%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2018. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% This module is a library of useful i/o functions. It is hoped that the
%% functions defined in it are basic enough to be used without modification
%% as components of more complex utilities.
%% It is completely self-contained and uses no other modules. Its own
%% utilities are exported.
%% Most of the code here is derived from the original prolog versions and
%% from similar code written by Joe Armstrong and myself.
%% This module has been split into separate modules:
%% io_lib - basic write and utilities
%% io_lib_format - formatted output
%% io_lib_fread - formatted input
%% io_lib_pretty - term prettyprinter
%% For handling ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1) we use the following type
%% information:
%% 000 - 037 NUL - US control
%% 040 - 057 SPC - / punctuation
%% 060 - 071 0 - 9 digit
%% 072 - 100 : - @ punctuation
%% 101 - 132 A - Z uppercase
%% 133 - 140 [ - ` punctuation
%% 141 - 172 a - z lowercase
%% 173 - 176 { - ~ punctuation
%% 177 DEL control
%% 200 - 237 control
%% 240 - 277 NBSP - ¿ punctuation
%% 300 - 326 À - Ö uppercase
%% 327 × punctuation
%% 330 - 336 Ø - Þ uppercase
%% 337 - 366 ß - ö lowercase
%% 367 ÷ punctuation
%% 370 - 377 ø - ÿ lowercase
%% Many punctuation characters region have special meaning. Must
%% watch using × \327, very close to x \170
write_latin1_string/2, write_char/1, write_latin1_char/1]).
-export([write_atom_as_latin1/1, write_string_as_latin1/1,
write_string_as_latin1/2, write_char_as_latin1/1]).
-export([quote_atom/2, char_list/1, latin1_char_list/1,
deep_char_list/1, deep_latin1_char_list/1,
printable_list/1, printable_latin1_list/1, printable_unicode_list/1]).
%% Utilities for collecting characters.
-export([collect_chars/3, collect_chars/4,
collect_line/2, collect_line/3, collect_line/4,
get_until/3, get_until/4]).
%% The following functions were used by Yecc's include-file.
-export([write_unicode_string/1, write_unicode_char/1,
-export_type([chars/0, latin1_string/0, continuation/0,
fread_error/0, fread_item/0, format_spec/0]).
-type chars() :: [char() | chars()].
-type latin1_string() :: [unicode:latin1_char()].
-type depth() :: -1 | non_neg_integer().
-opaque continuation() :: {Format :: string(),
Stack :: chars(),
Nchars :: non_neg_integer(),
Results :: [term()]}.
-type fread_error() :: 'atom'
| 'based'
| 'character'
| 'float'
| 'format'
| 'input'
| 'integer'
| 'string'
| 'unsigned'.
-type fread_item() :: string() | atom() | integer() | float().
-type format_spec() ::
control_char := char(),
args := [any()],
width := 'none' | integer(),
adjust := 'left' | 'right',
precision := 'none' | integer(),
pad_char := char(),
encoding := 'unicode' | 'latin1',
strings := boolean()
%% Interface calls to sub-modules.
-spec fwrite(Format, Data) -> chars() when
Format :: io:format(),
Data :: [term()].
fwrite(Format, Args) ->
format(Format, Args).
-spec fread(Format, String) -> Result when
Format :: string(),
String :: string(),
Result :: {'ok', InputList :: [fread_item()], LeftOverChars :: string()}
| {'more', RestFormat :: string(),
Nchars :: non_neg_integer(),
InputStack :: chars()}
| {'error', {'fread', What :: fread_error()}}.
fread(Chars, Format) ->
io_lib_fread:fread(Chars, Format).
-spec fread(Continuation, CharSpec, Format) -> Return when
Continuation :: continuation() | [],
CharSpec :: string() | 'eof',
Format :: string(),
Return :: {'more', Continuation1 :: continuation()}
| {'done', Result, LeftOverChars :: string()},
Result :: {'ok', InputList :: [fread_item()]}
| 'eof'
| {'error', {'fread', What :: fread_error()}}.
fread(Cont, Chars, Format) ->
io_lib_fread:fread(Cont, Chars, Format).
-spec format(Format, Data) -> chars() when
Format :: io:format(),
Data :: [term()].
format(Format, Args) ->
case catch io_lib_format:fwrite(Format, Args) of
{'EXIT',_} ->
erlang:error(badarg, [Format, Args]);
Other ->
-spec scan_format(Format, Data) -> FormatList when
Format :: io:format(),
Data :: [term()],
FormatList :: [char() | format_spec()].
scan_format(Format, Args) ->
try io_lib_format:scan(Format, Args)
_:_ -> erlang:error(badarg, [Format, Args])
-spec unscan_format(FormatList) -> {Format, Data} when
FormatList :: [char() | format_spec()],
Format :: io:format(),
Data :: [term()].
unscan_format(FormatList) ->
-spec build_text(FormatList) -> chars() when
FormatList :: [char() | format_spec()].
build_text(FormatList) ->
-spec print(Term) -> chars() when
Term :: term().
print(Term) ->
-spec print(Term, Column, LineLength, Depth) -> chars() when
Term :: term(),
Column :: non_neg_integer(),
LineLength :: non_neg_integer(),
Depth :: depth().
print(Term, Column, LineLength, Depth) ->
io_lib_pretty:print(Term, Column, LineLength, Depth).
-spec indentation(String, StartIndent) -> integer() when
String :: string(),
StartIndent :: integer().
indentation(Chars, Current) ->
io_lib_format:indentation(Chars, Current).
%% Format an IO-request prompt (handles formatting errors safely).
%% Atoms, binaries, and iolists (or unicode:charlist()) can be used
%% as-is, and will be printed without any additional quotes.
-spec format_prompt(term()) -> chars().
format_prompt(Prompt) ->
format_prompt(Prompt, latin1).
-spec format_prompt(term(), atom()) -> chars().
format_prompt({format,Format,Args}, _Encoding) ->
do_format_prompt(Format, Args);
format_prompt(Prompt, Encoding)
when is_list(Prompt); is_atom(Prompt); is_binary(Prompt) ->
do_format_prompt(add_modifier(Encoding, "s"), [Prompt]);
format_prompt(Prompt, Encoding) ->
do_format_prompt(add_modifier(Encoding, "p"), [Prompt]).
do_format_prompt(Format, Args) ->
case catch io_lib:format(Format, Args) of
{'EXIT',_} -> "???";
List -> List
add_modifier(latin1, C) ->
add_modifier(_, C) ->
%% write(Term)
%% write(Term, Depth)
%% write(Term, Depth, Pretty)
%% Return a (non-flattened) list of characters giving a printed
%% representation of the term. write/3 is for backward compatibility.
-spec write(Term) -> chars() when
Term :: term().
write(Term) -> write(Term, -1).
-spec write(term(), depth(), boolean()) -> chars().
write(Term, D, true) ->
io_lib_pretty:print(Term, 1, 80, D);
write(Term, D, false) ->
write(Term, D).
-spec write(Term, Depth) -> chars() when
Term :: term(),
Depth :: depth();
(Term, Options) -> chars() when
Term :: term(),
Options :: [Option],
Option :: {'depth', Depth}
| {'encoding', 'latin1' | 'utf8' | 'unicode'},
Depth :: depth().
write(Term, Options) when is_list(Options) ->
Depth = get_option(depth, Options, -1),
Encoding = get_option(encoding, Options, epp:default_encoding()),
write1(Term, Depth, Encoding);
write(Term, Depth) ->
write1(Term, Depth, latin1).
write1(_Term, 0, _E) -> "...";
write1(Term, _D, _E) when is_integer(Term) -> integer_to_list(Term);
write1(Term, _D, _E) when is_float(Term) -> io_lib_format:fwrite_g(Term);
write1(Atom, _D, latin1) when is_atom(Atom) -> write_atom_as_latin1(Atom);
write1(Atom, _D, _E) when is_atom(Atom) -> write_atom(Atom);
write1(Term, _D, _E) when is_port(Term) -> write_port(Term);
write1(Term, _D, _E) when is_pid(Term) -> pid_to_list(Term);
write1(Term, _D, _E) when is_reference(Term) -> write_ref(Term);
write1(<<_/bitstring>>=Term, D, _E) -> write_binary(Term, D);
write1([], _D, _E) -> "[]";
write1({}, _D, _E) -> "{}";
write1([H|T], D, E) ->
D =:= 1 -> "[...]";
true ->
[$[,[write1(H, D-1, E)|write_tail(T, D-1, E, $|)],$]]
write1(F, _D, _E) when is_function(F) ->
write1(Term, D, E) when is_map(Term) ->
write_map(Term, D, E);
write1(T, D, E) when is_tuple(T) ->
D =:= 1 -> "{...}";
true ->
[write1(element(1, T), D-1, E)|
write_tail(tl(tuple_to_list(T)), D-1, E, $,)],
%% write_tail(List, Depth, CharacterBeforeDots)
%% Test the terminating case first as this looks better with depth.
write_tail([], _D, _E, _S) -> "";
write_tail(_, 1, _E, S) -> [S | "..."];
write_tail([H|T], D, E, S) ->
[$,,write1(H, D-1, E)|write_tail(T, D-1, E, S)];
write_tail(Other, D, E, S) ->
[S,write1(Other, D-1, E)].
write_port(Port) ->
write_ref(Ref) ->
write_map(Map, D, E) when is_integer(D) ->
[$#,${,write_map_body(maps:to_list(Map), D, E),$}].
write_map_body(_, 0, _E) -> "...";
write_map_body([], _, _E) -> [];
write_map_body([{K,V}], D, E) -> write_map_assoc(K, V, D, E);
write_map_body([{K,V}|KVs], D, E) ->
[write_map_assoc(K, V, D, E),$, | write_map_body(KVs, D-1, E)].
write_map_assoc(K, V, D, E) ->
[write1(K, D - 1, E),"=>",write1(V, D-1, E)].
write_binary(B, D) when is_integer(D) ->
[$<,$<,write_binary_body(B, D),$>,$>].
write_binary_body(<<>>, _D) ->
write_binary_body(_B, 1) ->
write_binary_body(<<X:8>>, _D) ->
write_binary_body(<<X:8,Rest/bitstring>>, D) ->
[integer_to_list(X),$,|write_binary_body(Rest, D-1)];
write_binary_body(B, _D) ->
L = bit_size(B),
<<X:L>> = B,
get_option(Key, TupleList, Default) ->
case lists:keyfind(Key, 1, TupleList) of
false -> Default;
{Key, Value} -> Value;
_ -> Default
%%% There are two functions to write Unicode atoms:
%%% - they both escape control characters < 160;
%%% - write_atom() never escapes characters >= 160;
%%% - write_atom_as_latin1() also escapes characters >= 255.
%% write_atom(Atom) -> [Char]
%% Generate the list of characters needed to print an atom.
-spec write_atom(Atom) -> chars() when
Atom :: atom().
write_atom(Atom) ->
write_possibly_quoted_atom(Atom, fun write_string/2).
-spec write_atom_as_latin1(Atom) -> latin1_string() when
Atom :: atom().
write_atom_as_latin1(Atom) ->
write_possibly_quoted_atom(Atom, fun write_string_as_latin1/2).
write_possibly_quoted_atom(Atom, PFun) ->
Chars = atom_to_list(Atom),
case quote_atom(Atom, Chars) of
true ->
PFun(Chars, $'); %'
false ->
%% quote_atom(Atom, CharList)
%% Return 'true' if atom with chars in CharList needs to be quoted, else
%% return 'false'. Notice that characters >= 160 are always quoted.
-spec quote_atom(atom(), chars()) -> boolean().
quote_atom(Atom, Cs0) ->
case erl_scan:reserved_word(Atom) of
true -> true;
false ->
case Cs0 of
[C|Cs] when C >= $a, C =< $z ->
not name_chars(Cs);
[C|Cs] when C >= $ß, C =< $ÿ, C =/= $÷ ->
not name_chars(Cs);
_ -> true
name_chars([C|Cs]) ->
case name_char(C) of
true -> name_chars(Cs);
false -> false
name_chars([]) -> true.
name_char(C) when C >= $a, C =< $z -> true;
name_char(C) when C >= $ß, C =< $ÿ, C =/= $÷ -> true;
name_char(C) when C >= $A, C =< $Z -> true;
name_char(C) when C >= $À, C =< $Þ, C =/= $× -> true;
name_char(C) when C >= $0, C =< $9 -> true;
name_char($_) -> true;
name_char($@) -> true;
name_char(_) -> false.
%%% There are two functions to write Unicode strings:
%%% - they both escape control characters < 160;
%%% - write_string() never escapes characters >= 160;
%%% - write_string_as_latin1() also escapes characters >= 255.
%% write_string([Char]) -> [Char]
%% Generate the list of characters needed to print a string.
-spec write_string(String) -> chars() when
String :: string().
write_string(S) ->
write_string(S, $"). %"
-spec write_string(string(), char()) -> chars().
write_string(S, Q) ->
[Q|write_string1(unicode_as_unicode, S, Q)].
%% Backwards compatibility.
write_unicode_string(S) ->
-spec write_latin1_string(Latin1String) -> latin1_string() when
Latin1String :: latin1_string().
write_latin1_string(S) ->
write_latin1_string(S, $"). %"
-spec write_latin1_string(latin1_string(), char()) -> latin1_string().
write_latin1_string(S, Q) ->
[Q|write_string1(latin1, S, Q)].
-spec write_string_as_latin1(String) -> latin1_string() when
String :: string().
write_string_as_latin1(S) ->
write_string_as_latin1(S, $"). %"
-spec write_string_as_latin1(string(), char()) -> latin1_string().
write_string_as_latin1(S, Q) ->
[Q|write_string1(unicode_as_latin1, S, Q)].
write_string1(_,[], Q) ->
write_string1(Enc,[C|Cs], Q) ->
string_char(Enc,C, Q, write_string1(Enc,Cs, Q)).
string_char(_,Q, Q, Tail) -> [$\\,Q|Tail]; %Must check these first!
string_char(_,$\\, _, Tail) -> [$\\,$\\|Tail];
string_char(_,C, _, Tail) when C >= $\s, C =< $~ ->
string_char(latin1,C, _, Tail) when C >= $\240, C =< $\377 ->
string_char(unicode_as_unicode,C, _, Tail) when C >= $\240 ->
string_char(unicode_as_latin1,C, _, Tail) when C >= $\240, C =< $\377 ->
string_char(unicode_as_latin1,C, _, Tail) when C >= $\377 ->
"\\x{"++erlang:integer_to_list(C, 16)++"}"++Tail;
string_char(_,$\n, _, Tail) -> [$\\,$n|Tail]; %\n = LF
string_char(_,$\r, _, Tail) -> [$\\,$r|Tail]; %\r = CR
string_char(_,$\t, _, Tail) -> [$\\,$t|Tail]; %\t = TAB
string_char(_,$\v, _, Tail) -> [$\\,$v|Tail]; %\v = VT
string_char(_,$\b, _, Tail) -> [$\\,$b|Tail]; %\b = BS
string_char(_,$\f, _, Tail) -> [$\\,$f|Tail]; %\f = FF
string_char(_,$\e, _, Tail) -> [$\\,$e|Tail]; %\e = ESC
string_char(_,$\d, _, Tail) -> [$\\,$d|Tail]; %\d = DEL
string_char(_,C, _, Tail) when C < $\240-> %Other control characters.
C1 = (C bsr 6) + $0,
C2 = ((C bsr 3) band 7) + $0,
C3 = (C band 7) + $0,
%%% There are two functions to write a Unicode character:
%%% - they both escape control characters < 160;
%%% - write_char() never escapes characters >= 160;
%%% - write_char_as_latin1() also escapes characters >= 255.
%% write_char(Char) -> [char()].
%% Generate the list of characters needed to print a character constant.
%% Must special case SPACE, $\s, here.
-spec write_char(Char) -> chars() when
Char :: char().
write_char($\s) -> "$\\s"; %Must special case this.
write_char(C) when is_integer(C), C >= $\000 ->
[$$|string_char(unicode_as_unicode, C, -1, [])].
%% Backwards compatibility.
write_unicode_char(C) ->
-spec write_latin1_char(Latin1Char) -> latin1_string() when
Latin1Char :: unicode:latin1_char().
write_latin1_char(Lat1) when is_integer(Lat1), Lat1 >= $\000, Lat1 =< $\377 ->
[$$|string_char(latin1, Lat1, -1, [])].
-spec write_char_as_latin1(Char) -> latin1_string() when
Char :: char().
write_char_as_latin1(Uni) when is_integer(Uni), Uni >= $\000 ->
[$$|string_char(unicode_as_latin1,Uni, -1, [])].
%% latin1_char_list(CharList)
%% deep_latin1_char_list(CharList)
%% Return true if CharList is a (possibly deep) list of Latin-1
%% characters, else false.
-spec latin1_char_list(Term) -> boolean() when
Term :: term().
latin1_char_list([C|Cs]) when is_integer(C), C >= $\000, C =< $\377 ->
latin1_char_list([]) -> true;
latin1_char_list(_) -> false. %Everything else is false
-spec char_list(Term) -> boolean() when
Term :: term().
char_list([C|Cs]) when is_integer(C), C >= 0, C < 16#D800;
is_integer(C), C > 16#DFFF, C < 16#FFFE;
is_integer(C), C > 16#FFFF, C =< 16#10FFFF ->
char_list([]) -> true;
char_list(_) -> false. %Everything else is false
-spec deep_latin1_char_list(Term) -> boolean() when
Term :: term().
deep_latin1_char_list(Cs) ->
deep_latin1_char_list(Cs, []).
deep_latin1_char_list([C|Cs], More) when is_list(C) ->
deep_latin1_char_list(C, [Cs|More]);
deep_latin1_char_list([C|Cs], More) when is_integer(C), C >= $\000, C =< $\377 ->
deep_latin1_char_list(Cs, More);
deep_latin1_char_list([], [Cs|More]) ->
deep_latin1_char_list(Cs, More);
deep_latin1_char_list([], []) -> true;
deep_latin1_char_list(_, _More) -> %Everything else is false
-spec deep_char_list(Term) -> boolean() when
Term :: term().
deep_char_list(Cs) ->
deep_char_list(Cs, []).
deep_char_list([C|Cs], More) when is_list(C) ->
deep_char_list(C, [Cs|More]);
deep_char_list([C|Cs], More)
when is_integer(C), C >= 0, C < 16#D800;
is_integer(C), C > 16#DFFF, C < 16#FFFE;
is_integer(C), C > 16#FFFF, C =< 16#10FFFF ->
deep_char_list(Cs, More);
deep_char_list([], [Cs|More]) ->
deep_char_list(Cs, More);
deep_char_list([], []) -> true;
deep_char_list(_, _More) -> %Everything else is false
deep_unicode_char_list(Term) ->
%% printable_latin1_list([Char]) -> boolean()
%% Return true if CharList is a list of printable Latin1 characters, else
%% false.
-spec printable_latin1_list(Term) -> boolean() when
Term :: term().
printable_latin1_list([C|Cs]) when is_integer(C), C >= $\040, C =< $\176 ->
printable_latin1_list([C|Cs]) when is_integer(C), C >= $\240, C =< $\377 ->
printable_latin1_list([$\n|Cs]) -> printable_latin1_list(Cs);
printable_latin1_list([$\r|Cs]) -> printable_latin1_list(Cs);
printable_latin1_list([$\t|Cs]) -> printable_latin1_list(Cs);
printable_latin1_list([$\v|Cs]) -> printable_latin1_list(Cs);
printable_latin1_list([$\b|Cs]) -> printable_latin1_list(Cs);
printable_latin1_list([$\f|Cs]) -> printable_latin1_list(Cs);
printable_latin1_list([$\e|Cs]) -> printable_latin1_list(Cs);
printable_latin1_list([]) -> true;
printable_latin1_list(_) -> false. %Everything else is false
%% printable_list([Char]) -> boolean()
%% Return true if CharList is a list of printable characters, else
%% false. The notion of printable in Unicode terms is somewhat floating.
%% Everything that is not a control character and not invalid unicode
%% will be considered printable.
%% What the user has noted as printable characters is what actually
%% specifies when this function will return true. If the VM is started
%% with +pc latin1, only the latin1 range will be deemed as printable
%% if on the other hand +pc unicode is given, all characters in the Unicode
%% character set are deemed printable. latin1 is default.
-spec printable_list(Term) -> boolean() when
Term :: term().
printable_list(L) ->
%% There will be more alternatives returns from io:printable range
%% in the future. To not have a catch-all clause is deliberate.
case io:printable_range() of
latin1 ->
unicode ->
-spec printable_unicode_list(Term) -> boolean() when
Term :: term().
printable_unicode_list([C|Cs]) when is_integer(C), C >= $\040, C =< $\176 ->
when is_integer(C), C >= 16#A0, C < 16#D800;
is_integer(C), C > 16#DFFF, C < 16#FFFE;
is_integer(C), C > 16#FFFF, C =< 16#10FFFF ->
printable_unicode_list([$\n|Cs]) -> printable_unicode_list(Cs);
printable_unicode_list([$\r|Cs]) -> printable_unicode_list(Cs);
printable_unicode_list([$\t|Cs]) -> printable_unicode_list(Cs);
printable_unicode_list([$\v|Cs]) -> printable_unicode_list(Cs);
printable_unicode_list([$\b|Cs]) -> printable_unicode_list(Cs);
printable_unicode_list([$\f|Cs]) -> printable_unicode_list(Cs);
printable_unicode_list([$\e|Cs]) -> printable_unicode_list(Cs);
printable_unicode_list([]) -> true;
printable_unicode_list(_) -> false. %Everything else is false
%% List = nl()
%% Return a list of characters to generate a newline.
-spec nl() -> string().
nl() ->
%% Utilities for collecting characters in input files
count_and_find_utf8(Bin,N) ->
cafu(<<>>,_N,Count,_ByteCount,SavePos) ->
cafu(<<_/utf8,Rest/binary>>, 0, Count, ByteCount, _SavePos) ->
cafu(<<_/utf8,Rest/binary>>, N, Count, _ByteCount, SavePos) when N < 0 ->
cafu(<<_/utf8,Rest/binary>> = Whole, N, Count, ByteCount, SavePos) ->
Delta = byte_size(Whole) - byte_size(Rest),
cafu(_Other,_N,Count,_ByteCount,SavePos) -> % Non Utf8 character at end
%% collect_chars(State, Data, Count). New in R9C.
%% Returns:
%% {stop,Result,RestData}
%% NewState
%%% BC (with pre-R13).
collect_chars(Tag, Data, N) ->
collect_chars(Tag, Data, latin1, N).
%% Now we are aware of encoding...
collect_chars(start, Data, unicode, N) when is_binary(Data) ->
{Size,Npos} = count_and_find_utf8(Data,N),
if Size > N ->
{B1,B2} = split_binary(Data, Npos),
Size < N ->
true ->
collect_chars(start, Data, latin1, N) when is_binary(Data) ->
Size = byte_size(Data),
if Size > N ->
{B1,B2} = split_binary(Data, N),
Size < N ->
true ->
collect_chars(start,Data,_,N) when is_list(Data) ->
collect_chars_list([], N, Data);
collect_chars(start, eof, _,_) ->
collect_chars({binary,Stack,_N}, eof, _,_) ->
collect_chars({binary,Stack,N}, Data,unicode, _) ->
{Size,Npos} = count_and_find_utf8(Data,N),
if Size > N ->
{B1,B2} = split_binary(Data, Npos),
{stop,binrev(Stack, [B1]),B2};
Size < N ->
true ->
{stop,binrev(Stack, [Data]),eof}
collect_chars({binary,Stack,N}, Data,latin1, _) ->
Size = byte_size(Data),
if Size > N ->
{B1,B2} = split_binary(Data, N),
{stop,binrev(Stack, [B1]),B2};
Size < N ->
true ->
{stop,binrev(Stack, [Data]),eof}
collect_chars({list,Stack,N}, Data, _,_) ->
collect_chars_list(Stack, N, Data);
%% collect_chars(Continuation, MoreChars, Count)
%% Returns:
%% {done,Result,RestChars}
%% {more,Continuation}
collect_chars([], Chars, _, N) ->
collect_chars1(N, Chars, []);
collect_chars({Left,Sofar}, Chars, _, _N) ->
collect_chars1(Left, Chars, Sofar).
collect_chars1(N, Chars, Stack) when N =< 0 ->
{done,lists:reverse(Stack, []),Chars};
collect_chars1(N, [C|Rest], Stack) ->
collect_chars1(N-1, Rest, [C|Stack]);
collect_chars1(_N, eof, []) ->
collect_chars1(_N, eof, Stack) ->
{done,lists:reverse(Stack, []),[]};
collect_chars1(N, [], Stack) ->
collect_chars_list(Stack, 0, Data) ->
{stop,lists:reverse(Stack, []),Data};
collect_chars_list(Stack, _N, eof) ->
{stop,lists:reverse(Stack, []),eof};
collect_chars_list(Stack, N, []) ->
collect_chars_list(Stack,N, [H|T]) ->
collect_chars_list([H|Stack], N-1, T).
%% collect_line(Continuation, MoreChars)
%% Returns:
%% {done,Result,RestChars}
%% {more,Continuation}
%% XXX Can be removed when compatibility with pre-R12B-5 nodes
%% is no longer required.
collect_line([], Chars) ->
collect_line1(Chars, []);
collect_line({SoFar}, More) ->
collect_line1(More, SoFar).
collect_line1([$\r, $\n|Rest], Stack) ->
collect_line1([$\n|Rest], Stack);
collect_line1([$\n|Rest], Stack) ->
{done,lists:reverse([$\n|Stack], []),Rest};
collect_line1([C|Rest], Stack) ->
collect_line1(Rest, [C|Stack]);
collect_line1(eof, []) ->
collect_line1(eof, Stack) ->
{done,lists:reverse(Stack, []),[]};
collect_line1([], Stack) ->
%% collect_line(State, Data, _). New in R9C.
%% Returns:
%% {stop,Result,RestData}
%% NewState
%%% BC (with pre-R13).
collect_line(Tag, Data, Any) ->
collect_line(Tag, Data, latin1, Any).
%% Now we are aware of encoding...
collect_line(start, Data, Encoding, _) when is_binary(Data) ->
collect_line_bin(Data, Data, [], Encoding);
collect_line(start, Data, _, _) when is_list(Data) ->
collect_line_list(Data, []);
collect_line(start, eof, _, _) ->
collect_line(Stack, Data, Encoding, _) when is_binary(Data) ->
collect_line_bin(Data, Data, Stack, Encoding);
collect_line(Stack, Data, _, _) when is_list(Data) ->
collect_line_list(Data, Stack);
collect_line([B|_]=Stack, eof, _, _) when is_binary(B) ->
collect_line(Stack, eof, _, _) ->
{stop,lists:reverse(Stack, []),eof}.
collect_line_bin(<<$\n,T/binary>>, Data, Stack0, _) ->
N = byte_size(Data) - byte_size(T),
<<Line:N/binary,_/binary>> = Data,
case Stack0 of
[] ->
[<<$\r>>|Stack] when N =:= 1 ->
{stop,binrev(Stack, [$\n]),T};
_ ->
{stop,binrev(Stack0, [Line]),T}
collect_line_bin(<<$\r,$\n,T/binary>>, Data, Stack, _) ->
N = byte_size(Data) - byte_size(T) - 2,
<<Line:N/binary,_/binary>> = Data,
{stop,binrev(Stack, [Line,$\n]),T};
collect_line_bin(<<$\r>>, Data0, Stack, _) ->
N = byte_size(Data0) - 1,
<<Data:N/binary,_/binary>> = Data0,
collect_line_bin(<<_,T/binary>>, Data, Stack, Enc) ->
collect_line_bin(T, Data, Stack, Enc);
collect_line_bin(<<>>, Data, Stack, _) ->
%% Need more data here.
collect_line_list([$\n|T], [$\r|Stack]) ->
{stop,lists:reverse(Stack, [$\n]),T};
collect_line_list([$\n|T], Stack) ->
{stop,lists:reverse(Stack, [$\n]),T};
collect_line_list([H|T], Stack) ->
collect_line_list(T, [H|Stack]);
collect_line_list([], Stack) ->
%% Translator function to emulate a new (R9C and later)
%% I/O client when you have an old one.
%% Implements a middleman that is get_until server and get_chars client.
%%% BC (with pre-R13).
get_until(Any,Data,Arg) ->
%% Now we are aware of encoding...
get_until(start, Data, Encoding, XtraArg) ->
get_until([], Data, Encoding, XtraArg);
get_until(Cont, Data, Encoding, {Mod, Func, XtraArgs}) ->
Chars = if is_binary(Data), Encoding =:= unicode ->
is_binary(Data) ->
true ->
case apply(Mod, Func, [Cont,Chars|XtraArgs]) of
{done,Result,Buf} ->
{stop,if is_binary(Data),
Encoding =:= unicode ->
is_list(Result) ->
%% is_list(Data),
%% is_list(Result),
%% Encoding =:= latin1 ->
%% % Should check for only latin1, but skip that for
%% % efficiency reasons.
%% [ exit({cannot_convert, unicode, latin1}) ||
%% X <- List, X > 255 ];
true ->
{more,NewCont} ->
binrev(L) ->
list_to_binary(lists:reverse(L, [])).
binrev(L, T) ->
list_to_binary(lists:reverse(L, T)).
-spec limit_term(term(), non_neg_integer()) -> term().
%% The intention is to mimic the depth limitation of io_lib:write()
%% and io_lib_pretty:print(). The leaves ('...') should never be
%% seen when printed with the same depth. Bitstrings are never
%% truncated, which is OK as long as they are not sent to other nodes.
limit_term(Term, Depth) ->
try test_limit(Term, Depth) of
ok -> Term
throw:limit ->
limit(Term, Depth)
limit(_, 0) -> '...';
limit([H|T]=L, D) ->
D =:= 1 -> ['...'];
true ->
case printable_list(L) of
true -> L;
false ->
[limit(H, D-1)|limit_tail(T, D-1)]
limit(Term, D) when is_map(Term) ->
limit_map(Term, D);
limit({}=T, _D) -> T;
limit(T, D) when is_tuple(T) ->
D =:= 1 -> {'...'};
true ->
list_to_tuple([limit(element(1, T), D-1)|
limit_tail(tl(tuple_to_list(T)), D-1)])
limit(<<_/bitstring>>=Term, D) -> limit_bitstring(Term, D);
limit(Term, _D) -> Term.
limit_tail([], _D) -> [];
limit_tail(_, 1) -> ['...'];
limit_tail([H|T], D) ->
[limit(H, D-1)|limit_tail(T, D-1)];
limit_tail(Other, D) ->
limit(Other, D-1).
%% Cannot limit maps properly since there is no guarantee that
%% maps:from_list() creates a map with the same internal ordering of
%% the selected associations as in Map. Instead of subtracting one
%% from the depth as the map associations are traversed (as is done
%% for tuples and lists), the same depth is applied to each and every
%% (returned) association.
limit_map(Map, D) ->
%% Keep one extra association to make sure the final ',...' is included.
limit_map_body(maps:iterator(Map), D + 1, D, []).
limit_map_body(_I, 0, _D0, Acc) ->
limit_map_body(I, D, D0, Acc) ->
case maps:next(I) of
{K, V, NextI} ->
limit_map_body(NextI, D-1, D0, [limit_map_assoc(K, V, D0) | Acc]);
none ->
limit_map_assoc(K, V, D) ->
%% Keep keys as are to avoid creating duplicated keys.
{K, limit(V, D - 1)}.
limit_bitstring(B, _D) -> B. % Keeps all printable binaries.
test_limit(_, 0) -> throw(limit);
test_limit([H|T]=L, D) when is_integer(D) ->
D =:= 1 -> throw(limit);
true ->
case printable_list(L) of
true -> ok;
false ->
test_limit(H, D-1),
test_limit_tail(T, D-1)
test_limit(Term, D) when is_map(Term) ->
test_limit_map(Term, D);
test_limit({}, _D) -> ok;
test_limit(T, D) when is_tuple(T) ->
test_limit_tuple(T, 1, tuple_size(T), D);
test_limit(<<_/bitstring>>=Term, D) -> test_limit_bitstring(Term, D);
test_limit(_Term, _D) -> ok.
test_limit_tail([], _D) -> ok;
test_limit_tail(_, 1) -> throw(limit);
test_limit_tail([H|T], D) ->
test_limit(H, D-1),
test_limit_tail(T, D-1);
test_limit_tail(Other, D) ->
test_limit(Other, D-1).
test_limit_tuple(_T, I, Sz, _D) when I > Sz -> ok;
test_limit_tuple(_, _, _, 1) -> throw(limit);
test_limit_tuple(T, I, Sz, D) ->
test_limit(element(I, T), D-1),
test_limit_tuple(T, I+1, Sz, D-1).
test_limit_map(Map, D) ->
test_limit_map_body(maps:iterator(Map), D).
test_limit_map_body(_I, 0) -> throw(limit); % cannot happen
test_limit_map_body(I, D) ->
case maps:next(I) of
{K, V, NextI} ->
test_limit_map_assoc(K, V, D),
test_limit_map_body(NextI, D-1);
none ->
test_limit_map_assoc(K, V, D) ->
test_limit(K, D - 1),
test_limit(V, D - 1).
test_limit_bitstring(_, _) -> ok.