path: root/lib/stdlib/src/uri_string.erl
blob: cf8c388f54e0beba1fd277a28f3ab679799ef538 (plain) (tree)





















































































































































































































%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2017. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%%     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%% [RFC 3986, Chapter 2.2. Reserved Characters]
%%   reserved    = gen-delims / sub-delims
%%   gen-delims  = ":" / "/" / "?" / "#" / "[" / "]" / "@"
%%   sub-delims  = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")"
%%               / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="
%% [RFC 3986, Chapter 2.3. Unreserved Characters]
%%   unreserved  = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"
%% [RFC 3986, Chapter 3. Syntax Components]
%% The generic URI syntax consists of a hierarchical sequence of
%% components referred to as the scheme, authority, path, query, and
%% fragment.
%%    URI         = scheme ":" hier-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ]
%%    hier-part   = "//" authority path-abempty
%%                   / path-absolute
%%                   / path-rootless
%%                   / path-empty
%%    The scheme and path components are required, though the path may be
%%    empty (no characters).  When authority is present, the path must
%%    either be empty or begin with a slash ("/") character.  When
%%    authority is not present, the path cannot begin with two slash
%%    characters ("//").  These restrictions result in five different ABNF
%%    rules for a path (Section 3.3), only one of which will match any
%%    given URI reference.
%%    The following are two example URIs and their component parts:
%%          foo://example.com:8042/over/there?name=ferret#nose
%%          \_/   \______________/\_________/ \_________/ \__/
%%           |           |            |            |        |
%%        scheme     authority       path        query   fragment
%%           |   _____________________|__
%%          / \ /                        \
%%          urn:example:animal:ferret:nose
%% [RFC 3986, Chapter 3.1. Scheme]
%% Each URI begins with a scheme name that refers to a specification for
%% assigning identifiers within that scheme.
%%    scheme      = ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "-" / "." )
%% [RFC 3986, Chapter 3.2. Authority]
%% Many URI schemes include a hierarchical element for a naming
%% authority so that governance of the name space defined by the
%% remainder of the URI is delegated to that authority (which may, in
%% turn, delegate it further).
%%    authority   = [ userinfo "@" ] host [ ":" port ]
%% [RFC 3986, Chapter 3.2.1. User Information]
%% The userinfo subcomponent may consist of a user name and, optionally,
%% scheme-specific information about how to gain authorization to access
%% the resource. The user information, if present, is followed by a
%% commercial at-sign ("@") that delimits it from the host.
%%    userinfo    = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" )
%% [RFC 3986, Chapter 3.2.2. Host]
%% The host subcomponent of authority is identified by an IP literal
%% encapsulated within square brackets, an IPv4 address in dotted-
%% decimal form, or a registered name.
%%    host        = IP-literal / IPv4address / reg-name
%%    IP-literal = "[" ( IPv6address / IPvFuture  ) "]"
%%    IPvFuture  = "v" 1*HEXDIG "." 1*( unreserved / sub-delims / ":" )
%%    IPv6address =                            6( h16 ":" ) ls32
%%                /                       "::" 5( h16 ":" ) ls32
%%                / [               h16 ] "::" 4( h16 ":" ) ls32
%%                / [ *1( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" 3( h16 ":" ) ls32
%%                / [ *2( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" 2( h16 ":" ) ls32
%%                / [ *3( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"    h16 ":"   ls32
%%                / [ *4( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"              ls32
%%                / [ *5( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"              h16
%%                / [ *6( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"
%%    ls32        = ( h16 ":" h16 ) / IPv4address
%%                ; least-significant 32 bits of address
%%    h16         = 1*4HEXDIG
%%                ; 16 bits of address represented in hexadecimal
%%    IPv4address = dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet
%%    dec-octet   = DIGIT                 ; 0-9
%%                / %x31-39 DIGIT         ; 10-99
%%                / "1" 2DIGIT            ; 100-199
%%                / "2" %x30-34 DIGIT     ; 200-249
%%                / "25" %x30-35          ; 250-255
%%    reg-name    = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims )
%% [RFC 3986, Chapter 3.2.2. Port]
%% The port subcomponent of authority is designated by an optional port
%% number in decimal following the host and delimited from it by a
%% single colon (":") character.
%%    port        = *DIGIT
%% [RFC 3986, Chapter 3.3. Path]
%% The path component contains data, usually organized in hierarchical
%% form, that, along with data in the non-hierarchical query component
%% (Section 3.4), serves to identify a resource within the scope of the
%% URI's scheme and naming authority (if any).  The path is terminated
%% by the first question mark ("?") or number sign ("#") character, or
%% by the end of the URI.
%%    path          = path-abempty    ; begins with "/" or is empty
%%                  / path-absolute   ; begins with "/" but not "//"
%%                  / path-noscheme   ; begins with a non-colon segment
%%                  / path-rootless   ; begins with a segment
%%                  / path-empty      ; zero characters
%%    path-abempty  = *( "/" segment )
%%    path-absolute = "/" [ segment-nz *( "/" segment ) ]
%%    path-noscheme = segment-nz-nc *( "/" segment )
%%    path-rootless = segment-nz *( "/" segment )
%%    path-empty    = 0<pchar>
%%    segment       = *pchar
%%    segment-nz    = 1*pchar
%%    segment-nz-nc = 1*( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / "@" )
%%                  ; non-zero-length segment without any colon ":"
%%    pchar         = unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@"
%% [RFC 3986, Chapter 3.4. Query]
%% The query component contains non-hierarchical data that, along with
%% data in the path component (Section 3.3), serves to identify a
%% resource within the scope of the URI's scheme and naming authority
%% (if any).  The query component is indicated by the first question
%% mark ("?") character and terminated by a number sign ("#") character
%% or by the end of the URI.
%%    query       = *( pchar / "/" / "?" )
%% [RFC 3986, Chapter 3.5. Fragment]
%% The fragment identifier component of a URI allows indirect
%% identification of a secondary resource by reference to a primary
%% resource and additional identifying information.
%%    fragment    = *( pchar / "/" / "?" )
%% [RFC 3986, Chapter 4.1. URI Reference]
%% URI-reference is used to denote the most common usage of a resource
%% identifier.
%%    URI-reference = URI / relative-ref
%% [RFC 3986, Chapter 4.2. Relative Reference]
%% A relative reference takes advantage of the hierarchical syntax
%% (Section 1.2.3) to express a URI reference relative to the name space
%% of another hierarchical URI.
%%    relative-ref  = relative-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ]
%%    relative-part = "//" authority path-abempty
%%                  / path-absolute
%%                  / path-noscheme
%%                  / path-empty
%% [RFC 3986, Chapter 4.3. Absolute URI]
%% Some protocol elements allow only the absolute form of a URI without
%% a fragment identifier.  For example, defining a base URI for later
%% use by relative references calls for an absolute-URI syntax rule that
%% does not allow a fragment.
%%    absolute-URI  = scheme ":" hier-part [ "?" query ]

%% External API
-export([compose_query/1, compose_query/2,
         dissect_query/1, normalize/1, parse/1,
         recompose/1, transcode/2]).
-export_type([error/0, uri_map/0, uri_string/0]).

%% Internal API
-export([is_host/1, is_path/1]).  % suppress warnings

%% Macros
-define(CHAR(Char), <<Char/utf8>>).
-define(STRING_EMPTY, <<>>).
-define(STRING(MatchStr), <<MatchStr/binary>>).
-define(STRING_REST(MatchStr, Rest), <<MatchStr/utf8, Rest/binary>>).

        if ((X) >= 0) andalso ((X) =< 9) -> (X) + $0;
           ((X) >= 10) andalso ((X) =< 15) -> (X) + $A - 10

        if ((X) >= $0) andalso ((X) =< $9) -> (X) - $0;
           ((X) >= $A) andalso ((X) =< $F) -> (X) - $A + 10;
           ((X) >= $a) andalso ((X) =< $f) -> (X) - $a + 10

%%%  API

%% URI compliant with RFC 3986
%% ASCII %x21 - %x7A ("!" - "z") except
%%   %x34    "    double quote
%%   %x60    <    less than
%%   %x62    >    greater than
%%   %x92    \    backslash
%%   %x94    ^    caret / circumflex
%%   %x96    `    grave / accent
-type uri_string() :: iodata().
-type error() :: {error, atom(), list() | binary()}.

%% RFC 3986, Chapter 3. Syntax Components
-type uri_map() ::
  #{fragment => unicode:chardata(),
    host => unicode:chardata(),
    path => unicode:chardata(),
    port => non_neg_integer() | undefined,
    query => unicode:chardata(),
    scheme => unicode:chardata(),
    userinfo => unicode:chardata()} | #{}.

%% Normalize URIs
-spec normalize(URIString) -> NormalizedURI when
      URIString :: uri_string(),
      NormalizedURI :: uri_string().
normalize(URIString) ->
    %% Case normalization and percent-encoding normalization are achieved
    %% by running parse and recompose on the input URI string.
    M = parse(URIString),
    M1 = normalize_scheme_based(M),
    M2 = normalize_path_segment(M1),

%% Parse URIs
-spec parse(URIString) -> URIMap when
      URIString :: uri_string(),
      URIMap :: uri_map()
              | error().
parse(URIString) when is_binary(URIString) ->
    try parse_uri_reference(URIString, #{}) of
        Result -> Result
        throw:{error, Atom, RestData} -> {error, Atom, RestData}
parse(URIString) when is_list(URIString) ->
        Binary = unicode:characters_to_binary(URIString),
        Map = parse_uri_reference(Binary, #{}),
        Result -> Result
        throw:{error, Atom, RestData} -> {error, Atom, RestData}

%% Recompose URIs
-spec recompose(URIMap) -> URIString when
      URIMap :: uri_map(),
      URIString :: uri_string()
                 | error().
recompose(Map) ->
    case is_valid_map(Map) of
        false ->
            {error, invalid_map, Map};
        true ->
                T0 = update_scheme(Map, empty),
                T1 = update_userinfo(Map, T0),
                T2 = update_host(Map, T1),
                T3 = update_port(Map, T2),
                T4 = update_path(Map, T3),
                T5 = update_query(Map, T4),
                update_fragment(Map, T5)
                Result -> Result
                throw:{error, Atom, RestData} -> {error, Atom, RestData}

%% Transcode URIs
-spec transcode(URIString, Options) -> Result when
      URIString :: uri_string(),
      Options :: [{in_encoding, unicode:encoding()}|{out_encoding, unicode:encoding()}],
      Result :: uri_string()
              | error().
transcode(URIString, Options) when is_binary(URIString) ->
        InEnc = proplists:get_value(in_encoding, Options, utf8),
        OutEnc = proplists:get_value(out_encoding, Options, utf8),
        List = convert_list(URIString, InEnc),
        Output = transcode(List, [], InEnc, OutEnc),
        convert_binary(Output, utf8, OutEnc)
        Result -> Result
        throw:{error, Atom, RestData} -> {error, Atom, RestData}
transcode(URIString, Options) when is_list(URIString) ->
    InEnc = proplists:get_value(in_encoding, Options, utf8),
    OutEnc = proplists:get_value(out_encoding, Options, utf8),
    Flattened = flatten_list(URIString, InEnc),
    try transcode(Flattened, [], InEnc, OutEnc) of
        Result -> Result
        throw:{error, Atom, RestData} -> {error, Atom, RestData}

%% Functions for working with the query part of a URI as a list
%% of key/value pairs.
%% HTML 2.0 (RFC 1866) defines a media type application/x-www-form-urlencoded
%% in section [8.2.1] "The form-urlencoded Media Type".

%% Compose urlencoded query string from a list of unescaped key/value pairs.
-spec compose_query(QueryList) -> QueryString when
      QueryList :: [{uri_string(), uri_string()}],
      QueryString :: uri_string()
                   | error().
compose_query(List) ->
    compose_query(List, []).

-spec compose_query(QueryList, Options) -> QueryString when
      QueryList :: [{uri_string(), uri_string()}],
      Options :: [{separator, atom()}],
      QueryString :: uri_string()
                   | error().
compose_query([],_Options) ->
compose_query(List, Options) ->
    try compose_query(List, Options, false, <<>>) of
        Result -> Result
      throw:{error, Atom, RestData} -> {error, Atom, RestData}
compose_query([{Key,Value}|Rest], Options, IsList, Acc) ->
    Separator = get_separator(Options, Rest),
    K = form_urlencode(Key),
    V = form_urlencode(Value),
    Flag = is_list(Key) orelse is_list(Value),
    IsListNew = IsList orelse Flag,
    compose_query(Rest, Options, IsListNew, <<Acc/binary,K/binary,"=",V/binary,Separator/binary>>);
compose_query([], _Options, IsList, Acc) ->
    case IsList of
        true -> convert_list(Acc, utf8);
        false -> Acc

%% Dissect a query string into a list of unescaped key/value pairs.
-spec dissect_query(QueryString) -> QueryList when
      QueryString :: uri_string(),
      QueryList :: [{uri_string(), uri_string()}]
                 | error().
dissect_query(<<>>) ->
dissect_query([]) ->
dissect_query(QueryString) when is_list(QueryString) ->
        B = convert_binary(QueryString, utf8, utf8),
        dissect_query_key(B, true, [], <<>>, <<>>)
        Result -> Result
        throw:{error, Atom, RestData} -> {error, Atom, RestData}
dissect_query(QueryString) ->
    try dissect_query_key(QueryString, false, [], <<>>, <<>>) of
        Result -> Result
        throw:{error, Atom, RestData} -> {error, Atom, RestData}

%%% Internal functions

%% Converts Map fields to lists
convert_mapfields_to_list(Map) ->
    Fun = fun (_, V) when is_binary(V) -> unicode:characters_to_list(V);
              (_, V) -> V end,
    maps:map(Fun, Map).

%% [RFC 3986, Chapter 4.1. URI Reference]
%% URI-reference is used to denote the most common usage of a resource
%% identifier.
%%    URI-reference = URI / relative-ref
-spec parse_uri_reference(binary(), uri_map()) -> uri_map().
parse_uri_reference(<<>>, _) -> #{path => <<>>};
parse_uri_reference(URIString, URI) ->
    try parse_scheme_start(URIString, URI) of
        Res -> Res
        throw:{_,_,_} ->
            parse_relative_part(URIString, URI)

%% [RFC 3986, Chapter 4.2. Relative Reference]
%% A relative reference takes advantage of the hierarchical syntax
%% (Section 1.2.3) to express a URI reference relative to the name space
%% of another hierarchical URI.
%%    relative-ref  = relative-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ]
%%    relative-part = "//" authority path-abempty
%%                  / path-absolute
%%                  / path-noscheme
%%                  / path-empty
-spec parse_relative_part(binary(), uri_map()) -> uri_map().
parse_relative_part(?STRING_REST("//", Rest), URI) ->
    %% Parse userinfo - "//" is NOT part of authority
    try parse_userinfo(Rest, URI) of
        {T, URI1} ->
            Userinfo = calculate_parsed_userinfo(Rest, T),
            URI2 = maybe_add_path(URI1),
            URI2#{userinfo => decode_userinfo(Userinfo)}
        throw:{_,_,_} ->
            {T, URI1} = parse_host(Rest, URI),
            Host = calculate_parsed_host_port(Rest, T),
            URI2 = maybe_add_path(URI1),
            URI2#{host => decode_host(remove_brackets(Host))}
parse_relative_part(?STRING_REST($/, Rest), URI) ->
    {T, URI1} = parse_segment(Rest, URI),  % path-absolute
    Path = calculate_parsed_part(Rest, T),
    URI1#{path => decode_path(?STRING_REST($/, Path))};
parse_relative_part(?STRING_REST($?, Rest), URI) ->
    {T, URI1} = parse_query(Rest, URI),  % path-empty ?query
    Query = calculate_parsed_query_fragment(Rest, T),
    URI2 = maybe_add_path(URI1),
    URI2#{query => decode_query(Query)};
parse_relative_part(?STRING_REST($#, Rest), URI) ->
    {T, URI1} = parse_fragment(Rest, URI),  % path-empty
    Fragment = calculate_parsed_query_fragment(Rest, T),
    URI2 = maybe_add_path(URI1),
    URI2#{fragment => decode_fragment(Fragment)};
parse_relative_part(?STRING_REST(Char, Rest), URI) ->
    case is_segment_nz_nc(Char) of
        true ->
            {T, URI1} = parse_segment_nz_nc(Rest, URI),  % path-noscheme
            Path = calculate_parsed_part(Rest, T),
            URI1#{path => decode_path(?STRING_REST(Char, Path))};
        false -> throw({error,invalid_uri,[Char]})

%% [RFC 3986, Chapter 3.3. Path]
%% The path component contains data, usually organized in hierarchical
%% form, that, along with data in the non-hierarchical query component
%% (Section 3.4), serves to identify a resource within the scope of the
%% URI's scheme and naming authority (if any).  The path is terminated
%% by the first question mark ("?") or number sign ("#") character, or
%% by the end of the URI.
%%    path          = path-abempty    ; begins with "/" or is empty
%%                  / path-absolute   ; begins with "/" but not "//"
%%                  / path-noscheme   ; begins with a non-colon segment
%%                  / path-rootless   ; begins with a segment
%%                  / path-empty      ; zero characters
%%    path-abempty  = *( "/" segment )
%%    path-absolute = "/" [ segment-nz *( "/" segment ) ]
%%    path-noscheme = segment-nz-nc *( "/" segment )
%%    path-rootless = segment-nz *( "/" segment )
%%    path-empty    = 0<pchar>
%%    segment       = *pchar
%%    segment-nz    = 1*pchar
%%    segment-nz-nc = 1*( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / "@" )
%%                  ; non-zero-length segment without any colon ":"
%%    pchar         = unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@"

%%    path-abempty
-spec parse_segment(binary(), uri_map()) -> {binary(), uri_map()}.
parse_segment(?STRING_REST($/, Rest), URI) ->
    parse_segment(Rest, URI);  % segment
parse_segment(?STRING_REST($?, Rest), URI) ->
    {T, URI1} = parse_query(Rest, URI),  % ?query
    Query = calculate_parsed_query_fragment(Rest, T),
    {Rest, URI1#{query => decode_query(Query)}};
parse_segment(?STRING_REST($#, Rest), URI) ->
    {T, URI1} = parse_fragment(Rest, URI),
    Fragment = calculate_parsed_query_fragment(Rest, T),
    {Rest, URI1#{fragment => decode_fragment(Fragment)}};
parse_segment(?STRING_REST(Char, Rest), URI) ->
    case is_pchar(Char) of
        true -> parse_segment(Rest, URI);
        false -> throw({error,invalid_uri,[Char]})
parse_segment(?STRING_EMPTY, URI) ->

%%    path-noscheme
-spec parse_segment_nz_nc(binary(), uri_map()) -> {binary(), uri_map()}.
parse_segment_nz_nc(?STRING_REST($/, Rest), URI) ->
    parse_segment(Rest, URI);  % segment
parse_segment_nz_nc(?STRING_REST($?, Rest), URI) ->
    {T, URI1} = parse_query(Rest, URI),  % ?query
    Query = calculate_parsed_query_fragment(Rest, T),
    {Rest, URI1#{query => decode_query(Query)}};
parse_segment_nz_nc(?STRING_REST($#, Rest), URI) ->
    {T, URI1} = parse_fragment(Rest, URI),
    Fragment = calculate_parsed_query_fragment(Rest, T),
    {Rest, URI1#{fragment => decode_fragment(Fragment)}};
parse_segment_nz_nc(?STRING_REST(Char, Rest), URI) ->
    case is_segment_nz_nc(Char) of
        true -> parse_segment_nz_nc(Rest, URI);
        false -> throw({error,invalid_uri,[Char]})
parse_segment_nz_nc(?STRING_EMPTY, URI) ->

%% Check if char is pchar.
-spec is_pchar(char()) -> boolean().
is_pchar($%) -> true;  % pct-encoded
is_pchar($:) -> true;
is_pchar($@) -> true;
is_pchar(Char) -> is_unreserved(Char) orelse is_sub_delim(Char).

%% Check if char is segment_nz_nc.
-spec is_segment_nz_nc(char()) -> boolean().
is_segment_nz_nc($%) -> true;  % pct-encoded
is_segment_nz_nc($@) -> true;
is_segment_nz_nc(Char) -> is_unreserved(Char) orelse is_sub_delim(Char).

%% [RFC 3986, Chapter 3.1. Scheme]
%% Each URI begins with a scheme name that refers to a specification for
%% assigning identifiers within that scheme.
%%    scheme      = ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "-" / "." )
-spec parse_scheme_start(binary(), uri_map()) -> uri_map().
parse_scheme_start(?STRING_REST(Char, Rest), URI) ->
    case is_alpha(Char) of
        true  -> {T, URI1} = parse_scheme(Rest, URI),
                 Scheme = calculate_parsed_scheme(Rest, T),
                 URI2 = maybe_add_path(URI1),
		 URI2#{scheme => ?STRING_REST(Char, Scheme)};
        false -> throw({error,invalid_uri,[Char]})

%% Add path component if it missing after parsing the URI.
%% According to the URI specification there is always a
%% path component in every URI-reference and it can be
%% empty.
maybe_add_path(Map) ->
    case maps:is_key(path, Map) of
        false ->
            Map#{path => <<>>};
        _Else ->

-spec parse_scheme(binary(), uri_map()) -> {binary(), uri_map()}.
parse_scheme(?STRING_REST($:, Rest), URI) ->
    {_, URI1} = parse_hier(Rest, URI),
    {Rest, URI1};
parse_scheme(?STRING_REST(Char, Rest), URI) ->
    case is_scheme(Char) of
        true  -> parse_scheme(Rest, URI);
        false -> throw({error,invalid_uri,[Char]})
parse_scheme(?STRING_EMPTY, _URI) ->

%% Check if char is allowed in scheme
-spec is_scheme(char()) -> boolean().
is_scheme($+) -> true;
is_scheme($-) -> true;
is_scheme($.) -> true;
is_scheme(Char) -> is_alpha(Char) orelse is_digit(Char).

%%    hier-part   = "//" authority path-abempty
%%                   / path-absolute
%%                   / path-rootless
%%                   / path-empty
-spec parse_hier(binary(), uri_map()) -> {binary(), uri_map()}.
parse_hier(?STRING_REST("//", Rest), URI) ->
    % Parse userinfo - "//" is NOT part of authority
    try parse_userinfo(Rest, URI) of
        {T, URI1} ->
            Userinfo = calculate_parsed_userinfo(Rest, T),
	    {Rest, URI1#{userinfo => decode_userinfo(Userinfo)}}
        throw:{_,_,_} ->
            {T, URI1} = parse_host(Rest, URI),
            Host = calculate_parsed_host_port(Rest, T),
	    {Rest, URI1#{host => decode_host(remove_brackets(Host))}}
parse_hier(?STRING_REST($/, Rest), URI) ->
    {T, URI1} = parse_segment(Rest, URI),  % path-absolute
    Path = calculate_parsed_part(Rest, T),
    {Rest, URI1#{path => decode_path(?STRING_REST($/, Path))}};
parse_hier(?STRING_REST($?, Rest), URI) ->
    {T, URI1} = parse_query(Rest, URI),  % path-empty ?query
    Query = calculate_parsed_query_fragment(Rest, T),
    {Rest, URI1#{query => decode_query(Query)}};
parse_hier(?STRING_REST($#, Rest), URI) ->
    {T, URI1} = parse_fragment(Rest, URI),  % path-empty
    Fragment = calculate_parsed_query_fragment(Rest, T),
    {Rest, URI1#{fragment => decode_fragment(Fragment)}};
parse_hier(?STRING_REST(Char, Rest), URI) ->  % path-rootless
    case is_pchar(Char) of
        true ->  % segment_nz
            {T, URI1} = parse_segment(Rest, URI),
            Path = calculate_parsed_part(Rest, T),
            {Rest, URI1#{path => decode_path(?STRING_REST(Char, Path))}};
        false -> throw({error,invalid_uri,[Char]})
parse_hier(?STRING_EMPTY, URI) ->
    {<<>>, URI}.

%% [RFC 3986, Chapter 3.2. Authority]
%% Many URI schemes include a hierarchical element for a naming
%% authority so that governance of the name space defined by the
%% remainder of the URI is delegated to that authority (which may, in
%% turn, delegate it further).
%% The authority component is preceded by a double slash ("//") and is
%% terminated by the next slash ("/"), question mark ("?"), or number
%% sign ("#") character, or by the end of the URI.
%%    authority   = [ userinfo "@" ] host [ ":" port ]
%% [RFC 3986, Chapter 3.2.1. User Information]
%% The userinfo subcomponent may consist of a user name and, optionally,
%% scheme-specific information about how to gain authorization to access
%% the resource. The user information, if present, is followed by a
%% commercial at-sign ("@") that delimits it from the host.
%%    userinfo    = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" )
-spec parse_userinfo(binary(), uri_map()) -> {binary(), uri_map()}.
parse_userinfo(?CHAR($@), URI) ->
    {?STRING_EMPTY, URI#{host => <<>>}};
parse_userinfo(?STRING_REST($@, Rest), URI) ->
    {T, URI1} = parse_host(Rest, URI),
    Host = calculate_parsed_host_port(Rest, T),
    {Rest, URI1#{host => decode_host(remove_brackets(Host))}};
parse_userinfo(?STRING_REST(Char, Rest), URI) ->
    case is_userinfo(Char) of
        true -> parse_userinfo(Rest, URI);
        false -> throw({error,invalid_uri,[Char]})
parse_userinfo(?STRING_EMPTY, _URI) ->
    %% URI cannot end in userinfo state

%% Check if char is allowed in userinfo
-spec is_userinfo(char()) -> boolean().
is_userinfo($%) -> true;  % pct-encoded
is_userinfo($:) -> true;
is_userinfo(Char) -> is_unreserved(Char) orelse is_sub_delim(Char).

%% [RFC 3986, Chapter 3.2.2. Host]
%% The host subcomponent of authority is identified by an IP literal
%% encapsulated within square brackets, an IPv4 address in dotted-
%% decimal form, or a registered name.
%%    host        = IP-literal / IPv4address / reg-name
%%    IP-literal = "[" ( IPv6address / IPvFuture  ) "]"
%%    IPvFuture  = "v" 1*HEXDIG "." 1*( unreserved / sub-delims / ":" )
%%    IPv6address =                            6( h16 ":" ) ls32
%%                /                       "::" 5( h16 ":" ) ls32
%%                / [               h16 ] "::" 4( h16 ":" ) ls32
%%                / [ *1( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" 3( h16 ":" ) ls32
%%                / [ *2( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::" 2( h16 ":" ) ls32
%%                / [ *3( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"    h16 ":"   ls32
%%                / [ *4( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"              ls32
%%                / [ *5( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"              h16
%%                / [ *6( h16 ":" ) h16 ] "::"
%%    ls32        = ( h16 ":" h16 ) / IPv4address
%%                ; least-significant 32 bits of address
%%    h16         = 1*4HEXDIG
%%                ; 16 bits of address represented in hexadecimal
%%    IPv4address = dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet "." dec-octet
%%    dec-octet   = DIGIT                 ; 0-9
%%                / %x31-39 DIGIT         ; 10-99
%%                / "1" 2DIGIT            ; 100-199
%%                / "2" %x30-34 DIGIT     ; 200-249
%%                / "25" %x30-35          ; 250-255
%%    reg-name    = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims )
-spec parse_host(binary(), uri_map()) -> {binary(), uri_map()}.
parse_host(?STRING_REST($:, Rest), URI) ->
    {T, URI1} = parse_port(Rest, URI),
    H = calculate_parsed_host_port(Rest, T),
    Port = get_port(H),
    {Rest, URI1#{port => Port}};
parse_host(?STRING_REST($/, Rest), URI) ->
    {T, URI1} = parse_segment(Rest, URI),  % path-abempty
    Path = calculate_parsed_part(Rest, T),
    {Rest, URI1#{path => decode_path(?STRING_REST($/, Path))}};
parse_host(?STRING_REST($?, Rest), URI) ->
    {T, URI1} = parse_query(Rest, URI),  % path-empty ?query
    Query = calculate_parsed_query_fragment(Rest, T),
    {Rest, URI1#{query => decode_query(Query)}};
parse_host(?STRING_REST($[, Rest), URI) ->
    parse_ipv6_bin(Rest, [], URI);
parse_host(?STRING_REST($#, Rest), URI) ->
    {T, URI1} = parse_fragment(Rest, URI),  % path-empty
    Fragment = calculate_parsed_query_fragment(Rest, T),
    {Rest, URI1#{fragment => decode_fragment(Fragment)}};
parse_host(?STRING_REST(Char, Rest), URI) ->
    case is_digit(Char) of
        true -> parse_ipv4_bin(Rest, [Char], URI);
        false -> parse_reg_name(?STRING_REST(Char, Rest), URI)
parse_host(?STRING_EMPTY, URI) ->

-spec parse_reg_name(binary(), uri_map()) -> {binary(), uri_map()}.
parse_reg_name(?STRING_REST($:, Rest), URI) ->
    {T, URI1} = parse_port(Rest, URI),
    H = calculate_parsed_host_port(Rest, T),
    Port = get_port(H),
    {Rest, URI1#{port => Port}};
parse_reg_name(?STRING_REST($/, Rest), URI) ->
    {T, URI1} = parse_segment(Rest, URI),  % path-abempty
    Path = calculate_parsed_part(Rest, T),
    {Rest, URI1#{path => decode_path(?STRING_REST($/, Path))}};
parse_reg_name(?STRING_REST($?, Rest), URI) ->
    {T, URI1} = parse_query(Rest, URI),  % path-empty ?query
    Query = calculate_parsed_query_fragment(Rest, T),
    {Rest, URI1#{query => decode_query(Query)}};
parse_reg_name(?STRING_REST($#, Rest), URI) ->
    {T, URI1} = parse_fragment(Rest, URI),  % path-empty
    Fragment = calculate_parsed_query_fragment(Rest, T),
    {Rest, URI1#{fragment => decode_fragment(Fragment)}};
parse_reg_name(?STRING_REST(Char, Rest), URI) ->
    case is_reg_name(Char) of
        true -> parse_reg_name(Rest, URI);
        false -> throw({error,invalid_uri,[Char]})
parse_reg_name(?STRING_EMPTY, URI) ->

%% Check if char is allowed in reg-name
-spec is_reg_name(char()) -> boolean().
is_reg_name($%) -> true;
is_reg_name(Char) -> is_unreserved(Char) orelse is_sub_delim(Char).

-spec parse_ipv4_bin(binary(), list(), uri_map()) -> {binary(), uri_map()}.
parse_ipv4_bin(?STRING_REST($:, Rest), Acc, URI) ->
    _ = validate_ipv4_address(lists:reverse(Acc)),
    {T, URI1} = parse_port(Rest, URI),
    H = calculate_parsed_host_port(Rest, T),
    Port = get_port(H),
    {Rest, URI1#{port => Port}};
parse_ipv4_bin(?STRING_REST($/, Rest), Acc, URI) ->
    _ = validate_ipv4_address(lists:reverse(Acc)),
    {T, URI1} = parse_segment(Rest, URI),  % path-abempty
    Path = calculate_parsed_part(Rest, T),
    {Rest, URI1#{path => decode_path(?STRING_REST($/, Path))}};
parse_ipv4_bin(?STRING_REST($?, Rest), Acc, URI) ->
    _ = validate_ipv4_address(lists:reverse(Acc)),
    {T, URI1} = parse_query(Rest, URI),  % path-empty ?query
    Query = calculate_parsed_query_fragment(Rest, T),
    {Rest, URI1#{query => decode_query(Query)}};
parse_ipv4_bin(?STRING_REST($#, Rest), Acc, URI) ->
    _ = validate_ipv4_address(lists:reverse(Acc)),
    {T, URI1} = parse_fragment(Rest, URI),  % path-empty
    Fragment = calculate_parsed_query_fragment(Rest, T),
    {Rest, URI1#{fragment => decode_fragment(Fragment)}};
parse_ipv4_bin(?STRING_REST(Char, Rest), Acc, URI) ->
    case is_ipv4(Char) of
        true -> parse_ipv4_bin(Rest, [Char|Acc], URI);
        false -> throw({error,invalid_uri,[Char]})
parse_ipv4_bin(?STRING_EMPTY, Acc, URI) ->
    _ = validate_ipv4_address(lists:reverse(Acc)),

%% Check if char is allowed in IPv4 addresses
-spec is_ipv4(char()) -> boolean().
is_ipv4($.) -> true;
is_ipv4(Char) -> is_digit(Char).

-spec validate_ipv4_address(list()) -> list().
validate_ipv4_address(Addr) ->
    case inet:parse_ipv4strict_address(Addr) of
        {ok, _} -> Addr;
        {error, _} -> throw({error,invalid_uri,Addr})

-spec parse_ipv6_bin(binary(), list(), uri_map()) -> {binary(), uri_map()}.
parse_ipv6_bin(?STRING_REST($], Rest), Acc, URI) ->
    _ = validate_ipv6_address(lists:reverse(Acc)),
    parse_ipv6_bin_end(Rest, URI);
parse_ipv6_bin(?STRING_REST(Char, Rest), Acc, URI) ->
    case is_ipv6(Char) of
        true -> parse_ipv6_bin(Rest, [Char|Acc], URI);
        false -> throw({error,invalid_uri,[Char]})
parse_ipv6_bin(?STRING_EMPTY, _Acc, _URI) ->

%% Check if char is allowed in IPv6 addresses
-spec is_ipv6(char()) -> boolean().
is_ipv6($:) -> true;
is_ipv6($.) -> true;
is_ipv6(Char) -> is_hex_digit(Char).

-spec parse_ipv6_bin_end(binary(), uri_map()) -> {binary(), uri_map()}.
parse_ipv6_bin_end(?STRING_REST($:, Rest), URI) ->
    {T, URI1} = parse_port(Rest, URI),
    H = calculate_parsed_host_port(Rest, T),
    Port = get_port(H),
    {Rest, URI1#{port => Port}};
parse_ipv6_bin_end(?STRING_REST($/, Rest), URI) ->
    {T, URI1} = parse_segment(Rest, URI),  % path-abempty
    Path = calculate_parsed_part(Rest, T),
    {Rest, URI1#{path => decode_path(?STRING_REST($/, Path))}};
parse_ipv6_bin_end(?STRING_REST($?, Rest), URI) ->
    {T, URI1} = parse_query(Rest, URI),  % path-empty ?query
    Query = calculate_parsed_query_fragment(Rest, T),
    {Rest, URI1#{query => decode_query(Query)}};
parse_ipv6_bin_end(?STRING_REST($#, Rest), URI) ->
    {T, URI1} = parse_fragment(Rest, URI),  % path-empty
    Fragment = calculate_parsed_query_fragment(Rest, T),
    {Rest, URI1#{fragment => decode_fragment(Fragment)}};
parse_ipv6_bin_end(?STRING_REST(Char, Rest), URI) ->
    case is_ipv6(Char) of
        true -> parse_ipv6_bin_end(Rest, URI);
        false -> throw({error,invalid_uri,[Char]})
parse_ipv6_bin_end(?STRING_EMPTY, URI) ->

-spec validate_ipv6_address(list()) -> list().
validate_ipv6_address(Addr) ->
    case inet:parse_ipv6strict_address(Addr) of
        {ok, _} -> Addr;
        {error, _} -> throw({error,invalid_uri,Addr})

%% [RFC 3986, Chapter 3.2.2. Port]
%% The port subcomponent of authority is designated by an optional port
%% number in decimal following the host and delimited from it by a
%% single colon (":") character.
%%    port        = *DIGIT
-spec parse_port(binary(), uri_map()) -> {binary(), uri_map()}.
parse_port(?STRING_REST($/, Rest), URI) ->
    {T, URI1} = parse_segment(Rest, URI),  % path-abempty
    Path = calculate_parsed_part(Rest, T),
    {Rest, URI1#{path => decode_path(?STRING_REST($/, Path))}};
parse_port(?STRING_REST($?, Rest), URI) ->
    {T, URI1} = parse_query(Rest, URI),  % path-empty ?query
    Query = calculate_parsed_query_fragment(Rest, T),
    {Rest, URI1#{query => decode_query(Query)}};
parse_port(?STRING_REST($#, Rest), URI) ->
    {T, URI1} = parse_fragment(Rest, URI),  % path-empty
    Fragment = calculate_parsed_query_fragment(Rest, T),
    {Rest, URI1#{fragment => decode_fragment(Fragment)}};
parse_port(?STRING_REST(Char, Rest), URI) ->
    case is_digit(Char) of
        true -> parse_port(Rest, URI);
        false -> throw({error,invalid_uri,[Char]})
parse_port(?STRING_EMPTY, URI) ->

%% [RFC 3986, Chapter 3.4. Query]
%% The query component contains non-hierarchical data that, along with
%% data in the path component (Section 3.3), serves to identify a
%% resource within the scope of the URI's scheme and naming authority
%% (if any).  The query component is indicated by the first question
%% mark ("?") character and terminated by a number sign ("#") character
%% or by the end of the URI.
%%    query       = *( pchar / "/" / "?" )
-spec parse_query(binary(), uri_map()) -> {binary(), uri_map()}.
parse_query(?STRING_REST($#, Rest), URI) ->
    {T, URI1} = parse_fragment(Rest, URI),
    Fragment = calculate_parsed_query_fragment(Rest, T),
    {Rest, URI1#{fragment => decode_fragment(Fragment)}};
parse_query(?STRING_REST(Char, Rest), URI) ->
    case is_query(Char) of
        true -> parse_query(Rest, URI);
        false -> throw({error,invalid_uri,[Char]})
parse_query(?STRING_EMPTY, URI) ->

%% Check if char is allowed in query
-spec is_query(char()) -> boolean().
is_query($/) -> true;
is_query($?) -> true;
is_query(Char) -> is_pchar(Char).

%% [RFC 3986, Chapter 3.5. Fragment]
%% The fragment identifier component of a URI allows indirect
%% identification of a secondary resource by reference to a primary
%% resource and additional identifying information.
%%    fragment    = *( pchar / "/" / "?" )
-spec parse_fragment(binary(), uri_map()) -> {binary(), uri_map()}.
parse_fragment(?STRING_REST(Char, Rest), URI) ->
    case is_fragment(Char) of
        true -> parse_fragment(Rest, URI);
        false -> throw({error,invalid_uri,[Char]})
parse_fragment(?STRING_EMPTY, URI) ->

%% Check if char is allowed in fragment
-spec is_fragment(char()) -> boolean().
is_fragment($/) -> true;
is_fragment($?) -> true;
is_fragment(Char) -> is_pchar(Char).

%% [RFC 3986, Chapter 2.2. Reserved Characters]
%%   reserved    = gen-delims / sub-delims
%%   gen-delims  = ":" / "/" / "?" / "#" / "[" / "]" / "@"
%%   sub-delims  = "!" / "$" / "&" / "'" / "(" / ")"
%%               / "*" / "+" / "," / ";" / "="

%% Check if char is sub-delim.
-spec is_sub_delim(char()) -> boolean().
is_sub_delim($!) -> true;
is_sub_delim($$) -> true;
is_sub_delim($&) -> true;
is_sub_delim($') -> true;
is_sub_delim($() -> true;
is_sub_delim($)) -> true;

is_sub_delim($*) -> true;
is_sub_delim($+) -> true;
is_sub_delim($,) -> true;
is_sub_delim($;) -> true;
is_sub_delim($=) -> true;
is_sub_delim(_) -> false.

%% [RFC 3986, Chapter 2.3. Unreserved Characters]
%%   unreserved  = ALPHA / DIGIT / "-" / "." / "_" / "~"
-spec is_unreserved(char()) -> boolean().
is_unreserved($-) -> true;
is_unreserved($.) -> true;
is_unreserved($_) -> true;
is_unreserved($~) -> true;
is_unreserved(Char) -> is_alpha(Char) orelse is_digit(Char).

-spec is_alpha(char()) -> boolean().
  when $A =< C, C =< $Z;
       $a =< C, C =< $z -> true;
is_alpha(_) -> false.

-spec is_digit(char()) -> boolean().
  when $0 =< C, C =< $9 -> true;
is_digit(_) -> false.

-spec is_hex_digit(char()) -> boolean().
  when $0 =< C, C =< $9;$a =< C, C =< $f;$A =< C, C =< $F -> true;
is_hex_digit(_) -> false.

%% Remove enclosing brackets from binary
-spec remove_brackets(binary()) -> binary().
remove_brackets(<<$[/utf8, Rest/binary>>) ->
    {H,T} = split_binary(Rest, byte_size(Rest) - 1),
    case T =:= <<$]/utf8>> of
        true -> H;
        false -> Rest
remove_brackets(Addr) -> Addr.

%% Helper functions for calculating the parsed binary.
-spec calculate_parsed_scheme(binary(), binary()) -> binary().
calculate_parsed_scheme(Input, <<>>) ->
    strip_last_char(Input, [$:]);
calculate_parsed_scheme(Input, Unparsed) ->
    get_parsed_binary(Input, Unparsed).

-spec calculate_parsed_part(binary(), binary()) -> binary().
calculate_parsed_part(Input, <<>>) ->
    strip_last_char(Input, [$?,$#]);
calculate_parsed_part(Input, Unparsed) ->
    get_parsed_binary(Input, Unparsed).

-spec calculate_parsed_userinfo(binary(), binary()) -> binary().
calculate_parsed_userinfo(Input, <<>>) ->
    strip_last_char(Input, [$?,$#,$@]);
calculate_parsed_userinfo(Input, Unparsed) ->
    get_parsed_binary(Input, Unparsed).

-spec calculate_parsed_host_port(binary(), binary()) -> binary().
calculate_parsed_host_port(Input, <<>>) ->
    strip_last_char(Input, [$:,$?,$#,$/]);
calculate_parsed_host_port(Input, Unparsed) ->
    get_parsed_binary(Input, Unparsed).

calculate_parsed_query_fragment(Input, <<>>) ->
    strip_last_char(Input, [$#]);
calculate_parsed_query_fragment(Input, Unparsed) ->
    get_parsed_binary(Input, Unparsed).

get_port(<<>>) ->
get_port(B) ->
    try binary_to_integer(B) of
        Port ->
        error:badarg ->
            throw({error, invalid_uri, B})

%% Strip last char if it is in list
strip_last_char(<<>>, _) -> <<>>;
strip_last_char(Input, [C0]) ->
    case binary:last(Input) of
        C0 ->
        _Else ->
strip_last_char(Input, [C0,C1]) ->
    case binary:last(Input) of
        C0 ->
        C1 ->
        _Else ->
strip_last_char(Input, [C0,C1,C2]) ->
    case binary:last(Input) of
        C0 ->
        C1 ->
        C2 ->
        _Else ->
strip_last_char(Input, [C0,C1,C2,C3]) ->
    case binary:last(Input) of
        C0 ->
        C1 ->
        C2 ->
        C3 ->
        _Else ->

%% Get parsed binary
get_parsed_binary(Input, Unparsed) ->
    {First, _} = split_binary(Input, byte_size(Input) - byte_size_exl_head(Unparsed)),

%% Return all bytes of the binary except the last one. The binary must be non-empty.
init_binary(B) ->
    {Init, _} =
        split_binary(B, byte_size(B) - 1),

%% Returns the size of a binary exluding the first element.
%% Used in calls to split_binary().
-spec byte_size_exl_head(binary()) -> number().
byte_size_exl_head(<<>>) -> 0;
byte_size_exl_head(Binary) -> byte_size(Binary) + 1.

%% [RFC 3986, Chapter 2.1.  Percent-Encoding]
%% A percent-encoding mechanism is used to represent a data octet in a
%% component when that octet's corresponding character is outside the
%% allowed set or is being used as a delimiter of, or within, the
%% component.  A percent-encoded octet is encoded as a character
%% triplet, consisting of the percent character "%" followed by the two
%% hexadecimal digits representing that octet's numeric value.  For
%% example, "%20" is the percent-encoding for the binary octet
%% "00100000" (ABNF: %x20), which in US-ASCII corresponds to the space
%% character (SP).  Section 2.4 describes when percent-encoding and
%% decoding is applied.
%%   pct-encoded = "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG
-spec decode_userinfo(binary()) -> binary().
decode_userinfo(Cs) ->
    check_utf8(decode(Cs, fun is_userinfo/1, <<>>)).

-spec decode_host(binary()) -> binary().
decode_host(Cs) ->
    check_utf8(decode(Cs, fun is_host/1, <<>>)).

-spec decode_path(binary()) -> binary().
decode_path(Cs) ->
    check_utf8(decode(Cs, fun is_path/1, <<>>)).

-spec decode_query(binary()) -> binary().
decode_query(Cs) ->
    check_utf8(decode(Cs, fun is_query/1, <<>>)).

-spec decode_fragment(binary()) -> binary().
decode_fragment(Cs) ->
    check_utf8(decode(Cs, fun is_fragment/1, <<>>)).

%% Returns Cs if it is utf8 encoded.
check_utf8(Cs) ->
    case unicode:characters_to_list(Cs) of
        {incomplete,_,_} ->
        {error,_,_} ->
        _ -> Cs

%% Percent-encode

%% Only validates as scheme cannot have percent-encoded characters
-spec encode_scheme(list()|binary()) -> list() | binary().
encode_scheme([]) ->
encode_scheme(<<>>) ->
encode_scheme(Scheme) ->
    case validate_scheme(Scheme) of
        true -> Scheme;
        false -> throw({error,invalid_scheme,Scheme})

-spec encode_userinfo(list()|binary()) -> list() | binary().
encode_userinfo(Cs) ->
    encode(Cs, fun is_userinfo/1).

-spec encode_host(list()|binary()) -> list() | binary().
encode_host(Cs) ->
    case classify_host(Cs) of
        regname -> Cs;
        ipv4 -> Cs;
        ipv6 -> bracket_ipv6(Cs);
        other -> encode(Cs, fun is_reg_name/1)

-spec encode_path(list()|binary()) -> list() | binary().
encode_path(Cs) ->
    encode(Cs, fun is_path/1).

-spec encode_query(list()|binary()) -> list() | binary().
encode_query(Cs) ->
    encode(Cs, fun is_query/1).

-spec encode_fragment(list()|binary()) -> list() | binary().
encode_fragment(Cs) ->
    encode(Cs, fun is_fragment/1).

%% Helper funtions for percent-decode
decode(<<$%,C0,C1,Cs/binary>>, Fun, Acc) ->
    case is_hex_digit(C0) andalso is_hex_digit(C1) of
        true ->
            B = ?HEX2DEC(C0)*16+?HEX2DEC(C1),
            decode(Cs, Fun, <<Acc/binary, B>>);
        false -> throw({error,invalid_percent_encoding,<<$%,C0,C1>>})
decode(<<C,Cs/binary>>, Fun, Acc) ->
    case Fun(C) of
        true -> decode(Cs, Fun, <<Acc/binary, C>>);
        false -> throw({error,invalid_percent_encoding,<<C,Cs/binary>>})
decode(<<>>, _Fun, Acc) ->

%% Check if char is allowed in host
-spec is_host(char()) -> boolean().
is_host($:) -> true;
is_host(Char) -> is_unreserved(Char) orelse is_sub_delim(Char).

%% Check if char is allowed in path
-spec is_path(char()) -> boolean().
is_path($/) -> true;
is_path(Char) -> is_pchar(Char).

%% Helper functions for percent-encode
-spec encode(list()|binary(), fun()) -> list() | binary().
encode(Component, Fun) when is_list(Component) ->
    B = unicode:characters_to_binary(Component),
    unicode:characters_to_list(encode(B, Fun, <<>>));
encode(Component, Fun) when is_binary(Component) ->
    encode(Component, Fun, <<>>).
encode(<<Char/utf8, Rest/binary>>, Fun, Acc) ->
    C = encode_codepoint_binary(Char, Fun),
    encode(Rest, Fun, <<Acc/binary,C/binary>>);
encode(<<Char, Rest/binary>>, _Fun, _Acc) ->
encode(<<>>, _Fun, Acc) ->

-spec encode_codepoint_binary(integer(), fun()) -> binary().
encode_codepoint_binary(C, Fun) ->
    case Fun(C) of
        false -> percent_encode_binary(C);
        true -> <<C>>

-spec percent_encode_binary(integer()) -> binary().
percent_encode_binary(Code) ->
    percent_encode_binary(<<Code/utf8>>, <<>>).

percent_encode_binary(<<A:4,B:4,Rest/binary>>, Acc) ->
    percent_encode_binary(Rest, <<Acc/binary,$%,(?DEC2HEX(A)),(?DEC2HEX(B))>>);
percent_encode_binary(<<>>, Acc) ->

validate_scheme([]) -> true;
validate_scheme([H|T]) ->
    case is_scheme(H) of
        true -> validate_scheme(T);
        false -> false
validate_scheme(<<>>) -> true;
validate_scheme(<<H, Rest/binary>>) ->
    case is_scheme(H) of
        true -> validate_scheme(Rest);
        false -> false

%% Classifies hostname into the following categories:
%% regname, ipv4 - address does not contain reserved characters to be
%%           percent-encoded
%% ipv6 - address does not contain reserved characters but it shall be
%%        encolsed in brackets
%% other - address shall be percent-encoded
classify_host([]) -> other;
classify_host(Addr) when is_binary(Addr) ->
    A = unicode:characters_to_list(Addr),
classify_host(Addr) ->

classify_host_ipv6(Addr) ->
    case is_ipv6_address(Addr) of
        true -> ipv6;
        false -> classify_host_ipv4(Addr)

classify_host_ipv4(Addr) ->
    case is_ipv4_address(Addr) of
        true -> ipv4;
        false -> classify_host_regname(Addr)

classify_host_regname([]) -> regname;
classify_host_regname([H|T]) ->
    case is_reg_name(H) of
        true -> classify_host_regname(T);
        false -> other

is_ipv4_address(Addr) ->
    case inet:parse_ipv4strict_address(Addr) of
        {ok, _} -> true;
        {error, _} -> false

is_ipv6_address(Addr) ->
    case inet:parse_ipv6strict_address(Addr) of
        {ok, _} -> true;
        {error, _} -> false

bracket_ipv6(Addr) when is_binary(Addr) ->
bracket_ipv6(Addr) when is_list(Addr) ->
    [$[|Addr] ++ "]".

%% Helper funtions for recompose

%% Checks if input Map has valid combination of fields that can be
%% recomposed into a URI.
%% It filters out the following combinations from the set of all possible
%% values:
%%   - <no-userinfo> <no-host> port
%%     E.g. ":8080" - invalid URI
%%   - userinfo <no-host> <no-port>
%%     E.g. "//user@" - invalid URI
%%   - userinfo <no-host> port
%%     E.g. "//user@:8080" => #{host => [],port => 8080,userinfo => "user"}
%%     There is always at least an empty host when both userinfo and port
%%     are present.
%%   - #{path => "///"} otherwise the following would be true:
%%     "/////" = uri_string:recompose(#{host => "", path => "///"})
%%     "/////" = uri_string:recompose(#{path => "/////"})
%%     AND
%%     path-absolute = "/" [ segment-nz *( "/" segment ) ]
is_valid_map(Map) ->
        ((not maps:is_key(userinfo, Map) andalso
         not maps:is_key(host, Map) andalso
         maps:is_key(port, Map))
        (maps:is_key(userinfo, Map) andalso
         not maps:is_key(host, Map) andalso
         not maps:is_key(port, Map))
        (maps:is_key(userinfo, Map) andalso
         not maps:is_key(host, Map) andalso
         maps:is_key(port, Map))) orelse
        not maps:is_key(path, Map) orelse
        not is_host_and_path_valid(Map) orelse
        true ->
        false ->

invalid_field_present(Map) ->
    Fun = fun(K, _, AccIn) -> AccIn orelse
                                      ((K =/= scheme) andalso (K =/= userinfo)
                                       andalso (K =/= host) andalso (K =/= port)
                                       andalso (K =/= path) andalso (K =/= query)
                                       andalso (K =/= fragment))
    maps:fold(Fun, false, Map).

is_host_and_path_valid(Map) ->
    Host = maps:get(host, Map, undefined),
    Path = maps:get(path, Map, undefined),
    not (Host =:= undefined andalso starts_with_two_slash(Path)).

starts_with_two_slash([$/,$/|_]) ->
starts_with_two_slash(?STRING_REST("//", _)) ->
starts_with_two_slash(_) -> false.

update_scheme(#{scheme := Scheme}, _) ->
update_scheme(#{}, _) ->

update_userinfo(#{userinfo := Userinfo}, empty) ->
update_userinfo(#{userinfo := Userinfo}, URI) ->
update_userinfo(#{}, empty) ->
update_userinfo(#{}, URI) ->

update_host(#{host := Host}, empty) ->
update_host(#{host := Host} = Map, URI) ->
    concat(URI,add_host_prefix(Map, encode_host(Host)));
update_host(#{}, empty) ->
update_host(#{}, URI) ->

%% URI cannot be empty for ports. E.g. ":8080" is not a valid URI
update_port(#{port := undefined}, URI) ->
    concat(URI, <<":">>);
update_port(#{port := Port}, URI) ->
update_port(#{}, URI) ->

update_path(#{path := Path}, empty) ->
update_path(#{path := Path}, URI) ->
update_path(#{}, empty) ->
update_path(#{}, URI) ->

update_query(#{query := Query}, empty) ->
update_query(#{query := Query}, URI) ->
update_query(#{}, empty) ->
update_query(#{}, URI) ->

update_fragment(#{fragment := Fragment}, empty) ->
update_fragment(#{fragment := Fragment}, URI) ->
update_fragment(#{}, empty) ->
update_fragment(#{}, URI) ->

%% Concatenates its arguments that can be lists and binaries.
%% The result is a list if at least one of its argument is a list and
%% binary otherwise.
concat(A, B) when is_binary(A), is_binary(B) ->
    <<A/binary, B/binary>>;
concat(A, B) when is_binary(A), is_list(B) ->
    unicode:characters_to_list(A) ++ B;
concat(A, B) when is_list(A) ->
    A ++ maybe_to_list(B).

add_hashmark(Comp) when is_binary(Comp) ->
    <<$#, Comp/binary>>;
add_hashmark(Comp) when is_list(Comp) ->

add_question_mark(Comp) when is_binary(Comp) ->
    <<$?, Comp/binary>>;
add_question_mark(Comp) when is_list(Comp) ->

add_colon(Comp) when is_binary(Comp) ->
    <<$:, Comp/binary>>.

add_colon_postfix(Comp) when is_binary(Comp) ->
add_colon_postfix(Comp) when is_list(Comp) ->
    Comp ++ ":".

add_auth_prefix(Comp) when is_binary(Comp) ->
    <<"//", Comp/binary>>;
add_auth_prefix(Comp) when is_list(Comp) ->

add_host_prefix(#{userinfo := _}, Host) when is_binary(Host) ->
add_host_prefix(#{}, Host) when is_binary(Host) ->
add_host_prefix(#{userinfo := _}, Host) when is_list(Host) ->
add_host_prefix(#{}, Host) when is_list(Host) ->

maybe_to_list(Comp) when is_binary(Comp) -> unicode:characters_to_list(Comp);
maybe_to_list(Comp) -> Comp.

encode_port(Port) ->

%% Helper functions for transcode

%% uri_string:transcode(<<"x%00%00%00%F6"/utf32>>).
%% 1. Convert (transcode/2) input to list form (list of unicode codepoints)
%%    "x%00%00%00%F6"
%% 2. Accumulate characters until percent-encoded segment (transcode/4).
%%    Acc = "x"
%% 3. Convert percent-encoded triplets to binary form (transcode_pct/4)
%%    <<0,0,0,246>>
%% 4. Transcode in-encoded binary to out-encoding (utf32 -> utf8):
%%    <<195,182>>
%% 5. Percent-encode out-encoded binary:
%%    <<"%C3%B6"/utf8>> = <<37,67,51,37,66,54>>
%% 6. Convert binary to list form, reverse it and append the accumulator
%%    "6B%3C%" + "x"
%% 7. Reverse Acc and return it
transcode([$%,_C0,_C1|_Rest] = L, Acc, InEnc, OutEnc) ->
    transcode_pct(L, Acc, <<>>, InEnc, OutEnc);
transcode([_C|_Rest] = L, Acc, InEnc, OutEnc) ->
    transcode(L, Acc, [], InEnc, OutEnc).
transcode([$%,_C0,_C1|_Rest] = L, Acc, List, InEncoding, OutEncoding) ->
    transcode_pct(L, List ++ Acc, <<>>, InEncoding, OutEncoding);
transcode([C|Rest], Acc, List, InEncoding, OutEncoding) ->
    transcode(Rest, Acc, [C|List], InEncoding, OutEncoding);
transcode([], Acc, List, _InEncoding, _OutEncoding) ->
    lists:reverse(List ++ Acc).

%% Transcode percent-encoded segment
transcode_pct([$%,C0,C1|Rest] = L, Acc, B, InEncoding, OutEncoding) ->
    case is_hex_digit(C0) andalso is_hex_digit(C1) of
        true ->
            Int = ?HEX2DEC(C0)*16+?HEX2DEC(C1),
            transcode_pct(Rest, Acc, <<B/binary, Int>>, InEncoding, OutEncoding);
        false -> throw({error, invalid_percent_encoding,L})
transcode_pct([_C|_Rest] = L, Acc, B, InEncoding, OutEncoding) ->
    OutBinary = convert_binary(B, InEncoding, OutEncoding),
    PctEncUtf8 = percent_encode_segment(OutBinary),
    Out = lists:reverse(convert_list(PctEncUtf8, utf8)),
    transcode(L, Out ++ Acc, [], InEncoding, OutEncoding);
transcode_pct([], Acc, B, InEncoding, OutEncoding) ->
    OutBinary = convert_binary(B, InEncoding, OutEncoding),
    PctEncUtf8 = percent_encode_segment(OutBinary),
    Out = convert_list(PctEncUtf8, utf8),
    lists:reverse(Acc) ++ Out.

%% Convert to binary
convert_binary(Binary, InEncoding, OutEncoding) ->
    case unicode:characters_to_binary(Binary, InEncoding, OutEncoding) of
        {error, _List, RestData} ->
            throw({error, invalid_input, RestData});
        {incomplete, _List, RestData} ->
            throw({error, invalid_input, RestData});
        Result ->

%% Convert to list
convert_list(Binary, InEncoding) ->
    case unicode:characters_to_list(Binary, InEncoding) of
        {error, _List, RestData} ->
            throw({error, invalid_input, RestData});
        {incomplete, _List, RestData} ->
            throw({error, invalid_input, RestData});
        Result ->

%% Flatten input list
flatten_list([], _) ->
flatten_list(L, InEnc) ->
    flatten_list(L, InEnc, []).
flatten_list([H|T], InEnc, Acc) when is_binary(H) ->
    L = convert_list(H, InEnc),
    flatten_list(T, InEnc, lists:reverse(L) ++ Acc);
flatten_list([H|T], InEnc, Acc) when is_list(H) ->
    flatten_list(H ++ T, InEnc, Acc);
flatten_list([H|T], InEnc, Acc) ->
    flatten_list(T, InEnc, [H|Acc]);
flatten_list([], _InEnc, Acc) ->
flatten_list(Arg, _, _) ->
    throw({error, invalid_input, Arg}).

percent_encode_segment(Segment) ->
    percent_encode_binary(Segment, <<>>).

%% Helper functions for compose_query

%% Returns separator to be used between key-value pairs
get_separator(_, L) when length(L) =:= 0 ->
get_separator([], _L) ->
get_separator([{separator, amp}], _L) ->
get_separator([{separator, escaped_amp}], _L) ->
get_separator([{separator, semicolon}], _L) ->

%% Form-urlencode input based on RFC 1866 [8.2.1]
form_urlencode(Cs) when is_list(Cs) ->
    B = convert_binary(Cs, utf8, utf8),
    form_urlencode(B, <<>>);
form_urlencode(Cs) ->
    form_urlencode(Cs, <<>>).
form_urlencode(<<>>, Acc) ->
form_urlencode(<<$ ,T/binary>>, Acc) ->
    form_urlencode(T, <<Acc/binary,$+>>);
form_urlencode(<<H/utf8,T/binary>>, Acc) ->
    case is_url_char(H) of
        true ->
            form_urlencode(T, <<Acc/binary,H>>);
        false ->
            E = percent_encode_binary(H),
            form_urlencode(T, <<Acc/binary,E/binary>>)
form_urlencode(<<H,_T/binary>>, _Acc) ->
form_urlencode(H, _Acc) ->
    throw({error,invalid_input, H}).

%% Return true if input char can appear in URL according to
%% RFC 1738 "Uniform Resource Locators".
  when 0 =< C, C =< 31;
       128 =< C, C =< 255 -> false;
is_url_char(127) -> false;
is_url_char(C) ->
    not (is_reserved(C) orelse is_unsafe(C)).

%% Reserved characters (RFC 1738)
is_reserved($;) -> true;
is_reserved($/) -> true;
is_reserved($?) -> true;
is_reserved($:) -> true;
is_reserved($@) -> true;
is_reserved($=) -> true;
is_reserved($&) -> true;
is_reserved(_) -> false.

%% Unsafe characters (RFC 1738)
is_unsafe(${) -> true;
is_unsafe($}) -> true;
is_unsafe($|) -> true;
is_unsafe($\\) -> true;
is_unsafe($^) -> true;
is_unsafe($~) -> true;
is_unsafe($[) -> true;
is_unsafe($]) -> true;
is_unsafe($`) -> true;
is_unsafe(_) -> false.

%% Helper functions for dissect_query
dissect_query_key(<<$=,T/binary>>, IsList, Acc, Key, Value) ->
    dissect_query_value(T, IsList, Acc, Key, Value);
dissect_query_key(<<H,T/binary>>, IsList, Acc, Key, Value) ->
    dissect_query_key(T, IsList, Acc, <<Key/binary,H>>, Value);
dissect_query_key(B, _, _, _, _) ->
    throw({error, missing_value, B}).

dissect_query_value(<<$&,_/binary>> = B, IsList, Acc, Key, Value) ->
    K = form_urldecode(IsList, Key),
    V = form_urldecode(IsList, Value),
    dissect_query_separator_amp(B, IsList, [{K,V}|Acc], <<>>, <<>>);
dissect_query_value(<<$;,_/binary>> = B, IsList, Acc, Key, Value) ->
    K = form_urldecode(IsList, Key),
    V = form_urldecode(IsList, Value),
    dissect_query_separator_semicolon(B, IsList, [{K,V}|Acc], <<>>, <<>>);
dissect_query_value(<<H,T/binary>>, IsList, Acc, Key, Value) ->
    dissect_query_value(T, IsList, Acc, Key, <<Value/binary,H>>);
dissect_query_value(<<>>, IsList, Acc, Key, Value) ->
    K = form_urldecode(IsList, Key),
    V = form_urldecode(IsList, Value),

dissect_query_separator_amp(<<"&amp;",T/binary>>, IsList, Acc, Key, Value) ->
    dissect_query_key(T, IsList, Acc, Key, Value);
dissect_query_separator_amp(<<$&,T/binary>>, IsList, Acc, Key, Value) ->
    dissect_query_key(T, IsList, Acc, Key, Value).

dissect_query_separator_semicolon(<<$;,T/binary>>, IsList, Acc, Key, Value) ->
    dissect_query_key(T, IsList, Acc, Key, Value).

%% Form-urldecode input based on RFC 1866 [8.2.1]
form_urldecode(true, B) ->
    Result = form_urldecode(B, <<>>),
    convert_list(Result, utf8);
form_urldecode(false, B) ->
    form_urldecode(B, <<>>);
form_urldecode(<<>>, Acc) ->
form_urldecode(<<$+,T/binary>>, Acc) ->
    form_urldecode(T, <<Acc/binary,$ >>);
form_urldecode(<<$%,C0,C1,T/binary>>, Acc) ->
    case is_hex_digit(C0) andalso is_hex_digit(C1) of
        true ->
            V = ?HEX2DEC(C0)*16+?HEX2DEC(C1),
            form_urldecode(T, <<Acc/binary, V>>);
        false ->
            L = convert_list(<<$%,C0,C1,T/binary>>, utf8),
            throw({error, invalid_percent_encoding, L})
form_urldecode(<<H/utf8,T/binary>>, Acc) ->
    case is_url_char(H) of
        true ->
            form_urldecode(T, <<Acc/binary,H>>);
        false ->
            throw({error, invalid_character, [H]})
form_urldecode(<<H,_/binary>>, _Acc) ->
    throw({error, invalid_character, [H]}).

%% Helper functions for normalize

%% RFC 3986
%% Path Segment Normalization
%% 5.2.4.   Remove Dot Segments
normalize_path_segment(Map) ->
    Path = maps:get(path, Map, undefined),
    Map#{path => remove_dot_segments(Path)}.

remove_dot_segments(Path) when is_binary(Path) ->
    remove_dot_segments(Path, <<>>);
remove_dot_segments(Path) when is_list(Path) ->
    B = convert_binary(Path, utf8, utf8),
    B1 = remove_dot_segments(B, <<>>),
    convert_list(B1, utf8).
remove_dot_segments(<<>>, Output) ->
remove_dot_segments(<<"../",T/binary>>, Output) ->
    remove_dot_segments(T, Output);
remove_dot_segments(<<"./",T/binary>>, Output) ->
    remove_dot_segments(T, Output);
remove_dot_segments(<<"/./",T/binary>>, Output) ->
    remove_dot_segments(<<$/,T/binary>>, Output);
remove_dot_segments(<<"/.">>, Output) ->
    remove_dot_segments(<<$/>>, Output);
remove_dot_segments(<<"/../",T/binary>>, Output) ->
    Out1 = remove_last_segment(Output),
    remove_dot_segments(<<$/,T/binary>>, Out1);
remove_dot_segments(<<"/..">>, Output) ->
    Out1 = remove_last_segment(Output),
    remove_dot_segments(<<$/>>, Out1);
remove_dot_segments(<<$.>>, Output) ->
    remove_dot_segments(<<>>, Output);
remove_dot_segments(<<"..">>, Output) ->
    remove_dot_segments(<<>>, Output);
remove_dot_segments(Input, Output) ->
    {First, Rest} = first_path_segment(Input),
    remove_dot_segments(Rest, <<Output/binary,First/binary>>).

first_path_segment(Input) ->
    F = first_path_segment(Input, <<>>),
    split_binary(Input, byte_size(F)).
first_path_segment(<<$/,T/binary>>, Acc) ->
    first_path_segment_end(<<T/binary>>, <<Acc/binary,$/>>);
first_path_segment(<<C,T/binary>>, Acc) ->
    first_path_segment_end(<<T/binary>>, <<Acc/binary,C>>).

first_path_segment_end(<<>>, Acc) ->
first_path_segment_end(<<$/,_/binary>>, Acc) ->
first_path_segment_end(<<C,T/binary>>, Acc) ->
    first_path_segment_end(<<T/binary>>, <<Acc/binary,C>>).

remove_last_segment(<<>>) ->
remove_last_segment(B) ->
    {Init, Last} = split_binary(B, byte_size(B) - 1),
    case Last of
        <<$/>> ->
        _Char ->

%% RFC 3986, 6.2.3.  Scheme-Based Normalization
normalize_scheme_based(Map) ->
    Scheme = maps:get(scheme, Map, undefined),
    Port = maps:get(port, Map, undefined),
    Path= maps:get(path, Map, undefined),
    case Scheme of
        "http" ->
            normalize_http(Map, Port, Path);
        <<"http">> ->
            normalize_http(Map, Port, Path);
        "https" ->
            normalize_https(Map, Port, Path);
        <<"https">> ->
            normalize_https(Map, Port, Path);
        "ftp" ->
            normalize_ftp(Map, Port);
        <<"ftp">> ->
            normalize_ftp(Map, Port);
        "ssh" ->
            normalize_ssh_sftp(Map, Port);
        <<"ssh">> ->
            normalize_ssh_sftp(Map, Port);
        "sftp" ->
            normalize_ssh_sftp(Map, Port);
        <<"sftp">> ->
            normalize_ssh_sftp(Map, Port);
        "tftp" ->
            normalize_tftp(Map, Port);
        <<"tftp">> ->
            normalize_tftp(Map, Port);
        _Else -> Map

normalize_http(Map, Port, Path) ->
    M1 = normalize_port(Map, Port, 80),
    normalize_http_path(M1, Path).

normalize_https(Map, Port, Path) ->
    M1 = normalize_port(Map, Port, 443),
    normalize_http_path(M1, Path).

normalize_ftp(Map, Port) ->
    normalize_port(Map, Port, 21).

normalize_ssh_sftp(Map, Port) ->
    normalize_port(Map, Port, 22).

normalize_tftp(Map, Port) ->
    normalize_port(Map, Port, 69).

normalize_port(Map, Port, Default) ->
    case Port of
        Default ->
            maps:remove(port, Map);
        _Else ->

normalize_http_path(Map, Path) ->
    case Path of
        "" ->
            Map#{path => "/"};
        <<>> ->
            Map#{path => <<"/">>};
        _Else ->