path: root/lib/pman/src/pman_buf_utils.erl
blob: af3982665e7d87ea624fe5392e28a563c205f16b (plain) (tree)

%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2009. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
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%% %CopyrightEnd%


-export([textformat/1, split/4]).

%% ---------------------------------------------------------------
%% Funtion which format the trace message
%% ---------------------------------------------------------------

textformat(died) ->
    "\n\nProcess died\n";
textformat({died, Pid}) ->
    io_lib:format("~w Process died.~n",[Pid]);
textformat({shell_died, Old, New}) ->
    io_lib:format("~w Shell Process died. Restarted as ~w~n~n",[Old,New]);

textformat(to_buffer) ->
    "\nAppending trace log to Buffer\n\n";
textformat(to_file) ->
    "\nAppending trace log to File\n\n";
textformat(cut_buffer) ->
    "\nCUT BUFFER\n\n";
textformat({trace, From, 'receive', Msg}) ->
    io_lib:format("~w: rec   ~s~n", [From,
textformat({trace, From, send, Msg, To}) ->
    io_lib:format("~w:  !    To: ~w Msg: ~s~n", [From,
textformat({trace, From, call, Func}) ->
    io_lib:format("~w: call  ~s~n",[From, ffunc(Func)]);
textformat({trace, From, spawn, Data}) ->
    io_lib:format("~w: spawn ~p~n", [From, Data]);
textformat({trace, From, link, Data}) ->
    io_lib:format("~w: link  ~p~n", [From,  Data]);
textformat({trace, From, unlink, Data}) ->
    io_lib:format("~w: U-lnk ~p~n", [From,  Data]);

textformat({trace, From, Op, Data}) ->
    io_lib:format("~w: ~w   ~p~n", [From, Op, Data]);

textformat({print, Format, Args}) ->
    io_lib:format(Format, Args);
textformat(Other) ->

ffunc({M,F, Argl}) ->
    io_lib:format("~w:~w(~s)", [M, F, fargs(Argl)]);
ffunc(X) -> tuple_space(X).
fargs([]) -> [];
fargs([A]) -> tuple_space(A);  %% last arg
fargs([A|Args]) -> [tuple_space(A),", "|fargs(Args)].

tuple_space(X) when is_tuple(X) -> print(size(X), X, "}");
tuple_space(X)                  -> io_lib:format("~p",[X]).

print(0  , _X, Buff) -> ["{"|Buff];
print(1  , X, Buff) -> 
    Str =  tuple_space(element(1, X)),
print(Num, X, Buff) ->
    Str =  tuple_space(element(Num, X)),
    print(Num-1, X, [", ",Str|Buff]).

%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
%% splits the list at element Size, returns Size, and the 2 lists
%% If the list is not long enough, it returns {size(List),[],List}

split([],_,Length,Buff) ->
split(Rest,0,Length,Buff) ->
split([L|List],Size,Length,Buff) ->