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<holder>Ericsson AB. All Rights Reserved.</holder>
The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
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<prepared>Ingela Anderton Andin</prepared>
<responsible>Håkan Mattsson</responsible>
<approved>Håkan Mattsson</approved>
<modulesummary>Main API of the SSH application</modulesummary>
<p>Interface module for the SSH application</p>
<title>COMMON DATA TYPES </title>
<p>Type definitions that are used more than once in
this module:</p>
<p><c>boolean() = true | false </c></p>
<p><c>string() = list of ASCII characters</c></p>
<p><c>ssh_daemon_ref() - opaque to the user
returned by ssh:daemon/[1,2,3]</c></p>
<p><c>ssh_connection_ref() - opaque to the user
returned by ssh:connect/3</c></p>
<p><c>ip_address() - {N1,N2,N3,N4} % IPv4 |
{K1,K2,K3,K4,K5,K6,K7,K8} % IPv6</c></p>
<p><c>subsystem_spec() = {subsystem_name(), {channel_callback(), channel_init_args()}} </c></p>
<p><c>subsystem_name() = string() </c></p>
<p><c>channel_callback() = atom() - Name of the erlang module
implementing the subsystem using the ssh_channel behavior see</c>
<seealso marker="ssh_channel">ssh_channel(3)</seealso></p>
<p><c>channel_init_args() = list()</c></p>
<name>close(ConnectionRef) -> ok </name>
<fsummary>Closes a ssh connection</fsummary>
<v>ConnectionRef = ssh_connection_ref()</v>
<desc><p>Closes a ssh connection.</p>
<name>connect(Host, Port, Options) -> </name>
<name>connect(Host, Port, Options, Timeout) -> {ok, ssh_connection_ref()}
| {error, Reason}</name>
<fsummary>Connect to an ssh server.</fsummary>
<v>Host = string()</v>
<v>Port = integer()</v>
<d>The default is <c><![CDATA[22]]></c>, the registered port for SSH.</d>
<v>Options = [{Option, Value}]</v>
<v>Timeout = infinity | integer(milliseconds)</v>
<p>Connects to an SSH server. No channel is started this is done
by calling ssh_connect:session_channel/2.</p>
<p>Options are:</p>
<tag><c><![CDATA[{user_dir, string()}]]></c></tag>
<p>Sets the user directory e.i. the directory containing
ssh configuration files for the user such as
<c><![CDATA[known_hosts]]></c>, <c><![CDATA[id_rsa, id_dsa]]></c> and
<c><![CDATA[authorized_key]]></c>. Defaults to the directory normally
referred to as <c><![CDATA[~/.ssh]]></c> </p>
<tag><c><![CDATA[{dsa_pass_phrase, string()}]]></c></tag>
<p>If the user dsa key is protected by a pass phrase it can be
supplied with this option.
<tag><c><![CDATA[{rsa_pass_phrase, string()}]]></c></tag>
<p>If the user rsa key is protected by a pass phrase it can be
supplied with this option.
<tag><c><![CDATA[{silently_accept_hosts, boolean()}]]></c></tag>
<p>When true hosts are added to the
file <c><![CDATA[known_hosts]]></c> without asking the user.
Defaults to false.
<tag><c><![CDATA[{user_interaction, boolean()}]]></c></tag>
<p>If false disables the client to connect to the server
if any user interaction is needed such as accepting that
the server will be added to the <c>known_hosts</c> file or
supplying a password. Defaults to true.
Even if user interaction is allowed it can be
suppressed by other options such as silently_accept_hosts and
password. Do note that it may not always be desirable to use
those options from a security point of view.</p>
<tag><c><![CDATA[{public_key_alg, ssh_rsa | ssh_dsa}]]></c></tag>
<p>Sets the preferred public key algorithm to use for user
authentication. If the the preferred algorithm fails of
some reason, the other algorithm is tried. The default is
to try <c><![CDATA[ssh_rsa]]></c> first.</p>
<tag><c><![CDATA[{connect_timeout, timeout()}]]></c></tag>
<p>Sets a timeout on the transport layer connection. Defaults to infinity.</p>
<tag><c><![CDATA[{user, String}]]></c></tag>
<p>Provide a user name. If this option is not given, ssh
reads from the environment (<c><![CDATA[LOGNAME]]></c> or
<c><![CDATA[USER]]></c> on unix,
<c><![CDATA[USERNAME]]></c> on Windows).</p>
<tag><c><![CDATA[{password, string()}]]></c></tag>
<p>Provide a password for password authentication. If
this option is not given, the user will be asked for a
password if the password authentication method is
<tag><c><![CDATA[{user_auth, Fun/3}]]></c></tag>
<p>Provide a fun for password authentication. The fun
will be called as <c><![CDATA[fun(User, Password, Opts)]]></c> and
should return <c><![CDATA[true]]></c> or <c><![CDATA[false]]></c>.</p>
<tag><c><![CDATA[{key_cb, atom() = KeyCallbackModule}]]></c></tag>
<p>Provide a special call-back module for key handling.
The call-back module should be modeled after the
<c><![CDATA[ssh_file]]></c> module. The functions that must
be exported are:
<c><![CDATA[lookup_host_key/3]]></c> and
<c><![CDATA[add_host_key/3]]></c>. This is considered
somewhat experimental and will be better documented later on.</p>
<tag><c><![CDATA[{fd, file_descriptor()}]]></c></tag>
<p>Allow an existing file-descriptor to be used
(simply passed on to the transport protocol).</p></item>
<tag><c><![CDATA[{ip_v6_disabled, boolean()}]]></c></tag>
<p>Determines if SSH shall use IPv6 or not.</p></item>
<name>connection_info(ConnectionRef, [Option]) ->[{Option, Value}] </name>
<fsummary> Retrieves information about a connection. </fsummary>
<v>Option = client_version | server_version | peer</v>
<v>Value = term() </v>
<p> Retrieves information about a connection.
<name>daemon(Port) -> </name>
<name>daemon(Port, Options) -> </name>
<name>daemon(HostAddress, Port, Options) -> ssh_daemon_ref()</name>
<fsummary>Starts a server listening for SSH connections
on the given port.</fsummary>
<v>Port = integer()</v>
<v>HostAddress = ip_address() | any</v>
<v>Options = [{Option, Value}]</v>
<v>Option = atom()</v>
<v>Value = term()</v>
<p>Starts a server listening for SSH connections on the given port.</p>
<p>Options are:</p>
<tag><c><![CDATA[{subsystems, [subsystem_spec()]]]></c></tag>
Provides specifications for handling of subsystems. The
"sftp" subsystem-spec can be retrieved by calling
ssh_sftpd:subsystem_spec/1. If the subsystems option in not present
the value of <c>[ssh_sftpd:subsystem_spec([])]</c> will be used.
It is of course possible to set the option to the empty list
if you do not want the daemon to run any subsystems at all.
<tag><c><![CDATA[{shell, {Module, Function, Args} | fun(string() = User) - > pid() |
fun(string() = User, ip_address() = PeerAddr) -> pid()}]]></c></tag>
Defines the read-eval-print loop used when a shell is requested
by the client. Example use the
erlang shell: <c><![CDATA[{shell, start, []}]]></c> which is
the default behavior.
<tag><c><![CDATA[{ssh_cli,{channel_callback(), channel_init_args()}}]]></c></tag>
Provide your own cli implementation, e.i. a channel callback
module that implements a shell and command execution. Note
that you may customize the shell read-eval-print loop using the
option <c>shell</c> which is much less work than implementing
your own cli channel.
<tag><c><![CDATA[{system_dir, string()}]]></c></tag>
<p>Sets the system directory, containing the host files
that identifies the host for ssh. The default is
<c><![CDATA[/etc/ssh]]></c>, note that SSH normally
requires the host files there to be readable only by
<tag><c><![CDATA[{user_passwords, [{string() = User, string() = Password}]}]]></c></tag>
<p>Provide passwords for password authentication.They will
be used when someone tries to connect to the server and
public key user authentication fails. The option provides
a list of valid user names and the corresponding password.
<tag><c><![CDATA[{password, string()}]]></c></tag>
<p>Provide a global password that will authenticate any
user. From a security perspective this option makes
the server very vulnerable.</p>
<tag><c><![CDATA[{pwdfun, fun/2}]]></c></tag>
<p>Provide a function for password validation. This is called
with user and password as strings, and should return
<c><![CDATA[true]]></c> if the password is valid and
<c><![CDATA[false]]></c> otherwise.</p>
<tag><c><![CDATA[{fd, file_descriptor()}]]></c></tag>
<p>Allow an existing file-descriptor to be used
(simply passed on to the transport protocol).</p></item>
<tag><c><![CDATA[{ip_v6_disabled, boolean()}]]></c></tag>
<p>Determines if SSH shall use IPv6 or not (only used when
HostAddress is set to any).</p></item>
<name>shell(Host) -> </name>
<name>shell(Host, Option) -> </name>
<name>shell(Host, Port, Option) -> _</name>
<fsummary> </fsummary>
<v> Host = string()</v>
<v> Port = integer()</v>
<v> Options - see ssh:connect/3</v>
<p>Starts an interactive shell to an SSH server on the
given <c>Host</c>. The function waits for user input,
and will not return until the remote shell is ended (e.g. on
exit from the shell).
<name>start() -> </name>
<name>start(Type) -> ok | {error, Reason}</name>
<fsummary>Starts the Ssh application. </fsummary>
<v>Type = permanent | transient | temporary</v>
<v>Reason = term() </v>
<p>Starts the Ssh application. Default type
is temporary. See also
<seealso marker="kernel:application">application(3)</seealso>
Requires that the crypto application has been started.
<name>stop() -> ok </name>
<fsummary>Stops the Ssh application.</fsummary>
<p>Stops the Ssh application. See also
<seealso marker="kernel:application">application(3)</seealso></p>
<name>stop_daemon(DaemonRef) -> </name>
<name>stop_daemon(Address, Port) -> ok </name>
<fsummary>Stops the listener and all connections started by
the listener.</fsummary>
<v>DaemonRef = ssh_daemon_ref()</v>
<v>Address = ip_address()</v>
<v>Port = integer()</v>
<p>Stops the listener and all connections started by
the listener.</p>
<name>stop_listener(DaemonRef) -> </name>
<name>stop_listener(Address, Port) -> ok </name>
<fsummary>Stops the listener, but leaves existing connections started
by the listener up and running.</fsummary>
<v>DaemonRef = ssh_daemon_ref()</v>
<v>Address = ip_address()</v>
<v>Port = integer()</v>
<p>Stops the listener, but leaves existing connections started
by the listener up and running.</p>