path: root/lib/megaco/src/engine/megaco_sup.erl
blob: c61a1da2980f38e5b90bd7f14963ddb78f3ac931 (plain) (tree)

%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2001-2009. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%

%% Purpose: The top supervisor for the Megaco/H.248 application



%% public
-export([start/0, start/2, stop/1]).
-export([start_sup_child/1, stop_sup_child/1]).

%% internal

%% debug

%% -define(d(F,A), io:format("~p~p:" ++ F ++ "~n", [self(),?MODULE|A])).
-define(d(F,A), ok).

%% application and supervisor callback functions

start(normal, Args) ->
    ?d("start(normal) -> entry with"
	"~n   Args: ~p", [Args]),
    SupName = {local, ?MODULE},
    case supervisor:start_link(SupName, ?MODULE, [Args]) of
	{ok, Pid} ->
	    {ok, Pid, {normal, Args}};
	Error -> 
start(_, _) ->
    {error, badarg}.

start() ->
    ?d("start -> entry", []),
    SupName = {local,?MODULE},
    supervisor:start_link(SupName, ?MODULE, []).

stop(_StartArgs) ->

init([]) -> % Supervisor
init([[]]) -> % Application
init(BadArg) ->
    ?d("init -> entry when"
	"~n   BadArg: ~p",[BadArg]),
    {error, {badarg, BadArg}}.

init() ->
    ?d("init -> entry", []),
    Flags = {one_for_one, 0, 1},
    Sups = [sup_spec(megaco_misc_sup), 
	    worker_spec(megaco_config,  [gen_server]),
	    worker_spec(megaco_monitor, [gen_server])],
    ?d("init -> done when"
	"~n   Flags: ~p"
	"~n   Sups:  ~p", [Flags, Sups]),
    {ok, {Flags, Sups}}.

start_sup_child(Name) ->
    ?d("start_sup_child -> entry with Name: ~p", [Name]),
    Spec = sup_spec(Name),
    supervisor:start_child(?MODULE, Spec).

stop_sup_child(Name) ->
    ?d("stop_sup_child -> entry with Name: ~p", [Name]),
    ok = supervisor:terminate_child(?MODULE, Name),
    ok = supervisor:delete_child(?MODULE, Name).

sup_spec(Name) ->
    {Name, {Name, start, []}, permanent, 2000, supervisor,[Name, supervisor]}.
worker_spec(Name, Modules) ->
    {Name, {Name, start_link, []}, permanent, 2000, worker, [Name] ++ Modules}.

supervisor_timeout(_KillAfter) -> timer:hours(500).
supervisor_timeout(KillAfter) -> KillAfter.