%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2000-2013. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
-export([all/0, suite/0,groups/0,init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1,
-export([cur_dir_0a/1, cur_dir_0b/1,
cur_dir_1a/1, cur_dir_1b/1,
make_del_dir_a/1, make_del_dir_b/1,
pos1/1, pos2/1]).
delete_a/1, delete_b/1]).
-export([ open1/1, modes/1]).
file_info_basic_file_a/1, file_info_basic_file_b/1,
file_info_basic_directory_a/1, file_info_basic_directory_b/1,
file_info_bad_a/1, file_info_bad_b/1,
file_info_times_a/1, file_info_times_b/1,
file_write_file_info_a/1, file_write_file_info_b/1,
file_read_file_info_opts/1, file_write_file_info_opts/1,
-export([rename_a/1, rename_b/1,
access/1, truncate/1, datasync/1, sync/1,
read_write/1, pread_write/1, append/1, exclusive/1]).
-export([ e_delete/1, e_rename/1, e_make_dir/1, e_del_dir/1]).
-export([ read_not_really_compressed/1,
read_compressed/1, write_compressed/1,
make_link_a/1, make_link_b/1,
symlinks_a/1, symlinks_b/1,
%% System probe functions that might be handy to check from the shell
-define(PRIM_FILE, prim_file).
%% Calls ?PRIM_FILE:F with arguments A and an optional handle H
%% as first argument, unless the handle is [], i.e no handle.
%% This is a macro to give the compiler and thereby
%% the cross reference tool the possibility to interprete
%% the call, since M, F, A (or [H | A]) can all be known at
%% compile time.
-define(PRIM_FILE_call(F, H, A),
case H of
[] -> apply(?PRIM_FILE, F, A);
_ -> apply(?PRIM_FILE, F, [H | A])
suite() -> [].
all() ->
[read_write_file, {group, dirs}, {group, files},
delete_a, delete_b, rename_a, rename_b, {group, errors},
{group, compression}, {group, links}, list_dir_limit, list_dir].
groups() ->
[{dirs, [],
[make_del_dir_a, make_del_dir_b, cur_dir_0a, cur_dir_0b,
cur_dir_1a, cur_dir_1b]},
{files, [],
[{group, open}, {group, pos}, {group, file_info},
truncate, sync, datasync, advise, large_write, allocate]},
{open, [],
[open1, modes, close, access, read_write, pread_write,
append, exclusive]},
{pos, [], [pos1, pos2]},
{file_info, [],
[file_info_basic_file_a, file_info_basic_file_b,
file_info_basic_directory_b, file_info_bad_a,
file_info_bad_b, file_info_times_a, file_info_times_b,
file_write_file_info_a, file_write_file_info_b,
file_read_file_info_opts, file_write_file_info_opts,
{errors, [],
[e_delete, e_rename, e_make_dir, e_del_dir]},
{compression, [],
[read_compressed, read_not_really_compressed,
write_compressed, compress_errors]},
{links, [],
[make_link_a, make_link_b, read_link_info_for_non_link,
symlinks_a, symlinks_b, list_dir_error]}].
init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
init_per_suite(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
case os:type() of
{win32, _} ->
Priv = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
HasAccessTime =
case file:read_file_info(Priv) of
{ok, #file_info{atime={_, {0, 0, 0}}}} ->
%% This is a unfortunately a FAT file system.
{ok, _} ->
_ ->
end_per_suite(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
case os:type() of
{win32, _} ->
os:cmd("subst z: /d");
_ ->
%% Matches a term (the last) against alternatives
expect(X, _, X) ->
expect(_, X, X) ->
expect(X, _, _, X) ->
expect(_, X, _, X) ->
expect(_, _, X, X) ->
expect(X, _, _, _, X) ->
expect(_, X, _, _, X) ->
expect(_, _, X, _, X) ->
expect(_, _, _, X, X) ->
%% Calculate the time difference
time_dist({YY, MM, DD, H, M, S}, DT) ->
time_dist({{YY, MM, DD}, {H, M, S}}, DT);
time_dist(DT, {YY, MM, DD, H, M, S}) ->
time_dist(DT, {{YY, MM, DD}, {H, M, S}});
time_dist({_D1, _T1} = DT1, {_D2, _T2} = DT2) ->
- calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(DT1).
read_write_file(suite) -> [];
read_write_file(doc) -> [];
read_write_file(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(5)),
?line RootDir = ?config(priv_dir,Config),
?line Name = filename:join(RootDir,
%% Try writing and reading back some term
?line SomeTerm = {"This term",{will,be},[written,$t,$o],1,file,[]},
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write_file(Name,term_to_binary(SomeTerm)),
?line {ok,Bin1} = ?PRIM_FILE:read_file(Name),
?line SomeTerm = binary_to_term(Bin1),
%% Try a "null" term
?line NullTerm = [],
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write_file(Name,term_to_binary(NullTerm)),
?line {ok,Bin2} = ?PRIM_FILE:read_file(Name),
?line NullTerm = binary_to_term(Bin2),
%% Try some "complicated" types
?line BigNum = 123456789012345678901234567890,
?line ComplTerm = {self(),make_ref(),BigNum,3.14159},
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write_file(Name,term_to_binary(ComplTerm)),
?line {ok,Bin3} = ?PRIM_FILE:read_file(Name),
?line ComplTerm = binary_to_term(Bin3),
%% Try reading a nonexistent file
?line Name2 = filename:join(RootDir,
?line {error, enoent} = ?PRIM_FILE:read_file(Name2),
?line {error, enoent} = ?PRIM_FILE:read_file(""),
% Try writing to a bad filename
?line {error, enoent} =
% Try writing something else than a binary
?line {error, badarg} = ?PRIM_FILE:write_file(Name,{1,2,3}),
?line {error, badarg} = ?PRIM_FILE:write_file(Name,self()),
%% Some non-term binaries
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write_file(Name,[]),
?line {ok,Bin4} = ?PRIM_FILE:read_file(Name),
?line 0 = byte_size(Bin4),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write_file(Name,[Bin1,[],[[Bin2]]]),
?line {ok,Bin5} = ?PRIM_FILE:read_file(Name),
?line {Bin1,Bin2} = split_binary(Bin5,byte_size(Bin1)),
?line test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog),
make_del_dir_a(suite) -> [];
make_del_dir_a(doc) -> [];
make_del_dir_a(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
make_del_dir(Config, [], "_a").
make_del_dir_b(suite) -> [];
make_del_dir_b(doc) -> [];
make_del_dir_b(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line {ok, Handle} = ?PRIM_FILE:start(),
Result = make_del_dir(Config, Handle, "_b"),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:stop(Handle),
%% Just to make sure the state of the server makes a difference
?line {error, einval} = ?PRIM_FILE_call(get_cwd, Handle, []),
make_del_dir(Config, Handle, Suffix) ->
?line Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(5)),
?line RootDir = ?config(priv_dir,Config),
?line NewDir = filename:join(RootDir,
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE_call(make_dir, Handle, [NewDir]),
?line {error, eexist} = ?PRIM_FILE_call(make_dir, Handle, [NewDir]),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE_call(del_dir, Handle, [NewDir]),
?line {error, enoent} = ?PRIM_FILE_call(del_dir, Handle, [NewDir]),
% Make sure we are not in a directory directly under test_server
% as that would result in eacess errors when trying to delere '..',
% because there are processes having that directory as current.
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE_call(make_dir, Handle, [NewDir]),
?line {ok, CurrentDir} = ?PRIM_FILE_call(get_cwd, Handle, []),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE_call(set_cwd, Handle, [NewDir]),
%% Check that we get an error when trying to create...
%% a deep directory
?line NewDir2 = filename:join(RootDir,
?line {error, enoent} = ?PRIM_FILE_call(make_dir, Handle, [NewDir2]),
%% a nameless directory
?line {error, enoent} = ?PRIM_FILE_call(make_dir, Handle, [""]),
%% a directory with illegal name
?line {error, badarg} = ?PRIM_FILE_call(make_dir, Handle, ['mk-dir']),
%% a directory with illegal name, even if it's a (bad) list
?line {error, badarg} = ?PRIM_FILE_call(make_dir, Handle, [[1,2,3,{}]]),
%% Maybe this isn't an error, exactly, but worth mentioning anyway:
%% ok = ?PRIM_FILE:make_dir([$f,$o,$o,0,$b,$a,$r])),
%% The above line works, and created a directory "./foo"
%% More elegant would maybe have been to fail, or to really create
%% a directory, but with a name that incorporates the "bar" part of
%% the list, so that [$f,$o,$o,0,$f,$o,$o] wouldn't refer to the same
%% dir. But this would slow it down.
%% Try deleting some bad directories
%% Deleting the parent directory to the current, sounds dangerous, huh?
%% Don't worry ;-) the parent directory should never be empty, right?
?line case ?PRIM_FILE_call(del_dir, Handle, [".."]) of
{error, eexist} -> ok;
{error, eacces} -> ok; %OpenBSD
{error, einval} -> ok %FreeBSD
?line {error, enoent} = ?PRIM_FILE_call(del_dir, Handle, [""]),
?line {error, badarg} = ?PRIM_FILE_call(del_dir, Handle, [[3,2,1,{}]]),
?line test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog)
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE_call(set_cwd, Handle, [CurrentDir])
cur_dir_0a(suite) -> [];
cur_dir_0a(doc) -> [];
cur_dir_0a(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
cur_dir_0(Config, []).
cur_dir_0b(suite) -> [];
cur_dir_0b(doc) -> [];
cur_dir_0b(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line {ok, Handle} = ?PRIM_FILE:start(),
Result = cur_dir_0(Config, Handle),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:stop(Handle),
cur_dir_0(Config, Handle) ->
?line Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(5)),
%% Find out the current dir, and cd to it ;-)
?line {ok,BaseDir} = ?PRIM_FILE_call(get_cwd, Handle, []),
?line Dir1 = BaseDir ++ "", %% Check that it's a string
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE_call(set_cwd, Handle, [Dir1]),
?line DirName = atom_to_list(?MODULE) ++
case Handle of
[] ->
_ ->
%% Make a new dir, and cd to that
?line RootDir = ?config(priv_dir,Config),
?line NewDir = filename:join(RootDir, DirName),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE_call(make_dir, Handle, [NewDir]),
?line io:format("cd to ~s",[NewDir]),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE_call(set_cwd, Handle, [NewDir]),
%% Create a file in the new current directory, and check that it
%% really is created there
?line UncommonName = "uncommon.fil",
?line {ok,Fd} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(UncommonName, [read, write]),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd),
?line {ok,NewDirFiles} = ?PRIM_FILE_call(list_dir, Handle, ["."]),
?line true = lists:member(UncommonName,NewDirFiles),
%% Delete the directory and return to the old current directory
%% and check that the created file isn't there (too!)
?line expect({error, einval}, {error, eacces}, {error, eexist},
?PRIM_FILE_call(del_dir, Handle, [NewDir])),
?line ?PRIM_FILE_call(delete, Handle, [UncommonName]),
?line {ok,[]} = ?PRIM_FILE_call(list_dir, Handle, ["."]),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE_call(set_cwd, Handle, [Dir1]),
?line io:format("cd back to ~s",[Dir1]),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE_call(del_dir, Handle, [NewDir]),
?line {error, enoent} = ?PRIM_FILE_call(set_cwd, Handle, [NewDir]),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE_call(set_cwd, Handle, [Dir1]),
?line io:format("cd back to ~s",[Dir1]),
?line {ok,OldDirFiles} = ?PRIM_FILE_call(list_dir, Handle, ["."]),
?line false = lists:member(UncommonName,OldDirFiles),
%% Try doing some bad things
?line {error, badarg} =
?PRIM_FILE_call(set_cwd, Handle, [{foo,bar}]),
?line {error, enoent} =
?PRIM_FILE_call(set_cwd, Handle, [""]),
?line {error, enoent} =
?PRIM_FILE_call(set_cwd, Handle, [".......a......"]),
?line {ok,BaseDir} =
?PRIM_FILE_call(get_cwd, Handle, []), %% Still there?
%% On Windows, there should only be slashes, no backslashes,
%% in the return value of get_cwd().
%% (The test is harmless on Unix, because filenames usually
%% don't contain backslashes.)
?line {ok, BaseDir} = ?PRIM_FILE_call(get_cwd, Handle, []),
?line false = lists:member($\\, BaseDir),
?line test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog),
%% Tests ?PRIM_FILE:get_cwd/1.
cur_dir_1a(suite) -> [];
cur_dir_1a(doc) -> [];
cur_dir_1a(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
cur_dir_1(Config, []).
cur_dir_1b(suite) -> [];
cur_dir_1b(doc) -> [];
cur_dir_1b(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line {ok, Handle} = ?PRIM_FILE:start(),
Result = cur_dir_1(Config, Handle),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:stop(Handle),
cur_dir_1(Config, Handle) ->
?line Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(5)),
?line case os:type() of
{win32, _} ->
win_cur_dir_1(Config, Handle);
_ ->
?line {error, enotsup} =
?PRIM_FILE_call(get_cwd, Handle, ["d:"])
?line test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog),
win_cur_dir_1(_Config, Handle) ->
?line {ok, BaseDir} = ?PRIM_FILE_call(get_cwd, Handle, []),
%% Get the drive letter from the current directory,
%% and try to get current directory for that drive.
?line [Drive, $:|_] = BaseDir,
?line {ok, BaseDir} = ?PRIM_FILE_call(get_cwd, Handle, [[Drive, $:]]),
io:format("BaseDir = ~s\n", [BaseDir]),
%% Unfortunately, there is no way to move away from the
%% current drive as we can't use the "subst" command from
%% a SSH connection. We can't test any more. Too bad.
open1(suite) -> [];
open1(doc) -> [];
open1(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(5)),
?line RootDir = ?config(priv_dir,Config),
?line NewDir = filename:join(RootDir,
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:make_dir(NewDir),
?line Name = filename:join(NewDir, "foo1.fil"),
?line {ok,Fd1} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Name, [read, write]),
?line {ok,Fd2} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Name, [read]),
?line Str = "{a,tuple}.\n",
?line Length = length(Str),
?line ?PRIM_FILE:write(Fd1,Str),
?line {ok,0} = ?PRIM_FILE:position(Fd1,bof),
?line {ok, Str} = ?PRIM_FILE:read(Fd1,Length),
?line case ?PRIM_FILE:read(Fd2,Length) of
Str -> Str;
eof -> Str
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd2),
?line {ok,0} = ?PRIM_FILE:position(Fd1,bof),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:truncate(Fd1),
?line eof = ?PRIM_FILE:read(Fd1,Length),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd1),
?line {ok,Fd3} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Name, [read]),
?line eof = ?PRIM_FILE:read(Fd3,Length),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd3),
?line test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog),
%% Tests all open modes.
modes(suite) -> [];
modes(doc) -> [];
modes(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(10)),
?line RootDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
?line NewDir = filename:join(RootDir,
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:make_dir(NewDir),
?line Name1 = filename:join(NewDir, "foo1.fil"),
?line Marker = "hello, world",
?line Length = length(Marker),
%% write
?line {ok, Fd1} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Name1, [write]),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write(Fd1, Marker),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write(Fd1, ".\n"),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd1),
%% read
?line {ok, Fd2} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Name1, [read]),
?line {ok, Marker} = ?PRIM_FILE:read(Fd2, Length),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd2),
%% read and write
?line {ok, Fd3} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Name1, [read, write]),
?line {ok, Marker} = ?PRIM_FILE:read(Fd3, Length),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write(Fd3, Marker),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd3),
%% read by default
?line {ok, Fd4} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Name1, []),
?line {ok, Marker} = ?PRIM_FILE:read(Fd4, Length),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd4),
%% read and binary
?line BinaryMarker = list_to_binary(Marker),
?line {ok, Fd5} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Name1, [read, binary]),
?line {ok, BinaryMarker} = ?PRIM_FILE:read(Fd5, Length),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd5),
?line test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog),
close(suite) -> [];
close(doc) -> [];
close(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(5)),
?line RootDir = ?config(priv_dir,Config),
?line Name = filename:join(RootDir,
?line {ok,Fd1} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Name, [read, write]),
%% Just closing it is no fun, we did that a million times already
%% This is a common error, for code written before Erlang 4.3
%% bacause then ?PRIM_FILE:open just returned a Pid, and not everyone
%% really checked what they got.
?line {'EXIT',_Msg} = (catch ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close({ok,Fd1})),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd1),
%% Try closing one more time
?line Val = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd1),
?line io:format("Second close gave: ~p", [Val]),
?line test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog),
access(suite) -> [];
access(doc) -> [];
access(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(5)),
?line RootDir = ?config(priv_dir,Config),
?line Name = filename:join(RootDir,
?line Str = "ABCDEFGH",
?line {ok,Fd1} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Name, [write]),
?line ?PRIM_FILE:write(Fd1,Str),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd1),
%% Check that we can't write when in read only mode
?line {ok,Fd2} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Name, [read]),
?line case catch ?PRIM_FILE:write(Fd2,"XXXX") of
ok ->
_ ->
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd2),
?line {ok, Fd3} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Name, [read]),
?line {ok, Str} = ?PRIM_FILE:read(Fd3,length(Str)),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd3),
?line test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog),
%% Tests ?PRIM_FILE:read/2 and ?PRIM_FILE:write/2.
read_write(suite) -> [];
read_write(doc) -> [];
read_write(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(5)),
?line RootDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
?line NewDir = filename:join(RootDir,
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:make_dir(NewDir),
%% Raw file.
?line Name = filename:join(NewDir, "raw.fil"),
?line {ok, Fd} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Name, [read, write]),
?line read_write_test(Fd),
?line test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog),
read_write_test(File) ->
?line Marker = "hello, world",
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write(File, Marker),
?line {ok, 0} = ?PRIM_FILE:position(File, 0),
?line {ok, Marker} = ?PRIM_FILE:read(File, 100),
?line eof = ?PRIM_FILE:read(File, 100),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(File),
%% Tests ?PRIM_FILE:pread/2 and ?PRIM_FILE:pwrite/2.
pread_write(suite) -> [];
pread_write(doc) -> [];
pread_write(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(5)),
?line RootDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
?line NewDir = filename:join(RootDir,
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:make_dir(NewDir),
%% Raw file.
?line Name = filename:join(NewDir, "raw.fil"),
?line {ok, Fd} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Name, [read, write]),
?line pread_write_test(Fd),
?line test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog),
pread_write_test(File) ->
?line Marker = "hello, world",
?line Len = length(Marker),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write(File, Marker),
?line {ok, Marker} = ?PRIM_FILE:pread(File, 0, 100),
?line eof = ?PRIM_FILE:pread(File, 100, 1),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:pwrite(File, Len, Marker),
?line {ok, Marker} = ?PRIM_FILE:pread(File, Len, 100),
?line eof = ?PRIM_FILE:pread(File, 100, 1),
?line MM = Marker ++ Marker,
?line {ok, MM} = ?PRIM_FILE:pread(File, 0, 100),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(File),
append(doc) -> "Test appending to a file.";
append(suite) -> [];
append(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(5)),
?line RootDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
?line NewDir = filename:join(RootDir,
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:make_dir(NewDir),
?line First = "First line\n",
?line Second = "Seond lines comes here\n",
?line Third = "And here is the third line\n",
%% Write a small text file.
?line Name1 = filename:join(NewDir, "a_file.txt"),
?line {ok, Fd1} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Name1, [write]),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write(Fd1, First),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write(Fd1, Second),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd1),
%% Open it a again and a append a line to it.
?line {ok, Fd2} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Name1, [append]),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write(Fd2, Third),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd2),
%% Read it back and verify.
?line Expected = list_to_binary([First, Second, Third]),
?line {ok, Expected} = ?PRIM_FILE:read_file(Name1),
?line test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog),
exclusive(suite) -> [];
exclusive(doc) -> "Test exclusive access to a file.";
exclusive(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(5)),
?line RootDir = ?config(priv_dir,Config),
?line NewDir = filename:join(RootDir,
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:make_dir(NewDir),
?line Name = filename:join(NewDir, "ex_file.txt"),
?line {ok,Fd} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Name, [write, exclusive]),
?line {error, eexist} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Name, [write, exclusive]),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd),
?line test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog),
pos1(suite) -> [];
pos1(doc) -> [];
pos1(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(5)),
?line RootDir = ?config(priv_dir,Config),
?line Name = filename:join(RootDir,
?line {ok, Fd1} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Name, [write]),
?line ?PRIM_FILE:write(Fd1,"ABCDEFGH"),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd1),
?line {ok, Fd2} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Name, [read]),
%% Start pos is first char
?line io:format("Relative positions"),
?line {ok, "A"} = ?PRIM_FILE:read(Fd2,1),
?line {ok, 2} = ?PRIM_FILE:position(Fd2,{cur,1}),
?line {ok, "C"} = ?PRIM_FILE:read(Fd2,1),
?line {ok, 0} = ?PRIM_FILE:position(Fd2,{cur,-3}),
?line {ok, "A"} = ?PRIM_FILE:read(Fd2,1),
%% Backwards from first char should be an error
?line {ok,0} = ?PRIM_FILE:position(Fd2,{cur,-1}),
?line {error, einval} = ?PRIM_FILE:position(Fd2,{cur,-1}),
%% Reset position and move again
?line {ok, 0} = ?PRIM_FILE:position(Fd2,0),
?line {ok, 2} = ?PRIM_FILE:position(Fd2,{cur,2}),
?line {ok, "C"} = ?PRIM_FILE:read(Fd2,1),
%% Go a lot forwards
?line {ok, 13} = ?PRIM_FILE:position(Fd2,{cur,10}),
?line eof = ?PRIM_FILE:read(Fd2,1),
%% Try some fixed positions
?line io:format("Fixed positions"),
?line {ok, 8} = ?PRIM_FILE:position(Fd2,8),
?line eof = ?PRIM_FILE:read(Fd2,1),
?line {ok, 8} = ?PRIM_FILE:position(Fd2,cur),
?line eof = ?PRIM_FILE:read(Fd2,1),
?line {ok, 7} = ?PRIM_FILE:position(Fd2,7),
?line {ok, "H"} = ?PRIM_FILE:read(Fd2,1),
?line {ok, 0} = ?PRIM_FILE:position(Fd2,0),
?line {ok, "A"} = ?PRIM_FILE:read(Fd2,1),
?line {ok, 3} = ?PRIM_FILE:position(Fd2,3),
?line {ok, "D"} = ?PRIM_FILE:read(Fd2,1),
?line {ok, 12} = ?PRIM_FILE:position(Fd2,12),
?line eof = ?PRIM_FILE:read(Fd2,1),
?line {ok, 3} = ?PRIM_FILE:position(Fd2,3),
?line {ok, "D"} = ?PRIM_FILE:read(Fd2,1),
%% Try the {bof,X} notation
?line {ok, 3} = ?PRIM_FILE:position(Fd2,{bof,3}),
?line {ok, "D"} = ?PRIM_FILE:read(Fd2,1),
%% Try eof positions
?line io:format("EOF positions"),
?line {ok, 8} = ?PRIM_FILE:position(Fd2,{eof,0}),
?line eof = ?PRIM_FILE:read(Fd2,1),
?line {ok, 7} = ?PRIM_FILE:position(Fd2,{eof,-1}),
?line {ok, "H"} = ?PRIM_FILE:read(Fd2,1),
?line {ok, 0} = ?PRIM_FILE:position(Fd2,{eof,-8}),
?line {ok, "A"} = ?PRIM_FILE:read(Fd2,1),
?line {error, einval} = ?PRIM_FILE:position(Fd2,{eof,-9}),
?line test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog),
pos2(suite) -> [];
pos2(doc) -> [];
pos2(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(5)),
?line RootDir = ?config(priv_dir,Config),
?line Name = filename:join(RootDir,
?line {ok,Fd1} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Name, [write]),
?line ?PRIM_FILE:write(Fd1,"ABCDEFGH"),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd1),
?line {ok, Fd2} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Name, [read]),
?line {error, einval} = ?PRIM_FILE:position(Fd2,-1),
%% Make sure that we still can search after an error.
?line {ok, 0} = ?PRIM_FILE:position(Fd2, 0),
?line {ok, 3} = ?PRIM_FILE:position(Fd2, {bof,3}),
?line {ok, "D"} = ?PRIM_FILE:read(Fd2,1),
?line io:format("DONE"),
?line test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog),
file_info_basic_file_a(suite) -> [];
file_info_basic_file_a(doc) -> [];
file_info_basic_file_a(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
file_info_basic_file(Config, [], "_a").
file_info_basic_file_b(suite) -> [];
file_info_basic_file_b(doc) -> [];
file_info_basic_file_b(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line {ok, Handle} = ?PRIM_FILE:start(),
Result = file_info_basic_file(Config, Handle, "_b"),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:stop(Handle),
file_info_basic_file(Config, Handle, Suffix) ->
?line Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(5)),
?line RootDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
%% Create a short file.
?line Name = filename:join(RootDir,
?line {ok,Fd1} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Name, [write]),
?line ?PRIM_FILE:write(Fd1, "foo bar"),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd1),
%% Test that the file has the expected attributes.
%% The times are tricky, so we will save them to a separate test case.
?line {ok, FileInfo} = ?PRIM_FILE_call(read_file_info, Handle, [Name]),
?line #file_info{size = Size, type = Type, access = Access,
atime = AccessTime, mtime = ModifyTime} =
?line io:format("Access ~p, Modify ~p", [AccessTime, ModifyTime]),
?line Size = 7,
?line Type = regular,
?line Access = read_write,
?line true = abs(time_dist(filter_atime(AccessTime, Config),
Config))) < 2,
?line {AD, AT} = AccessTime,
?line all_integers(tuple_to_list(AD) ++ tuple_to_list(AT)),
?line {MD, MT} = ModifyTime,
?line all_integers(tuple_to_list(MD) ++ tuple_to_list(MT)),
?line test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog),
file_info_basic_directory_a(suite) -> [];
file_info_basic_directory_a(doc) -> [];
file_info_basic_directory_a(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
file_info_basic_directory(Config, []).
file_info_basic_directory_b(suite) -> [];
file_info_basic_directory_b(doc) -> [];
file_info_basic_directory_b(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line {ok, Handle} = ?PRIM_FILE:start(),
Result = file_info_basic_directory(Config, Handle),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:stop(Handle),
file_info_basic_directory(Config, Handle) ->
?line Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(5)),
%% Note: filename:join/1 removes any trailing slash,
%% which is essential for ?PRIM_FILE:read_file_info/1 to work on
%% platforms such as Windows95.
?line RootDir = filename:join([?config(priv_dir, Config)]),
%% Test that the RootDir directory has the expected attributes.
?line test_directory(RootDir, read_write, Handle),
%% Note that on Windows file systems, "/" or "c:/" are *NOT* directories.
%% Therefore, test that ?PRIM_FILE:read_file_info/1 behaves
%% as if they were directories.
?line case os:type() of
{win32, _} ->
?line test_directory("/", read_write, Handle),
?line test_directory("c:/", read_write, Handle),
?line test_directory("c:\\", read_write, Handle);
_ ->
?line test_directory("/", read, Handle)
?line test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog).
test_directory(Name, ExpectedAccess, Handle) ->
?line {ok, FileInfo} = ?PRIM_FILE_call(read_file_info, Handle, [Name]),
?line #file_info{size = Size, type = Type, access = Access,
atime = AccessTime, mtime = ModifyTime} =
?line io:format("Testing directory ~s", [Name]),
?line io:format("Directory size is ~p", [Size]),
?line io:format("Access ~p", [Access]),
?line io:format("Access time ~p; Modify time~p",
[AccessTime, ModifyTime]),
?line Type = directory,
?line Access = ExpectedAccess,
?line {AD, AT} = AccessTime,
?line all_integers(tuple_to_list(AD) ++ tuple_to_list(AT)),
?line {MD, MT} = ModifyTime,
?line all_integers(tuple_to_list(MD) ++ tuple_to_list(MT)),
all_integers([Int|Rest]) when is_integer(Int) ->
?line all_integers(Rest);
all_integers([]) ->
%% Try something nonexistent.
file_info_bad_a(suite) -> [];
file_info_bad_a(doc) -> [];
file_info_bad_a(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
file_info_bad(Config, []).
file_info_bad_b(suite) -> [];
file_info_bad_b(doc) -> [];
file_info_bad_b(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line {ok, Handle} = ?PRIM_FILE:start(),
Result = file_info_bad(Config, Handle),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:stop(Handle),
file_info_bad(Config, Handle) ->
?line Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(5)),
?line RootDir = filename:join([?config(priv_dir, Config)]),
?line {error, enoent} =
read_file_info, Handle,
?line test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog),
%% Test that the file times behave as they should.
file_info_times_a(suite) -> [];
file_info_times_a(doc) -> [];
file_info_times_a(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
file_info_times(Config, [], "_a").
file_info_times_b(suite) -> [];
file_info_times_b(doc) -> [];
file_info_times_b(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line {ok, Handle} = ?PRIM_FILE:start(),
Result = file_info_times(Config, Handle, "_b"),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:stop(Handle),
file_info_times(Config, Handle, Suffix) ->
?line Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(60)),
%% We have to try this twice, since if the test runs across the change
%% of a month the time diff calculations will fail. But it won't happen
%% if you run it twice in succession.
?line test_server:m_out_of_n(
fun() -> ?line file_info_int(Config, Handle, Suffix) end),
?line test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog),
file_info_int(Config, Handle, Suffix) ->
%% Note: filename:join/1 removes any trailing slash,
%% which is essential for ?PRIM_FILE:read_file_info/1 to work on
%% platforms such as Windows95.
?line RootDir = filename:join([?config(priv_dir, Config)]),
?line test_server:format("RootDir = ~p", [RootDir]),
?line Name = filename:join(RootDir,
?line {ok,Fd1} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Name, [write]),
?line ?PRIM_FILE:write(Fd1,"foo"),
%% check that the file got a modify date max a few seconds away from now
?line {ok, #file_info{type = regular,
atime = AccTime1, mtime = ModTime1}} =
?PRIM_FILE_call(read_file_info, Handle, [Name]),
?line Now = erlang:localtime(),
?line io:format("Now ~p",[Now]),
?line io:format("Open file Acc ~p Mod ~p",[AccTime1,ModTime1]),
?line true = abs(time_dist(filter_atime(Now, Config),
Config))) < 8,
?line true = abs(time_dist(Now, ModTime1)) < 8,
%% Sleep until we can be sure the seconds value has changed.
%% Note: FAT-based filesystem (like on Windows 95) have
%% a resolution of 2 seconds.
?line test_server:sleep(test_server:seconds(2.2)),
%% close the file, and watch the modify date change
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd1),
?line {ok, #file_info{size = Size, type = regular, access = Access,
atime = AccTime2, mtime = ModTime2}} =
?PRIM_FILE_call(read_file_info, Handle, [Name]),
?line io:format("Closed file Acc ~p Mod ~p",[AccTime2,ModTime2]),
?line true = time_dist(ModTime1, ModTime2) >= 0,
%% this file is supposed to be binary, so it'd better keep it's size
?line Size = 3,
?line Access = read_write,
%% Do some directory checking
?line {ok, #file_info{size = DSize, type = directory,
access = DAccess,
atime = AccTime3, mtime = ModTime3}} =
?PRIM_FILE_call(read_file_info, Handle, [RootDir]),
%% this dir was modified only a few secs ago
?line io:format("Dir Acc ~p; Mod ~p; Now ~p",
[AccTime3, ModTime3, Now]),
?line true = abs(time_dist(Now, ModTime3)) < 5,
?line DAccess = read_write,
?line io:format("Dir size is ~p",[DSize]),
%% Filter access times, to cope with a deficiency of FAT file systems
%% (on Windows): The access time is actually only a date.
filter_atime(Atime, Config) ->
case lists:member(no_access_time, Config) of
true ->
case Atime of
{Date, _} ->
{Date, {0, 0, 0}};
{Y, M, D, _, _, _} ->
{Y, M, D, 0, 0, 0}
false ->
%% Test the write_file_info/2 function.
file_write_file_info_a(suite) -> [];
file_write_file_info_a(doc) -> [];
file_write_file_info_a(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
file_write_file_info(Config, [], "_a").
file_write_file_info_b(suite) -> [];
file_write_file_info_b(doc) -> [];
file_write_file_info_b(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line {ok, Handle} = ?PRIM_FILE:start(),
Result = file_write_file_info(Config, Handle, "_b"),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:stop(Handle),
file_write_file_info(Config, Handle, Suffix) ->
?line Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(10)),
?line RootDir = get_good_directory(Config),
?line test_server:format("RootDir = ~p", [RootDir]),
%% Set the file to read only AND update the file times at the same time.
%% (This used to fail on Windows NT/95 for a local filesystem.)
%% Note: Seconds must be even; see note in file_info_times/1.
?line Name = filename:join(RootDir,
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write_file(Name, "hello"),
?line Time = {{1997, 01, 02}, {12, 35, 42}},
?line Info = #file_info{mode=8#400, atime=Time, mtime=Time, ctime=Time},
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE_call(write_file_info, Handle, [Name, Info]),
%% Read back the times.
?line {ok, ActualInfo} =
?PRIM_FILE_call(read_file_info, Handle, [Name]),
?line #file_info{mode=_Mode, atime=ActAtime, mtime=Time,
ctime=ActCtime} = ActualInfo,
?line FilteredAtime = filter_atime(Time, Config),
?line FilteredAtime = filter_atime(ActAtime, Config),
?line case os:type() of
{win32, _} ->
%% On Windows, "ctime" means creation time and it can
%% be set.
ActCtime = Time;
_ ->
?line {error, eacces} = ?PRIM_FILE:write_file(Name, "hello again"),
%% Make the file writable again.
?line ?PRIM_FILE_call(write_file_info, Handle,
[Name, #file_info{mode=8#600}]),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write_file(Name, "hello again"),
%% And unwritable.
?line ?PRIM_FILE_call(write_file_info, Handle,
[Name, #file_info{mode=8#400}]),
?line {error, eacces} = ?PRIM_FILE:write_file(Name, "hello again"),
%% Write the times again.
%% Note: Seconds must be even; see note in file_info_times/1.
?line NewTime = {{1997, 02, 15}, {13, 18, 20}},
?line NewInfo = #file_info{atime=NewTime, mtime=NewTime, ctime=NewTime},
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE_call(write_file_info, Handle, [Name, NewInfo]),
?line {ok, ActualInfo2} =
?PRIM_FILE_call(read_file_info, Handle, [Name]),
?line #file_info{atime=NewActAtime, mtime=NewTime,
ctime=NewActCtime} = ActualInfo2,
?line NewFilteredAtime = filter_atime(NewTime, Config),
?line NewFilteredAtime = filter_atime(NewActAtime, Config),
?line case os:type() of
{win32, _} -> NewActCtime = NewTime;
_ -> ok
%% The file should still be unwritable.
?line {error, eacces} = ?PRIM_FILE:write_file(Name, "hello again"),
%% Make the file writeable again, so that we can remove the
%% test suites ... :-)
?line ?PRIM_FILE_call(write_file_info, Handle,
[Name, #file_info{mode=8#600}]),
?line test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog),
%% Test the write_file_info/3 function.
file_write_file_info_opts(suite) -> [];
file_write_file_info_opts(doc) -> [];
file_write_file_info_opts(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{ok, Handle} = ?PRIM_FILE:start(),
Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(10)),
RootDir = get_good_directory(Config),
test_server:format("RootDir = ~p", [RootDir]),
Name = filename:join(RootDir, atom_to_list(?MODULE) ++"_write_file_info_opts"),
ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write_file(Name, "hello_opts"),
({FI, Opts}) ->
ok = ?PRIM_FILE_call(write_file_info, Handle, [Name, FI, Opts])
end, [
{#file_info{ mode=8#600, atime = Time, mtime = Time, ctime = Time}, Opts} ||
Opts <- [[{time, posix}]],
Time <- [ 0,1,-1,100,-100,1000,-1000,10000,-10000 ]
% REM: determine date range dependent on time_t = Uint32 | Sint32 | Sint64
% Determine time_t on os:type()?
({FI, Opts}) ->
ok = ?PRIM_FILE_call(write_file_info, Handle, [Name, FI, Opts])
end, [
{#file_info{ mode=8#400, atime = Time, mtime = Time, ctime = Time}, Opts} ||
Opts <- [[{time, universal}],[{time, local}]],
Time <- [
ok = ?PRIM_FILE:stop(Handle),
file_read_file_info_opts(suite) -> [];
file_read_file_info_opts(doc) -> [];
file_read_file_info_opts(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{ok, Handle} = ?PRIM_FILE:start(),
Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(10)),
RootDir = get_good_directory(Config),
test_server:format("RootDir = ~p", [RootDir]),
Name = filename:join(RootDir, atom_to_list(?MODULE) ++"_read_file_info_opts"),
ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write_file(Name, "hello_opts"),
(Opts) ->
{ok,_} = ?PRIM_FILE_call(read_file_info, Handle, [Name, Opts])
end, [[{time, Type}] || Type <- [local, universal, posix]]),
ok = ?PRIM_FILE:stop(Handle),
%% Test the write and read back *_file_info/3 functions.
file_write_read_file_info_opts(suite) -> [];
file_write_read_file_info_opts(doc) -> [];
file_write_read_file_info_opts(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
{ok, Handle} = ?PRIM_FILE:start(),
Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(10)),
RootDir = get_good_directory(Config),
test_server:format("RootDir = ~p", [RootDir]),
Name = filename:join(RootDir, atom_to_list(?MODULE) ++"_read_write_file_info_opts"),
ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write_file(Name, "hello_opts2"),
ok = file_write_read_file_info_opts(Handle, Name, {{1989, 04, 28}, {19,30,22}}, [{time, local}]),
ok = file_write_read_file_info_opts(Handle, Name, {{1989, 04, 28}, {19,30,22}}, [{time, universal}]),
ok = file_write_read_file_info_opts(Handle, Name, {{1930, 04, 28}, {19,30,22}}, [{time, local}]),
ok = file_write_read_file_info_opts(Handle, Name, {{1930, 04, 28}, {19,30,22}}, [{time, universal}]),
ok = file_write_read_file_info_opts(Handle, Name, 1, [{time, posix}]),
ok = file_write_read_file_info_opts(Handle, Name, -1, [{time, posix}]),
ok = file_write_read_file_info_opts(Handle, Name, 300000, [{time, posix}]),
ok = file_write_read_file_info_opts(Handle, Name, -300000, [{time, posix}]),
ok = file_write_read_file_info_opts(Handle, Name, 0, [{time, posix}]),
ok = ?PRIM_FILE:stop(Handle),
file_write_read_file_info_opts(Handle, Name, Mtime, Opts) ->
{ok, FI} = ?PRIM_FILE_call(read_file_info, Handle, [Name, Opts]),
FI2 = FI#file_info{ mtime = Mtime },
ok = ?PRIM_FILE_call(write_file_info, Handle, [Name, FI2, Opts]),
{ok, FI2} = ?PRIM_FILE_call(read_file_info, Handle, [Name, Opts]),
%% Returns a directory on a file system that has correct file times.
get_good_directory(Config) ->
?line ?config(priv_dir, Config).
truncate(suite) -> [];
truncate(doc) -> [];
truncate(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(5)),
?line RootDir = ?config(priv_dir,Config),
?line Name = filename:join(RootDir,
%% Create a file with some data.
?line MyData = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz",
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write_file(Name, MyData),
%% Truncate the file to 10 characters.
?line {ok, Fd} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Name, [read, write]),
?line {ok, 10} = ?PRIM_FILE:position(Fd, 10),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:truncate(Fd),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd),
%% Read back the file and check that it has been truncated.
?line Expected = list_to_binary("0123456789"),
?line {ok, Expected} = ?PRIM_FILE:read_file(Name),
%% Open the file read only and verify that it is not possible to
%% truncate it, OTP-1960
?line {ok, Fd2} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Name, [read]),
?line {ok, 5} = ?PRIM_FILE:position(Fd2, 5),
?line {error, _} = ?PRIM_FILE:truncate(Fd2),
?line test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog),
datasync(suite) -> [];
datasync(doc) -> "Tests that ?PRIM_FILE:datasync/1 at least doesn't crash.";
datasync(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(5)),
?line PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
?line Sync = filename:join(PrivDir,
%% Raw open.
?line {ok, Fd} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Sync, [write]),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:datasync(Fd),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd),
?line test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog),
sync(suite) -> [];
sync(doc) -> "Tests that ?PRIM_FILE:sync/1 at least doesn't crash.";
sync(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(5)),
?line PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
?line Sync = filename:join(PrivDir,
%% Raw open.
?line {ok, Fd} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Sync, [write]),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:sync(Fd),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd),
?line test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog),
advise(suite) -> [];
advise(doc) -> "Tests that ?PRIM_FILE:advise/4 at least doesn't crash.";
advise(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(5)),
?line PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
?line Advise = filename:join(PrivDir,
Line1 = "Hello\n",
Line2 = "World!\n",
?line {ok, Fd} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Advise, [write]),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:advise(Fd, 0, 0, normal),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write(Fd, Line1),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write(Fd, Line2),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd),
?line {ok, Fd2} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Advise, [write]),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:advise(Fd2, 0, 0, random),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write(Fd2, Line1),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write(Fd2, Line2),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd2),
?line {ok, Fd3} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Advise, [write]),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:advise(Fd3, 0, 0, sequential),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write(Fd3, Line1),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write(Fd3, Line2),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd3),
?line {ok, Fd4} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Advise, [write]),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:advise(Fd4, 0, 0, will_need),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write(Fd4, Line1),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write(Fd4, Line2),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd4),
?line {ok, Fd5} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Advise, [write]),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:advise(Fd5, 0, 0, dont_need),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write(Fd5, Line1),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write(Fd5, Line2),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd5),
?line {ok, Fd6} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Advise, [write]),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:advise(Fd6, 0, 0, no_reuse),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write(Fd6, Line1),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write(Fd6, Line2),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd6),
?line {ok, Fd7} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Advise, [write]),
?line {error, einval} = ?PRIM_FILE:advise(Fd7, 0, 0, bad_advise),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd7),
%% test write without advise, then a read after an advise
?line {ok, Fd8} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Advise, [write]),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write(Fd8, Line1),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write(Fd8, Line2),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd8),
?line {ok, Fd9} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Advise, [read]),
Offset = 0,
%% same as a 0 length in some implementations
Length = length(Line1) + length(Line2),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:advise(Fd9, Offset, Length, sequential),
?line {ok, Line1} = ?PRIM_FILE:read_line(Fd9),
?line {ok, Line2} = ?PRIM_FILE:read_line(Fd9),
?line eof = ?PRIM_FILE:read_line(Fd9),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd9),
?line test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog),
large_write(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
fun(Name) -> do_large_write(Name) end,
do_large_write(Name) ->
Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:minutes(60)),
ChunkSize = (256 bsl 20) + 1, % 256 M + 1
Chunks = 16, % times 16 -> 4 G + 16
Base = 100,
Interleave = lists:seq(Base+1, Base+Chunks),
Chunk = <<0:ChunkSize/unit:8>>,
Data = zip_data(lists:duplicate(Chunks, Chunk), Interleave),
Size = Chunks * ChunkSize + Chunks, % 4 G + 32
Wordsize = erlang:system_info(wordsize),
case prim_file:write_file(Name, Data) of
ok when Wordsize =:= 8 ->
{ok,#file_info{size=Size}} = file:read_file_info(Name),
{ok,Fd} = prim_file:open(Name, [read]),
check_large_write(Dog, Fd, ChunkSize, 0, Interleave);
{error,einval} when Wordsize =:= 4 ->
check_large_write(Dog, Fd, ChunkSize, Pos, [X|Interleave]) ->
Pos1 = Pos + ChunkSize,
{ok,Pos1} = prim_file:position(Fd, {cur,ChunkSize}),
{ok,[X]} = prim_file:read(Fd, 1),
check_large_write(Dog, Fd, ChunkSize, Pos1+1, Interleave);
check_large_write(Dog, Fd, _, _, []) ->
eof = prim_file:read(Fd, 1),
allocate(suite) -> [];
allocate(doc) -> "Tests that ?PRIM_FILE:allocate/3 at least doesn't crash.";
allocate(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(5)),
?line PrivDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
?line Allocate = filename:join(PrivDir,
Line1 = "Hello\n",
Line2 = "World!\n",
?line {ok, Fd} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Allocate, [write, binary]),
allocate_and_assert(Fd, 1, iolist_size([Line1, Line2])),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write(Fd, Line1),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write(Fd, Line2),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd),
?line {ok, Fd2} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Allocate, [write, binary]),
allocate_and_assert(Fd2, 1, iolist_size(Line1)),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write(Fd2, Line1),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write(Fd2, Line2),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd2),
?line {ok, Fd3} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Allocate, [write, binary]),
allocate_and_assert(Fd3, 1, iolist_size(Line1) + 1),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write(Fd3, Line1),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write(Fd3, Line2),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd3),
?line {ok, Fd4} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Allocate, [write, binary]),
allocate_and_assert(Fd4, 1, 4 * iolist_size([Line1, Line2])),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write(Fd4, Line1),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write(Fd4, Line2),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd4),
?line test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog),
allocate_and_assert(Fd, Offset, Length) ->
% Just verify that calls to ?PRIM_FILE:allocate/3 don't crash or have
% any other negative side effect. We can't really asssert against a
% specific return value, because support for file space pre-allocation
% depends on the OS, OS version and underlying filesystem.
% The Linux kernel added support for fallocate() in version 2.6.23,
% which currently works only for the ext4, ocfs2, xfs and btrfs file
% systems. posix_fallocate() is available in glibc as of version
% 2.1.94, but it was buggy until glibc version 2.7.
% Mac OS X, as of version 10.3, supports the fcntl operation F_PREALLOCATE.
% Solaris supports posix_fallocate() but only for the UFS file system
% apparently (not supported for ZFS).
% FreeBSD 9.0 is the first FreeBSD release supporting posix_fallocate().
% For Windows there's apparently no way to pre-allocate file space, at
% least with similar API/semantics as posix_fallocate(), fallocate() or
Result = ?PRIM_FILE:allocate(Fd, Offset, Length),
case os:type() of
{win32, _} ->
?line {error, enotsup} = Result;
_ ->
?line _ = Result
delete_a(suite) -> [];
delete_a(doc) -> [];
delete_a(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
delete(Config, [], "_a").
delete_b(suite) -> [];
delete_b(doc) -> [];
delete_b(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line {ok, Handle} = ?PRIM_FILE:start(),
Result = delete(Config, Handle, "_b"),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:stop(Handle),
delete(Config, Handle, Suffix) ->
?line Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(5)),
?line RootDir = ?config(priv_dir,Config),
?line Name = filename:join(RootDir,
?line {ok, Fd1} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Name, [write]),
?line ?PRIM_FILE:write(Fd1,"ok.\n"),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd1),
%% Check that the file is readable
?line {ok, Fd2} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Name, [read]),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd2),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE_call(delete, Handle, [Name]),
%% Check that the file is not readable anymore
?line {error, _} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Name, [read]),
%% Try deleting a nonexistent file
?line {error, enoent} = ?PRIM_FILE_call(delete, Handle, [Name]),
?line test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog),
rename_a(suite) ->[];
rename_a(doc) ->[];
rename_a(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
rename(Config, [], "_a").
rename_b(suite) ->[];
rename_b(doc) ->[];
rename_b(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line {ok, Handle} = ?PRIM_FILE:start(),
Result = rename(Config, Handle, "_b"),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:stop(Handle),
rename(Config, Handle, Suffix) ->
?line Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(5)),
?line RootDir = ?config(priv_dir,Config),
?line FileName1 = atom_to_list(?MODULE)++"_rename"++Suffix++".fil",
?line FileName2 = atom_to_list(?MODULE)++"_rename"++Suffix++".ful",
?line Name1 = filename:join(RootDir, FileName1),
?line Name2 = filename:join(RootDir, FileName2),
?line {ok,Fd1} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Name1, [write]),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd1),
%% Rename, and check that it really changed name
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE_call(rename, Handle, [Name1, Name2]),
?line {error, _} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Name1, [read]),
?line {ok, Fd2} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Name2, [read]),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd2),
%% Try renaming something to itself
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE_call(rename, Handle, [Name2, Name2]),
%% Try renaming something that doesn't exist
?line {error, enoent} =
?PRIM_FILE_call(rename, Handle, [Name1, Name2]),
%% Try renaming to something else than a string
?line {error, badarg} =
?PRIM_FILE_call(rename, Handle, [Name1, foobar]),
%% Move between directories
?line DirName1 = filename:join(RootDir,
?line DirName2 = filename:join(RootDir,
?line Name1foo = filename:join(DirName1, "foo.fil"),
?line Name2foo = filename:join(DirName2, "foo.fil"),
?line Name2bar = filename:join(DirName2, "bar.dir"),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:make_dir(DirName1),
%% The name has to include the full file name, path is not enough
?line expect(
{error, eexist}, {error, eisdir},
?PRIM_FILE_call(rename, Handle, [Name2, DirName1])),
?line ok =
?PRIM_FILE_call(rename, Handle, [Name2, Name1foo]),
%% Now rename the directory
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE_call(rename, Handle, [DirName1, DirName2]),
%% And check that the file is there now
?line {ok,Fd3} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Name2foo, [read]),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd3),
%% Try some dirty things now: move the directory into itself
?line {error, Msg1} =
?PRIM_FILE_call(rename, Handle, [DirName2, Name2bar]),
?line io:format("Errmsg1: ~p",[Msg1]),
%% move dir into a file in itself
?line {error, Msg2} =
?PRIM_FILE_call(rename, Handle, [DirName2, Name2foo]),
?line io:format("Errmsg2: ~p",[Msg2]),
?line test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog),
e_delete(suite) -> [];
e_delete(doc) -> [];
e_delete(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(10)),
?line RootDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
?line Base = filename:join(RootDir,
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:make_dir(Base),
%% Delete a non-existing file.
?line {error, enoent} =
?PRIM_FILE:delete(filename:join(Base, "non_existing")),
%% Delete a directory.
?line {error, eperm} = ?PRIM_FILE:delete(Base),
%% Use a path-name with a non-directory component.
?line Afile = filename:join(Base, "a_file"),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write_file(Afile, "hello\n"),
?line {error, E} =
{error, enotdir}, {error, enoent},
?PRIM_FILE:delete(filename:join(Afile, "another_file"))),
?line io:format("Result: ~p~n", [E]),
%% No permission.
?line case os:type() of
{win32, _} ->
%% Remove a character device.
?line {error, eacces} = ?PRIM_FILE:delete("nul");
_ ->
?line ?PRIM_FILE:write_file_info(
Base, #file_info {mode=0}),
?line {error, eacces} = ?PRIM_FILE:delete(Afile),
?line ?PRIM_FILE:write_file_info(
Base, #file_info {mode=8#600})
?line test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog),
%%% FreeBSD gives EEXIST when renaming a file to an empty dir, although the
%%% manual page can be interpreted as saying that EISDIR should be given.
%%% (What about FreeBSD? We store our nightly build results on a FreeBSD
%%% file system, that's what.)
e_rename(suite) -> [];
e_rename(doc) -> [];
e_rename(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(10)),
?line RootDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
?line Base = filename:join(RootDir,
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:make_dir(Base),
%% Create an empty directory.
?line EmptyDir = filename:join(Base, "empty_dir"),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:make_dir(EmptyDir),
%% Create a non-empty directory.
?line NonEmptyDir = filename:join(Base, "non_empty_dir"),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:make_dir(NonEmptyDir),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write_file(
filename:join(NonEmptyDir, "a_file"),
%% Create another non-empty directory.
?line ADirectory = filename:join(Base, "a_directory"),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:make_dir(ADirectory),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write_file(
filename:join(ADirectory, "a_file"),
%% Create a data file.
?line File = filename:join(Base, "just_a_file"),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write_file(File, "anything goes\n\n"),
%% Move an existing directory to a non-empty directory.
?line {error, eexist} =
?PRIM_FILE:rename(ADirectory, NonEmptyDir),
%% Move a root directory.
?line {error, einval} = ?PRIM_FILE:rename("/", "arne"),
%% Move Base into Base/new_name.
?line {error, einval} =
?PRIM_FILE:rename(Base, filename:join(Base, "new_name")),
%% Overwrite a directory with a file.
?line expect({error, eexist}, % FreeBSD (?)
{error, eisdir},
?PRIM_FILE:rename(File, EmptyDir)),
?line expect({error, eexist}, % FreeBSD (?)
{error, eisdir},
?PRIM_FILE:rename(File, NonEmptyDir)),
%% Move a non-existing file.
?line NonExistingFile = filename:join(
Base, "non_existing_file"),
?line {error, enoent} =
?PRIM_FILE:rename(NonExistingFile, NonEmptyDir),
%% Overwrite a file with a directory.
?line expect({error, eexist}, % FreeBSD (?)
{error, enotdir},
?PRIM_FILE:rename(ADirectory, File)),
%% Move a file to another filesystem.
%% XXX - This test case is bogus. We cannot be guaranteed that
%% the source and destination are on
%% different filesystems.
%% XXX - Gross hack!
?line Comment =
case os:type() of
{win32, _} ->
%% At least Windows NT can
%% successfully move a file to
%% another drive.
_ ->
OtherFs = "/tmp",
?line NameOnOtherFs =
?line {ok, Com} =
case ?PRIM_FILE:rename(
File, NameOnOtherFs) of
{error, exdev} ->
%% The file could be in
%% the same filesystem!
{ok, ok};
ok ->
{ok, {comment,
"Moving between filesystems "
"suceeded, files are probably "
"in the same filesystem!"}};
{error, eperm} ->
{ok, {comment, "SBS! You don't "
"have the permission to do "
"this test!"}};
Else ->
?line test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog),
e_make_dir(suite) -> [];
e_make_dir(doc) -> [];
e_make_dir(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(10)),
?line RootDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
?line Base = filename:join(RootDir,
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:make_dir(Base),
%% A component of the path does not exist.
?line {error, enoent} =
?PRIM_FILE:make_dir(filename:join([Base, "a", "b"])),
%% Use a path-name with a non-directory component.
?line Afile = filename:join(Base, "a_directory"),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write_file(Afile, "hello\n"),
?line case ?PRIM_FILE:make_dir(
filename:join(Afile, "another_directory")) of
{error, enotdir} -> io:format("Result: enotdir");
{error, enoent} -> io:format("Result: enoent")
%% No permission (on Unix only).
case os:type() of
{win32, _} ->
_ ->
?line ?PRIM_FILE:write_file_info(Base, #file_info {mode=0}),
?line {error, eacces} =
?PRIM_FILE:make_dir(filename:join(Base, "xxxx")),
?PRIM_FILE:write_file_info(Base, #file_info {mode=8#600})
?line test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog),
e_del_dir(suite) -> [];
e_del_dir(doc) -> [];
e_del_dir(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(10)),
?line RootDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
?line Base = filename:join(RootDir,
?line io:format("Base: ~p", [Base]),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:make_dir(Base),
%% Delete a non-existent directory.
?line {error, enoent} =
?PRIM_FILE:del_dir(filename:join(Base, "non_existing")),
%% Use a path-name with a non-directory component.
?line Afile = filename:join(Base, "a_directory"),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write_file(Afile, "hello\n"),
?line {error, E1} =
expect({error, enotdir}, {error, enoent},
filename:join(Afile, "another_directory"))),
?line io:format("Result: ~p", [E1]),
%% Delete a non-empty directory.
%% Delete a non-empty directory.
?line {error, E2} =
expect({error, enotempty}, {error, eexist}, {error, eacces},
?line io:format("Result: ~p", [E2]),
%% Remove the current directory.
?line {error, E3} =
expect({error, einval},
{error, eperm}, % Linux and DUX
{error, eacces},
{error, ebusy},
?line io:format("Result: ~p", [E3]),
%% No permission.
case os:type() of
{win32, _} ->
_ ->
?line ADirectory = filename:join(Base, "no_perm"),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:make_dir(ADirectory),
?line ?PRIM_FILE:write_file_info(Base, #file_info {mode=0}),
?line {error, eacces} = ?PRIM_FILE:del_dir(ADirectory),
?line ?PRIM_FILE:write_file_info(
Base, #file_info {mode=8#600})
?line test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog),
%% Trying reading and positioning from a compressed file.
read_compressed(suite) -> [];
read_compressed(doc) -> [];
read_compressed(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line Data = ?config(data_dir, Config),
?line Real = filename:join(Data, "realmen.html.gz"),
?line {ok, Fd} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Real, [read, compressed]),
?line try_read_file(Fd).
%% Trying reading and positioning from an uncompressed file,
%% but with the compressed flag given.
read_not_really_compressed(suite) -> [];
read_not_really_compressed(doc) -> [];
read_not_really_compressed(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line Data = ?config(data_dir, Config),
?line Priv = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
%% The file realmen.html might have got CRs added (by WinZip).
%% Remove them, or the file positions will not be correct.
?line Real = filename:join(Data, "realmen.html"),
?line RealPriv = filename:join(Priv,
?line {ok, RealDataBin} = ?PRIM_FILE:read_file(Real),
?line RealData = remove_crs(binary_to_list(RealDataBin), []),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write_file(RealPriv, RealData),
?line {ok, Fd} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(RealPriv, [read, compressed]),
?line try_read_file(Fd).
remove_crs([$\r|Rest], Result) ->
remove_crs(Rest, Result);
remove_crs([C|Rest], Result) ->
remove_crs(Rest, [C|Result]);
remove_crs([], Result) ->
try_read_file(Fd) ->
?line Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(10)),
%% Seek to the current position (nothing should happen).
?line {ok, 0} = ?PRIM_FILE:position(Fd, 0),
?line {ok, 0} = ?PRIM_FILE:position(Fd, {cur, 0}),
%% Read a few lines from a compressed file.
?line ShouldBe = "<TITLE>Real Programmers Don't Use PASCAL</TITLE>\n",
?line {ok, ShouldBe} = ?PRIM_FILE:read(Fd, length(ShouldBe)),
%% Now seek forward.
?line {ok, 381} = ?PRIM_FILE:position(Fd, 381),
?line Back = "Back in the good old days -- the \"Golden Era\" " ++
"of computers, it was\n",
?line {ok, Back} = ?PRIM_FILE:read(Fd, length(Back)),
%% Try to search forward relative to the current position.
?line {ok, CurPos} = ?PRIM_FILE:position(Fd, {cur, 0}),
?line RealPos = 4273,
?line {ok, RealPos} = ?PRIM_FILE:position(Fd, {cur, RealPos-CurPos}),
?line RealProg = "<LI> Real Programmers aren't afraid to use GOTOs.\n",
?line {ok, RealProg} = ?PRIM_FILE:read(Fd, length(RealProg)),
%% Seek backward.
?line AfterTitle = length("<TITLE>"),
?line {ok, AfterTitle} = ?PRIM_FILE:position(Fd, AfterTitle),
?line Title = "Real Programmers Don't Use PASCAL</TITLE>\n",
?line {ok, Title} = ?PRIM_FILE:read(Fd, length(Title)),
%% Done.
?line ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd),
?line test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog),
write_compressed(suite) -> [];
write_compressed(doc) -> [];
write_compressed(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(10)),
?line Priv = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
?line MyFile = filename:join(Priv,
%% Write a file.
?line {ok, Fd} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(MyFile, [write, compressed]),
?line {ok, 0} = ?PRIM_FILE:position(Fd, 0),
?line Prefix = "hello\n",
?line End = "end\n",
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write(Fd, Prefix),
?line {ok, 143} = ?PRIM_FILE:position(Fd, 143),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write(Fd, End),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd),
%% Read the file and verify the contents.
?line {ok, Fd1} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(MyFile, [read, compressed]),
?line {ok, Prefix} = ?PRIM_FILE:read(Fd1, length(Prefix)),
?line Second = lists:duplicate(143-length(Prefix), 0) ++ End,
?line {ok, Second} = ?PRIM_FILE:read(Fd1, length(Second)),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd1),
%% Ensure that the file is compressed.
TotalSize = 143 + length(End),
case ?PRIM_FILE:read_file_info(MyFile) of
{ok, #file_info{size=Size}} when Size < TotalSize ->
{ok, #file_info{size=Size}} when Size == TotalSize ->
%% Write again to ensure that the file is truncated.
?line {ok, Fd2} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(MyFile, [write, compressed]),
?line NewString = "aaaaaaaaaaa",
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write(Fd2, NewString),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd2),
?line {ok, Fd3} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(MyFile, [read, compressed]),
?line {ok, NewString} = ?PRIM_FILE:read(Fd3, 1024),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd3),
%% Done.
?line test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog),
compress_errors(suite) -> [];
compress_errors(doc) -> [];
compress_errors(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(10)),
?line Data = ?config(data_dir, Config),
?line {error, enoent} = ?PRIM_FILE:open("non_existing__",
[compressed, read]),
?line {error, einval} = ?PRIM_FILE:open("non_existing__",
[compressed, read, write]),
%% Read a corrupted .gz file.
?line Corrupted = filename:join(Data, "corrupted.gz"),
?line {ok, Fd} = ?PRIM_FILE:open(Corrupted, [read, compressed]),
?line {error, eio} = ?PRIM_FILE:read(Fd, 100),
?line ?PRIM_FILE:close(Fd),
?line test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog),
make_link_a(doc) -> "Test creating a hard link.";
make_link_a(suite) -> [];
make_link_a(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
make_link(Config, [], "_a").
make_link_b(doc) -> "Test creating a hard link.";
make_link_b(suite) -> [];
make_link_b(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line {ok, Handle} = ?PRIM_FILE:start(),
Result = make_link(Config, Handle, "_b"),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:stop(Handle),
make_link(Config, Handle, Suffix) ->
?line Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(10)),
?line RootDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
?line NewDir = filename:join(RootDir,
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE_call(make_dir, Handle, [NewDir]),
?line Name = filename:join(NewDir, "a_file"),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write_file(Name, "some contents\n"),
?line Alias = filename:join(NewDir, "an_alias"),
?line Result =
case ?PRIM_FILE_call(make_link, Handle, [Name, Alias]) of
{error, enotsup} ->
{skipped, "Links not supported on this platform"};
ok ->
%% Note: We take the opportunity to test
%% ?PRIM_FILE:read_link_info/1,
%% which should in behave exactly as
%% ?PRIM_FILE:read_file_info/1
%% since they are not used on symbolic links.
?line {ok, Info} =
?PRIM_FILE_call(read_link_info, Handle, [Name]),
?line {ok, Info} =
?PRIM_FILE_call(read_link_info, Handle, [Alias]),
?line #file_info{links = 2, type = regular} = Info,
?line {error, eexist} =
?PRIM_FILE_call(make_link, Handle, [Name, Alias]),
?line test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog),
read_link_info_for_non_link(doc) ->
"Test that reading link info for an ordinary file or directory works "
"(on all platforms).";
read_link_info_for_non_link(suite) -> [];
read_link_info_for_non_link(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(10)),
?line {ok, #file_info{type=directory}} = ?PRIM_FILE:read_link_info("."),
?line test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog),
symlinks_a(doc) -> "Test operations on symbolic links (for Unix).";
symlinks_a(suite) -> [];
symlinks_a(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
symlinks(Config, [], "_a").
symlinks_b(doc) -> "Test operations on symbolic links (for Unix).";
symlinks_b(suite) -> [];
symlinks_b(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line {ok, Handle} = ?PRIM_FILE:start(),
Result = symlinks(Config, Handle, "_b"),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:stop(Handle),
symlinks(Config, Handle, Suffix) ->
?line Dog = test_server:timetrap(test_server:seconds(10)),
?line RootDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
?line NewDir = filename:join(RootDir,
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE_call(make_dir, Handle, [NewDir]),
?line Name = filename:join(NewDir, "a_plain_file"),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write_file(Name, "some stupid content\n"),
?line Alias = filename:join(NewDir, "a_symlink_alias"),
?line Result =
case ?PRIM_FILE_call(make_symlink, Handle, [Name, Alias]) of
{error, enotsup} ->
{skipped, "Links not supported on this platform"};
ok ->
?line {ok, Info1} =
?PRIM_FILE_call(read_file_info, Handle, [Name]),
?line {ok, Info1} =
?PRIM_FILE_call(read_file_info, Handle, [Alias]),
?line {ok, Info1} =
?PRIM_FILE_call(read_link_info, Handle, [Name]),
?line #file_info{links = 1, type = regular} = Info1,
?line {ok, Info2} =
?PRIM_FILE_call(read_link_info, Handle, [Alias]),
?line #file_info{links=1, type=symlink} = Info2,
?line {ok, Name} =
?PRIM_FILE_call(read_link, Handle, [Alias]),
{ok, Name} =
?PRIM_FILE_call(read_link_all, Handle, [Alias]),
%% If all is good, delete dir again (avoid hanging dir on windows)
?line test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog),
%% Creates as many files as possible during a certain time,
%% periodically calls list_dir/2 to check if it works,
%% then deletes all files.
list_dir_limit(doc) ->
"Tests if large directories can be read";
list_dir_limit(suite) ->
list_dir_limit(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?line MaxTime = 120,
?line MaxNumber = 20000,
?line Dog = test_server:timetrap(
test_server:seconds(2*MaxTime + MaxTime)),
?line RootDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
?line NewDir = filename:join(RootDir,
?line {ok, Handle1} = ?PRIM_FILE:start(),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE_call(make_dir, Handle1, [NewDir]),
Ref = erlang:start_timer(MaxTime*1000, self(), []),
?line Result = list_dir_limit_loop(NewDir, Handle1, Ref, MaxNumber, 0),
?line Time = case erlang:cancel_timer(Ref) of
false -> MaxTime;
T -> MaxTime - (T div 1000)
?line Number = case Result of
{ok, N} -> N;
{error, _Reason, N} -> N;
_ -> 0
?line {ok, Handle2} = ?PRIM_FILE:start(),
?line list_dir_limit_cleanup(NewDir, Handle2, Number, 0),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:stop(Handle1),
?line ok = ?PRIM_FILE:stop(Handle2),
?line {ok, Number} = Result,
?line test_server:timetrap_cancel(Dog),
"Created " ++ integer_to_list(Number) ++ " files in "
++ integer_to_list(Time) ++ " seconds."}.
list_dir_limit_loop(Dir, Handle, _Ref, N, Cnt) when Cnt >= N ->
list_dir_check(Dir, Handle, Cnt);
list_dir_limit_loop(Dir, Handle, Ref, N, Cnt) ->
{timeout, Ref, []} ->
list_dir_check(Dir, Handle, Cnt)
after 0 ->
Name = integer_to_list(Cnt),
case ?PRIM_FILE:write_file(filename:join(Dir, Name), Name) of
ok ->
Next = Cnt + 1,
case Cnt rem 100 of
0 ->
case list_dir_check(Dir, Handle, Next) of
{ok, Next} ->
Dir, Handle, Ref, N, Next);
Other ->
_ ->
list_dir_limit_loop(Dir, Handle, Ref, N, Next)
{error, Reason} ->
{error, Reason, Cnt}
list_dir_check(Dir, Handle, Cnt) ->
case ?PRIM_FILE:list_dir(Handle, Dir) of
{ok, ListDir} ->
case length(ListDir) of
Cnt ->
{ok, Cnt};
X ->
{wrong_nof_files, X, ?LINE},
{error, Reason} ->
{error, Reason, Cnt}
%% Deletes N files while ignoring errors, then continues deleting
%% as long as they exist.
list_dir_limit_cleanup(Dir, Handle, N, Cnt) when Cnt >= N ->
Name = integer_to_list(Cnt),
case ?PRIM_FILE:delete(Handle, filename:join(Dir, Name)) of
ok ->
list_dir_limit_cleanup(Dir, Handle, N, Cnt+1);
_ ->
list_dir_limit_cleanup(Dir, Handle, N, Cnt) ->
Name = integer_to_list(Cnt),
?PRIM_FILE:delete(Handle, filename:join(Dir, Name)),
list_dir_limit_cleanup(Dir, Handle, N, Cnt+1).
%%% Test list_dir() on a non-existing pathname.
list_dir_error(Config) ->
Priv = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
NonExisting = filename:join(Priv, "non-existing-dir"),
{error,enoent} = prim_file:list_dir(NonExisting),
%%% Test list_dir() and list_dir_all().
list_dir(Config) ->
RootDir = ?config(priv_dir, Config),
TestDir = filename:join(RootDir, ?MODULE_STRING++"_list_dir"),
list_dir_1(TestDir, 42, []).
list_dir_1(TestDir, 0, Sorted) ->
[ok = ?PRIM_FILE:delete(filename:join(TestDir, F)) ||
F <- Sorted],
ok = ?PRIM_FILE:del_dir(TestDir);
list_dir_1(TestDir, Cnt, Sorted0) ->
Base = "file" ++ integer_to_list(Cnt),
Name = filename:join(TestDir, Base),
ok = ?PRIM_FILE:write_file(Name, Base),
Sorted = lists:merge([Base], Sorted0),
{ok,DirList0} = ?PRIM_FILE:list_dir(TestDir),
{ok,DirList1} = ?PRIM_FILE:list_dir_all(TestDir),
Sorted = lists:sort(DirList0),
Sorted = lists:sort(DirList1),
list_dir_1(TestDir, Cnt-1, Sorted).
%%% Support for testing large files.
run_large_file_test(Config, Run, Name) ->
case {os:type(),os:version()} of
{{win32,nt},_} ->
do_run_large_file_test(Config, Run, Name);
{{unix,sunos},OsVersion} when OsVersion < {5,5,1} ->
{skip,"Only supported on Win32, Unix or SunOS >= 5.5.1"};
{{unix,_},_} ->
N = unix_free(?config(priv_dir, Config)),
io:format("Free disk: ~w KByte~n", [N]),
if N < 5 bsl 20 ->
%% Less than 5 GByte free
{skip,"Less than 5 GByte free disk"};
true ->
do_run_large_file_test(Config, Run, Name)
_ ->
{skip,"Only supported on Win32, Unix or SunOS >= 5.5.1"}
do_run_large_file_test(Config, Run, Name0) ->
Name = filename:join(?config(priv_dir, Config),
%% Set up a process that will delete this file.
Tester = self(),
Deleter =
fun() ->
Mref = erlang:monitor(process, Tester),
{'DOWN',Mref,_,_,_} -> ok;
{Tester,done} -> ok
%% Run the test case.
Res = Run(Name),
%% Delete file and finish deleter process.
Mref = erlang:monitor(process, Deleter),
Deleter ! {Tester,done},
receive {'DOWN',Mref,_,_,_} -> ok end,
unix_free(Path) ->
Cmd = ["df -k '",Path,"'"],
DF0 = os:cmd(Cmd),
io:format("$ ~s~n~s", [Cmd,DF0]),
Lines = re:split(DF0, "\n", [trim,{return,list}]),
Last = lists:last(Lines),
RE = "^[^\\s]*\\s+\\d+\\s+\\d+\\s+(\\d+)",
{match,[Avail]} = re:run(Last, RE, [{capture,all_but_first,list}]),
zip_data([A|As], [B|Bs]) ->
[[A,B]|zip_data(As, Bs)];
zip_data([], Bs) ->
zip_data(As, []) ->
%%% Utilities
rm_rf(Mod,Dir) ->
case Mod:read_link_info(Dir) of
{ok, #file_info{type = directory}} ->
{ok, Content} = Mod:list_dir_all(Dir),
[ rm_rf(Mod,filename:join(Dir,C)) || C <- Content ],
{ok, #file_info{}} ->
_ ->