] = ets:lookup(Db, Optname),
NewEs = case Op of
ins -> [E | lists_delete(E, Es)];
add -> lists_delete(E, Es) ++ El;
del -> lists_delete(E, Es)
ets:insert(Db, {Optname, NewEs}),
false ->
{listdel, Opt} ->
ets:insert(Db, {res_optname(Opt), []}),
{reply, ok, State};
{set_hostname, Name} ->
case inet_parse:visible_string(Name) of
true ->
ets:insert(Db, {hostname, Name}),
{reply, ok, State};
false ->
{reply, error, State}
{res_set, hosts_file_name=Option, Fname} ->
Option, Fname, res_hosts_file_tm, res_hosts_file_info,
undefined, From, State);
{res_set, resolv_conf_name=Option, Fname} ->
Option, Fname, res_resolv_conf_tm, res_resolv_conf_info,
undefined, From, State);
{res_set, hosts_file=Option, Fname} ->
Option, Fname, res_hosts_file_tm, res_hosts_file_info,
fun (Bin) ->
case inet_parse:hosts(
Fname, {chars,Bin}) of
{ok,Opts} ->
_ -> error
From, State);
{res_set, resolv_conf=Option, Fname} ->
Option, Fname, res_resolv_conf_tm, res_resolv_conf_info,
fun (Bin) ->
case inet_parse:resolv(
Fname, {chars,Bin}) of
{ok,Opts} ->
Search =
fun ({search,L}, _) ->
({domain,""}, S) ->
({domain,D}, _) ->
(_, S) ->
end, [], Opts),
|[Opt || {nameserver,_}=Opt <- Opts]];
_ -> error
From, State);
{res_set, Opt, Value} ->
case res_optname(Opt) of
undefined ->
{reply, error, State};
Optname ->
case res_check_option(Opt, Value) of
true ->
ets:insert(Db, {Optname, Value}),
{reply, ok, State};
false ->
{reply, error, State}
{set_resolv_conf_tm, TM} ->
ets:insert(Db, {res_resolv_conf_tm, TM}),
{reply, ok, State};
{set_hosts_file_tm, TM} ->
ets:insert(Db, {res_hosts_file_tm, TM}),
{reply, ok, State};
{set_socks_server, {A,B,C,D}} when ?ip(A,B,C,D) ->
ets:insert(Db, {socks5_server, {A,B,C,D}}),
{reply, ok, State};
{set_socks_port, Port} when is_integer(Port) ->
ets:insert(Db, {socks5_port, Port}),
{reply, ok, State};
{add_socks_methods, Ls} ->
[{_,As}] = ets:lookup(Db, socks5_methods),
As1 = lists_subtract(As, Ls),
ets:insert(Db, {socks5_methods, As1 ++ Ls}),
{reply, ok, State};
{del_socks_methods, Ls} ->
[{_,As}] = ets:lookup(Db, socks5_methods),
As1 = lists_subtract(As, Ls),
case lists:member(none, As1) of
false -> ets:insert(Db, {socks5_methods, As1 ++ [none]});
true -> ets:insert(Db, {socks5_methods, As1})
{reply, ok, State};
del_socks_methods ->
ets:insert(Db, {socks5_methods, [none]}),
{reply, ok, State};
{add_socks_noproxy, {{A,B,C,D},{MA,MB,MC,MD}}}
when ?ip(A,B,C,D), ?ip(MA,MB,MC,MD) ->
[{_,As}] = ets:lookup(Db, socks5_noproxy),
ets:insert(Db, {socks5_noproxy, As++[{{A,B,C,D},{MA,MB,MC,MD}}]}),
{reply, ok, State};
{del_socks_noproxy, {A,B,C,D}=IP} when ?ip(A,B,C,D) ->
[{_,As}] = ets:lookup(Db, socks5_noproxy),
ets:insert(Db, {socks5_noproxy, lists_keydelete(IP, 1, As)}),
{reply, ok, State};
{set_tcp_module, Mod} when is_atom(Mod) ->
ets:insert(Db, {tcp_module, Mod}), %% check/load module ?
{reply, ok, State};
{set_udp_module, Mod} when is_atom(Mod) ->
ets:insert(Db, {udp_module, Mod}), %% check/load module ?
{reply, ok, State};
{set_sctp_module, Fam} when is_atom(Fam) ->
ets:insert(Db, {sctp_module, Fam}), %% check/load module ?
{reply, ok, State};
{set_cache_size, Size} when is_integer(Size), Size >= 0 ->
ets:insert(Db, {cache_size, Size}),
{reply, ok, State};
{set_cache_refresh, Time} when is_integer(Time), Time > 0 ->
Time1 = ((Time+999) div 1000)*1000, %% round up
ets:insert(Db, {cache_refresh_interval, Time1}),
_ = stop_timer(State#state.cache_timer),
{reply, ok, State#state{cache_timer = init_timer()}};
clear_hosts ->
{reply, ok, State};
clear_cache ->
ets:match_delete(State#state.cache, '_'),
{reply, ok, State};
reset ->
_ = stop_timer(State#state.cache_timer),
{reply, ok, State#state{cache_timer = init_timer()}};
{add_rc_list, List} ->
handle_rc_list(List, From, State);
stop ->
{stop, normal, ok, State};
_ ->
{reply, error, State}
%% Func: handle_cast/2
%% Returns: {noreply, State} |
%% {noreply, State, Timeout} |
%% {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called)
-spec handle_cast(term(), state()) -> {'noreply', state()}.
handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
%% Func: handle_info/2
%% Returns: {noreply, State} |
%% {noreply, State, Timeout} |
%% {stop, Reason, State} (terminate/2 is called)
-spec handle_info(term(), state()) -> {'noreply', state()}.
handle_info(refresh_timeout, State) ->
{noreply, State#state{cache_timer = init_timer()}};
handle_info(_Info, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
%% Func: terminate/2
%% Purpose: Shutdown the server
%% Returns: any (ignored by gen_server)
-spec terminate(term(), state()) -> 'ok'.
terminate(_Reason, State) ->
_ = stop_timer(State#state.cache_timer),
%%% Internal functions
handle_set_file(Option, Fname, TagTm, TagInfo, ParseFun, From,
#state{db=Db}=State) ->
case res_check_option(Option, Fname) of
true when Fname =:= "" ->
ets:insert(Db, {res_optname(Option), Fname}),
ets:delete(Db, TagInfo),
ets:delete(Db, TagTm),
handle_set_file(ParseFun, <<>>, From, State);
true when ParseFun =:= undefined ->
File = filename:flatten(Fname),
ets:insert(Db, {res_optname(Option), File}),
ets:insert(Db, {TagInfo, undefined}),
ets:insert(Db, {TagTm, 0}),
true ->
File = filename:flatten(Fname),
ets:insert(Db, {res_optname(Option), File}),
Bin =
case erl_prim_loader:read_file_info(File) of
{ok, Finfo0} ->
Finfo = Finfo0#file_info{access = undefined,
atime = undefined},
ets:insert(Db, {TagInfo, Finfo}),
ets:insert(Db, {TagTm, times()}),
case erl_prim_loader:get_file(File) of
{ok, B, _} -> B;
_ -> <<>>
_ -> <<>>
handle_set_file(ParseFun, Bin, From, State);
false -> {reply,error,State}
handle_set_file(ParseFun, Bin, From, State) ->
case ParseFun(Bin) of
error ->
Opts ->
handle_rc_list(Opts, From, State)
%% Byname has lowercased names while Byaddr keep the name casing.
%% This is to be able to reconstruct the original /etc/hosts entry.
do_add_host(Byname, Byaddr, Names, Type, IP) ->
do_del_host(Byname, Byaddr, IP),
ets:insert(Byname, [{tolower(N),Type,IP} || N <- Names]),
ets:insert(Byaddr, [{N,Type,IP} || N <- Names]),
do_del_host(Byname, Byaddr, IP) ->
_ =
[ets:delete_object(Byname, {tolower(Name),Type,Addr}) ||
{Name,Type,Addr} <- ets:lookup(Byaddr, IP)],
ets:delete(Byaddr, IP),
%% Loop over .inetrc option list and call handle_call/3 for each
handle_rc_list([], _From, State) ->
{reply, ok, State};
handle_rc_list([Opt|Opts], From, State) ->
case rc_opt_req(Opt) of
undefined ->
{reply, {error,{badopt,Opt}}, State};
Req ->
case handle_calls(Req, From, State) of
{reply, ok, NewState} ->
handle_rc_list(Opts, From, NewState);
Result -> Result
handle_rc_list(_, _From, State) ->
{reply, error, State}.
handle_calls([], _From, State) ->
{reply, ok, State};
handle_calls([Req|Reqs], From, State) ->
case handle_call(Req, From, State) of
{reply, ok, NewState} ->
handle_calls(Reqs, From, NewState);
{reply, _, NewState} ->
{reply, error, NewState}
%% {noreply,_} is currently not returned by handle_call/3
handle_calls(Req, From, State) ->
handle_call(Req, From, State).
%% Translate .inetrc option into gen_server request
rc_opt_req({nameserver, Ns}) ->
rc_opt_req({nameserver, Ns, Port}) ->
rc_opt_req({alt_nameserver, Ns}) ->
rc_opt_req({alt_nameserver, Ns, Port}) ->
rc_opt_req({socks5_noproxy, IP, Mask}) ->
{add_socks_noproxy, {IP, Mask}};
rc_opt_req({search, Ds}) when is_list(Ds) ->
try [{listop,search,add,D} || D <- Ds]
catch error:_ -> undefined
rc_opt_req({host, IP, Aliases}) -> {add_host, IP, Aliases};
rc_opt_req({load_hosts_file, _}=Req) -> Req;
rc_opt_req({lookup, Ls}) ->
try {res_set, lookup, translate_lookup(Ls)}
catch error:_ -> undefined
rc_opt_req({Name,Arg}) ->
case rc_reqname(Name) of
undefined ->
case is_res_set(Name) of
true -> {res_set,Name,Arg};
false -> undefined
Req -> {Req, Arg}
rc_opt_req(del_ns) ->
rc_opt_req(del_alt_ns) ->
rc_opt_req(clear_ns) ->
rc_opt_req(clear_search) ->
rc_opt_req(Opt) when is_atom(Opt) ->
case is_reqname(Opt) of
true -> Opt;
false -> undefined
rc_opt_req(_) -> undefined.
rc_reqname(socks5_server) -> set_socks_server;
rc_reqname(socks5_port) -> set_socks_port;
rc_reqname(socks5_methods) -> set_socks_methods;
rc_reqname(cache_refresh) -> set_cache_refresh;
rc_reqname(cache_size) -> set_cache_size;
rc_reqname(udp) -> set_udp_module;
rc_reqname(sctp) -> set_sctp_module;
rc_reqname(tcp) -> set_tcp_module;
rc_reqname(_) -> undefined.
is_res_set(domain) -> true;
is_res_set(lookup) -> true;
is_res_set(timeout) -> true;
is_res_set(retry) -> true;
is_res_set(inet6) -> true;
is_res_set(usevc) -> true;
is_res_set(edns) -> true;
is_res_set(udp_payload_size) -> true;
is_res_set(resolv_conf) -> true;
is_res_set(hosts_file) -> true;
is_res_set(_) -> false.
is_reqname(reset) -> true;
is_reqname(clear_cache) -> true;
is_reqname(clear_hosts) -> true;
is_reqname(_) -> false.
%% Add a resource record to the cache if there are space left.
%% If the cache is full this function first deletes old entries,
%% i.e. entries with oldest latest access time.
%% #dns_rr.cnt is used to store the access time instead of number of
%% accesses.
do_add_rr(RR, Db, State) ->
CacheDb = State#state.cache,
TM = times(),
case alloc_entry(Db, CacheDb, TM) of
true ->
cache_rr(Db, CacheDb, RR#dns_rr{tm = TM, cnt = TM});
_ ->
cache_rr(_Db, Cache, RR) ->
%% delete possible old entry
ets:match_delete(Cache, RR#dns_rr{cnt = '_', tm = '_', ttl = '_',
bm = '_', func = '_'}),
ets:insert(Cache, RR).
times() ->
{Mega,Secs,_} = erlang:now(),
Mega*1000000 + Secs.
%% lookup and remove old entries
do_lookup_rr(Domain, Class, Type) ->
match_rr(#dns_rr{domain = tolower(Domain), class = Class,type = Type,
cnt = '_', tm = '_', ttl = '_',
bm = '_', func = '_', data = '_'}).
match_rr(RR) ->
filter_rr(ets:match_object(inet_cache, RR), times()).
%% filter old resource records and update access count
filter_rr([RR | RRs], Time) when RR#dns_rr.ttl =:= 0 -> %% at least once
ets:match_delete(inet_cache, RR),
[RR | filter_rr(RRs, Time)];
filter_rr([RR | RRs], Time) when RR#dns_rr.tm + RR#dns_rr.ttl < Time ->
ets:match_delete(inet_cache, RR),
filter_rr(RRs, Time);
filter_rr([RR | RRs], Time) ->
ets:match_delete(inet_cache, RR),
ets:insert(inet_cache, RR#dns_rr { cnt = Time }),
[RR | filter_rr(RRs, Time)];
filter_rr([], _Time) -> [].
%% Lower case the domain name before storage.
lower_rr(#dns_rr{domain=Domain}=RR) when is_list(Domain) ->
RR#dns_rr { domain = tolower(Domain) };
lower_rr(RR) -> RR.
%% Case fold upper-case to lower-case according to RFC 4343
%% "Domain Name System (DNS) Case Insensitivity Clarification".
%% NOTE: this code is in kernel and we don't want to relay
%% to much on stdlib. Furthermore string:to_lower/1
%% does not follow RFC 4343.
tolower([]) -> [];
tolower([C|Cs]) when is_integer(C) ->
if C >= $A, C =< $Z ->
true ->
dn_ip6_int(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H) ->
dnib(H) ++ dnib(G) ++ dnib(F) ++ dnib(E) ++
dnib(D) ++ dnib(C) ++ dnib(B) ++ dnib(A) ++ "ip6.int".
dn_in_addr_arpa(A,B,C,D) ->
integer_to_list(D) ++ "." ++
integer_to_list(C) ++ "." ++
integer_to_list(B) ++ "." ++
integer_to_list(A) ++ ".in-addr.arpa".
dnib(X) ->
[hex(X), $., hex(X bsr 4), $., hex(X bsr 8), $., hex(X bsr 12), $.].
hex(X) ->
X4 = (X band 16#f),
if X4 < 10 -> X4 + $0;
true -> (X4-10) + $a
%% Strip trailing dot, do not produce garbage unless necessary.
stripdot(Name) ->
case stripdot_1(Name) of
false -> Name;
N -> N
stripdot_1([$.]) -> [];
stripdot_1([]) -> false;
stripdot_1([H|T]) ->
case stripdot_1(T) of
false -> false;
N -> [H|N]
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Refresh cache at regular intervals, i.e. delete expired #dns_rr's.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
init_timer() ->
erlang:send_after(cache_refresh(), self(), refresh_timeout).
stop_timer(undefined) ->
stop_timer(Timer) ->
cache_refresh() ->
case db_get(cache_refresh_interval) of
undefined -> ?CACHE_REFRESH;
Val -> Val
%% Delete all entries with expired TTL.
%% Returns the access time of the entry with the oldest access time
%% in the cache.
do_refresh_cache(CacheDb) ->
Now = times(),
do_refresh_cache(ets:first(CacheDb), CacheDb, Now, Now).
do_refresh_cache('$end_of_table', _, _, OldestT) ->
do_refresh_cache(Key, CacheDb, Now, OldestT) ->
Fun = fun(RR, T) when RR#dns_rr.tm + RR#dns_rr.ttl < Now ->
ets:match_delete(CacheDb, RR),
(#dns_rr{cnt = C}, T) when C < T ->
(_, T) ->
Next = ets:next(CacheDb, Key),
OldT = lists:foldl(Fun, OldestT, ets:lookup(CacheDb, Key)),
do_refresh_cache(Next, CacheDb, Now, OldT).
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Allocate room for a new entry in the cache.
%% Deletes entries with expired TTL and all entries with latest
%% access time older than
%% trunc((TM - OldestTM) * 0.3) + OldestTM from the cache if it
%% is full. Does not delete more than 10% of the entries in the cache
%% though, unless they there deleted due to expired TTL.
%% Returns: true if space for a new entry otherwise false.
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
alloc_entry(Db, CacheDb, TM) ->
CurSize = ets:info(CacheDb, size),
case ets:lookup(Db, cache_size) of
[{cache_size, Size}] when Size =< CurSize, Size > 0 ->
alloc_entry(CacheDb, CurSize, TM, trunc(Size * 0.1) + 1);
[{cache_size, Size}] when Size =< 0 ->
_ ->
alloc_entry(CacheDb, OldSize, TM, N) ->
OldestTM = do_refresh_cache(CacheDb), % Delete timedout entries
case ets:info(CacheDb, size) of
OldSize ->
%% No entrys timedout
delete_n_oldest(CacheDb, TM, OldestTM, N);
_ ->
delete_n_oldest(CacheDb, TM, OldestTM, N) ->
DelTM = trunc((TM - OldestTM) * 0.3) + OldestTM,
delete_older(CacheDb, DelTM, N) =/= 0.
%% Delete entries with latest access time older than TM.
%% Delete max N number of entries.
%% Returns the number of deleted entries.
delete_older(CacheDb, TM, N) ->
delete_older(ets:first(CacheDb), CacheDb, TM, N, 0).
delete_older('$end_of_table', _, _, _, M) ->
delete_older(_, _, _, N, M) when N =< M ->
delete_older(Domain, CacheDb, TM, N, M) ->
Next = ets:next(CacheDb, Domain),
Fun = fun(RR, MM) when RR#dns_rr.cnt =< TM ->
ets:match_delete(CacheDb, RR),
MM + 1;
(_, MM) ->
M1 = lists:foldl(Fun, M, ets:lookup(CacheDb, Domain)),
delete_older(Next, CacheDb, TM, N, M1).
%% as lists:delete/2, but delete all exact matches
lists_delete(_, []) -> [];
lists_delete(E, [E|Es]) ->
lists_delete(E, Es);
lists_delete(E, [X|Es]) ->
[X|lists_delete(E, Es)].
%% as '--'/2 aka lists:subtract/2 but delete all exact matches
lists_subtract(As0, Bs) ->
lists:foldl(fun (E, As) -> lists_delete(E, As) end, As0, Bs).
%% as lists:keydelete/3, but delete all _exact_ key matches
lists_keydelete(_, _, []) -> [];
lists_keydelete(K, N, [T|Ts]) when element(N, T) =:= K ->
lists_keydelete(K, N, Ts);
lists_keydelete(K, N, [X|Ts]) ->
[X|lists_keydelete(K, N, Ts)].