%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1999-2009. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% Purpose : Handle ASN.1 BER encoding of Megaco/H.248
-export([encode_message/3, decode_message/3,
%% Backward compatible functions:
-export([encode_message/2, decode_message/2]).
-define(V1_ASN1_MOD, megaco_ber_media_gateway_control_v1).
-define(V2_ASN1_MOD, megaco_ber_media_gateway_control_v2).
-define(V3_ASN1_MOD, megaco_ber_media_gateway_control_v3).
-define(PREV3A_ASN1_MOD, megaco_ber_media_gateway_control_prev3a).
-define(PREV3B_ASN1_MOD, megaco_ber_media_gateway_control_prev3b).
-define(PREV3C_ASN1_MOD, megaco_ber_media_gateway_control_prev3c).
-define(V1_TRANS_MOD, megaco_binary_transformer_v1).
-define(V2_TRANS_MOD, megaco_binary_transformer_v2).
-define(V3_TRANS_MOD, megaco_binary_transformer_v3).
-define(PREV3A_TRANS_MOD, megaco_binary_transformer_prev3a).
-define(PREV3B_TRANS_MOD, megaco_binary_transformer_prev3b).
-define(PREV3C_TRANS_MOD, megaco_binary_transformer_prev3c).
-define(BIN_LIB, megaco_binary_encoder_lib).
%% Detect (check/get) message version
%% Return {ok, Version} | {error, Reason}
version_of([{version3,v3}|EC], Binary) ->
Decoders = [?V1_ASN1_MOD, ?V2_ASN1_MOD, ?V3_ASN1_MOD],
?BIN_LIB:version_of(EC, Binary, 1, Decoders);
version_of([{version3,prev3c}|EC], Binary) ->
Decoders = [?V1_ASN1_MOD, ?V2_ASN1_MOD, ?PREV3C_ASN1_MOD],
?BIN_LIB:version_of(EC, Binary, 1, Decoders);
version_of([{version3,prev3b}|EC], Binary) ->
Decoders = [?V1_ASN1_MOD, ?V2_ASN1_MOD, ?PREV3B_ASN1_MOD],
?BIN_LIB:version_of(EC, Binary, 1, Decoders);
version_of([{version3,prev3a}|EC], Binary) ->
Decoders = [?V1_ASN1_MOD, ?V2_ASN1_MOD, ?PREV3A_ASN1_MOD],
?BIN_LIB:version_of(EC, Binary, 1, Decoders);
version_of(EC, Binary) ->
Decoders = [?V1_ASN1_MOD, ?V2_ASN1_MOD, ?V3_ASN1_MOD],
?BIN_LIB:version_of(EC, Binary, 1, Decoders).
%% Convert a 'MegacoMessage' record into a binary
%% Return {ok, Binary} | {error, Reason}
#'MegacoMessage'{mess = #'Message'{version = V}} = MegaMsg) ->
encode_message(EC, V, MegaMsg).
%% -- Version 1 --
encode_message([{version3,_}|EC], 1, MegaMsg) ->
AsnMod = ?V1_ASN1_MOD,
TransMod = ?V1_TRANS_MOD,
?BIN_LIB:encode_message(EC, MegaMsg, AsnMod, TransMod, io_list);
encode_message(EC, 1, MegaMsg) ->
AsnMod = ?V1_ASN1_MOD,
TransMod = ?V1_TRANS_MOD,
?BIN_LIB:encode_message(EC, MegaMsg, AsnMod, TransMod, io_list);
%% -- Version 2 --
encode_message([{version3,_}|EC], 2, MegaMsg) ->
AsnMod = ?V2_ASN1_MOD,
TransMod = ?V2_TRANS_MOD,
?BIN_LIB:encode_message(EC, MegaMsg, AsnMod, TransMod, io_list);
encode_message(EC, 2, MegaMsg) ->
AsnMod = ?V2_ASN1_MOD,
TransMod = ?V2_TRANS_MOD,
?BIN_LIB:encode_message(EC, MegaMsg, AsnMod, TransMod, io_list);
%% -- Version 3 --
encode_message([{version3,v3}|EC], 3, MegaMsg) ->
AsnMod = ?V3_ASN1_MOD,
TransMod = ?V3_TRANS_MOD,
?BIN_LIB:encode_message(EC, MegaMsg, AsnMod, TransMod, io_list);
encode_message([{version3,prev3c}|EC], 3, MegaMsg) ->
AsnMod = ?PREV3C_ASN1_MOD,
?BIN_LIB:encode_message(EC, MegaMsg, AsnMod, TransMod, io_list);
encode_message([{version3,prev3b}|EC], 3, MegaMsg) ->
AsnMod = ?PREV3B_ASN1_MOD,
?BIN_LIB:encode_message(EC, MegaMsg, AsnMod, TransMod, io_list);
encode_message([{version3,prev3a}|EC], 3, MegaMsg) ->
AsnMod = ?PREV3A_ASN1_MOD,
?BIN_LIB:encode_message(EC, MegaMsg, AsnMod, TransMod, io_list);
encode_message(EC, 3, MegaMsg) ->
AsnMod = ?V3_ASN1_MOD,
TransMod = ?V3_TRANS_MOD,
?BIN_LIB:encode_message(EC, MegaMsg, AsnMod, TransMod, io_list).
%% Convert a transaction (or transactions in the case of ack) record(s)
%% into a binary
%% Return {ok, Binary} | {error, Reason}
encode_transaction(_EC, 1, _Trans) ->
%% AsnMod = ?V1_ASN1_MOD,
%% TransMod = ?V1_TRANS_MOD,
%% ?BIN_LIB:encode_transaction(EC, Trans, AsnMod, TransMod,
%% io_list);
{error, not_implemented};
encode_transaction(_EC, 2, _Trans) ->
%% AsnMod = ?V2_ASN1_MOD,
%% TransMod = ?V2_TRANS_MOD,
%% ?BIN_LIB:encode_transaction(EC, Trans, AsnMod, TransMod,
%% io_list);
{error, not_implemented};
encode_transaction(_EC, 3, _Trans) ->
%% AsnMod = ?V3_ASN1_MOD,
%% TransMod = ?V3_TRANS_MOD,
%% ?BIN_LIB:encode_transaction(EC, Trans, AsnMod, TransMod,
%% io_list);
{error, not_implemented}.
%% Convert a list of ActionRequest record's into a binary
%% Return {ok, DeepIoList} | {error, Reason}
encode_action_requests(_EC, 1, ActReqs) when is_list(ActReqs) ->
%% AsnMod = ?V1_ASN1_MOD,
%% TransMod = ?V1_TRANS_MOD,
%% ?BIN_LIB:encode_action_requests(EC, ActReqs,
%% AsnMod, TransMod,
%% io_list);
{error, not_implemented};
encode_action_requests(_EC, 2, ActReqs) when is_list(ActReqs) ->
%% AsnMod = ?V2_ASN1_MOD,
%% TransMod = ?V2_TRANS_MOD,
%% ?BIN_LIB:encode_action_requests(EC, ActReqs,
%% AsnMod, TransMod,
%% io_list);
{error, not_implemented};
encode_action_requests(_EC, 3, ActReqs) when is_list(ActReqs) ->
%% AsnMod = ?V3_ASN1_MOD,
%% TransMod = ?V3_TRANS_MOD,
%% ?BIN_LIB:encode_action_requests(EC, ActReqs,
%% AsnMod, TransMod,
%% io_list);
{error, not_implemented}.
%% Convert a ActionRequest record into a binary
%% Return {ok, DeepIoList} | {error, Reason}
encode_action_request(_EC, 1, _ActReq) ->
%% AsnMod = ?V1_ASN1_MOD,
%% TransMod = ?V1_TRANS_MOD,
%% ?BIN_LIB:encode_action_request(EC, ActReq,
%% AsnMod, TransMod,
%% io_list);
{error, not_implemented};
encode_action_request(_EC, 2, _ActReq) ->
%% AsnMod = ?V2_ASN1_MOD,
%% TransMod = ?V2_TRANS_MOD,
%% ?BIN_LIB:encode_action_request(EC, ActReq,
%% AsnMod, TransMod,
%% io_list);
{error, not_implemented};
encode_action_request(_EC, 3, _ActReq) ->
%% AsnMod = ?V3_ASN1_MOD,
%% TransMod = ?V3_TRANS_MOD,
%% ?BIN_LIB:encode_action_request(EC, ActReq,
%% AsnMod, TransMod,
%% io_list);
{error, not_implemented}.
%% Convert a action reply into a deep io list
%% Not yest supported by this binary codec!
%% Return {ok, DeepIoList} | {error, Reason}
encode_action_reply(_EC, _V, _AcionReply) ->
{error, not_implemented}.
%% Convert a binary into a 'MegacoMessage' record
%% Return {ok, MegacoMessageRecord} | {error, Reason}
decode_message(EC, Binary) ->
decode_message(EC, 1, Binary).
%% Not supported for this codec, revert to version 1
decode_message(EC, dynamic, Binary) ->
decode_message(EC, 1, Binary);
%% -- Version 1 --
decode_message([{version3,_}|EC], 1, Binary) ->
AsnMod = ?V1_ASN1_MOD,
TransMod = ?V1_TRANS_MOD,
?BIN_LIB:decode_message(EC, Binary, AsnMod, TransMod, binary);
decode_message(EC, 1, Binary) ->
AsnMod = ?V1_ASN1_MOD,
TransMod = ?V1_TRANS_MOD,
?BIN_LIB:decode_message(EC, Binary, AsnMod, TransMod, binary);
%% -- Version 2 --
decode_message([{version3,_}|EC], 2, Binary) ->
AsnMod = ?V2_ASN1_MOD,
TransMod = ?V2_TRANS_MOD,
?BIN_LIB:decode_message(EC, Binary, AsnMod, TransMod, binary);
decode_message(EC, 2, Binary) ->
AsnMod = ?V2_ASN1_MOD,
TransMod = ?V2_TRANS_MOD,
?BIN_LIB:decode_message(EC, Binary, AsnMod, TransMod, binary);
%% -- Version 3 --
decode_message([{version3,v3}|EC], 3, Binary) ->
AsnMod = ?V3_ASN1_MOD,
TransMod = ?V3_TRANS_MOD,
?BIN_LIB:decode_message(EC, Binary, AsnMod, TransMod, binary);
decode_message([{version3,prev3c}|EC], 3, Binary) ->
AsnMod = ?PREV3C_ASN1_MOD,
?BIN_LIB:decode_message(EC, Binary, AsnMod, TransMod, binary);
decode_message([{version3,prev3b}|EC], 3, Binary) ->
AsnMod = ?PREV3B_ASN1_MOD,
?BIN_LIB:decode_message(EC, Binary, AsnMod, TransMod, binary);
decode_message([{version3,prev3a}|EC], 3, Binary) ->
AsnMod = ?PREV3A_ASN1_MOD,
?BIN_LIB:decode_message(EC, Binary, AsnMod, TransMod, binary);
decode_message(EC, 3, Binary) ->
AsnMod = ?V3_ASN1_MOD,
TransMod = ?V3_TRANS_MOD,
?BIN_LIB:decode_message(EC, Binary, AsnMod, TransMod, binary).
decode_mini_message([{version3,v3}|EC], dynamic, Bin) ->
Mods = [?V1_ASN1_MOD,
?BIN_LIB:decode_mini_message_dynamic(EC, Bin, Mods, binary);
decode_mini_message([{version3,prev3c}|EC], dynamic, Bin) ->
Mods = [?V1_ASN1_MOD,
?BIN_LIB:decode_mini_message_dynamic(EC, Bin, Mods, binary);
decode_mini_message([{version3,prev3b}|EC], dynamic, Bin) ->
Mods = [?V1_ASN1_MOD,
?BIN_LIB:decode_mini_message_dynamic(EC, Bin, Mods, binary);
decode_mini_message([{version3,prev3a}|EC], dynamic, Bin) ->
Mods = [?V1_ASN1_MOD,
?BIN_LIB:decode_mini_message_dynamic(EC, Bin, Mods, binary);
decode_mini_message(EC, dynamic, Bin) ->
Mods = [?V1_ASN1_MOD,
?BIN_LIB:decode_mini_message_dynamic(EC, Bin, Mods, binary);
decode_mini_message([{version3,_}|EC], 1, Bin) ->
AsnMod = ?V1_ASN1_MOD,
?BIN_LIB:decode_mini_message(EC, Bin, AsnMod, binary);
decode_mini_message(EC, 1, Bin) ->
AsnMod = ?V1_ASN1_MOD,
?BIN_LIB:decode_mini_message(EC, Bin, AsnMod, binary);
decode_mini_message([{version3,_}|EC], 2, Bin) ->
AsnMod = ?V2_ASN1_MOD,
?BIN_LIB:decode_mini_message(EC, Bin, AsnMod, binary);
decode_mini_message(EC, 2, Bin) ->
AsnMod = ?V2_ASN1_MOD,
?BIN_LIB:decode_mini_message(EC, Bin, AsnMod, binary);
decode_mini_message([{version3,v3}|EC], 3, Bin) ->
AsnMod = ?V3_ASN1_MOD,
?BIN_LIB:decode_mini_message(EC, Bin, AsnMod, binary);
decode_mini_message([{version3,prev3c}|EC], 3, Bin) ->
AsnMod = ?PREV3C_ASN1_MOD,
?BIN_LIB:decode_mini_message(EC, Bin, AsnMod, binary);
decode_mini_message([{version3,prev3b}|EC], 3, Bin) ->
AsnMod = ?PREV3B_ASN1_MOD,
?BIN_LIB:decode_mini_message(EC, Bin, AsnMod, binary);
decode_mini_message([{version3,prev3a}|EC], 3, Bin) ->
AsnMod = ?PREV3A_ASN1_MOD,
?BIN_LIB:decode_mini_message(EC, Bin, AsnMod, binary);
decode_mini_message(EC, 3, Bin) ->
AsnMod = ?V3_ASN1_MOD,
?BIN_LIB:decode_mini_message(EC, Bin, AsnMod, binary).