#!/usr/bin/env escript
%% -*- erlang -*-
version = %VSN%,
outdir = "./",
db = volatile,
include_dirs = ["./"],
include_lib_dirs = [],
deprecated = true,
group_check = true,
description = false,
reference = false,
imports = false,
module_identity = false,
no_defs = false,
%% --o Dir [defaults to "./"]
%% --i Dir [defaults to "./"]
%% --il Dir
%% --gc
%% --db DB [defaults to volatile]
%% --dep
%% --desc
%% --ref
%% --imp
%% --mi
%% --mod Mod
%% --nd
%% --rrnac
%% --version
%% --verbosity V
main(Args) when is_list(Args) ->
case (catch process_args(Args)) of
ok ->
{ok, State} when is_record(State, state) ->
io:format("snmpc: ~p~n", [State]);
{ok, Str} when is_list(Str) ->
io:format("~s~n~n", [Str]),
{error, ReasonStr} ->
main(_) ->
process_args([]) ->
{error, lists:flatten(io_lib:format("No MIB-file", []))};
process_args(Args) ->
%% CWD = "./",
process_args(Args, #state{}).
process_args([], State) ->
{ok, State};
process_args(["--help"|_Args], _State) ->
process_args(["--version"|_Args], State) ->
{ok, lists:flatten(io_lib:format("snmpc ~s", [State#state.version]))};
process_args(["--verbosity", Verbosity0|Args], #state{verbosity = V} = State)
when (V =:= undefined) ->
Verbosity = list_to_atom(Verbosity0),
case lists:member(Verbosity, [trace,debug,log,info,silence]) of
true ->
process_args(Args, State#state{verbosity = Verbosity});
false ->
e(lists:flatten(io_lib:format("Unknown verbosity: ~s", [Verbosity0])))
process_args(["--verbosity"|_Args], #state{verbosity = V})
when (V =/= undefined) ->
e(lists:flatten(io_lib:format("Verbosity already set to ~w", [V])));
process_args([Arg|Args], State) ->
io:format("Arg: ~p~n", [Arg]),
process_args(Args, State).
usage(ReasonStr) ->
io:format("ERROR: ~s~n", [ReasonStr]),
usage() ->
io:format("Usage: snmpc [options] MIB.mib"
"~n --help - Prints this info."
"~n --version - Prints compiler version."
"~n --verbosity <verbosity> - Print debug info."
"~n verbosity = trace | debug | log | info | silence"
"~n Defaults to silence."
"~n --warnings - Print warning messages."
"~n --i <include dir> - Add this dir to the list of dirs that will be"
"~n searched for imported (compiled) MIB files."
"~n The current workin dir will always be included. "
"~n --il <include_dir dir> - Add this dir to the list of dirs that will be"
"~n searched for imported (compiled) MIB files."
"~n It assumes that the first element in the dir name"
"~n correspond to an OTP application. For example snmp/mibs/"
"~n The current workin dir and the <snmp-home>/priv/mibs "
"~n are always listed last the includ path. "
"~n --db <DB> - Database to used for the default instrumentation."
"~n Defaults to volatile."
"~n --deprecated - Keep deprecated definition(s)."
"~n If not specified the compiler will ignore"
"~n deprecated definitions."
"~n --description - The DESCRIPTION field will be included."
"~n --reference - The REFERENCE field will be included."
"~n --imports - The IMPORTS field will be included."
"~n --module_id - The MODULE-IDENTITY field will be included."
"~n --module <module> - The module which implements all the instrumentation"
"~n functions. "
"~n The name of the of all instrumentation functions"
"~n must be the same as the corresponding managed object"
"~n it implements."
"~n --no_defs - The default instrumentation functions will *not* be used"
"~n if a managed object have no instrumentation function. "
"~n Instead this will be reported as an error, and the "
"~n compilation aborts. "
"~n "
"~n", []),
e(Reason) ->
throw({error, Reason}).