%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2003-2009. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%%% Purpose : API module for decoding of certificates.
-export([decode_cert_file/1, decode_cert_file/2,
decode_cert/1, decode_cert/2, encode_cert/1, encoded_tbs_cert/1,
signature_digest/1, decode_rsa_keyfile/2]).
%% The public API is dprecated by public_key and
%% the internal application API is no longer used ssl.
%% So this file can be compleatly removed in R14.
-deprecated({decode_cert_file, 1, next_major_release}).
-deprecated({decode_cert_file, 2, next_major_release}).
-deprecated({decode_cert, 1, next_major_release}).
-deprecated({decode_cert, 2, next_major_release}).
%% API
%% Function: decode_cert_file(File, <Opts>) -> {ok, Cert} | {ok, [Cert]}
%% File = string()
%% Opts = [Opt]
%% Opt = pem | ssl | pkix - ssl and pkix are mutual exclusive
%% Cert = term()
%% Description: Decodes certificats found in file <File>.
%% If the options list is empty the certificate is
%% returned as a DER encoded binary, i.e. {ok, Bin} is returned, where
%% Bin> is the provided input. The options pkix and ssl imply that the
%% certificate is returned as a parsed ASN.1 structure in the form of
%% an Erlang term. The ssl option gives a more elaborate return
%% structure, with more explicit information. In particular object
%% identifiers are replaced by atoms. The option subject implies that
%% only the subject's distinguished name part of the certificate is
%% returned. It can only be used together with the option pkix or the
%% option ssl.
decode_cert_file(File) ->
decode_cert_file(File, []).
decode_cert_file(File, Opts) ->
case lists:member(pem, Opts) of
true ->
{ok, List} = ssl_pem:read_file(File),
Certs = [Bin || {cert, Bin} <- List],
NewOpts = lists:delete(pem, Opts),
Fun = fun(Cert) ->
{ok, Decoded} = decode_cert(Cert, NewOpts),
case lists:map(Fun, Certs) of
[DecodedCert] ->
{ok, DecodedCert};
DecodedCerts ->
{ok, DecodedCerts}
false ->
{ok, Bin} = file:read_file(File),
decode_cert(Bin, Opts)
%% Function: decode_cert(Bin, <Opts>) -> {ok, Cert}
%% Bin - binary()
%% Opts = [Opt]
%% Opt = ssl | pkix | subject - ssl and pkix are mutual exclusive
%% Cert = term()
%% Description: If the options list is empty the certificate is
%% returned as a DER encoded binary, i.e. {ok, Bin} is returned, where
%% Bin> is the provided input. The options pkix and ssl imply that the
%% certificate is returned as a parsed ASN.1 structure in the form of
%% an Erlang term. The ssl option gives a more elaborate return
%% structure, with more explicit information. In particular object
%% identifiers are replaced by atoms. The option subject implies that
%% only the subject's distinguished name part of the certificate is
%% returned. It can only be used together with the option pkix or the
%% option ssl.
decode_cert(Bin) ->
decode_cert(Bin, []).
decode_cert(Bin, []) when is_binary(Bin) ->
{ok, Bin};
decode_cert(Bin, Opts) when is_binary(Bin) ->
{ok, Cert} = 'OTP-PKIX':decode('Certificate', Bin),
case {lists:member(ssl, Opts), lists:member(pkix, Opts)} of
{true, false} ->
cert_return(transform(Cert, ssl), Opts);
{false, true} ->
cert_return(transform(Cert, pkix), Opts);
_ ->
{error, eoptions}
encode_cert(#'Certificate'{} = Cert) ->
{ok, List} = 'OTP-PKIX':encode('Certificate', Cert),
decode_rsa_keyfile(KeyFile, Password) ->
{ok, List} = ssl_pem:read_file(KeyFile, Password),
[PrivatKey] = [Bin || {rsa_private_key, Bin} <- List],
'OTP-PKIX':decode('RSAPrivateKey', PrivatKey).
%% Application internal API
%% Function: encoded_tbs_cert(Cert) -> PKXCert
%% Cert = binary() - Der encoded
%% PKXCert = binary() - Der encoded
%% Description: Extracts the binary TBSCert from the binary Certificate.
encoded_tbs_cert(Cert) ->
{ok, PKIXCert} =
{'Certificate_tbsCertificate', EncodedTBSCert}, _, _} = PKIXCert,
%%% Internal functions
cert_return(Cert, Opts) ->
case lists:member(subject, Opts) of
true ->
{ok, get_subj(Cert)};
false ->
{ok, Cert}
%% Transfrom from PKIX1-Explicit88 to SSL-PKIX.
transform(#'Certificate'{signature = Signature,
signatureAlgorithm = SignatureAlgorithm,
tbsCertificate = TbsCertificate} = Cert, Type) ->
Cert#'Certificate'{tbsCertificate = transform(TbsCertificate, Type),
signatureAlgorithm = transform(SignatureAlgorithm, Type),
signature = transform(Signature, Type)};
%% -record('TBSCertificate',{
%% version = asn1_DEFAULT, serialNumber, signature, issuer, validity, subject,
%% subjectPublicKeyInfo, issuerUniqueID = asn1_NOVALUE,
%% subjectUniqueID = asn1_NOVALUE, extensions = asn1_NOVALUE}).
transform(#'TBSCertificate'{signature = Signature, issuer = Issuer,
subject = Subject, extensions = Extensions,
subjectPublicKeyInfo = SPKInfo} = TBSCert, Type) ->
TBSCert#'TBSCertificate'{signature = transform(Signature, Type),
issuer = transform(Issuer, Type),
subject = transform(Subject, Type),
subjectPublicKeyInfo = transform(SPKInfo, Type),
extensions = transform_extensions(Extensions, Type)
transform(#'AlgorithmIdentifier'{algorithm = Algorithm,
parameters = Params}, ssl) ->
SignAlgAny =
#'SignatureAlgorithm-Any'{algorithm = Algorithm, parameters = Params},
{ok, AnyEnc} = 'OTP-PKIX':encode('SignatureAlgorithm-Any', SignAlgAny),
{ok, SignAlgCd} = 'OTP-PKIX':decode('SignatureAlgorithm',
NAlgo = ssl_pkix_oid:id2atom(SignAlgCd#'SignatureAlgorithm'.algorithm),
SignAlgCd#'SignatureAlgorithm'{algorithm = NAlgo};
transform({rdnSequence, Lss}, Type) when is_list(Lss) ->
{rdnSequence, [[transform(L, Type) || L <- Ls] || Ls <- Lss]};
transform({rdnSequence, Lss}, _) ->
{rdnSequence, Lss};
transform(#'AttributeTypeAndValue'{} = ATAV, ssl) ->
{ok, ATAVEnc} =
'OTP-PKIX':encode('AttributeTypeAndValue', ATAV),
{ok, ATAVDec} = 'OTP-PKIX':decode('SSLAttributeTypeAndValue',
AttrType = ATAVDec#'SSLAttributeTypeAndValue'.type,
#'AttributeTypeAndValue'{type = ssl_pkix_oid:id2atom(AttrType),
value =
transform(#'AttributeTypeAndValue'{} = Att, pkix) ->
%% -record('SubjectPublicKeyInfo',{
%% algorithm, subjectPublicKey}).
%% -record('SubjectPublicKeyInfo_algorithm',{
%% algo, parameters = asn1_NOVALUE}).
%% -record('SubjectPublicKeyInfo-Any',{
%% algorithm, subjectPublicKey}).
%% -record('PublicKeyAlgorithm',{
%% algorithm, parameters = asn1_NOVALUE}).
transform(#'SubjectPublicKeyInfo'{subjectPublicKey = SubjectPublicKey,
algorithm = Algorithm}, ssl) ->
%% Transform from SubjectPublicKeyInfo (PKIX1Explicit88)
%% to SubjectPublicKeyInfo-Any (SSL-PKIX).
Algo = Algorithm#'AlgorithmIdentifier'.algorithm,
Parameters = Algorithm#'AlgorithmIdentifier'.parameters,
AlgorithmAny = #'PublicKeyAlgorithm'{algorithm = Algo,
parameters = Parameters},
{0, Bin} = SubjectPublicKey,
SInfoAny = #'SSLSubjectPublicKeyInfo-Any'{algorithm = AlgorithmAny,
subjectPublicKey = Bin},
%% Encode according to SubjectPublicKeyInfo-Any, and decode according
%% to SubjectPublicKeyInfo.
{ok, AnyEnc} =
'OTP-PKIX':encode('SSLSubjectPublicKeyInfo-Any', SInfoAny),
{ok, SInfoCd} = 'OTP-PKIX':decode('SSLSubjectPublicKeyInfo',
%% Replace object identifier by atom
AlgorithmCd = SInfoCd#'SSLSubjectPublicKeyInfo'.algorithm,
AlgoCd = AlgorithmCd#'SSLSubjectPublicKeyInfo_algorithm'.algo,
Params = AlgorithmCd#'SSLSubjectPublicKeyInfo_algorithm'.parameters,
Key = SInfoCd#'SSLSubjectPublicKeyInfo'.subjectPublicKey,
NAlgoCd = ssl_pkix_oid:id2atom(AlgoCd),
NAlgorithmCd =
#'SubjectPublicKeyInfo_algorithm'{algorithm = NAlgoCd,
parameters = Params},
#'SubjectPublicKeyInfo'{algorithm = NAlgorithmCd,
subjectPublicKey = Key
transform(#'SubjectPublicKeyInfo'{} = SInfo, pkix) ->
transform(#'Extension'{extnID = ExtnID} = Ext, ssl) ->
NewExtID = ssl_pkix_oid:id2atom(ExtnID),
ExtAny = setelement(1, Ext, 'Extension-Any'),
{ok, AnyEnc} = 'OTP-PKIX':encode('Extension-Any', ExtAny),
{ok, ExtCd} = 'OTP-PKIX':decode('SSLExtension', list_to_binary(AnyEnc)),
ExtValue = transform_extension_value(NewExtID,
#'Extension'{extnID = NewExtID,
critical = ExtCd#'SSLExtension'.critical,
extnValue = ExtValue};
transform(#'Extension'{extnID = ExtnID, extnValue = ExtnValue} = Ext, pkix) ->
NewExtID = ssl_pkix_oid:id2atom(ExtnID),
ExtValue = transform_extension_value(NewExtID, ExtnValue, pkix),
Ext#'Extension'{extnValue = ExtValue};
transform(#'AuthorityKeyIdentifier'{authorityCertIssuer = CertIssuer} = Ext,
Type) ->
Ext#'AuthorityKeyIdentifier'{authorityCertIssuer =
transform(CertIssuer, Type)};
transform([{directoryName, Value}], Type) ->
[{directoryName, transform(Value, Type)}];
transform(X, _) ->
transform_extension_value('ce-authorityKeyIdentifier', Value, Type) ->
transform(Value, Type);
transform_extension_value(_, Value, _) ->
transform_extensions(Exts, Type) when is_list(Exts) ->
[transform(Ext, Type) || Ext <- Exts];
transform_extensions(Exts, _) ->
get_subj(Cert) ->
signature_digest(BinSignature) ->
case (catch 'OTP-PKIX':decode('DigestInfo', BinSignature)) of
{ok, DigestInfo} ->
_ ->
{error, decode_error}