%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2010. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
-export([all/0, suite/0,groups/0,init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1,
-export([get_path/1, set_path/1, get_file/1,
inet_existing/1, inet_coming_up/1, inet_disconnects/1,
multiple_slaves/1, file_requests/1,
local_archive/1, remote_archive/1,
primary_archive/1, virtual_dir_in_archive/1]).
-export([init_per_testcase/2, end_per_testcase/2]).
%% Test suite for erl_prim_loader. (Most code is run during system start/stop.)
suite() -> [{suite_callbacks,[ts_install_scb]}].
all() ->
[get_path, set_path, get_file, inet_existing,
inet_coming_up, inet_disconnects, multiple_slaves,
file_requests, local_archive, remote_archive,
primary_archive, virtual_dir_in_archive].
groups() ->
init_per_suite(Config) ->
end_per_suite(_Config) ->
init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
init_per_testcase(Func, Config) when is_atom(Func), is_list(Config) ->
[{watchdog, Dog}|Config].
end_per_testcase(_Func, Config) ->
Dog=?config(watchdog, Config),
get_path(doc) -> [];
get_path(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line case erl_prim_loader:get_path() of
{ok, Path} when is_list(Path) ->
_ ->
set_path(doc) -> [];
set_path(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line {ok, Path} = erl_prim_loader:get_path(),
?line ok = erl_prim_loader:set_path(Path),
?line {ok, Path} = erl_prim_loader:get_path(),
NewPath = Path ++ ["dummy_dir","/dummy_dir/dummy_dir"],
?line ok = erl_prim_loader:set_path(NewPath),
?line {ok, NewPath} = erl_prim_loader:get_path(),
?line ok = erl_prim_loader:set_path(Path), % Reset path.
?line {ok, Path} = erl_prim_loader:get_path(),
?line {'EXIT',_} = (catch erl_prim_loader:set_path(not_a_list)),
?line {ok, Path} = erl_prim_loader:get_path(),
get_file(doc) -> [];
get_file(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line case erl_prim_loader:get_file("lists" ++ code:objfile_extension()) of
{ok,Bin,File} when is_binary(Bin), is_list(File) ->
_ ->
?line error = erl_prim_loader:get_file("duuuuuuummmy_file"),
?line error = erl_prim_loader:get_file(duuuuuuummmy_file),
?line error = erl_prim_loader:get_file({dummy}),
inet_existing(doc) -> ["Start a node using the 'inet' loading method, ",
"from an already started boot server."];
inet_existing(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
case os:type() of
vxworks ->
{comment, "VxWorks: tested separately"};
_ ->
?line Name = erl_prim_test_inet_existing,
?line Host = host(),
?line Cookie = atom_to_list(erlang:get_cookie()),
?line IpStr = ip_str(Host),
?line LFlag = get_loader_flag(os:type()),
?line Args = LFlag ++ " -hosts " ++ IpStr ++
" -setcookie " ++ Cookie,
?line {ok, BootPid} = erl_boot_server:start_link([Host]),
?line {ok, Node} = start_node(Name, Args),
?line {ok,[["inet"]]} = rpc:call(Node, init, get_argument, [loader]),
?line stop_node(Node),
?line unlink(BootPid),
?line exit(BootPid, kill),
inet_coming_up(doc) -> ["Start a node using the 'inet' loading method, ",
"but start the boot server afterwards."];
inet_coming_up(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
case os:type() of
vxworks ->
{comment, "VxWorks: tested separately"};
_ ->
?line Name = erl_prim_test_inet_coming_up,
?line Cookie = atom_to_list(erlang:get_cookie()),
?line Host = host(),
?line IpStr = ip_str(Host),
?line LFlag = get_loader_flag(os:type()),
?line Args = LFlag ++
" -hosts " ++ IpStr ++
" -setcookie " ++ Cookie,
?line {ok, Node} = start_node(Name, Args, [{wait, false}]),
%% Wait a while, then start boot server, and wait for node to start.
?line test_server:sleep(test_server:seconds(6)),
io:format("erl_boot_server:start_link([~p]).", [Host]),
?line {ok, BootPid} = erl_boot_server:start_link([Host]),
?line wait_really_started(Node, 25),
%% Check loader argument, then cleanup.
?line {ok,[["inet"]]} = rpc:call(Node, init, get_argument, [loader]),
?line stop_node(Node),
?line unlink(BootPid),
?line exit(BootPid, kill),
wait_really_started(Node, 0) ->
wait_really_started(Node, N) ->
case rpc:call(Node, init, get_status, []) of
{started, _} ->
_ ->
wait_really_started(Node, N - 1)
inet_disconnects(doc) -> ["Start a node using the 'inet' loading method, ",
"then lose the connection."];
inet_disconnects(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
case os:type() of
vxworks ->
{comment, "VxWorks: tested separately"};
_ ->
?line Name = erl_prim_test_inet_disconnects,
?line Host = host(),
?line Cookie = atom_to_list(erlang:get_cookie()),
?line IpStr = ip_str(Host),
?line LFlag = get_loader_flag(os:type()),
?line Args = LFlag ++ " -hosts " ++ IpStr ++
" -setcookie " ++ Cookie,
?line {ok, BootPid} = erl_boot_server:start([Host]),
Self = self(),
%% This process shuts down the boot server during loading.
?line Stopper = spawn_link(fun() -> stop_boot(BootPid, Self) end),
?line receive
{Stopper,ready} -> ok
%% Let the loading begin...
?line {ok, Node} = start_node(Name, Args, [{wait, false}]),
%% When the stopper is ready, the slave node should be
%% looking for a boot server again.
{Stopper,ok} ->
{Stopper,{error,Reason}} ->
?line ?t:fail(Reason)
after 60000 ->
?line ?t:fail(stopper_died)
%% Start new boot server to see that loading is continued.
?line {ok, BootPid2} = erl_boot_server:start_link([Host]),
?line wait_really_started(Node, 25),
?line {ok,[["inet"]]} = rpc:call(Node, init, get_argument, [loader]),
?line stop_node(Node),
?line unlink(BootPid2),
?line exit(BootPid2, kill),
%% Trace boot server calls and stop the server before loading is finished.
stop_boot(BootPid, Super) ->
erlang:trace(all, true, [call]),
1 = erlang:trace_pattern({erl_boot_server,send_file_result,3}, true, [local]),
BootRef = erlang:monitor(process, BootPid),
Super ! {self(),ready},
Result = get_calls(100, BootPid),
exit(BootPid, kill),
erlang:trace_pattern({erl_boot_server,send_file_result,3}, false, [local]),
erlang:trace(all, false, [call]),
{'DOWN',BootRef,_,_, killed} -> ok
Super ! {self(),Result}.
get_calls(0, _) ->
get_calls(Count, Pid) ->
{trace,_,call,_MFA} ->
get_calls(Count-1, Pid)
after 10000 ->
multiple_slaves(doc) ->
["Start nodes in parallell, all using the 'inet' loading method, ",
"verify that the boot server manages"];
multiple_slaves(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
case os:type() of
vxworks ->
{comment, "VxWorks: tested separately"};
{ose,_} ->
{comment, "OSE: multiple nodes not supported"};
_ ->
?line Name = erl_prim_test_multiple_slaves,
?line Host = host(),
?line Cookie = atom_to_list(erlang:get_cookie()),
?line IpStr = ip_str(Host),
?line LFlag = get_loader_flag(os:type()),
?line Args = LFlag ++ " -hosts " ++ IpStr ++
" -setcookie " ++ Cookie,
NoOfNodes = 10, % no of slave nodes to be started
NamesAndNodes =
lists:map(fun(N) ->
NameN = atom_to_list(Name) ++
NodeN = NameN ++ "@" ++ Host,
end, lists:seq(1, NoOfNodes)),
?line Nodes = start_multiple_nodes(NamesAndNodes, Args, []),
%% "queue up" the nodes to wait for the boot server to respond
%% (note: test_server supervises each node start by accept()
%% on a socket, the timeout value for the accept has to be quite
%% long for this test to work).
?line test_server:sleep(test_server:seconds(5)),
%% start the code loading circus!
?line {ok,BootPid} = erl_boot_server:start_link([Host]),
%% give the nodes a chance to boot up before attempting to stop them
?line test_server:sleep(test_server:seconds(10)),
?line wait_and_shutdown(lists:reverse(Nodes), 30),
?line unlink(BootPid),
?line exit(BootPid, kill),
start_multiple_nodes([{Name,Node} | NNs], Args, Started) ->
?line {ok,Node} = start_node(Name, Args, [{wait, false}]),
start_multiple_nodes(NNs, Args, [Node | Started]);
start_multiple_nodes([], _, Nodes) ->
wait_and_shutdown([Node | Nodes], Tries) ->
?line wait_really_started(Node, Tries),
?line {ok,[["inet"]]} = rpc:call(Node, init, get_argument, [loader]),
?line stop_node(Node),
wait_and_shutdown(Nodes, Tries);
wait_and_shutdown([], _) ->
file_requests(doc) -> ["Start a node using the 'inet' loading method, ",
"verify that the boot server responds to file requests."];
file_requests(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line {ok, Node, BootPid} = complete_start_node(erl_prim_test_file_req),
%% compare with results from file server calls (the
%% boot server uses the same file sys and cwd)
{ok,Files} = file:list_dir("."),
io:format("Files: ~p~n",[Files]),
?line {ok,Files} = rpc:call(Node, erl_prim_loader, list_dir, ["."]),
{ok,Info} = file:read_file_info(code:which(test_server)),
?line {ok,Info} = rpc:call(Node, erl_prim_loader, read_file_info,
{ok,Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
?line {ok,Cwd} = rpc:call(Node, erl_prim_loader, get_cwd, []),
case file:get_cwd("C:") of
{error,enotsup} ->
{ok,DCwd} ->
?line {ok,DCwd} = rpc:call(Node, erl_prim_loader, get_cwd, ["C:"])
?line stop_node(Node),
?line unlink(BootPid),
?line exit(BootPid, kill),
complete_start_node(Name) ->
?line Host = host(),
?line Cookie = atom_to_list(erlang:get_cookie()),
?line IpStr = ip_str(Host),
?line LFlag = get_loader_flag(os:type()),
?line Args = LFlag ++ " -hosts " ++ IpStr ++
" -setcookie " ++ Cookie,
?line {ok,BootPid} = erl_boot_server:start_link([Host]),
?line {ok,Node} = start_node(Name, Args),
?line wait_really_started(Node, 25),
{ok, Node, BootPid}.
local_archive(suite) ->
local_archive(doc) ->
["Read files from local archive."];
local_archive(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
KernelDir = filename:basename(code:lib_dir(kernel)),
Archive = filename:join([PrivDir, KernelDir ++ init:archive_extension()]),
?line {ok, Archive} = create_archive(Archive, [KernelDir]),
Node = node(),
BeamName = "inet.beam",
?line ok = test_archive(Node, Archive, KernelDir, BeamName),
%% Cleanup
?line ok = rpc:call(Node, erl_prim_loader, release_archives, []),
?line ok = file:delete(Archive),
remote_archive(suite) ->
{req, [{local_slave_nodes, 1}, {time, 10}]};
remote_archive(doc) ->
["Read files from remote archive."];
remote_archive(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
KernelDir = filename:basename(code:lib_dir(kernel)),
Archive = filename:join([PrivDir, KernelDir ++ init:archive_extension()]),
?line {ok, Archive} = create_archive(Archive, [KernelDir]),
?line {ok, Node, BootPid} = complete_start_node(remote_archive),
BeamName = "inet.beam",
?line ok = test_archive(Node, Archive, KernelDir, BeamName),
%% Cleanup
?line stop_node(Node),
?line unlink(BootPid),
?line exit(BootPid, kill),
primary_archive(suite) ->
{req, [{local_slave_nodes, 1}, {time, 10}]};
primary_archive(doc) ->
["Read files from primary archive."];
primary_archive(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
%% Copy the orig files to priv_dir
PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
Archive = filename:join([PrivDir, "primary_archive.zip"]),
DataDir = ?config(data_dir, Config),
?line {ok, _} = zip:create(Archive, ["primary_archive"],
[{compress, []}, {cwd, DataDir}]),
?line {ok, _} = zip:extract(Archive, [{cwd, PrivDir}]),
TopDir = filename:join([PrivDir, "primary_archive"]),
%% Compile the code
DictDir = "primary_archive_dict-1.0",
DummyDir = "primary_archive_dummy",
?line ok = compile_app(TopDir, DictDir),
?line ok = compile_app(TopDir, DummyDir),
%% Create the archive
{ok, TopFiles} = file:list_dir(TopDir),
?line {ok, {_, ArchiveBin}} = zip:create(Archive, TopFiles,
[memory, {compress, []}, {cwd, TopDir}]),
%% Use temporary node to simplify cleanup
?line Cookie = atom_to_list(erlang:get_cookie()),
?line Args = " -setcookie " ++ Cookie,
?line {ok,Node} = start_node(primary_archive, Args),
?line wait_really_started(Node, 25),
?line {_,_,_} = rpc:call(Node, erlang, date, []),
%% Set primary archive
ExpectedEbins = [Archive, DictDir ++ "/ebin", DummyDir ++ "/ebin"],
io:format("ExpectedEbins: ~p\n", [ExpectedEbins]),
?line {ok, FileInfo} = prim_file:read_file_info(Archive),
?line {ok, Ebins} = rpc:call(Node, erl_prim_loader, set_primary_archive, [Archive, ArchiveBin, FileInfo]),
?line ExpectedEbins = lists:sort(Ebins), % assert
?line {ok, TopFiles2} = rpc:call(Node, erl_prim_loader, list_dir, [Archive]),
?line [DictDir, DummyDir] = lists:sort(TopFiles2),
BeamName = "primary_archive_dict_app.beam",
?line ok = test_archive(Node, Archive, DictDir, BeamName),
%% Cleanup
?line {ok, []} = rpc:call(Node, erl_prim_loader, set_primary_archive, [undefined, undefined, undefined]),
?line stop_node(Node),
?line ok = file:delete(Archive),
test_archive(Node, TopDir, AppDir, BeamName) ->
%% List dir
io:format("test_archive: ~p\n", [rpc:call(Node, erl_prim_loader, list_dir, [TopDir])]),
?line {ok, TopFiles} = rpc:call(Node, erl_prim_loader, list_dir, [TopDir]),
?line true = lists:member(AppDir, TopFiles),
AbsAppDir = TopDir ++ "/" ++ AppDir,
?line {ok, AppFiles} = rpc:call(Node, erl_prim_loader, list_dir, [AbsAppDir]),
?line true = lists:member("ebin", AppFiles),
Ebin = AbsAppDir ++ "/ebin",
?line {ok, EbinFiles} = rpc:call(Node, erl_prim_loader, list_dir, [Ebin]),
Beam = Ebin ++ "/" ++ BeamName,
?line true = lists:member(BeamName, EbinFiles),
?line error = rpc:call(Node, erl_prim_loader, list_dir, [TopDir ++ "/no_such_file"]),
?line error = rpc:call(Node, erl_prim_loader, list_dir, [TopDir ++ "/ebin/no_such_file"]),
%% File info
?line {ok, #file_info{type = directory}} =
rpc:call(Node, erl_prim_loader, read_file_info, [TopDir]),
?line {ok, #file_info{type = directory}} =
rpc:call(Node, erl_prim_loader, read_file_info, [Ebin]),
?line {ok, #file_info{type = regular} = FI} =
rpc:call(Node, erl_prim_loader, read_file_info, [Beam]),
?line error = rpc:call(Node, erl_prim_loader, read_file_info, [TopDir ++ "/no_such_file"]),
?line error = rpc:call(Node, erl_prim_loader, read_file_info, [TopDir ++ "/ebin/no_such_file"]),
%% Get file
?line {ok, Bin, Beam} = rpc:call(Node, erl_prim_loader, get_file, [Beam]),
?line if
FI#file_info.size =:= byte_size(Bin) -> ok;
true -> exit({FI#file_info.size, byte_size(Bin)})
?line error = rpc:call(Node, erl_prim_loader, get_file, ["/no_such_file"]),
?line error = rpc:call(Node, erl_prim_loader, get_file, ["/ebin/no_such_file"]),
create_archive(Archive, AppDirs) ->
LibDir = code:lib_dir(),
Opts = [{compress, []}, {cwd, LibDir}],
io:format("zip:create(~p,\n\t~p,\n\t~p).\n", [Archive, AppDirs, Opts]),
zip:create(Archive, AppDirs, Opts).
virtual_dir_in_archive(suite) ->
virtual_dir_in_archive(doc) ->
["Read virtual directories from archive."];
virtual_dir_in_archive(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
Data = <<"A little piece of data.">>,
ArchiveBase = "archive_with_virtual_dirs",
Archive = filename:join([PrivDir, ArchiveBase ++ init:archive_extension()]),
FileBase = "a_data_file.beam",
EbinBase = "ebin",
FileInArchive = filename:join([ArchiveBase, EbinBase, FileBase]),
BinFiles = [{FileInArchive, Data}],
Opts = [{compress, []}],
?line file:delete(Archive),
io:format("zip:create(~p,\n\t~p,\n\t~p).\n", [Archive, BinFiles, Opts]),
?line {ok, Archive} = zip:create(Archive, BinFiles, Opts),
%% Verify that there is no directories
?line {ok, BinFiles} = zip:unzip(Archive, [memory]),
FullPath = filename:join([Archive, FileInArchive]),
?line {ok, _} = erl_prim_loader:read_file_info(FullPath),
%% Read one virtual dir
EbinDir = filename:dirname(FullPath),
?line {ok, _} = erl_prim_loader:read_file_info(EbinDir),
?line {ok, [FileBase]} = erl_prim_loader:list_dir(EbinDir),
%% Read another virtual dir
AppDir = filename:dirname(EbinDir),
?line {ok, _} = erl_prim_loader:read_file_info(AppDir),
?line {ok, [EbinBase]} = erl_prim_loader:list_dir(AppDir),
%% Cleanup
?line ok = erl_prim_loader:release_archives(),
?line ok = file:delete(Archive),
%% Misc. functions
ip_str({A, B, C, D}) ->
lists:concat([A, ".", B, ".", C, ".", D]);
ip_str(Host) ->
{ok,Ip} = inet:getaddr(Host, inet),
start_node(Name, Args) ->
start_node(Name, Args, []).
start_node(Name, Args, Opts) ->
Opts2 = [{args, Args}|Opts],
io:format("test_server:start_node(~p, peer, ~p).\n",
[Name, Opts2]),
Res = test_server:start_node(Name, peer, Opts2),
io:format("start_node -> ~p\n", [Res]),
host() ->
{ok,Host} = inet:gethostname(),
stop_node(Node) ->
get_loader_flag({ose,_}) ->
" -loader ose_inet ";
get_loader_flag(_) ->
" -loader inet ".
compile_app(TopDir, AppName) ->
AppDir = filename:join([TopDir, AppName]),
SrcDir = filename:join([AppDir, "src"]),
OutDir = filename:join([AppDir, "ebin"]),
?line {ok, Files} = file:list_dir(SrcDir),
compile_files(Files, SrcDir, OutDir).
compile_files([File | Files], SrcDir, OutDir) ->
case filename:extension(File) of
".erl" ->
AbsFile = filename:join([SrcDir, File]),
case compile:file(AbsFile, [{outdir, OutDir}]) of
{ok, _Mod} ->
compile_files(Files, SrcDir, OutDir);
Error ->
{compilation_error, AbsFile, OutDir, Error}
_ ->
compile_files(Files, SrcDir, OutDir)
compile_files([], _, _) ->