path: root/lib/runtime_tools/src/runtime_tools_sup.erl
blob: 913719c4498ab1bee1b9485adb1b9857f6c2fe2f (plain) (tree)



%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2006-2011. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
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%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% File    : runtime_tools_sup.erl
%% Author  : Lennart �hman <lennart.ohman@st.se>



%% =============================================================================
%% Callback functions for the runtime_tools_sup supervisor
%% =============================================================================

%% The runtime tools top most supervisor starts:
%% -The inviso runtime component. This is the only way to get the runtime component
%%  started automatically (if for instance autostart is wanted).
%%  Note that it is not impossible that the runtime component terminates it self
%%  should it discover that no autostart is configured.
init(AutoModArgs) ->
    Flags = {one_for_one, 0, 3600},
    Children = [{inviso_rt, {inviso_rt, start_link_auto, [AutoModArgs]}, 
		 temporary, 3000, worker, [inviso_rt]},
                {ttb_autostart, {ttb_autostart, start_link, []},
                 temporary, 3000, worker, [ttb_autostart]}],
    {ok, {Flags, Children}}.
%% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------