path: root/lib/public_key/src/pubkey_pbe.erl
blob: 77d6943d96b97eb3dfed447fccbd74c69bf56135 (plain) (tree)































%% %CopyrightBegin%
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%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% Description: Implements Password Based Encryption PKCS-5, RFC-2898



-export([encode/4, decode/4, decrypt_parameters/1]). 
-export([pbdkdf1/4, pbdkdf2/6]).

-define(ASN1_OCTET_STR_TAG, 4).
-define(IV_LEN, 8).

%% Internal application API

-spec encode(binary(), string(), string(), term()) -> binary().
%% Description: Performs password based encoding
encode(Data, Password, "DES-CBC" = Cipher, KeyDevParams) ->
    {Key, IV} = password_to_key_and_iv(Password, Cipher, KeyDevParams),
    crypto:des_cbc_encrypt(Key, IV, Data);

encode(Data, Password, "DES-EDE3-CBC" = Cipher, KeyDevParams) ->
    {Key, IV} = password_to_key_and_iv(Password, Cipher, KeyDevParams),
    <<Key1:8/binary, Key2:8/binary, Key3:8/binary>> = Key,
    crypto:des_ede3_cbc_encrypt(Key1, Key2, Key3, IV, Data);

encode(Data, Password, "RC2-CBC" = Cipher, KeyDevParams) ->
    {Key, IV} = password_to_key_and_iv(Password, Cipher, KeyDevParams),
    crypto:rc2_cbc_encrypt(Key, IV, Data).
-spec decode(binary(), string(), string(), term()) -> binary().
%% Description: Performs password based decoding
decode(Data, Password,"DES-CBC"= Cipher, KeyDevParams) ->
    {Key, IV} = password_to_key_and_iv(Password, Cipher, KeyDevParams),
    crypto:des_cbc_decrypt(Key, IV, Data);

decode(Data, Password,"DES-EDE3-CBC" = Cipher, KeyDevParams) ->
    {Key, IV} = password_to_key_and_iv(Password, Cipher, KeyDevParams),
    <<Key1:8/binary, Key2:8/binary, Key3:8/binary>> = Key,
    crypto:des_ede3_cbc_decrypt(Key1, Key2, Key3, IV, Data);

decode(Data, Password,"RC2-CBC"= Cipher, KeyDevParams) ->
    {Key, IV} = password_to_key_and_iv(Password, Cipher, KeyDevParams),
    crypto:rc2_cbc_decrypt(Key, IV, Data).

-spec pbdkdf1(string(), iodata(), integer(), atom()) -> binary().
%% Description: Implements password based decryption key derive function 1.
%% Exported mainly for testing purposes.
pbdkdf1(_, _, 0, Acc) ->
pbdkdf1(Password, Salt, Count, Hash) ->
    Result = crypto:Hash([Password, Salt]),
    do_pbdkdf1(Result, Count-1, Result, Hash).

-spec pbdkdf2(string(), iodata(), integer(), integer(), fun(), integer())
	     -> binary().
%% Description: Implements password based decryption key derive function 2.
%% Exported mainly for testing purposes.
pbdkdf2(Password, Salt, Count, DerivedKeyLen, Prf, PrfOutputLen)->
    NumBlocks = ceiling(DerivedKeyLen / PrfOutputLen),
    NumLastBlockOctets = DerivedKeyLen - (NumBlocks - 1) * PrfOutputLen ,
    blocks(NumBlocks, NumLastBlockOctets, 1, Password, Salt, 
	   Count, Prf, PrfOutputLen, <<>>).
-spec decrypt_parameters(#'EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo_encryptionAlgorithm'{}) -> 
				{Cipher::string(), #'PBES2-params'{}}.
%% Description: Performs ANS1-decoding of encryption parameters.
		      algorithm = Oid, parameters = Param}) ->
     decrypt_parameters(Oid, Param).
%%% Internal functions
password_to_key_and_iv(Password, _, #'PBES2-params'{} = Params) ->
    {Salt, ItrCount, KeyLen, PseudoRandomFunction, PseudoOtputLen, IV} =
    <<Key:KeyLen/binary, _/binary>> = 
	pbdkdf2(Password, Salt, ItrCount, KeyLen, PseudoRandomFunction, PseudoOtputLen),
    {Key, IV};
password_to_key_and_iv(Password, Cipher, Salt) ->
    KeyLen = derived_key_length(Cipher, undefined),
    <<Key:KeyLen/binary, _/binary>> = 
	pem_encrypt(<<>>, Password, Salt, ceiling(KeyLen div 16), <<>>, md5),
    %% Old PEM encryption does not use standard encryption method
    %% pbdkdf1 and uses then salt as IV
    {Key, Salt}.

pem_encrypt(_, _, _, 0, Acc, _) ->
pem_encrypt(Prev, Password, Salt, Count, Acc, Hash) ->
    Result = crypto:Hash([Prev, Password, Salt]),
    pem_encrypt(Result, Password, Salt, Count-1 , <<Acc/binary, Result/binary>>, Hash).

do_pbdkdf1(_, 0, Acc, _) ->
do_pbdkdf1(Prev, Count, Acc, Hash) ->
    Result = crypto:Hash(Prev),
    do_pbdkdf1(Result, Count-1 , <<Result/binary, Acc/binary>>, Hash).

iv(#'PBES2-params_encryptionScheme'{algorithm = Algo,
				    parameters = ASNIV}) when (Algo == ?'desCBC') or
							      (Algo == ?'des-EDE3-CBC') ->
    %% This is an so called open ASN1-type that in this
    %% case will be an octet-string of length 8
    <<?ASN1_OCTET_STR_TAG, ?IV_LEN, IV:?IV_LEN/binary>> = ASNIV,
iv(#'PBES2-params_encryptionScheme'{algorithm = ?'rc2CBC',
				    parameters = ASN1IV}) ->
    {ok, #'RC2-CBC-Parameter'{iv = IV}} = 'PKCS-FRAME':decode('RC2-CBC-Parameter', ASN1IV),

blocks(1, N, Index, Password, Salt, Count, Prf, PrfLen, Acc) ->
    <<XorSum:N/binary, _/binary>> = xor_sum(Password, Salt, Count, Index, Prf, PrfLen),
    <<Acc/binary, XorSum/binary>>;
blocks(NumBlocks, N, Index, Password, Salt, Count, Prf, PrfLen, Acc) ->
    XorSum = xor_sum(Password, Salt, Count, Index, Prf, PrfLen),
    blocks(NumBlocks -1, N, Index +1, Password, Salt, Count, Prf, 
	   PrfLen, <<Acc/binary, XorSum/binary>>).

xor_sum(Password, Salt, Count, Index, Prf, PrfLen) ->
    Result = Prf(Password, [Salt,<<Index:32/unsigned-big-integer>>], PrfLen),
    do_xor_sum(Prf, PrfLen, Result, Password, Count-1, Result).

do_xor_sum(_, _, _, _, 0, Acc) ->
do_xor_sum(Prf, PrfLen, Prev, Password, Count, Acc)-> 					   
    Result = Prf(Password, Prev, PrfLen),
    do_xor_sum(Prf, PrfLen, Result, Password, Count-1, crypto:exor(Acc, Result)).

decrypt_parameters(?'id-PBES2', DekParams) ->
    {ok, Params} = 'PKCS-FRAME':decode('PBES2-params', DekParams),
    {cipher(Params#'PBES2-params'.encryptionScheme), Params}.

key_derivation_params(#'PBES2-params'{keyDerivationFunc = KeyDerivationFunc,
				      encryptionScheme = EncScheme}) ->
    #'PBES2-params_keyDerivationFunc'{algorithm = ?'id-PBKDF2',
				      parameters =
					  #'PBKDF2-params'{salt = {specified, OctetSalt},
							   iterationCount = Count,
							   keyLength = Length,
							   prf = Prf}} = KeyDerivationFunc,
    #'PBES2-params_encryptionScheme'{algorithm = Algo} = EncScheme,
    {PseudoRandomFunction, PseudoOtputLen} = pseudo_random_function(Prf),
    KeyLen = derived_key_length(Algo, Length),
    {OctetSalt, Count, KeyLen,
     PseudoRandomFunction, PseudoOtputLen, iv(EncScheme)}.

%% This function currently matches a tuple that ougth to be the value
%% ?'id-hmacWithSHA1, but we need some kind of ASN1-fix for this.
pseudo_random_function(#'PBKDF2-params_prf'{algorithm = 
						{_,_, _,'id-hmacWithSHA1'}}) ->
    {fun crypto:sha_mac/3, pseudo_output_length(?'id-hmacWithSHA1')}.

pseudo_output_length(?'id-hmacWithSHA1') ->

derived_key_length(_, Len) when is_integer(Len) ->
derived_key_length(Cipher,_) when (Cipher == ?'desCBC') or 
				  (Cipher == "DES-CBC") ->
derived_key_length(Cipher,_) when (Cipher == ?'rc2CBC') or 
				  (Cipher == "RC2-CBC") ->
derived_key_length(Cipher,_) when (Cipher == ?'des-EDE3-CBC') or 
				  (Cipher == "DES-EDE3-CBC") ->

cipher(#'PBES2-params_encryptionScheme'{algorithm = ?'desCBC'}) ->
cipher(#'PBES2-params_encryptionScheme'{algorithm = ?'des-EDE3-CBC'}) ->
cipher(#'PBES2-params_encryptionScheme'{algorithm = ?'rc2CBC'}) ->

ceiling(Float) -> 
    erlang:round(Float + 0.5).