%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2009. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% External exports
-export([suspend/1, suspend/2, resume/1, resume/2,
get_status/1, get_status/2,
change_code/4, change_code/5,
log/2, log/3, trace/2, trace/3, statistics/2, statistics/3,
log_to_file/2, log_to_file/3, no_debug/1, no_debug/2,
install/2, install/3, remove/2, remove/3]).
-export([handle_system_msg/6, handle_system_msg/7, handle_debug/4,
print_log/1, get_debug/3, debug_options/1, suspend_loop_hib/6]).
%% Types
-type name() :: pid() | atom() | {'global', atom()}.
-type system_event() :: {'in', _Msg} | {'in', _Msg, _From} | {'out', _Msg, _To}.
%% System messages
suspend(Name) -> send_system_msg(Name, suspend).
suspend(Name, Timeout) -> send_system_msg(Name, suspend, Timeout).
resume(Name) -> send_system_msg(Name, resume).
resume(Name, Timeout) -> send_system_msg(Name, resume, Timeout).
get_status(Name) -> send_system_msg(Name, get_status).
get_status(Name, Timeout) -> send_system_msg(Name, get_status, Timeout).
change_code(Name, Mod, Vsn, Extra) ->
send_system_msg(Name, {change_code, Mod, Vsn, Extra}).
change_code(Name, Mod, Vsn, Extra, Timeout) ->
send_system_msg(Name, {change_code, Mod, Vsn, Extra}, Timeout).
%% Debug commands
-type log_flag() :: 'true' | {'true',pos_integer()} | 'false' | 'get' | 'print'.
-spec log(name(), log_flag()) -> 'ok' | {'ok', [system_event()]}.
log(Name, Flag) ->
send_system_msg(Name, {debug, {log, Flag}}).
-spec log(name(), log_flag(), timeout()) -> 'ok' | {'ok', [system_event()]}.
log(Name, Flag, Timeout) ->
send_system_msg(Name, {debug, {log, Flag}}, Timeout).
-spec trace(name(), boolean()) -> 'ok'.
trace(Name, Flag) ->
send_system_msg(Name, {debug, {trace, Flag}}).
-spec trace(name(), boolean(), timeout()) -> 'ok'.
trace(Name, Flag, Timeout) ->
send_system_msg(Name, {debug, {trace, Flag}}, Timeout).
-type l2f_fname() :: string() | 'false'.
-spec log_to_file(name(), l2f_fname()) -> 'ok' | {'error','open_file'}.
log_to_file(Name, FileName) ->
send_system_msg(Name, {debug, {log_to_file, FileName}}).
-spec log_to_file(name(), l2f_fname(), timeout()) -> 'ok' | {'error','open_file'}.
log_to_file(Name, FileName, Timeout) ->
send_system_msg(Name, {debug, {log_to_file, FileName}}, Timeout).
statistics(Name, Flag) ->
send_system_msg(Name, {debug, {statistics, Flag}}).
statistics(Name, Flag, Timeout) ->
send_system_msg(Name, {debug, {statistics, Flag}}, Timeout).
-spec no_debug(name()) -> 'ok'.
no_debug(Name) -> send_system_msg(Name, {debug, no_debug}).
-spec no_debug(name(), timeout()) -> 'ok'.
no_debug(Name, Timeout) -> send_system_msg(Name, {debug, no_debug}, Timeout).
install(Name, {Func, FuncState}) ->
send_system_msg(Name, {debug, {install, {Func, FuncState}}}).
install(Name, {Func, FuncState}, Timeout) ->
send_system_msg(Name, {debug, {install, {Func, FuncState}}}, Timeout).
remove(Name, Func) ->
send_system_msg(Name, {debug, {remove, Func}}).
remove(Name, Func, Timeout) ->
send_system_msg(Name, {debug, {remove, Func}}, Timeout).
%% All system messages sent are on the form {system, From, Msg}
%% The receiving side should send Msg to handle_system_msg/5.
send_system_msg(Name, Request) ->
case catch gen:call(Name, system, Request) of
{ok,Res} -> Res;
{'EXIT', Reason} -> exit({Reason, mfa(Name, Request)})
send_system_msg(Name, Request, Timeout) ->
case catch gen:call(Name, system, Request, Timeout) of
{ok,Res} -> Res;
{'EXIT', Reason} -> exit({Reason, mfa(Name, Request, Timeout)})
mfa(Name, {debug, {Func, Arg2}}) ->
{sys, Func, [Name, Arg2]};
mfa(Name, {change_code, Mod, Vsn, Extra}) ->
{sys, change_code, [Name, Mod, Vsn, Extra]};
mfa(Name, Atom) ->
{sys, Atom, [Name]}.
mfa(Name, Req, Timeout) ->
{M, F, A} = mfa(Name, Req),
{M, F, A ++ [Timeout]}.
%% Func: handle_system_msg/6
%% Args: Msg ::= term()
%% From ::= {pid(),Ref} but don't count on that
%% Parent ::= pid()
%% Module ::= atom()
%% Debug ::= [debug_opts()]
%% Misc ::= term()
%% Purpose: Used by a process module that wishes to take care of
%% system messages. The process receives a {system, From,
%% Msg} message, and passes the Msg to this function.
%% Returns: This function *never* returns! It calls the function
%% Module:system_continue(Parent, NDebug, Misc)
%% there the process continues the execution or
%% Module:system_terminate(Raeson, Parent, Debug, Misc) if
%% the process should terminate.
%% The Module must export system_continue/3, system_terminate/4
%% and format_status/2 for status information.
handle_system_msg(Msg, From, Parent, Module, Debug, Misc) ->
handle_system_msg(running, Msg, From, Parent, Module, Debug, Misc, false).
handle_system_msg(Msg, From, Parent, Mod, Debug, Misc, Hib) ->
handle_system_msg(running, Msg, From, Parent, Mod, Debug, Misc, Hib).
handle_system_msg(SysState, Msg, From, Parent, Mod, Debug, Misc, Hib) ->
case do_cmd(SysState, Msg, Parent, Mod, Debug, Misc) of
{suspended, Reply, NDebug, NMisc} ->
gen:reply(From, Reply),
suspend_loop(suspended, Parent, Mod, NDebug, NMisc, Hib);
{running, Reply, NDebug, NMisc} ->
gen:reply(From, Reply),
Mod:system_continue(Parent, NDebug, NMisc)
%% Func: handle_debug/4
%% Args: Debug ::= [debug_opts()]
%% Func ::= {M,F} | fun() arity 3
%% State ::= term()
%% Event ::= {in, Msg} | {in, Msg, From} | {out, Msg, To} | term()
%% Purpose: Called by a process that wishes to debug an event.
%% Func is a formatting function, called as Func(Device, Event).
%% Returns: [debug_opts()]
handle_debug([{trace, true} | T], FormFunc, State, Event) ->
print_event({Event, State, FormFunc}),
[{trace, true} | handle_debug(T, FormFunc, State, Event)];
handle_debug([{log, {N, LogData}} | T], FormFunc, State, Event) ->
NLogData = [{Event, State, FormFunc} | trim(N, LogData)],
[{log, {N, NLogData}} | handle_debug(T, FormFunc, State, Event)];
handle_debug([{log_to_file, Fd} | T], FormFunc, State, Event) ->
print_event(Fd, {Event, State, FormFunc}),
[{log_to_file, Fd} | handle_debug(T, FormFunc, State, Event)];
handle_debug([{statistics, StatData} | T], FormFunc, State, Event) ->
NStatData = stat(Event, StatData),
[{statistics, NStatData} | handle_debug(T, FormFunc, State, Event)];
handle_debug([{Func, FuncState} | T], FormFunc, State, Event) ->
case catch Func(FuncState, Event, State) of
done -> handle_debug(T, FormFunc, State, Event);
{'EXIT', _} -> handle_debug(T, FormFunc, State, Event);
NFuncState ->
[{Func, NFuncState} | handle_debug(T, FormFunc, State, Event)]
handle_debug([], _FormFunc, _State, _Event) ->
%% When a process is suspended, it can only respond to system
%% messages.
suspend_loop(SysState, Parent, Mod, Debug, Misc, Hib) ->
case Hib of
true ->
suspend_loop_hib(SysState, Parent, Mod, Debug, Misc, Hib);
_ ->
{system, From, Msg} ->
handle_system_msg(SysState, Msg, From, Parent, Mod, Debug, Misc, Hib);
{'EXIT', Parent, Reason} ->
Mod:system_terminate(Reason, Parent, Debug, Misc)
suspend_loop_hib(SysState, Parent, Mod, Debug, Misc, Hib) ->
{system, From, Msg} ->
handle_system_msg(SysState, Msg, From, Parent, Mod, Debug, Misc, Hib);
{'EXIT', Parent, Reason} ->
Mod:system_terminate(Reason, Parent, Debug, Misc)
after 0 -> % Not a system message, go back into hibernation
proc_lib:hibernate(?MODULE, suspend_loop_hib, [SysState, Parent, Mod,
Debug, Misc, Hib])
do_cmd(_, suspend, _Parent, _Mod, Debug, Misc) ->
{suspended, ok, Debug, Misc};
do_cmd(_, resume, _Parent, _Mod, Debug, Misc) ->
{running, ok, Debug, Misc};
do_cmd(SysState, get_status, Parent, Mod, Debug, Misc) ->
Res = get_status(SysState, Parent, Mod, Debug, Misc),
{SysState, Res, Debug, Misc};
do_cmd(SysState, {debug, What}, _Parent, _Mod, Debug, Misc) ->
{Res, NDebug} = debug_cmd(What, Debug),
{SysState, Res, NDebug, Misc};
do_cmd(suspended, {change_code, Module, Vsn, Extra}, _Parent,
Mod, Debug, Misc) ->
{Res, NMisc} = do_change_code(Mod, Module, Vsn, Extra, Misc),
{suspended, Res, Debug, NMisc};
do_cmd(SysState, Other, _Parent, _Mod, Debug, Misc) ->
{SysState, {error, {unknown_system_msg, Other}}, Debug, Misc}.
get_status(SysState, Parent, Mod, Debug, Misc) ->
{status, self(), {module, Mod},
[get(), SysState, Parent, Debug, Misc]}.
%% These are the system debug commands.
%% {trace, true|false} -> io:format
%% {log, true|false|get|print} -> keeps the 10 last debug messages
%% {log_to_file, FileName | false} -> io:format to file.
%% {statistics, true|false|get} -> keeps track of messages in/out + reds.
debug_cmd({trace, true}, Debug) ->
{ok, install_debug(trace, true, Debug)};
debug_cmd({trace, false}, Debug) ->
{ok, remove_debug(trace, Debug)};
debug_cmd({log, true}, Debug) ->
{_N, Logs} = get_debug(log, Debug, {0, []}),
{ok, install_debug(log, {10, trim(10, Logs)}, Debug)};
debug_cmd({log, {true, N}}, Debug) when is_integer(N), N > 0 ->
{_N, Logs} = get_debug(log, Debug, {0, []}),
{ok, install_debug(log, {N, trim(N, Logs)}, Debug)};
debug_cmd({log, false}, Debug) ->
{ok, remove_debug(log, Debug)};
debug_cmd({log, print}, Debug) ->
{ok, Debug};
debug_cmd({log, get}, Debug) ->
{_N, Logs} = get_debug(log, Debug, {0, []}),
{{ok, lists:reverse(Logs)}, Debug};
debug_cmd({log_to_file, false}, Debug) ->
NDebug = close_log_file(Debug),
{ok, NDebug};
debug_cmd({log_to_file, FileName}, Debug) ->
NDebug = close_log_file(Debug),
case file:open(FileName, [write]) of
{ok, Fd} ->
{ok, install_debug(log_to_file, Fd, NDebug)};
_Error ->
{{error, open_file}, NDebug}
debug_cmd({statistics, true}, Debug) ->
{ok, install_debug(statistics, init_stat(), Debug)};
debug_cmd({statistics, false}, Debug) ->
{ok, remove_debug(statistics, Debug)};
debug_cmd({statistics, get}, Debug) ->
{{ok, get_stat(get_debug(statistics, Debug, []))}, Debug};
debug_cmd(no_debug, Debug) ->
{ok, []};
debug_cmd({install, {Func, FuncState}}, Debug) ->
{ok, install_debug(Func, FuncState, Debug)};
debug_cmd({remove, Func}, Debug) ->
{ok, remove_debug(Func, Debug)};
debug_cmd(_Unknown, Debug) ->
{unknown_debug, Debug}.
do_change_code(Mod, Module, Vsn, Extra, Misc) ->
case catch Mod:system_code_change(Misc, Module, Vsn, Extra) of
{ok, NMisc} -> {ok, NMisc};
Else -> {{error, Else}, Misc}
print_event(X) -> print_event(standard_io, X).
print_event(Dev, {Event, State, FormFunc}) ->
FormFunc(Dev, Event, State).
init_stat() -> {erlang:localtime(), process_info(self(), reductions), 0, 0}.
get_stat({Time, {reductions, Reds}, In, Out}) ->
{reductions, Reds2} = process_info(self(), reductions),
[{start_time, Time}, {current_time, erlang:localtime()},
{reductions, Reds2 - Reds}, {messages_in, In}, {messages_out, Out}];
get_stat(_) ->
stat({in, _Msg}, {Time, Reds, In, Out}) -> {Time, Reds, In+1, Out};
stat({in, _Msg, _From}, {Time, Reds, In, Out}) -> {Time, Reds, In+1, Out};
stat({out, _Msg, _To}, {Time, Reds, In, Out}) -> {Time, Reds, In, Out+1};
stat(_, StatData) -> StatData.
trim(N, LogData) ->
lists:sublist(LogData, 1, N-1).
%% Debug structure manipulating functions
install_debug(Item, Data, Debug) ->
case get_debug(Item, Debug, undefined) of
undefined -> [{Item, Data} | Debug];
_ -> Debug
remove_debug(Item, Debug) -> lists:keydelete(Item, 1, Debug).
get_debug(Item, Debug, Default) ->
case lists:keysearch(Item, 1, Debug) of
{value, {Item, Data}} -> Data;
_ -> Default
print_log(Debug) ->
{_N, Logs} = get_debug(log, Debug, {0, []}),
lists:foreach(fun print_event/1,
close_log_file(Debug) ->
case get_debug(log_to_file, Debug, []) of
[] ->
Fd ->
ok = file:close(Fd),
remove_debug(log_to_file, Debug)
%% Func: debug_options/1
%% Args: [trace|log|{log,N}|statistics|{log_to_file, FileName}|
%% {install, {Func, FuncState}}]
%% Purpose: Initiate a debug structure. Called by a process that
%% wishes to initiate the debug structure without the
%% system messages.
%% Returns: [debug_opts()]
debug_options(Options) ->
debug_options(Options, []).
debug_options([trace | T], Debug) ->
debug_options(T, install_debug(trace, true, Debug));
debug_options([log | T], Debug) ->
debug_options(T, install_debug(log, {10, []}, Debug));
debug_options([{log, N} | T], Debug) when is_integer(N), N > 0 ->
debug_options(T, install_debug(log, {N, []}, Debug));
debug_options([statistics | T], Debug) ->
debug_options(T, install_debug(statistics, init_stat(), Debug));
debug_options([{log_to_file, FileName} | T], Debug) ->
case file:open(FileName, [write]) of
{ok, Fd} ->
debug_options(T, install_debug(log_to_file, Fd, Debug));
_Error ->
debug_options(T, Debug)
debug_options([{install, {Func, FuncState}} | T], Debug) ->
debug_options(T, install_debug(Func, FuncState, Debug));
debug_options([_ | T], Debug) ->
debug_options(T, Debug);
debug_options([], Debug) ->