%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2012. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
create/4, create/5, create/6, open/1, open/2,
change_size/2, close/1, sync/1, info/1,
log_to_txt/5, log_to_txt/6, log_to_txt/7,
log_to_io/4, log_to_io/5, log_to_io/6
upgrade/1, upgrade/2,
validate/1, validate/2
-define(SNMP_USE_V3, true).
-define(LOG_FORMAT, internal).
-define(LOG_TYPE, wrap).
-record(snmp_log, {id, seqno}).
%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Exported functions
%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
upgrade(Log) when is_record(Log, snmp_log) ->
upgrade(Log) ->
upgrade(Log, disabled).
upgrade(Log, _SeqNoGen) when is_record(Log, snmp_log) ->
upgrade(Log, {M, F, A} = SeqNoGen)
when (is_atom(M) andalso is_atom(F) andalso is_list(A)) ->
#snmp_log{id = Log, seqno = SeqNoGen};
upgrade(Log, SeqNoGen)
when is_function(SeqNoGen, 0) ->
#snmp_log{id = Log, seqno = SeqNoGen};
upgrade(Log, disabled = SeqNoGen) ->
#snmp_log{id = Log, seqno = SeqNoGen}.
downgrade(#snmp_log{id = Log}) ->
downgrade(Log) ->
%% -- create ---
create(Name, File, Size, Repair) ->
create(Name, File, disabled, Size, Repair, false).
create(Name, File, Size, Repair, Notify)
when (((Repair =:= true) orelse
(Repair =:= false) orelse
(Repair =:= truncate) orelse
(Repair =:= snmp_repair)) andalso
((Notify =:= true) orelse
(Notify =:= false))) ->
create(Name, File, disabled, Size, Repair, Notify);
create(Name, File, SeqNoGen, Size, Repair) ->
create(Name, File, SeqNoGen, Size, Repair, false).
create(Name, File, SeqNoGen, Size, Repair, Notify)
when (((Repair =:= true) orelse
(Repair =:= false) orelse
(Repair =:= truncate) orelse
(Repair =:= snmp_repair)) andalso
((Notify =:= true) orelse
(Notify =:= false))) ->
?vtrace("create -> entry with"
"~n Name: ~p"
"~n File: ~p"
"~n SeqNoGen: ~p"
"~n Size: ~p"
"~n Repair: ~p"
"~n Notify: ~p", [Name, File, SeqNoGen, Size, Repair, Notify]),
log_open(Name, File, SeqNoGen, Size, Repair, Notify);
create(Name, File, SeqNoGen, Size, Repair, Notify) ->
{error, {bad_args, Name, File, SeqNoGen, Size, Repair, Notify}}.
%% -- open ---
%% Open an already existing ( = open ) log
open(Name) ->
open(Name, #snmp_log{seqno = disabled}).
open(Name, #snmp_log{seqno = SeqNoGen} = _OldLog) ->
%% We include mode in the opts just to be on the safe side
case disk_log:open([{name, Name}, {mode, read_write}]) of
{ok, Log} ->
%% SeqNo must be proprly initiated also
{ok, #snmp_log{id = Log, seqno = SeqNoGen}};
{repaired, Log, _RecBytes, _BadBytes} ->
{ok, #snmp_log{id = Log, seqno = SeqNoGen}};
%% -- close ---
close(#snmp_log{id = Log}) ->
?vtrace("close -> entry with"
"~n Log: ~p", [Log]),
close(Log) ->
do_close(Log) ->
%% -- close ---
sync(#snmp_log{id = Log}) ->
sync(Log) ->
do_sync(Log) ->
?vtrace("sync -> entry with"
"~n Log: ~p", [Log]),
%% -- info ---
info(#snmp_log{id = Log}) ->
info(Log) ->
do_info(Log) ->
case disk_log:info(Log) of
Info when is_list(Info) ->
Items = [no_current_bytes, no_current_items,
current_file, no_overflows],
info_filter(Items, Info, []);
Else ->
info_filter([], _Info, Acc) ->
{ok, Acc};
info_filter([Item|Items], Info, Acc) ->
case lists:keysearch(Item, 1, Info) of
{value, New} ->
info_filter(Items, Info, [New|Acc]);
false ->
info_filter(Items, Info, Acc)
%% -- validate --
%% This function is used to "validate" a log.
%% At present this means making sure all entries
%% are in the proper order, and if sequence numbering
%% is used that no entries are missing.
%% It is intended to be used for testing.
validate(Log) ->
validate(Log, false).
validate(#snmp_log{id = Log}, SeqNoReq) ->
validate(Log, SeqNoReq);
validate(Log, SeqNoReq)
when ((SeqNoReq =:= true) orelse (SeqNoReq =:= false)) ->
Validator =
fun({Timestamp, SeqNo, _Packet, _Addr, _Port}, {PrevTS, PrevSN}) ->
?vtrace("validating log entry when"
"~n Timestamp: ~p"
"~n SeqNo: ~p"
"~n PrevTS: ~p"
"~n PrevSN: ~p",
[Timestamp, SeqNo, PrevTS, PrevSN]),
validate_timestamp(PrevTS, Timestamp),
validate_seqno(PrevSN, SeqNo),
{Timestamp, SeqNo};
({Timestamp, _Packet, _Addr, _Port}, {PrevTS, _PrevSN}) when SeqNoReq =:= true ->
?vtrace("validating log entry when"
"~n Timestamp: ~p"
"~n PrevTS: ~p",
[Timestamp, PrevTS]),
throw({error, {missing_seqno, Timestamp}});
({Timestamp, _Packet, _Addr, _Port}, {PrevTS, PrevSN}) ->
?vtrace("validating log entry when"
"~n Timestamp: ~p"
"~n PrevTS: ~p",
[Timestamp, PrevTS]),
validate_timestamp(PrevTS, Timestamp),
{Timestamp, PrevSN};
(E, Acc) ->
?vtrace("validating bad log entry when"
"~n E: ~p"
"~n Acc: ~p",
[E, Acc]),
throw({error, {bad_entry, E, Acc}})
validate_loop(disk_log:chunk(Log, start),
Log, Validator, first, first)
throw:Error ->
%% We shall check that TS2 >= TS1
validate_timestamp(first, _TS2) ->
validate_timestamp({LT1, UT1} = TS1, {LT2, UT2} = TS2) ->
LT1_Secs = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(LT1),
UT1_Secs = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(UT1),
LT2_Secs = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(LT2),
UT2_Secs = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(UT2),
case ((LT2_Secs >= LT1_Secs) andalso (UT2_Secs >= UT1_Secs)) of
true ->
false ->
throw({error, {invalid_timestamp, TS1, TS2}})
validate_timestamp(TS1, TS2) ->
throw({error, {bad_timestamp, TS1, TS2}}).
%% The usual case when SN2 = SN1 + 1
validate_seqno(first, SN2)
when is_integer(SN2) >= 1 ->
%% The usual case when SN2 = SN1 + 1
validate_seqno(SN1, SN2)
when is_integer(SN1) andalso is_integer(SN2) andalso
(SN2 =:= (SN1 + 1)) andalso (SN1 >= 1) ->
%% The case when we have a wrap
validate_seqno(SN1, SN2)
when is_integer(SN1) andalso is_integer(SN2) andalso
(SN2 < SN1) andalso (SN2 >= 1) ->
%% And everything else must be an error...
validate_seqno(SN1, SN2) ->
throw({error, {bad_seqno, SN1, SN2}}).
validate_loop(eof, _Log, _Validatior, _PrevTS, _PrevSN) ->
validate_loop({error, _} = Error, _Log, _Validator, _PrevTS, _PrevSN) ->
validate_loop({Cont, Terms}, Log, Validator, PrevTS, PrevSN) ->
?vtrace("validate_loop -> entry with"
"~n Terms: ~p"
"~n PrevTS: ~p"
"~n PrevSN: ~p", [Terms, PrevTS, PrevSN]),
{NextTS, NextSN} = lists:foldl(Validator, {PrevTS, PrevSN}, Terms),
?vtrace("validate_loop -> "
"~n NextTS: ~p"
"~n NextSN: ~p", [NextTS, NextSN]),
validate_loop(disk_log:chunk(Log, Cont), Log, Validator, NextTS, NextSN);
validate_loop({Cont, Terms, BadBytes}, Log, Validator, PrevTS, PrevSN) ->
?vtrace("validate_loop -> entry with"
"~n Terms: ~p"
"~n BadBytes: ~p"
"~n PrevTS: ~p"
"~n PrevSN: ~p", [Terms, BadBytes, PrevTS, PrevSN]),
error_logger:error_msg("Skipping ~w bytes while validating ~p~n~n",
[BadBytes, Log]),
{NextTS, NextSN} = lists:foldl(Validator, {PrevTS, PrevSN}, Terms),
?vtrace("validate_loop -> "
"~n NextTS: ~p"
"~n NextSN: ~p", [NextTS, NextSN]),
validate_loop(disk_log:chunk(Log, Cont), Log, Validator, NextTS, NextSN);
validate_loop(Error, _Log, _Write, _PrevTS, _PrevSN) ->
%% -- log ---
%% For efficiency reasons, we want to log the packet as a binary.
%% This is only possible for messages that are not encrypted.
%% Therefore, Packet can be either a binary (encoded message), or
%% a tuple {V3Hdr, ScopedPduBytes}
%% log(Log, Packet, Addr, Port)
log(#snmp_log{id = Log, seqno = SeqNo}, Packet, Addr, Port) ->
?vtrace("log -> entry with"
"~n Log: ~p"
"~n Addr: ~p"
"~n Port: ~p", [Log, Addr, Port]),
Entry = make_entry(SeqNo, Packet, Addr, Port),
%% io:format("log -> "
%% "~n Entry: ~p"
%% "~n Info: ~p"
%% "~n", [Entry, disk_log:info(Log)]),
Res = disk_log:alog(Log, Entry),
%% io:format("log -> "
%% "~n Res: ~p"
%% "~n Info: ~p"
%% "~n", [Res, disk_log:info(Log)]),
%% disk_log:sync(Log),
make_entry(SeqNoGen, Packet, Addr, Port) ->
try next_seqno(SeqNoGen) of
disabled ->
{timestamp(), Packet, Addr, Port};
{ok, NextSeqNo} ->
{timestamp(), NextSeqNo, Packet, Addr, Port}
_:_ ->
{timestamp(), Packet, Addr, Port}
next_seqno({M, F, A}) ->
{ok, apply(M, F, A)};
next_seqno(F) when is_function(F) ->
{ok, F()};
next_seqno(_) ->
%% -- change_size ---
change_size(#snmp_log{id = Log}, NewSize) ->
do_change_size(Log, NewSize);
change_size(Log, NewSize) ->
do_change_size(Log, NewSize).
do_change_size(Log, NewSize) ->
?vtrace("change_size -> entry with"
"~n Log: ~p"
"~n NewSize: ~p", [Log, NewSize]),
disk_log:change_size(Log, NewSize).
%% -- log_to_txt ---
log_to_txt(Log, FileName, Dir, Mibs, TextFile) ->
log_to_txt(Log, FileName, Dir, Mibs, TextFile, null, null).
log_to_txt(Log, FileName, Dir, Mibs, TextFile, Start) ->
log_to_txt(Log, FileName, Dir, Mibs, TextFile, Start, null).
log_to_txt(Log, FileName, Dir, Mibs, TextFile, Start, Stop)
when is_list(Mibs) andalso is_list(TextFile) ->
?vtrace("log_to_txt -> entry with"
"~n Log: ~p"
"~n FileName: ~p"
"~n Dir: ~p"
"~n Mibs: ~p"
"~n TextFile: ~p"
"~n Start: ~p"
"~n Stop: ~p",
[Log, FileName, Dir, Mibs, TextFile, Start, Stop]),
File = filename:join(Dir, FileName),
Converter = fun(L) ->
do_log_to_file(L, TextFile, Mibs, Start, Stop)
log_convert(Log, File, Converter).
%% -- log_to_io ---
log_to_io(Log, FileName, Dir, Mibs) ->
log_to_io(Log, FileName, Dir, Mibs, null, null).
log_to_io(Log, FileName, Dir, Mibs, Start) ->
log_to_io(Log, FileName, Dir, Mibs, Start, null).
log_to_io(Log, FileName, Dir, Mibs, Start, Stop)
when is_list(Mibs) ->
File = filename:join(Dir, FileName),
Converter = fun(L) ->
do_log_to_io(L, Mibs, Start, Stop)
log_convert(Log, File, Converter).
%% -- log_to_plain ---
%% log_to_plain(Log, FileName, Dir) ->
%% log_to_plain(Log, FileName, Dir, null, null).
%% log_to_plain(Log, FileName, Dir, Start) ->
%% log_to_plain(Log, FileName, Dir, Start, null).
%% log_to_plain(Log, FileName, Dir, Start, Stop)
%% when is_list(Mibs) ->
%% File = filename:join(Dir, FileName),
%% Converter = fun(L) ->
%% do_log_to_plain(L, Start, Stop)
%% end,
%% log_convert(Log, File, Converter).
%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Internal functions
%% --------------------------------------------------------------------
%% -- log_convert ---
log_convert(#snmp_log{id = Log}, File, Converter) ->
do_log_convert(Log, File, Converter);
log_convert(Log, File, Converter) ->
do_log_convert(Log, File, Converter).
do_log_convert(Log, File, Converter) ->
%% First check if the caller process has already opened the
%% log, because if we close an already open log we will cause
%% a runtime error.
case is_owner(Log) of
true ->
false ->
%% Not yet member of the ruling party, apply for membership...
%% If a log is opened as read_write it is not possible to
%% open it as read_only. So, to get around this we open
%% it under a different name...
Log2 = convert_name(Log),
case log_open(Log2, File) of
{ok, _} ->
Res = Converter(Log2),
{error, {name_already_open, _}} ->
{error, Reason} ->
{error, {Log, Reason}}
convert_name(Name) when is_list(Name) ->
Name ++ "_tmp";
convert_name(Name) when is_atom(Name) ->
list_to_atom(atom_to_list(Name) ++ "_tmp");
convert_name(Name) ->
lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~w_tmp", [Name])).
%% -- do_log_to_text ---
do_log_to_file(Log, TextFile, Mibs, Start, Stop) ->
case file:open(TextFile, [write]) of
{ok, Fd} ->
MiniMib = snmp_mini_mib:create(Mibs),
Write = fun(X) ->
case format_msg(X, MiniMib, Start, Stop) of
{ok, S} ->
io:format(Fd, "~s", [S]);
_ ->
Res = (catch loop(disk_log:chunk(Log, start), Log, Write)),
{error, Reason} ->
{error, {TextFile, Reason}}
do_log_to_io(Log, Mibs, Start, Stop) ->
MiniMib = snmp_mini_mib:create(Mibs),
Write = fun(X) ->
case format_msg(X, MiniMib, Start, Stop) of
{ok, S} ->
io:format("~s", [S]);
_ ->
(catch loop(disk_log:chunk(Log, start), Log, Write)),
loop(eof, _Log, _Write) ->
loop({error, _} = Error, _Log, _Write) ->
loop({Cont, Terms}, Log, Write) ->
case (catch lists:foreach(Write, Terms)) of
{'EXIT', Reason} ->
{error, Reason};
_ ->
loop(disk_log:chunk(Log, Cont), Log, Write)
loop({Cont, Terms, BadBytes}, Log, Write) ->
error_logger:error_msg("Skipping ~w bytes while converting ~p~n~n",
[BadBytes, Log]),
case (catch lists:foreach(Write, Terms)) of
{'EXIT', Reason} ->
{error, Reason};
_ ->
loop(disk_log:chunk(Log, Cont), Log, Write)
loop(Error, _Log, _Write) ->
format_msg(Entry, Mib, Start, Stop) ->
TimeStamp = element(1, Entry),
case timestamp_filter(TimeStamp, Start, Stop) of
true ->
do_format_msg(Entry, Mib);
false ->
%% This is an old-style entry, that never had the sequence-number
do_format_msg({Timestamp, Packet, {Addr, Port}}, Mib) ->
do_format_msg(Timestamp, Packet, Addr, Port, Mib);
%% This is the format without sequence-number
do_format_msg({Timestamp, Packet, Addr, Port}, Mib) ->
do_format_msg(Timestamp, Packet, Addr, Port, Mib);
%% This is the format with sequence-number
do_format_msg({Timestamp, SeqNo, Packet, Addr, Port}, Mib) ->
do_format_msg(Timestamp, SeqNo, Packet, Addr, Port, Mib);
%% This is crap...
do_format_msg(_, _) ->
format_tab("** unknown entry in log file\n\n", []).
do_format_msg(TimeStamp, {V3Hdr, ScopedPdu}, Addr, Port, Mib) ->
case (catch snmp_pdus:dec_scoped_pdu(ScopedPdu)) of
ScopedPDU when is_record(ScopedPDU, scopedPdu) ->
Msg = #message{version = 'version-3',
vsn_hdr = V3Hdr,
data = ScopedPDU},
f(ts2str(TimeStamp), "", Msg, Addr, Port, Mib);
{'EXIT', Reason} ->
format_tab("** error in log file at ~s from ~p:~w ~p\n\n",
[ts2str(TimeStamp), ip(Addr), Port, Reason])
do_format_msg(TimeStamp, Packet, Addr, Port, Mib) ->
case (catch snmp_pdus:dec_message(binary_to_list(Packet))) of
Msg when is_record(Msg, message) ->
f(ts2str(TimeStamp), "", Msg, Addr, Port, Mib);
{'EXIT', Reason} ->
format_tab("** error in log file ~p\n\n", [Reason])
do_format_msg(TimeStamp, SeqNo, {V3Hdr, ScopedPdu}, Addr, Port, Mib) ->
case (catch snmp_pdus:dec_scoped_pdu(ScopedPdu)) of
ScopedPDU when is_record(ScopedPDU, scopedPdu) ->
Msg = #message{version = 'version-3',
vsn_hdr = V3Hdr,
data = ScopedPDU},
f(ts2str(TimeStamp), sn2str(SeqNo), Msg, Addr, Port, Mib);
{'EXIT', Reason} ->
format_tab("** error in log file at ~s from ~p:~w ~p\n\n",
[ts2str(TimeStamp), sn2str(SeqNo),
ip(Addr), Port, Reason])
do_format_msg(TimeStamp, SeqNo, Packet, Addr, Port, Mib) ->
case (catch snmp_pdus:dec_message(binary_to_list(Packet))) of
Msg when is_record(Msg, message) ->
f(ts2str(TimeStamp), sn2str(SeqNo), Msg, Addr, Port, Mib);
{'EXIT', Reason} ->
format_tab("** error in log file ~s from ~p:~w ~p\n\n",
[ts2str(TimeStamp), sn2str(SeqNo),
ip(Addr), Port, Reason])
%% format_msg({TimeStamp, {V3Hdr, ScopedPdu}, {Addr, Port}},
%% Mib, Start, Stop) ->
%% format_msg({TimeStamp, {V3Hdr, ScopedPdu}, Addr, Port},
%% Mib, Start, Stop);
%% format_msg({TimeStamp, {V3Hdr, ScopedPdu}, Addr, Port},
%% Mib, Start, Stop) ->
%% case timestamp_filter(TimeStamp, Start, Stop) of
%% true ->
%% case (catch snmp_pdus:dec_scoped_pdu(ScopedPdu)) of
%% ScopedPDU when record(ScopedPDU, scopedPdu) ->
%% Msg = #message{version = 'version-3',
%% vsn_hdr = V3Hdr,
%% data = ScopedPDU},
%% f(ts2str(TimeStamp), Msg, Addr, Port, Mib);
%% {'EXIT', Reason} ->
%% format_tab("** error in log file at ~s from ~p:~w ~p\n\n",
%% [ts2str(TimeStamp), ip(Addr), Port, Reason])
%% end;
%% false ->
%% ignore
%% end;
%% format_msg({TimeStamp, Packet, {Addr, Port}}, Mib, Start, Stop) ->
%% format_msg({TimeStamp, Packet, Addr, Port}, Mib, Start, Stop);
%% format_msg({TimeStamp, Packet, Addr, Port}, Mib, Start, Stop) ->
%% case timestamp_filter(TimeStamp, Start, Stop) of
%% true ->
%% case (catch snmp_pdus:dec_message(binary_to_list(Packet))) of
%% Msg when record(Msg, message) ->
%% f(ts2str(TimeStamp), Msg, Addr, Port, Mib);
%% {'EXIT', Reason} ->
%% format_tab("** error in log file ~p\n\n", [Reason])
%% end;
%% false ->
%% ignore
%% end;
%% format_msg(_, _Mib, _Start, _Stop) ->
%% format_tab("** unknown entry in log file\n\n", []).
f(TimeStamp, SeqNo,
#message{version = Vsn, vsn_hdr = VsnHdr, data = Data},
Addr, Port, Mib) ->
Str = format_pdu(Data, Mib),
HdrStr = format_header(Vsn, VsnHdr),
case get_type(Data) of
trappdu ->
f_trap(TimeStamp, SeqNo, Vsn, HdrStr, Str, Addr, Port);
'snmpv2-trap' ->
f_trap(TimeStamp, SeqNo, Vsn, HdrStr, Str, Addr, Port);
'inform-request' ->
f_inform(TimeStamp, SeqNo, Vsn, HdrStr, Str, Addr, Port);
'get-response' ->
f_response(TimeStamp, SeqNo, Vsn, HdrStr, Str, Addr, Port);
report ->
f_report(TimeStamp, SeqNo, Vsn, HdrStr, Str, Addr, Port);
_ ->
f_request(TimeStamp, SeqNo, Vsn, HdrStr, Str, Addr, Port)
f_request(TimeStamp, SeqNo, Vsn, HdrStr, Str, Addr, Port) ->
format_tab("request ~s:~w - ~s [~s]~s ~w\n~s",
[ip(Addr), Port, HdrStr, TimeStamp, SeqNo, Vsn, Str]).
f_response(TimeStamp, SeqNo, Vsn, HdrStr, Str, Addr, Port) ->
format_tab("response ~s:~w - ~s [~s]~s ~w\n~s",
[ip(Addr), Port, HdrStr, TimeStamp, SeqNo, Vsn, Str]).
f_report(TimeStamp, SeqNo, Vsn, HdrStr, Str, Addr, Port) ->
format_tab("report ~s:~w - ~s [~s]~s ~w\n~s",
[ip(Addr), Port, HdrStr, TimeStamp, SeqNo, Vsn, Str]).
f_trap(TimeStamp, SeqNo, Vsn, HdrStr, Str, Addr, Port) ->
format_tab("trap ~s:~w - ~s [~s]~s ~w\n~s",
[ip(Addr), Port, HdrStr, TimeStamp, SeqNo, Vsn, Str]).
f_inform(TimeStamp, SeqNo, Vsn, HdrStr, Str, Addr, Port) ->
format_tab("inform ~s:~w - ~s [~s]~s ~w\n~s",
[ip(Addr), Port, HdrStr, TimeStamp, SeqNo, Vsn, Str]).
%% Convert a timestamp 2-tupple to a printable string
ts2str({Local,Universal}) ->
dat2str(Local) ++ " , " ++ dat2str(Universal);
ts2str(_) ->
%% Convert a sequence number integer to a printable string
sn2str(SeqNo) when is_integer(SeqNo) ->
" [" ++ integer_to_list(SeqNo) ++ "]";
sn2str(_) ->
%% Convert a datetime 2-tupple to a printable string
dat2str({{Y,M,D},{H,Min,S}}) ->
timestamp_filter({Local,Universal},Start,Stop) ->
tsf_ge(Local,Universal,Start) and tsf_le(Local,Universal,Stop);
timestamp_filter(_,_Start,_Stop) ->
tsf_ge(_Local,_Universal,null) ->
tsf_ge(Local,_Universal,{local_time,DateTime}) ->
tsf_ge(_Local,Universal,{universal_time,DateTime}) ->
tsf_ge(Local,_Universal,DateTime) ->
tsf_ge(TimeStamp, DateTime) ->
T1 = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(TimeStamp),
T2 = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(DateTime),
T1 >= T2.
tsf_le(_Local, _Universal, null) ->
tsf_le(Local, _Universal, {local_time, DateTime}) ->
tsf_le(Local, DateTime);
tsf_le(_Local, Universal, {universal_time, DateTime}) ->
tsf_le(Universal, DateTime);
tsf_le(Local, _Universal, DateTime) ->
tsf_le(TimeStamp, DateTime) ->
T1 = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(TimeStamp),
T2 = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(DateTime),
T1 =< T2.
%% In the output replace TAB by ESC TAB, and add a single trailing TAB.
format_tab(Format, Args) ->
Str = lists:flatten(io_lib:format(Format, Args)),
DStr = lists:map(fun($\t) -> "\e\t"; (C) -> C end, Str),
{ok, io_lib:format("~s\t", [DStr])}.
format_header('version-1', CommunityStr) ->
format_header('version-2', CommunityStr) ->
format_header('version-3', #v3_hdr{msgFlags = MsgFlags,
msgSecurityModel = SecModel,
msgSecurityParameters = SecParams}) ->
SecLevel = snmp_misc:get_sec_level(MsgFlags),
case SecModel of
case catch snmp_pdus:dec_usm_security_parameters(SecParams) of
#usmSecurityParameters{msgAuthoritativeEngineID = AuthEngineID,
msgUserName = UserName} ->
[SecLevel, AuthEngineID, UserName]);
_ ->
_ ->
"\"unknown security model\""
format_pdu(#scopedPdu{contextName = Context, data = Pdu}, Mib) ->
io_lib:format("Context: \"~s\"\n~s",
[Context, snmp_misc:format_pdu(Pdu, Mib)]);
format_pdu(Pdu, Mib) ->
snmp_misc:format_pdu(Pdu, Mib).
get_type(#scopedPdu{data = Pdu}) ->
get_type(Pdu) when is_record(Pdu, trappdu) ->
get_type(#pdu{type = Type}) ->
ip({A,B,C,D}) ->
io_lib:format("~w.~w.~w.~w", [A,B,C,D]).
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Various utility functions
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------
log_open(Name, File, {M, F, A} = SeqNoGen, Size, Repair, Notify)
when (is_atom(M) andalso is_atom(F) andalso is_list(A)) ->
log_open2(Name, File, SeqNoGen, Size, Repair, Notify);
log_open(Name, File, SeqNoGen, Size, Repair, Notify)
when is_function(SeqNoGen, 0) ->
log_open2(Name, File, SeqNoGen, Size, Repair, Notify);
log_open(Name, File, disabled = SeqNoGen, Size, Repair, Notify) ->
log_open2(Name, File, SeqNoGen, Size, Repair, Notify);
log_open(_, _File, BadSeqNoGen, _Size, _Repair, _Notify) ->
{error, {bad_seqno, BadSeqNoGen}}.
log_open2(Name, File, SeqNoGen, Size, Repair, Notify) ->
case do_log_open(Name, File, Size, Repair, Notify) of
{ok, Log} ->
{ok, #snmp_log{id = Log, seqno = SeqNoGen}};
{repaired, Log, Rec, Bad} ->
?vlog("log_open -> repaired: "
"~n Rec: ~p"
"~n Bad: ~p", [Rec, Bad]),
{ok, #snmp_log{id = Log, seqno = SeqNoGen}};
Error ->
%% We need to make sure we do not end up in an infinit loop
%% Take the number of files of the wrap log and add 2 (for
%% the index and size files).
do_log_open(Name, File, {_, N} = Size, snmp_repair = _Repair, Notify) ->
do_snmp_log_open(Name, File, Size, N+2, Notify);
do_log_open(Name, File, Size, snmp_repair = _Repair, Notify) ->
do_snmp_log_open(Name, File, Size, 1, Notify);
do_log_open(Name, File, Size, Repair, Notify) ->
do_std_log_open(Name, File, Size, Repair, Notify).
do_snmp_log_open(Name, File, Size, N, Notify) when N =< 0 ->
do_std_log_open(Name, File, Size, true, Notify);
do_snmp_log_open(Name, File, Size, N, Notify) ->
case do_std_log_open(Name, File, Size, true, Notify) of
{error, {not_a_log_file, XFile}} ->
case file:rename(XFile, lists:append([XFile, ".MOVED"])) of
ok ->
?vinfo("Failed open log file (even with repair) - "
"not a logfile:"
"~n Attempting to move file aside (.MOVED)"
"~n ~s", [XFile]),
do_snmp_log_open(Name, File, Size, N-1, Notify);
Error ->
{error, {rename_failed, Error}}
{error, Reason} ->
?vinfo("Failed open log file (even with repair) - "
"~n Attempting to move old log file aside (.MOVED)"
"~n~p", [Reason]),
do_std_log_open(Name, File, Size, true, Notify);
Else ->
%% First try to open the log without the size-spec. This will
%% succeed if the log has already been created. In that case,
%% we'll use whatever size the log had at the time it was closed.
do_std_log_open(Name, File, Size, Repair, Notify) ->
Opts = [{name, Name},
{file, File},
{type, ?LOG_TYPE},
{format, ?LOG_FORMAT},
{mode, read_write},
{notify, Notify},
{repair, Repair}],
case disk_log:open(Opts) of
{error, {badarg, size}} ->
%% The log didn't exist, try with the size-spec
disk_log:open([{size, Size} | Opts]);
Else ->
log_open(Name, File) ->
Opts = [{name, Name},
{file, File},
{type, ?LOG_TYPE},
{format, ?LOG_FORMAT},
{mode, read_only}],
case disk_log:open(Opts) of
{error, {badarg, size}} ->
{error, no_such_log};
Else ->
move_log(File) ->
Dir = filename:dirname(File),
FileName = filename:basename(File),
case file:list_dir(Dir) of
{ok, Files0} ->
Files = [F || F <- Files0, lists:prefix(FileName, F)],
F = fun(XFile) ->
file:rename(XFile, lists:append([XFile, ".MOVED"]))
lists:foreach(F, Files);
_ ->
is_owner(Log) ->
lists:member(self(), log_owners(Log)).
log_owners(Log) ->
Info = log_info(Log),
case lists:keysearch(owners, 1, Info) of
{value, {_, Pids}} ->
[P || {P, _} <- Pids];
_ ->
log_info(Log) ->
case disk_log:info(Log) of
Info when is_list(Info) ->
_ ->
timestamp() ->
{calendar:local_time(), calendar:universal_time()}.