%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2004-2012. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
-export([start/0, start/1, stop/0, connect/3, connect/4, close/1, connection_info/2,
daemon/1, daemon/2, daemon/3,
stop_listener/1, stop_listener/2, stop_daemon/1, stop_daemon/2,
shell/1, shell/2, shell/3]).
-deprecated({sign_data, 2, next_major_release}).
-deprecated({verify_data, 3, next_major_release}).
-export([sign_data/2, verify_data/3]).
%% Function: start([, Type]) -> ok
%% Type = permanent | transient | temporary
%% Description: Starts the inets application. Default type
%% is temporary. see application(3)
start() ->
start(Type) ->
application:start(ssh, Type).
%% Function: stop() -> ok
%% Description: Stops the inets application.
stop() ->
%% Function: connect(Host, Port, Options) ->
%% connect(Host, Port, Options, Timeout -> ConnectionRef | {error, Reason}
%% Host - string()
%% Port - integer()
%% Options - [{Option, Value}]
%% Timeout - infinity | integer().
%% Description: Starts an ssh connection.
connect(Host, Port, Options) ->
connect(Host, Port, Options, infinity).
connect(Host, Port, Options, Timeout) ->
{SocketOpts, Opts} = handle_options(Options),
DisableIpv6 = proplists:get_value(ip_v6_disabled, Opts, false),
Inet = inetopt(DisableIpv6),
try sshc_sup:start_child([[{address, Host}, {port, Port},
{role, client},
{channel_pid, self()},
{socket_opts, [Inet | SocketOpts]},
{ssh_opts, [{host, Host}| Opts]}]]) of
{ok, ConnectionSup} ->
{ok, Manager} =
MRef = erlang:monitor(process, Manager),
{Manager, is_connected} ->
do_demonitor(MRef, Manager),
{ok, Manager};
%% When the connection fails
%% ssh_connection_sup:connection_manager
%% might return undefined as the connection manager
%% could allready have terminated, so we will not
%% match the Manager in this case
{_, not_connected, {error, Reason}} ->
do_demonitor(MRef, Manager),
{error, Reason};
{_, not_connected, Other} ->
do_demonitor(MRef, Manager),
{error, Other};
{'DOWN', MRef, _, Manager, Reason} when is_pid(Manager) ->
error_logger:warning_report([{ssh, connect},
"Connection was closed before properly set up."},
{host, Host},
{port, Port},
{reason, Reason}]),
receive %% Clear EXIT message from queue
{'EXIT', Manager, _What} ->
{error, channel_closed}
after 0 ->
{error, channel_closed}
after Timeout ->
do_demonitor(MRef, Manager),
{error, timeout}
exit:{noproc, _} ->
{error, ssh_not_started}
do_demonitor(MRef, Manager) ->
{'DOWN', MRef, _, Manager, _} ->
after 0 ->
%% Function: close(ConnectionRef) -> ok
%% Description: Closes an ssh connection.
close(ConnectionRef) ->
%% Function: connection_info(ConnectionRef) -> [{Option, Value}]
%% Description: Retrieves information about a connection.
connection_info(ConnectionRef, Options) ->
ssh_connection_manager:connection_info(ConnectionRef, Options).
%% Function: channel_info(ConnectionRef) -> [{Option, Value}]
%% Description: Retrieves information about a connection.
channel_info(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, Options) ->
ssh_connection_manager:channel_info(ConnectionRef, ChannelId, Options).
%% Function: daemon(Port) ->
%% daemon(Port, Options) ->
%% daemon(Address, Port, Options) -> SshSystemRef
%% Description: Starts a server listening for SSH connections
%% on the given port.
daemon(Port) ->
daemon(Port, []).
daemon(Port, Options) ->
daemon(any, Port, Options).
daemon(HostAddr, Port, Options0) ->
Options1 = case proplists:get_value(shell, Options0) of
undefined ->
[{shell, {shell, start, []}} | Options0];
_ ->
DisableIpv6 = proplists:get_value(ip_v6_disabled, Options0, false),
{Host, Inet, Options} = case HostAddr of
any ->
{ok, Host0} = inet:gethostname(),
{Host0, inetopt(DisableIpv6), Options1};
{_,_,_,_} ->
{HostAddr, inet,
[{ip, HostAddr} | Options1]};
{_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_} ->
{HostAddr, inet6,
[{ip, HostAddr} | Options1]}
start_daemon(Host, Port, [{role, server} | Options], Inet).
%% Function: stop_listener(SysRef) -> ok
%% stop_listener(Address, Port) -> ok
%% Description: Stops the listener, but leaves
%% existing connections started by the listener up and running.
stop_listener(SysSup) ->
stop_listener(Address, Port) ->
ssh_system_sup:stop_listener(Address, Port).
%% Function: stop_daemon(SysRef) -> ok
%%% stop_daemon(Address, Port) -> ok
%% Description: Stops the listener and all connections started by
%% the listener.
stop_daemon(SysSup) ->
stop_daemon(Address, Port) ->
ssh_system_sup:stop_system(Address, Port).
%% Function: shell(Host [,Port,Options]) -> {ok, ConnectionRef} |
%% {error, Reason}
%% Host = string()
%% Port = integer()
%% Options = [{Option, Value}]
%% Description: Starts an interactive shell to an SSH server on the
%% given <Host>. The function waits for user input,
%% and will not return until the remote shell is ended.(e.g. on
%% exit from the shell)
shell(Host) ->
shell(Host, ?SSH_DEFAULT_PORT, []).
shell(Host, Options) ->
shell(Host, ?SSH_DEFAULT_PORT, Options).
shell(Host, Port, Options) ->
case connect(Host, Port, Options) of
{ok, ConnectionRef} ->
case ssh_connection:session_channel(ConnectionRef, infinity) of
{ok,ChannelId} ->
Args = [{channel_cb, ssh_shell},
{init_args,[ConnectionRef, ChannelId]},
{cm, ConnectionRef}, {channel_id, ChannelId}],
{ok, State} = ssh_channel:init([Args]),
Error ->
Error ->
%%% Internal functions
start_daemon(Host, Port, Options, Inet) ->
{SocketOpts, Opts} = handle_options(Options),
case ssh_system_sup:system_supervisor(Host, Port) of
undefined ->
%% TODO: It would proably make more sense to call the
%% address option host but that is a too big change at the
%% monent. The name is a legacy name!
try sshd_sup:start_child([{address, Host},
{port, Port}, {role, server},
{socket_opts, [Inet | SocketOpts]},
{ssh_opts, Opts}]) of
{ok, SysSup} ->
{ok, SysSup};
{error, {already_started, _}} ->
{error, eaddrinuse}
exit:{noproc, _} ->
{error, ssh_not_started}
Sup ->
case ssh_system_sup:restart_acceptor(Host, Port) of
{ok, _} ->
{ok, Sup};
_ ->
{error, eaddrinuse}
handle_options(Opts) ->
handle_options(proplists:unfold(Opts), [], []).
handle_options([], SockOpts, Opts) ->
{SockOpts, Opts};
%% TODO: Could do some type checks here on plain ssh-opts
handle_options([{system_dir, _} = Opt | Rest], SockOpts, Opts) ->
handle_options(Rest, SockOpts, [Opt | Opts]);
handle_options([{user_dir, _} = Opt | Rest], SockOpts, Opts) ->
handle_options(Rest, SockOpts, [Opt | Opts]);
handle_options([{user_dir_fun, _} = Opt | Rest], SockOpts, Opts) ->
handle_options(Rest, SockOpts, [Opt | Opts]);
handle_options([{silently_accept_hosts, _} = Opt | Rest], SockOpts, Opts) ->
handle_options(Rest, SockOpts, [Opt | Opts]);
handle_options([{user_interaction, _} = Opt | Rest], SockOpts, Opts) ->
handle_options(Rest, SockOpts, [Opt | Opts]);
handle_options([{public_key_alg, _} = Opt | Rest], SockOpts, Opts) ->
handle_options(Rest, SockOpts, [Opt | Opts]);
handle_options([{connect_timeout, _} = Opt | Rest], SockOpts, Opts) ->
handle_options(Rest, SockOpts, [Opt | Opts]);
handle_options([{user, _} = Opt | Rest], SockOpts, Opts) ->
handle_options(Rest, SockOpts, [Opt | Opts]);
handle_options([{password, _} = Opt | Rest], SockOpts, Opts) ->
handle_options(Rest, SockOpts, [Opt | Opts]);
handle_options([{user_passwords, _} = Opt | Rest], SockOpts, Opts) ->
handle_options(Rest, SockOpts, [Opt | Opts]);
handle_options([{pwdfun, _} = Opt | Rest], SockOpts, Opts) ->
handle_options(Rest, SockOpts, [Opt | Opts]);
handle_options([{user_auth, _} = Opt | Rest], SockOpts, Opts) ->
handle_options(Rest, SockOpts, [Opt | Opts]);
handle_options([{key_cb, _} = Opt | Rest], SockOpts, Opts) ->
handle_options(Rest, SockOpts, [Opt | Opts]);
handle_options([{role, _} = Opt | Rest], SockOpts, Opts) ->
handle_options(Rest, SockOpts, [Opt | Opts]);
handle_options([{channel, _} = Opt | Rest], SockOpts, Opts) ->
handle_options(Rest, SockOpts, [Opt | Opts]);
handle_options([{compression, _} = Opt | Rest], SockOpts, Opts) ->
handle_options(Rest, SockOpts, [Opt | Opts]);
handle_options([{allow_user_interaction, _} = Opt | Rest], SockOpts, Opts) ->
handle_options(Rest, SockOpts, [Opt | Opts]);
handle_options([{infofun, _} = Opt | Rest], SockOpts, Opts) ->
handle_options(Rest, SockOpts, [Opt | Opts]);
handle_options([{connectfun, _} = Opt | Rest], SockOpts, Opts) ->
handle_options(Rest, SockOpts, [Opt | Opts]);
handle_options([{disconnectfun , _} = Opt | Rest], SockOpts, Opts) ->
handle_options(Rest, SockOpts, [Opt | Opts]);
handle_options([{failfun, _} = Opt | Rest], SockOpts, Opts) ->
handle_options(Rest, SockOpts, [Opt | Opts]);
handle_options([{ip_v6_disabled, _} = Opt | Rest], SockOpts, Opts) ->
handle_options(Rest, SockOpts, [Opt | Opts]);
handle_options([{ip, _} = Opt | Rest], SockOpts, Opts) ->
handle_options(Rest, [Opt |SockOpts], Opts);
handle_options([{ifaddr, _} = Opt | Rest], SockOpts, Opts) ->
handle_options(Rest, [Opt |SockOpts], Opts);
handle_options([{fd, _} = Opt | Rest], SockOpts, Opts) ->
handle_options(Rest, [Opt | SockOpts], Opts);
handle_options([{nodelay, _} = Opt | Rest], SockOpts, Opts) ->
handle_options(Rest, [Opt | SockOpts], Opts);
handle_options([Opt | Rest], SockOpts, Opts) ->
handle_options(Rest, SockOpts, [Opt | Opts]).
%% Has IPv6 been disabled?
inetopt(true) ->
inetopt(false) ->
case gen_tcp:listen(0, [inet6, {ip, loopback}]) of
{ok, Dummyport} ->
_ ->
%% Deprecated
%% Function: sign_data(Data, Algorithm) -> binary() |
%% {error, Reason}
%% Data = binary()
%% Algorithm = "ssh-rsa"
%% Description: Use SSH key to sign data.
sign_data(Data, Algorithm) when is_binary(Data) ->
case ssh_file:user_key(Algorithm,[]) of
{ok, Key} when Algorithm == "ssh-rsa" ->
public_key:sign(Data, sha, Key);
Error ->
%% Function: verify_data(Data, Signature, Algorithm) -> ok |
%% {error, Reason}
%% Data = binary()
%% Signature = binary()
%% Algorithm = "ssh-rsa"
%% Description: Use SSH signature to verify data.
verify_data(Data, Signature, Algorithm) when is_binary(Data), is_binary(Signature) ->
case ssh_file:user_key(Algorithm, []) of
{ok, #'RSAPrivateKey'{publicExponent = E, modulus = N}} when Algorithm == "ssh-rsa" ->
public_key:verify(Data, sha, Signature, #'RSAPublicKey'{publicExponent = E, modulus = N});
Error ->