%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2013-2013. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
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%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
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%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
-export([encode/1, decode/1, encode_host_key/1, decode_keyboard_interactive_prompts/2]).
name = Name,
want_reply = Bool,
data = Data}) ->
Name, Bool, Data], [byte, string, boolean, '...']);
encode(#ssh_msg_request_success{data = Data}) ->
encode(#ssh_msg_request_failure{}) ->
channel_type = Type,
sender_channel = Sender,
initial_window_size = Window,
maximum_packet_size = Max,
data = Data
}) ->
Type, Sender, Window, Max, Data], [byte, string, uint32,
uint32, uint32, '...']);
recipient_channel = Recipient,
sender_channel = Sender,
initial_window_size = InitWindowSize,
maximum_packet_size = MaxPacketSize,
data = Data
}) ->
ssh_bits:encode([?SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION, Recipient,
Sender, InitWindowSize, MaxPacketSize, Data],
[byte, uint32, uint32, uint32, uint32, '...']);
recipient_channel = Recipient,
reason = Reason,
description = Desc,
lang = Lang
}) ->
ssh_bits:encode([?SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE, Recipient,
Reason, Desc, Lang], [byte, uint32, uint32, string, string]);
recipient_channel = Recipient,
bytes_to_add = Bytes
}) ->
ssh_bits:encode([?SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST, Recipient, Bytes],
[byte, uint32, uint32]);
recipient_channel = Recipient,
data = Data
}) ->
ssh_bits:encode([?SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA, Recipient, Data], [byte, uint32, binary]);
recipient_channel = Recipient,
data_type_code = DataType,
data = Data
}) ->
ssh_bits:encode([?SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA, Recipient,
DataType, Data], [byte, uint32, uint32, binary]);
encode(#ssh_msg_channel_eof{recipient_channel = Recipient
}) ->
<<?BYTE(?SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF), ?UINT32(Recipient)>>;
recipient_channel = Recipient
}) ->
<<?BYTE(?SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE), ?UINT32(Recipient)>>;
recipient_channel = Recipient,
request_type = Type,
want_reply = Bool,
data = Data
}) ->
ssh_bits:encode([?SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST, Recipient, Type, Bool, Data],
[byte, uint32, string, boolean, '...']);
recipient_channel = Recipient
}) ->
recipient_channel = Recipient
}) ->
user = User,
service = Service,
method = Method,
data = Data
}) ->
ssh_bits:encode([?SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST, User, Service, Method, Data],
[byte, string_utf8, string, string, '...']);
authentications = Auths,
partial_success = Bool
}) ->
ssh_bits:encode([?SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE, Auths, Bool],
[byte, string, boolean]);
encode(#ssh_msg_userauth_success{}) ->
message = Banner,
language = Lang
}) ->
ssh_bits:encode([?SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_BANNER, Banner, Lang],
[byte, string_utf8, string]);
algorithm_name = Alg,
key_blob = KeyBlob
}) ->
ssh_bits:encode([?SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_PK_OK, Alg, KeyBlob],
[byte, string, binary]);
encode(#ssh_msg_userauth_passwd_changereq{prompt = Prompt,
languge = Lang
ssh_bits:encode([?SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_PASSWD_CHANGEREQ, Prompt, Lang],
[byte, string, string]);
name = Name,
instruction = Inst,
language_tag = Lang,
num_prompts = NumPromtps,
data = Data}) ->
ssh_bits:encode([?SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_REQUEST, Name, Inst, Lang, NumPromtps, Data],
[byte, string, string, string, uint32, '...']);
num_responses = Num,
data = Data}) ->
ssh_bits:encode([?SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_RESPONSE, Num, Data],
[byte, uint32, '...']);
code = Code,
description = Desc,
language = Lang
}) ->
ssh_bits:encode([?SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT, Code, Desc, Lang],
[byte, uint32, string, string]);
name = Service
}) ->
ssh_bits:encode([?SSH_MSG_SERVICE_REQUEST, Service], [byte, string]);
name = Service
}) ->
ssh_bits:encode([?SSH_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT, Service], [byte, string]);
encode(#ssh_msg_newkeys{}) ->
cookie = Cookie,
kex_algorithms = KeyAlgs,
server_host_key_algorithms = HostKeyAlgs,
encryption_algorithms_client_to_server = EncAlgC2S,
encryption_algorithms_server_to_client = EncAlgS2C,
mac_algorithms_client_to_server = MacAlgC2S,
mac_algorithms_server_to_client = MacAlgS2C,
compression_algorithms_client_to_server = CompAlgS2C,
compression_algorithms_server_to_client = CompAlgC2S,
languages_client_to_server = LangC2S,
languages_server_to_client = LangS2C,
first_kex_packet_follows = Bool,
reserved = Reserved
}) ->
ssh_bits:encode([?SSH_MSG_KEXINIT, Cookie, KeyAlgs, HostKeyAlgs, EncAlgC2S, EncAlgS2C,
MacAlgC2S, MacAlgS2C, CompAlgS2C, CompAlgC2S, LangC2S, LangS2C, Bool,
[byte, cookie,
name_list, name_list,
name_list, name_list,
name_list, name_list,
name_list, name_list,
name_list, name_list,
boolean, uint32]);
encode(#ssh_msg_kexdh_init{e = E}) ->
ssh_bits:encode([?SSH_MSG_KEXDH_INIT, E], [byte, mpint]);
public_host_key = Key,
f = F,
h_sig = Signature
}) ->
EncKey = encode_host_key(Key),
EncSign = encode_sign(Key, Signature),
ssh_bits:encode([?SSH_MSG_KEXDH_REPLY, EncKey, F, EncSign], [byte, binary, mpint, binary]);
min = Min,
n = N,
max = Max
}) ->
ssh_bits:encode([?SSH_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST, Min, N, Max],
[byte, uint32, uint32, uint32, uint32]);
encode(#ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_request_old{n = N}) ->
ssh_bits:encode([?SSH_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST_OLD, N],
[byte, uint32]);
encode(#ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_group{p = Prime, g = Generator}) ->
ssh_bits:encode([?SSH_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_GROUP, Prime, Generator],
[byte, mpint, mpint]);
encode(#ssh_msg_kex_dh_gex_init{e = Public}) ->
ssh_bits:encode([?SSH_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_INIT, Public], [byte, mpint]);
%% Will be private key encode_host_key extracts only the public part!
public_host_key = Key,
f = F,
h_sig = Signature
}) ->
EncKey = encode_host_key(Key),
EncSign = encode_sign(Key, Signature),
ssh_bits:encode([?SSH_MSG_KEXDH_REPLY, EncKey, F, EncSign], [byte, binary, mpint, binary]);
encode(#ssh_msg_ignore{data = Data}) ->
ssh_bits:encode([?SSH_MSG_IGNORE, Data], [byte, string]);
encode(#ssh_msg_unimplemented{sequence = Seq}) ->
ssh_bits:encode([?SSH_MSG_IGNORE, Seq], [byte, uint32]);
encode(#ssh_msg_debug{always_display = Bool,
message = Msg,
language = Lang}) ->
ssh_bits:encode([?SSH_MSG_DEBUG, Bool, Msg, Lang], [byte, boolean, string, string]).
%% Connection Messages
decode(<<?BYTE(?SSH_MSG_GLOBAL_REQUEST), ?UINT32(Len), Name:Len/binary,
?BYTE(Bool), Data/binary>>) ->
name = Name,
want_reply = erl_boolean(Bool),
data = Data
decode(<<?BYTE(?SSH_MSG_REQUEST_SUCCESS), Data/binary>>) ->
#ssh_msg_request_success{data = Data};
?UINT32(Len), Type:Len/binary,
?UINT32(Sender), ?UINT32(Window), ?UINT32(Max),
Data/binary>>) ->
channel_type = binary_to_list(Type),
sender_channel = Sender,
initial_window_size = Window,
maximum_packet_size = Max,
data = Data
decode(<<?BYTE(?SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_CONFIRMATION), ?UINT32(Recipient), ?UINT32(Sender),
?UINT32(InitWindowSize), ?UINT32(MaxPacketSize),
Data/binary>>) ->
recipient_channel = Recipient,
sender_channel = Sender,
initial_window_size = InitWindowSize,
maximum_packet_size = MaxPacketSize,
data = Data
decode(<<?BYTE(?SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE), ?UINT32(Recipient), ?UINT32(Reason),
?UINT32(Len0), Desc:Len0/binary, ?UINT32(Len1), Lang:Len1/binary >>) ->
recipient_channel = Recipient,
reason = Reason,
description = unicode:characters_to_list(Desc),
lang = Lang
decode(<<?BYTE(?SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST), ?UINT32(Recipient), ?UINT32(Bytes)>>) ->
recipient_channel = Recipient,
bytes_to_add = Bytes
decode(<<?BYTE(?SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA), ?UINT32(Recipient), ?UINT32(Len), Data:Len/binary>>) ->
recipient_channel = Recipient,
data = Data
?UINT32(DataType), ?UINT32(Len), Data:Len/binary>>) ->
recipient_channel = Recipient,
data_type_code = DataType,
data = Data
decode(<<?BYTE(?SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_EOF), ?UINT32(Recipient)>>) ->
recipient_channel = Recipient
decode(<<?BYTE(?SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE), ?UINT32(Recipient)>>) ->
recipient_channel = Recipient
decode(<<?BYTE(?SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST), ?UINT32(Recipient),
?UINT32(Len), RequestType:Len/binary,
?BYTE(Bool), Data/binary>>) ->
recipient_channel = Recipient,
request_type = unicode:characters_to_list(RequestType),
want_reply = erl_boolean(Bool),
data = Data
decode(<<?BYTE(?SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS), ?UINT32(Recipient)>>) ->
recipient_channel = Recipient
decode(<<?BYTE(?SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE), ?UINT32(Recipient)>>) ->
recipient_channel = Recipient
%%% Auth Messages
?UINT32(Len0), User:Len0/binary,
?UINT32(Len1), Service:Len1/binary,
?UINT32(Len2), Method:Len2/binary,
Data/binary>>) ->
user = unicode:characters_to_list(User),
service = unicode:characters_to_list(Service),
method = unicode:characters_to_list(Method),
data = Data
?UINT32(Len0), Auths:Len0/binary,
?BYTE(Bool)>>) ->
#ssh_msg_userauth_failure {
authentications = unicode:characters_to_list(Auths),
partial_success = erl_boolean(Bool)
?UINT32(Len0), Banner:Len0/binary,
?UINT32(Len1), Lang:Len1/binary>>) ->
message = Banner,
language = Lang
decode(<<?BYTE(?SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_REQUEST), ?UINT32(Len0), Name:Len0/binary,
?UINT32(Len1), Inst:Len1/binary, ?UINT32(Len2), Lang:Len2/binary,
?UINT32(NumPromtps), Data/binary>>) ->
name = Name,
instruction = Inst,
language_tag = Lang,
num_prompts = NumPromtps,
data = Data};
%%% Unhandled message, also masked by same 1:st byte value as ?SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_REQUEST:
decode(<<?BYTE(?SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_PK_OK), ?UINT32(Len), Alg:Len/binary, KeyBlob/binary>>) ->
algorithm_name = Alg,
key_blob = KeyBlob
%%% Unhandled message, also masked by same 1:st byte value as ?SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_REQUEST:
decode(<<?BYTE(?SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_PASSWD_CHANGEREQ), ?UINT32(Len0), Prompt:Len0/binary,
?UINT32(Len1), Lang:Len1/binary>>) ->
prompt = Prompt,
languge = Lang
decode(<<?BYTE(?SSH_MSG_USERAUTH_INFO_RESPONSE), ?UINT32(Num), Data/binary>>) ->
num_responses = Num,
data = Data};
%%% Keyexchange messages
decode(<<?BYTE(?SSH_MSG_KEXINIT), Cookie:128, Data/binary>>) ->
decode_kex_init(Data, [Cookie, ssh_msg_kexinit], 10);
decode(<<?BYTE(?SSH_MSG_KEXDH_INIT), ?UINT32(Len), E:Len/binary>>) ->
#ssh_msg_kexdh_init{e = erlint(Len, E)
decode(<<?BYTE(?SSH_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_REQUEST), ?UINT32(Min), ?UINT32(N), ?UINT32(Max)>>) ->
min = Min,
n = N,
max = Max
n = N
?UINT32(Len0), Prime:Len0/big-signed-integer-unit:8,
?UINT32(Len1), Generator:Len1/big-signed-integer-unit:8>>) ->
p = Prime,
g = Generator
decode(<<?BYTE(?SSH_MSG_KEXDH_REPLY), ?UINT32(Len0), Key:Len0/binary,
?UINT32(Len1), F:Len1/binary,
?UINT32(Len2), Hashsign:Len2/binary>>) ->
public_host_key = decode_host_key(Key),
f = erlint(Len1, F),
h_sig = decode_sign(Hashsign)
decode(<<?SSH_MSG_SERVICE_REQUEST, ?UINT32(Len0), Service:Len0/binary>>) ->
name = unicode:characters_to_list(Service)
decode(<<?SSH_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT, ?UINT32(Len0), Service:Len0/binary>>) ->
name = unicode:characters_to_list(Service)
decode(<<?BYTE(?SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT), ?UINT32(Code),
?UINT32(Len0), Desc:Len0/binary, ?UINT32(Len1), Lang:Len1/binary>>) ->
code = Code,
description = unicode:characters_to_list(Desc),
language = Lang
%% Accept bad disconnects from ancient openssh clients that doesn't send language tag. Use english as a work-around.
decode(<<?BYTE(?SSH_MSG_DISCONNECT), ?UINT32(Code),
?UINT32(Len0), Desc:Len0/binary>>) ->
code = Code,
description = unicode:characters_to_list(Desc),
language = <<"en">>
decode(<<?SSH_MSG_NEWKEYS>>) ->
decode(<<?BYTE(?SSH_MSG_IGNORE), Data/binary>>) ->
#ssh_msg_ignore{data = Data};
decode(<<?BYTE(?SSH_MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED), ?UINT32(Seq)>>) ->
#ssh_msg_unimplemented{sequence = Seq};
decode(<<?BYTE(?SSH_MSG_DEBUG), ?BYTE(Bool), ?UINT32(Len0), Msg:Len0/binary,
?UINT32(Len1), Lang:Len1/binary>>) ->
#ssh_msg_debug{always_display = erl_boolean(Bool),
message = Msg,
language = Lang}.
decode_keyboard_interactive_prompts(<<>>, Acc) ->
decode_keyboard_interactive_prompts(<<?UINT32(Len), Prompt:Len/binary, ?BYTE(Bool), Bin/binary>>,
Acc) ->
decode_keyboard_interactive_prompts(Bin, [{Prompt, erl_boolean(Bool)} | Acc]).
erl_boolean(0) ->
erl_boolean(1) ->
decode_kex_init(<<?BYTE(Bool), ?UINT32(X)>>, Acc, 0) ->
list_to_tuple(lists:reverse([X, erl_boolean(Bool) | Acc]));
decode_kex_init(<<?UINT32(Len), Data:Len/binary, Rest/binary>>, Acc, N) ->
Names = string:tokens(unicode:characters_to_list(Data), ","),
decode_kex_init(Rest, [Names | Acc], N -1).
erlint(MPIntSize, MPIntValue) ->
Bits = MPIntSize * 8,
<<Integer:Bits/integer>> = MPIntValue,
decode_sign(<<?UINT32(Len), _Alg:Len/binary, ?UINT32(_), Signature/binary>>) ->
decode_host_key(<<?UINT32(Len), Alg:Len/binary, Rest/binary>>) ->
decode_host_key(Alg, Rest).
decode_host_key(<<"ssh-rsa">>, <<?UINT32(Len0), E:Len0/binary,
?UINT32(Len1), N:Len1/binary>>) ->
#'RSAPublicKey'{publicExponent = erlint(Len0, E),
modulus = erlint(Len1, N)};
<<?UINT32(Len0), P:Len0/binary,
?UINT32(Len1), Q:Len1/binary,
?UINT32(Len2), G:Len2/binary,
?UINT32(Len3), Y:Len3/binary>>) ->
{erlint(Len3, Y), #'Dss-Parms'{p = erlint(Len0, P), q = erlint(Len1, Q),
g = erlint(Len2, G)}}.
encode_host_key(#'RSAPublicKey'{modulus = N, publicExponent = E}) ->
ssh_bits:encode(["ssh-rsa", E, N], [string, mpint, mpint]);
encode_host_key({Y, #'Dss-Parms'{p = P, q = Q, g = G}}) ->
ssh_bits:encode(["ssh-dss", P, Q, G, Y],
[string, mpint, mpint, mpint, mpint]);
encode_host_key(#'RSAPrivateKey'{modulus = N, publicExponent = E}) ->
ssh_bits:encode(["ssh-rsa", E, N], [string, mpint, mpint]);
encode_host_key(#'DSAPrivateKey'{y = Y, p = P, q = Q, g = G}) ->
ssh_bits:encode(["ssh-dss", P, Q, G, Y],
[string, mpint, mpint, mpint, mpint]).
encode_sign(#'RSAPrivateKey'{}, Signature) ->
ssh_bits:encode(["ssh-rsa", Signature],[string, binary]);
encode_sign(#'DSAPrivateKey'{}, Signature) ->
ssh_bits:encode(["ssh-dss", Signature],[string, binary]).