%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2000-2010. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% Purpose: Test application config
t() -> megaco_test_lib:t(?MODULE).
t(Case) -> megaco_test_lib:t({?MODULE, Case}).
min(M) -> timer:minutes(M).
%% Test server callbacks
init_per_testcase(Case, Config) ->
C = lists:keydelete(tc_timeout, 1, Config),
do_init_per_testcase(Case, [{tc_timeout, min(3)}|C]).
do_init_per_testcase(Case, Config) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
megaco_test_lib:init_per_testcase(Case, Config).
end_per_testcase(Case, Config) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, false),
megaco_test_lib:end_per_testcase(Case, Config).
-record(command, {id, desc, cmd, verify}).
-define(TEST_VERBOSITY, debug).
-define(NUM_CNT_PROCS, 100).
%% Top test case
all(suite) ->
transaction_id_counter(suite) ->
tickets(suite) ->
%% Config test case
config(suite) ->
config(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
?ACQUIRE_NODES(1, Config),
Mid = fake_mid,
%% Nice values
Int = 3,
IT = #megaco_incr_timer{max_retries = Int},
%% Evil values
NonInt = non_int,
IT2 = #megaco_incr_timer{wait_for = NonInt},
IT3 = #megaco_incr_timer{factor = NonInt},
IT4 = #megaco_incr_timer{max_retries = NonInt},
IT5 = #megaco_incr_timer{max_retries = non_infinity},
%% Command range values
Initial = 100,
Verify = 200,
Nice = 300,
Evil = 400,
End = 500,
InitialCmd =
fun(No, Desc, Cmd, VerifyVal) ->
initial_command(Initial + No, Desc, Cmd, VerifyVal)
VerifyCmd =
fun(M, No, Key, V) ->
verify_user_default_command(M, Verify + No, Key, V)
NiceCmd =
fun(M, No, Key, Val) ->
nice_user_update_command(M, Nice + No, Key, Val)
EvilCmd =
fun(M, No, Key, Val) ->
evil_user_update_command(M, Evil + No, Key, Val)
%% End commands
ExitCmd =
fun(No, Desc, Cmd) ->
exit_command(End + No, Desc, Cmd)
ErrorCmd =
fun(No, Desc, Cmd, MainReason, TS) ->
error_command(End + No, Desc, Cmd, MainReason, TS)
PlainCmd =
fun(No, Desc, Cmd, V) ->
command(End + No, Desc, Cmd, V)
Commands =
%% Initial commands
"enable trace",
fun() -> megaco:enable_trace(100, io) end,
fun() -> megaco:start() end,
"Verify no active requests",
fun() -> megaco:system_info(n_active_requests) end,
"Verify no active replies",
fun() -> megaco:system_info(n_active_replies) end,
"Verify no active connections",
fun() -> megaco:system_info(n_active_connections) end,
"Verify no connections",
fun() -> megaco:system_info(connections) end,
"Verify no users",
fun() -> megaco:system_info(users) end,
"Start user",
fun() -> megaco:start_user(Mid, []) end,
%% Verify user defaults
VerifyCmd(Mid, 1, connections, []),
VerifyCmd(Mid, 2, min_trans_id, 1),
VerifyCmd(Mid, 3, max_trans_id, infinity),
VerifyCmd(Mid, 4, request_timer, #megaco_incr_timer{}),
VerifyCmd(Mid, 5, long_request_timer, timer:seconds(60)),
VerifyCmd(Mid, 6, auto_ack, false),
VerifyCmd(Mid, 7, pending_timer, 30000),
VerifyCmd(Mid, 8, reply_timer, 30000),
VerifyCmd(Mid, 9, send_mod, megaco_tcp),
VerifyCmd(Mid, 10, encoding_mod, megaco_pretty_text_encoder),
VerifyCmd(Mid, 11, encoding_config, []),
VerifyCmd(Mid, 12, protocol_version, 1),
VerifyCmd(Mid, 13, reply_data, undefined),
VerifyCmd(Mid, 14, receive_handle,
fun(H) when is_record(H, megaco_receive_handle) ->
{ok, H};
(R) ->
{error, R}
%% Nice update
NiceCmd(Mid, 1, min_trans_id, Int),
NiceCmd(Mid, 2, max_trans_id, Int),
NiceCmd(Mid, 3, max_trans_id, infinity),
NiceCmd(Mid, 4, request_timer, Int),
NiceCmd(Mid, 5, request_timer, infinity),
NiceCmd(Mid, 6, request_timer, IT),
NiceCmd(Mid, 7, long_request_timer, Int),
NiceCmd(Mid, 8, long_request_timer, infinity),
NiceCmd(Mid, 9, long_request_timer, IT),
NiceCmd(Mid, 10, auto_ack, true),
NiceCmd(Mid, 11, auto_ack, false),
NiceCmd(Mid, 12, pending_timer, Int),
NiceCmd(Mid, 13, pending_timer, infinity),
NiceCmd(Mid, 14, pending_timer, IT),
NiceCmd(Mid, 15, reply_timer, Int),
NiceCmd(Mid, 16, reply_timer, infinity),
NiceCmd(Mid, 17, reply_timer, IT),
NiceCmd(Mid, 18, send_mod, an_atom),
NiceCmd(Mid, 19, encoding_mod, an_atom),
NiceCmd(Mid, 20, encoding_config, []),
NiceCmd(Mid, 21, protocol_version, Int),
NiceCmd(Mid, 23, reply_data, IT),
NiceCmd(Mid, 23, resend_indication, true),
NiceCmd(Mid, 24, resend_indication, false),
NiceCmd(Mid, 25, resend_indication, flag),
%% Evil update
EvilCmd(Mid, 1, min_trans_id, NonInt),
EvilCmd(Mid, 2, max_trans_id, NonInt),
EvilCmd(Mid, 3, max_trans_id, non_infinity),
EvilCmd(Mid, 4, request_timer, NonInt),
EvilCmd(Mid, 5, request_timer, non_infinity),
EvilCmd(Mid, 6, request_timer, IT2),
EvilCmd(Mid, 7, request_timer, IT3),
EvilCmd(Mid, 8, request_timer, IT4),
EvilCmd(Mid, 9, request_timer, IT5),
EvilCmd(Mid, 10, long_request_timer, NonInt),
EvilCmd(Mid, 11, long_request_timer, non_infinity),
EvilCmd(Mid, 12, long_request_timer, IT2),
EvilCmd(Mid, 13, long_request_timer, IT3),
EvilCmd(Mid, 14, long_request_timer, IT4),
EvilCmd(Mid, 15, long_request_timer, IT5),
EvilCmd(Mid, 16, auto_ack, non_bool),
EvilCmd(Mid, 17, pending_timer, NonInt),
EvilCmd(Mid, 18, pending_timer, non_infinity),
EvilCmd(Mid, 19, pending_timer, IT2),
EvilCmd(Mid, 20, pending_timer, IT3),
EvilCmd(Mid, 21, pending_timer, IT4),
EvilCmd(Mid, 22, pending_timer, IT5),
EvilCmd(Mid, 23, reply_timer, NonInt),
EvilCmd(Mid, 24, reply_timer, non_infinity),
EvilCmd(Mid, 25, reply_timer, IT2),
EvilCmd(Mid, 26, reply_timer, IT3),
EvilCmd(Mid, 27, reply_timer, IT4),
EvilCmd(Mid, 28, reply_timer, IT5),
EvilCmd(Mid, 29, send_mod, {non_atom}),
EvilCmd(Mid, 30, encoding_mod, {non_atom}),
EvilCmd(Mid, 31, encoding_config, non_list),
EvilCmd(Mid, 32, protocol_version, NonInt),
EvilCmd(Mid, 33, resend_indication, flagg),
%% End
ExitCmd(1, "Verify non-existing system info",
fun() -> megaco:system_info(non_exist) end),
ExitCmd(2, "Verify non-existing user user info",
fun() -> megaco:user_info(non_exist, trans_id) end),
ExitCmd(3, "Verify non-existing user info",
fun() -> megaco:user_info(Mid, non_exist) end),
ErrorCmd(4, "Try updating user info for non-existing user",
fun() ->
megaco:update_user_info(non_exist, trans_id, 1)
no_such_user, 2),
ErrorCmd(11, "Try updating non-existing user info",
fun() ->
megaco:update_user_info(Mid, trans_id, 4711)
bad_user_val, 4),
ErrorCmd(12, "Try start already started user",
fun() -> megaco:start_user(Mid, []) end,
user_already_exists, 2),
PlainCmd(13, "Verify started users",
fun() -> megaco:system_info(users) end, [Mid]),
PlainCmd(14, "Stop user", fun() -> megaco:stop_user(Mid) end, ok),
PlainCmd(15, "Verify started users",
fun() -> megaco:system_info(users) end, []),
ErrorCmd(16, "Try stop not started user",
fun() -> megaco:stop_user(Mid) end, no_such_user, 2),
ErrorCmd(17, "Try start megaco (it's already started)",
fun() -> megaco:start() end, already_started, 2),
PlainCmd(18, "Stop megaco", fun() -> megaco:stop() end, ok),
ErrorCmd(19, "Try stop megaco (it's not running)",
fun() -> megaco:stop() end, not_started, 2)
exec([]) ->
exec([#command{id = No,
desc = Desc,
cmd = Cmd,
verify = Verify}|Commands]) ->
io:format("Executing command ~3w: ~s: ", [No, Desc]),
case (catch Verify((catch Cmd()))) of
{ok, OK} ->
io:format("ok => ~p~n", [OK]),
{error, Reason} ->
io:format("error => ~p~n", [Reason]),
{error, {bad_result, No, Reason}};
Error ->
io:format("exit => ~p~n", [Error]),
{error, {unexpected_result, No, Error}}
initial_command(No, Desc0, Cmd, VerifyVal) when is_function(Cmd) ->
Desc = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("Initial - ~s", [Desc0])),
command(No, Desc, Cmd, VerifyVal).
verify_user_default_command(Mid, No, Key, Verify) ->
Desc = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("Defaults - Verify ~w", [Key])),
Cmd = fun() -> megaco:user_info(Mid, Key) end,
command(No, Desc, Cmd, Verify).
nice_user_update_command(Mid, No, Key, Val) ->
Desc = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("Nice - Update ~w", [Key])),
Cmd = fun() -> megaco:update_user_info(Mid, Key, Val) end,
Verify = fun(ok) ->
case (catch megaco:user_info(Mid, Key)) of
{'EXIT', R} ->
{error, {value_retreival_failed, R}};
Val ->
{ok, Val};
Invalid ->
{error, {value_update_failed, Val, Invalid}}
(R) ->
{error, R}
command(No, Desc, Cmd, Verify).
evil_user_update_command(Mid, No, Key, Val) ->
Desc = lists:flatten(io_lib:format("Evil - Update ~w", [Key])),
Cmd = fun() ->
case (catch megaco:user_info(Mid, Key)) of
{'EXIT', R} ->
{{error, {old_value_retreival_failed, R}},
OldVal ->
(catch megaco:update_user_info(Mid, Key, Val))}
Verify = fun({{error, _} = Error, ignore}) ->
({OldVal, {error, {bad_user_val, _, _, _}}}) ->
case (catch megaco:user_info(Mid, Key)) of
{'EXIT', R} ->
{error, {value_retreival_failed, R}};
OldVal ->
{ok, OldVal};
Invalid ->
{error, {value_update_failed, OldVal, Invalid}}
(R) ->
{error, R}
command(No, Desc, Cmd, Verify).
exit_command(No, Desc, Cmd) when is_function(Cmd) ->
Verify = fun({'EXIT', _} = E) ->
{ok, E};
(R) ->
{error, R}
command(No, Desc, Cmd, Verify).
error_command(No, Desc, Cmd, MainReason, TS) when is_function(Cmd) ->
Verify = fun({error, Reason}) ->
io:format("verify -> Reason: ~n~p~n", [Reason]),
case Reason of
{MainReason, _} when TS == 2 ->
{ok, MainReason};
{MainReason, _, _, _} when TS == 4 ->
{ok, MainReason};
_ ->
{error, Reason}
(R) ->
{error, R}
command(No, Desc, Cmd, Verify).
command(No, Desc, Cmd, Verify)
when (is_integer(No) andalso
is_list(Desc) andalso
is_function(Cmd) andalso
is_function(Verify)) ->
#command{id = No,
desc = Desc,
cmd = Cmd,
verify = Verify};
command(No, Desc, Cmd, VerifyVal)
when (is_integer(No) andalso
is_list(Desc) andalso
is_function(Cmd)) ->
Verify = fun(Val) ->
case Val of
VerifyVal ->
{ok, Val};
_ ->
{error, Val}
#command{id = No,
desc = Desc,
cmd = Cmd,
verify = Verify}.
transaction_id_counter_mg(suite) ->
transaction_id_counter_mg(doc) ->
["This test case is intended to test and verify the "
"transaction counter handling of the application "
"in with one connection (MG). "];
transaction_id_counter_mg(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
put(verbosity, ?TEST_VERBOSITY),
put(sname, "TEST"),
put(tc, transaction_id_counter_mg),
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
{ok, _ConfigPid} = megaco_config:start_link(),
%% Basic user data
UserMid = {deviceName, "mg"},
UserConfig = [
{min_trans_id, 1}
%% Basic connection data
RemoteMid = {deviceName, "mgc"},
RecvHandle = #megaco_receive_handle{local_mid = UserMid,
encoding_mod = ?MODULE,
encoding_config = [],
send_mod = ?MODULE},
SendHandle = dummy_send_handle,
ControlPid = self(),
%% Start user
i("start user"),
ok = megaco_config:start_user(UserMid, UserConfig),
%% Create connection
i("create connection"),
{ok, CD} =
megaco_config:connect(RecvHandle, RemoteMid, SendHandle, ControlPid),
%% Set counter limits
i("set counter max limit"),
CH = CD#conn_data.conn_handle,
megaco_config:update_conn_info(CH, max_trans_id, 1000),
%% Create the counter worker procs
i("create counter working procs"),
Pids = create_counter_working_procs(CH, ?NUM_CNT_PROCS, []),
%% Start the counter worker procs
i("release the counter working procs"),
%% Await the counter worker procs termination
i("await the counter working procs completion"),
%% Verify result
i("verify counter result"),
TransId = megaco_config:conn_info(CH, trans_id),
1 = TransId,
%% Stop test
{ok, _, _} = megaco_config:disconnect(CH),
i("stop user"),
ok = megaco_config:stop_user(UserMid),
i("stop megaco_config"),
ok = megaco_config:stop(),
create_counter_working_procs(_CH, 0, Pids) ->
create_counter_working_procs(CH, N, Pids) ->
TC = get(tc),
Pid = erlang:spawn_link(fun() -> counter_init(CH, TC) end),
create_counter_working_procs(CH, N-1, [Pid | Pids]).
counter_init(CH, TC) ->
put(verbosity, ?TEST_VERBOSITY),
put(sname, lists:flatten(io_lib:format("CNT-~p", [self()]))),
put(tc, TC),
UserMid = CH#megaco_conn_handle.local_mid,
Min = megaco_config:user_info(UserMid, min_trans_id),
Max = megaco_config:conn_info(CH, max_trans_id),
Num = Max - Min + 1,
start ->
%% i("received start command (~p)", [Num]),
counter_loop(CH, Num).
counter_loop(_CH, 0) ->
%% i("done"),
counter_loop(CH, Num) when (Num > 0) ->
megaco_config:incr_trans_id_counter(CH, 1),
counter_loop(CH, Num-1).
start_counter_working_procs([]) ->
%% i("released"),
start_counter_working_procs([Pid | Pids]) ->
Pid ! start,
await_completion_counter_working_procs([]) ->
await_completion_counter_working_procs(Pids) ->
{'EXIT', Pid, normal} ->
Pids2 = lists:delete(Pid, Pids),
_Any ->
transaction_id_counter_mgc(suite) ->
transaction_id_counter_mgc(doc) ->
["This test case is intended to test and verify the "
"transaction counter handling of the application "
"in with several connections (MGC). "];
transaction_id_counter_mgc(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
put(verbosity, ?TEST_VERBOSITY),
put(sname, "TEST"),
put(tc, transaction_id_counter_mgc),
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
{ok, _ConfigPid} = megaco_config:start_link(),
%% Basic user data
UserMid = {deviceName, "mgc"},
UserConfig = [
{min_trans_id, 1}
%% Basic connection data
RemoteMids =
{deviceName, "mg01"},
{deviceName, "mg02"},
{deviceName, "mg03"},
{deviceName, "mg04"},
{deviceName, "mg05"},
{deviceName, "mg06"},
{deviceName, "mg07"},
{deviceName, "mg08"},
{deviceName, "mg09"},
{deviceName, "mg10"}
RecvHandles =
#megaco_receive_handle{local_mid = UserMid,
encoding_mod = ?MODULE,
encoding_config = [],
send_mod = ?MODULE},
#megaco_receive_handle{local_mid = UserMid,
encoding_mod = ?MODULE,
encoding_config = [],
send_mod = ?MODULE},
#megaco_receive_handle{local_mid = UserMid,
encoding_mod = ?MODULE,
encoding_config = [],
send_mod = ?MODULE},
#megaco_receive_handle{local_mid = UserMid,
encoding_mod = ?MODULE,
encoding_config = [],
send_mod = ?MODULE},
#megaco_receive_handle{local_mid = UserMid,
encoding_mod = ?MODULE,
encoding_config = [],
send_mod = ?MODULE},
#megaco_receive_handle{local_mid = UserMid,
encoding_mod = ?MODULE,
encoding_config = [],
send_mod = ?MODULE},
#megaco_receive_handle{local_mid = UserMid,
encoding_mod = ?MODULE,
encoding_config = [],
send_mod = ?MODULE},
#megaco_receive_handle{local_mid = UserMid,
encoding_mod = ?MODULE,
encoding_config = [],
send_mod = ?MODULE},
#megaco_receive_handle{local_mid = UserMid,
encoding_mod = ?MODULE,
encoding_config = [],
send_mod = ?MODULE},
#megaco_receive_handle{local_mid = UserMid,
encoding_mod = ?MODULE,
encoding_config = [],
send_mod = ?MODULE}
SendHandle = dummy_send_handle,
ControlPid = self(),
%% Start user
i("start user"),
ok = megaco_config:start_user(UserMid, UserConfig),
%% Create connection
i("create connection(s)"),
CDs = create_connections(RecvHandles, RemoteMids, SendHandle, ControlPid),
%% Set counter limits
i("set counter max limit(s)"),
set_counter_max_limits(CDs, 1000),
%% Create the counter worker procs
i("create counter working procs"),
Pids = create_counter_working_procs(CDs, ?NUM_CNT_PROCS),
%% Start the counter worker procs
i("release the counter working procs"),
%% Await the counter worker procs termination
i("await the counter working procs completion"),
%% Verify result
i("verify counter result"),
%% Stop test
i("stop user"),
ok = megaco_config:stop_user(UserMid),
i("stop megaco_config"),
ok = megaco_config:stop(),
create_connections(RecvHandles, RemoteMids, SendHandle, ControlPid) ->
create_connections(RecvHandles, RemoteMids, SendHandle, ControlPid, []).
create_connections([], [], _SendHandle, _ControlPid, Acc) ->
create_connections([RecvHandle | RecvHandles],
[RemoteMid | RemoteMids],
SendHandle, ControlPid, Acc) ->
{ok, CD} =
megaco_config:connect(RecvHandle, RemoteMid, SendHandle, ControlPid),
create_connections(RecvHandles, RemoteMids,
SendHandle, ControlPid, [CD | Acc]).
set_counter_max_limits([], _MaxTransId) ->
set_counter_max_limits([#conn_data{conn_handle = CH} | CDs], MaxTransId) ->
megaco_config:update_conn_info(CH, max_trans_id, MaxTransId),
set_counter_max_limits(CDs, MaxTransId).
create_counter_working_procs(CDs, NumCntProcs) ->
lists:flatten(create_counter_working_procs2(CDs, NumCntProcs)).
create_counter_working_procs2([], _NumCntProcs) ->
create_counter_working_procs2([#conn_data{conn_handle = CH} | CDs],
NumCntProcs) ->
[create_counter_working_procs(CH, NumCntProcs, []) |
create_counter_working_procs2(CDs, NumCntProcs)].
verify_counter_results([]) ->
verify_counter_results([#conn_data{conn_handle = CH} | CDs]) ->
TransId = megaco_config:conn_info(CH, trans_id),
(TransId =:= 1) ->
true ->
?ERROR({trans_id_verification_failed, CH, TransId})
delete_connections([]) ->
delete_connections([#conn_data{conn_handle = CH} | CDs]) ->
{ok, _, _} = megaco_config:disconnect(CH),
otp_7216(suite) ->
otp_7216(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
put(tc, otp_7216),
p("start the megaco config process"),
LocalMid1 = {deviceName, "local-mid-1"},
%% LocalMid2 = {deviceName, "local-mid-2"},
RemoteMid1 = {deviceName, "remote-mid-1"},
%% RemoteMid2 = {deviceName, "remote-mid-2"},
RH = #megaco_receive_handle{local_mid = LocalMid1,
encoding_mod = dummy_codec_module,
encoding_config = [],
send_mod = dummy_transport_module},
MinTransId = 7216,
MaxTransId = MinTransId + 10,
User1Config = [{min_trans_id, MinTransId},
{max_trans_id, MaxTransId}],
VerifySerial =
fun(Actual, Expected) ->
Actual == Expected ->
true ->
throw({error, {invalid_counter_value, Actual}})
p("start local user: ~p", [LocalMid1]),
ok = megaco_config:start_user(LocalMid1, User1Config),
{ok, CD} = megaco_config:connect(RH, RemoteMid1,
dummy_send_handle, self()),
p("connect ok: CD = ~n~p", [CD]),
CH = CD#conn_data.conn_handle,
p("*** make the first counter increment ***"),
{ok, CD01} = megaco_config:incr_trans_id_counter(CH, 1),
Serial01 = CD01#conn_data.serial,
p("serial: ~p", [Serial01]),
VerifySerial(Serial01, MinTransId),
p("counter increment 1 ok"),
p("*** make two more counter increments ***"),
{ok, _} = megaco_config:incr_trans_id_counter(CH, 1),
{ok, CD02} = megaco_config:incr_trans_id_counter(CH, 1),
Serial02 = CD02#conn_data.serial,
p("serial: ~p", [Serial02]),
VerifySerial(Serial02, MinTransId+2),
p("counter increment 2 ok"),
p("*** make a big counter increment ***"),
{ok, CD03} = megaco_config:incr_trans_id_counter(CH, 8),
Serial03 = CD03#conn_data.serial,
p("serial: ~p", [Serial03]),
VerifySerial(Serial03, MinTransId+2+8),
p("counter increment 3 ok"),
p("*** make a wrap-around counter increment ***"),
{ok, CD04} = megaco_config:incr_trans_id_counter(CH, 1),
Serial04 = CD04#conn_data.serial,
p("serial: ~p", [Serial04]),
VerifySerial(Serial04, MinTransId),
p("counter increment 4 ok"),
p("*** make a big counter increment ***"),
{ok, CD05} = megaco_config:incr_trans_id_counter(CH, 10),
Serial05 = CD05#conn_data.serial,
p("serial: ~p", [Serial05]),
VerifySerial(Serial05, MinTransId+10),
p("counter increment 5 ok"),
p("*** make a big wrap-around counter increment ***"),
{ok, CD06} = megaco_config:incr_trans_id_counter(CH, 3),
Serial06 = CD06#conn_data.serial,
p("serial: ~p", [Serial06]),
VerifySerial(Serial06, MinTransId+(3-1)),
p("counter increment 6 ok"),
p("*** make a big counter increment ***"),
{ok, CD07} = megaco_config:incr_trans_id_counter(CH, 7),
Serial07 = CD07#conn_data.serial,
p("serial: ~p", [Serial07]),
VerifySerial(Serial07, MinTransId+(3-1)+7),
p("counter increment 7 ok"),
p("*** make a big wrap-around counter increment ***"),
{ok, CD08} = megaco_config:incr_trans_id_counter(CH, 5),
Serial08 = CD08#conn_data.serial,
p("serial: ~p", [Serial08]),
VerifySerial(Serial08, MinTransId+(5-1-1)),
p("counter increment 8 ok"),
{ok, CD, RCD} = megaco_config:disconnect(CH),
p("disconnect ok: RCD = ~n~p", [RCD]),
p("stop user"),
ok = megaco_config:stop_user(LocalMid1),
p("stop megaco config process"),
otp_8167(suite) ->
otp_8167(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
put(tc, otp8167),
p("start the megaco config process"),
LocalMid1 = {deviceName, "local-mid-1"},
LocalMid2 = {deviceName, "local-mid-2"},
RemoteMid1 = {deviceName, "remote-mid-1"},
%% RemoteMid2 = {deviceName, "remote-mid-2"},
RH1 = #megaco_receive_handle{local_mid = LocalMid1,
encoding_mod = dummy_codec_module,
encoding_config = [],
send_mod = dummy_transport_module},
%% RH2 = #megaco_receive_handle{local_mid = LocalMid2,
%% encoding_mod = dummy_codec_module,
%% encoding_config = [],
%% send_mod = dummy_transport_module},
User1ConfigA = [{call_proxy_gc_timeout, 1}],
User1ConfigB = [{call_proxy_gc_timeout, 0}],
User2ConfigA = [{call_proxy_gc_timeout, -1}],
User2ConfigB = [{call_proxy_gc_timeout, infinity}],
User2ConfigC = [{call_proxy_gc_timeout, "1"}],
User2ConfigD = [{call_proxy_gc_timeout, 1.0}],
p("start local user (1A): ~p", [LocalMid1]),
ok = megaco_config:start_user(LocalMid1, User1ConfigA),
p("stop local user (1A): ~p", [LocalMid1]),
ok = megaco_config:stop_user(LocalMid1),
p("start local user (1B): ~p", [LocalMid1]),
ok = megaco_config:start_user(LocalMid1, User1ConfigB),
p("try (and fail) change value for item call_proxy_gc_timeout for local user: ~p -> ~p",
[LocalMid1, -1]),
{error, {bad_user_val, LocalMid1, call_proxy_gc_timeout, -1}} =
megaco_config:update_user_info(LocalMid1, call_proxy_gc_timeout, -1),
p("try (and fail) change value for item call_proxy_gc_timeout for local user: ~p -> ~p",
[LocalMid1, infinity]),
{error, {bad_user_val, LocalMid1, call_proxy_gc_timeout, infinity}} =
megaco_config:update_user_info(LocalMid1, call_proxy_gc_timeout, infinity),
p("try (and fail) change value for item call_proxy_gc_timeout for local user: ~p -> ~p",
[LocalMid1, "1"]),
{error, {bad_user_val, LocalMid1, call_proxy_gc_timeout, "1"}} =
megaco_config:update_user_info(LocalMid1, call_proxy_gc_timeout, "1"),
p("try (and fail) change value for item call_proxy_gc_timeout for local user: ~p -> ~p",
[LocalMid1, 1.0]),
{error, {bad_user_val, LocalMid1, call_proxy_gc_timeout, 1.0}} =
megaco_config:update_user_info(LocalMid1, call_proxy_gc_timeout, 1.0),
p("change value for item call_proxy_gc_timeout for local user: ~p", [LocalMid1]),
ok = megaco_config:update_user_info(LocalMid1, call_proxy_gc_timeout, 10101),
{ok, CD} = megaco_config:connect(RH1, RemoteMid1,
dummy_send_handle, self()),
p("connect ok: CD = ~n~p", [CD]),
CH = CD#conn_data.conn_handle,
p("get value for item cancel from connection: ~p", [CH]),
false = megaco_config:conn_info(CH, cancel),
p("get value for item cancel from connection data", []),
false = megaco_config:conn_info(CD, cancel),
p("get value for item call_proxy_gc_timeout for connection: ~p", [CH]),
10101 = megaco_config:conn_info(CH, call_proxy_gc_timeout),
p("change value for item call_proxy_gc_timeout for connection: ~p -> ~p",
[CH, 20202]),
ok = megaco_config:update_conn_info(CH, call_proxy_gc_timeout, 20202),
p("try (and fail) change value for item call_proxy_gc_timeout for connection: ~p -> ~p",
[CH, -1]),
{error, {bad_user_val, LocalMid1, call_proxy_gc_timeout, -1}} =
megaco_config:update_conn_info(CH, call_proxy_gc_timeout, -1),
p("try (and fail) change value for item call_proxy_gc_timeout for connection: ~p -> ~p",
[CH, infinity]),
{error, {bad_user_val, LocalMid1, call_proxy_gc_timeout, infinity}} =
megaco_config:update_conn_info(CH, call_proxy_gc_timeout, infinity),
p("try (and fail) change value for item call_proxy_gc_timeout for connection: ~p -> ~p",
[CH, "1"]),
{error, {bad_user_val, LocalMid1, call_proxy_gc_timeout, "1"}} =
megaco_config:update_conn_info(CH, call_proxy_gc_timeout, "1"),
p("try (and fail) change value for item call_proxy_gc_timeout for connection: ~p -> ~p",
[CH, 1.0]),
{error, {bad_user_val, LocalMid1, call_proxy_gc_timeout, 1.0}} =
megaco_config:update_conn_info(CH, call_proxy_gc_timeout, 1.0),
p("disconnect: ~p", [CH]),
{ok, _, _} = megaco_config:disconnect(CH),
p("stop local user (1B): ~p", [LocalMid1]),
ok = megaco_config:stop_user(LocalMid1),
p("try (and fail) start local user (2A): ~p", [LocalMid2]),
{error, {bad_user_val, LocalMid2, call_proxy_gc_timeout, -1}} =
megaco_config:start_user(LocalMid2, User2ConfigA),
p("try (and fail) start local user (2B): ~p", [LocalMid2]),
{error, {bad_user_val, LocalMid2, call_proxy_gc_timeout, infinity}} =
megaco_config:start_user(LocalMid2, User2ConfigB),
p("try (and fail) start local user (2C): ~p", [LocalMid2]),
{error, {bad_user_val, LocalMid2, call_proxy_gc_timeout, "1"}} =
megaco_config:start_user(LocalMid2, User2ConfigC),
p("try (and fail) start local user (2D): ~p", [LocalMid2]),
{error, {bad_user_val, LocalMid2, call_proxy_gc_timeout, 1.0}} =
megaco_config:start_user(LocalMid2, User2ConfigD),
otp_8183(suite) ->
otp_8183(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
put(tc, otp8183),
p("start the megaco config process"),
LocalMid1 = {deviceName, "local-mid-1"},
LocalMid2 = {deviceName, "local-mid-2"},
RemoteMid1 = {deviceName, "remote-mid-1"},
%% RemoteMid2 = {deviceName, "remote-mid-2"},
RH1 = #megaco_receive_handle{local_mid = LocalMid1,
encoding_mod = dummy_codec_module,
encoding_config = [],
send_mod = dummy_transport_module},
%% RH2 = #megaco_receive_handle{local_mid = LocalMid2,
%% encoding_mod = dummy_codec_module,
%% encoding_config = [],
%% send_mod = dummy_transport_module},
OkValA = 100,
OkValB = 0,
OkValC = plain,
OkValD = 10101,
OkValE = 20202,
BadValA = -1,
BadValB = pain,
BadValC = "1",
BadValD = 1.0,
User1ConfigA = [{request_keep_alive_timeout, OkValA}],
User1ConfigB = [{request_keep_alive_timeout, OkValB}],
User1ConfigC = [{request_keep_alive_timeout, OkValC}],
User2ConfigA = [{request_keep_alive_timeout, BadValA}],
User2ConfigB = [{request_keep_alive_timeout, BadValB}],
User2ConfigC = [{request_keep_alive_timeout, BadValC}],
User2ConfigD = [{request_keep_alive_timeout, BadValD}],
p("start local user (1A): ~p", [LocalMid1]),
ok = megaco_config:start_user(LocalMid1, User1ConfigA),
p("stop local user (1A): ~p", [LocalMid1]),
ok = megaco_config:stop_user(LocalMid1),
p("start local user (1B): ~p", [LocalMid1]),
ok = megaco_config:start_user(LocalMid1, User1ConfigB),
p("stop local user (1B): ~p", [LocalMid1]),
ok = megaco_config:stop_user(LocalMid1),
p("start local user (1C): ~p", [LocalMid1]),
ok = megaco_config:start_user(LocalMid1, User1ConfigC),
p("try (and fail) change value for item call_proxy_gc_timeout for local user: ~p -> ~p",
[LocalMid1, BadValA]),
{error, {bad_user_val, LocalMid1, request_keep_alive_timeout, BadValA}} =
megaco_config:update_user_info(LocalMid1, request_keep_alive_timeout, BadValA),
p("try (and fail) change value for item request_keep_alive_timeout for local user: ~p -> ~p",
[LocalMid1, BadValB]),
{error, {bad_user_val, LocalMid1, request_keep_alive_timeout, BadValB}} =
megaco_config:update_user_info(LocalMid1, request_keep_alive_timeout, BadValB),
p("try (and fail) change value for item request_keep_alive_timeout for local user: ~p -> ~p",
[LocalMid1, BadValC]),
{error, {bad_user_val, LocalMid1, request_keep_alive_timeout, BadValC}} =
megaco_config:update_user_info(LocalMid1, request_keep_alive_timeout, BadValC),
p("try (and fail) change value for item request_keep_alive_timeout for local user: ~p -> ~p",
[LocalMid1, BadValD]),
{error, {bad_user_val, LocalMid1, request_keep_alive_timeout, BadValD}} =
megaco_config:update_user_info(LocalMid1, request_keep_alive_timeout, BadValD),
p("change value for item request_keep_alive_timeout for local user: ~p", [LocalMid1]),
ok = megaco_config:update_user_info(LocalMid1, request_keep_alive_timeout, OkValD),
{ok, CD} = megaco_config:connect(RH1, RemoteMid1,
dummy_send_handle, self()),
p("connect ok: CD = ~n~p", [CD]),
CH = CD#conn_data.conn_handle,
p("get value for item request_keep_alive_timeout for connection: ~p", [CH]),
OkValD = megaco_config:conn_info(CH, request_keep_alive_timeout),
p("change value for item request_keep_alive_timeout for connection: ~p -> ~p",
[CH, OkValE]),
ok = megaco_config:update_conn_info(CH, request_keep_alive_timeout, OkValE),
p("try (and fail) change value for item request_keep_alive_timeout for connection: ~p -> ~p",
[CH, BadValA]),
{error, {bad_user_val, LocalMid1, request_keep_alive_timeout, BadValA}} =
megaco_config:update_conn_info(CH, request_keep_alive_timeout, BadValA),
p("try (and fail) change value for item request_keep_alive_timeout for connection: ~p -> ~p",
[CH, BadValB]),
{error, {bad_user_val, LocalMid1, request_keep_alive_timeout, BadValB}} =
megaco_config:update_conn_info(CH, request_keep_alive_timeout, BadValB),
p("try (and fail) change value for item request_keep_alive_timeout for connection: ~p -> ~p",
[CH, BadValC]),
{error, {bad_user_val, LocalMid1, request_keep_alive_timeout, BadValC}} =
megaco_config:update_conn_info(CH, request_keep_alive_timeout, BadValC),
p("try (and fail) change value for item request_keep_alive_timeout for connection: ~p -> ~p",
[CH, BadValD]),
{error, {bad_user_val, LocalMid1, request_keep_alive_timeout, BadValD}} =
megaco_config:update_conn_info(CH, request_keep_alive_timeout, BadValD),
p("disconnect: ~p", [CH]),
{ok, _, _} = megaco_config:disconnect(CH),
p("stop local user (1B): ~p", [LocalMid1]),
ok = megaco_config:stop_user(LocalMid1),
p("try (and fail) start local user (2A): ~p", [LocalMid2]),
{error, {bad_user_val, LocalMid2, request_keep_alive_timeout, BadValA}} =
megaco_config:start_user(LocalMid2, User2ConfigA),
p("try (and fail) start local user (2B): ~p", [LocalMid2]),
{error, {bad_user_val, LocalMid2, request_keep_alive_timeout, BadValB}} =
megaco_config:start_user(LocalMid2, User2ConfigB),
p("try (and fail) start local user (2C): ~p", [LocalMid2]),
{error, {bad_user_val, LocalMid2, request_keep_alive_timeout, BadValC}} =
megaco_config:start_user(LocalMid2, User2ConfigC),
p("try (and fail) start local user (2D): ~p", [LocalMid2]),
{error, {bad_user_val, LocalMid2, request_keep_alive_timeout, BadValD}} =
megaco_config:start_user(LocalMid2, User2ConfigD),
p(F) ->
p(F, []).
p(F, A) ->
io:format("[~w] " ++ F ++ "~n", [get(tc)|A]).
i(F) ->
i(F, []).
i(F, A) ->
print(info, get(verbosity), now(), get(tc), "INF", F, A).
printable(_, debug) -> true;
printable(info, info) -> true;
printable(_,_) -> false.
print(Severity, Verbosity, Ts, Tc, P, F, A) ->
print(printable(Severity,Verbosity), Ts, Tc, P, F, A).
print(true, Ts, Tc, P, F, A) ->
io:format("*** [~s] ~s ~p ~s:~w ***"
"~n " ++ F ++ "~n",
[format_timestamp(Ts), P, self(), get(sname), Tc | A]);
print(_, _, _, _, _, _) ->
format_timestamp({_N1, _N2, N3} = Now) ->
{Date, Time} = calendar:now_to_datetime(Now),
{YYYY,MM,DD} = Date,
{Hour,Min,Sec} = Time,
FormatDate =
io_lib:format("~.4w:~.2.0w:~.2.0w ~.2.0w:~.2.0w:~.2.0w 4~w",