%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2013-2014. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% Purpose: Common handling of a TLS/SSL/DTLS connection, see also
%% tls_connection.erl and dtls_connection.erl
%% Setup
-export([connect/8, ssl_accept/7, handshake/2, handshake/3,
%% User Events
-export([send/2, recv/3, close/1, shutdown/2,
new_user/2, get_opts/2, set_opts/2, info/1, session_info/1,
peer_certificate/1, renegotiation/1, negotiated_next_protocol/1, prf/5
%% SSL FSM state functions
-export([hello/3, abbreviated/3, certify/3, cipher/3, connection/3]).
%% SSL all state functions
-export([handle_sync_event/4, handle_info/3, terminate/3]).
%% Internal application API
-spec connect(tls_connection | dtls_connection,
host(), inet:port_number(), port(), {#ssl_options{}, #socket_options{}},
pid(), tuple(), timeout()) ->
{ok, #sslsocket{}} | {error, reason()}.
%% Description: Connect to an ssl server.
connect(Connection, Host, Port, Socket, Options, User, CbInfo, Timeout) ->
try Connection:start_fsm(client, Host, Port, Socket, Options, User, CbInfo,
exit:{noproc, _} ->
{error, ssl_not_started}
-spec ssl_accept(tls_connection | dtls_connection,
inet:port_number(), port(), {#ssl_options{}, #socket_options{}},
pid(), tuple(), timeout()) ->
{ok, #sslsocket{}} | {error, reason()}.
%% Description: Performs accept on an ssl listen socket. e.i. performs
%% ssl handshake.
ssl_accept(Connection, Port, Socket, Opts, User, CbInfo, Timeout) ->
try Connection:start_fsm(server, "localhost", Port, Socket, Opts, User,
CbInfo, Timeout)
exit:{noproc, _} ->
{error, ssl_not_started}
-spec handshake(#sslsocket{}, timeout()) -> ok | {error, reason()}.
%% Description: Starts ssl handshake.
handshake(#sslsocket{pid = Pid}, Timeout) ->
case sync_send_all_state_event(Pid, {start, Timeout}) of
connected ->
Error ->
-spec handshake(#sslsocket{}, #ssl_options{}, timeout()) -> ok | {error, reason()}.
%% Description: Starts ssl handshake with some new options
handshake(#sslsocket{pid = Pid}, SslOptions, Timeout) ->
case sync_send_all_state_event(Pid, {start, SslOptions, Timeout}) of
connected ->
Error ->
-spec socket_control(tls_connection | dtls_connection, port(), pid(), atom()) ->
{ok, #sslsocket{}} | {error, reason()}.
%% Description: Set the ssl process to own the accept socket
socket_control(Connection, Socket, Pid, Transport) ->
case Transport:controlling_process(Socket, Pid) of
ok ->
{ok, ssl_socket:socket(Pid, Transport, Socket, Connection)};
{error, Reason} ->
{error, Reason}
-spec send(pid(), iodata()) -> ok | {error, reason()}.
%% Description: Sends data over the ssl connection
send(Pid, Data) ->
sync_send_all_state_event(Pid, {application_data,
%% iolist_to_binary should really
%% be called iodata_to_binary()
-spec recv(pid(), integer(), timeout()) ->
{ok, binary() | list()} | {error, reason()}.
%% Description: Receives data when active = false
recv(Pid, Length, Timeout) ->
sync_send_all_state_event(Pid, {recv, Length, Timeout}).
-spec close(pid()) -> ok | {error, reason()}.
%% Description: Close an ssl connection
close(ConnectionPid) ->
case sync_send_all_state_event(ConnectionPid, close) of
{error, closed} ->
Other ->
-spec shutdown(pid(), atom()) -> ok | {error, reason()}.
%% Description: Same as gen_tcp:shutdown/2
shutdown(ConnectionPid, How) ->
sync_send_all_state_event(ConnectionPid, {shutdown, How}).
-spec new_user(pid(), pid()) -> ok | {error, reason()}.
%% Description: Changes process that receives the messages when active = true
%% or once.
new_user(ConnectionPid, User) ->
sync_send_all_state_event(ConnectionPid, {new_user, User}).
-spec negotiated_next_protocol(pid()) -> {ok, binary()} | {error, reason()}.
%% Description: Returns the negotiated protocol
negotiated_next_protocol(ConnectionPid) ->
sync_send_all_state_event(ConnectionPid, negotiated_next_protocol).
-spec get_opts(pid(), list()) -> {ok, list()} | {error, reason()}.
%% Description: Same as inet:getopts/2
get_opts(ConnectionPid, OptTags) ->
sync_send_all_state_event(ConnectionPid, {get_opts, OptTags}).
-spec set_opts(pid(), list()) -> ok | {error, reason()}.
%% Description: Same as inet:setopts/2
set_opts(ConnectionPid, Options) ->
sync_send_all_state_event(ConnectionPid, {set_opts, Options}).
-spec info(pid()) -> {ok, {atom(), tuple()}} | {error, reason()}.
%% Description: Returns ssl protocol and cipher used for the connection
info(ConnectionPid) ->
sync_send_all_state_event(ConnectionPid, info).
-spec session_info(pid()) -> {ok, list()} | {error, reason()}.
%% Description: Returns info about the ssl session
session_info(ConnectionPid) ->
sync_send_all_state_event(ConnectionPid, session_info).
-spec peer_certificate(pid()) -> {ok, binary()| undefined} | {error, reason()}.
%% Description: Returns the peer cert
peer_certificate(ConnectionPid) ->
sync_send_all_state_event(ConnectionPid, peer_certificate).
-spec renegotiation(pid()) -> ok | {error, reason()}.
%% Description: Starts a renegotiation of the ssl session.
renegotiation(ConnectionPid) ->
sync_send_all_state_event(ConnectionPid, renegotiate).
-spec prf(pid(), binary() | 'master_secret', binary(),
binary() | ssl:prf_random(), non_neg_integer()) ->
{ok, binary()} | {error, reason()} | {'EXIT', term()}.
%% Description: use a ssl sessions TLS PRF to generate key material
prf(ConnectionPid, Secret, Label, Seed, WantedLength) ->
sync_send_all_state_event(ConnectionPid, {prf, Secret, Label, Seed, WantedLength}).
handle_session(#server_hello{cipher_suite = CipherSuite,
compression_method = Compression},
Version, NewId, ConnectionStates, NextProtocol,
#state{session = #session{session_id = OldId},
negotiated_version = ReqVersion} = State0) ->
{KeyAlgorithm, _, _, _} =
PremasterSecret = make_premaster_secret(ReqVersion, KeyAlgorithm),
NewNextProtocol = case NextProtocol of
undefined ->
_ ->
State = State0#state{key_algorithm = KeyAlgorithm,
negotiated_version = Version,
connection_states = ConnectionStates,
premaster_secret = PremasterSecret,
expecting_next_protocol_negotiation = NextProtocol =/= undefined,
next_protocol = NewNextProtocol},
case ssl_session:is_new(OldId, NewId) of
true ->
handle_new_session(NewId, CipherSuite, Compression,
State#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates});
false ->
State#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates})
-spec hello(start | #hello_request{} | #server_hello{} | term(),
#state{}, tls_connection | dtls_connection) ->
hello(start, #state{role = server} = State0, Connection) ->
{Record, State} = Connection:next_record(State0),
Connection:next_state(hello, hello, Record, State);
hello(#hello_request{}, #state{role = client} = State0, Connection) ->
{Record, State} = Connection:next_record(State0),
Connection:next_state(hello, hello, Record, State);
hello({common_client_hello, Type, ServerHelloExt, HashSign},
#state{session = #session{cipher_suite = CipherSuite},
negotiated_version = Version} = State, Connection) ->
{KeyAlg, _, _, _} = ssl_cipher:suite_definition(CipherSuite),
NegotiatedHashSign = negotiated_hashsign(HashSign, KeyAlg, Version),
do_server_hello(Type, ServerHelloExt,
State#state{hashsign_algorithm = NegotiatedHashSign}, Connection);
hello(timeout, State, _) ->
{next_state, hello, State, hibernate};
hello(Msg, State, Connection) ->
Connection:handle_unexpected_message(Msg, hello, State).
-spec abbreviated(#hello_request{} | #finished{} | term(),
#state{}, tls_connection | dtls_connection) ->
abbreviated(#hello_request{}, State0, Connection) ->
{Record, State} = Connection:next_record(State0),
Connection:next_state(abbreviated, hello, Record, State);
abbreviated(#finished{verify_data = Data} = Finished,
#state{role = server,
negotiated_version = Version,
tls_handshake_history = Handshake,
session = #session{master_secret = MasterSecret},
connection_states = ConnectionStates0} =
State, Connection) ->
case ssl_handshake:verify_connection(Version, Finished, client,
get_current_prf(ConnectionStates0, write),
MasterSecret, Handshake) of
verified ->
ConnectionStates =
ssl_record:set_client_verify_data(current_both, Data, ConnectionStates0),
State#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates}));
#alert{} = Alert ->
Connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, abbreviated, State)
abbreviated(#finished{verify_data = Data} = Finished,
#state{role = client, tls_handshake_history = Handshake0,
session = #session{master_secret = MasterSecret},
negotiated_version = Version,
connection_states = ConnectionStates0} = State0, Connection) ->
case ssl_handshake:verify_connection(Version, Finished, server,
get_pending_prf(ConnectionStates0, write),
MasterSecret, Handshake0) of
verified ->
ConnectionStates1 =
ssl_record:set_server_verify_data(current_read, Data, ConnectionStates0),
State =
finalize_handshake(State0#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates1},
abbreviated, Connection),
#alert{} = Alert ->
Connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, abbreviated, State0)
%% only allowed to send next_protocol message after change cipher spec
%% & before finished message and it is not allowed during renegotiation
abbreviated(#next_protocol{selected_protocol = SelectedProtocol},
#state{role = server, expecting_next_protocol_negotiation = true} = State0,
Connection) ->
{Record, State} = Connection:next_record(State0#state{next_protocol = SelectedProtocol}),
Connection:next_state(abbreviated, abbreviated, Record, State);
abbreviated(timeout, State, _) ->
{next_state, abbreviated, State, hibernate };
abbreviated(Msg, State, Connection) ->
Connection:handle_unexpected_message(Msg, abbreviated, State).
-spec certify(#hello_request{} | #certificate{} | #server_key_exchange{} |
#certificate_request{} | #server_hello_done{} | #client_key_exchange{} | term(),
#state{}, tls_connection | dtls_connection) ->
certify(#hello_request{}, State0, Connection) ->
{Record, State} = Connection:next_record(State0),
Connection:next_state(certify, hello, Record, State);
certify(#certificate{asn1_certificates = []},
#state{role = server, negotiated_version = Version,
ssl_options = #ssl_options{verify = verify_peer,
fail_if_no_peer_cert = true}} =
State, Connection) ->
Connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, certify, State);
certify(#certificate{asn1_certificates = []},
#state{role = server,
ssl_options = #ssl_options{verify = verify_peer,
fail_if_no_peer_cert = false}} =
State0, Connection) ->
{Record, State} = Connection:next_record(State0#state{client_certificate_requested = false}),
Connection:next_state(certify, certify, Record, State);
certify(#certificate{} = Cert,
#state{negotiated_version = Version,
role = Role,
cert_db = CertDbHandle,
cert_db_ref = CertDbRef,
ssl_options = Opts} = State, Connection) ->
case ssl_handshake:certify(Cert, CertDbHandle, CertDbRef, Opts#ssl_options.depth,
Opts#ssl_options.verify_fun, Role) of
{PeerCert, PublicKeyInfo} ->
handle_peer_cert(Role, PeerCert, PublicKeyInfo,
State#state{client_certificate_requested = false}, Connection);
#alert{} = Alert ->
Connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, certify, State)
certify(#server_key_exchange{exchange_keys = Keys},
#state{role = client, negotiated_version = Version,
key_algorithm = Alg,
public_key_info = PubKeyInfo,
connection_states = ConnectionStates} = State, Connection)
when Alg == dhe_dss; Alg == dhe_rsa;
Alg == ecdhe_rsa; Alg == ecdhe_ecdsa;
Alg == dh_anon; Alg == ecdh_anon;
Alg == psk; Alg == dhe_psk; Alg == rsa_psk;
Alg == srp_dss; Alg == srp_rsa; Alg == srp_anon ->
Params = ssl_handshake:decode_server_key(Keys, Alg, Version),
HashSign = negotiated_hashsign(Params#server_key_params.hashsign, Alg, Version),
case is_anonymous(Alg) of
true ->
State#state{hashsign_algorithm = HashSign}, Connection);
false ->
case ssl_handshake:verify_server_key(Params, HashSign, ConnectionStates, Version, PubKeyInfo) of
true ->
State#state{hashsign_algorithm = HashSign}, Connection);
false ->
certify(#server_key_exchange{} = Msg,
#state{role = client, key_algorithm = rsa} = State, Connection) ->
Connection:handle_unexpected_message(Msg, certify_server_keyexchange, State);
certify(#certificate_request{hashsign_algorithms = HashSigns},
#state{session = #session{own_certificate = Cert},
negotiated_version = Version} = State0, Connection) ->
HashSign = ssl_handshake:select_hashsign(HashSigns, Cert, Version),
{Record, State} = Connection:next_record(State0#state{client_certificate_requested = true}),
Connection:next_state(certify, certify, Record,
State#state{cert_hashsign_algorithm = HashSign});
%% PSK and RSA_PSK might bypass the Server-Key-Exchange
#state{session = #session{master_secret = undefined},
negotiated_version = Version,
psk_identity = PSKIdentity,
ssl_options = #ssl_options{user_lookup_fun = PSKLookup},
premaster_secret = undefined,
role = client,
key_algorithm = Alg} = State0, Connection)
when Alg == psk ->
case ssl_handshake:premaster_secret({Alg, PSKIdentity}, PSKLookup) of
#alert{} = Alert ->
Connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, certify, State0);
PremasterSecret ->
State = master_secret(PremasterSecret,
State0#state{premaster_secret = PremasterSecret}),
client_certify_and_key_exchange(State, Connection)
#state{session = #session{master_secret = undefined},
ssl_options = #ssl_options{user_lookup_fun = PSKLookup},
negotiated_version = {Major, Minor},
psk_identity = PSKIdentity,
premaster_secret = undefined,
role = client,
key_algorithm = Alg} = State0, Connection)
when Alg == rsa_psk ->
Rand = ssl:random_bytes(?NUM_OF_PREMASTERSECRET_BYTES-2),
RSAPremasterSecret = <<?BYTE(Major), ?BYTE(Minor), Rand/binary>>,
case ssl_handshake:premaster_secret({Alg, PSKIdentity}, PSKLookup, RSAPremasterSecret) of
#alert{} = Alert ->
PremasterSecret ->
State = master_secret(PremasterSecret, State0#state{premaster_secret = RSAPremasterSecret}),
client_certify_and_key_exchange(State, Connection)
%% Master secret was determined with help of server-key exchange msg
#state{session = #session{master_secret = MasterSecret} = Session,
connection_states = ConnectionStates0,
negotiated_version = Version,
premaster_secret = undefined,
role = client} = State0, Connection) ->
case ssl_handshake:master_secret(record_cb(Connection), Version, Session,
ConnectionStates0, client) of
{MasterSecret, ConnectionStates} ->
State = State0#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates},
client_certify_and_key_exchange(State, Connection);
#alert{} = Alert ->
Connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, certify, State0)
%% Master secret is calculated from premaster_secret
#state{session = Session0,
connection_states = ConnectionStates0,
negotiated_version = Version,
premaster_secret = PremasterSecret,
role = client} = State0, Connection) ->
case ssl_handshake:master_secret(record_cb(Connection), Version, PremasterSecret,
ConnectionStates0, client) of
{MasterSecret, ConnectionStates} ->
Session = Session0#session{master_secret = MasterSecret},
State = State0#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates,
session = Session},
client_certify_and_key_exchange(State, Connection);
#alert{} = Alert ->
Connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, certify, State0)
certify(#client_key_exchange{} = Msg,
#state{role = server,
client_certificate_requested = true,
ssl_options = #ssl_options{fail_if_no_peer_cert = true}} = State, Connection) ->
%% We expect a certificate here
Connection:handle_unexpected_message(Msg, certify_client_key_exchange, State);
certify(#client_key_exchange{exchange_keys = Keys},
State = #state{key_algorithm = KeyAlg, negotiated_version = Version}, Connection) ->
certify_client_key_exchange(ssl_handshake:decode_client_key(Keys, KeyAlg, Version),
State, Connection)
#alert{} = Alert ->
Connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, certify, State)
certify(timeout, State, _) ->
{next_state, certify, State, hibernate};
certify(Msg, State, Connection) ->
Connection:handle_unexpected_message(Msg, certify, State).
-spec cipher(#hello_request{} | #certificate_verify{} | #finished{} | term(),
#state{}, tls_connection | dtls_connection) ->
cipher(#hello_request{}, State0, Connection) ->
{Record, State} = Connection:next_record(State0),
Connection:next_state(cipher, hello, Record, State);
cipher(#certificate_verify{signature = Signature, hashsign_algorithm = CertHashSign},
#state{role = server,
public_key_info = {Algo, _, _} =PublicKeyInfo,
negotiated_version = Version,
session = #session{master_secret = MasterSecret},
tls_handshake_history = Handshake
} = State0, Connection) ->
HashSign = ssl_handshake:select_cert_hashsign(CertHashSign, Algo, Version),
case ssl_handshake:certificate_verify(Signature, PublicKeyInfo,
Version, HashSign, MasterSecret, Handshake) of
valid ->
{Record, State} = Connection:next_record(State0),
Connection:next_state(cipher, cipher, Record,
State#state{cert_hashsign_algorithm = HashSign});
#alert{} = Alert ->
Connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, cipher, State0)
%% client must send a next protocol message if we are expecting it
cipher(#finished{}, #state{role = server, expecting_next_protocol_negotiation = true,
next_protocol = undefined, negotiated_version = Version} = State0,
Connection) ->
Connection:handle_own_alert(?ALERT_REC(?FATAL,?UNEXPECTED_MESSAGE), Version, cipher, State0);
cipher(#finished{verify_data = Data} = Finished,
#state{negotiated_version = Version,
host = Host,
port = Port,
role = Role,
session = #session{master_secret = MasterSecret}
= Session0,
connection_states = ConnectionStates0,
tls_handshake_history = Handshake0} = State, Connection) ->
case ssl_handshake:verify_connection(Version, Finished,
get_current_prf(ConnectionStates0, read),
MasterSecret, Handshake0) of
verified ->
Session = register_session(Role, Host, Port, Session0),
cipher_role(Role, Data, Session, State, Connection);
#alert{} = Alert ->
Connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, cipher, State)
%% only allowed to send next_protocol message after change cipher spec
%% & before finished message and it is not allowed during renegotiation
cipher(#next_protocol{selected_protocol = SelectedProtocol},
#state{role = server, expecting_next_protocol_negotiation = true} = State0, Connection) ->
{Record, State} = Connection:next_record(State0#state{next_protocol = SelectedProtocol}),
Connection:next_state(cipher, cipher, Record, State);
cipher(timeout, State, _) ->
{next_state, cipher, State, hibernate};
cipher(Msg, State, Connection) ->
Connection:handle_unexpected_message(Msg, cipher, State).
-spec connection(term(), #state{}, tls_connection | dtls_connection) ->
connection(timeout, State, _) ->
{next_state, connection, State, hibernate};
connection(Msg, State, Connection) ->
Connection:handle_unexpected_message(Msg, connection, State).
%% Description: Whenever a gen_fsm receives an event sent using
%% gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event/2,3, this function is called to handle
%% the event.
handle_sync_event({application_data, Data}, From, connection,
#state{protocol_cb = Connection} = State) ->
%% We should look into having a worker process to do this to
%% parallize send and receive decoding and not block the receiver
%% if sending is overloading the socket.
Connection:write_application_data(Data, From, State)
catch throw:Error ->
{reply, Error, connection, State, get_timeout(State)}
handle_sync_event({application_data, Data}, From, StateName,
#state{send_queue = Queue} = State) ->
%% In renegotiation priorities handshake, send data when handshake is finished
{next_state, StateName,
State#state{send_queue = queue:in({From, Data}, Queue)},
handle_sync_event({start, Timeout}, StartFrom, hello, #state{protocol_cb = Connection} = State) ->
Timer = start_or_recv_cancel_timer(Timeout, StartFrom),
Connection:hello(start, State#state{start_or_recv_from = StartFrom,
timer = Timer});
%% The two clauses below could happen if a server upgrades a socket in
%% active mode. Note that in this case we are lucky that
%% controlling_process has been evalueated before receiving handshake
%% messages from client. The server should put the socket in passive
%% mode before telling the client that it is willing to upgrade
%% and before calling ssl:ssl_accept/2. These clauses are
%% here to make sure it is the users problem and not owers if
%% they upgrade an active socket.
handle_sync_event({start,_}, _, connection, State) ->
{reply, connected, connection, State, get_timeout(State)};
handle_sync_event({start,_}, _From, error, {Error, State = #state{}}) ->
{stop, {shutdown, Error}, {error, Error}, State};
handle_sync_event({start, Timeout}, StartFrom, StateName, State) ->
Timer = start_or_recv_cancel_timer(Timeout, StartFrom),
{next_state, StateName, State#state{start_or_recv_from = StartFrom,
timer = Timer}, get_timeout(State)};
handle_sync_event({start, Opts, Timeout}, From, StateName, #state{ssl_options = SslOpts} = State) ->
NewOpts = new_ssl_options(Opts, SslOpts),
handle_sync_event({start, Timeout}, From, StateName, State#state{ssl_options = NewOpts});
handle_sync_event(close, _, StateName, #state{protocol_cb = Connection} = State) ->
%% Run terminate before returning
%% so that the reuseaddr inet-option will work
%% as intended.
(catch Connection:terminate(user_close, StateName, State)),
{stop, normal, ok, State#state{terminated = true}};
handle_sync_event({shutdown, How0}, _, StateName,
#state{transport_cb = Transport,
negotiated_version = Version,
connection_states = ConnectionStates,
socket = Socket} = State) ->
case How0 of
How when How == write; How == both ->
{BinMsg, _} =
ssl_alert:encode(Alert, Version, ConnectionStates),
Transport:send(Socket, BinMsg);
_ ->
case Transport:shutdown(Socket, How0) of
ok ->
{reply, ok, StateName, State, get_timeout(State)};
Error ->
{stop, normal, Error, State}
handle_sync_event({recv, _N, _Timeout}, _RecvFrom, StateName,
#state{socket_options = #socket_options{active = Active}} = State) when Active =/= false ->
{reply, {error, einval}, StateName, State, get_timeout(State)};
handle_sync_event({recv, N, Timeout}, RecvFrom, connection = StateName,
#state{protocol_cb = Connection} = State0) ->
Timer = start_or_recv_cancel_timer(Timeout, RecvFrom),
Connection:passive_receive(State0#state{bytes_to_read = N,
start_or_recv_from = RecvFrom, timer = Timer}, StateName);
%% Doing renegotiate wait with handling request until renegotiate is
%% finished. Will be handled by next_state_is_connection/2.
handle_sync_event({recv, N, Timeout}, RecvFrom, StateName, State) ->
Timer = start_or_recv_cancel_timer(Timeout, RecvFrom),
{next_state, StateName, State#state{bytes_to_read = N, start_or_recv_from = RecvFrom,
timer = Timer},
handle_sync_event({new_user, User}, _From, StateName,
State =#state{user_application = {OldMon, _}}) ->
NewMon = erlang:monitor(process, User),
erlang:demonitor(OldMon, [flush]),
{reply, ok, StateName, State#state{user_application = {NewMon,User}},
handle_sync_event({get_opts, OptTags}, _From, StateName,
#state{socket = Socket,
transport_cb = Transport,
socket_options = SockOpts} = State) ->
OptsReply = get_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, OptTags, SockOpts, []),
{reply, OptsReply, StateName, State, get_timeout(State)};
handle_sync_event(negotiated_next_protocol, _From, StateName, #state{next_protocol = undefined} = State) ->
{reply, {error, next_protocol_not_negotiated}, StateName, State, get_timeout(State)};
handle_sync_event(negotiated_next_protocol, _From, StateName, #state{next_protocol = NextProtocol} = State) ->
{reply, {ok, NextProtocol}, StateName, State, get_timeout(State)};
handle_sync_event({set_opts, Opts0}, _From, StateName0,
#state{socket_options = Opts1,
protocol_cb = Connection,
socket = Socket,
transport_cb = Transport,
user_data_buffer = Buffer} = State0) ->
{Reply, Opts} = set_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, Opts0, Opts1, []),
State1 = State0#state{socket_options = Opts},
Opts#socket_options.active =:= false ->
{reply, Reply, StateName0, State1, get_timeout(State1)};
Buffer =:= <<>>, Opts1#socket_options.active =:= false ->
%% Need data, set active once
{Record, State2} = Connection:next_record_if_active(State1),
%% Note: Renogotiation may cause StateName0 =/= StateName
case Connection:next_state(StateName0, StateName0, Record, State2) of
{next_state, StateName, State, Timeout} ->
{reply, Reply, StateName, State, Timeout};
{stop, Reason, State} ->
{stop, Reason, State}
Buffer =:= <<>> ->
%% Active once already set
{reply, Reply, StateName0, State1, get_timeout(State1)};
true ->
case Connection:read_application_data(<<>>, State1) of
Stop = {stop,_,_} ->
{Record, State2} ->
%% Note: Renogotiation may cause StateName0 =/= StateName
case Connection:next_state(StateName0, StateName0, Record, State2) of
{next_state, StateName, State, Timeout} ->
{reply, Reply, StateName, State, Timeout};
{stop, Reason, State} ->
{stop, Reason, State}
handle_sync_event(renegotiate, From, connection, #state{protocol_cb = Connection} = State) ->
Connection:renegotiate(State#state{renegotiation = {true, From}});
handle_sync_event(renegotiate, _, StateName, State) ->
{reply, {error, already_renegotiating}, StateName, State, get_timeout(State)};
handle_sync_event({prf, Secret, Label, Seed, WantedLength}, _, StateName,
#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates,
negotiated_version = Version} = State) ->
ConnectionState =
ssl_record:current_connection_state(ConnectionStates, read),
SecParams = ConnectionState#connection_state.security_parameters,
#security_parameters{master_secret = MasterSecret,
client_random = ClientRandom,
server_random = ServerRandom} = SecParams,
Reply = try
SecretToUse = case Secret of
_ when is_binary(Secret) -> Secret;
master_secret -> MasterSecret
SeedToUse = lists:reverse(
lists:foldl(fun(X, Acc) when is_binary(X) -> [X|Acc];
(client_random, Acc) -> [ClientRandom|Acc];
(server_random, Acc) -> [ServerRandom|Acc]
end, [], Seed)),
ssl_handshake:prf(Version, SecretToUse, Label, SeedToUse, WantedLength)
exit:_ -> {error, badarg};
error:Reason -> {error, Reason}
{reply, Reply, StateName, State, get_timeout(State)};
handle_sync_event(info, _, StateName,
#state{negotiated_version = Version,
session = #session{cipher_suite = Suite}} = State) ->
AtomVersion = tls_record:protocol_version(Version),
{reply, {ok, {AtomVersion, ssl:suite_definition(Suite)}},
StateName, State, get_timeout(State)};
handle_sync_event(session_info, _, StateName,
#state{session = #session{session_id = Id,
cipher_suite = Suite}} = State) ->
{reply, [{session_id, Id},
{cipher_suite, ssl:suite_definition(Suite)}],
StateName, State, get_timeout(State)};
handle_sync_event(peer_certificate, _, StateName,
#state{session = #session{peer_certificate = Cert}}
= State) ->
{reply, {ok, Cert}, StateName, State, get_timeout(State)}.
handle_info({ErrorTag, Socket, econnaborted}, StateName,
#state{socket = Socket, transport_cb = Transport,
start_or_recv_from = StartFrom, role = Role,
protocol_cb = Connection,
error_tag = ErrorTag} = State) when StateName =/= connection ->
Connection:alert_user(Transport, Socket, StartFrom, ?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?CLOSE_NOTIFY), Role),
{stop, normal, State};
handle_info({ErrorTag, Socket, Reason}, StateName, #state{socket = Socket,
protocol_cb = Connection,
error_tag = ErrorTag} = State) ->
Report = io_lib:format("SSL: Socket error: ~p ~n", [Reason]),
Connection:handle_normal_shutdown(?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?CLOSE_NOTIFY), StateName, State),
{stop, normal, State};
handle_info({'DOWN', MonitorRef, _, _, _}, _,
State = #state{user_application={MonitorRef,_Pid}}) ->
{stop, normal, State};
%%% So that terminate will be run when supervisor issues shutdown
handle_info({'EXIT', _Sup, shutdown}, _StateName, State) ->
{stop, shutdown, State};
handle_info({'EXIT', Socket, normal}, _StateName, #state{socket = Socket} = State) ->
%% Handle as transport close"
{stop, {shutdown, transport_closed}, State};
handle_info(allow_renegotiate, StateName, State) ->
{next_state, StateName, State#state{allow_renegotiate = true}, get_timeout(State)};
handle_info({cancel_start_or_recv, StartFrom}, StateName,
#state{renegotiation = {false, first}} = State) when StateName =/= connection ->
gen_fsm:reply(StartFrom, {error, timeout}),
{stop, {shutdown, user_timeout}, State#state{timer = undefined}};
handle_info({cancel_start_or_recv, RecvFrom}, StateName, #state{start_or_recv_from = RecvFrom} = State) ->
gen_fsm:reply(RecvFrom, {error, timeout}),
{next_state, StateName, State#state{start_or_recv_from = undefined,
bytes_to_read = undefined,
timer = undefined}, get_timeout(State)};
handle_info({cancel_start_or_recv, _RecvFrom}, StateName, State) ->
{next_state, StateName, State#state{timer = undefined}, get_timeout(State)};
handle_info(Msg, StateName, #state{socket = Socket, error_tag = Tag} = State) ->
Report = io_lib:format("SSL: Got unexpected info: ~p ~n", [{Msg, Tag, Socket}]),
{next_state, StateName, State, get_timeout(State)}.
terminate(_, _, #state{terminated = true}) ->
%% Happens when user closes the connection using ssl:close/1
%% we want to guarantee that Transport:close has been called
%% when ssl:close/1 returns.
terminate({shutdown, transport_closed}, StateName, #state{send_queue = SendQueue,
renegotiation = Renegotiate} = State) ->
handle_unrecv_data(StateName, State),
terminate({shutdown, own_alert}, _StateName, #state{send_queue = SendQueue,
renegotiation = Renegotiate} = State) ->
terminate(Reason, connection, #state{negotiated_version = Version,
protocol_cb = Connection,
connection_states = ConnectionStates,
transport_cb = Transport, socket = Socket,
send_queue = SendQueue, renegotiation = Renegotiate} = State) ->
BinAlert = terminate_alert(Reason, Version, ConnectionStates),
Transport:send(Socket, BinAlert),
case Connection of
tls_connection ->
tls_connection:workaround_transport_delivery_problems(Socket, Transport);
_ ->
terminate(_Reason, _StateName, #state{transport_cb = Transport,
socket = Socket, send_queue = SendQueue,
renegotiation = Renegotiate} = State) ->
%%% Internal functions
do_server_hello(Type, #hello_extensions{next_protocol_negotiation = NextProtocols} =
#state{negotiated_version = Version,
session = #session{session_id = SessId},
connection_states = ConnectionStates0}
= State0, Connection) when is_atom(Type) ->
ServerHello =
ssl_handshake:server_hello(SessId, Version, ConnectionStates0, ServerHelloExt),
State = server_hello(ServerHello,
State0#state{expecting_next_protocol_negotiation =
NextProtocols =/= undefined}, Connection),
case Type of
new ->
new_server_hello(ServerHello, State, Connection);
resumed ->
resumed_server_hello(State, Connection)
new_server_hello(#server_hello{cipher_suite = CipherSuite,
compression_method = Compression,
session_id = SessionId},
#state{session = Session0,
negotiated_version = Version} = State0, Connection) ->
try server_certify_and_key_exchange(State0, Connection) of
#state{} = State1 ->
State2 = server_hello_done(State1, Connection),
Session =
Session0#session{session_id = SessionId,
cipher_suite = CipherSuite,
compression_method = Compression},
{Record, State} = Connection:next_record(State2#state{session = Session}),
Connection:next_state(hello, certify, Record, State)
#alert{} = Alert ->
Connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, hello, State0)
resumed_server_hello(#state{session = Session,
connection_states = ConnectionStates0,
negotiated_version = Version} = State0, Connection) ->
case ssl_handshake:master_secret(record_cb(Connection), Version, Session,
ConnectionStates0, server) of
{_, ConnectionStates1} ->
State1 = State0#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates1,
session = Session},
State2 =
finalize_handshake(State1, abbreviated, Connection),
{Record, State} = Connection:next_record(State2),
Connection:next_state(hello, abbreviated, Record, State);
#alert{} = Alert ->
Connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, hello, State0)
server_hello(ServerHello, State0, Connection) ->
CipherSuite = ServerHello#server_hello.cipher_suite,
{KeyAlgorithm, _, _, _} = ssl_cipher:suite_definition(CipherSuite),
State = Connection:send_handshake(ServerHello, State0),
State#state{key_algorithm = KeyAlgorithm}.
server_hello_done(State, Connection) ->
HelloDone = ssl_handshake:server_hello_done(),
Connection:send_handshake(HelloDone, State).
handle_peer_cert(Role, PeerCert, PublicKeyInfo,
#state{session = #session{cipher_suite = CipherSuite} = Session} = State0,
Connection) ->
State1 = State0#state{session =
Session#session{peer_certificate = PeerCert},
public_key_info = PublicKeyInfo},
{KeyAlg,_,_,_} = ssl_cipher:suite_definition(CipherSuite),
State2 = handle_peer_cert_key(Role, PeerCert, PublicKeyInfo, KeyAlg, State1),
{Record, State} = Connection:next_record(State2),
Connection:next_state(certify, certify, Record, State).
handle_peer_cert_key(client, _,
{?'id-ecPublicKey', #'ECPoint'{point = _ECPoint} = PublicKey,
KeyAlg, State) when KeyAlg == ecdh_rsa;
KeyAlg == ecdh_ecdsa ->
ECDHKey = public_key:generate_key(PublicKeyParams),
PremasterSecret = ssl_handshake:premaster_secret(PublicKey, ECDHKey),
master_secret(PremasterSecret, State#state{diffie_hellman_keys = ECDHKey});
%% We do currently not support cipher suites that use fixed DH.
%% If we want to implement that the following clause can be used
%% to extract DH parameters form cert.
%% handle_peer_cert_key(client, _PeerCert, {?dhpublicnumber, PublicKey, PublicKeyParams},
%% {_,SignAlg},
%% #state{diffie_hellman_keys = {_, MyPrivatKey}} = State) when
%% SignAlg == dh_rsa;
%% SignAlg == dh_dss ->
%% dh_master_secret(PublicKeyParams, PublicKey, MyPrivatKey, State);
handle_peer_cert_key(_, _, _, _, State) ->
certify_client(#state{client_certificate_requested = true, role = client,
cert_db = CertDbHandle,
cert_db_ref = CertDbRef,
session = #session{own_certificate = OwnCert}}
= State, Connection) ->
Certificate = ssl_handshake:certificate(OwnCert, CertDbHandle, CertDbRef, client),
Connection:send_handshake(Certificate, State);
certify_client(#state{client_certificate_requested = false} = State, _) ->
verify_client_cert(#state{client_certificate_requested = true, role = client,
negotiated_version = Version,
private_key = PrivateKey,
session = #session{master_secret = MasterSecret,
own_certificate = OwnCert},
cert_hashsign_algorithm = HashSign,
tls_handshake_history = Handshake0} = State, Connection) ->
case ssl_handshake:client_certificate_verify(OwnCert, MasterSecret,
Version, HashSign, PrivateKey, Handshake0) of
#certificate_verify{} = Verified ->
Connection:send_handshake(Verified, State);
ignore ->
#alert{} = Alert ->
verify_client_cert(#state{client_certificate_requested = false} = State, _) ->
client_certify_and_key_exchange(#state{negotiated_version = Version} =
State0, Connection) ->
try do_client_certify_and_key_exchange(State0, Connection) of
State1 = #state{} ->
State2 = finalize_handshake(State1, certify, Connection),
State3 = State2#state{
%% Reinitialize
client_certificate_requested = false},
{Record, State} = Connection:next_record(State3),
Connection:next_state(certify, cipher, Record, State)
throw:#alert{} = Alert ->
Connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, certify, State0)
do_client_certify_and_key_exchange(State0, Connection) ->
State1 = certify_client(State0, Connection),
State2 = key_exchange(State1, Connection),
verify_client_cert(State2, Connection).
server_certify_and_key_exchange(State0, Connection) ->
State1 = certify_server(State0, Connection),
State2 = key_exchange(State1, Connection),
request_client_cert(State2, Connection).
certify_client_key_exchange(#encrypted_premaster_secret{premaster_secret= EncPMS},
#state{private_key = Key} = State, Connection) ->
PremasterSecret = ssl_handshake:premaster_secret(EncPMS, Key),
calculate_master_secret(PremasterSecret, State, Connection, certify, cipher);
certify_client_key_exchange(#client_diffie_hellman_public{dh_public = ClientPublicDhKey},
#state{diffie_hellman_params = #'DHParameter'{} = Params,
diffie_hellman_keys = {_, ServerDhPrivateKey}} = State,
Connection) ->
PremasterSecret = ssl_handshake:premaster_secret(ClientPublicDhKey, ServerDhPrivateKey, Params),
calculate_master_secret(PremasterSecret, State, Connection, certify, cipher);
certify_client_key_exchange(#client_ec_diffie_hellman_public{dh_public = ClientPublicEcDhPoint},
#state{diffie_hellman_keys = ECDHKey} = State, Connection) ->
PremasterSecret = ssl_handshake:premaster_secret(#'ECPoint'{point = ClientPublicEcDhPoint}, ECDHKey),
calculate_master_secret(PremasterSecret, State, Connection, certify, cipher);
certify_client_key_exchange(#client_psk_identity{} = ClientKey,
#state{ssl_options = #ssl_options{user_lookup_fun = PSKLookup}} = State0, Connection) ->
PremasterSecret = ssl_handshake:premaster_secret(ClientKey, PSKLookup),
calculate_master_secret(PremasterSecret, State0, Connection, certify, cipher);
certify_client_key_exchange(#client_dhe_psk_identity{} = ClientKey,
#state{diffie_hellman_params = #'DHParameter'{} = Params,
diffie_hellman_keys = {_, ServerDhPrivateKey},
ssl_options = #ssl_options{user_lookup_fun = PSKLookup}} = State0,
Connection) ->
PremasterSecret = ssl_handshake:premaster_secret(ClientKey, ServerDhPrivateKey, Params, PSKLookup),
calculate_master_secret(PremasterSecret, State0, Connection, certify, cipher);
certify_client_key_exchange(#client_rsa_psk_identity{} = ClientKey,
#state{private_key = Key,
ssl_options = #ssl_options{user_lookup_fun = PSKLookup}} = State0,
Connection) ->
PremasterSecret = ssl_handshake:premaster_secret(ClientKey, Key, PSKLookup),
calculate_master_secret(PremasterSecret, State0, Connection, certify, cipher);
certify_client_key_exchange(#client_srp_public{} = ClientKey,
#state{srp_params = Params,
srp_keys = Key
} = State0, Connection) ->
PremasterSecret = ssl_handshake:premaster_secret(ClientKey, Key, Params),
calculate_master_secret(PremasterSecret, State0, Connection, certify, cipher).
certify_server(#state{key_algorithm = Algo} = State, _)
when Algo == dh_anon; Algo == ecdh_anon; Algo == psk; Algo == dhe_psk; Algo == srp_anon ->
certify_server(#state{cert_db = CertDbHandle,
cert_db_ref = CertDbRef,
session = #session{own_certificate = OwnCert}} = State, Connection) ->
case ssl_handshake:certificate(OwnCert, CertDbHandle, CertDbRef, server) of
Cert = #certificate{} ->
Connection:send_handshake(Cert, State);
Alert = #alert{} ->
key_exchange(#state{role = server, key_algorithm = rsa} = State,_) ->
key_exchange(#state{role = server, key_algorithm = Algo,
hashsign_algorithm = HashSignAlgo,
diffie_hellman_params = #'DHParameter'{} = Params,
private_key = PrivateKey,
connection_states = ConnectionStates0,
negotiated_version = Version
} = State0, Connection)
when Algo == dhe_dss;
Algo == dhe_rsa;
Algo == dh_anon ->
DHKeys = public_key:generate_key(Params),
ConnectionState =
ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates0, read),
SecParams = ConnectionState#connection_state.security_parameters,
#security_parameters{client_random = ClientRandom,
server_random = ServerRandom} = SecParams,
Msg = ssl_handshake:key_exchange(server, Version, {dh, DHKeys, Params,
HashSignAlgo, ClientRandom,
State = Connection:send_handshake(Msg, State0),
State#state{diffie_hellman_keys = DHKeys};
key_exchange(#state{role = server, private_key = Key, key_algorithm = Algo} = State, _)
when Algo == ecdh_ecdsa; Algo == ecdh_rsa ->
State#state{diffie_hellman_keys = Key};
key_exchange(#state{role = server, key_algorithm = Algo,
hashsign_algorithm = HashSignAlgo,
private_key = PrivateKey,
connection_states = ConnectionStates0,
negotiated_version = Version
} = State0, Connection)
when Algo == ecdhe_ecdsa; Algo == ecdhe_rsa;
Algo == ecdh_anon ->
ECDHKeys = public_key:generate_key(select_curve(State0)),
ConnectionState =
ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates0, read),
SecParams = ConnectionState#connection_state.security_parameters,
#security_parameters{client_random = ClientRandom,
server_random = ServerRandom} = SecParams,
Msg = ssl_handshake:key_exchange(server, Version, {ecdh, ECDHKeys,
HashSignAlgo, ClientRandom,
State = Connection:send_handshake(Msg, State0),
State#state{diffie_hellman_keys = ECDHKeys};
key_exchange(#state{role = server, key_algorithm = psk,
ssl_options = #ssl_options{psk_identity = undefined}} = State, _) ->
key_exchange(#state{role = server, key_algorithm = psk,
ssl_options = #ssl_options{psk_identity = PskIdentityHint},
hashsign_algorithm = HashSignAlgo,
private_key = PrivateKey,
connection_states = ConnectionStates0,
negotiated_version = Version
} = State0, Connection) ->
ConnectionState =
ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates0, read),
SecParams = ConnectionState#connection_state.security_parameters,
#security_parameters{client_random = ClientRandom,
server_random = ServerRandom} = SecParams,
Msg = ssl_handshake:key_exchange(server, Version, {psk, PskIdentityHint,
HashSignAlgo, ClientRandom,
Connection:send_handshake(Msg, State0);
key_exchange(#state{role = server, key_algorithm = dhe_psk,
ssl_options = #ssl_options{psk_identity = PskIdentityHint},
hashsign_algorithm = HashSignAlgo,
diffie_hellman_params = #'DHParameter'{} = Params,
private_key = PrivateKey,
connection_states = ConnectionStates0,
negotiated_version = Version
} = State0, Connection) ->
DHKeys = public_key:generate_key(Params),
ConnectionState =
ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates0, read),
SecParams = ConnectionState#connection_state.security_parameters,
#security_parameters{client_random = ClientRandom,
server_random = ServerRandom} = SecParams,
Msg = ssl_handshake:key_exchange(server, Version, {dhe_psk, PskIdentityHint, DHKeys, Params,
HashSignAlgo, ClientRandom,
State = Connection:send_handshake(Msg, State0),
State#state{diffie_hellman_keys = DHKeys};
key_exchange(#state{role = server, key_algorithm = rsa_psk,
ssl_options = #ssl_options{psk_identity = undefined}} = State, _) ->
key_exchange(#state{role = server, key_algorithm = rsa_psk,
ssl_options = #ssl_options{psk_identity = PskIdentityHint},
hashsign_algorithm = HashSignAlgo,
private_key = PrivateKey,
connection_states = ConnectionStates0,
negotiated_version = Version
} = State0, Connection) ->
ConnectionState =
ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates0, read),
SecParams = ConnectionState#connection_state.security_parameters,
#security_parameters{client_random = ClientRandom,
server_random = ServerRandom} = SecParams,
Msg = ssl_handshake:key_exchange(server, Version, {psk, PskIdentityHint,
HashSignAlgo, ClientRandom,
Connection:send_handshake(Msg, State0);
key_exchange(#state{role = server, key_algorithm = Algo,
ssl_options = #ssl_options{user_lookup_fun = LookupFun},
hashsign_algorithm = HashSignAlgo,
session = #session{srp_username = Username},
private_key = PrivateKey,
connection_states = ConnectionStates0,
negotiated_version = Version
} = State0, Connection)
when Algo == srp_dss;
Algo == srp_rsa;
Algo == srp_anon ->
SrpParams = handle_srp_identity(Username, LookupFun),
Keys = case generate_srp_server_keys(SrpParams, 0) of
Alert = #alert{} ->
Keys0 = {_,_} ->
ConnectionState =
ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates0, read),
SecParams = ConnectionState#connection_state.security_parameters,
#security_parameters{client_random = ClientRandom,
server_random = ServerRandom} = SecParams,
Msg = ssl_handshake:key_exchange(server, Version, {srp, Keys, SrpParams,
HashSignAlgo, ClientRandom,
State = Connection:send_handshake(Msg, State0),
State#state{srp_params = SrpParams,
srp_keys = Keys};
key_exchange(#state{role = client,
key_algorithm = rsa,
public_key_info = PublicKeyInfo,
negotiated_version = Version,
premaster_secret = PremasterSecret} = State0, Connection) ->
Msg = rsa_key_exchange(Version, PremasterSecret, PublicKeyInfo),
Connection:send_handshake(Msg, State0);
key_exchange(#state{role = client,
key_algorithm = Algorithm,
negotiated_version = Version,
diffie_hellman_keys = {DhPubKey, _}
} = State0, Connection)
when Algorithm == dhe_dss;
Algorithm == dhe_rsa;
Algorithm == dh_anon ->
Msg = ssl_handshake:key_exchange(client, Version, {dh, DhPubKey}),
Connection:send_handshake(Msg, State0);
key_exchange(#state{role = client,
key_algorithm = Algorithm,
negotiated_version = Version,
diffie_hellman_keys = Keys} = State0, Connection)
when Algorithm == ecdhe_ecdsa; Algorithm == ecdhe_rsa;
Algorithm == ecdh_ecdsa; Algorithm == ecdh_rsa;
Algorithm == ecdh_anon ->
Msg = ssl_handshake:key_exchange(client, Version, {ecdh, Keys}),
Connection:send_handshake(Msg, State0);
key_exchange(#state{role = client,
ssl_options = SslOpts,
key_algorithm = psk,
negotiated_version = Version} = State0, Connection) ->
Msg = ssl_handshake:key_exchange(client, Version, {psk, SslOpts#ssl_options.psk_identity}),
Connection:send_handshake(Msg, State0);
key_exchange(#state{role = client,
ssl_options = SslOpts,
key_algorithm = dhe_psk,
negotiated_version = Version,
diffie_hellman_keys = {DhPubKey, _}} = State0, Connection) ->
Msg = ssl_handshake:key_exchange(client, Version,
{dhe_psk, SslOpts#ssl_options.psk_identity, DhPubKey}),
Connection:send_handshake(Msg, State0);
key_exchange(#state{role = client,
ssl_options = SslOpts,
key_algorithm = rsa_psk,
public_key_info = PublicKeyInfo,
negotiated_version = Version,
premaster_secret = PremasterSecret}
= State0, Connection) ->
Msg = rsa_psk_key_exchange(Version, SslOpts#ssl_options.psk_identity,
PremasterSecret, PublicKeyInfo),
Connection:send_handshake(Msg, State0);
key_exchange(#state{role = client,
key_algorithm = Algorithm,
negotiated_version = Version,
srp_keys = {ClientPubKey, _}}
= State0, Connection)
when Algorithm == srp_dss;
Algorithm == srp_rsa;
Algorithm == srp_anon ->
Msg = ssl_handshake:key_exchange(client, Version, {srp, ClientPubKey}),
Connection:send_handshake(Msg, State0).
rsa_key_exchange(Version, PremasterSecret, PublicKeyInfo = {Algorithm, _, _})
when Algorithm == ?rsaEncryption;
Algorithm == ?md2WithRSAEncryption;
Algorithm == ?md5WithRSAEncryption;
Algorithm == ?sha1WithRSAEncryption;
Algorithm == ?sha224WithRSAEncryption;
Algorithm == ?sha256WithRSAEncryption;
Algorithm == ?sha384WithRSAEncryption;
Algorithm == ?sha512WithRSAEncryption
ssl_handshake:key_exchange(client, Version,
{premaster_secret, PremasterSecret,
rsa_key_exchange(_, _, _) ->
rsa_psk_key_exchange(Version, PskIdentity, PremasterSecret, PublicKeyInfo = {Algorithm, _, _})
when Algorithm == ?rsaEncryption;
Algorithm == ?md2WithRSAEncryption;
Algorithm == ?md5WithRSAEncryption;
Algorithm == ?sha1WithRSAEncryption;
Algorithm == ?sha224WithRSAEncryption;
Algorithm == ?sha256WithRSAEncryption;
Algorithm == ?sha384WithRSAEncryption;
Algorithm == ?sha512WithRSAEncryption
ssl_handshake:key_exchange(client, Version,
{psk_premaster_secret, PskIdentity, PremasterSecret,
rsa_psk_key_exchange(_, _, _, _) ->
request_client_cert(#state{ssl_options = #ssl_options{verify = verify_peer},
connection_states = ConnectionStates0,
cert_db = CertDbHandle,
cert_db_ref = CertDbRef,
negotiated_version = Version} = State0, Connection) ->
#connection_state{security_parameters =
#security_parameters{cipher_suite = CipherSuite}} =
ssl_record:pending_connection_state(ConnectionStates0, read),
Msg = ssl_handshake:certificate_request(CipherSuite, CertDbHandle, CertDbRef, Version),
State = Connection:send_handshake(Msg, State0),
State#state{client_certificate_requested = true};
request_client_cert(#state{ssl_options = #ssl_options{verify = verify_none}} =
State, _) ->
calculate_master_secret(PremasterSecret, #state{negotiated_version = Version,
connection_states = ConnectionStates0,
session = Session0} = State0, Connection,
Current, Next) ->
case ssl_handshake:master_secret(record_cb(Connection), Version, PremasterSecret,
ConnectionStates0, server) of
{MasterSecret, ConnectionStates} ->
Session = Session0#session{master_secret = MasterSecret},
State1 = State0#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates,
session = Session},
{Record, State} = Connection:next_record(State1),
Connection:next_state(Current, Next, Record, State);
#alert{} = Alert ->
Connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, certify, State0)
finalize_handshake(State0, StateName, Connection) ->
#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates0} =
State1 = cipher_protocol(State0, Connection),
ConnectionStates =
State2 = State1#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates},
State = next_protocol(State2, Connection),
finished(State, StateName, Connection).
next_protocol(#state{role = server} = State, _) ->
next_protocol(#state{next_protocol = undefined} = State, _) ->
next_protocol(#state{expecting_next_protocol_negotiation = false} = State, _) ->
next_protocol(#state{next_protocol = NextProtocol} = State0, Connection) ->
NextProtocolMessage = ssl_handshake:next_protocol(NextProtocol),
Connection:send_handshake(NextProtocolMessage, State0).
cipher_protocol(State, Connection) ->
Connection:send_change_cipher(#change_cipher_spec{}, State).
finished(#state{role = Role, negotiated_version = Version,
session = Session,
connection_states = ConnectionStates0,
tls_handshake_history = Handshake0} = State0, StateName, Connection) ->
MasterSecret = Session#session.master_secret,
Finished = ssl_handshake:finished(Version, Role,
get_current_prf(ConnectionStates0, write),
MasterSecret, Handshake0),
ConnectionStates = save_verify_data(Role, Finished, ConnectionStates0, StateName),
Connection:send_handshake(Finished, State0#state{connection_states =
save_verify_data(client, #finished{verify_data = Data}, ConnectionStates, certify) ->
ssl_record:set_client_verify_data(current_write, Data, ConnectionStates);
save_verify_data(server, #finished{verify_data = Data}, ConnectionStates, cipher) ->
ssl_record:set_server_verify_data(current_both, Data, ConnectionStates);
save_verify_data(client, #finished{verify_data = Data}, ConnectionStates, abbreviated) ->
ssl_record:set_client_verify_data(current_both, Data, ConnectionStates);
save_verify_data(server, #finished{verify_data = Data}, ConnectionStates, abbreviated) ->
ssl_record:set_server_verify_data(current_write, Data, ConnectionStates).
calculate_secret(#server_dh_params{dh_p = Prime, dh_g = Base, dh_y = ServerPublicDhKey} = Params,
State, Connection) ->
Keys = {_, PrivateDhKey} = crypto:generate_key(dh, [Prime, Base]),
PremasterSecret =
ssl_handshake:premaster_secret(ServerPublicDhKey, PrivateDhKey, Params),
State#state{diffie_hellman_keys = Keys}, Connection, certify, certify);
calculate_secret(#server_ecdh_params{curve = ECCurve, public = ECServerPubKey},
State, Connection) ->
ECDHKeys = public_key:generate_key(ECCurve),
PremasterSecret = ssl_handshake:premaster_secret(#'ECPoint'{point = ECServerPubKey}, ECDHKeys),
State#state{diffie_hellman_keys = ECDHKeys}, Connection, certify, certify);
hint = IdentityHint},
State0, Connection) ->
%% store for later use
{Record, State} = Connection:next_record(State0#state{psk_identity = IdentityHint}),
Connection:next_state(certify, certify, Record, State);
dh_params = #server_dh_params{dh_p = Prime, dh_g = Base}} = ServerKey,
#state{ssl_options = #ssl_options{user_lookup_fun = PSKLookup}} = State, Connection) ->
Keys = {_, PrivateDhKey} =
crypto:generate_key(dh, [Prime, Base]),
PremasterSecret = ssl_handshake:premaster_secret(ServerKey, PrivateDhKey, PSKLookup),
calculate_master_secret(PremasterSecret, State#state{diffie_hellman_keys = Keys},
Connection, certify, certify);
calculate_secret(#server_srp_params{srp_n = Prime, srp_g = Generator} = ServerKey,
#state{ssl_options = #ssl_options{srp_identity = SRPId}} = State, Connection) ->
Keys = generate_srp_client_keys(Generator, Prime, 0),
PremasterSecret = ssl_handshake:premaster_secret(ServerKey, Keys, SRPId),
calculate_master_secret(PremasterSecret, State#state{srp_keys = Keys}, Connection, certify, certify).
master_secret(#alert{} = Alert, _) ->
master_secret(PremasterSecret, #state{session = Session,
negotiated_version = Version, role = Role,
connection_states = ConnectionStates0} = State) ->
case ssl_handshake:master_secret(tls_record, Version, PremasterSecret,
ConnectionStates0, Role) of
{MasterSecret, ConnectionStates} ->
session =
Session#session{master_secret = MasterSecret},
connection_states = ConnectionStates};
#alert{} = Alert ->
generate_srp_server_keys(_SrpParams, 10) ->
generate_srp_server_keys(SrpParams =
#srp_user{generator = Generator, prime = Prime,
verifier = Verifier}, N) ->
case crypto:generate_key(srp, {host, [Verifier, Generator, Prime, '6a']}) of
error ->
generate_srp_server_keys(SrpParams, N+1);
Keys ->
generate_srp_client_keys(_Generator, _Prime, 10) ->
generate_srp_client_keys(Generator, Prime, N) ->
case crypto:generate_key(srp, {user, [Generator, Prime, '6a']}) of
error ->
generate_srp_client_keys(Generator, Prime, N+1);
Keys ->
handle_srp_identity(Username, {Fun, UserState}) ->
case Fun(srp, Username, UserState) of
{ok, {SRPParams, Salt, DerivedKey}}
when is_atom(SRPParams), is_binary(Salt), is_binary(DerivedKey) ->
{Generator, Prime} = ssl_srp_primes:get_srp_params(SRPParams),
Verifier = crypto:mod_pow(Generator, DerivedKey, Prime),
#srp_user{generator = Generator, prime = Prime,
salt = Salt, verifier = Verifier};
#alert{} = Alert ->
_ ->
cipher_role(client, Data, Session, #state{connection_states = ConnectionStates0} = State,
Connection) ->
ConnectionStates = ssl_record:set_server_verify_data(current_both, Data, ConnectionStates0),
State#state{session = Session,
connection_states = ConnectionStates}));
cipher_role(server, Data, Session, #state{connection_states = ConnectionStates0} = State0,
Connection) ->
ConnectionStates1 = ssl_record:set_client_verify_data(current_read, Data, ConnectionStates0),
State =
finalize_handshake(State0#state{connection_states = ConnectionStates1,
session = Session}, cipher, Connection),
Connection:next_state_connection(cipher, ack_connection(State#state{session = Session})).
negotiated_hashsign(undefined, Algo, Version) ->
default_hashsign(Version, Algo);
negotiated_hashsign(HashSign = {_, _}, _, _) ->
%% RFC 5246, Sect. Signature Algorithms
%% If the client does not send the signature_algorithms extension, the
%% server MUST do the following:
%% - If the negotiated key exchange algorithm is one of (RSA, DHE_RSA,
%% DH_RSA, RSA_PSK, ECDH_RSA, ECDHE_RSA), behave as if client had
%% sent the value {sha1,rsa}.
%% - If the negotiated key exchange algorithm is one of (DHE_DSS,
%% DH_DSS), behave as if the client had sent the value {sha1,dsa}.
%% - If the negotiated key exchange algorithm is one of (ECDH_ECDSA,
%% ECDHE_ECDSA), behave as if the client had sent value {sha1,ecdsa}.
default_hashsign(_Version = {Major, Minor}, KeyExchange)
when Major >= 3 andalso Minor >= 3 andalso
(KeyExchange == rsa orelse
KeyExchange == dhe_rsa orelse
KeyExchange == dh_rsa orelse
KeyExchange == ecdhe_rsa orelse
KeyExchange == ecdh_rsa orelse
KeyExchange == srp_rsa) ->
{sha, rsa};
default_hashsign(_Version, KeyExchange)
when KeyExchange == rsa;
KeyExchange == dhe_rsa;
KeyExchange == dh_rsa;
KeyExchange == ecdhe_rsa;
KeyExchange == ecdh_rsa;
KeyExchange == srp_rsa ->
{md5sha, rsa};
default_hashsign(_Version, KeyExchange)
when KeyExchange == ecdhe_ecdsa;
KeyExchange == ecdh_ecdsa ->
{sha, ecdsa};
default_hashsign(_Version, KeyExchange)
when KeyExchange == dhe_dss;
KeyExchange == dh_dss;
KeyExchange == srp_dss ->
{sha, dsa};
default_hashsign(_Version, KeyExchange)
when KeyExchange == dh_anon;
KeyExchange == ecdh_anon;
KeyExchange == psk;
KeyExchange == dhe_psk;
KeyExchange == rsa_psk;
KeyExchange == srp_anon ->
{null, anon}.
select_curve(#state{client_ecc = {[Curve|_], _}}) ->
{namedCurve, Curve};
select_curve(_) ->
{namedCurve, ?secp256r1}.
is_anonymous(Algo) when Algo == dh_anon;
Algo == ecdh_anon;
Algo == psk;
Algo == dhe_psk;
Algo == rsa_psk;
Algo == srp_anon ->
is_anonymous(_) ->
get_current_prf(CStates, Direction) ->
CS = ssl_record:current_connection_state(CStates, Direction),
get_pending_prf(CStates, Direction) ->
CS = ssl_record:pending_connection_state(CStates, Direction),
opposite_role(client) ->
opposite_role(server) ->
record_cb(tls_connection) ->
record_cb(dtls_connection) ->
sync_send_all_state_event(FsmPid, Event) ->
try gen_fsm:sync_send_all_state_event(FsmPid, Event, infinity)
exit:{noproc, _} ->
{error, closed};
exit:{normal, _} ->
{error, closed};
exit:{{shutdown, _},_} ->
{error, closed}
get_socket_opts(_,_,[], _, Acc) ->
{ok, Acc};
get_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, [mode | Tags], SockOpts, Acc) ->
get_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, Tags, SockOpts,
[{mode, SockOpts#socket_options.mode} | Acc]);
get_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, [packet | Tags], SockOpts, Acc) ->
case SockOpts#socket_options.packet of
{Type, headers} ->
get_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, Tags, SockOpts, [{packet, Type} | Acc]);
Type ->
get_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, Tags, SockOpts, [{packet, Type} | Acc])
get_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, [header | Tags], SockOpts, Acc) ->
get_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, Tags, SockOpts,
[{header, SockOpts#socket_options.header} | Acc]);
get_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, [active | Tags], SockOpts, Acc) ->
get_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, Tags, SockOpts,
[{active, SockOpts#socket_options.active} | Acc]);
get_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, [Tag | Tags], SockOpts, Acc) ->
try ssl_socket:getopts(Transport, Socket, [Tag]) of
{ok, [Opt]} ->
get_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, Tags, SockOpts, [Opt | Acc]);
{error, Error} ->
{error, {options, {socket_options, Tag, Error}}}
%% So that inet behavior does not crash our process
_:Error -> {error, {options, {socket_options, Tag, Error}}}
get_socket_opts(_, _,Opts, _,_) ->
{error, {options, {socket_options, Opts, function_clause}}}.
set_socket_opts(_,_, [], SockOpts, []) ->
{ok, SockOpts};
set_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, [], SockOpts, Other) ->
%% Set non emulated options
try ssl_socket:setopts(Transport, Socket, Other) of
ok ->
{ok, SockOpts};
{error, InetError} ->
{{error, {options, {socket_options, Other, InetError}}}, SockOpts}
_:Error ->
%% So that inet behavior does not crash our process
{{error, {options, {socket_options, Other, Error}}}, SockOpts}
set_socket_opts(Transport,Socket, [{mode, Mode}| Opts], SockOpts, Other) when Mode == list; Mode == binary ->
set_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, Opts,
SockOpts#socket_options{mode = Mode}, Other);
set_socket_opts(_, _, [{mode, _} = Opt| _], SockOpts, _) ->
{{error, {options, {socket_options, Opt}}}, SockOpts};
set_socket_opts(Transport,Socket, [{packet, Packet}| Opts], SockOpts, Other) when Packet == raw;
Packet == 0;
Packet == 1;
Packet == 2;
Packet == 4;
Packet == asn1;
Packet == cdr;
Packet == sunrm;
Packet == fcgi;
Packet == tpkt;
Packet == line;
Packet == http;
Packet == httph;
Packet == http_bin;
Packet == httph_bin ->
set_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, Opts,
SockOpts#socket_options{packet = Packet}, Other);
set_socket_opts(_, _, [{packet, _} = Opt| _], SockOpts, _) ->
{{error, {options, {socket_options, Opt}}}, SockOpts};
set_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, [{header, Header}| Opts], SockOpts, Other) when is_integer(Header) ->
set_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, Opts,
SockOpts#socket_options{header = Header}, Other);
set_socket_opts(_, _, [{header, _} = Opt| _], SockOpts, _) ->
{{error,{options, {socket_options, Opt}}}, SockOpts};
set_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, [{active, Active}| Opts], SockOpts, Other) when Active == once;
Active == true;
Active == false ->
set_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, Opts,
SockOpts#socket_options{active = Active}, Other);
set_socket_opts(_, _, [{active, _} = Opt| _], SockOpts, _) ->
{{error, {options, {socket_options, Opt}} }, SockOpts};
set_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, [Opt | Opts], SockOpts, Other) ->
set_socket_opts(Transport, Socket, Opts, SockOpts, [Opt | Other]).
start_or_recv_cancel_timer(infinity, _RecvFrom) ->
start_or_recv_cancel_timer(Timeout, RecvFrom) ->
erlang:send_after(Timeout, self(), {cancel_start_or_recv, RecvFrom}).
get_timeout(#state{ssl_options=#ssl_options{hibernate_after = undefined}}) ->
get_timeout(#state{ssl_options=#ssl_options{hibernate_after = HibernateAfter}}) ->
terminate_alert(Reason, Version, ConnectionStates) when Reason == normal;
Reason == user_close ->
{BinAlert, _} = ssl_alert:encode(?ALERT_REC(?WARNING, ?CLOSE_NOTIFY),
Version, ConnectionStates),
terminate_alert({shutdown, _}, Version, ConnectionStates) ->
{BinAlert, _} = ssl_alert:encode(?ALERT_REC(?WARNING, ?CLOSE_NOTIFY),
Version, ConnectionStates),
terminate_alert(_, Version, ConnectionStates) ->
{BinAlert, _} = ssl_alert:encode(?ALERT_REC(?FATAL, ?INTERNAL_ERROR),
Version, ConnectionStates),
handle_unrecv_data(StateName, #state{socket = Socket, transport_cb = Transport,
protocol_cb = Connection} = State) ->
ssl_socket:setopts(Transport, Socket, [{active, false}]),
case Transport:recv(Socket, 0, 0) of
{error, closed} ->
{ok, Data} ->
Connection:handle_close_alert(Data, StateName, State)
handle_trusted_certs_db(#state{ssl_options = #ssl_options{cacertfile = <<>>, cacerts = []}}) ->
%% No trusted certs specified
handle_trusted_certs_db(#state{cert_db_ref = Ref,
cert_db = CertDb,
ssl_options = #ssl_options{cacertfile = <<>>}}) ->
%% Certs provided as DER directly can not be shared
%% with other connections and it is safe to delete them when the connection ends.
ssl_pkix_db:remove_trusted_certs(Ref, CertDb);
handle_trusted_certs_db(#state{file_ref_db = undefined}) ->
%% Something went wrong early (typically cacertfile does not exist) so there is nothing to handle
handle_trusted_certs_db(#state{cert_db_ref = Ref,
file_ref_db = RefDb,
ssl_options = #ssl_options{cacertfile = File}}) ->
case ssl_pkix_db:ref_count(Ref, RefDb, -1) of
0 ->
ssl_manager:clean_cert_db(Ref, File);
_ ->
notify_senders(SendQueue) ->
lists:foreach(fun({From, _}) ->
gen_fsm:reply(From, {error, closed})
end, queue:to_list(SendQueue)).
notify_renegotiater({true, From}) when not is_atom(From) ->
gen_fsm:reply(From, {error, closed});
notify_renegotiater(_) ->
ack_connection(#state{renegotiation = {true, Initiater}} = State)
when Initiater == internal;
Initiater == peer ->
State#state{renegotiation = undefined};
ack_connection(#state{renegotiation = {true, From}} = State) ->
gen_fsm:reply(From, ok),
State#state{renegotiation = undefined};
ack_connection(#state{renegotiation = {false, first},
start_or_recv_from = StartFrom,
timer = Timer} = State) when StartFrom =/= undefined ->
gen_fsm:reply(StartFrom, connected),
State#state{renegotiation = undefined, start_or_recv_from = undefined, timer = undefined};
ack_connection(State) ->
cancel_timer(undefined) ->
cancel_timer(Timer) ->
register_session(client, Host, Port, #session{is_resumable = new} = Session0) ->
Session = Session0#session{is_resumable = true},
ssl_manager:register_session(Host, Port, Session),
register_session(server, _, Port, #session{is_resumable = new} = Session0) ->
Session = Session0#session{is_resumable = true},
ssl_manager:register_session(Port, Session),
register_session(_, _, _, Session) ->
Session. %% Already registered
handle_new_session(NewId, CipherSuite, Compression, #state{session = Session0,
protocol_cb = Connection} = State0) ->
Session = Session0#session{session_id = NewId,
cipher_suite = CipherSuite,
compression_method = Compression},
{Record, State} = Connection:next_record(State0#state{session = Session}),
Connection:next_state(hello, certify, Record, State).
handle_resumed_session(SessId, #state{connection_states = ConnectionStates0,
negotiated_version = Version,
host = Host, port = Port,
protocol_cb = Connection,
session_cache = Cache,
session_cache_cb = CacheCb} = State0) ->
Session = CacheCb:lookup(Cache, {{Host, Port}, SessId}),
case ssl_handshake:master_secret(tls_record, Version, Session,
ConnectionStates0, client) of
{_, ConnectionStates} ->
{Record, State} =
connection_states = ConnectionStates,
session = Session}),
Connection:next_state(hello, abbreviated, Record, State);
#alert{} = Alert ->
Connection:handle_own_alert(Alert, Version, hello, State0)
make_premaster_secret({MajVer, MinVer}, rsa) ->
Rand = ssl:random_bytes(?NUM_OF_PREMASTERSECRET_BYTES-2),
<<?BYTE(MajVer), ?BYTE(MinVer), Rand/binary>>;
make_premaster_secret(_, _) ->
%% One day this can be maps instead, but we have to be backwards compatible for now
new_ssl_options(New, Old) ->
new_ssl_options(tuple_to_list(New), tuple_to_list(Old), []).
new_ssl_options([], [], Acc) ->
new_ssl_options([undefined | Rest0], [Head1| Rest1], Acc) ->
new_ssl_options(Rest0, Rest1, [Head1 | Acc]);
new_ssl_options([Head0 | Rest0], [_| Rest1], Acc) ->
new_ssl_options(Rest0, Rest1, [Head0 | Acc]).