%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2009. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% File: orber_acl.erl
%% Description:
%% Handling ACL's (Access Control Lists).
%% Creation date: 040723
%% External exports
-export([init_acl/1, init_acl/2, clear_acl/0,
match/2, match/3, verify/3, range/1, range/2]).
%% Internal exports
-define(ACL_DB, orber_acl_db).
-define(DEBUG_LEVEL, 5).
-define(CONTINUE, -1).
-define(STOP, -2).
-define(FORMAT(_F, _A), {error, lists:flatten(io_lib:format(_F, _A))}).
-define(EFORMAT(_F, _A), exit(lists:flatten(io_lib:format(_F, _A)))).
%% Record Definitions
-record(acl, {key, bits = ?CONTINUE, mask, interfaces = [],
ports = 0, flags = 0}).
%% External functions
%% function : verify/1
%% Arguments: IP - string()
%% Filter - string() see init_acl
%% Family - inet | inet6
%% Returns : boolean()
%% Exception:
%% Effect :
verify(IP, Filter, Family) ->
DB = ets:new(orber_temporary_acl_table_created_by_user,
[set, public, {keypos, 2}]),
Result =
case catch verify_helper(IP, Filter, Family, DB) of
true ->
{ok, Low, High} ->
{false, Low, High};
What ->
{error, ?FORMAT("Uknown Error: ~p\n", [What])}
verify_helper(IP, Filter, Family, DB) ->
init_acl([{tcp_in, Filter}], Family, DB),
{ok, IPTuple} = inet:getaddr(IP, Family),
case match_helper(tuple_to_list(IPTuple), tcp_in, DB, false, tcp_in) of
true ->
false ->
range(Filter, Family)
%% function : range/1/2
%% Arguments: Filter - string(). See init_acl
%% Family - inet | inet6
%% Returns : {ok, From, To}
%% From - To - string()
%% Exception:
%% Effect :
range(Filter) ->
range(Filter, inet).
range(Filter, inet) ->
range_safe(Filter, inet, ".", 16#FF, "255", 8, "~p.", "~p", 3);
range(Filter, Family) ->
range_safe(Filter, Family, ":", 16#FFFF, "FFFF", 16, "~.16B:", "~.16B", 7).
range_safe(Filter, Family, Separator, Max, MaxStr, N, F1, F2, X) ->
case catch range_helper(Filter, Family, Separator, Max, MaxStr, N, F1, F2, X) of
{ok, Low, High} ->
{ok, Low, High};
{'EXIT',{format,Why}} ->
{error, ?FORMAT("Unable to format string: ~p\n", [Why])};
{'EXIT', E} ->
{error, ?FORMAT("Exit: ~p\n", [E])};
What ->
{error, ?FORMAT("Unknown Error: ~p\n", [What])}
range_helper(Filter, Family, Separator, Max, MaxStr, N, F1, F2, X) ->
{MaskStr, Bits, _Ports} = tokenize(Filter, Family),
{ok, MaskTuple} = inet:getaddr(MaskStr, Family),
NoOfFull = Bits div N,
Mask = get_mask(N, (Bits rem N)),
case split(NoOfFull, tuple_to_list(MaskTuple)) of
{Full, [Partial|_DontCare]} ->
Beginning = pp(Full, [], F1),
MiddleLow = io_lib:format(F2, [(Mask band Partial) + ((Mask bxor Max) band 0)]),
MiddleHigh = io_lib:format(F2, [(Mask band Partial) + ((Mask bxor Max) band Max)]),
EndLow = lists:duplicate((X-NoOfFull), Separator ++ "0"),
EndHigh = lists:duplicate((X-NoOfFull), Separator ++ MaxStr),
Low = lists:flatten([Beginning, MiddleLow, EndLow]),
High = lists:flatten([Beginning, MiddleHigh, EndHigh]),
{ok, Low, High};
{Full, []} ->
Address = lists:flatten(pp(Full, [], F1)),
{ok, Address, Address}
pp([], Acc, _) ->
pp([H|T], Acc, Format) ->
pp(T, Acc ++ io_lib:format(Format, [H]), Format).
split(N, List) when is_integer(N) andalso N >= 0 andalso is_list(List) ->
case split(N, List, []) of
Fault when is_atom(Fault) ->
erlang:error(Fault, [N,List]);
Result ->
split(N, List) ->
erlang:error(badarg, [N,List]).
split(0, L, R) ->
{lists:reverse(R, []), L};
split(N, [H|T], R) ->
split(N-1, T, [H|R]);
split(_, [], _) ->
%% function : clear_acl/0
%% Arguments: -
%% Returns :
%% Exception:
%% Effect :
clear_acl() ->
clear_acl(DB) ->
(catch ets:delete(DB)),
%% function : init_acl/1/2
%% Arguments: Filters - [{Direction, Filter}] | [{Direction, Filter, [Interfaces]}]
%% Direction - tcp_in | ssl_in | tcp_out | ssl_out
%% Filter - string(). Examples:
%% * "123.456.789.10" - match against all bits.
%% * "123.456.789.10/17" - match against the 17 most significant bits.
%% * "123.456.789.10/17#4001" - as above but only allow port 4001
%% * "123.456.789.10/17#4001/5001" - as above but only allow port 4001-5001
%% Family - inet | inet6
%% Returns : ok | {'EXCEPTION', E}
%% Exception: 'BAD_PARAM'
%% Effect :
init_acl(Filters) ->
DB = ets:new(?ACL_DB, [set, public, named_table, {keypos, 2}]),
case ?ORB_FLAG_TEST(orber:get_flags(), ?ORB_ENV_USE_IPV6) of
false ->
init_acl(Filters, inet, DB);
true ->
init_acl(Filters, inet6, DB)
init_acl(Filters, Family) ->
DB = ets:new(?ACL_DB, [set, public, named_table, {keypos, 2}]),
init_acl(Filters, Family, DB).
init_acl([], _, DB) ->
{ok, DB};
init_acl([Data|T], Family, DB) ->
{Direction, Filter, Interfaces} =
case Data of
{D, F, I} ->
{D, F, I};
{D, F} ->
{D, F, []}
{MaskStr, Bits, Ports} = tokenize(Filter, Family),
case inet:getaddr(MaskStr, Family) of
{ok, Addr} when size(Addr) == 4 ->
create_mask(tuple_to_list(Addr), Bits div 8,
get_mask8((Bits rem 8)), DB, Direction, Interfaces, Ports),
init_acl(T, Family, DB);
{ok, Addr} ->
create_mask(tuple_to_list(Addr), Bits div 16,
get_mask16((Bits rem 16)), DB, Direction, Interfaces, Ports),
init_acl(T, Family, DB)
create_mask(List, Div, Mask, DB, Direction, Interfaces, Ports) ->
case split(Div, List) of
{[], [Partial|_DontCare]} ->
%% Less than 8/16 bits (depends on family).
add_parts([], Direction, (Partial band Mask), Mask, DB,
Interfaces, Ports);
{Full, [Partial|_DontCare]} ->
add_parts(Full, Direction, (Partial band Mask), Mask, DB,
Interfaces, Ports);
{Full, []} ->
%% 32 bits.
add_parts(Full, Direction, ?STOP, Mask, DB, Interfaces, Ports)
add_parts([], Parent, Bits, Mask, DB, Interfaces, Ports) ->
ets:insert(DB, #acl{key = Parent, bits = Bits,
mask = Mask, interfaces = Interfaces, ports = Ports});
add_parts([H|T], Parent, Bits, Mask, DB, Interfaces, Ports) ->
Key = {Parent, H},
ets:insert(DB, #acl{key = Key}),
add_parts(T, Key, Bits, Mask, DB, Interfaces, Ports).
%% function : match/1/2
%% Arguments: IP - tuple() | [integer()]
%% Direction - tcp_in | ssl_in | tcp_out | ssl_out
%% All - boolean()
%% Returns :
%% Exception:
%% Effect :
match(IPTuple, Direction) when is_tuple(IPTuple) ->
match_helper(tuple_to_list(IPTuple), Direction, ?ACL_DB, false, Direction);
match(IPList, Direction) ->
match_helper(IPList, Direction, ?ACL_DB, false, Direction).
match(IPTuple, Direction, All) when is_tuple(IPTuple) ->
match_helper(tuple_to_list(IPTuple), Direction, ?ACL_DB, All, Direction);
match(IPList, Direction, All) ->
match_helper(IPList, Direction, ?ACL_DB, All, Direction).
match_helper([], _, _, false, _) -> false;
match_helper([], _, _, true, _) -> {false, [], 0};
match_helper([H|T], Parent, DB, All, Direction) ->
case ets:lookup(DB, {Parent, H}) of
[#acl{bits = ?CONTINUE}] ->
match_helper(T, {Parent, H}, DB, All, Direction);
[#acl{bits = ?STOP}] when All == false ->
[#acl{bits = ?STOP, interfaces = I, ports = Ports}] ->
{true, I, Ports};
[#acl{bits = Bits, mask = Mask}] when All == false ->
Bits == (hd(T) band Mask);
[#acl{bits = Bits, mask = Mask, interfaces = I, ports = Ports}] ->
{Bits == (hd(T) band Mask), I, Ports};
_ ->
%% Less than 8/16 significant bits (depends on family).
%% Should we even allow this?
case ets:lookup(DB, Direction) of
[#acl{bits = Bits, mask = Mask}] when is_integer(Bits) andalso
All == false ->
Bits == (H band Mask);
[#acl{bits = Bits, mask = Mask,
interfaces = I, ports = Ports}] when is_integer(Bits) ->
{Bits == (H band Mask), I, Ports};
_ when All == false ->
_ ->
{false, [], 0}
%% Internal functions
%% function : tokenize/1
%% Arguments: Filter - string(). Examples:
%% * "123.456.789.10" - match against all.
%% * "123.456.789.10/17" - match against the 17 most significant bits.
%% * "123.456.789.10/17#4001" - as above but only allow port 4001
%% * "123.456.789.10/17#4001/5001" - as above but only allow port 4001-5001
%% Family - inet | inet6
%% Returns : {MaskStr, Bits, Ports}
%% MaskStr - string()
%% Bits - integer()
%% Ports - integer() | {integer(), integer()}
%% Exception:
%% Effect :
tokenize(Filter, Family) ->
case string:tokens(Filter, "/#") of
[MaskStr] when Family == inet ->
{MaskStr, 32, 0};
[MaskStr] when Family == inet6 ->
{MaskStr, 128, 0};
[MaskStr, BitString] ->
{MaskStr, list_to_integer(BitString), 0};
[MaskStr, BitString, Port] ->
{MaskStr, list_to_integer(BitString), list_to_integer(Port)};
[MaskStr, BitString, MinPort, MaxPort] ->
{MaskStr, list_to_integer(BitString),
{list_to_integer(MinPort), list_to_integer(MaxPort)}};
What ->
?EFORMAT("Invalid Filter: ~p\nReason: ~p\n", [Filter, What])
%% function : get_mask/2
%% Arguments:
%% Returns :
%% Exception:
%% Effect :
get_mask(8, Bits) ->
get_mask(16, Bits) ->
%% function : get_mask8/1
%% Arguments:
%% Returns :
%% Exception:
%% Effect :
get_mask8(0) -> 2#00000000;
get_mask8(1) -> 2#10000000;
get_mask8(2) -> 2#11000000;
get_mask8(3) -> 2#11100000;
get_mask8(4) -> 2#11110000;
get_mask8(5) -> 2#11111000;
get_mask8(6) -> 2#11111100;
get_mask8(7) -> 2#11111110.
%% function : get_mask16/1
%% Arguments:
%% Returns :
%% Exception:
%% Effect :
get_mask16(0) -> 2#0000000000000000;
get_mask16(1) -> 2#1000000000000000;
get_mask16(2) -> 2#1100000000000000;
get_mask16(3) -> 2#1110000000000000;
get_mask16(4) -> 2#1111000000000000;
get_mask16(5) -> 2#1111100000000000;
get_mask16(6) -> 2#1111110000000000;
get_mask16(7) -> 2#1111111000000000;
get_mask16(8) -> 2#1111111100000000;
get_mask16(9) -> 2#1111111110000000;
get_mask16(10) -> 2#1111111111000000;
get_mask16(11) -> 2#1111111111100000;
get_mask16(12) -> 2#1111111111110000;
get_mask16(13) -> 2#1111111111111000;
get_mask16(14) -> 2#1111111111111100;
get_mask16(15) -> 2#1111111111111110.
%%------------- END OF MODULE -------------------------------------