%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2010. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
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%% %CopyrightEnd%
init_per_testcase(Func, Conf) ->
mnesia_test_lib:init_per_testcase(Func, Conf).
end_per_testcase(Func, Conf) ->
mnesia_test_lib:end_per_testcase(Func, Conf).
all() ->
[silly_durability, silly_move, silly_upgrade].
groups() ->
[{stress, [], stress_cases()}].
init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
%% Stepwise of more and more advanced features
silly() ->
Nodes = [node()] ++ nodes(),
Config = [{nodes, Nodes}],
mnesia_test_lib:eval_test_case(?MODULE, silly2, Config).
silly2(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
[Node1 | _] = Nodes = ?acquire_nodes(3, Config),
?ignore([mnesia:delete_schema([N]) || N <- Nodes]),
?match(ok, mnesia:create_schema([Node1])),
?match(ok, rpc:call(Node1, mnesia, start, [])),
?match(ok, rpc:call(Node1, mnesia, wait_for_tables,
[[schema], infinity])),
Res = silly_durability(Config),
StressFun = fun(F) -> apply(?MODULE, F, [Config]) end,
R =
case length(Nodes) of
L when L > 1 ->
Node2 = lists:nth(2, Nodes),
AddDb = [schema, Node2, ram_copies],
?match({atomic, ok},
rpc:call(Node1, mnesia, add_table_copy, AddDb)),
Args = [[{extra_db_nodes, [Node1]}]],
?match(ok, rpc:call(Node2, mnesia, start, Args)),
ChangeDb = [schema, Node2, disc_copies],
?match({atomic, ok},
rpc:call(Node1, mnesia, change_table_copy_type,
?match([], mnesia_test_lib:sync_tables([Node1, Node2],
MoveRes = silly_move(Config),
UpgradeRes = silly_upgrade(Config),
StressRes = [StressFun(F) || F <- stress_cases()],
?verify_mnesia([Node2], []),
[Res, MoveRes, UpgradeRes] ++ StressRes;
_ ->
StressRes = [StressFun(F) || F <- stress_cases()],
?warning("Too few nodes. Perform net_adm:ping(OtherNode) "
"and rerun!!!~n", []),
[Res | StressRes]
?verify_mnesia([Node1], []),
silly_durability(doc) ->
["Simple test of durability"];
silly_durability(suite) -> [];
silly_durability(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
[Node1] = ?acquire_nodes(1, Config),
Tab = silly,
Storage = mnesia_test_lib:storage_type(disc_copies, Config),
?match({atomic, ok}, rpc:call(Node1, mnesia,
create_table, [Tab, [{Storage, [Node1]}]])),
Read = fun() -> mnesia:read({Tab, a}) end,
Write = fun() -> mnesia:write({Tab, a, b}) end,
?match({atomic, []},
rpc:call(Node1, mnesia, transaction, [Read])),
?match({atomic, ok},
rpc:call(Node1, mnesia, transaction, [Write])),
?match({atomic, [{Tab, a, b}]},
rpc:call(Node1, mnesia, transaction, [Read])),
?match(stopped, rpc:call(Node1, mnesia, stop, [])),
?match(ok, rpc:call(Node1, mnesia, start, [])),
case mnesia_test_lib:diskless(Config) of
true ->
false ->
?match(ok, rpc:call(Node1, mnesia, wait_for_tables, [[Tab], infinity])),
?match({atomic, [{Tab, a, b}]},
rpc:call(Node1, mnesia, transaction, [Read]))
?verify_mnesia([Node1], []).
silly_move(doc) ->
["Simple test of movement of a replica from one node to another"];
silly_move(suite) -> [];
silly_move(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
[Node1, Node2] = ?acquire_nodes(2, Config),
Tab = silly_move,
?match({atomic, ok},
rpc:call(Node1, mnesia,
create_table, [Tab, [{ram_copies, [Node2]}]])),
?match([], mnesia_test_lib:sync_tables([Node1, Node2], [Tab])),
Read = fun() -> mnesia:read({Tab, a}) end,
Write = fun() -> mnesia:write({Tab, a, b}) end,
?match({atomic, []},
rpc:call(Node1, mnesia, transaction, [Read])),
?match({atomic, ok},
rpc:call(Node1, mnesia, transaction, [Write])),
?match({atomic, [{Tab, a, b}]},
rpc:call(Node1, mnesia, transaction, [Read])),
case mnesia_test_lib:diskless(Config) of
true -> skip;
false ->
?match({atomic, ok},
rpc:call(Node1, mnesia,
change_table_copy_type, [Tab, Node2, disc_only_copies])),
?match([], mnesia_test_lib:sync_tables([Node1, Node2], [Tab]))
?match({atomic, [{Tab, a, b}]}, rpc:call(Node1, mnesia, transaction, [Read])),
?match({atomic, ok},
rpc:call(Node1, mnesia,
move_table_copy, [Tab, Node2, Node1])),
?match([], mnesia_test_lib:sync_tables([Node1, Node2], [Tab])),
?match({atomic, [{Tab, a, b}]},
rpc:call(Node1, mnesia, transaction, [Read])),
?verify_mnesia([Node1], []).
silly_upgrade(doc) ->
["Simple test of a schema upgrade and restore from backup"];
silly_upgrade(suite) -> [];
silly_upgrade(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
[Node1, Node2] = Nodes = ?acquire_nodes(2, Config),
Name = silly_upgrade,
Tab1 = silly_upgrade1,
Tab2 = silly_upgrade2,
Bup = "silly_upgrade.BUP",
Bup2 = "silly_upgrade_part.BUP",
?match({atomic, ok}, mnesia:create_table(Tab1, [{ram_copies, Nodes}])),
?match({atomic, ok}, mnesia:create_table(Tab2, [{disc_only_copies, Nodes}])),
CpState = add_some_records(Tab1, Tab2, []),
?match(match, verify_state(Tab1, Tab2, CpState)),
?match(ok, mnesia:backup(Bup)),
Args = [{name, Name}, {ram_overrides_dump, true},
{min, [Tab1, schema]}, {max, [Tab2]}],
?match({ok, Name, _}, mnesia:activate_checkpoint(Args)),
IgnoreState = add_more_records(Tab1, Tab2, CpState),
?match(match, verify_state(Tab1, Tab2, IgnoreState)),
?match({mismatch, _, _}, verify_state(Tab1, Tab2, CpState)),
?match({atomic, ok}, mnesia:del_table_copy(Tab2, Node1)),
?match(ok, mnesia:backup_checkpoint(Name, Bup2)),
UpgradeState = transform_some_records(Tab1, Tab2, IgnoreState),
?match({mismatch, _, _}, verify_state(Tab1, Tab2, CpState)),
?match({mismatch, _, _}, verify_state(Tab1, Tab2, IgnoreState)),
?match(match, verify_state(Tab1, Tab2, UpgradeState)),
?match(ok, mnesia:deactivate_checkpoint(Name)),
?match(match, verify_state(Tab1, Tab2, UpgradeState)),
?match(ok, mnesia:install_fallback(Bup2)),
%% Will generate intentional crash, fatal error
?match([], mnesia_test_lib:stop_mnesia([Node2])),
wait_till_dead([Node1, Node2]),
?match([], mnesia_test_lib:start_mnesia([Node1, Node2], [Tab1, Tab2])),
?match(match, verify_state(Tab1, Tab2, CpState)),
?match(ok, mnesia:install_fallback(Bup)),
%% Will generate intentional crash, fatal error
?match([], mnesia_test_lib:stop_mnesia([Node1, Node2])),
wait_till_dead([Node1, Node2]),
?match([], mnesia_test_lib:start_mnesia([Node1, Node2], [Tab1, Tab2])),
CpState2 = [X || X <- CpState, element(1, X) /= Tab1],
?match(match, verify_state(Tab1, Tab2, CpState2)),
?verify_mnesia(Nodes, []).
wait_till_dead([]) -> ok;
wait_till_dead([N|Ns]) ->
Apps = rpc:call(N, application, which_applications, []),
case lists:keymember(mnesia, 1, Apps) of
true ->
false ->
add_some_records(Tab1, Tab2, Old) ->
Recs1 = [{Tab1, I, I} || I <- lists:seq(1, 30)],
Recs2 = [{Tab2, I, I} || I <- lists:seq(20, 40)],
lists:foreach(fun(R) -> mnesia:dirty_write(R) end, Recs1),
Fun = fun(R) -> mnesia:write(R) end,
Trans = fun() -> lists:foreach(Fun, Recs2) end,
?match({atomic, _}, mnesia:transaction(Trans)),
lists:sort(Old ++ Recs1 ++ Recs2).
add_more_records(Tab1, Tab2, Old) ->
Change1 = [{T, K, V+100} || {T, K, V} <- Old, K==23],
Change2 = [{T, K, V+100} || {T, K, V} <- Old, K==24],
Del = [{T, K} || {T, K, _V} <- Old, K>=25],
New = [{Tab1, 50, 50}, {Tab2, 50, 50}],
lists:foreach(fun(R) -> mnesia:dirty_write(R) end, Change1),
lists:foreach(fun(R) -> mnesia:dirty_delete(R) end, Del),
Fun = fun(R) -> mnesia:write(R) end,
Trans = fun() -> lists:foreach(Fun, Change2 ++ New) end,
?match({atomic, ok}, mnesia:transaction(Trans)),
Recs = [{T, K, V} || {T, K, V} <- Old, K<23] ++ Change1 ++ Change2 ++ New,
verify_state(Tab1, Tab2, Exp) ->
Fun = fun() ->
Act1 = [mnesia:read({Tab1, K}) || K <- mnesia:all_keys(Tab1)],
Act2 = [mnesia:read({Tab2, K}) || K <- mnesia:all_keys(Tab2)],
Act = lists:append(Act1) ++ lists:append(Act2),
{ok, Act -- Exp, Exp -- Act}
case mnesia:transaction(Fun) of
{atomic, {ok, [], []}} -> match;
{atomic, {ok, More, Less}} -> {mismatch, More, Less};
{aborted, Reason} -> {error, Reason}
transform_some_records(Tab1, _Tab2, Old) ->
Fun = fun(Rec) ->
list_to_tuple(tuple_to_list(Rec) ++ [4711])
?match({atomic, ok},
mnesia:transform_table(Tab1, Fun, [key, val, extra])),
Filter = fun(Rec) when element(1, Rec) == Tab1 -> {true, Fun(Rec)};
(_) -> true
lists:sort(lists:zf(Filter, Old)).
stress_cases() ->
[conflict, dist].
dist(doc) ->
["Avoid lock conflicts in order to maximize thruput",
"Ten drivers per node, tables replicated to all nodes, lots of branches"];
dist(suite) -> [];
dist(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Nodes = ?acquire_nodes(3, Config ++ [{tc_timeout, 10 * 60000}]),
Storage = mnesia_test_lib:storage_type(disc_copies, Config),
?match({ok, _}, mnesia_tpcb:start(dist_args(Nodes, Storage))).
conflict(doc) ->
["Provoke a lot of lock conflicts.",
"Ten drivers per node, tables replicated to all nodes, single branch"];
conflict(suite) -> [];
conflict(Config) when is_list(Config) ->
Nodes = ?acquire_nodes(3, Config ++ [{tc_timeout, 10 * 60000}]),
Storage = mnesia_test_lib:storage_type(disc_copies, Config),
?match({ok, _}, mnesia_tpcb:start(conflict_args(Nodes, Storage))).
conflict_args(Nodes, ReplicaType) ->
[{db_nodes, Nodes},
{driver_nodes, Nodes},
{replica_nodes, Nodes},
{n_drivers_per_node, 10},
{n_branches, 1},
{n_accounts_per_branch, 10},
{replica_type, ReplicaType},
{stop_after, timer:minutes(5)},
{report_interval, timer:seconds(10)},
{use_running_mnesia, true},
{reuse_history_id, true}].
dist_args(Nodes, ReplicaType) ->
[{db_nodes, Nodes},
{driver_nodes, Nodes},
{replica_nodes, Nodes},
{n_drivers_per_node, 10},
{n_branches, length(Nodes) * 100},
{n_accounts_per_branch, 10},
{replica_type, ReplicaType},
{stop_after, timer:minutes(5)},
{report_interval, timer:seconds(10)},
{use_running_mnesia, true},
{reuse_history_id, true}].