path: root/lib/ssl/src/tls.erl
blob: c829129250eb89b9d82fa73b8a8a0ea59881916d (plain) (tree)













%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1999-2013. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
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%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
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%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%


%%% Purpose : Reflect TLS specific API options (fairly simple wrapper at the moment)



-export([connect/2, connect/3, listen/2, accept/1, accept/2,
	 handshake/1, handshake/2, handshake/3]).

%% Description: Connect to an TLS server.

-spec connect(host() | port(), [connect_option()]) -> {ok, #sslsocket{}} |
					      {error, reason()}.

connect(Socket, Options) when is_port(Socket) ->
    connect(Socket, Options, infinity).

-spec connect(host() | port(), [connect_option()] | inet:port_number(),
	      timeout() | list()) ->
		     {ok, #sslsocket{}} | {error, reason()}.

connect(Socket, SslOptions, Timeout)  when is_port(Socket) ->
    TLSOpts = [{protocol, tls} | SslOptions],
    ssl:connect(Socket, TLSOpts, Timeout);
connect(Host, Port, Options) ->
    connect(Host, Port, Options, infinity).

-spec connect(host() | port(), inet:port_number(), list(), timeout()) ->
		     {ok, #sslsocket{}} | {error, reason()}.

connect(Host, Port, Options, Timeout) ->
    TLSOpts = [{protocol, tls} | Options],
    ssl:connect(Host, Port, TLSOpts, Timeout).

-spec listen(inet:port_number(), [listen_option()]) ->{ok, #sslsocket{}} | {error, reason()}.
%% Description: Creates an ssl listen socket.
listen(Port, Options) ->
    TLSOpts = [{protocol, tls} | Options],
    ssl:listen(Port, TLSOpts).

%% Description: Performs transport accept on an ssl listen socket
-spec accept(#sslsocket{}) -> {ok, #sslsocket{}} |
					{error, reason()}.
accept(ListenSocket) ->
    accept(ListenSocket, infinity).

-spec accept(#sslsocket{}, timeout()) -> {ok, #sslsocket{}} |
						   {error, reason()}.
accept(Socket, Timeout) ->
    ssl:transport_accept(Socket, Timeout).

%% Description: Performs accept on an ssl listen socket. e.i. performs
%%              ssl handshake. 

-spec handshake(#sslsocket{}) -> ok | {error, reason()}.

handshake(ListenSocket) ->
    handshake(ListenSocket, infinity).

-spec handshake(#sslsocket{} | port(), timeout()| [ssl_option()
						    | transport_option()]) ->
			ok | {ok, #sslsocket{}} | {error, reason()}.

handshake(#sslsocket{} = Socket, Timeout) ->
    ssl:ssl_accept(Socket, Timeout);
handshake(ListenSocket, SslOptions)  when is_port(ListenSocket) ->
    handshake(ListenSocket, SslOptions, infinity).

-spec handshake(port(), [ssl_option()| transport_option()], timeout()) ->
			{ok, #sslsocket{}} | {error, reason()}.

handshake(Socket, SslOptions, Timeout) when is_port(Socket) ->
    ssl:ssl_accept(Socket, SslOptions, Timeout).