%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2011. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% Purpose: Provides generic manipulation of filenames.
%% Generally, these functions accept filenames in the native format
%% for the current operating system (Unix or Windows).
%% Deep characters lists (as returned by io_lib:format()) are accepted;
%% resulting strings will always be flat.
%% Implementation note: We used to only flatten if the list turned out
%% to be deep. Now that atoms are allowed in deep lists, in most cases
%% we flatten the arguments immediately on function entry as that makes
%% it easier to ensure that the code works.
-export([absname/1, absname/2, absname_join/2,
basename/1, basename/2, dirname/1,
extension/1, join/1, join/2, pathtype/1,
rootname/1, rootname/2, split/1, nativename/1]).
-export([find_src/1, find_src/2, flatten/1]).
%% Undocumented and unsupported exports.
-define(IS_DRIVELETTER(Letter),(((Letter >= $A) andalso (Letter =< $Z)) orelse
((Letter >= $a) andalso (Letter =< $z)))).
%% Converts a relative filename to an absolute filename
%% or the filename itself if it already is an absolute filename
%% Note that no attempt is made to create the most beatiful
%% absolute name since this can give incorrect results on
%% file systems which allows links.
%% Examples:
%% Assume (for UNIX) current directory "/usr/local"
%% Assume (for WIN32) current directory "D:/usr/local"
%% (for Unix) : absname("foo") -> "/usr/local/foo"
%% (for WIN32): absname("foo") -> "D:/usr/local/foo"
%% (for Unix) : absname("../x") -> "/usr/local/../x"
%% (for WIN32): absname("../x") -> "D:/usr/local/../x"
%% (for Unix) : absname("/") -> "/"
%% (for WIN32): absname("/") -> "D:/"
-spec absname(Filename) -> file:filename() when
Filename :: file:name().
absname(Name) ->
{ok, Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
absname(Name, Cwd).
-spec absname(Filename, Dir) -> file:filename() when
Filename :: file:name(),
Dir :: file:filename().
absname(Name, AbsBase) when is_binary(Name), is_list(AbsBase) ->
absname(Name, AbsBase) when is_list(Name), is_binary(AbsBase) ->
absname(Name, AbsBase) ->
case pathtype(Name) of
relative ->
absname_join(AbsBase, Name);
absolute ->
%% We must flatten the filename before passing it into join/1,
%% or we will get slashes inserted into the wrong places.
volumerelative ->
absname_vr(split(Name), split(AbsBase), AbsBase)
%% Handles volumerelative names (on Windows only).
absname_vr([<<"/">>|Rest1], [Volume|_], _AbsBase) ->
%% Absolute path on current drive.
absname_vr([<<X, $:>>|Rest1], [<<X,_/binary>>|_], AbsBase) ->
%% Relative to current directory on current drive.
absname(join(Rest1), AbsBase);
absname_vr([<<X, $:>>|Name], _, _AbsBase) ->
%% Relative to current directory on another drive.
Dcwd =
case file:get_cwd([X, $:]) of
{ok, Dir} -> filename_string_to_binary(Dir);
{error, _} -> <<X, $:, $/>>
absname(join(Name), Dcwd);
absname_vr(["/"|Rest1], [Volume|_], _AbsBase) ->
%% Absolute path on current drive.
absname_vr([[X, $:]|Rest1], [[X|_]|_], AbsBase) ->
%% Relative to current directory on current drive.
absname(join(Rest1), AbsBase);
absname_vr([[X, $:]|Name], _, _AbsBase) ->
%% Relative to current directory on another drive.
Dcwd =
case file:get_cwd([X, $:]) of
{ok, Dir} -> Dir;
{error, _} -> [X, $:, $/]
absname(join(Name), Dcwd).
%% Joins a relative filename to an absolute base.
%% This is just a join/2, but assumes that
%% AbsBase must be absolute and Name must be relative.
-spec absname_join(Dir, Filename) -> file:filename() when
Dir :: file:filename(),
Filename :: file:name().
absname_join(AbsBase, Name) ->
join(AbsBase, flatten(Name)).
%% Returns the part of the filename after the last directory separator,
%% or the filename itself if it has no separators.
%% Examples: basename("foo") -> "foo"
%% basename("/usr/foo") -> "foo"
%% basename("/usr/foo/") -> "foo" (trailing slashes ignored)
%% basename("/") -> []
-spec basename(Filename) -> file:filename() when
Filename :: file:name().
basename(Name) when is_binary(Name) ->
case os:type() of
{win32,_} ->
_ ->
basename(Name0) ->
Name1 = flatten(Name0),
{DirSep2, DrvSep} = separators(),
Name = skip_prefix(Name1, DrvSep),
basename1(Name, Name, DirSep2).
win_basenameb(<<Letter,$:,Rest/binary>>) when ?IS_DRIVELETTER(Letter) ->
win_basenameb(O) ->
basenameb(Bin,Sep) ->
Parts = [ X || X <- binary:split(Bin,Sep,[global]),
X =/= <<>> ],
Parts =:= [] ->
true ->
basename1([$/], Tail0, _DirSep2) ->
%% End of filename -- must get rid of trailing directory separator.
[_|Tail] = lists:reverse(Tail0),
basename1([$/|Rest], _Tail, DirSep2) ->
basename1(Rest, Rest, DirSep2);
basename1([DirSep2|Rest], Tail, DirSep2) when is_integer(DirSep2) ->
basename1([$/|Rest], Tail, DirSep2);
basename1([Char|Rest], Tail, DirSep2) when is_integer(Char) ->
basename1(Rest, Tail, DirSep2);
basename1([], Tail, _DirSep2) ->
skip_prefix(Name, false) ->
skip_prefix([L, DrvSep|Name], DrvSep) when ?IS_DRIVELETTER(L) ->
skip_prefix(Name, _) ->
%% Returns the last component of the filename, with the given
%% extension stripped. Use this function if you want
%% to remove an extension that might or might not be there.
%% Use rootname(basename(File)) if you want to remove an extension
%% that you know exists, but you are not sure which one it is.
%% Example: basename("~/src/kalle.erl", ".erl") -> "kalle"
%% basename("~/src/kalle.jam", ".erl") -> "kalle.jam"
%% basename("~/src/kalle.old.erl", ".erl") -> "kalle.old"
%% rootname(basename("xxx.jam")) -> "xxx"
%% rootname(basename("xxx.erl")) -> "xxx"
-spec basename(Filename, Ext) -> file:filename() when
Filename :: file:name(),
Ext :: file:name().
basename(Name, Ext) when is_binary(Name), is_list(Ext) ->
basename(Name, Ext) when is_list(Name), is_binary(Ext) ->
basename(Name, Ext) when is_binary(Name), is_binary(Ext) ->
BName = basename(Name),
LAll = byte_size(Name),
LN = byte_size(BName),
LE = byte_size(Ext),
case LN - LE of
Neg when Neg < 0 ->
Pos ->
StartLen = LAll - Pos - LE,
case Name of
<<_:StartLen/binary,Part:Pos/binary,Ext/binary>> ->
_Other ->
basename(Name0, Ext0) ->
Name = flatten(Name0),
Ext = flatten(Ext0),
{DirSep2,DrvSep} = separators(),
NoPrefix = skip_prefix(Name, DrvSep),
basename(NoPrefix, Ext, [], DirSep2).
basename(Ext, Ext, Tail, _DrvSep2) ->
basename([$/|[]], Ext, Tail, DrvSep2) ->
basename([], Ext, Tail, DrvSep2);
basename([$/|Rest], Ext, _Tail, DrvSep2) ->
basename(Rest, Ext, [], DrvSep2);
basename([DirSep2|Rest], Ext, Tail, DirSep2) when is_integer(DirSep2) ->
basename([$/|Rest], Ext, Tail, DirSep2);
basename([Char|Rest], Ext, Tail, DrvSep2) when is_integer(Char) ->
basename(Rest, Ext, [Char|Tail], DrvSep2);
basename([], _Ext, Tail, _DrvSep2) ->
%% Returns the directory part of a pathname.
%% Example: dirname("/usr/src/kalle.erl") -> "/usr/src",
%% dirname("kalle.erl") -> "."
-spec dirname(Filename) -> file:filename() when
Filename :: file:name().
dirname(Name) when is_binary(Name) ->
{Dsep,Drivesep} = separators(),
SList = case Dsep of
Sep when is_integer(Sep) ->
[ <<Sep>> ];
_ ->
{XPart0,Dirs} = case Drivesep of
X when is_integer(X) ->
case Name of
<<DL,X,Rest/binary>> when ?IS_DRIVELETTER(DL) ->
_ ->
_ ->
Parts0 = binary:split(Dirs,[<<"/">>|SList],[global]),
%% Fairly short lists of parts, OK to reverse twice...
Parts = case Parts0 of
[] -> [];
_ -> lists:reverse(fstrip(tl(lists:reverse(Parts0))))
XPart = case {Parts,XPart0} of
{[],<<>>} ->
_ ->
dirname(Name0) ->
Name = flatten(Name0),
dirname(Name, [], [], separators()).
dirname([$/|Rest], Dir, File, Seps) ->
dirname(Rest, File++Dir, [$/], Seps);
dirname([DirSep|Rest], Dir, File, {DirSep,_}=Seps) when is_integer(DirSep) ->
dirname(Rest, File++Dir, [$/], Seps);
dirname([Dl,DrvSep|Rest], [], [], {_,DrvSep}=Seps)
when is_integer(DrvSep), ((($a =< Dl) and (Dl =< $z)) or
(($A =< Dl) and (Dl =< $Z))) ->
dirname(Rest, [DrvSep,Dl], [], Seps);
dirname([Char|Rest], Dir, File, Seps) when is_integer(Char) ->
dirname(Rest, Dir, [Char|File], Seps);
dirname([], [], File, _Seps) ->
case lists:reverse(File) of
[$/|_] -> [$/];
_ -> "."
dirname([], [$/|Rest], File, Seps) ->
dirname([], Rest, File, Seps);
dirname([], [DrvSep,Dl], File, {_,DrvSep}) ->
case lists:reverse(File) of
[$/|_] -> [Dl,DrvSep,$/];
_ -> [Dl,DrvSep]
dirname([], Dir, _, _) ->
%% Compatibility with lists variant, remove trailing slashes
fstrip([<<>>,X|Y]) ->
fstrip(A) ->
dirjoin([<<>>|T],Acc,Sep) ->
dirjoin(A,B,C) ->
dirjoin1([],Acc,_) ->
dirjoin1([One],Acc,_) ->
dirjoin1([H|T],Acc,Sep) ->
%% Given a filename string, returns the file extension,
%% including the period. Returns an empty list if there
%% is no extension.
%% Example: extension("foo.erl") -> ".erl"
%% extension("jam.src/kalle") -> ""
%% On Windows: fn:dirname("\\usr\\src/kalle.erl") -> "/usr/src"
-spec extension(Filename) -> file:filename() when
Filename :: file:name().
extension(Name) when is_binary(Name) ->
{Dsep,_} = separators(),
SList = case Dsep of
Sep when is_integer(Sep) ->
[ <<Sep>> ];
_ ->
case binary:matches(Name,[<<".">>]) of
[] ->
List ->
{Pos,_} = lists:last(List),
<<_:Pos/binary,Part/binary>> = Name,
case binary:match(Part,[<<"/">>|SList]) of
nomatch ->
_ ->
extension(Name0) ->
Name = flatten(Name0),
extension(Name, [], major_os_type()).
extension([$.|Rest]=Result, _Result, OsType) ->
extension(Rest, Result, OsType);
extension([Char|Rest], [], OsType) when is_integer(Char) ->
extension(Rest, [], OsType);
extension([$/|Rest], _Result, OsType) ->
extension(Rest, [], OsType);
extension([$\\|Rest], _Result, win32) ->
extension(Rest, [], win32);
extension([Char|Rest], Result, OsType) when is_integer(Char) ->
extension(Rest, Result, OsType);
extension([], Result, _OsType) ->
%% Joins a list of filenames with directory separators.
-spec join(Components) -> file:filename() when
Components :: [file:filename()].
join([Name1, Name2|Rest]) ->
join([join(Name1, Name2)|Rest]);
join([Name]) when is_list(Name) ->
join1(Name, [], [], major_os_type());
join([Name]) when is_binary(Name) ->
join1b(Name, <<>>, [], major_os_type());
join([Name]) when is_atom(Name) ->
%% Joins two filenames with directory separators.
-spec join(Name1, Name2) -> file:filename() when
Name1 :: file:filename(),
Name2 :: file:filename().
join(Name1, Name2) when is_list(Name1), is_list(Name2) ->
OsType = major_os_type(),
case pathtype(Name2) of
relative -> join1(Name1, Name2, [], OsType);
_Other -> join1(Name2, [], [], OsType)
join(Name1, Name2) when is_binary(Name1), is_list(Name2) ->
join(Name1, Name2) when is_list(Name1), is_binary(Name2) ->
join(Name1, Name2) when is_binary(Name1), is_binary(Name2) ->
OsType = major_os_type(),
case pathtype(Name2) of
relative -> join1b(Name1, Name2, [], OsType);
_Other -> join1b(Name2, <<>>, [], OsType)
join(Name1, Name2) when is_atom(Name1) ->
join(atom_to_list(Name1), Name2);
join(Name1, Name2) when is_atom(Name2) ->
join(Name1, atom_to_list(Name2)).
%% Internal function to join an absolute name and a relative name.
%% It is the responsibility of the caller to ensure that RelativeName
%% is relative.
join1([UcLetter, $:|Rest], RelativeName, [], win32)
when is_integer(UcLetter), UcLetter >= $A, UcLetter =< $Z ->
join1(Rest, RelativeName, [$:, UcLetter+$a-$A], win32);
join1([$\\|Rest], RelativeName, Result, win32) ->
join1([$/|Rest], RelativeName, Result, win32);
join1([$/|Rest], RelativeName, [$., $/|Result], OsType) ->
join1(Rest, RelativeName, [$/|Result], OsType);
join1([$/|Rest], RelativeName, [$/|Result], OsType) ->
join1(Rest, RelativeName, [$/|Result], OsType);
join1([], [], Result, OsType) ->
maybe_remove_dirsep(Result, OsType);
join1([], RelativeName, [$:|Rest], win32) ->
join1(RelativeName, [], [$:|Rest], win32);
join1([], RelativeName, [$/|Result], OsType) ->
join1(RelativeName, [], [$/|Result], OsType);
join1([], RelativeName, Result, OsType) ->
join1(RelativeName, [], [$/|Result], OsType);
join1([[_|_]=List|Rest], RelativeName, Result, OsType) ->
join1(List++Rest, RelativeName, Result, OsType);
join1([[]|Rest], RelativeName, Result, OsType) ->
join1(Rest, RelativeName, Result, OsType);
join1([Char|Rest], RelativeName, Result, OsType) when is_integer(Char) ->
join1(Rest, RelativeName, [Char|Result], OsType);
join1([Atom|Rest], RelativeName, Result, OsType) when is_atom(Atom) ->
join1(atom_to_list(Atom)++Rest, RelativeName, Result, OsType).
join1b(<<UcLetter, $:, Rest/binary>>, RelativeName, [], win32)
when is_integer(UcLetter), UcLetter >= $A, UcLetter =< $Z ->
join1b(Rest, RelativeName, [$:, UcLetter+$a-$A], win32);
join1b(<<$\\,Rest/binary>>, RelativeName, Result, win32) ->
join1b(<<$/,Rest/binary>>, RelativeName, Result, win32);
join1b(<<$/,Rest/binary>>, RelativeName, [$., $/|Result], OsType) ->
join1b(Rest, RelativeName, [$/|Result], OsType);
join1b(<<$/,Rest/binary>>, RelativeName, [$/|Result], OsType) ->
join1b(Rest, RelativeName, [$/|Result], OsType);
join1b(<<>>, <<>>, Result, OsType) ->
list_to_binary(maybe_remove_dirsep(Result, OsType));
join1b(<<>>, RelativeName, [$:|Rest], win32) ->
join1b(RelativeName, <<>>, [$:|Rest], win32);
join1b(<<>>, RelativeName, [$/|Result], OsType) ->
join1b(RelativeName, <<>>, [$/|Result], OsType);
join1b(<<>>, RelativeName, Result, OsType) ->
join1b(RelativeName, <<>>, [$/|Result], OsType);
join1b(<<Char,Rest/binary>>, RelativeName, Result, OsType) when is_integer(Char) ->
join1b(Rest, RelativeName, [Char|Result], OsType).
maybe_remove_dirsep([$/, $:, Letter], win32) ->
[Letter, $:, $/];
maybe_remove_dirsep([$/], _) ->
maybe_remove_dirsep([$/|Name], _) ->
maybe_remove_dirsep(Name, _) ->
%% Appends a directory separator and a pathname component to
%% a given base directory, which is is assumed to be normalised
%% by a previous call to join/{1,2}.
-spec append(file:filename(), file:name()) -> file:filename().
append(Dir, Name) when is_binary(Dir), is_binary(Name) ->
append(Dir, Name) when is_binary(Dir) ->
append(Dir, Name) when is_binary(Name) ->
append(Dir, Name) ->
Dir ++ [$/|Name].
%% Returns one of absolute, relative or volumerelative.
%% absolute The pathname refers to a specific file on a specific
%% volume. Example: /usr/local/bin/ (on Unix),
%% h:/port_test (on Windows).
%% relative The pathname is relative to the current working directory
%% on the current volume. Example: foo/bar, ../src
%% volumerelative The pathname is relative to the current working directory
%% on the specified volume, or is a specific file on the
%% current working volume. (Windows only)
%% Example: a:bar.erl, /temp/foo.erl
-spec pathtype(Path) -> 'absolute' | 'relative' | 'volumerelative' when
Path :: file:name().
pathtype(Atom) when is_atom(Atom) ->
pathtype(Name) when is_list(Name) or is_binary(Name) ->
case os:type() of
{unix, _} -> unix_pathtype(Name);
{win32, _} -> win32_pathtype(Name)
unix_pathtype(<<$/,_/binary>>) ->
unix_pathtype([$/|_]) ->
unix_pathtype([List|Rest]) when is_list(List) ->
unix_pathtype([Atom|Rest]) when is_atom(Atom) ->
unix_pathtype(_) ->
win32_pathtype([List|Rest]) when is_list(List) ->
win32_pathtype([Atom|Rest]) when is_atom(Atom) ->
win32_pathtype([Char, List|Rest]) when is_list(List) ->
win32_pathtype(<<$/, $/, _/binary>>) -> absolute;
win32_pathtype(<<$\\, $/, _/binary>>) -> absolute;
win32_pathtype(<<$/, $\\, _/binary>>) -> absolute;
win32_pathtype(<<$\\, $\\, _/binary>>) -> absolute;
win32_pathtype(<<$/, _/binary>>) -> volumerelative;
win32_pathtype(<<$\\, _/binary>>) -> volumerelative;
win32_pathtype(<<_Letter, $:, $/, _/binary>>) -> absolute;
win32_pathtype(<<_Letter, $:, $\\, _/binary>>) -> absolute;
win32_pathtype(<<_Letter, $:, _/binary>>) -> volumerelative;
win32_pathtype([$/, $/|_]) -> absolute;
win32_pathtype([$\\, $/|_]) -> absolute;
win32_pathtype([$/, $\\|_]) -> absolute;
win32_pathtype([$\\, $\\|_]) -> absolute;
win32_pathtype([$/|_]) -> volumerelative;
win32_pathtype([$\\|_]) -> volumerelative;
win32_pathtype([C1, C2, List|Rest]) when is_list(List) ->
pathtype([C1, C2|List++Rest]);
win32_pathtype([_Letter, $:, $/|_]) -> absolute;
win32_pathtype([_Letter, $:, $\\|_]) -> absolute;
win32_pathtype([_Letter, $:|_]) -> volumerelative;
win32_pathtype(_) -> relative.
%% Returns all characters in the filename, except the extension.
%% Examples: rootname("/jam.src/kalle") -> "/jam.src/kalle"
%% rootname("/jam.src/foo.erl") -> "/jam.src/foo"
-spec rootname(Filename) -> file:filename() when
Filename :: file:name().
rootname(Name) when is_binary(Name) ->
list_to_binary(rootname(binary_to_list(Name))); % No need to handle unicode, . is < 128
rootname(Name0) ->
Name = flatten(Name0),
rootname(Name, [], [], major_os_type()).
rootname([$/|Rest], Root, Ext, OsType) ->
rootname(Rest, [$/]++Ext++Root, [], OsType);
rootname([$\\|Rest], Root, Ext, win32) ->
rootname(Rest, [$/]++Ext++Root, [], win32);
rootname([$.|Rest], Root, [], OsType) ->
rootname(Rest, Root, ".", OsType);
rootname([$.|Rest], Root, Ext, OsType) ->
rootname(Rest, Ext++Root, ".", OsType);
rootname([Char|Rest], Root, [], OsType) when is_integer(Char) ->
rootname(Rest, [Char|Root], [], OsType);
rootname([Char|Rest], Root, Ext, OsType) when is_integer(Char) ->
rootname(Rest, Root, [Char|Ext], OsType);
rootname([], Root, _Ext, _OsType) ->
%% Returns all characters in the filename, except the given extension.
%% If the filename has another extension, the complete filename is
%% returned.
%% Examples: rootname("/jam.src/kalle.jam", ".erl") -> "/jam.src/kalle.jam"
%% rootname("/jam.src/foo.erl", ".erl") -> "/jam.src/foo"
-spec rootname(Filename, Ext) -> file:filename() when
Filename :: file:name(),
Ext :: file:name().
rootname(Name, Ext) when is_binary(Name), is_binary(Ext) ->
rootname(Name, Ext) when is_binary(Name) ->
rootname(Name, Ext) when is_binary(Ext) ->
rootname(Name0, Ext0) ->
Name = flatten(Name0),
Ext = flatten(Ext0),
rootname2(Name, Ext, []).
rootname2(Ext, Ext, Result) ->
rootname2([], _Ext, Result) ->
rootname2([Char|Rest], Ext, Result) when is_integer(Char) ->
rootname2(Rest, Ext, [Char|Result]).
%% Returns a list whose elements are the path components in the filename.
%% Examples:
%% split("/usr/local/bin") -> ["/", "usr", "local", "bin"]
%% split("foo/bar") -> ["foo", "bar"]
%% split("a:\\msdev\\include") -> ["a:/", "msdev", "include"]
-spec split(Filename) -> Components when
Filename :: file:name(),
Components :: [file:filename()].
split(Name) when is_binary(Name) ->
case os:type() of
{win32, _} -> win32_splitb(Name);
_ -> unix_splitb(Name)
split(Name0) ->
Name = flatten(Name0),
case os:type() of
{win32, _} -> win32_split(Name);
_ -> unix_split(Name)
unix_splitb(Name) ->
L = binary:split(Name,[<<"/">>],[global]),
LL = case L of
[<<>>|Rest] ->
_ ->
[ X || X <- LL, X =/= <<>>].
fix_driveletter(Letter0) ->
Letter0 >= $A, Letter0 =< $Z ->
true ->
win32_splitb(<<Letter0,$:, Slash, Rest/binary>>) when (((Slash =:= $\\) orelse (Slash =:= $/)) andalso
?IS_DRIVELETTER(Letter0)) ->
Letter = fix_driveletter(Letter0),
L = binary:split(Rest,[<<"/">>,<<"\\">>],[global]),
[<<Letter,$:,$/>> | [ X || X <- L, X =/= <<>> ]];
win32_splitb(<<Letter0,$:,Rest/binary>>) when ?IS_DRIVELETTER(Letter0) ->
Letter = fix_driveletter(Letter0),
L = binary:split(Rest,[<<"/">>,<<"\\">>],[global]),
[<<Letter,$:>> | [ X || X <- L, X =/= <<>> ]];
win32_splitb(<<Slash,Rest/binary>>) when ((Slash =:= $\\) orelse (Slash =:= $/)) ->
L = binary:split(Rest,[<<"/">>,<<"\\">>],[global]),
[<<$/>> | [ X || X <- L, X =/= <<>> ]];
win32_splitb(Name) ->
L = binary:split(Name,[<<"/">>,<<"\\">>],[global]),
[ X || X <- L, X =/= <<>> ].
unix_split(Name) ->
split(Name, [], unix).
win32_split([$\\|Rest]) ->
win32_split([X, $\\|Rest]) when is_integer(X) ->
win32_split([X, $/|Rest]);
win32_split([X, Y, $\\|Rest]) when is_integer(X), is_integer(Y) ->
win32_split([X, Y, $/|Rest]);
win32_split([UcLetter, $:|Rest]) when UcLetter >= $A, UcLetter =< $Z ->
win32_split([UcLetter+$a-$A, $:|Rest]);
win32_split([Letter, $:, $/|Rest]) ->
split(Rest, [], [[Letter, $:, $/]], win32);
win32_split([Letter, $:|Rest]) ->
split(Rest, [], [[Letter, $:]], win32);
win32_split(Name) ->
split(Name, [], win32).
split([$/|Rest], Components, OsType) ->
split(Rest, [], [[$/]|Components], OsType);
split([$\\|Rest], Components, win32) ->
split(Rest, [], [[$/]|Components], win32);
split(RelativeName, Components, OsType) ->
split(RelativeName, [], Components, OsType).
split([$\\|Rest], Comp, Components, win32) ->
split([$/|Rest], Comp, Components, win32);
split([$/|Rest], [], Components, OsType) ->
split(Rest, [], Components, OsType);
split([$/|Rest], Comp, Components, OsType) ->
split(Rest, [], [lists:reverse(Comp)|Components], OsType);
split([Char|Rest], Comp, Components, OsType) when is_integer(Char) ->
split(Rest, [Char|Comp], Components, OsType);
split([], [], Components, _OsType) ->
split([], Comp, Components, OsType) ->
split([], [], [lists:reverse(Comp)|Components], OsType).
%% Converts a filename to a form accepedt by the command shell and native
%% applications on the current platform. On Windows, forward slashes
%% will be converted to backslashes. On all platforms, the
%% name will be normalized as done by join/1.
-spec nativename(Path) -> file:filename() when
Path :: file:filename().
nativename(Name0) ->
Name = join([Name0]), %Normalize.
case os:type() of
{win32, _} -> win32_nativename(Name);
_ -> Name
win32_nativename([$/|Rest]) ->
win32_nativename([C|Rest]) ->
win32_nativename([]) ->
separators() ->
case os:type() of
{win32, _} -> {$\\, $:};
_ -> {false, false}
%% find_src(Module) --
%% find_src(Module, Rules) --
%% Finds the source file name and compilation options for a compiled
%% module. The result can be fed to compile:file/2 to compile the
%% file again.
%% The Module argument (which can be a string or an atom) specifies
%% either the module name or the path to the source code, with or
%% without the ".erl" extension. In either case the module must be
%% known by the code manager, i.e. code:which/1 should succeed.
%% Rules describes how the source directory should be found given
%% the directory for the object code. Each rule is on the form
%% {BinSuffix, SourceSuffix}, and is interpreted like this:
%% If the end of directory name where the object is located matches
%% BinSuffix, then the suffix will be replaced with SourceSuffix
%% in the directory name. If the source file in the resulting
%% directory, the next rule will be tried.
%% Returns: {SourceFile, Options}
%% SourceFile is the absolute path to the source file (but without the ".erl"
%% extension) and Options are the necessary options to compile the file
%% with compile:file/2, but doesn't include options like 'report' or
%% 'verbose' that doesn't change the way code is generated.
%% The paths in the {outdir, Path} and {i, Path} options are guaranteed
%% to be absolute.
-spec find_src(Beam) -> {SourceFile, Options}
| {error, {ErrorReason, Module}} when
Beam :: Module | Filename,
Filename :: atom() | string(),
Module :: module(),
SourceFile :: string(),
Options :: [Option],
Option :: {'i', Path :: string()}
| {'outdir', Path :: string()}
| {'d', atom()},
ErrorReason :: 'non_existing' | 'preloaded' | 'interpreted'.
find_src(Mod) ->
Default = [{"", ""}, {"ebin", "src"}, {"ebin", "esrc"}],
Rules =
case application:get_env(kernel, source_search_rules) of
undefined -> Default;
{ok, []} -> Default;
{ok, R} when is_list(R) -> R
find_src(Mod, Rules).
-spec find_src(Beam, Rules) -> {SourceFile, Options}
| {error, {ErrorReason, Module}} when
Beam :: Module | Filename,
Filename :: atom() | string(),
Rules :: [{BinSuffix :: string(), SourceSuffix :: string()}],
Module :: module(),
SourceFile :: string(),
Options :: [Option],
Option :: {'i', Path :: string()}
| {'outdir', Path :: string()}
| {'d', atom()},
ErrorReason :: 'non_existing' | 'preloaded' | 'interpreted'.
find_src(Mod, Rules) when is_atom(Mod) ->
find_src(atom_to_list(Mod), Rules);
find_src(File0, Rules) when is_list(File0) ->
Mod = list_to_atom(basename(File0, ".erl")),
File = rootname(File0, ".erl"),
case readable_file(File++".erl") of
true ->
try_file(File, Mod, Rules);
false ->
try_file(undefined, Mod, Rules)
try_file(File, Mod, Rules) ->
case code:which(Mod) of
Possibly_Rel_Path when is_list(Possibly_Rel_Path) ->
{ok, Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
Path = join(Cwd, Possibly_Rel_Path),
try_file(File, Path, Mod, Rules);
Ecode when is_atom(Ecode) -> % Ecode :: ecode()
{error, {Ecode, Mod}}
%% At this point, the Mod is known to be valid.
%% If the source name is not known, find it.
%% Then get the compilation options.
%% Returns: {SrcFile, Options}
try_file(undefined, ObjFilename, Mod, Rules) ->
case get_source_file(ObjFilename, Mod, Rules) of
{ok, File} -> try_file(File, ObjFilename, Mod, Rules);
Error -> Error
try_file(Src, _ObjFilename, Mod, _Rules) ->
List = Mod:module_info(compile),
{options, Options} = lists:keyfind(options, 1, List),
{ok, Cwd} = file:get_cwd(),
AbsPath = make_abs_path(Cwd, Src),
{AbsPath, filter_options(dirname(AbsPath), Options, [])}.
%% Filters the options.
%% 1) Only keep options that have any effect on code generation.
%% 2) The paths found in {i, Path} and {outdir, Path} are converted
%% to absolute paths. When doing this, it is assumed that relatives
%% paths are relative to directory where the source code is located.
%% This is not necessarily true. It would be safer if the compiler
%% would emit absolute paths in the first place.
filter_options(Base, [{outdir, Path}|Rest], Result) ->
filter_options(Base, Rest, [{outdir, make_abs_path(Base, Path)}|Result]);
filter_options(Base, [{i, Path}|Rest], Result) ->
filter_options(Base, Rest, [{i, make_abs_path(Base, Path)}|Result]);
filter_options(Base, [Option|Rest], Result) when Option =:= export_all ->
filter_options(Base, Rest, [Option|Result]);
filter_options(Base, [Option|Rest], Result) when Option =:= binary ->
filter_options(Base, Rest, [Option|Result]);
filter_options(Base, [Tuple|Rest], Result) when element(1, Tuple) =:= d ->
filter_options(Base, Rest, [Tuple|Result]);
filter_options(Base, [Tuple|Rest], Result)
when element(1, Tuple) =:= parse_transform ->
filter_options(Base, Rest, [Tuple|Result]);
filter_options(Base, [_|Rest], Result) ->
filter_options(Base, Rest, Result);
filter_options(_Base, [], Result) ->
%% Gets the source file given path of object code and module name.
get_source_file(Obj, Mod, Rules) ->
case catch Mod:module_info(source_file) of
{'EXIT', _Reason} ->
source_by_rules(dirname(Obj), packages:last(Mod), Rules);
File ->
{ok, File}
source_by_rules(Dir, Base, [{From, To}|Rest]) ->
case try_rule(Dir, Base, From, To) of
{ok, File} -> {ok, File};
error -> source_by_rules(Dir, Base, Rest)
source_by_rules(_Dir, _Base, []) ->
{error, source_file_not_found}.
try_rule(Dir, Base, From, To) ->
case lists:suffix(From, Dir) of
true ->
NewDir = lists:sublist(Dir, 1, length(Dir)-length(From))++To,
Src = join(NewDir, Base),
case readable_file(Src++".erl") of
true -> {ok, Src};
false -> error
false ->
readable_file(File) ->
case file:read_file_info(File) of
{ok, #file_info{type=regular, access=read}} ->
{ok, #file_info{type=regular, access=read_write}} ->
_Other ->
make_abs_path(BasePath, Path) ->
join(BasePath, Path).
major_os_type() ->
case os:type() of
{OsT, _} -> OsT;
OsT -> OsT
%% flatten(List)
%% Flatten a list, also accepting atoms.
-spec flatten(Filename) -> file:filename() when
Filename :: file:name().
flatten(Bin) when is_binary(Bin) ->
flatten(List) ->
do_flatten(List, []).
do_flatten([H|T], Tail) when is_list(H) ->
do_flatten(H, do_flatten(T, Tail));
do_flatten([H|T], Tail) when is_atom(H) ->
atom_to_list(H) ++ do_flatten(T, Tail);
do_flatten([H|T], Tail) ->
[H|do_flatten(T, Tail)];
do_flatten([], Tail) ->
do_flatten(Atom, Tail) when is_atom(Atom) ->
atom_to_list(Atom) ++ flatten(Tail).
filename_string_to_binary(List) ->
case unicode:characters_to_binary(flatten(List),unicode,file:native_name_encoding()) of
{error,_,_} ->
Bin when is_binary(Bin) ->