%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1998-2011. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% Tests the documented API for the gen_tcp functions. The "normal" cases
%% are not tested here, because they are tested indirectly in this and
%% and other test suites.
-export([all/0, suite/0,groups/0,init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1,
init_per_testcase/2, end_per_testcase/2,
t_connect_timeout/1, t_accept_timeout/1,
t_recv_timeout/1, t_recv_eof/1, t_recv_delim/1,
t_shutdown_write/1, t_shutdown_both/1, t_shutdown_error/1,
t_fdopen/1, t_fdconnect/1, t_implicit_inet6/1]).
suite() ->
all() ->
[{group, t_accept}, {group, t_connect}, {group, t_recv},
t_shutdown_write, t_shutdown_both, t_shutdown_error,
t_shutdown_async, t_fdopen, t_fdconnect, t_implicit_inet6].
groups() ->
[{t_accept, [], [t_accept_timeout]},
{t_connect, [], [t_connect_timeout, t_connect_bad]},
{t_recv, [], [t_recv_timeout, t_recv_eof, t_recv_delim]}].
init_per_suite(Config) ->
end_per_suite(_Config) ->
init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
end_per_group(_,_Config) ->
init_per_testcase(_Func, Config) ->
end_per_testcase(_Func, _Config) ->
%%% gen_tcp:accept/1,2
t_accept_timeout(doc) -> "Test that gen_tcp:accept/2 (with timeout) works.";
t_accept_timeout(suite) -> [];
t_accept_timeout(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line {ok, L} = gen_tcp:listen(0, []),
?line timeout({gen_tcp, accept, [L, 200]}, 0.2, 1.0).
%%% gen_tcp:connect/X
t_connect_timeout(doc) -> "Test that gen_tcp:connect/4 (with timeout) works.";
t_connect_timeout(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
%%?line BadAddr = {134,138,177,16},
%%?line TcpPort = 80,
?line {ok, BadAddr} = unused_ip(),
?line TcpPort = 45638,
?line ok = io:format("Connecting to ~p, port ~p", [BadAddr, TcpPort]),
?line connect_timeout({gen_tcp,connect,[BadAddr,TcpPort,[],200]}, 0.2, 5.0).
t_connect_bad(doc) ->
["Test that gen_tcp:connect/3 handles non-existings hosts, and other ",
"invalid things."];
t_connect_bad(suite) -> [];
t_connect_bad(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line NonExistingPort = 45638, % Not in use, I hope.
?line {error, Reason1} = gen_tcp:connect(localhost, NonExistingPort, []),
?line io:format("Error for connection attempt to port not in use: ~p",
?line {error, Reason2} = gen_tcp:connect("non-existing-host-xxx", 7, []),
?line io:format("Error for connection attempt to non-existing host: ~p",
%%% gen_tcp:recv/X
t_recv_timeout(doc) -> "Test that gen_tcp:recv/3 (with timeout works).";
t_recv_timeout(suite) -> [];
t_recv_timeout(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line {ok, L} = gen_tcp:listen(0, []),
?line {ok, Port} = inet:port(L),
?line {ok, Client} = gen_tcp:connect(localhost, Port, [{active, false}]),
?line {ok, _A} = gen_tcp:accept(L),
?line timeout({gen_tcp, recv, [Client, 0, 200]}, 0.2, 5.0).
t_recv_eof(doc) -> "Test that end of file on a socket is reported correctly.";
t_recv_eof(suite) -> [];
t_recv_eof(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line {ok, L} = gen_tcp:listen(0, []),
?line {ok, Port} = inet:port(L),
?line {ok, Client} = gen_tcp:connect(localhost, Port, [{active, false}]),
?line {ok, A} = gen_tcp:accept(L),
?line ok = gen_tcp:close(A),
?line {error, closed} = gen_tcp:recv(Client, 0),
t_recv_delim(doc) -> "Test using message delimiter $X";
t_recv_delim(suite) -> [];
t_recv_delim(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{ok, L} = gen_tcp:listen(0, []),
{ok, Port} = inet:port(L),
Opts = [{active,false},{packet,line},{line_delimiter,$X}],
{ok, Client} = gen_tcp:connect(localhost, Port, Opts),
{ok, A} = gen_tcp:accept(L),
ok = gen_tcp:send(A, "abcXefgX"),
{ok, "abcX"} = gen_tcp:recv(Client, 0, 0),
{ok, "efgX"} = gen_tcp:recv(Client, 0, 0),
ok = gen_tcp:close(Client),
ok = gen_tcp:close(A),
%%% gen_tcp:shutdown/2
t_shutdown_write(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line {ok, L} = gen_tcp:listen(0, []),
?line {ok, Port} = inet:port(L),
?line {ok, Client} = gen_tcp:connect(localhost, Port, [{active, false}]),
?line {ok, A} = gen_tcp:accept(L),
?line ok = gen_tcp:shutdown(A, write),
?line {error, closed} = gen_tcp:recv(Client, 0),
t_shutdown_both(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line {ok, L} = gen_tcp:listen(0, []),
?line {ok, Port} = inet:port(L),
?line {ok, Client} = gen_tcp:connect(localhost, Port, [{active, false}]),
?line {ok, A} = gen_tcp:accept(L),
?line ok = gen_tcp:shutdown(A, read_write),
?line {error, closed} = gen_tcp:recv(Client, 0),
t_shutdown_error(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line {ok, L} = gen_tcp:listen(0, []),
?line {error, enotconn} = gen_tcp:shutdown(L, read_write),
?line ok = gen_tcp:close(L),
?line {error, closed} = gen_tcp:shutdown(L, read_write),
t_shutdown_async(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line {OS, _} = os:type(),
?line {ok, L} = gen_tcp:listen(0, [{sndbuf, 4096}]),
?line {ok, Port} = inet:port(L),
?line {ok, Client} = gen_tcp:connect(localhost, Port,
[{recbuf, 4096},
{active, false}]),
?line {ok, S} = gen_tcp:accept(L),
?line PayloadSize = 1024 * 1024,
?line Payload = lists:duplicate(PayloadSize, $.),
?line ok = gen_tcp:send(S, Payload),
?line case erlang:port_info(S, queue_size) of
{queue_size, N} when N > 0 -> ok;
{queue_size, 0} when OS =:= win32 -> ok;
{queue_size, 0} = T -> ?t:fail({unexpected, T})
?line ok = gen_tcp:shutdown(S, write),
?line {ok, Buf} = gen_tcp:recv(Client, PayloadSize),
?line {error, closed} = gen_tcp:recv(Client, 0),
?line case length(Buf) of
PayloadSize -> ok;
Sz -> ?t:fail({payload_size,
{expected, PayloadSize},
{received, Sz}})
%%% gen_tcp:fdopen/2
t_fdopen(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line Question = "Aaaa... Long time ago in a small town in Germany,",
?line Question1 = list_to_binary(Question),
?line Question2 = [<<"Aaaa">>, "... ", $L, <<>>, $o, "ng time ago ",
["in ", [], <<"a small town">>, [" in Germany,", <<>>]]],
?line Question1 = iolist_to_binary(Question2),
?line Answer = "there was a shoemaker, Schumacher was his name.",
?line {ok, L} = gen_tcp:listen(0, [{active, false}]),
?line {ok, Port} = inet:port(L),
?line {ok, Client} = gen_tcp:connect(localhost, Port, [{active, false}]),
?line {ok, A} = gen_tcp:accept(L),
?line {ok, FD} = prim_inet:getfd(A),
?line {ok, Server} = gen_tcp:fdopen(FD, []),
?line ok = gen_tcp:send(Client, Question),
?line {ok, Question} = gen_tcp:recv(Server, length(Question), 2000),
?line ok = gen_tcp:send(Client, Question1),
?line {ok, Question} = gen_tcp:recv(Server, length(Question), 2000),
?line ok = gen_tcp:send(Client, Question2),
?line {ok, Question} = gen_tcp:recv(Server, length(Question), 2000),
?line ok = gen_tcp:send(Server, Answer),
?line {ok, Answer} = gen_tcp:recv(Client, length(Answer), 2000),
?line ok = gen_tcp:close(Client),
?line {error,closed} = gen_tcp:recv(A, 1, 2000),
?line ok = gen_tcp:close(Server),
?line ok = gen_tcp:close(A),
?line ok = gen_tcp:close(L),
t_fdconnect(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Question = "Aaaa... Long time ago in a small town in Germany,",
Question1 = list_to_binary(Question),
Question2 = [<<"Aaaa">>, "... ", $L, <<>>, $o, "ng time ago ",
["in ", [], <<"a small town">>, [" in Germany,", <<>>]]],
Question1 = iolist_to_binary(Question2),
Answer = "there was a shoemaker, Schumacher was his name.",
Path = ?config(data_dir, Config),
Lib = "gen_tcp_api_SUITE",
ok = erlang:load_nif(filename:join(Path,Lib), []),
{ok, L} = gen_tcp:listen(0, [{active, false}]),
{ok, Port} = inet:port(L),
FD = gen_tcp_api_SUITE:getsockfd(),
{ok, Client} = gen_tcp:connect(localhost, Port, [{fd,FD},{port,20002},
{ok, Server} = gen_tcp:accept(L),
ok = gen_tcp:send(Client, Question),
{ok, Question} = gen_tcp:recv(Server, length(Question), 2000),
ok = gen_tcp:send(Client, Question1),
{ok, Question} = gen_tcp:recv(Server, length(Question), 2000),
ok = gen_tcp:send(Client, Question2),
{ok, Question} = gen_tcp:recv(Server, length(Question), 2000),
ok = gen_tcp:send(Server, Answer),
{ok, Answer} = gen_tcp:recv(Client, length(Answer), 2000),
ok = gen_tcp:close(Client),
FD = gen_tcp_api_SUITE:closesockfd(FD),
{error,closed} = gen_tcp:recv(Server, 1, 2000),
ok = gen_tcp:close(Server),
ok = gen_tcp:close(L),
%%% implicit inet6 option to api functions
t_implicit_inet6(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line Host = ok(inet:gethostname()),
case inet:getaddr(Host, inet6) of
{ok,Addr} ->
?line t_implicit_inet6(Host, Addr);
{error,Reason} ->
"Can not look up IPv6 address: "
t_implicit_inet6(Host, Addr) ->
case gen_tcp:listen(0, [inet6]) of
{ok,S1} ->
?line Loopback = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1},
?line io:format("~s ~p~n", ["::1",Loopback]),
?line implicit_inet6(S1, Loopback),
?line ok = gen_tcp:close(S1),
?line Localhost = "localhost",
?line Localaddr = ok(inet:getaddr(Localhost, inet6)),
?line io:format("~s ~p~n", [Localhost,Localaddr]),
?line S2 = ok(gen_tcp:listen(0, [{ip,Localaddr}])),
?line implicit_inet6(S2, Localaddr),
?line ok = gen_tcp:close(S2),
?line io:format("~s ~p~n", [Host,Addr]),
?line S3 = ok(gen_tcp:listen(0, [{ifaddr,Addr}])),
?line implicit_inet6(S3, Addr),
?line ok = gen_tcp:close(S3);
{error,_} ->
{skip,"IPv6 not supported"}
implicit_inet6(S, Addr) ->
?line P = ok(inet:port(S)),
?line S2 = ok(gen_tcp:connect(Addr, P, [])),
?line P2 = ok(inet:port(S2)),
?line S1 = ok(gen_tcp:accept(S)),
?line P1 = P = ok(inet:port(S1)),
?line {Addr,P2} = ok(inet:peername(S1)),
?line {Addr,P1} = ok(inet:peername(S2)),
?line {Addr,P1} = ok(inet:sockname(S1)),
?line {Addr,P2} = ok(inet:sockname(S2)),
?line ok = gen_tcp:close(S2),
?line ok = gen_tcp:close(S1).
%%% Utilities
%% Calls M:F/length(A), which should return a timeout error, and complete
%% within the given time.
timeout({M,F,A}, Lower, Upper) ->
case test_server:timecall(M, F, A) of
{Time, Result} when Time < Lower ->
test_server:fail({too_short_time, Time, Result});
{Time, Result} when Time > Upper ->
test_server:fail({too_long_time, Time, Result});
{_, {error, timeout}} ->
{_, Result} ->
test_server:fail({unexpected_result, Result})
connect_timeout({M,F,A}, Lower, Upper) ->
case test_server:timecall(M, F, A) of
{Time, Result} when Time < Lower ->
case Result of
{error,econnrefused=E} ->
{comment,"Not tested -- got error "++atom_to_list(E)};
{error,enetunreach=E} ->
{comment,"Not tested -- got error "++atom_to_list(E)};
{ok,Socket} -> % What the...
Pinfo = erlang:port_info(Socket),
Db = inet_db:lookup_socket(Socket),
Peer = inet:peername(Socket),
test_server:fail({too_short_time, Time,
_ ->
test_server:fail({too_short_time, Time, Result})
{Time, Result} when Time > Upper ->
test_server:fail({too_long_time, Time, Result});
{_, {error, timeout}} ->
{_, Result} ->
test_server:fail({unexpected_result, Result})
%% Try to obtain an unused IP address in the local network.
unused_ip() ->
?line {ok, Host} = inet:gethostname(),
?line {ok, Hent} = inet:gethostbyname(Host),
?line #hostent{h_addr_list=[{A, B, C, _D}|_]} = Hent,
%% Note: In our net, addresses below 16 are reserved for routers and
%% other strange creatures.
?line IP = unused_ip(A, B, C, 16),
io:format("we = ~p, unused_ip = ~p~n", [Hent, IP]),
unused_ip(_, _, _, 255) -> error;
unused_ip(A, B, C, D) ->
case inet:gethostbyaddr({A, B, C, D}) of
{ok, _} -> unused_ip(A, B, C, D+1);
{error, _} -> {ok, {A, B, C, D}}
ok({ok,V}) -> V.
getsockfd() -> undefined.
closesockfd(_FD) -> undefined.