%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2012. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% wx_object callbacks
-export([init/1, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3, handle_call/3,
handle_event/2, handle_sync_event/3, handle_cast/2]).
%% Drawing wrappers for DC and GC areas
setPen/2, setFont/3, setBrush/2,
strokeLine/5, strokeLines/2, drawRoundedRectangle/6,
drawText/4, getTextExtent/2]).
offset = 0.0,
active = false,
data = {0, queue:new()},
usegc = false
-define(wxGC, wxGraphicsContext).
-record(paint, {font, small, pen, pen2, pens}).
-define(RQ_W, 1).
-define(MEM_W, 2).
-define(IO_W, 3).
start_link(Notebook, Parent) ->
wx_object:start_link(?MODULE, [Notebook, Parent], []).
init([Notebook, Parent]) ->
Panel = wxPanel:new(Notebook),
Main = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxVERTICAL),
CPU = wxPanel:new(Panel, [{winid, ?RQ_W}, {style,?wxFULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE}]),
wxWindow:setBackgroundColour(CPU, ?wxWHITE),
wxSizer:add(Main, CPU, [{flag, ?wxEXPAND bor ?wxALL},
{proportion, 1}, {border, 5}]),
MemIO = wxBoxSizer:new(?wxHORIZONTAL),
MEM = wxPanel:new(Panel, [{winid, ?MEM_W}, {style,?wxFULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE}]),
wxWindow:setBackgroundColour(MEM, ?wxWHITE),
IO = wxPanel:new(Panel, [{winid, ?IO_W}, {style,?wxFULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE}]),
wxWindow:setBackgroundColour(IO, ?wxWHITE),
wxSizer:add(MemIO, MEM, [{flag, ?wxEXPAND bor ?wxLEFT},
{proportion, 1}, {border, 5}]),
wxSizer:add(MemIO, IO, [{flag, ?wxEXPAND bor ?wxLEFT bor ?wxRIGHT},
{proportion, 1}, {border, 5}]),
wxSizer:add(Main, MemIO, [{flag, ?wxEXPAND bor ?wxDOWN},
{proportion, 1}, {border, 5}]),
wxWindow:setSizer(Panel, Main),
wxPanel:connect(CPU, paint, [callback]),
wxPanel:connect(IO, paint, [callback]),
wxPanel:connect(MEM, paint, [callback]),
UseGC = haveGC(Panel),
Font = case UseGC of
true ->
%% Def font is really small when using Graphics contexts for some reason
%% Hardcode it
false ->
DefFont = wxSystemSettings:getFont(?wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT),
DefSize = wxFont:getPointSize(DefFont),
DefFamily = wxFont:getFamily(DefFont),
wxFont:new(DefSize, DefFamily, ?wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL, ?wxFONTWEIGHT_BOLD)
BlackPen = wxPen:new({0,0,0}, [{width, 2}]),
Pens = [wxPen:new(Col, [{width, 2}]) || Col <- tuple_to_list(colors())],
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
{Panel, #state{parent=Parent,
panel =Panel,
windows = {CPU, MEM, IO},
paint=#paint{font = Font,
small = SmallFont,
pen = ?wxGREY_PEN,
pen2 = BlackPen,
pens = list_to_tuple(Pens)
catch _:Err ->
io:format("~p crashed ~p: ~p~n",[?MODULE, Err, erlang:get_stacktrace()]),
{error, Err}
State = #state{}) ->
{noreply, State};
handle_event(Event, _State) ->
error({unhandled_event, Event}).
handle_sync_event(#wx{obj=Panel, event = #wxPaint{}},_,
#state{active=Active, offset=Offset, paint=Paint,
windows=Windows, data=Data, usegc=UseGC}) ->
%% PaintDC must be created in a callback to work on windows.
%% Sigh workaround bug on MacOSX (Id in paint event is always 0)
%% Panel = element(Id, Windows),
Id = if Panel =:= element(?RQ_W, Windows) -> ?RQ_W;
Panel =:= element(?MEM_W, Windows) -> ?MEM_W;
Panel =:= element(?IO_W, Windows) -> ?IO_W
DC = wxPaintDC:new(Panel),
GC = case UseGC of
true -> ?wxGC:create(DC);
false -> DC
%% Nothing is drawn until wxPaintDC is destroyed.
draw(Offset, Id, {UseGC, GC}, Panel, Paint, Data, Active)
catch _:Err ->
io:format("Internal error ~p ~p~n",[Err, erlang:get_stacktrace()])
UseGC andalso ?wxGC:destroy(GC),
handle_call(Event, From, _State) ->
error({unhandled_call, Event, From}).
handle_cast(Event, _State) ->
error({unhandled_cast, Event}).
handle_info(Stats = {stats, 1, _, _, _},
State = #state{panel=Panel, data=Data, active=Active}) ->
if Active ->
Freq = 6,
erlang:send_after(trunc(1000 / Freq), self(), {refresh, 1, Freq});
true -> ignore
{noreply, State#state{offset=0.0, data = add_data(Stats, Data)}};
handle_info({refresh, Seq, Freq}, State = #state{panel=Panel, offset=Prev}) ->
Next = Seq+1,
if Seq > 1, Prev =:= 0.0 ->
%% We didn't have time to handle the refresh
{noreply, State};
Next < Freq ->
erlang:send_after(trunc(1000 / Freq), self(), {refresh, Next, Freq}),
{noreply, State#state{offset=Seq/Freq}};
true ->
{noreply, State#state{offset=Seq/Freq}}
handle_info({active, Node}, State = #state{parent=Parent, panel=Panel, appmon=Old}) ->
create_menus(Parent, []),
Node = node(Old),
{noreply, State#state{active=true}}
catch _:_ ->
catch Old ! exit,
Me = self(),
Pid = spawn_link(Node, observer_backend, fetch_stats, [Me, 1000]),
{noreply, State#state{active=true, appmon=Pid, data={0, queue:new()}}}
handle_info(not_active, State = #state{appmon=_Pid}) ->
%% Pid ! exit,
{noreply, State#state{active=false}};
handle_info({'EXIT', Old, _}, State = #state{appmon=Old}) ->
{noreply, State#state{active=false, appmon=undefined}};
handle_info(_Event, State) ->
%% io:format("~p:~p: ~p~n",[?MODULE,?LINE,_Event]),
{noreply, State}.
terminate(_Event, #state{appmon=Pid}) ->
catch Pid ! exit,
code_change(_, _, State) ->
add_data(Stats, {N, Q}) when N > 60 ->
{N, queue:drop(queue:in(Stats, Q))};
add_data(Stats, {N, Q}) ->
{N+1, queue:in(Stats, Q)}.
create_menus(Parent, _) ->
MenuEntries =
observer_wx:create_menus(Parent, MenuEntries).
collect_data(?RQ_W, {N, Q}) ->
case queue:to_list(Q) of
[] -> {0, 0, []};
[_] -> {0, 0, []};
[{stats, _Ver, Init0, _IO, _Mem}|Data0] ->
Init = lists:sort(Init0),
[_|Data=[First|_]] = lists:foldl(fun({stats, _, T0, _, _}, [Prev|Acc]) ->
TN = lists:sort(T0),
Delta = calc_delta(TN, Prev),
[TN, list_to_tuple(Delta)|Acc]
end, [Init], Data0),
{N, lmax(Data), lists:reverse([First|Data])}
collect_data(?MEM_W, {N, Q}) ->
MemT = mem_types(),
Data = [list_to_tuple([Value || {Type,Value} <- MemInfo,
lists:member(Type, MemT)])
|| {stats, _Ver, _RQ, _IO, MemInfo} <- queue:to_list(Q)],
{N, lmax(Data), Data};
collect_data(?IO_W, {N, Q}) ->
case queue:to_list(Q) of
[] -> {0, 0, []};
[_] -> {0, 0, []};
[{stats, _Ver, _RQ, {{_,In0}, {_,Out0}}, _Mem}|Data0] ->
[_,_|Data=[First|_]] =
lists:foldl(fun({stats, _, _, {{_,In}, {_,Out}}, _}, [PIn,Pout|Acc]) ->
end, [In0,Out0], Data0),
{N, lmax(Data), lists:reverse([First|Data])}
mem_types() ->
[total, processes, system, atom, binary, code, ets].
lmax([]) -> 0;
lmax(List) ->
lists:max([lists:max(tuple_to_list(T)) || T <- List]).
calc_delta([{Id, WN, TN}|Ss], [{Id, WP, TP}|Ps]) ->
[100*(WN-WP) div (TN-TP)|calc_delta(Ss, Ps)];
calc_delta([], []) -> [].
draw(Offset, Id, DC, Panel, Paint=#paint{pens=Pens, small=Small}, Data, Active) ->
%% This can be optimized a lot by collecting data once
%% and draw to memory and then blit memory and only draw new entries in new memory
%% area. Hmm now rewritten to use ?wxGC I don't now if it is feasable.
{Len, Max0, Hs} = collect_data(Id, Data),
Max = calc_max(Max0),
NoGraphs = try tuple_size(hd(Hs)) catch _:_ -> 0 end,
Size = wxWindow:getClientSize(Panel),
{X0,Y0,WS,HS} = draw_borders(Id, NoGraphs, DC, Size, Max, Paint),
Last = 60*WS+X0-1,
Start = max(61-Len, 0)*WS+X0 - Offset*WS,
case Hs of
[] -> ignore;
[_] -> ignore;
_ ->
Draw = fun(N) ->
Lines = make_lines(Hs, Start, N, {X0,Max*HS,Last}, Y0, WS, HS),
setPen(DC, element(1+ ((N-1) rem tuple_size(Pens)), Pens)),
strokeLines(DC, Lines),
[Draw(I) || I <- lists:seq(NoGraphs, 1, -1)]
case Active of
false ->
NotActive = "Service not available",
setFont(DC, Small, {0,0,0}),
drawText(DC, NotActive, X0 + 100, element(2,Size) div 2);
true ->
make_lines(Ds = [Data|_], PX, N, Clip, ZeroY, WS, HS) ->
Y = element(N,Data),
make_lines(Ds, PX, N, Clip, ZeroY, WS, HS, Y, []).
make_lines([D1 | Ds = [D2|Rest]], PX, N, Clip={Cx,Cy, _}, ZeroY, WS, HS, Y0, Acc0) ->
Y1 = element(N,D1),
Y2 = element(N,D2),
Y3 = case Rest of
[D3|_] -> element(N,D3);
[] -> Y2
This = {max(Cx, PX),ZeroY-min(Cy,Y1*HS)},
Acc = if (abs(Y1-Y2) * HS) < 3.0 -> [This|Acc0];
WS < 3.0 -> [This|Acc0];
PX < Cx ->
true ->
make_lines(Ds, PX+WS, N, Clip, ZeroY, WS, HS, Y1, Acc);
make_lines([D1], _PX, N, {_,Cy,Last}, ZeroY, _WS, HS, _Y0, Acc) ->
Y1 = element(N,D1),
[{Last,ZeroY-min(Cy, Y1*HS)}|Acc].
make_splines(Y00,Y10,Y20,Y30,PX,Clip,ZeroY,WS,HS,Acc) ->
Y1 = Y10*HS,
Y2 = Y20*HS,
Steps = min(abs(Y1-Y2), WS),
if Steps > 2 ->
Y0 = Y00*HS,
Y3 = Y30*HS,
Tan = spline_tan(Y0,Y1,Y2,Y3),
Delta = 1/Steps,
splines(Steps-1, 0.0, Delta, Tan, Y1,Y2, PX, Clip,ZeroY, Delta*WS, Acc);
true ->
splines(N, XD, XD0, Tan, Y1,Y2, PX0, Clip={Cx,Cy,_},ZeroY, WS, Acc) when N > 0 ->
PX = PX0+WS,
Delta = XD+XD0,
if PX < Cx ->
splines(N-1, Delta, XD0, Tan, Y1, Y2, PX, Clip,ZeroY, WS, Acc);
true ->
Y = min(Cy, max(0,spline(Delta, Tan, Y1,Y2))),
splines(N-1, Delta, XD0, Tan, Y1, Y2, PX, Clip,ZeroY, WS,
[{PX, ZeroY-Y}|Acc])
splines(_N, _XD, _XD0, _Tan, _Y1,_Y2, _PX, _Clip,_ZeroY, _WS, Acc) -> Acc.
spline(T, {M1, M2}, Y1, Y2) ->
%% Hermite Basis Funcs
T2 = T*T, T3 = T*T*T,
H1 = 2*T3-3*T2+1,
H2 = -2*T3+3*T2,
H3 = T3-2*T2+T,
H4 = T3-T2,
%% Result
M1*H3 + Y1*H1 + Y2*H2 + M2*H4.
spline_tan(Y0, Y1, Y2, Y3) ->
S = 1.0,
C = 0.5,
%% Calc tangent values
M1 = S*C*(Y2-Y0),
M2 = S*C*(Y3-Y1),
-define(BW, 5).
-define(BH, 5).
draw_borders(Type, NoGraphs, DC, {W,H}, Max,
#paint{pen=Pen, pen2=Pen2, font=Font, small=Small}) ->
{Unit, MaxUnit} = bytes(Type, Max),
Str1 = observer_lib:to_str(MaxUnit),
Str2 = observer_lib:to_str(MaxUnit div 2),
Str3 = observer_lib:to_str(0),
setFont(DC, Font, {0,0,0}),
{TW,TH} = getTextExtent(DC, Str1),
{SpaceW, _} = getTextExtent(DC, "W"),
GraphX0 = ?BW+TW+?BW,
GraphX1 = W-?BW*4,
TopTextX = ?BW+TW+?BW,
MaxTextY = ?BH+TH+?BH,
BottomTextY = H-?BH-TH,
SecondsY = BottomTextY - ?BH - TH,
GraphY0 = MaxTextY + (TH / 2),
GraphY1 = SecondsY - ?BH,
GraphW = GraphX1-GraphX0-1,
GraphH = GraphY1-GraphY0-1,
GraphY25 = GraphY0 + (GraphY1 - GraphY0) / 4,
GraphY50 = GraphY0 + (GraphY1 - GraphY0) / 2,
GraphY75 = GraphY0 + 3*(GraphY1 - GraphY0) / 4,
ScaleW = GraphW / 60,
ScaleH = GraphH / Max,
setFont(DC, Small, {0,0,0}),
Align = fun(Str, Y) ->
{StrW, _} = getTextExtent(DC, Str),
drawText(DC, Str, GraphX0 - StrW - ?BW, Y)
Align(Str1, MaxTextY),
Align(Str2, GraphY50 - (TH / 2)),
Align(Str3, GraphY1 - (TH / 2) + 1),
setPen(DC, Pen),
DrawSecs = fun(Secs, Pos) ->
Str = [observer_lib:to_str(Secs)|" s"],
X = GraphX0+Pos,
drawText(DC, Str, X-SpaceW, SecondsY),
strokeLine(DC, X, GraphY0, X, GraphY1+5),
Pos + 10*ScaleW
lists:foldl(DrawSecs, 0, lists:seq(60,0, -10)),
strokeLine(DC, GraphX0-3, GraphY25, GraphX1, GraphY25),
strokeLine(DC, GraphX0-3, GraphY50, GraphX1, GraphY50),
strokeLine(DC, GraphX0-3, GraphY75, GraphX1, GraphY75),
setPen(DC, Pen2),
strokeLines(DC, [{GraphX0, GraphY0-1}, {GraphX0, GraphY1+1},
{GraphX1, GraphY1+1}, {GraphX1, GraphY0-1},
{GraphX0, GraphY0-1}]),
setFont(DC, Font, {0,0,0}),
case Type of
?RQ_W -> drawText(DC, "Scheduler Utilization (%) ", TopTextX,?BH);
?MEM_W -> drawText(DC, "Memory Usage " ++ Unit, TopTextX,?BH);
?IO_W -> drawText(DC, "IO Usage " ++ Unit, TopTextX,?BH)
Text = fun(X,Y, Str, PenId) ->
if PenId == 0 ->
setFont(DC, Font, {0,0,0});
PenId > 0 ->
Id = 1 + ((PenId-1) rem tuple_size(colors())),
setFont(DC, Font, element(Id, colors()))
drawText(DC, Str, X, Y),
{StrW, _} = getTextExtent(DC, Str),
StrW + X + SpaceW
case Type of
?RQ_W ->
TN0 = Text(?BW, BottomTextY, "Scheduler: ", 0),
lists:foldl(fun(Id, Pos0) ->
Text(Pos0, BottomTextY, integer_to_list(Id), Id)
end, TN0, lists:seq(1, NoGraphs));
?MEM_W ->
lists:foldl(fun(MType, {PenId, Pos0}) ->
Str = uppercase(atom_to_list(MType)),
Pos = Text(Pos0, BottomTextY, Str, PenId),
{PenId+1, Pos}
end, {1, ?BW}, mem_types());
?IO_W ->
TN0 = Text(?BW, BottomTextY, "Input", 1),
Text(TN0, BottomTextY, "Output", 2)
{GraphX0+1, GraphY1, ScaleW, ScaleH}.
uppercase([C|Rest]) ->
calc_max(Max) when Max < 10 -> 10;
calc_max(Max) -> calc_max1(Max).
calc_max1(Max) ->
case Max div 10 of
X when X < 10 ->
case Max rem 10 of
0 -> Max;
_ ->
X ->
bytes(?RQ_W, Val) -> {"", Val};
bytes(_, B) ->
KB = B div 1024,
MB = KB div 1024,
GB = MB div 1024,
GB > 10 -> {"(GB)", GB};
MB > 10 -> {"(MB)", MB};
KB > 0 -> {"(KB)", KB};
true -> {"(B)", B}
colors() ->
{{200, 50, 50}, {50, 200, 50}, {50, 50, 200},
{255, 110, 0}, {50, 200, 200}, {200, 50, 200},
{240, 200, 80}, {140, 2, 140},
{100, 200, 240}, {100, 240, 100}
%% wxDC and ?wxGC wrappers
haveGC(Win) ->
GC = ?wxGC:create(Win),
catch _:_ -> false
setPen({false, DC}, Pen) ->
wxDC:setPen(DC, Pen);
setPen({true, GC}, Pen) ->
?wxGC:setPen(GC, Pen).
setFont({false, DC}, Font, Color) ->
wxDC:setTextForeground(DC, Color),
wxDC:setFont(DC, Font);
setFont({true, GC}, Font, Color) ->
?wxGC:setFont(GC, Font, Color).
setBrush({false, DC}, Brush) ->
wxDC:setBrush(DC, Brush);
setBrush({true, GC}, Brush) ->
?wxGC:setBrush(GC, Brush).
strokeLine({false, DC}, X0, Y0, X1, Y1) ->
wxDC:drawLine(DC, {round(X0), round(Y0)}, {round(X1), round(Y1)});
strokeLine({true, GC}, X0, Y0, X1, Y1) ->
?wxGC:strokeLine(GC, X0, Y0, X1, Y1).
strokeLines({false, DC}, Lines) ->
wxDC:drawLines(DC, [{round(X), round(Y)} || {X,Y} <- Lines]);
strokeLines({true, GC}, Lines) ->
?wxGC:strokeLines(GC, Lines).
drawRoundedRectangle({false, DC}, X0, Y0, X1, Y1, R) ->
wxDC:drawRoundedRectangle(DC, {round(X0), round(Y0)}, {round(X1), round(Y1)}, round(R));
drawRoundedRectangle({true, GC}, X0, Y0, X1, Y1, R) ->
?wxGC:drawRoundedRectangle(GC, X0, Y0, X1, Y1, R).
drawText({false, DC}, Str, X, Y) ->
wxDC:drawText(DC, Str, {round(X),round(Y)});
drawText({true, GC}, Str, X, Y) ->
?wxGC:drawText(GC, Str, X, Y).
getTextExtent({false, DC}, Str) ->
wxDC:getTextExtent(DC, Str);
getTextExtent({true, GC}, Str) ->
{W,H,_,_} = ?wxGC:getTextExtent(GC, Str),