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<holder>Ericsson AB, All Rights Reserved</holder>
The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
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Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
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The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson AB.
<prepared>Ingela Anderton Andin</prepared>
<responsible>Ingela Anderton Andin</responsible>
<modulesummary>Interface Functions for Secure Socket Layer</modulesummary>
<p>This module contains interface functions to the Secure Socket
<title>NEW SSL</title>
<p>This manual page describes functions that are defined
in the ssl module and represents the new ssl implementation
that coexists with the old one, as the new implementation
is not yet complete enough to replace the old one.</p>
<p>The new implementation can be
accessed by providing the option {ssl_imp, new} to the
ssl:connect and ssl:listen functions.</p>
<p>The new implementation is Erlang based and all logic
is in Erlang and only payload encryption calculations are
done in C via the crypto application. The main reason for
making a new implementation is that the old solution was
very crippled as the control of the ssl-socket was deep
down in openssl making it hard if not impossible to
support all inet options, ipv6 and upgrade of a tcp
connection to a ssl connection. This version has a
few limitations that will be removed before the ssl-4.0
release. Main differences and limitations are listed below.</p>
<list type="bulleted">
<item>New ssl requires the crypto
<item>The option reuseaddr is
supported and the default value is false as in gen_tcp.
Old ssl is patched to accept that the option is set to
true to provide a smoother migration between the
versions. In old ssl the option is hard coded to
<item>ssl:version/0 is replaced by
<item>ssl:ciphers/0 is replaced by
<item>ssl:pid/1 is a
meaningless function in new ssl and will be deprecated in
ssl-4.0 until it is removed it will return a valid but
meaningless pid.</item>
<item>New API functions are
ssl:shutdown/2, ssl:cipher_suites/[0,1] and
<item>CRL and policy certificate
extensions are not supported yet. </item>
<item>Supported SSL/TLS-versions are SSL-3.0 and TLS-1.0 </item>
<item>For security reasons sslv2 is not supported.</item>
<title>COMMON DATA TYPES</title>
<p>The following data types are used in the functions below:
<p><c>boolean() = true | false</c></p>
<p><c>property() = atom()</c></p>
<p><c>option() = socketoption() | ssloption() | transportoption()</c></p>
<p><c>socketoption() = [{property(), term()}] - defaults to
[{mode,list},{packet, 0},{header, 0},{active, true}].
<p>For valid options
see <seealso marker="kernel:inet">inet(3) </seealso> and
<seealso marker="kernel:gen_tcp">gen_tcp(3) </seealso>.
<p> <c>ssloption() = {verify, verify_type()} |
{fail_if_no_peer_cert, boolean()}
{depth, integer()} |
{certfile, path()} | {keyfile, path()} | {password, string()} |
{cacertfile, path()} | {dhfile, path()} | {ciphers, ciphers()} |
{ssl_imp, ssl_imp()} | {reuse_sessions, boolean()} | {reuse_session, fun()}
<p><c>transportoption() = {CallbackModule, DataTag, ClosedTag}
- defaults to {gen_tcp, tcp, tcp_closed}. Ssl may be
run over any reliable transport protocol that has
an equivalent API to gen_tcp's.</c></p>
<p><c> CallbackModule =
</p> <p><c> DataTag =
atom() - tag used in socket data message.</c></p>
<p><c> ClosedTag = atom() - tag used in
socket close message.</c></p>
<p><c>verify_type() = verify_none | verify_peer</c></p>
<p><c>path() = string() - representing a file path.</c></p>
<p><c>host() = hostname() | ipaddress()</c></p>
<p><c>hostname() = string()</c></p>
ip_address() = {N1,N2,N3,N4} % IPv4
| {K1,K2,K3,K4,K5,K6,K7,K8} % IPv6 </c></p>
<p><c>sslsocket() - opaque to the user. </c></p>
<p><c>protocol() = sslv3 | tlsv1 </c></p>
<p><c>ciphers() = [ciphersuite()] | sting() (according to old API)</c></p>
<p><c>ciphersuite() =
{key_exchange(), cipher(), hash(), exportable()}</c></p>
<p><c>key_exchange() = rsa | dh_dss | dh_rsa | dh_anon | dhe_dss
| dhe_rsa | krb5 | KeyExchange_export
<p><c>cipher() = rc4_128 | idea_cbc | des_cbc | '3des_ede_cbc'
des40_cbc | dh_dss | aes_128_cbc | aes_256_cbc |
rc2_cbc_40 | rc4_40 </c></p>
<p> <c>hash() = md5 | sha
<p> <c>exportable() = export | no_export | ignore
<p><c>ssl_imp() = new | old - default is old.</c></p>
<tag>{verify, verify_type()}</tag>
<item> If <c>verify_none</c> is specified x509-certificate
path validation errors at the client side
will not automatically cause the connection to fail, as
it will if the verify type is <c>verify_peer</c>. See also
the option verify_fun.
Servers only do the path validation if <c>verify_peer</c> is set to
true, as it then will
send a certificate request to
the client (this message is not sent if the verify option is
<c>verify_none</c>) and you may then also want to specify
the option <c>fail_if_no_peer_cert</c>.
<tag>{fail_if_no_peer_cert, boolean()}</tag>
<item>Used together with {verify, verify_peer} by a ssl server.
If set to true,
the server will fail if the client does not have a certificate
to send, e.i sends a empty certificate, if set to false it will
only fail if the client sends a invalid certificate (an empty
certificate is considered valid).
<tag>{verify_fun, fun(ErrorList) -> boolean()}</tag>
<item>Used by the ssl client to determine if
x509-certificate path validations errors are acceptable or
if the connection should fail. Defaults to:
fun(ErrorList) ->
case lists:foldl(fun({bad_cert,unknown_ca}, Acc) ->
(Other, Acc) ->
[Other | Acc]
end, [], ErrorList) of
[] ->
[_|_] ->
I.e. by default if the only error found was that the CA-certificate
holder was unknown this will be accepted.
Possible errors in the error list are:
{bad_cert, cert_expired}, {bad_cert, invalid_issuer},
{bad_cert, invalid_signature}, {bad_cert, name_not_permitted},
{bad_cert, unknown_ca},
{bad_cert, cert_expired}, {bad_cert, invalid_issuer},
{bad_cert, invalid_signature}, {bad_cert, name_not_permitted},
{bad_cert, cert_revoked} (not implemented yet),
{bad_cert, unknown_critical_extension} or {bad_cert, term()} (Will
be relevant later when an option is added for the user to be able to verify application specific extensions.)
<tag>{depth, integer()}</tag>
<item>Specifies the maximum
verification depth, i.e. how far in a chain of certificates the
verification process can proceed before the verification is
considered to fail. Peer certificate = 0, CA certificate = 1,
higher level CA certificate = 2, etc. The value 2 thus means
that a chain can at most contain peer cert, CA cert, next CA
cert, and an additional CA cert. The default value is 1.
<tag>{certfile, path()}</tag>
<item>Path to a file containing the
user's certificate. Optional for clients but note
that some servers requires that the client can certify
itself. </item>
<tag>{keyfile, path()}</tag>
<item>Path to file containing user's
private PEM encoded key. As PEM-files may contain several
entries this option defaults to the same file as given by
certfile option.</item>
<tag>{password, string()}</tag>
<item>String containing the user's password.
Only used if the private keyfile is password protected.
<tag>{cacertfile, path()}</tag>
<item>Path to file containing PEM encoded
CA certificates (trusted certificates used for verifying a peer
certificate). May be omitted if you do not want to verify
the peer.</item>
<tag>{dhfile, path()}</tag>
<item>Path to file containing PEM encoded Diffie Hellman parameters,
for the server to use if a cipher suite using Diffie Hellman key exchange
is negotiated. If not specified hardcode parameters will be used.
<tag>{ciphers, ciphers()}</tag>
<item>The function <c>ciphers_suites/0</c> can
be used to find all available ciphers.
<tag>{ssl_imp, ssl_imp()}</tag>
<item>Specify which ssl implementation you want to use.
<tag>{reuse_sessions, boolean()}</tag>
<item>Specifies if ssl sessions should be reused
when possible.
<tag>{reuse_session, fun(SuggestedSessionId,
PeerCert, Compression, CipherSuite) -> boolean()}</tag>
<item>Enables the ssl server to have a local policy
for deciding if a session should be reused or not,
only meaning full if <c>reuse_sessions</c> is set to true.
SuggestedSessionId is a binary(), PeerCert is a DER encoded
certificate, Compression is an enumeration integer
and CipherSuite of type ciphersuite().
<p>When a ssl socket is in active mode (the default), data from the
socket is delivered to the owner of the socket in the form of
<list type="bulleted">
<item>{ssl, Socket, Data}
<item>{ssl_closed, Socket}
{ssl_error, Socket, Reason}
<p>A <c>Timeout</c> argument specifies a timeout in milliseconds. The
default value for a <c>Timeout</c> argument is <c>infinity</c>.
<name>cipher_suites() -></name>
<name>cipher_suites(Type) -> ciphers()</name>
<fsummary> Returns a list of supported cipher suites</fsummary>
<v>Type = erlang | openssl</v>
<desc><p>Returns a list of supported cipher suites.
cipher_suites() is equivalent to cipher_suites(erlang).
Type openssl is provided for backwards compatibility with
old ssl that used openssl.
<name>connect(Socket, SslOptions) -> </name>
<name>connect(Socket, SslOptions, Timeout) -> {ok, SslSocket}
| {error, Reason}</name>
<fsummary> Upgrades a gen_tcp, or
equivalent, connected socket to a ssl socket. </fsummary>
<v>Socket = socket()</v>
<v>SslOptions = [ssloption()]</v>
<v>Timeout = integer() | infinity</v>
<v>SslSocket = sslsocket()</v>
<v>Reason = term()</v>
<desc> <p>Upgrades a gen_tcp, or equivalent,
connected socket to a ssl socket e.i performs the
client-side ssl handshake.</p>
<name>connect(Host, Port, Options) -></name>
<name>connect(Host, Port, Options, Timeout) ->
{ok, SslSocket} | {error, Reason}</name>
<fsummary>Opens an ssl connection to Host, Port. </fsummary>
<v>Host = host()</v>
<v>Port = integer()</v>
<v>Options = [option()]</v>
<v>Timeout = integer() | infinity</v>
<v>SslSocket = sslsocket()</v>
<v>Reason = term()</v>
<desc> <p>Opens an ssl connection to Host, Port.</p> </desc>
<name>close(SslSocket) -> ok | {error, Reason}</name>
<fsummary>Close a ssl connection</fsummary>
<v>SslSocket = sslsocket()</v>
<v>Reason = term()</v>
<desc><p>Close a ssl connection.</p>
<name>controlling_process(SslSocket, NewOwner) ->
ok | {error, Reason}</name>
<fsummary>Assigns a new controlling process to the
<v>SslSocket = sslsocket()</v>
<v>NewOwner = pid()</v>
<v>Reason = term()</v>
<desc><p>Assigns a new controlling process to the ssl-socket. A
controlling process is the owner of a ssl-socket, and receives
all messages from the socket.</p>
<name>connection_info(SslSocket) ->
{ok, {ProtocolVersion, CipherSuite}} | {error, Reason} </name>
<fsummary>Returns the negotiated protocol version and cipher suite.
<v>CipherSuite = ciphersuite()</v>
<v>ProtocolVersion = protocol()</v>
<desc><p>Returns the negotiated protocol version and cipher suite.</p>
<name>getopts(Socket) -> </name>
<name>getopts(Socket, OptionNames) ->
{ok, [socketoption()]} | {error, Reason}</name>
<fsummary>Get the value of the specified options.</fsummary>
<v>Socket = sslsocket()</v>
<v>OptionNames = [property()]</v>
<p>Get the value of the specified socket options, if no
options are specified all options are returned.
<name>listen(Port, Options) ->
{ok, ListenSocket} | {error, Reason}</name>
<fsummary>Creates a ssl listen socket.</fsummary>
<v>Port = integer()</v>
<v>Options = options()</v>
<v>ListenSocket = sslsocket()</v>
<p>Creates a ssl listen socket.</p>
<name>peercert(Socket) -> {ok, Cert} | {error, Reason}</name>
<fsummary>Return the peer certificate.</fsummary>
<v>Socket = sslsocket()</v>
<v>Cert = binary()</v>
<v>Subject = term()</v>
<p>The peer certificate is returned as a DER encoded binary.
The certificate can be decoded with <c>public_key:pkix_decode_cert/2</c>.
<name>peername(Socket) -> {ok, {Address, Port}} |
{error, Reason}</name>
<fsummary>Return peer address and port.</fsummary>
<v>Socket = sslsocket()</v>
<v>Address = ipaddress()</v>
<v>Port = integer()</v>
<p>Returns the address and port number of the peer.</p>
<name>recv(Socket, Length) -> </name>
<name>recv(Socket, Length, Timeout) -> {ok, Data} | {error,
<fsummary>Receive data on a socket.</fsummary>
<v>Socket = sslsocket()</v>
<v>Length = integer()</v>
<v>Timeout = integer()</v>
<v>Data = [char()] | binary()</v>
<p>This function receives a packet from a socket in passive
mode. A closed socket is indicated by a return value
<c>{error, closed}</c>.</p>
<p>The <c>Length</c> argument is only meaningful when
the socket is in <c>raw</c> mode and denotes the number of
bytes to read. If <c>Length</c> = 0, all available bytes are
returned. If <c>Length</c> > 0, exactly <c>Length</c>
bytes are returned, or an error; possibly discarding less
than <c>Length</c> bytes of data when the socket gets closed
from the other side.</p>
<p>The optional <c>Timeout</c> parameter specifies a timeout in
milliseconds. The default value is <c>infinity</c>.</p>
<name>renegotiate(Socket) -> ok</name>
<fsummary> Initiates a new handshake.</fsummary>
<v>Socket = sslsocket()</v>
<desc><p>Initiates a new handshake.</p>
<name>send(Socket, Data) -> ok | {error, Reason}</name>
<fsummary>Write data to a socket.</fsummary>
<v>Socket = sslsocket()</v>
<v>Data = iolist() | binary()</v>
<p>Writes <c>Data</c> to <c>Socket</c>. </p>
<p>A notable return value is <c>{error, closed}</c> indicating that
the socket is closed.</p>
<name>setopts(Socket, Options) -> ok | {error, Reason}</name>
<fsummary>Set socket options.</fsummary>
<v>Socket = sslsocket()</v>
<v>Options = [socketoption]()</v>
<p>Sets options according to <c>Options</c> for the socket
<c>Socket</c>. </p>
<name>shutdown(Socket, How) -> ok | {error, Reason}</name>
<fsummary>Immediately close a socket</fsummary>
<v>Socket = sslsocket()</v>
<v>How = read | write | read_write</v>
<v>Reason = reason()</v>
<p>Immediately close a socket in one or two directions.</p>
<p><c>How == write</c> means closing the socket for writing,
reading from it is still possible.</p>
<p>To be able to handle that the peer has done a shutdown on
the write side, the <c>{exit_on_close, false}</c> option
is useful.</p>
<name>ssl_accept(ListenSocket) -> </name>
<name>ssl_accept(ListenSocket, Timeout) -> ok | {error, Reason}</name>
<fsummary>Perform server-side SSL handshake</fsummary>
<v>ListenSocket = sslsocket()</v>
<v>Timeout = integer()</v>
<v>Reason = term()</v>
<p>The <c>ssl_accept</c> function establish the SSL connection
on the server side. It should be called directly after
<c>transport_accept</c>, in the spawned server-loop.</p>
<name>ssl_accept(ListenSocket, SslOptions) -> </name>
<name>ssl_accept(ListenSocket, SslOptions, Timeout) -> {ok, Socket} | {error, Reason}</name>
<fsummary>Perform server-side SSL handshake</fsummary>
<v>ListenSocket = socket()</v>
<v>SslOptions = ssloptions()</v>
<v>Timeout = integer()</v>
<v>Reason = term()</v>
<p> Upgrades a gen_tcp, or
equivalent, socket to a ssl socket e.i performs the
ssl server-side handshake.</p>
<name>sockname(Socket) -> {ok, {Address, Port}} |
{error, Reason}</name>
<fsummary>Return the local address and port.</fsummary>
<v>Socket = sslsocket()</v>
<v>Address = ipaddress()</v>
<v>Port = integer()</v>
<p>Returns the local address and port number of the socket
<name>start() -> </name>
<name>start(Type) -> ok | {error, Reason}</name>
<fsummary>Starts the Ssl application. </fsummary>
<v>Type = permanent | transient | temporary</v>
<p>Starts the Ssl application. Default type
is temporary.
<seealso marker="kernel:application">application(3)</seealso></p>
<name>stop() -> ok </name>
<fsummary>Stops the Ssl application.</fsummary>
<p>Stops the Ssl application.
<seealso marker="kernel:application">application(3)</seealso></p>
<name>transport_accept(Socket) -></name>
<name>transport_accept(Socket, Timeout) ->
{ok, NewSocket} | {error, Reason}</name>
<fsummary>Accept an incoming connection and
prepare for <c>ssl_accept</c></fsummary>
<v>Socket = NewSocket = sslsocket()</v>
<v>Timeout = integer()</v>
<v>Reason = reason()</v>
<p>Accepts an incoming connection request on a listen socket.
<c>ListenSocket</c> must be a socket returned from
<c>listen/2</c>. The socket returned should be passed to
<c>ssl_accept</c> to complete ssl handshaking and
establishing the connection.</p>
<p>The socket returned can only be used with <c>ssl_accept</c>,
no traffic can be sent or received before that call.</p>
<p>The accepted socket inherits the options set for
<c>ListenSocket</c> in <c>listen/2</c>.</p>
<p>The default
value for <c>Timeout</c> is <c>infinity</c>. If
<c>Timeout</c> is specified, and no connection is accepted
within the given time, <c>{error, timeout}</c> is
<name>versions() ->
[{SslAppVer, SupportedSslVer, AvailableSslVsn}]</name>
<fsummary>Returns version information relevant for the
ssl application.</fsummary>
<v>SslAppVer = string()</v>
<v>SupportedSslVer = [protocol()]</v>
<v>AvailableSslVsn = [protocol()]</v>
Returns version information relevant for the
ssl application.</p>
<title>SEE ALSO</title>
<p><seealso marker="kernel:inet">inet(3) </seealso> and
<seealso marker="kernel:gen_tcp">gen_tcp(3) </seealso>