%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2013. All Rights Reserved.
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%% %CopyrightEnd%
%%% This is the behaviour for the MIB server backend internal
%%% data storage.
-callback new(MibStorage :: mib_storage()) -> State :: term().
-callback close(State :: term()) -> ok.
-callback sync(State :: term()) -> ok.
-callback load_mib(State :: term(), FileName :: string(),
MeOverride :: boolean(),
TeOverride :: boolean()) ->
{ok, NewState :: term()} | {error, already_loaded | Reason :: term()}.
-callback unload_mib(State :: term(), FileName :: string(),
MeOverride :: boolean(),
TeOverride :: boolean()) ->
{ok, NewState :: term()} | {error, not_loaded | Reason :: term()}.
-callback lookup(State :: term(), Oid :: oid()) ->
{false, Reason :: term()} |
{variable, MibEntry :: me()} |
{table_column, MibEntry :: me(), TableEntryOid :: oid()} |
{subagent, SubAgentPid :: pid(), SAOid :: oid()}.
-callback next(State :: term(), Oid :: oid(), MibView :: mib_view()) ->
endOfView | false |
{subagent, SubAgentPid :: pid(), SAOid :: oid()} |
{variable, MibEntry :: me(), VarOid :: oid()} |
{table, TableOid :: oid(), TableRestOid :: oid(), MibEntry :: me()}
-callback register_subagent(State :: term(), Oid :: oid(), Pid :: pid()) ->
{error, Reason :: term()} | NewState :: term().
-callback unregister_subagent(State :: term(),
Pid :: pid() | Oid :: oid()) ->
{ok, NewState :: term()} | % When second arg wa a pid()
{ok, NewState :: term(), Pid :: pid()} | % When second arg was a oid()
{error, Reason :: term()}.
-callback dump(State :: term(), Filename :: string()) ->
ok | {error, Reason :: term()}.
-callback print(State :: term()) -> ok.
-callback which_mib(State :: term(), Oid :: oid()) ->
{ok, Mib :: string()} | {error, Reason :: term()}.
-callback which_mibs(State :: term()) ->
[{MibName :: atom(), Filename :: string()}].
-callback whereis_mib(State :: term(), MibName :: atom()) ->
{ok, Filename :: string()} | {error, Reason :: term()}.
-callback info(State :: term()) -> list().
-callback info(State :: term(), Item :: atom()) -> term().
-callback backup(State :: term(), BackupDir :: string()) ->
ok | {error, Reason :: term()}.
-callback code_change(Direction :: up | down, State :: term()) ->
NewState :: term().