path: root/lib/public_key/src/pubkey_pem.erl
blob: 6bdc35fb79c974e8f9b8dbb3404898c76cf1e6fa (plain) (tree)
































%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2008-2012. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%


%%% Description: Reading and writing of PEM type encoded files.
%% PEM encoded files have the following structure:
%%	<text>
%%	-----BEGIN SOMETHING-----<CR><LF>
%%	<Base64 encoding line><CR><LF>
%%	<Base64 encoding line><CR><LF>
%%	...
%%	-----END SOMETHING-----<CR><LF>
%%	<text>
%% A file can contain several BEGIN/END blocks. Text lines between
%% blocks are ignored.
%% The encoding is divided into lines separated by <NL>, and each line
%% is precisely 64 characters long (excluding the <NL> characters,
%% except the last line which 64 characters long or shorter. <NL> may
%% follow the last line.



-export([encode/1, decode/1, decipher/2, cipher/3]).


%% Internal application API

-spec decode(binary()) -> [pem_entry()].
%% Description: Decodes a PEM binary.
decode(Bin) ->
    decode_pem_entries(split_bin(Bin), []).

-spec encode([pem_entry()]) -> iolist().
%% Description: Encodes a list of PEM entries.
encode(PemEntries) ->

-spec decipher({pki_asn1_type(), DerEncrypted::binary(),
		{Cipher :: string(), Salt :: iodata() | #'PBES2-params'{}}},
	       string()) -> Der::binary().
%% Description: Deciphers a decrypted pem entry.
decipher({_, DecryptDer, {Cipher, KeyDevParams}}, Password) ->
    pubkey_pbe:decode(DecryptDer, Password, Cipher, KeyDevParams).

-spec cipher(Der::binary(), {Cipher :: string(), Salt :: iodata() | #'PBES2-params'{}} ,
	     string()) -> binary().
%% Description: Ciphers a PEM entry
cipher(Der, {Cipher, KeyDevParams}, Password)->
    pubkey_pbe:encode(Der, Password, Cipher, KeyDevParams).

%%% Internal functions
encode_pem_entries(Entries) ->
    [encode_pem_entry(Entry) || Entry <- Entries].

encode_pem_entry({Type, Der, not_encrypted}) ->
    StartStr = pem_start(Type),
    [StartStr, "\n", b64encode_and_split(Der), "\n", pem_end(StartStr) ,"\n\n"];
encode_pem_entry({Type, Der, {Cipher, Salt}}) ->
    StartStr = pem_start(Type),
    [StartStr,"\n", pem_decrypt(),"\n", pem_decrypt_info(Cipher, Salt),"\n",
     b64encode_and_split(Der), "\n", pem_end(StartStr) ,"\n\n"].

decode_pem_entries([], Entries) ->
decode_pem_entries([<<>>], Entries) ->
decode_pem_entries([<<>> | Lines], Entries) ->
    decode_pem_entries(Lines, Entries);
decode_pem_entries([Start| Lines], Entries) ->
    case pem_end(Start) of
	undefined ->
	    decode_pem_entries(Lines, Entries);
	_End ->
	    {Entry, RestLines} = join_entry(Lines, []),
	    decode_pem_entries(RestLines, [decode_pem_entry(Start, Entry) | Entries])

decode_pem_entry(Start, [<<"Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED", _/binary>>, Line | Lines]) ->
    Type = asn1_type(Start),
    Cs = erlang:iolist_to_binary(Lines),
    Decoded = base64:mime_decode(Cs),
    [_, DekInfo0] = string:tokens(binary_to_list(Line), ": "),
    [Cipher, Salt] = string:tokens(DekInfo0, ","), 
    {Type, Decoded, {Cipher, unhex(Salt)}};
decode_pem_entry(Start, Lines) ->
    Type = asn1_type(Start),
    Cs = erlang:iolist_to_binary(Lines),
    Decoded = base64:mime_decode(Cs),
    case Type of
	_ ->
	    {Type, Decoded, not_encrypted}

decode_encrypted_private_keyinfo(Der) ->
    #'EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo'{encryptionAlgorithm = AlgorithmInfo,				  
			       encryptedData = Data} = 
	public_key:der_decode('EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo', Der),
    DecryptParams = pubkey_pbe:decrypt_parameters(AlgorithmInfo), 
    {'PrivateKeyInfo', iolist_to_binary(Data), DecryptParams}.

split_bin(Bin) ->
    split_bin(0, Bin).

split_bin(N, Bin) ->
    case Bin of
	<<Line:N/binary, "\r\n", Rest/binary>> ->
	    [Line | split_bin(0, Rest)];
	<<Line:N/binary, "\n", Rest/binary>> ->
	    [Line | split_bin(0, Rest)];
	<<Line:N/binary>> ->
	_ ->
	    split_bin(N+1, Bin)

b64encode_and_split(Bin) ->

split_lines(<<Text:?ENCODED_LINE_LENGTH/binary>>) ->
split_lines(<<Text:?ENCODED_LINE_LENGTH/binary, Rest/binary>>) ->
    [Text, $\n | split_lines(Rest)];
split_lines(Bin) ->

%% Ignore white space at end of line
join_entry([<<"-----END ", _/binary>>| Lines], Entry) ->
    {lists:reverse(Entry), Lines};
join_entry([<<"-----END X509 CRL-----", _/binary>>| Lines], Entry) ->
    {lists:reverse(Entry), Lines};
join_entry([Line | Lines], Entry) ->
    join_entry(Lines, [Line | Entry]).

unhex(S) ->
    unhex(S, []).

unhex("", Acc) ->
unhex([D1, D2 | Rest], Acc) ->
    unhex(Rest, [erlang:list_to_integer([D1, D2], 16) | Acc]).

hexify(L) -> [[hex_byte(B)] || B <- binary_to_list(L)].

hex_byte(B) when B < 16#10 -> ["0", erlang:integer_to_list(B, 16)];
hex_byte(B) -> erlang:integer_to_list(B, 16).

pem_start('Certificate') ->
    <<"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----">>;
pem_start('RSAPrivateKey') ->
    <<"-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----">>;
pem_start('RSAPublicKey') ->
    <<"-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----">>;
pem_start('SubjectPublicKeyInfo') ->
    <<"-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----">>;
pem_start('DSAPrivateKey') ->
    <<"-----BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY-----">>;
pem_start('DHParameter') ->
    <<"-----BEGIN DH PARAMETERS-----">>;
pem_start('CertificationRequest') ->
    <<"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----">>;
pem_start('ContentInfo') ->
    <<"-----BEGIN PKCS7-----">>;
pem_start('CertificateList') ->
     <<"-----BEGIN X509 CRL-----">>.

pem_end(<<"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----">>) ->
    <<"-----END CERTIFICATE-----">>;
pem_end(<<"-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----">>) ->
    <<"-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----">>;
pem_end(<<"-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----">>) ->
    <<"-----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----">>;
pem_end(<<"-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----">>) ->
    <<"-----END PUBLIC KEY-----">>;
pem_end(<<"-----BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY-----">>) ->
    <<"-----END DSA PRIVATE KEY-----">>;
pem_end(<<"-----BEGIN DH PARAMETERS-----">>) ->
    <<"-----END DH PARAMETERS-----">>;
pem_end(<<"-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----">>) ->
    <<"-----END PRIVATE KEY-----">>;
pem_end(<<"-----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----">>) ->
    <<"-----END ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----">>;
pem_end(<<"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----">>) ->
    <<"-----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----">>;
pem_end(<<"-----BEGIN PKCS7-----">>) ->
    <<"-----END PKCS7-----">>;
pem_end(<<"-----BEGIN X509 CRL-----">>) ->
    <<"-----END X509 CRL-----">>;
pem_end(_) ->

asn1_type(<<"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----">>) ->
asn1_type(<<"-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----">>) ->
asn1_type(<<"-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----">>) ->
asn1_type(<<"-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----">>) ->
asn1_type(<<"-----BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY-----">>) ->
asn1_type(<<"-----BEGIN DH PARAMETERS-----">>) ->
asn1_type(<<"-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----">>) ->
asn1_type(<<"-----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----">>) ->
asn1_type(<<"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----">>) ->
asn1_type(<<"-----BEGIN PKCS7-----">>) ->
asn1_type(<<"-----BEGIN X509 CRL-----">>) ->

pem_decrypt() ->
    <<"Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED">>.

pem_decrypt_info(Cipher, Salt) ->
    io_lib:format("DEK-Info: ~s,~s", [Cipher, lists:flatten(hexify(Salt))]).