%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2009. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%%% Pretty printing Erlang terms
%%% In this module "print" means the formatted printing while "write"
%%% means just writing out onto one line.
%%% Exported functions
%% print(Term) -> [Chars]
%% print(Term, Column, LineLength, Depth) -> [Chars]
%% Depth = -1 gives unlimited print depth. Use io_lib:write for atomic terms.
print(Term) ->
print(Term, 1, 80, -1).
%% print(Term, RecDefFun) -> [Chars]
%% print(Term, Depth, RecDefFun) -> [Chars]
%% RecDefFun = fun(Tag, NoFields) -> [FieldTag] | no
%% Used by the shell for printing records.
print(Term, RecDefFun) ->
print(Term, -1, RecDefFun).
print(Term, Depth, RecDefFun) ->
print(Term, 1, 80, Depth, RecDefFun).
print(Term, Col, Ll, D) ->
print(Term, Col, Ll, D, _M=-1, no_fun).
print(Term, Col, Ll, D, RecDefFun) ->
print(Term, Col, Ll, D, _M=-1, RecDefFun).
print(_, _, _, 0, _M, _RF) -> "...";
print(Term, Col, Ll, D, M, RecDefFun) when Col =< 0 ->
print(Term, 1, Ll, D, M, RecDefFun);
print(Term, Col, Ll, D, M0, RecDefFun) when is_tuple(Term);
is_list(Term) ->
If = {_S, Len} = print_length(Term, D, RecDefFun),
M = max_cs(M0, Len),
Len < Ll - Col, Len =< M ->
true ->
TInd = while_fail([-1, 4],
fun(I) -> cind(If, Col, Ll, M, I, 0, 0) end,
pp(If, Col, Ll, M, TInd, indent(Col), 0, 0)
print(<<_/bitstring>>=Term, Col, Ll, D, M0, RecDefFun) ->
If = {_S, Len} = print_length(Term, D, RecDefFun),
M = max_cs(M0, Len),
Len < Ll - Col, Len =< M ->
true ->
TInd = while_fail([-1, 4],
fun(I) -> cind(If, Col, Ll, M, I, 0, 0) end,
pp(If, Col, Ll, M, TInd, indent(Col), 0, 0)
print(Term, _Col, _Ll, _D, _M, _RF) ->
%%% Local functions
max_cs(M, Len) when M < 0 ->
max_cs(M, _Len) ->
-define(ATM(T), is_list(element(1, T))).
-define(ATM_FLD(Field), ?ATM(element(4, element(1, Field)))).
pp({_S, Len} = If, Col, Ll, M, _TInd, _Ind, LD, W)
when Len < Ll - Col - LD, Len + W + LD =< M ->
pp({{list,L}, _Len}, Col, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD, W) ->
[$[, pp_list(L, Col + 1, Ll, M, TInd, indent(1, Ind), LD, $|, W + 1), $]];
pp({{tuple,true,L}, _Len}, Col, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD, W) ->
[${, pp_tag_tuple(L, Col, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD, W + 1), $}];
pp({{tuple,false,L}, _Len}, Col, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD, W) ->
[${, pp_list(L, Col + 1, Ll, M, TInd, indent(1, Ind), LD, $,, W + 1), $}];
pp({{record,[{Name,NLen} | L]}, _Len}, Col, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD, W) ->
[Name, ${, pp_record(L, NLen, Col, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD, W + NLen+1), $}];
pp({{bin,S}, _Len}, Col, Ll, M, _TInd, Ind, LD, W) ->
pp_binary(S, Col + 2, Ll, M, indent(2, Ind), LD, W);
pp({S, _Len}, _Col, _Ll, _M, _TInd, _Ind, _LD, _W) ->
%% Print a tagged tuple by indenting the rest of the elements
%% differently to the tag. Tuple has size >= 2.
pp_tag_tuple([{Tag,Tlen} | L], Col, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD, W) ->
TagInd = Tlen + 2,
Tcol = Col + TagInd,
S = $,,
TInd > 0, TagInd > TInd ->
Col1 = Col + TInd,
Indent = indent(TInd, Ind),
[Tag|pp_tail(L, Col1, Tcol, Ll, M, TInd, Indent, LD, S, W+Tlen)];
true ->
Indent = indent(TagInd, Ind),
[Tag, S | pp_list(L, Tcol, Ll, M, TInd, Indent, LD, S, W+Tlen+1)]
pp_record([], _Nlen, _Col, _Ll, _M, _TInd, _Ind, _LD, _W) ->
pp_record({dots, _}, _Nlen, _Col, _Ll, _M, _TInd, _Ind, _LD, _W) ->
pp_record([F | Fs], Nlen, Col0, Ll, M, TInd, Ind0, LD, W0) ->
Nind = Nlen + 1,
{Col, Ind, S, W} = rec_indent(Nind, TInd, Col0, Ind0, W0),
{FS, FW} = pp_field(F, Col, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, last_depth(Fs, LD), W),
[S, FS | pp_fields_tail(Fs, Col, Col + FW, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD, W + FW)].
pp_fields_tail([], _Col0, _Col, _Ll, _M, _TInd, _Ind, _LD, _W) ->
pp_fields_tail({dots, _}, _Col0, _Col, _M, _Ll, _TInd, _Ind, _LD, _W) ->
pp_fields_tail([{_, Len}=F | Fs], Col0, Col, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD, W) ->
LD1 = last_depth(Fs, LD),
ELen = 1 + Len,
LD1 =:= 0, ELen + 1 < Ll - Col, W + ELen + 1 =< M, ?ATM_FLD(F);
LD1 > 0, ELen < Ll - Col - LD1, W + ELen + LD1 =< M, ?ATM_FLD(F) ->
[$,, write_field(F) |
pp_fields_tail(Fs, Col0, Col+ELen, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD, W+ELen)];
true ->
{FS, FW} = pp_field(F, Col0, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD1, 0),
[$,, $\n, Ind, FS |
pp_fields_tail(Fs, Col0, Col0 + FW, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD, FW)]
pp_field({_, Len}=Fl, Col, Ll, M, _TInd, _Ind, LD, W)
when Len < Ll - Col - LD, Len + W + LD =< M ->
{write_field(Fl), if
?ATM_FLD(Fl) ->
true ->
Ll % force nl
pp_field({{field, Name, NameL, F}, _Len}, Col0, Ll, M, TInd, Ind0, LD, W0) ->
{Col, Ind, S, W} = rec_indent(NameL, TInd, Col0, Ind0, W0 + NameL),
{[Name, " = ", S | pp(F, Col, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD, W)], Ll}. % force nl
rec_indent(RInd, TInd, Col0, Ind0, W0) ->
Nl = (TInd > 0) and (RInd > TInd),
DCol = case Nl of
true -> TInd;
false -> RInd
Col = Col0 + DCol,
Ind = indent(DCol, Ind0),
S = case Nl of
true -> [$\n | Ind];
false -> ""
W = case Nl of
true -> 0;
false -> W0
{Col, Ind, S, W}.
pp_list({dots, _}, _Col0, _Ll, _M, _TInd, _Ind, _LD, _S, _W) ->
pp_list([E | Es], Col0, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD, S, W) ->
{ES, WE} = pp_element(E, Col0, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, last_depth(Es, LD), W),
[ES | pp_tail(Es, Col0, Col0 + WE, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD, S, W + WE)].
pp_tail([], _Col0, _Col, _Ll, _M, _TInd, _Ind, _LD, _S, _W) ->
pp_tail([{_, Len}=E | Es], Col0, Col, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD, S, W) ->
LD1 = last_depth(Es, LD),
ELen = 1 + Len,
LD1 =:= 0, ELen + 1 < Ll - Col, W + ELen + 1 =< M, ?ATM(E);
LD1 > 0, ELen < Ll - Col - LD1, W + ELen + LD1 =< M, ?ATM(E) ->
[$,, write(E) |
pp_tail(Es, Col0, Col + ELen, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD, S, W+ELen)];
true ->
{ES, WE} = pp_element(E, Col0, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD1, 0),
[$,, $\n, Ind, ES |
pp_tail(Es, Col0, Col0 + WE, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD, S, WE)]
pp_tail({dots, _}, _Col0, _Col, _Ll, _M, _TInd, _Ind, _LD, S, _W) ->
[S | "..."];
pp_tail({_, Len}=E, _Col0, Col, Ll, M, _TInd, _Ind, LD, S, W)
when Len + 1 < Ll - Col - (LD + 1),
Len + 1 + W + (LD + 1) =< M,
?ATM(E) ->
[S | write(E)];
pp_tail(E, Col0, _Col, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD, S, _W) ->
[S, $\n, Ind | pp(E, Col0, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD + 1, 0)].
pp_element({_, Len}=E, Col, Ll, M, _TInd, _Ind, LD, W)
when Len < Ll - Col - LD, Len + W + LD =< M, ?ATM(E) ->
{write(E), Len};
pp_element(E, Col, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD, W) ->
{pp(E, Col, Ll, M, TInd, Ind, LD, W), Ll}. % force nl
%% Reuse the list created by io_lib:write_binary()...
pp_binary([LT,LT,S,GT,GT], Col, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W) ->
N = erlang:max(8, erlang:min(Ll - Col, M - 4 - W) - LD),
[LT,LT,pp_binary(S, N, N, Ind),GT,GT].
pp_binary([BS, $, | S], N, N0, Ind) ->
Len = length(BS) + 1,
case N - Len of
N1 when N1 < 0 ->
[$\n, Ind, BS, $, | pp_binary(S, N0 - Len, N0, Ind)];
N1 ->
[BS, $, | pp_binary(S, N1, N0, Ind)]
pp_binary([BS1, $:, BS2]=S, N, _N0, Ind)
when length(BS1) + length(BS2) + 1 > N ->
[$\n, Ind, S];
pp_binary(S, N, _N0, Ind) ->
case iolist_size(S) > N of
true ->
[$\n, Ind, S];
false ->
write({{tuple, _IsTagged, L}, _}) ->
[${, write_list(L, $,), $}];
write({{list, L}, _}) ->
[$[, write_list(L, $|), $]];
write({{record, [{Name,_} | L]}, _}) ->
[Name, ${, write_fields(L), $}];
write({{bin, S}, _}) ->
write({S, _}) ->
write_fields([]) ->
write_fields({dots, _}) ->
write_fields([F | Fs]) ->
[write_field(F) | write_fields_tail(Fs)].
write_fields_tail([]) ->
write_fields_tail({dots, _}) ->
write_fields_tail([F | Fs]) ->
[$,, write_field(F) | write_fields_tail(Fs)].
write_field({{field, Name, _NameL, F}, _}) ->
[Name, " = " | write(F)].
write_list({dots, _}, _S) ->
write_list([E | Es], S) ->
[write(E) | write_tail(Es, S)].
write_tail([], _S) ->
write_tail([E | Es], S) ->
[$,, write(E) | write_tail(Es, S)];
write_tail({dots, _}, S) ->
[S | "..."];
write_tail(E, S) ->
[S | write(E)].
%% The depth (D) is used for extracting and counting the characters to
%% print. The structure is kept so that the returned intermediate
%% format can be formatted. The separators (list, tuple, record) are
%% counted but need to be added later.
%% D =/= 0
print_length([], _D, _RF) ->
{"[]", 2};
print_length({}, _D, _RF) ->
{"{}", 2};
print_length(List, D, RF) when is_list(List) ->
case printable_list(List, D) of
true ->
S = io_lib:write_string(List, $"), %"
{S, length(S)};
%% Truncated lists could break some existing code.
% {true, Prefix} ->
% S = io_lib:write_string(Prefix, $"), %"
% {[S | "..."], 3 + length(S)};
false ->
print_length_list(List, D, RF)
print_length(Fun, _D, _RF) when is_function(Fun) ->
S = io_lib:write(Fun),
{S, iolist_size(S)};
print_length(R, D, RF) when is_atom(element(1, R)),
is_function(RF) ->
case RF(element(1, R), tuple_size(R) - 1) of
no ->
print_length_tuple(R, D, RF);
RDefs ->
print_length_record(R, D, RF, RDefs)
print_length(Tuple, D, RF) when is_tuple(Tuple) ->
print_length_tuple(Tuple, D, RF);
print_length(<<>>, _D, _RF) ->
{"<<>>", 4};
print_length(<<_/bitstring>>, 1, _RF) ->
{"<<...>>", 7};
print_length(<<_/bitstring>>=Bin, D, _RF) ->
case bit_size(Bin) rem 8 of
0 ->
D1 = D - 1,
case printable_bin(Bin, D1) of
List when is_list(List) ->
S = io_lib:write_string(List, $"),
{[$<,$<,S,$>,$>], 4 + length(S)};
{true, Prefix} ->
S = io_lib:write_string(Prefix, $"),
{[$<,$<, S | "...>>"], 4 + length(S)};
false ->
S = io_lib:write(Bin, D),
{{bin,S}, iolist_size(S)}
_ ->
S = io_lib:write(Bin, D),
{{bin,S}, iolist_size(S)}
print_length(Term, _D, _RF) ->
S = io_lib:write(Term),
{S, iolist_size(S)}.
print_length_tuple(_Tuple, 1, _RF) ->
{"{...}", 5};
print_length_tuple(Tuple, D, RF) ->
L = print_length_list1(tuple_to_list(Tuple), D, RF),
IsTagged = is_atom(element(1, Tuple)) and (tuple_size(Tuple) > 1),
{{tuple,IsTagged,L}, list_length(L, 2)}.
print_length_record(_Tuple, 1, _RF, _RDefs) ->
{"{...}", 5};
print_length_record(Tuple, D, RF, RDefs) ->
Name = [$# | io_lib:write_atom(element(1, Tuple))],
NameL = length(Name),
L = print_length_fields(RDefs, D - 1, tl(tuple_to_list(Tuple)), RF),
{{record, [{Name,NameL} | L]}, list_length(L, NameL + 2)}.
print_length_fields([], _D, [], _RF) ->
print_length_fields(_, 1, _, _RF) ->
{dots, 3};
print_length_fields([Def | Defs], D, [E | Es], RF) ->
[print_length_field(Def, D - 1, E, RF) |
print_length_fields(Defs, D - 1, Es, RF)].
print_length_field(Def, D, E, RF) ->
Name = io_lib:write_atom(Def),
{S, L} = print_length(E, D, RF),
NameL = length(Name) + 3,
{{field, Name, NameL, {S, L}}, NameL + L}.
print_length_list(List, D, RF) ->
L = print_length_list1(List, D, RF),
{{list, L}, list_length(L, 2)}.
print_length_list1([], _D, _RF) ->
print_length_list1(_, 1, _RF) ->
{dots, 3};
print_length_list1([E | Es], D, RF) ->
[print_length(E, D - 1, RF) | print_length_list1(Es, D - 1, RF)];
print_length_list1(E, D, RF) ->
print_length(E, D - 1, RF).
list_length([], Acc) ->
list_length([{_, Len} | Es], Acc) ->
list_length_tail(Es, Acc + Len);
list_length({_, Len}, Acc) ->
Acc + Len.
list_length_tail([], Acc) ->
list_length_tail([{_,Len} | Es], Acc) ->
list_length_tail(Es, Acc + 1 + Len);
list_length_tail({_, Len}, Acc) ->
Acc + 1 + Len.
%% ?CHARS printable characters has depth 1.
-define(CHARS, 4).
printable_list(L, D) when D < 0 ->
printable_list(_L, 1) ->
printable_list(L, _D) ->
%% Truncated lists could break some existing code.
% printable_list(L, D) ->
% Len = ?CHARS * (D - 1),
% case printable_list1(L, Len) of
% all ->
% true;
% N when is_integer(N), Len - N >= D - 1 ->
% {L1, _} = lists:split(Len - N, L),
% {true, L1};
% N when is_integer(N) ->
% false
% end.
printable_bin(Bin, D) when D >= 0, ?CHARS * D =< byte_size(Bin) ->
printable_bin(Bin, erlang:min(?CHARS * D, byte_size(Bin)), D);
printable_bin(Bin, D) ->
printable_bin(Bin, byte_size(Bin), D).
printable_bin(Bin, Len, D) ->
N = erlang:min(20, Len),
L = binary_to_list(Bin, 1, N),
case printable_list1(L, N) of
all when N =:= byte_size(Bin) ->
all when N =:= Len -> % N < byte_size(Bin)
{true, L};
all ->
case printable_bin1(Bin, 1 + N, Len - N) of
0 when byte_size(Bin) =:= Len ->
NC when D > 0, Len - NC >= D ->
{true, binary_to_list(Bin, 1, Len - NC)};
NC when is_integer(NC) ->
NC when is_integer(NC), D > 0, N - NC >= D ->
{true, binary_to_list(Bin, 1, N - NC)};
NC when is_integer(NC) ->
printable_bin1(_Bin, _Start, 0) ->
printable_bin1(Bin, Start, Len) ->
N = erlang:min(10000, Len),
L = binary_to_list(Bin, Start, Start + N - 1),
case printable_list1(L, N) of
all ->
printable_bin1(Bin, Start + N, Len - N);
NC when is_integer(NC) ->
Len - (N - NC)
%% -> all | integer() >=0. Adopted from io_lib.erl.
% printable_list1([_ | _], 0) -> 0;
printable_list1([C | Cs], N) when is_integer(C), C >= $\s, C =< $~ ->
printable_list1(Cs, N - 1);
printable_list1([C | Cs], N) when is_integer(C), C >= $\240, C =< $\377 ->
printable_list1(Cs, N - 1);
printable_list1([$\n | Cs], N) -> printable_list1(Cs, N - 1);
printable_list1([$\r | Cs], N) -> printable_list1(Cs, N - 1);
printable_list1([$\t | Cs], N) -> printable_list1(Cs, N - 1);
printable_list1([$\v | Cs], N) -> printable_list1(Cs, N - 1);
printable_list1([$\b | Cs], N) -> printable_list1(Cs, N - 1);
printable_list1([$\f | Cs], N) -> printable_list1(Cs, N - 1);
printable_list1([$\e | Cs], N) -> printable_list1(Cs, N - 1);
printable_list1([], _) -> all;
printable_list1(_, N) -> N.
%% Throw 'no_good' if the indentation exceeds half the line length
%% unless there is room for M characters on the line.
cind({_S, Len}, Col, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W) when Len < Ll - Col - LD,
Len + W + LD =< M ->
cind({{list,L}, _Len}, Col, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W) ->
cind_list(L, Col + 1, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W + 1);
cind({{tuple,true,L}, _Len}, Col, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W) ->
cind_tag_tuple(L, Col, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W + 1);
cind({{tuple,false,L}, _Len}, Col, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W) ->
cind_list(L, Col + 1, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W + 1);
cind({{record,[{_Name,NLen} | L]}, _Len}, Col, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W) ->
cind_record(L, NLen, Col, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W + NLen + 1);
cind({{bin,_S}, _Len}, _Col, _Ll, _M, Ind, _LD, _W) ->
cind({_S, _Len}, _Col, _Ll, _M, Ind, _LD, _W) ->
cind_tag_tuple([{_Tag,Tlen} | L], Col, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W) ->
TagInd = Tlen + 2,
Tcol = Col + TagInd,
Ind > 0, TagInd > Ind ->
Col1 = Col + Ind,
M + Col1 =< Ll; Col1 =< Ll div 2 ->
cind_tail(L, Col1, Tcol, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W + Tlen);
true ->
M + Tcol < Ll; Tcol < Ll div 2 ->
cind_list(L, Tcol, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W + Tlen + 1);
true ->
cind_record([F | Fs], Nlen, Col0, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W0) ->
Nind = Nlen + 1,
{Col, W} = cind_rec(Nind, Col0, Ll, M, Ind, W0),
FW = cind_field(F, Col, Ll, M, Ind, last_depth(Fs, LD), W),
cind_fields_tail(Fs, Col, Col + FW, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W + FW);
cind_record(_, _Nlen, _Col, _Ll, _M, Ind, _LD, _W) ->
cind_fields_tail([{_, Len}=F | Fs], Col0, Col, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W) ->
LD1 = last_depth(Fs, LD),
ELen = 1 + Len,
LD1 =:= 0, ELen + 1 < Ll - Col, W + ELen + 1 =< M, ?ATM_FLD(F);
LD1 > 0, ELen < Ll - Col - LD1, W + ELen + LD1 =< M, ?ATM_FLD(F) ->
cind_fields_tail(Fs, Col0, Col + ELen, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W + ELen);
true ->
FW = cind_field(F, Col0, Ll, M, Ind, LD1, 0),
cind_fields_tail(Fs, Col0, Col + FW, Ll, M, Ind, LD, FW)
cind_fields_tail(_, _Col0, _Col, _Ll, _M, Ind, _LD, _W) ->
cind_field({{field, _N, _NL, _F}, Len}=Fl, Col, Ll, M, _Ind, LD, W)
when Len < Ll - Col - LD, Len + W + LD =< M ->
?ATM_FLD(Fl) ->
true ->
cind_field({{field, _Name, NameL, F}, _Len}, Col0, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W0) ->
{Col, W} = cind_rec(NameL, Col0, Ll, M, Ind, W0 + NameL),
cind(F, Col, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W),
cind_rec(RInd, Col0, Ll, M, Ind, W0) ->
Nl = (Ind > 0) and (RInd > Ind),
DCol = case Nl of
true -> Ind;
false -> RInd
Col = Col0 + DCol,
M + Col =< Ll; Col =< Ll div 2 ->
W = case Nl of
true -> 0;
false -> W0
{Col, W};
true ->
cind_list({dots, _}, _Col0, _Ll, _M, Ind, _LD, _W) ->
cind_list([E | Es], Col0, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W) ->
WE = cind_element(E, Col0, Ll, M, Ind, last_depth(Es, LD), W),
cind_tail(Es, Col0, Col0 + WE, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W + WE).
cind_tail([], _Col0, _Col, _Ll, _M, Ind, _LD, _W) ->
cind_tail([{_, Len}=E | Es], Col0, Col, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W) ->
LD1 = last_depth(Es, LD),
ELen = 1 + Len,
LD1 =:= 0, ELen + 1 < Ll - Col, W + ELen + 1 =< M, ?ATM(E);
LD1 > 0, ELen < Ll - Col - LD1, W + ELen + LD1 =< M, ?ATM(E) ->
cind_tail(Es, Col0, Col + ELen, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W + ELen);
true ->
WE = cind_element(E, Col0, Ll, M, Ind, LD1, 0),
cind_tail(Es, Col0, Col0 + WE, Ll, M, Ind, LD, WE)
cind_tail({dots, _}, _Col0, _Col, _Ll, _M, Ind, _LD, _W) ->
cind_tail({_, Len}=E, _Col0, Col, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W)
when Len + 1 < Ll - Col - (LD + 1),
Len + 1 + W + (LD + 1) =< M,
?ATM(E) ->
cind_tail(E, _Col0, Col, Ll, M, Ind, LD, _W) ->
cind(E, Col, Ll, M, Ind, LD + 1, 0).
cind_element({_, Len}=E, Col, Ll, M, _Ind, LD, W)
when Len < Ll - Col - LD, Len + W + LD =< M, ?ATM(E) ->
cind_element(E, Col, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W) ->
cind(E, Col, Ll, M, Ind, LD, W),
last_depth([_ | _], _LD) ->
last_depth(_, LD) ->
LD + 1.
while_fail([], _F, V) ->
while_fail([A | As], F, V) ->
try F(A) catch _ -> while_fail(As, F, V) end.
indent(N) when is_integer(N), N > 0 ->
chars($\s, N-1).
indent(1, Ind) -> % Optimization of common case
[$\s | Ind];
indent(4, Ind) -> % Optimization of common case
S2 = [$\s, $\s],
[S2, S2 | Ind];
indent(N, Ind) when is_integer(N), N > 0 ->
[chars($\s, N) | Ind].
%% A deep version of string:chars/2
chars(_C, 0) ->
chars(C, 2) ->
[C, C];
chars(C, 3) ->
[C, C, C];
chars(C, N) when (N band 1) =:= 0 ->
S = chars(C, N bsr 1),
[S | S];
chars(C, N) ->
S = chars(C, N bsr 1),
[C, S | S].