%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2010. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%%% A general event handler.
%%% Several handlers (functions) can be added.
%%% Each handler holds a state and will be called
%%% for every event received of the handler.
%%% Modified by Magnus.
%%% Take care of fault situations and made notify asynchronous.
%%% Re-written by Joe with new functional interface !
%%% Modified by Martin - uses proc_lib, sys and gen!
-export([start/0, start/1, start_link/0, start_link/1, stop/1, notify/2,
add_handler/3, add_sup_handler/3, delete_handler/3, swap_handler/3,
swap_sup_handler/3, which_handlers/1, call/3, call/4, wake_hib/4]).
-import(error_logger, [error_msg/2]).
-define(reply(X), From ! {element(2,Tag), X}).
-record(handler, {module :: atom(),
id = false,
supervised = false :: 'false' | pid()}).
%%% API
-spec behaviour_info(atom()) -> 'undefined' | [{atom(), arity()}].
behaviour_info(callbacks) ->
behaviour_info(_Other) ->
%% gen_event:start(Handler) -> {ok, Pid} | {error, What}
%% gen_event:add_handler(Handler, Mod, Args) -> ok | Other
%% gen_event:notify(Handler, Event) -> ok
%% gen_event:call(Handler, Mod, Query) -> {ok, Val} | {error, Why}
%% gen_event:call(Handler, Mod, Query, Timeout) -> {ok, Val} | {error, Why}
%% gen_event:delete_handler(Handler, Mod, Args) -> Val
%% gen_event:swap_handler(Handler, {OldMod, Args1}, {NewMod, Args2}) -> ok
%% gen_event:which_handler(Handler) -> [Mod]
%% gen_event:stop(Handler) -> ok
%% handlers must export
%% Mod:init(Args) -> {ok, State} | Other
%% Mod:handle_event(Event, State) ->
%% {ok, State'} | remove_handler | {swap_handler,Args1,State1,Mod2,Args2}
%% Mod:handle_info(Info, State) ->
%% {ok, State'} | remove_handler | {swap_handler,Args1,State1,Mod2,Args2}
%% Mod:handle_call(Query, State) ->
%% {ok, Reply, State'} | {remove_handler, Reply} |
%% {swap_handler, Reply, Args1,State1,Mod2,Args2}
%% Mod:terminate(Args, State) -> Val
%% add_handler(H, Mod, Args) -> ok | Other
%% Mod:init(Args) -> {ok, State} | Other
%% delete_handler(H, Mod, Args) -> Val
%% Mod:terminate(Args, State) -> Val
%% notify(H, Event)
%% Mod:handle_event(Event, State) ->
%% {ok, State1}
%% remove_handler
%% Mod:terminate(remove_handler, State) is called
%% the return value is ignored
%% {swap_handler, Args1, State1, Mod2, Args2}
%% State2 = Mod:terminate(Args1, State1) is called
%% the return value is chained into the new module and
%% Mod2:init({Args2, State2}) is called
%% Other
%% Mod:terminate({error, Other}, State) is called
%% The return value is ignored
%% call(H, Mod, Query) -> Val
%% call(H, Mod, Query, Timeout) -> Val
%% Mod:handle_call(Query, State) -> as above
-type handler() :: atom() | {atom(), term()}.
-type emgr_name() :: {'local', atom()} | {'global', atom()}.
-type emgr_ref() :: atom() | {atom(), atom()} | {'global', atom()} | pid().
-type start_ret() :: {'ok', pid()} | {'error', term()}.
-define(NO_CALLBACK, 'no callback module').
-spec start() -> start_ret().
start() ->
gen:start(?MODULE, nolink, ?NO_CALLBACK, [], []).
-spec start(emgr_name()) -> start_ret().
start(Name) ->
gen:start(?MODULE, nolink, Name, ?NO_CALLBACK, [], []).
-spec start_link() -> start_ret().
start_link() ->
gen:start(?MODULE, link, ?NO_CALLBACK, [], []).
-spec start_link(emgr_name()) -> start_ret().
start_link(Name) ->
gen:start(?MODULE, link, Name, ?NO_CALLBACK, [], []).
%% -spec init_it(pid(), 'self' | pid(), emgr_name(), module(), [term()], [_]) ->
init_it(Starter, self, Name, Mod, Args, Options) ->
init_it(Starter, self(), Name, Mod, Args, Options);
init_it(Starter, Parent, Name0, _, _, Options) ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
Debug = gen:debug_options(Options),
proc_lib:init_ack(Starter, {ok, self()}),
Name = name(Name0),
loop(Parent, Name, [], Debug, false).
name({local,Name}) -> Name;
name({global,Name}) -> Name;
name(Pid) when is_pid(Pid) -> Pid.
-spec add_handler(emgr_ref(), handler(), term()) -> term().
add_handler(M, Handler, Args) -> rpc(M, {add_handler, Handler, Args}).
-spec add_sup_handler(emgr_ref(), handler(), term()) -> term().
add_sup_handler(M, Handler, Args) ->
rpc(M, {add_sup_handler, Handler, Args, self()}).
-spec notify(emgr_ref(), term()) -> 'ok'.
notify(M, Event) -> send(M, {notify, Event}).
-spec sync_notify(emgr_ref(), term()) -> 'ok'.
sync_notify(M, Event) -> rpc(M, {sync_notify, Event}).
-spec call(emgr_ref(), handler(), term()) -> term().
call(M, Handler, Query) -> call1(M, Handler, Query).
-spec call(emgr_ref(), handler(), term(), timeout()) -> term().
call(M, Handler, Query, Timeout) -> call1(M, Handler, Query, Timeout).
-spec delete_handler(emgr_ref(), handler(), term()) -> term().
delete_handler(M, Handler, Args) -> rpc(M, {delete_handler, Handler, Args}).
-spec swap_handler(emgr_ref(), {handler(), term()}, {handler(), term()}) ->
'ok' | {'error', term()}.
swap_handler(M, {H1, A1}, {H2, A2}) -> rpc(M, {swap_handler, H1, A1, H2, A2}).
-spec swap_sup_handler(emgr_ref(), {handler(), term()}, {handler(), term()}) ->
'ok' | {'error', term()}.
swap_sup_handler(M, {H1, A1}, {H2, A2}) ->
rpc(M, {swap_sup_handler, H1, A1, H2, A2, self()}).
-spec which_handlers(emgr_ref()) -> [handler()].
which_handlers(M) -> rpc(M, which_handlers).
-spec stop(emgr_ref()) -> 'ok'.
stop(M) -> rpc(M, stop).
rpc(M, Cmd) ->
{ok, Reply} = gen:call(M, self(), Cmd, infinity),
call1(M, Handler, Query) ->
Cmd = {call, Handler, Query},
try gen:call(M, self(), Cmd) of
{ok, Res} ->
exit:Reason ->
exit({Reason, {?MODULE, call, [M, Handler, Query]}})
call1(M, Handler, Query, Timeout) ->
Cmd = {call, Handler, Query},
try gen:call(M, self(), Cmd, Timeout) of
{ok, Res} ->
exit:Reason ->
exit({Reason, {?MODULE, call, [M, Handler, Query, Timeout]}})
send({global, Name}, Cmd) ->
catch global:send(Name, Cmd),
send(M, Cmd) ->
M ! Cmd,
loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL, Debug, true) ->
proc_lib:hibernate(?MODULE, wake_hib, [Parent, ServerName, MSL, Debug]);
loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL, Debug, _) ->
fetch_msg(Parent, ServerName, MSL, Debug, false).
wake_hib(Parent, ServerName, MSL, Debug) ->
fetch_msg(Parent, ServerName, MSL, Debug, true).
fetch_msg(Parent, ServerName, MSL, Debug, Hib) ->
{system, From, Req} ->
sys:handle_system_msg(Req, From, Parent, ?MODULE, Debug,
[ServerName, MSL, Hib],Hib);
{'EXIT', Parent, Reason} ->
terminate_server(Reason, Parent, MSL, ServerName);
Msg when Debug =:= [] ->
handle_msg(Msg, Parent, ServerName, MSL, []);
Msg ->
Debug1 = sys:handle_debug(Debug, fun print_event/3,
ServerName, {in, Msg}),
handle_msg(Msg, Parent, ServerName, MSL, Debug1)
handle_msg(Msg, Parent, ServerName, MSL, Debug) ->
case Msg of
{notify, Event} ->
{Hib,MSL1} = server_notify(Event, handle_event, MSL, ServerName),
loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, Debug, Hib);
{From, Tag, {sync_notify, Event}} ->
{Hib, MSL1} = server_notify(Event, handle_event, MSL, ServerName),
loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, Debug, Hib);
{'EXIT', From, Reason} ->
MSL1 = handle_exit(From, Reason, MSL, ServerName),
loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, Debug, false);
{From, Tag, {call, Handler, Query}} ->
{Hib, Reply, MSL1} = server_call(Handler, Query, MSL, ServerName),
loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, Debug, Hib);
{From, Tag, {add_handler, Handler, Args}} ->
{Hib, Reply, MSL1} = server_add_handler(Handler, Args, MSL),
loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, Debug, Hib);
{From, Tag, {add_sup_handler, Handler, Args, SupP}} ->
{Hib, Reply, MSL1} = server_add_sup_handler(Handler, Args, MSL, SupP),
loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, Debug, Hib);
{From, Tag, {delete_handler, Handler, Args}} ->
{Reply, MSL1} = server_delete_handler(Handler, Args, MSL,
loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, Debug, false);
{From, Tag, {swap_handler, Handler1, Args1, Handler2, Args2}} ->
{Hib, Reply, MSL1} = server_swap_handler(Handler1, Args1, Handler2,
Args2, MSL, ServerName),
loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, Debug, Hib);
{From, Tag, {swap_sup_handler, Handler1, Args1, Handler2, Args2,
Sup}} ->
{Hib, Reply, MSL1} = server_swap_handler(Handler1, Args1, Handler2,
Args2, MSL, Sup, ServerName),
loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, Debug, Hib);
{From, Tag, stop} ->
catch terminate_server(normal, Parent, MSL, ServerName),
{From, Tag, which_handlers} ->
loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL, Debug, false);
{From, Tag, get_modules} ->
loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL, Debug, false);
Other ->
{Hib, MSL1} = server_notify(Other, handle_info, MSL, ServerName),
loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL1, Debug, Hib)
terminate_server(Reason, Parent, MSL, ServerName) ->
stop_handlers(MSL, ServerName),
do_unlink(Parent, MSL),
%% unlink the supervisor process of all supervised handlers.
%% We do not want a handler supervisor to EXIT due to the
%% termination of the event manager (server).
%% Do not unlink Parent !
do_unlink(Parent, MSL) ->
lists:foreach(fun(Handler) when Handler#handler.supervised =:= Parent ->
(Handler) when is_pid(Handler#handler.supervised) ->
(_) ->
%% First terminate the supervised (if exists) handlers and
%% then inform other handlers.
%% We do not know if any handler really is interested but it
%% may be so !
handle_exit(From, Reason, MSL, SName) ->
MSL1 = terminate_supervised(From, Reason, MSL, SName),
{_,MSL2}=server_notify({'EXIT', From, Reason}, handle_info, MSL1, SName),
terminate_supervised(Pid, Reason, MSL, SName) ->
F = fun(Ha) when Ha#handler.supervised =:= Pid ->
{parent_terminated, {Pid,Reason}},
(_) ->
lists:filter(F, MSL).
%% Callback functions for system messages handling.
system_continue(Parent, Debug, [ServerName, MSL, Hib]) ->
loop(Parent, ServerName, MSL, Debug, Hib).
-spec system_terminate(_, _, _, [_]) -> no_return().
system_terminate(Reason, Parent, _Debug, [ServerName, MSL, _Hib]) ->
terminate_server(Reason, Parent, MSL, ServerName).
%% Module here is sent in the system msg change_code. It specifies
%% which module should be changed.
system_code_change([ServerName, MSL, Hib], Module, OldVsn, Extra) ->
MSL1 = lists:zf(fun(H) when H#handler.module =:= Module ->
{ok, NewState} =
H#handler.state, Extra),
{true, H#handler{state = NewState}};
(_) -> true
{ok, [ServerName, MSL1, Hib]}.
%% Format debug messages. Print them as the call-back module sees
%% them, not as the real erlang messages. Use trace for that.
print_event(Dev, {in, Msg}, Name) ->
case Msg of
{notify, Event} ->
io:format(Dev, "*DBG* ~p got event ~p~n", [Name, Event]);
{_,_,{call, Handler, Query}} ->
io:format(Dev, "*DBG* ~p(~p) got call ~p~n",
[Name, Handler, Query]);
_ ->
io:format(Dev, "*DBG* ~p got ~p~n", [Name, Msg])
print_event(Dev, Dbg, Name) ->
io:format(Dev, "*DBG* ~p : ~p~n", [Name, Dbg]).
%% server_add_handler(Handler, Args, MSL) -> {Ret, MSL'}.
%% where MSL = [#handler{}]
%% Ret goes to the top level MSL' is the new internal state of the
%% event handler
server_add_handler({Mod,Id}, Args, MSL) ->
Handler = #handler{module = Mod,
id = Id},
server_add_handler(Mod, Handler, Args, MSL);
server_add_handler(Mod, Args, MSL) ->
Handler = #handler{module = Mod},
server_add_handler(Mod, Handler, Args, MSL).
server_add_handler(Mod, Handler, Args, MSL) ->
case catch Mod:init(Args) of
{ok, State} ->
{false, ok, [Handler#handler{state = State}|MSL]};
{ok, State, hibernate} ->
{true, ok, [Handler#handler{state = State}|MSL]};
Other ->
{false, Other, MSL}
%% Set up a link to the supervising process.
%% (Ought to be unidirected links here, Erl5.0 !!)
%% NOTE: This link will not be removed then the
%% handler is removed in case another handler has
%% own link to this process.
server_add_sup_handler({Mod,Id}, Args, MSL, Parent) ->
Handler = #handler{module = Mod,
id = Id,
supervised = Parent},
server_add_handler(Mod, Handler, Args, MSL);
server_add_sup_handler(Mod, Args, MSL, Parent) ->
Handler = #handler{module = Mod,
supervised = Parent},
server_add_handler(Mod, Handler, Args, MSL).
%% server_delete_handler(HandlerId, Args, MSL) -> {Ret, MSL'}
server_delete_handler(HandlerId, Args, MSL, SName) ->
case split(HandlerId, MSL) of
{Mod, Handler, MSL1} ->
{do_terminate(Mod, Handler, Args,
Handler#handler.state, delete, SName, normal),
error ->
{{error, module_not_found}, MSL}
%% server_swap_handler(Handler1, Args1, Handler2, Args2, MSL, SN) -> MSL'
%% server_swap_handler(Handler1, Args1, Handler2, Args2, MSL, Sup, SN) -> MSL'
server_swap_handler(Handler1, Args1, Handler2, Args2, MSL, SName) ->
{State2, Sup, MSL1} = split_and_terminate(Handler1, Args1, MSL,
SName, Handler2, false),
case s_s_h(Sup, Handler2, {Args2, State2}, MSL1) of
{Hib, ok, MSL2} ->
{Hib, ok, MSL2};
{Hib, What, MSL2} ->
{Hib, {error, What}, MSL2}
server_swap_handler(Handler1, Args1, Handler2, Args2, MSL, Sup, SName) ->
{State2, _, MSL1} = split_and_terminate(Handler1, Args1, MSL,
SName, Handler2, Sup),
case s_s_h(Sup, Handler2, {Args2, State2}, MSL1) of
{Hib, ok, MSL2} ->
{Hib, ok, MSL2};
{Hib, What, MSL2} ->
{Hib, {error, What}, MSL2}
s_s_h(false, Handler, Args, MSL) ->
server_add_handler(Handler, Args, MSL);
s_s_h(Pid, Handler, Args, MSL) ->
server_add_sup_handler(Handler, Args, MSL, Pid).
split_and_terminate(HandlerId, Args, MSL, SName, Handler2, Sup) ->
case split(HandlerId, MSL) of
{Mod, Handler, MSL1} ->
OldSup = Handler#handler.supervised,
NewSup = if
not Sup -> OldSup;
true -> Sup
{do_terminate(Mod, Handler, Args,
Handler#handler.state, swapped, SName,
{swapped, Handler2, NewSup}),
error ->
{error, false, MSL}
%% server_notify(Event, Func, MSL, SName) -> MSL'
server_notify(Event, Func, [Handler|T], SName) ->
case server_update(Handler, Func, Event, SName) of
{ok, Handler1} ->
{Hib, NewHandlers} = server_notify(Event, Func, T, SName),
{Hib, [Handler1|NewHandlers]};
{hibernate, Handler1} ->
{_Hib, NewHandlers} = server_notify(Event, Func, T, SName),
{true, [Handler1|NewHandlers]};
no ->
server_notify(Event, Func, T, SName)
server_notify(_, _, [], _) ->
{false, []}.
%% server_update(Handler, Func, Event, ServerName) -> Handler1 | no
server_update(Handler1, Func, Event, SName) ->
Mod1 = Handler1#handler.module,
State = Handler1#handler.state,
case catch Mod1:Func(Event, State) of
{ok, State1} ->
{ok, Handler1#handler{state = State1}};
{ok, State1, hibernate} ->
{hibernate, Handler1#handler{state = State1}};
{swap_handler, Args1, State1, Handler2, Args2} ->
do_swap(Mod1, Handler1, Args1, State1, Handler2, Args2, SName);
remove_handler ->
do_terminate(Mod1, Handler1, remove_handler, State,
remove, SName, normal),
Other ->
do_terminate(Mod1, Handler1, {error, Other}, State,
Event, SName, crash),
do_swap(Mod1, Handler1, Args1, State1, Handler2, Args2, SName) ->
%% finalise the existing handler
State2 = do_terminate(Mod1, Handler1, Args1, State1,
swapped, SName,
{swapped, Handler2, Handler1#handler.supervised}),
{Mod2, Handler} = new_handler(Handler2, Handler1),
case catch Mod2:init({Args2, State2}) of
{ok, State2a} ->
{ok, Handler#handler{state = State2a}};
Other ->
report_terminate(Handler, crash, {error, Other}, SName, false),
new_handler({Mod,Id}, Handler1) ->
{Mod, #handler{module = Mod,
id = Id,
supervised = Handler1#handler.supervised}};
new_handler(Mod, Handler1) ->
{Mod, #handler{module = Mod,
supervised = Handler1#handler.supervised}}.
-spec split(handler(), [#handler{}]) ->
{atom(), #handler{}, [#handler{}]} | 'error'.
split(Ha, MSL) -> split(Ha, MSL, []).
split({Mod,Id}, [Ha|T], L) when Ha#handler.module =:= Mod,
Ha#handler.id =:= Id ->
{Mod, Ha, lists:reverse(L, T)};
split(Mod, [Ha|T], L) when Ha#handler.module =:= Mod,
not Ha#handler.id ->
{Mod, Ha, lists:reverse(L, T)};
split(Ha, [H|T], L) ->
split(Ha, T, [H|L]);
split(_, [], _) ->
%% server_call(Handler, Query, MSL, ServerName) ->
%% {Reply, MSL1}
server_call(Handler, Query, MSL, SName) ->
case search(Handler, MSL) of
{ok, Ha} ->
case server_call_update(Ha, Query, SName) of
{no, Reply} ->
{false, Reply, delete(Handler, MSL)};
{{ok, Ha1}, Reply} ->
{false, Reply, replace(Handler, MSL, Ha1)};
{{hibernate, Ha1}, Reply} ->
{true, Reply, replace(Handler, MSL, Ha1)}
false ->
{false, {error, bad_module}, MSL}
search({Mod, Id}, [Ha|_MSL]) when Ha#handler.module =:= Mod,
Ha#handler.id =:= Id ->
{ok, Ha};
search(Mod, [Ha|_MSL]) when Ha#handler.module =:= Mod,
not Ha#handler.id ->
{ok, Ha};
search(Handler, [_|MSL]) ->
search(Handler, MSL);
search(_, []) ->
delete({Mod, Id}, [Ha|MSL]) when Ha#handler.module =:= Mod,
Ha#handler.id =:= Id ->
delete(Mod, [Ha|MSL]) when Ha#handler.module =:= Mod,
not Ha#handler.id ->
delete(Handler, [Ha|MSL]) ->
[Ha|delete(Handler, MSL)];
delete(_, []) ->
replace({Mod, Id}, [Ha|MSL], NewHa) when Ha#handler.module =:= Mod,
Ha#handler.id =:= Id ->
replace(Mod, [Ha|MSL], NewHa) when Ha#handler.module =:= Mod,
not Ha#handler.id ->
replace(Handler, [Ha|MSL], NewHa) ->
[Ha|replace(Handler, MSL, NewHa)];
replace(_, [], NewHa) ->
%% server_call_update(Handler, Query, ServerName) ->
%% {{Handler1, State1} | 'no', Reply}
server_call_update(Handler1, Query, SName) ->
Mod1 = Handler1#handler.module,
State = Handler1#handler.state,
case catch Mod1:handle_call(Query, State) of
{ok, Reply, State1} ->
{{ok, Handler1#handler{state = State1}}, Reply};
{ok, Reply, State1, hibernate} ->
{{hibernate, Handler1#handler{state = State1}},
{swap_handler, Reply, Args1, State1, Handler2, Args2} ->
{do_swap(Mod1,Handler1,Args1,State1,Handler2,Args2,SName), Reply};
{remove_handler, Reply} ->
do_terminate(Mod1, Handler1, remove_handler, State,
remove, SName, normal),
{no, Reply};
Other ->
do_terminate(Mod1, Handler1, {error, Other}, State,
Query, SName, crash),
{no, {error, Other}}
do_terminate(Mod, Handler, Args, State, LastIn, SName, Reason) ->
Res = (catch Mod:terminate(Args, State)),
report_terminate(Handler, Reason, Args, State, LastIn, SName, Res),
report_terminate(Handler, crash, {error, Why}, State, LastIn, SName, _) ->
report_terminate(Handler, Why, State, LastIn, SName);
report_terminate(Handler, How, _, State, LastIn, SName, _) ->
%% How == normal | shutdown | {swapped, NewHandler, NewSupervisor}
report_terminate(Handler, How, State, LastIn, SName).
report_terminate(Handler, Reason, State, LastIn, SName) ->
report_error(Handler, Reason, State, LastIn, SName),
case Handler#handler.supervised of
false ->
Pid ->
Pid ! {gen_event_EXIT,handler(Handler),Reason},
report_error(_Handler, normal, _, _, _) -> ok;
report_error(_Handler, shutdown, _, _, _) -> ok;
report_error(_Handler, {swapped,_,_}, _, _, _) -> ok;
report_error(Handler, Reason, State, LastIn, SName) ->
Reason1 =
case Reason of
{'EXIT',{undef,[{M,F,A}|MFAs]}} ->
case code:is_loaded(M) of
false ->
{'module could not be loaded',[{M,F,A}|MFAs]};
_ ->
case erlang:function_exported(M, F, length(A)) of
true ->
false ->
{'function not exported',[{M,F,A}|MFAs]}
{'EXIT',Why} ->
_ ->
error_msg("** gen_event handler ~p crashed.~n"
"** Was installed in ~p~n"
"** Last event was: ~p~n"
"** When handler state == ~p~n"
"** Reason == ~p~n",
handler(Handler) when not Handler#handler.id ->
handler(Handler) ->
{Handler#handler.module, Handler#handler.id}.
the_handlers(MSL) ->
[handler(Handler) || Handler <- MSL].
%% stop_handlers(MSL, ServerName) -> []
stop_handlers([Handler|T], SName) ->
Mod = Handler#handler.module,
do_terminate(Mod, Handler, stop, Handler#handler.state,
stop, SName, shutdown),
stop_handlers(T, SName);
stop_handlers([], _) ->
%% Message from the release_handler.
%% The list of modules got to be a set !
get_modules(MSL) ->
Mods = [Handler#handler.module || Handler <- MSL],
%% Status information
format_status(_Opt, StatusData) ->
[_PDict, SysState, Parent, _Debug, [ServerName, MSL, _Hib]] = StatusData,
Header = lists:concat(["Status for event handler ", ServerName]),
[{header, Header},
{data, [{"Status", SysState},
{"Parent", Parent}]},
{items, {"Installed handlers", MSL}}].