%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2008-2010. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% Purpose: Handles multiplexing to ssh channels and global connection
%% requests e.i. the SSH Connection Protocol (RFC 4254), that provides
%% interactive login sessions, remote execution of commands, forwarded
%% TCP/IP connections, and forwarded X11 connections. Details of the
%% protocol is implemented in ssh_connection.erl
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-export([info/1, info/2,
renegotiate/1, connection_info/2, channel_info/3,
peer_addr/1, send_window/3, recv_window/3, adjust_window/3,
close/2, stop/1, send/5,
-export([open_channel/6, request/6, request/7, global_request/4, event/2,
%% Internal application API and spawn
-export([send_msg/1, ssh_channel_info_handler/3]).
%% gen_server callbacks
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
terminate/2, code_change/3]).
-define(DBG_MESSAGE, true).
connection, % pid()
connection_state, % #connection{}
latest_channel_id = 0,
%% Internal application API
start_link(Opts) ->
gen_server:start_link(?MODULE, Opts, []).
open_channel(ConnectionManager, ChannelType, ChannelSpecificData,
InitialWindowSize, MaxPacketSize, Timeout) ->
case (catch call(ConnectionManager, {open, self(), ChannelType,
MaxPacketSize, ChannelSpecificData},
Timeout)) of
{open, Channel} ->
{ok, Channel};
Error ->
%% TODO: Best way?
request(ConnectionManager, ChannelPid, ChannelId, Type, true, Data, Timeout) ->
call(ConnectionManager, {request, ChannelPid, ChannelId, Type, Data}, Timeout);
request(ConnectionManager, ChannelPid, ChannelId, Type, false, Data, _) ->
cast(ConnectionManager, {request, ChannelPid, ChannelId, Type, Data}).
request(ConnectionManager, ChannelId, Type, true, Data, Timeout) ->
call(ConnectionManager, {request, ChannelId, Type, Data}, Timeout);
request(ConnectionManager, ChannelId, Type, false, Data, _) ->
cast(ConnectionManager, {request, ChannelId, Type, Data}).
global_request(ConnectionManager, Type, true = Reply, Data) ->
case call(ConnectionManager,
{global_request, self(), Type, Reply, Data}) of
{ssh_cm, ConnectionManager, {success, _}} ->
{ssh_cm, ConnectionManager, {failure, _}} ->
global_request(ConnectionManager, Type, false = Reply, Data) ->
cast(ConnectionManager, {global_request, self(), Type, Reply, Data}).
event(ConnectionManager, BinMsg) ->
call(ConnectionManager, {ssh_msg, self(), BinMsg}).
info(ConnectionManager) ->
info(ConnectionManager, {info, all}).
info(ConnectionManager, ChannelProcess) ->
call(ConnectionManager, {info, ChannelProcess}).
%% TODO: Do we really want this function? Should not
%% renegotiation be triggered by configurable timer
%% or amount of data sent counter!
renegotiate(ConnectionManager) ->
cast(ConnectionManager, renegotiate).
connection_info(ConnectionManager, Options) ->
call(ConnectionManager, {connection_info, Options}).
channel_info(ConnectionManager, ChannelId, Options) ->
call(ConnectionManager, {channel_info, ChannelId, Options}).
%% Replaced by option peer to connection_info/2 keep for now
%% for Backwards compatibility!
peer_addr(ConnectionManager) ->
call(ConnectionManager, {peer_addr, self()}).
%% Backwards compatibility!
send_window(ConnectionManager, Channel, TimeOut) ->
call(ConnectionManager, {send_window, Channel}, TimeOut).
%% Backwards compatibility!
recv_window(ConnectionManager, Channel, TimeOut) ->
call(ConnectionManager, {recv_window, Channel}, TimeOut).
adjust_window(ConnectionManager, Channel, Bytes) ->
cast(ConnectionManager, {adjust_window, Channel, Bytes}).
close(ConnectionManager, ChannelId) ->
try call(ConnectionManager, {close, ChannelId}) of
ok ->
exit:{noproc, _} ->
stop(ConnectionManager) ->
try call(ConnectionManager, stop) of
ok ->
exit:{noproc, _} ->
send(ConnectionManager, ChannelId, Type, Data, Timeout) ->
call(ConnectionManager, {data, ChannelId, Type, Data}, Timeout).
send_eof(ConnectionManager, ChannelId) ->
cast(ConnectionManager, {eof, ChannelId}).
%% gen_server callbacks
%% Function: init(Args) -> {ok, State} |
%% {ok, State, Timeout} |
%% ignore |
%% {stop, Reason}
%% Description: Initiates the server
init([server, _Socket, Opts]) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
Cache = ssh_channel:cache_create(),
{ok, #state{role = server,
connection_state = #connection{channel_cache = Cache,
channel_id_seed = 0,
port_bindings = [],
requests = [],
channel_pids = []},
opts = Opts,
connected = false}};
init([client, Opts]) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
{links, [Parent]} = process_info(self(), links),
Cache = ssh_channel:cache_create(),
Address = proplists:get_value(address, Opts),
Port = proplists:get_value(port, Opts),
SocketOpts = proplists:get_value(socket_opts, Opts),
Options = proplists:get_value(ssh_opts, Opts),
ChannelPid = proplists:get_value(channel_pid, Opts),
self() !
{start_connection, client, [Parent, Address, Port,
ChannelPid, SocketOpts, Options]},
{ok, #state{role = client,
client = ChannelPid,
connection_state = #connection{channel_cache = Cache,
channel_id_seed = 0,
port_bindings = [],
requests = [],
channel_pids = []},
opts = Opts,
connected = false}}.
%% Function: %% handle_call(Request, From, State) -> {reply, Reply, State} |
%% {reply, Reply, State, Timeout} |
%% {noreply, State} |
%% {noreply, State, Timeout} |
%% {stop, Reason, Reply, State} |
%% {stop, Reason, State}
%% Description: Handling call messages
handle_call({request, ChannelPid, ChannelId, Type, Data}, From, State0) ->
{{replies, Replies}, State} = handle_request(ChannelPid,
ChannelId, Type, Data,
true, From, State0),
%% Sends message to the connection handler process, reply to
%% channel is sent later when reply arrives from the connection
%% handler.
lists:foreach(fun send_msg/1, Replies),
{noreply, State};
handle_call({request, ChannelId, Type, Data}, From, State0) ->
{{replies, Replies}, State} = handle_request(ChannelId, Type, Data,
true, From, State0),
%% Sends message to the connection handler process, reply to
%% channel is sent later when reply arrives from the connection
%% handler.
lists:foreach(fun send_msg/1, Replies),
{noreply, State};
%% Message from ssh_connection_handler
handle_call({ssh_msg, Pid, Msg}, From,
#state{connection_state = Connection0,
role = Role, opts = Opts, connected = IsConnected,
client = ClientPid}
= State) ->
%% To avoid that not all data sent by the other side is processes before
%% possible crash in ssh_connection_handler takes down the connection.
gen_server:reply(From, ok),
ConnectionMsg = decode_ssh_msg(Msg),
try ssh_connection:handle_msg(ConnectionMsg, Connection0, Pid, Role) of
{{replies, Replies}, Connection} ->
lists:foreach(fun send_msg/1, Replies),
{noreply, State#state{connection_state = Connection}};
{noreply, Connection} ->
{noreply, State#state{connection_state = Connection}};
{disconnect, {_, Reason}, {{replies, Replies}, Connection}}
when Role == client andalso (not IsConnected) ->
lists:foreach(fun send_msg/1, Replies),
ClientPid ! {self(), not_connected, Reason},
{stop, normal, State#state{connection = Connection}};
{disconnect, Reason, {{replies, Replies}, Connection}} ->
lists:foreach(fun send_msg/1, Replies),
SSHOpts = proplists:get_value(ssh_opts, Opts),
disconnect_fun(Reason, SSHOpts),
{stop, normal, State#state{connection_state = Connection}}
exit:{noproc, Reason} ->
Report = io_lib:format("Connection probably terminated:~n~p~n~p~n~p~n",
[ConnectionMsg, Reason, erlang:get_stacktrace()]),
{noreply, State};
error:Error ->
Report = io_lib:format("Connection message returned:~n~p~n~p~n~p~n",
[ConnectionMsg, Error, erlang:get_stacktrace()]),
{noreply, State};
exit:Exit ->
Report = io_lib:format("Connection message returned:~n~p~n~p~n~p~n",
[ConnectionMsg, Exit, erlang:get_stacktrace()]),
{noreply, State}
handle_call({global_request, Pid, _, _, _} = Request, From,
#state{connection_state =
#connection{channel_cache = Cache}} = State0) ->
State1 = handle_global_request(Request, State0),
Channel = ssh_channel:cache_find(Pid, Cache),
State = add_request(true, Channel#channel.local_id, From, State1),
{noreply, State};
handle_call({data, ChannelId, Type, Data}, From,
#state{connection_state = #connection{channel_cache = _Cache}
= Connection0,
connection = ConnectionPid} = State) ->
channel_data(ChannelId, Type, Data, Connection0, ConnectionPid, From,
handle_call({connection_info, Options}, From,
#state{connection = Connection} = State) ->
ssh_connection_handler:connection_info(Connection, From, Options),
%% Reply will be sent by the connection handler by calling
%% ssh_connection_handler:send_msg/1.
{noreply, State};
handle_call({channel_info, ChannelId, Options}, From,
#state{connection_state = #connection{channel_cache = Cache}} = State) ->
case ssh_channel:cache_lookup(Cache, ChannelId) of
#channel{} = Channel ->
spawn(?MODULE, ssh_channel_info_handler, [Options, Channel, From]),
{noreply, State};
undefined ->
{reply, []}
handle_call({info, ChannelPid}, _From,
#state{connection_state =
#connection{channel_cache = Cache}} = State) ->
Result = ssh_channel:cache_foldl(
fun(Channel, Acc) when ChannelPid == all;
Channel#channel.user == ChannelPid ->
[Channel | Acc];
(_, Acc) ->
end, [], Cache),
{reply, {ok, Result}, State};
handle_call({open, ChannelPid, Type, InitialWindowSize, MaxPacketSize, Data},
From, #state{connection = Pid,
connection_state =
#connection{channel_cache = Cache}} = State0) ->
{ChannelId, State1} = new_channel_id(State0),
Msg = ssh_connection:channel_open_msg(Type, ChannelId,
MaxPacketSize, Data),
send_msg({connection_reply, Pid, Msg}),
Channel = #channel{type = Type,
sys = "none",
user = ChannelPid,
local_id = ChannelId,
recv_window_size = InitialWindowSize,
recv_packet_size = MaxPacketSize},
ssh_channel:cache_update(Cache, Channel),
State = add_request(true, ChannelId, From, State1),
{noreply, State};
handle_call({send_window, ChannelId}, _From,
#state{connection_state =
#connection{channel_cache = Cache}} = State) ->
Reply = case ssh_channel:cache_lookup(Cache, ChannelId) of
#channel{send_window_size = WinSize,
send_packet_size = Packsize} ->
{ok, {WinSize, Packsize}};
undefined ->
{error, einval}
{reply, Reply, State};
handle_call({recv_window, ChannelId}, _From,
#state{connection_state = #connection{channel_cache = Cache}}
= State) ->
Reply = case ssh_channel:cache_lookup(Cache, ChannelId) of
#channel{recv_window_size = WinSize,
recv_packet_size = Packsize} ->
{ok, {WinSize, Packsize}};
undefined ->
{error, einval}
{reply, Reply, State};
%% Replaced by option peer to connection_info/2 keep for now
%% for Backwards compatibility!
handle_call({peer_addr, _ChannelId}, _From,
#state{connection = Pid} = State) ->
Reply = ssh_connection_handler:peer_address(Pid),
{reply, Reply, State};
handle_call(opts, _, #state{opts = Opts} = State) ->
{reply, Opts, State};
handle_call({close, ChannelId}, _,
#state{connection = Pid, connection_state =
#connection{channel_cache = Cache}} = State) ->
case ssh_channel:cache_lookup(Cache, ChannelId) of
#channel{remote_id = Id} ->
send_msg({connection_reply, Pid,
{reply, ok, State};
undefined ->
{reply, ok, State}
handle_call(stop, _, #state{role = _client,
client = ChannelPid,
connection = Pid} = State) ->
DisconnectMsg =
#ssh_msg_disconnect{code = ?SSH_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION,
description = "Application disconnect",
language = "en"},
(catch gen_fsm:send_all_state_event(Pid, DisconnectMsg)),
% ssh_connection_handler:send(Pid, DisconnectMsg),
{stop, normal, ok, State};
handle_call(stop, _, State) ->
{stop, normal, ok, State};
%% API violation make it the violaters problem
%% by ignoring it. The violating process will get
%% a timeout or hang.
handle_call(_, _, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
%% Function: handle_cast(Msg, State) -> {noreply, State} |
%% {noreply, State, Timeout} |
%% {stop, Reason, State}
%% Description: Handling cast messages
handle_cast({request, ChannelPid, ChannelId, Type, Data}, State0) ->
{{replies, Replies}, State} = handle_request(ChannelPid, ChannelId,
Type, Data,
false, none, State0),
lists:foreach(fun send_msg/1, Replies),
{noreply, State};
handle_cast({request, ChannelId, Type, Data}, State0) ->
{{replies, Replies}, State} = handle_request(ChannelId, Type, Data,
false, none, State0),
lists:foreach(fun send_msg/1, Replies),
{noreply, State};
handle_cast({global_request, _, _, _, _} = Request, State0) ->
State = handle_global_request(Request, State0),
{noreply, State};
handle_cast(renegotiate, #state{connection = Pid} = State) ->
{noreply, State};
handle_cast({adjust_window, ChannelId, Bytes},
#state{connection = Pid, connection_state =
#connection{channel_cache = Cache}} = State) ->
case ssh_channel:cache_lookup(Cache, ChannelId) of
#channel{recv_window_size = WinSize, remote_id = Id} = Channel ->
ssh_channel:cache_update(Cache, Channel#channel{recv_window_size =
WinSize + Bytes}),
Msg = ssh_connection:channel_adjust_window_msg(Id, Bytes),
send_msg({connection_reply, Pid, Msg});
undefined ->
{noreply, State};
handle_cast({eof, ChannelId},
#state{connection = Pid, connection_state =
#connection{channel_cache = Cache}} = State) ->
case ssh_channel:cache_lookup(Cache, ChannelId) of
#channel{remote_id = Id} ->
send_msg({connection_reply, Pid,
{noreply, State};
undefined ->
{noreply, State}
handle_cast({success, ChannelId}, #state{connection = Pid} = State) ->
Msg = ssh_connection:channel_success_msg(ChannelId),
send_msg({connection_reply, Pid, Msg}),
{noreply, State};
handle_cast({failure, ChannelId}, #state{connection = Pid} = State) ->
Msg = ssh_connection:channel_failure_msg(ChannelId),
send_msg({connection_reply, Pid, Msg}),
{noreply, State}.
%% Function: handle_info(Info, State) -> {noreply, State} |
%% {noreply, State, Timeout} |
%% {stop, Reason, State}
%% Description: Handling all non call/cast messages
handle_info({start_connection, server,
[Address, Port, Socket, Options]},
#state{connection_state = CState} = State) ->
{ok, Connection} = ssh_transport:accept(Address, Port, Socket, Options),
Shell = proplists:get_value(shell, Options),
Exec = proplists:get_value(exec, Options),
CliSpec = proplists:get_value(ssh_cli, Options, {ssh_cli, [Shell]}),
{noreply, State#state{connection = Connection,
connection_state =
CState#connection{address = Address,
port = Port,
cli_spec = CliSpec,
options = Options,
exec = Exec}}};
handle_info({start_connection, client,
[Parent, Address, Port, ChannelPid, SocketOpts, Options]},
State) ->
case (catch ssh_transport:connect(Parent, Address,
Port, SocketOpts, Options)) of
{ok, Connection} ->
erlang:monitor(process, ChannelPid),
{noreply, State#state{connection = Connection}};
Reason ->
ChannelPid ! {self(), not_connected, Reason},
{stop, normal, State}
handle_info({ssh_cm, _Sender, Msg}, State0) ->
%% Backwards compatibility!
State = cm_message(Msg, State0),
{noreply, State};
%% Nop backwards compatibility
handle_info({same_user, _}, State) ->
{noreply, State};
handle_info(ssh_connected, #state{role = client, client = Pid}
= State) ->
Pid ! {self(), is_connected},
{noreply, State#state{connected = true}};
handle_info(ssh_connected, #state{role = server} = State) ->
{noreply, State#state{connected = true}};
handle_info({'DOWN', _Ref, process, ChannelPid, normal}, State0) ->
handle_down(handle_channel_down(ChannelPid, State0));
handle_info({'DOWN', _Ref, process, ChannelPid, shutdown}, State0) ->
handle_down(handle_channel_down(ChannelPid, State0));
handle_info({'DOWN', _Ref, process, ChannelPid, Reason}, State0) ->
Report = io_lib:format("Pid ~p DOWN ~p\n", [ChannelPid, Reason]),
handle_down(handle_channel_down(ChannelPid, State0));
handle_info({'EXIT', _, _}, State) ->
%% Handled in 'DOWN'
{noreply, State}.
%% Function: terminate(Reason, State) -> void()
%% Description: This function is called by a gen_server when it is about to
%% terminate. It should be the opposite of Module:init/1 and do any necessary
%% cleaning up. When it returns, the gen_server terminates with Reason.
%% The return value is ignored.
terminate(Reason, #state{connection_state =
#connection{requests = Requests},
opts = Opts}) ->
SSHOpts = proplists:get_value(ssh_opts, Opts),
disconnect_fun(Reason, SSHOpts),
(catch lists:foreach(fun({_, From}) ->
gen_server:reply(From, {error, connection_closed})
end, Requests)),
%% Func: code_change(OldVsn, State, Extra) -> {ok, NewState}
%% Description: Convert process state when code is changed
code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
{ok, State}.
%%% Internal functions
channel_data(Id, Type, Data, Connection0, ConnectionPid, From, State) ->
case ssh_connection:channel_data(Id, Type, Data, Connection0,
ConnectionPid, From) of
{{replies, Replies}, Connection} ->
lists:foreach(fun send_msg/1, Replies),
{noreply, State#state{connection_state = Connection}};
{noreply, Connection} ->
{noreply, State#state{connection_state = Connection}}
call(Pid, Msg) ->
call(Pid, Msg, infinity).
call(Pid, Msg, Timeout) ->
try gen_server:call(Pid, Msg, Timeout) of
Result ->
exit:{timeout, _} ->
{error, timeout}
cast(Pid, Msg) ->
gen_server:cast(Pid, Msg).
decode_ssh_msg(BinMsg) when is_binary(BinMsg)->
decode_ssh_msg(Msg) ->
send_msg(Msg) ->
case catch do_send_msg(Msg) of
{'EXIT', Reason}->
Report = io_lib:format("Connection Manager fail to send:~n~p~n"
"Reason why it failed was:~n~p~n",
[Msg, Reason]),
_ ->
do_send_msg({channel_data, Pid, Data}) ->
Pid ! {ssh_cm, self(), Data};
do_send_msg({channel_requst_reply, From, Data}) ->
gen_server:reply(From, Data);
do_send_msg({connection_reply, Pid, Data}) ->
Msg = ssh_bits:encode(Data),
ssh_connection_handler:send(Pid, Msg);
do_send_msg({flow_control, Cache, Channel, From, Msg}) ->
ssh_channel:cache_update(Cache, Channel#channel{flow_control = undefined}),
gen_server:reply(From, Msg).
handle_request(ChannelPid, ChannelId, Type, Data, WantReply, From,
#state{connection = Pid,
connection_state =
#connection{channel_cache = Cache}} = State0) ->
case ssh_channel:cache_lookup(Cache, ChannelId) of
#channel{remote_id = Id} = Channel ->
update_sys(Cache, Channel, Type, ChannelPid),
Msg = ssh_connection:channel_request_msg(Id, Type,
WantReply, Data),
Replies = [{connection_reply, Pid, Msg}],
State = add_request(WantReply, ChannelId, From, State0),
{{replies, Replies}, State};
undefined ->
{{replies, []}, State0}
handle_request(ChannelId, Type, Data, WantReply, From,
#state{connection = Pid,
connection_state =
#connection{channel_cache = Cache}} = State0) ->
case ssh_channel:cache_lookup(Cache, ChannelId) of
#channel{remote_id = Id} ->
Msg = ssh_connection:channel_request_msg(Id, Type,
WantReply, Data),
Replies = [{connection_reply, Pid, Msg}],
State = add_request(WantReply, ChannelId, From, State0),
{{replies, Replies}, State};
undefined ->
{{replies, []}, State0}
handle_down({{replies, Replies}, State}) ->
lists:foreach(fun send_msg/1, Replies),
{noreply, State}.
handle_channel_down(ChannelPid, #state{connection_state =
#connection{channel_cache = Cache}} =
State) ->
fun(Channel, Acc) when Channel#channel.user == ChannelPid ->
(_,Acc) ->
end, [], Cache),
{{replies, []}, State}.
update_sys(Cache, Channel, Type, ChannelPid) ->
Channel#channel{sys = Type, user = ChannelPid}).
add_request(false, _ChannelId, _From, State) ->
add_request(true, ChannelId, From, #state{connection_state =
#connection{requests = Requests0} =
Connection} = State) ->
Requests = [{ChannelId, From} | Requests0],
State#state{connection_state = Connection#connection{requests = Requests}}.
new_channel_id(#state{connection_state = #connection{channel_id_seed = Id} =
= State) ->
{Id, State#state{connection_state =
Connection#connection{channel_id_seed = Id + 1}}}.
handle_global_request({global_request, ChannelPid,
"tcpip-forward" = Type, WantReply,
IP:IPLen/binary, ?UINT32(Port)>> = Data},
#state{connection = ConnectionPid,
connection_state =
#connection{channel_cache = Cache}
= Connection0} = State) ->
ssh_channel:cache_update(Cache, #channel{user = ChannelPid,
type = "forwarded-tcpip",
sys = none}),
Connection = ssh_connection:bind(IP, Port, ChannelPid, Connection0),
Msg = ssh_connection:global_request_msg(Type, WantReply, Data),
send_msg({connection_reply, ConnectionPid, Msg}),
State#state{connection_state = Connection};
handle_global_request({global_request, _Pid, "cancel-tcpip-forward" = Type,
WantReply, <<?UINT32(IPLen),
IP:IPLen/binary, ?UINT32(Port)>> = Data},
#state{connection = Pid,
connection_state = Connection0} = State) ->
Connection = ssh_connection:unbind(IP, Port, Connection0),
Msg = ssh_connection:global_request_msg(Type, WantReply, Data),
send_msg({connection_reply, Pid, Msg}),
State#state{connection_state = Connection};
handle_global_request({global_request, _Pid, "cancel-tcpip-forward" = Type,
WantReply, Data}, #state{connection = Pid} = State) ->
Msg = ssh_connection:global_request_msg(Type, WantReply, Data),
send_msg({connection_reply, Pid, Msg}),
cm_message(Msg, State) ->
{noreply, NewState} = handle_cast(Msg, State),
disconnect_fun(Reason, Opts) ->
case proplists:get_value(disconnectfun, Opts) of
undefined ->
Fun ->
catch Fun(Reason)
ssh_channel_info_handler(Options, Channel, From) ->
Info = ssh_channel_info(Options, Channel, []),
send_msg({channel_requst_reply, From, Info}).
ssh_channel_info([], _, Acc) ->
ssh_channel_info([recv_window | Rest], #channel{recv_window_size = WinSize,
recv_packet_size = Packsize
} = Channel, Acc) ->
ssh_channel_info(Rest, Channel, [{recv_window, {{win_size, WinSize},
{packet_size, Packsize}}} | Acc]);
ssh_channel_info([send_window | Rest], #channel{send_window_size = WinSize,
send_packet_size = Packsize
} = Channel, Acc) ->
ssh_channel_info(Rest, Channel, [{send_window, {{win_size, WinSize},
{packet_size, Packsize}}} | Acc]);
ssh_channel_info([ _ | Rest], Channel, Acc) ->
ssh_channel_info(Rest, Channel, Acc).