%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1997-2011. All Rights Reserved.
%% The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
%% retrieved online at http://www.erlang.org/.
%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
%% under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
%-define(debug, true).
-define(format(S, A), io:format(S, A)).
-define(line, put(line, ?LINE), ).
-define(config(X,Y), "./log_dir/").
-define(privdir, "beam_lib_SUITE_priv").
-define(format(S, A), ok).
-define(privdir, ?config(priv_dir, Conf)).
-export([all/0, suite/0,groups/0,init_per_suite/1, end_per_suite/1,
normal/1, error/1, cmp/1, cmp_literals/1, strip/1, otp_6711/1,
building/1, md5/1, encrypted_abstr/1, encrypted_abstr_file/1]).
-export([init_per_testcase/2, end_per_testcase/2]).
suite() -> [{ct_hooks,[ts_install_cth]}].
all() ->
[error, normal, cmp, cmp_literals, strip, otp_6711,
building, md5, encrypted_abstr, encrypted_abstr_file].
groups() ->
init_per_suite(Config) ->
end_per_suite(_Config) ->
init_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
end_per_group(_GroupName, Config) ->
init_per_testcase(_Case, Config) ->
[{watchdog, Dog}|Config].
end_per_testcase(_Case, Config) ->
Dog=?config(watchdog, Config),
normal(suite) -> [];
normal(doc) -> ["Read correct beam file"];
normal(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
?line PrivDir = ?privdir,
?line Simple = filename:join(PrivDir, "simple"),
?line Source = Simple ++ ".erl",
?line BeamFile = Simple ++ ".beam",
?line simple_file(Source),
?line NoOfTables = length(ets:all()),
?line P0 = pps(),
CompileFlags = [{outdir,PrivDir}, debug_info],
?line {ok,_} = compile:file(Source, CompileFlags),
?line {ok, Binary} = file:read_file(BeamFile),
?line do_normal(BeamFile),
?line do_normal(Binary),
?line {ok,_} = compile:file(Source, [{outdir,PrivDir}, no_debug_info]),
?line {ok, {simple, [{abstract_code, no_abstract_code}]}} =
beam_lib:chunks(BeamFile, [abstract_code]),
%% ?line {ok,_} = compile:file(Source, [compressed | CompileFlags]),
%% ?line do_normal(BeamFile),
?line file:delete(BeamFile),
?line file:delete(Source),
?line NoOfTables = length(ets:all()),
?line true = (P0 == pps()),
do_normal(BeamFile) ->
?line Imports = {imports, [{erlang, get_module_info, 1},
{erlang, get_module_info, 2},
{lists, member, 2}]},
?line Exports = {exports, [{module_info, 0}, {module_info, 1}, {t, 0}]},
?line Local = {locals, [{t, 1}]},
?line {ok, {simple, [Imports]}} = beam_lib:chunks(BeamFile, [imports]),
?line {ok, {simple, [{"ImpT",_Bin}]}} =
beam_lib:chunks(BeamFile, ["ImpT"]),
?line {ok, {simple, [Exports]}} = beam_lib:chunks(BeamFile, [exports]),
?line {ok, {simple, [{attributes, [{vsn, [_]}]}]}} =
beam_lib:chunks(BeamFile, [attributes]),
?line {ok, {simple, [{compile_info, _}=CompileInfo]}} =
beam_lib:chunks(BeamFile, [compile_info]),
?line {ok, {simple, [Local]}} = beam_lib:chunks(BeamFile, [locals]),
?line {ok, {simple, [{attributes, [{vsn, [_]}]}, CompileInfo,
Exports, Imports, Local]}} =
beam_lib:chunks(BeamFile, [attributes, compile_info, exports, imports, locals]),
?line {ok, {simple, [{atoms, _Atoms}]}} =
beam_lib:chunks(BeamFile, [atoms]),
?line {ok, {simple, [{labeled_exports, _LExports}]}} =
beam_lib:chunks(BeamFile, [labeled_exports]),
?line {ok, {simple, [{labeled_locals, _LLocals}]}} =
beam_lib:chunks(BeamFile, [labeled_locals]),
?line {ok, {simple, [_Vsn]}} = beam_lib:version(BeamFile),
?line {ok, {simple, [{abstract_code, _}]}} =
beam_lib:chunks(BeamFile, [abstract_code]),
%% Test reading optional chunks.
All = ["Atom", "Code", "StrT", "ImpT", "ExpT", "FunT", "LitT"],
?line {ok,{simple,Chunks}} = beam_lib:chunks(BeamFile, All, [allow_missing_chunks]),
?line verify_simple(Chunks).
verify_simple([{"Atom", AtomBin},
{"Code", CodeBin},
{"StrT", StrBin},
{"ImpT", ImpBin},
{"ExpT", ExpBin},
{"FunT", missing_chunk},
{"LitT", missing_chunk}])
when is_binary(AtomBin), is_binary(CodeBin), is_binary(StrBin),
is_binary(ImpBin), is_binary(ExpBin) ->
error(suite) -> [];
error(doc) -> ["Read invalid beam files"];
error(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
?line PrivDir = ?privdir,
?line Simple = filename:join(PrivDir, "simple"),
?line Source = Simple ++ ".erl",
?line BeamFile = Simple ++ ".beam",
?line WrongFile = Simple ++ "foo.beam",
?line simple_file(Source),
?line NoOfTables = length(ets:all()),
?line P0 = pps(),
?line {ok,_} = compile:file(Source, [{outdir,PrivDir},debug_info]),
?line ACopy = filename:join(PrivDir, "a_copy.beam"),
?line copy_file(BeamFile, ACopy),
?line {ok, Binary} = file:read_file(BeamFile),
?line copy_file(ACopy, WrongFile),
?line verify(file_error, beam_lib:info("./does_simply_not_exist")),
?line do_error(BeamFile, ACopy),
?line do_error(Binary, ACopy),
?line copy_file(ACopy, BeamFile),
?line verify(unknown_chunk, beam_lib:chunks(BeamFile, [not_a_chunk])),
?line ok = file:write_file(BeamFile, <<>>),
?line verify(not_a_beam_file, beam_lib:info(BeamFile)),
?line verify(not_a_beam_file, beam_lib:info(<<>>)),
?line ok = file:write_file(BeamFile, <<"short">>),
?line verify(not_a_beam_file, beam_lib:info(BeamFile)),
?line verify(not_a_beam_file, beam_lib:info(<<"short">>)),
?line {Binary1, _} = split_binary(Binary, byte_size(Binary)-10),
LastChunk = last_chunk(Binary),
?line verify(chunk_too_big, beam_lib:chunks(Binary1, [LastChunk])),
?line Chunks = chunk_info(Binary),
?line {value, {_, AbstractStart, _}} = lists:keysearch("Abst", 1, Chunks),
?line {Binary2, _} = split_binary(Binary, AbstractStart),
?line verify(chunk_too_big, beam_lib:chunks(Binary2, ["Abst"])),
?line {Binary3, _} = split_binary(Binary, AbstractStart-4),
?line verify(invalid_beam_file, beam_lib:chunks(Binary3, ["Abst"])),
%% Instead of the 5:32 field below, there used to be control characters
%% (including zero bytes) directly in the string. Because inferior programs
%% such as sed and clearcasediff don't like zero bytes in text files,
%% we have eliminated them.
?line ok = file:write_file(BeamFile, <<"FOR1",5:32,"BEAMfel">>),
% ?line verify(invalid_beam_file, beam_lib:info(BeamFile)),
% ?line verify(invalid_beam_file, beam_lib:info(<<"FOR1",5:32,"BEAMfel">>)),
?line NoOfTables = length(ets:all()),
?line true = (P0 == pps()),
?line file:delete(Source),
?line file:delete(WrongFile),
?line file:delete(BeamFile),
?line file:delete(ACopy),
last_chunk(Bin) ->
L = beam_lib:info(Bin),
{chunks,Chunks} = lists:keyfind(chunks, 1, L),
{Last,_,_} = lists:last(Chunks),
do_error(BeamFile, ACopy) ->
% evil tests
?line Chunks = chunk_info(BeamFile),
?line {value, {_, AtomStart, _}} = lists:keysearch("Atom", 1, Chunks),
?line {value, {_, ImportStart, _}} = lists:keysearch("ImpT", 1, Chunks),
?line {value, {_, AbstractStart, _}} = lists:keysearch("Abst", 1, Chunks),
?line {value, {_, AttributesStart, _}} =
lists:keysearch("Attr", 1, Chunks),
?line {value, {_, CompileInfoStart, _}} =
lists:keysearch("CInf", 1, Chunks),
?line verify(missing_chunk, beam_lib:chunks(BeamFile, ["__"])),
?line BF2 = set_byte(ACopy, BeamFile, ImportStart+4, 17),
?line verify(invalid_chunk, beam_lib:chunks(BF2, [imports])),
?line BF3 = set_byte(ACopy, BeamFile, AtomStart-6, 17),
?line verify(missing_chunk, beam_lib:chunks(BF3, [imports])),
?line BF4 = set_byte(ACopy, BeamFile, AbstractStart+10, 17),
?line verify(invalid_chunk, beam_lib:chunks(BF4, [abstract_code])),
?line BF5 = set_byte(ACopy, BeamFile, AttributesStart+10, 17),
?line verify(invalid_chunk, beam_lib:chunks(BF5, [attributes])),
?line BF6 = set_byte(ACopy, BeamFile, 1, 17),
?line verify(not_a_beam_file, beam_lib:info(BF6)),
?line BF7 = set_byte(ACopy, BeamFile, 9, 17),
?line verify(not_a_beam_file, beam_lib:info(BF7)),
?line BF8 = set_byte(ACopy, BeamFile, 13, 17),
?line verify(missing_chunk, beam_lib:chunks(BF8, ["Atom"])),
?line BF9 = set_byte(ACopy, BeamFile, CompileInfoStart+10, 17),
?line verify(invalid_chunk, beam_lib:chunks(BF9, [compile_info])).
cmp(suite) -> [];
cmp(doc) -> ["Compare contents of BEAM files and directories"];
cmp(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
?line PrivDir = ?privdir,
?line Dir1 = filename:join(PrivDir, "dir1"),
?line Dir2 = filename:join(PrivDir, "dir2"),
ok = file:make_dir(Dir1),
ok = file:make_dir(Dir2),
?line {SourceD1, BeamFileD1} = make_beam(Dir1, simple, member),
?line {Source2D1, BeamFile2D1} = make_beam(Dir1, simple2, concat),
?line {SourceD2, BeamFileD2} = make_beam(Dir2, simple, concat),
?line NoOfTables = length(ets:all()),
?line P0 = pps(),
%% cmp
?line ok = beam_lib:cmp(BeamFileD1, BeamFileD1),
?line ver(modules_different, beam_lib:cmp(BeamFileD1, BeamFile2D1)),
?line ver(chunks_different, beam_lib:cmp(BeamFileD1, BeamFileD2)),
?line verify(file_error, beam_lib:cmp(foo, bar)),
?line {ok, B1} = file:read_file(BeamFileD1),
?line ok = beam_lib:cmp(B1, BeamFileD1),
?line {ok, B2} = file:read_file(BeamFileD2),
?line ver(chunks_different, beam_lib:cmp(B1, B2)),
%% cmp_dirs
?line {[],[],[]} = beam_lib:cmp_dirs(Dir1, Dir1),
?line true = {[BeamFile2D1], [], [{BeamFileD1,BeamFileD2}]} ==
beam_lib:cmp_dirs(Dir1, Dir2),
?line true = {[], [BeamFile2D1], [{BeamFileD2,BeamFileD1}]} ==
beam_lib:cmp_dirs(Dir2, Dir1),
?line ver(not_a_directory, beam_lib:cmp_dirs(foo, bar)),
%% diff_dirs
?line ok = beam_lib:diff_dirs(Dir1, Dir1),
?line ver(not_a_directory, beam_lib:diff_dirs(foo, bar)),
?line true = (P0 == pps()),
?line NoOfTables = length(ets:all()),
?line delete_files([SourceD1, BeamFileD1, Source2D1,
BeamFile2D1, SourceD2, BeamFileD2]),
cmp_literals(suite) -> [];
cmp_literals(doc) -> ["Compare contents of BEAM files having literals"];
cmp_literals(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
?line PrivDir = ?privdir,
?line Dir1 = filename:join(PrivDir, "dir1"),
?line Dir2 = filename:join(PrivDir, "dir2"),
ok = file:make_dir(Dir1),
ok = file:make_dir(Dir2),
?line {SourceD1, BeamFileD1} = make_beam(Dir1, simple, constant),
?line {SourceD2, BeamFileD2} = make_beam(Dir2, simple, constant2),
?line NoOfTables = length(ets:all()),
?line P0 = pps(),
%% cmp
?line ok = beam_lib:cmp(BeamFileD1, BeamFileD1),
?line ver(chunks_different, beam_lib:cmp(BeamFileD1, BeamFileD2)),
?line {ok, B1} = file:read_file(BeamFileD1),
?line ok = beam_lib:cmp(B1, BeamFileD1),
?line {ok, B2} = file:read_file(BeamFileD2),
?line ver(chunks_different, beam_lib:cmp(B1, B2)),
?line true = (P0 == pps()),
?line NoOfTables = length(ets:all()),
?line delete_files([SourceD1, BeamFileD1, SourceD2, BeamFileD2]),
strip(suite) -> [];
strip(doc) -> ["Strip BEAM files"];
strip(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
?line PrivDir = ?privdir,
?line {SourceD1, BeamFileD1} = make_beam(PrivDir, simple, member),
?line {Source2D1, BeamFile2D1} = make_beam(PrivDir, simple2, concat),
?line {Source3D1, BeamFile3D1} = make_beam(PrivDir, make_fun, make_fun),
?line {Source4D1, BeamFile4D1} = make_beam(PrivDir, constant, constant),
?line {Source5D1, BeamFile5D1} = make_beam(PrivDir, lines, lines),
?line NoOfTables = length(ets:all()),
?line P0 = pps(),
%% strip binary
?line verify(not_a_beam_file, beam_lib:strip(<<>>)),
?line {ok, B1} = file:read_file(BeamFileD1),
?line {ok, {simple, NB1}} = beam_lib:strip(B1),
?line BId1 = chunk_ids(B1),
?line NBId1 = chunk_ids(NB1),
?line true = length(BId1) > length(NBId1),
?line compare_chunks(B1, NB1, NBId1),
%% strip file
?line verify(file_error, beam_lib:strip(foo)),
?line {ok, {simple, _}} = beam_lib:strip(BeamFileD1),
?line compare_chunks(NB1, BeamFileD1, NBId1),
%% strip_files
?line {ok, B2} = file:read_file(BeamFile2D1),
?line {ok, [{simple,_},{simple2,_}]} = beam_lib:strip_files([B1, B2]),
?line {ok, [{simple,_},{simple2,_},{make_fun,_},{constant,_}]} =
beam_lib:strip_files([BeamFileD1, BeamFile2D1, BeamFile3D1, BeamFile4D1]),
%% check that each module can be loaded.
?line {module, simple} = code:load_abs(filename:rootname(BeamFileD1)),
?line {module, simple2} = code:load_abs(filename:rootname(BeamFile2D1)),
?line {module, make_fun} = code:load_abs(filename:rootname(BeamFile3D1)),
?line {module, constant} = code:load_abs(filename:rootname(BeamFile4D1)),
%% check that line number information is still present after stripping
?line {module, lines} = code:load_abs(filename:rootname(BeamFile5D1)),
?line {'EXIT',{badarith,[{lines,t,1,Info}|_]}} =
(catch lines:t(atom)),
?line true = code:delete(lines),
?line false = code:purge(lines),
?line {ok, {lines,BeamFile5D1}} = beam_lib:strip(BeamFile5D1),
?line {module, lines} = code:load_abs(filename:rootname(BeamFile5D1)),
?line {'EXIT',{badarith,[{lines,t,1,Info}|_]}} =
(catch lines:t(atom)),
?line true = (P0 == pps()),
?line NoOfTables = length(ets:all()),
?line delete_files([SourceD1, BeamFileD1,
Source2D1, BeamFile2D1,
Source3D1, BeamFile3D1,
Source4D1, BeamFile4D1,
Source5D1, BeamFile5D1]),
otp_6711(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
?line {'EXIT',{function_clause,_}} = (catch {a, beam_lib:info(3)}),
?line {'EXIT',{function_clause,_}} = (catch {a, beam_lib:chunks(a, b)}),
?line {'EXIT',{function_clause,_}} = (catch {a, beam_lib:chunks(a,b,c)}),
?line {'EXIT',{function_clause,_}} = (catch {a, beam_lib:all_chunks(3)}),
?line {'EXIT',{function_clause,_}} = (catch {a, beam_lib:cmp(3,4)}),
?line {'EXIT',{function_clause,_}} = (catch {a, beam_lib:strip(3)}),
?line {'EXIT',{function_clause,_}} =
(catch {a, beam_lib:strip_files([3])}),
?line PrivDir = ?privdir,
?line Dir = filename:join(PrivDir, "dir"),
?line Lib = filename:join(Dir, "lib"),
?line App = filename:join(Lib, "app"),
?line EBin = filename:join(App, "ebin"),
ok = file:make_dir(Dir),
ok = file:make_dir(Lib),
ok = file:make_dir(App),
ok = file:make_dir(EBin),
?line {SourceD, BeamFileD} = make_beam(EBin, simple, member),
%% There is no way that strip_release can fail with
%% function_clause or something like that...
?line {error,_,{file_error,_,_}} = beam_lib:strip_release(Dir),
?line delete_files([SourceD, BeamFileD]),
unwritable(Fname) ->
{ok, Info} = file:read_file_info(Fname),
Mode = Info#file_info.mode - 8#00200,
file:write_file_info(Fname, Info#file_info{mode = Mode}).
building(doc) -> "Testing building of BEAM files.";
building(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
?line PrivDir = ?privdir,
?line Dir1 = filename:join(PrivDir, "b_dir1"),
?line Dir2 = filename:join(PrivDir, "b_dir2"),
ok = file:make_dir(Dir1),
ok = file:make_dir(Dir2),
?line {SourceD1, BeamFileD1} = make_beam(Dir1, building, member),
?line NoOfTables = length(ets:all()),
?line P0 = pps(),
%% read all chunks
?line ChunkIds = chunk_ids(BeamFileD1),
?line {ok, _Mod, Chunks} = beam_lib:all_chunks(BeamFileD1),
?line ChunkIds = lists:map(fun ({Id, Data}) when is_binary(Data) -> Id
end, Chunks),
%% write a new beam file, with reversed chunk order
?line BeamFileD2 = filename:join(Dir2, "building.beam"),
?line {ok,RevBeam} = beam_lib:build_module(lists:reverse(Chunks)),
?line file:write_file(BeamFileD2, RevBeam),
%% compare files
?line compare_chunks(BeamFileD1, BeamFileD2, ChunkIds),
%% test that we can retrieve a chunk before the atom table
%% (actually, try to retrieve all chunks)
?line lists:foreach(fun(Id) ->
{ok, {building, [{Id, _Data}]}} =
beam_lib:chunks(BeamFileD1, [Id])
end, ChunkIds),
?line lists:foreach(fun(Id) ->
{ok, {building, [{Id, _Data}]}} =
beam_lib:chunks(BeamFileD2, [Id])
end, ChunkIds),
?line true = (P0 == pps()),
?line NoOfTables = length(ets:all()),
?line delete_files([SourceD1, BeamFileD1, BeamFileD2]),
md5(suite) -> [];
md5(doc) -> ["Compare beam_lib:md5/1 and code:module_md5/1."];
md5(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
?line Beams = collect_beams(),
io:format("Found ~w beam files", [length(Beams)]),
md5_1([N|Ns]) ->
{ok,Beam0} = file:read_file(N),
Beam = maybe_uncompress(Beam0),
{ok,{Mod,MD5}} = beam_lib:md5(Beam),
{Mod,MD5} = {Mod,code:module_md5(Beam)},
md5_1([]) -> ok.
collect_beams() ->
SuperDir = filename:dirname(filename:dirname(code:which(?MODULE))),
TestDirs = filelib:wildcard(filename:join([SuperDir,"*_test"])),
AbsDirs = [filename:absname(X) || X <- code:get_path()],
collect_beams_1(AbsDirs ++ TestDirs).
collect_beams_1([Dir|Dirs]) ->
filelib:wildcard(filename:join(Dir, "*.beam")) ++ collect_beams_1(Dirs);
collect_beams_1([]) -> [].
maybe_uncompress(<<"FOR1",_/binary>>=Beam) -> Beam;
maybe_uncompress(Beam) -> zlib:gunzip(Beam).
encrypted_abstr(suite) -> [];
encrypted_abstr(doc) -> ["Test encrypted abstract format"];
encrypted_abstr(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
run_if_crypto_works(fun() -> encrypted_abstr_1(Conf) end).
encrypted_abstr_1(Conf) ->
?line PrivDir = ?privdir,
?line Simple = filename:join(PrivDir, "simple"),
?line Source = Simple ++ ".erl",
?line BeamFile = Simple ++ ".beam",
?line simple_file(Source),
%% Avoid getting an extra port when crypto starts erl_ddll.
?line erl_ddll:start(),
?line NoOfTables = length(ets:all()),
?line P0 = pps(),
Key = "#a_crypto_key",
CompileFlags = [{outdir,PrivDir}, debug_info, {debug_info_key,Key}],
?line {ok,_} = compile:file(Source, CompileFlags),
?line {ok, Binary} = file:read_file(BeamFile),
?line do_encrypted_abstr(BeamFile, Key),
?line do_encrypted_abstr(Binary, Key),
?line ok = crypto:stop(), %To get rid of extra ets tables.
?line file:delete(BeamFile),
?line file:delete(Source),
?line NoOfTables = length(ets:all()),
?line true = (P0 == pps()),
do_encrypted_abstr(Beam, Key) ->
?line verify(key_missing_or_invalid, beam_lib:chunks(Beam, [abstract_code])),
%% The raw chunk "Abst" can still be read even without a key.
?line {ok,{simple,[{"Abst",Abst}]}} = beam_lib:chunks(Beam, ["Abst"]),
?line <<0:8,8:8,"des3_cbc",_/binary>> = Abst,
%% Try som invalid funs.
?line bad_fun(badfun, fun() -> ok end),
?line bad_fun(badfun, {a,b}),
?line bad_fun(blurf),
?line {function_clause,_} = bad_fun(fun(glurf) -> ok end),
%% Funs that return something strange.
?line bad_fun(badfun, fun(init) -> {ok,fun() -> ok end} end),
?line glurf = bad_fun(fun(init) -> {error,glurf} end),
%% Try clearing (non-existing fun).
?line undefined = beam_lib:clear_crypto_key_fun(),
%% Install a fun which cannot retrieve a key.
?line ok = beam_lib:crypto_key_fun(fun(init) -> ok end),
?line {error,beam_lib,Error} = beam_lib:chunks(Beam, [abstract_code]),
%% Install a fun which returns an incorrect key.
?line {ok,_} = beam_lib:clear_crypto_key_fun(),
?line ok = beam_lib:crypto_key_fun(simple_crypto_fun("wrong key...")),
?line {error,beam_lib,Error} = beam_lib:chunks(Beam, [abstract_code]),
%% Installing a new key fun is not possible without clearing the old.
?line verify(exists, beam_lib:crypto_key_fun(simple_crypto_fun(Key))),
%% Install the simplest possible working key fun.
?line {ok,_} = beam_lib:clear_crypto_key_fun(),
?line ok = beam_lib:crypto_key_fun(simple_crypto_fun(Key)),
?line verify_abstract(Beam),
?line {ok,{simple,[{"Abst",Abst}]}} = beam_lib:chunks(Beam, ["Abst"]),
%% Installing a new key fun is not possible without clearing the old.
verify(exists, beam_lib:crypto_key_fun(ets_crypto_fun(Key))),
%% Install a key using an ets table.
?line {ok,_} = beam_lib:clear_crypto_key_fun(),
?line ok = beam_lib:crypto_key_fun(ets_crypto_fun(Key)),
?line verify_abstract(Beam),
?line {ok,{simple,[{"Abst",Abst}]}} = beam_lib:chunks(Beam, ["Abst"]),
?line {ok,cleared} = beam_lib:clear_crypto_key_fun(),
bad_fun(F) ->
{error,E} = beam_lib:crypto_key_fun(F),
bad_fun(S, F) ->
verify(S, beam_lib:crypto_key_fun(F)).
verify_abstract(Beam) ->
{ok,{simple,[Chunk]}} = beam_lib:chunks(Beam, [abstract_code]),
{abstract_code,{raw_abstract_v1,_}} = Chunk.
simple_crypto_fun(Key) ->
fun(init) -> ok;
({debug_info, des3_cbc, simple, _}) -> Key
ets_crypto_fun(Key) ->
fun(init) ->
T = ets:new(beam_lib_SUITE_keys, [private, set]),
true = ets:insert(T, {key,Key}),
{ok,fun({debug_info, des3_cbc, simple, _}) ->
[{key,Val}] = ets:lookup(T, key),
(clear) ->
encrypted_abstr_file(suite) -> [];
encrypted_abstr_file(doc) ->
["Test encrypted abstract format with the key in .erlang.crypt"];
encrypted_abstr_file(Conf) when is_list(Conf) ->
run_if_crypto_works(fun() -> encrypted_abstr_file_1(Conf) end).
encrypted_abstr_file_1(Conf) ->
?line PrivDir = ?privdir,
?line Simple = filename:join(PrivDir, "simple"),
?line Source = Simple ++ ".erl",
?line BeamFile = Simple ++ ".beam",
?line simple_file(Source),
%% Avoid getting an extra port when crypto starts erl_ddll.
?line erl_ddll:start(),
?line NoOfTables = length(ets:all()),
?line P0 = pps(),
Key = "Long And niCe 99Krypto Key",
CompileFlags = [{outdir,PrivDir}, debug_info, {debug_info_key,Key}],
?line {ok,_} = compile:file(Source, CompileFlags),
?line {ok, Binary} = file:read_file(BeamFile),
?line {ok,OldCwd} = file:get_cwd(),
?line ok = file:set_cwd(PrivDir),
?line do_encrypted_abstr_file(BeamFile, Key),
?line do_encrypted_abstr_file(Binary, Key),
?line ok = file:set_cwd(OldCwd),
?line ok = crypto:stop(), %To get rid of extra ets tables.
?line file:delete(filename:join(PrivDir, ".erlang.crypt")),
?line file:delete(BeamFile),
?line file:delete(Source),
?line NoOfTables = length(ets:all()),
?line true = (P0 == pps()),
do_encrypted_abstr_file(Beam, Key) ->
%% No key.
?line write_crypt_file(""),
?line {error,beam_lib,Error} = beam_lib:chunks(Beam, [abstract_code]),
%% A wrong key.
?line write_crypt_file(["[{debug_info,des3_cbc,simple,\"A Wrong Key\"}].\n"]),
?line {error,beam_lib,Error} = beam_lib:chunks(Beam, [abstract_code]),
%% Write correct key...
?line write_crypt_file(["[{debug_info,des3_cbc,simple,\"",Key,"\"}].\n"]),
%% ... but the fun with the wrong key is still there.
?line {error,beam_lib,Error} = beam_lib:chunks(Beam, [abstract_code]),
%% Clear the fun. Now it should work.
?line {ok,_} = beam_lib:clear_crypto_key_fun(),
?line verify_abstract(Beam),
?line verify_abstract(Beam),
?line ok = file:delete(".erlang.crypt"),
?line verify_abstract(Beam),
%% Clear, otherwise the second pass will fail.
?line {ok,_} = beam_lib:clear_crypto_key_fun(),
?line {error,beam_lib,Error} = beam_lib:chunks(Beam, [abstract_code]),
write_crypt_file(Contents0) ->
Contents = list_to_binary([Contents0]),
io:format("~s\n", [binary_to_list(Contents)]),
ok = file:write_file(".erlang.crypt", Contents).
compare_chunks(File1, File2, ChunkIds) ->
?line {ok, {_, Chunks1}} = beam_lib:chunks(File1, ChunkIds),
?line {ok, {_, Chunks2}} = beam_lib:chunks(File2, ChunkIds),
?line true = Chunks1 == Chunks2.
chunk_ids(File) ->
?line lists:map(fun({Id,_Start,_Size}) -> Id end, chunk_info(File)).
chunk_info(File) ->
?line {value, {chunks, Chunks}} =
lists:keysearch(chunks, 1, beam_lib:info(File)),
make_beam(Dir, Module, F) ->
?line FileBase = filename:join(Dir, atom_to_list(Module)),
?line Source = FileBase ++ ".erl",
?line BeamFile = FileBase ++ ".beam",
?line simple_file(Source, Module, F),
?line {ok, _} = compile:file(Source, [{outdir,Dir}, debug_info, report]),
{Source, BeamFile}.
set_byte(_Backup, Binary, Pos, Byte) when is_binary(Binary) ->
?line <<B1:Pos/binary, _:1/binary, B2/binary>> = Binary,
NB = <<B1/binary, Byte:8, B2/binary>>,
set_byte(Backup, File, Pos, Byte) ->
?line copy_file(Backup, File),
?line set_byte(File, Pos, Byte),
set_byte(File, Pos, Byte) ->
?line {ok, Fd} = file:open(File, [read, write]),
?line {ok, _} = file:position(Fd, Pos),
?line ok = file:write(Fd, [Byte]),
?line file:close(Fd).
copy_file(Src, Dest) ->
% ?t:format("copying from ~p to ~p~n", [Src, Dest]),
?line {ok, _} = file:copy(Src, Dest),
?line ok = file:change_mode(Dest, 8#0666).
delete_files(Files) ->
lists:foreach(fun(F) -> file:delete(F) end, Files).
verify(S, {error, beam_lib, R}) ->
verify_error(S, R);
verify(S, {error, R}) ->
verify_error(S, R).
verify_error(S, R) ->
S =:= R -> ok;
true -> [S|_] = tuple_to_list(R)
%% Most formatted messages begin with "./simple.beam:" or "<<...".
FM = string:str(lists:flatten(beam_lib:format_error(R)), "simpl") > 0,
BM = string:str(lists:flatten(beam_lib:format_error(R)), "<<") > 0,
%% Also make sure that formatted message is not just the term printed.
Handled = beam_lib:format_error(R) =/= io_lib:format("~p~n", [R]),
true = ((FM > 0) or (BM > 0)) and Handled.
ver(S, {error, beam_lib, R}) ->
[S|_] = tuple_to_list(R),
case lists:flatten(beam_lib:format_error(R)) of
[${ | _] ->
test_server:fail({bad_format_error, R});
_ ->
pps() ->
simple_file(File) ->
simple_file(File, simple).
simple_file(File, Module) ->
simple_file(File, Module, member).
simple_file(File, Module, make_fun) ->
B = list_to_binary(["-module(", atom_to_list(Module), "). "
"-export([t/1]). "
"t(A) -> "
" fun(X) -> A+X end. "]),
ok = file:write_file(File, B);
simple_file(File, Module, constant) ->
B = list_to_binary(["-module(", atom_to_list(Module), "). "
"-export([t/1]). "
"t(A) -> "
" {a,b,[2,3],c,d}. "]),
ok = file:write_file(File, B);
simple_file(File, Module, constant2) ->
B = list_to_binary(["-module(", atom_to_list(Module), "). "
"-export([t/1]). "
"t(A) -> "
" {a,b,[2,3],x,y}. "]),
ok = file:write_file(File, B);
simple_file(File, Module, lines) ->
B = list_to_binary(["-module(", atom_to_list(Module), ").\n"
"t(A) ->\n"
" A+1.\n"]),
ok = file:write_file(File, B);
simple_file(File, Module, F) ->
B = list_to_binary(["-module(", atom_to_list(Module), "). "
"-export([t/0]). "
"t() -> "
" t([]). "
"t(L) -> "
" lists:",
atom_to_list(F), "(a, L). "]),
ok = file:write_file(File, B).
run_if_crypto_works(Test) ->
try begin crypto:start(), crypto:info(), crypto:stop(), ok end of
ok ->
error:_ ->
{skip,"The crypto application is missing or broken"}