%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1999-2019. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
if ((X) >= 0) andalso ((X) =< 9) -> (X) + $0;
((X) >= 10) andalso ((X) =< 15) -> (X) + $a - 10
%% External API
%% SSL log formatter
format(#{level:= _Level, msg:= {report, Msg}, meta:= _Meta}, _Config0) ->
#{direction := Direction,
protocol := Protocol,
message := Content} = Msg,
case Protocol of
'record' ->
BinMsg =
case Content of
#ssl_tls{} ->
_ when is_list(Content) ->
format_tls_record(Direction, BinMsg);
'handshake' ->
format_handshake(Direction, Content);
_Other ->
%% Stateful logging
debug(Level, Direction, Protocol, Message)
when (Direction =:= inbound orelse Direction =:= outbound) andalso
(Protocol =:= 'record' orelse Protocol =:= 'handshake') ->
case logger:compare_levels(Level, debug) of
lt ->
?LOG_DEBUG(#{direction => Direction,
protocol => Protocol,
message => Message},
#{domain => [otp,ssl,Protocol]});
eq ->
?LOG_DEBUG(#{direction => Direction,
protocol => Protocol,
message => Message},
#{domain => [otp,ssl,Protocol]});
_ ->
%% Stateful logging
notice(Level, Report) ->
case logger:compare_levels(Level, notice) of
lt ->
eq ->
_ ->
%% Handshake Protocol
format_handshake(Direction, BinMsg) ->
{Header, Message} = parse_handshake(Direction, BinMsg),
io_lib:format("~s~n~s~n", [Header, Message]).
parse_handshake(Direction, #client_hello{
client_version = Version0,
cipher_suites = CipherSuites0,
extensions = Extensions
} = ClientHello) ->
Version = get_client_version(Version0, Extensions),
Header = io_lib:format("~s ~s Handshake, ClientHello",
CipherSuites = parse_cipher_suites(CipherSuites0),
Message = io_lib:format("~p",
ClientHello#client_hello{cipher_suites = CipherSuites})]),
{Header, Message};
parse_handshake(Direction, #server_hello{
server_version = Version0,
cipher_suite = CipherSuite0,
extensions = Extensions
} = ServerHello) ->
Version = get_server_version(Version0, Extensions),
Header = io_lib:format("~s ~s Handshake, ServerHello",
CipherSuite = format_cipher(CipherSuite0),
Message = io_lib:format("~p",
ServerHello#server_hello{cipher_suite = CipherSuite})]),
{Header, Message};
parse_handshake(Direction, #hello_verify_request{} = HelloVerifyRequest) ->
Header = io_lib:format("~s Handshake, HelloVerifyRequest",
Message = io_lib:format("~p", [?rec_info(hello_verify_request, HelloVerifyRequest)]),
{Header, Message};
parse_handshake(Direction, #certificate{} = Certificate) ->
Header = io_lib:format("~s Handshake, Certificate",
Message = io_lib:format("~p", [?rec_info(certificate, Certificate)]),
{Header, Message};
parse_handshake(Direction, #server_key_exchange{} = ServerKeyExchange) ->
Header = io_lib:format("~s Handshake, ServerKeyExchange",
Message = io_lib:format("~p", [?rec_info(server_key_exchange, ServerKeyExchange)]),
{Header, Message};
parse_handshake(Direction, #server_key_params{} = ServerKeyExchange) ->
Header = io_lib:format("~s Handshake, ServerKeyExchange",
Message = io_lib:format("~p", [?rec_info(server_key_params, ServerKeyExchange)]),
{Header, Message};
parse_handshake(Direction, #certificate_request{} = CertificateRequest) ->
Header = io_lib:format("~s Handshake, CertificateRequest",
Message = io_lib:format("~p", [?rec_info(certificate_request, CertificateRequest)]),
{Header, Message};
parse_handshake(Direction, #server_hello_done{} = ServerHelloDone) ->
Header = io_lib:format("~s Handshake, ServerHelloDone",
Message = io_lib:format("~p", [?rec_info(server_hello_done, ServerHelloDone)]),
{Header, Message};
parse_handshake(Direction, #client_key_exchange{} = ClientKeyExchange) ->
Header = io_lib:format("~s Handshake, ClientKeyExchange",
Message = io_lib:format("~p", [?rec_info(client_key_exchange, ClientKeyExchange)]),
{Header, Message};
parse_handshake(Direction, #certificate_verify{} = CertificateVerify) ->
Header = io_lib:format("~s Handshake, CertificateVerify",
Message = io_lib:format("~p", [?rec_info(certificate_verify, CertificateVerify)]),
{Header, Message};
parse_handshake(Direction, #finished{} = Finished) ->
Header = io_lib:format("~s Handshake, Finished",
Message = io_lib:format("~p", [?rec_info(finished, Finished)]),
{Header, Message};
parse_handshake(Direction, #hello_request{} = HelloRequest) ->
Header = io_lib:format("~s Handshake, HelloRequest",
Message = io_lib:format("~p", [?rec_info(hello_request, HelloRequest)]),
{Header, Message};
parse_handshake(Direction, #certificate_request_1_3{} = CertificateRequest) ->
Header = io_lib:format("~s Handshake, CertificateRequest",
Message = io_lib:format("~p", [?rec_info(certificate_request_1_3, CertificateRequest)]),
{Header, Message};
parse_handshake(Direction, #certificate_1_3{} = Certificate) ->
Header = io_lib:format("~s Handshake, Certificate",
Message = io_lib:format("~p", [?rec_info(certificate_1_3, Certificate)]),
{Header, Message};
parse_handshake(Direction, #certificate_verify_1_3{} = CertificateVerify) ->
Header = io_lib:format("~s Handshake, CertificateVerify",
Message = io_lib:format("~p", [?rec_info(certificate_verify_1_3, CertificateVerify)]),
{Header, Message};
parse_handshake(Direction, #encrypted_extensions{} = EncryptedExtensions) ->
Header = io_lib:format("~s Handshake, EncryptedExtensions",
Message = io_lib:format("~p", [?rec_info(encrypted_extensions, EncryptedExtensions)]),
{Header, Message}.
parse_cipher_suites([_|_] = Ciphers) ->
[format_cipher(C) || C <- Ciphers].
format_cipher(C0) ->
get_client_version(Version, Extensions) ->
CHVersions = maps:get(client_hello_versions, Extensions, undefined),
case CHVersions of
#client_hello_versions{versions = [Highest|_]} ->
undefined ->
get_server_version(Version, Extensions) ->
SHVersion = maps:get(server_hello_selected_version, Extensions, undefined),
case SHVersion of
#server_hello_selected_version{selected_version = SelectedVersion} ->
undefined ->
version({3,4}) ->
"TLS 1.3";
version({3,3}) ->
"TLS 1.2";
version({3,2}) ->
"TLS 1.1";
version({3,1}) ->
"TLS 1.0";
version({3,0}) ->
"SSL 3.0";
version({254,253}) ->
"DTLS 1.2";
version({254,255}) ->
"DTLS 1.0";
version({M,N}) ->
io_lib:format("TLS/DTLS [0x0~B0~B]", [M,N]).
header_prefix(inbound) ->
header_prefix(outbound) ->
%% TLS Record Protocol
format_tls_record(Direction, BinMsg) ->
{Message, Size} = convert_to_hex('tls_record', BinMsg),
Header = io_lib:format("~s (~B bytes) ~s~n",
Header ++ Message.
header_prefix_tls_record(inbound) ->
header_prefix_tls_record(outbound) ->
tls_record_version([<<?BYTE(B),?BYTE(3),?BYTE(3),_/binary>>|_]) ->
io_lib:format("TLS 1.2 Record Protocol, ~s", [msg_type(B)]);
tls_record_version([<<?BYTE(B),?BYTE(3),?BYTE(2),_/binary>>|_]) ->
io_lib:format("TLS 1.1 Record Protocol, ~s", [msg_type(B)]);
tls_record_version([<<?BYTE(B),?BYTE(3),?BYTE(1),_/binary>>|_]) ->
io_lib:format("TLS 1.0 Record Protocol, ~s", [msg_type(B)]);
tls_record_version([<<?BYTE(B),?BYTE(3),?BYTE(0),_/binary>>|_]) ->
io_lib:format("SSL 3.0 Record Protocol, ~s", [msg_type(B)]);
tls_record_version([<<?BYTE(B),?BYTE(254),?BYTE(253),_/binary>>|_]) ->
io_lib:format("DTLS 1.2 Record Protocol, ~s", [msg_type(B)]);
tls_record_version([<<?BYTE(B),?BYTE(254),?BYTE(255),_/binary>>|_]) ->
io_lib:format("DTLS 1.0 Record Protocol, ~s", [msg_type(B)]);
tls_record_version([<<?BYTE(B),?BYTE(M),?BYTE(N),_/binary>>|_]) ->
io_lib:format("TLS/DTLS [0x0~B0~B] Record Protocol, ~s", [M, N, msg_type(B)]).
msg_type(20) -> "change_cipher_spec";
msg_type(21) -> "alert";
msg_type(22) -> "handshake";
msg_type(23) -> "application_data";
msg_type(_) -> unknown.
%% Hex encoding functions
convert_to_hex(Protocol, BinMsg) ->
convert_to_hex(Protocol, BinMsg, [], [], 0).
convert_to_hex(P, [], Row0, Acc, C) when C rem 16 =:= 0 ->
Row = lists:reverse(end_row(P, Row0)),
{lists:reverse(Acc) ++ Row ++ io_lib:nl(), C};
convert_to_hex(P, [], Row0, Acc, C) ->
Row = lists:reverse(end_row(P, Row0)),
Padding = calculate_padding(Row0, Acc),
PaddedRow = string:pad(Row, Padding, leading, $ ),
{lists:reverse(Acc) ++ PaddedRow ++ io_lib:nl(), C};
convert_to_hex(P, [H|T], Row, Acc, C) when is_list(H) ->
convert_to_hex(P, H ++ T, Row, Acc, C);
convert_to_hex(P, [<<>>|T], Row, Acc, C) ->
convert_to_hex(P, T, Row, Acc, C);
%% First line
convert_to_hex(P, [<<A:4,B:4,R/binary>>|T], Row, Acc, C) when C =:= 0 ->
convert_to_hex(P, [<<R/binary>>|T],
update_row(<<A:4,B:4>>, Row),
prepend_first_row(P, A, B, Acc, C),
C + 1);
%% New line
convert_to_hex(P, [<<A:4,B:4,R/binary>>|T], Row, Acc, C) when C rem 16 =:= 0 ->
convert_to_hex(P, [<<R/binary>>|T],
update_row(<<A:4,B:4>>, []),
prepend_row(P, A, B, Row, Acc, C),
C + 1);
%% Add 8th hex with extra whitespace
%% 0000 - 16 03 02 00 bd 01 00 00 b9 ...
%% ^^^^
convert_to_hex(P, [<<A:4,B:4,R/binary>>|T], Row, Acc, C) when C rem 8 =:= 7 ->
convert_to_hex(P, [<<R/binary>>|T],
update_row(<<A:4,B:4>>, Row),
prepend_eighths_hex(A, B, Acc),
C + 1);
convert_to_hex(P, [<<A:4,B:4,R/binary>>|T], Row, Acc, C) ->
convert_to_hex(P, [<<R/binary>>|T],
update_row(<<A:4,B:4>>, Row),
prepend_hex(A, B, Acc),
C + 1);
%% First line
convert_to_hex(P, [H|T], Row, Acc, C) when is_integer(H), C =:= 0 ->
convert_to_hex(P, T,
update_row(H, Row),
prepend_first_row(P, H, Acc, C),
C + 1);
%% New line
convert_to_hex(P, [H|T], Row, Acc, C) when is_integer(H), C rem 16 =:= 0 ->
convert_to_hex(P, T,
update_row(H, []),
prepend_row(P, H, Row, Acc, C),
C + 1);
%% Add 8th hex with extra whitespace
%% 0000 - 16 03 02 00 bd 01 00 00 b9 ...
%% ^^^^
convert_to_hex(P, [H|T], Row, Acc, C) when is_integer(H), C rem 8 =:= 7 ->
convert_to_hex(P, T,
update_row(H, Row),
prepend_eighths_hex(H, Acc),
C + 1);
convert_to_hex(P, [H|T], Row, Acc, C) when is_integer(H) ->
convert_to_hex(P, T,
update_row(H, Row),
prepend_hex(H, Acc),
C + 1).
row_prefix(_ , N) ->
S = string:pad(string:to_lower(erlang:integer_to_list(N, 16)),4,leading,$0),
lists:reverse(lists:flatten(S ++ " - ")).
end_row(_, Row) ->
Row ++ " ".
%% Calculate padding of the "printable character" lines in order to be
%% visually aligned.
calculate_padding(Row, Acc) ->
%% Number of new line characters
NNL = (length(Acc) div 75) * length(io_lib:nl()),
%% Length of the last printed line
Length = (length(Acc) - NNL) rem 75,
%% Adjusted length of the last printed line
PaddedLength = 75 - (16 - length(Row)), %% Length
%% Padding
PaddedLength - Length.
%% Functions operating on reversed lists
update_row(B, Row) when is_binary(B) ->
case binary_to_list(B) of
[C] when 32 =< C, C =< 126 ->
_Else ->
update_row(C, Row) when 32 =< C, C =< 126 ->
update_row(_, Row) ->
prepend_first_row(P, A, B, Acc, C) ->
prepend_hex(A, B,row_prefix(P, C) ++ Acc).
prepend_first_row(P, N, Acc, C) ->
prepend_hex(N,row_prefix(P, C) ++ Acc).
prepend_row(P, A, B, Row, Acc, C) ->
prepend_hex(A, B,row_prefix(P, C) ++ io_lib:nl() ++ end_row(P, Row) ++ Acc).
prepend_row(P, N, Row, Acc, C) ->
prepend_hex(N,row_prefix(P, C) ++ io_lib:nl() ++ end_row(P, Row) ++ Acc).
prepend_hex(A, B, Acc) ->
[$ ,?DEC2HEX(B),?DEC2HEX(A)|Acc].
prepend_hex(N, Acc) ->
" " ++ number_to_hex(N) ++ Acc.
prepend_eighths_hex(A, B, Acc) ->
[$ ,$ ,?DEC2HEX(B),?DEC2HEX(A)|Acc].
prepend_eighths_hex(N, Acc) ->
" " ++ number_to_hex(N) ++ Acc.
number_to_hex(N) ->
case string:to_lower(erlang:integer_to_list(N, 16)) of
H when length(H) < 2 ->
lists:append(H, "0");
H ->