#!/usr/bin/env escript
%% -*- erlang -*-
%%! +A0
%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 2017. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%% http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
-record(cp, {name, class, dec, comp, cs}).
-define(MOD, "unicode_util").
main(_) ->
%% Parse main table
{ok, UD} = file:open("../uc_spec/UnicodeData.txt", [read, raw, {read_ahead, 1000000}]),
Data0 = foldl(fun parse_unicode_data/2, [], UD),
Data1 = array:from_orddict(lists:reverse(Data0)),
ok = file:close(UD),
%% Special Casing table
{ok, SC} = file:open("../uc_spec/SpecialCasing.txt", [read, raw, {read_ahead, 1000000}]),
Data2 = foldl(fun parse_special_casing/2, Data1, SC),
ok = file:close(SC),
%% Casing Folding table
{ok, CF} = file:open("../uc_spec/CaseFolding.txt", [read, raw, {read_ahead, 1000000}]),
Data = foldl(fun parse_case_folding/2, Data2, CF),
ok = file:close(CF),
%% Normalization
{ok, ExclF} = file:open("../uc_spec/CompositionExclusions.txt", [read, raw, {read_ahead, 1000000}]),
ExclData = foldl(fun parse_comp_excl/2, Data, ExclF),
ok = file:close(ExclF),
%% GraphemeBreakProperty table
{ok, GBPF} = file:open("../uc_spec/GraphemeBreakProperty.txt", [read, raw, {read_ahead, 1000000}]),
Props0 = foldl(fun parse_properties/2, [], GBPF),
ok = file:close(GBPF),
{ok, PropF} = file:open("../uc_spec/PropList.txt", [read, raw, {read_ahead, 1000000}]),
Props1 = foldl(fun parse_properties/2, Props0, PropF),
ok = file:close(PropF),
Props = sofs:to_external(sofs:relation_to_family(sofs:relation(Props1))),
%% Make module
{ok, Out} = file:open(?MOD++".erl", [write]),
gen_file(Out, Data, ExclData, maps:from_list(Props)),
ok = file:close(Out),
parse_unicode_data(Line0, Acc) ->
Line = string:strip(Line0, right, $\n),
_N1,_N2,_N3,_BDMirror,_Uni1,_Iso|Case] = tokens(Line, ";"),
{Dec,Comp} = case to_decomp(Decomp) of
{_, _} = Compabil -> {[], Compabil};
Canon -> {Canon, []}
dec=Dec, comp=Comp, cs=to_case(Case)}}
to_class(String) ->
list_to_integer(string:strip(String, both)).
to_decomp("") -> [];
to_decomp("<" ++ Str) ->
[Tag,Rest] = string:tokens(Str, ">"),
{list_to_atom(Tag), to_decomp(Rest)};
to_decomp(CodePoints) ->
CPL = string:tokens(CodePoints, " "),
[hex_to_int(CP) || CP <- CPL].
to_case(["","",""]) -> [];
to_case([Upper,Lower,Title]) ->
parse_special_casing("03A3;" ++ _, Acc) ->
%% Break for conditional handling, which we don't support
{done, Acc};
parse_special_casing(Line, Table) ->
[CodePoint|CaseStr] = tokens(Line, ";"),
CP = hex_to_int(CodePoint),
Entry = array:get(CP, Table),
Case = to_scase(CaseStr),
array:set(CP, Entry#cp{cs=Case}, Table).
to_scase([Lower,Title,Upper|_]) ->
{unlist([hex_to_int(CP) || CP <- string:strip(string:tokens(Upper, " "), both)]),
unlist([hex_to_int(CP) || CP <- string:strip(string:tokens(Lower, " "), both)]),
unlist([hex_to_int(CP) || CP <- string:strip(string:tokens(Title, " "), both)]),
parse_case_folding(Line, Table) ->
[CodePoint, Class0, CaseStr |_Comments] = tokens(Line, ";"),
Class = string:strip(Class0, both),
if Class =:= "T" -> Table; %% Do not support localization yet
Class =:= "S" -> Table; %% Ignore simple
true ->
CP = hex_to_int(CodePoint),
Case = unlist([hex_to_int(CPC) ||
CPC <- string:strip(string:tokens(CaseStr, " "), both)]),
#cp{cs={U,L,T,_}} = Entry = array:get(CP, Table),
array:set(CP, Entry#cp{cs={U,L,T,Case}}, Table)
unlist([A]) -> A;
unlist(A) -> A.
parse_comp_excl(Line, Table) ->
[CodePoint|_Comments] = tokens(Line, "#"),
CP = hex_to_int(CodePoint),
Entry = array:get(CP, Table),
array:set(CP, Entry#cp{dec=none}, Table).
parse_properties(Line0, Acc) ->
[Line|_Comments] = tokens(Line0, "#"),
[CodePoints, Class] = tokens(Line, ";"),
case tokens(CodePoints, ".") of
[CodePoint] ->
[{to_atom(Class), {hex_to_int(CodePoint), undefined}}|Acc];
[CodePoint1,"",CodePoint2] ->
[{to_atom(Class), {hex_to_int(CodePoint1), hex_to_int(CodePoint2)}}|Acc]
gen_file(Fd, Data, ExclData, Props) ->
gen_ws(Fd, Props),
gen_gc(Fd, Props),
gen_compose_pairs(Fd, ExclData, Data),
gen_case_table(Fd, Data),
gen_unicode_table(Fd, Data),
gen_header(Fd) ->
io:put_chars(Fd, "%%\n%% this file is generated do not modify\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "%% see ../uc_spec/gen_unicode_mod.escript\n\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "-module(" ++ ?MOD ++").\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "-export([cp/1, gc/1]).\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "-export([nfd/1, nfc/1, nfkd/1, nfkc/1]).\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "-export([whitespace/0, is_whitespace/1]).\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "-export([uppercase/1, lowercase/1, titlecase/1, casefold/1]).\n\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "-export([spec_version/0, lookup/1, get_case/1]).\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "-inline([class/1]).\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "-compile(nowarn_unused_vars).\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "-dialyzer({no_improper_lists, [cp/1, gc_prepend/2, gc_e_cont/2]}).\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "-type gc() :: char()|[char()].\n\n\n"),
gen_static(Fd) ->
io:put_chars(Fd, "-spec lookup(char()) -> #{'canon':=[{byte(),char()}], 'ccc':=byte(), "
"'compat':=[] | {atom(),[{byte(),char()}]}}.\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "lookup(Codepoint) ->\n"
" {CCC,Can,Comp} = unicode_table(Codepoint),\n"
" #{ccc=>CCC, canon=>Can, compat=>Comp}.\n\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "-spec get_case(char()) -> #{'fold':=gc(), 'lower':=gc(), 'title':=gc(), 'upper':=gc()}.\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "get_case(Codepoint) ->\n"
" case case_table(Codepoint) of\n"
" {U,L} -> #{upper=>U,lower=>L,title=>U,fold=>L};\n"
" {U,L,T,F} -> #{upper=>U,lower=>L,title=>T,fold=>F}\n"
" end.\n\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "spec_version() -> {10,0}.\n\n\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "class(Codepoint) -> {CCC,_,_} = unicode_table(Codepoint),\n CCC.\n\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "-spec uppercase(unicode:chardata()) -> "
io:put_chars(Fd, "uppercase(Str0) ->\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, " case cp(Str0) of\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, " [CP|Str] = Str1 ->\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, " case case_table(CP) of\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, " {Upper,_} -> [Upper|Str];\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, " {Upper,_,_,_} -> [Upper|Str]\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, " end;\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, " [] -> []\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, " end.\n\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "-spec lowercase(unicode:chardata()) -> "
io:put_chars(Fd, "lowercase(Str0) ->\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, " case cp(Str0) of\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, " [CP|Str] = Str1 ->\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, " case case_table(CP) of\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, " {_,Lower} -> [Lower|Str];\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, " {_,Lower,_,_} -> [Lower|Str]\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, " end;\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, " [] -> []\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, " end.\n\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "-spec titlecase(unicode:chardata()) -> "
io:put_chars(Fd, "titlecase(Str0) ->\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, " case cp(Str0) of\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, " [CP|Str] = Str1 ->\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, " case case_table(CP) of\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, " {_,_,Title,_} -> [Title|Str];\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, " {Upper,_} -> [Upper|Str]\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, " end;\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, " [] -> []\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, " end.\n\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "-spec casefold(unicode:chardata()) -> "
io:put_chars(Fd, "casefold(Str0) ->\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, " case cp(Str0) of\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, " [CP|Str] = Str1 ->\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, " case case_table(CP) of\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, " {_,_,_,Fold} -> [Fold|Str];\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, " {_,Lower} -> [Lower|Str]\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, " end;\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, " [] -> []\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, " end.\n\n"),
gen_norm(Fd) ->
"-spec nfd(unicode:chardata()) -> maybe_improper_list(gc(),unicode:chardata()) | {error, unicode:chardata()}.\n"
"nfd(Str0) ->\n"
" case gc(Str0) of\n"
" [GC|R] when GC < 127 -> [GC|R];\n"
" [GC|Str] -> [decompose(GC)|Str];\n"
" [] -> [];\n"
" {error,_}=Error -> Error\n end.\n\n"
"-spec nfkd(unicode:chardata()) -> maybe_improper_list(gc(),unicode:chardata()) | {error, unicode:chardata()}.\n"
"nfkd(Str0) ->\n"
" case gc(Str0) of\n"
" [GC|R] when GC < 127 -> [GC|R];\n"
" [GC|Str] -> [decompose_compat(GC)|Str];\n"
" [] -> [];\n"
" {error,_}=Error -> Error\n end.\n\n"
"-spec nfc(unicode:chardata()) -> maybe_improper_list(gc(),unicode:chardata()) | {error, unicode:chardata()}.\n"
"nfc(Str0) ->\n"
" case gc(Str0) of\n"
" [GC|R] when GC < 255 -> [GC|R];\n"
" [GC|Str] -> [compose(decompose(GC))|Str];\n"
" [] -> [];\n"
" {error,_}=Error -> Error\n end.\n\n"
"-spec nfkc(unicode:chardata()) -> maybe_improper_list(gc(),unicode:chardata()) | {error, unicode:chardata()}.\n"
"nfkc(Str0) ->\n"
" case gc(Str0) of\n"
" [GC|R] when GC < 127 -> [GC|R];\n"
" [GC|Str] -> [compose_compat_0(decompose_compat(GC))|Str];\n"
" [] -> [];\n"
" {error,_}=Error -> Error\n end.\n\n"
"decompose(CP) when is_integer(CP), CP < 16#AC00, 16#D7A3 > CP ->\n"
" case unicode_table(CP) of\n"
" {_,[],_} -> CP;\n"
" {_,CPs,_} -> canonical_order(CPs)\n"
" end;\n"
"decompose(CP) ->\n"
" canonical_order(decompose_1(CP)).\n"
"decompose_1(CP) when 16#AC00 =< CP, CP =< 16#D7A3 ->\n"
" Syll = CP-16#AC00,\n"
" T = 28,\n"
" N = 588,\n"
" Lead = 16#1100 + Syll div N,\n"
" Vowel = 16#1161 + (Syll rem N) div T,\n"
" case Syll rem T of\n"
" 0 -> [{0,Lead},{0,Vowel}];\n"
" Trail -> [{0,Lead}, {0,Vowel}, {0,Trail+16#11A7}]\n"
" end;\n"
"decompose_1(CP) when is_integer(CP) ->\n"
" case unicode_table(CP) of\n"
" {CCC, [],_} -> [{CCC,CP}];\n"
" {_, CPs, _} -> CPs\n"
" end;\n"
"decompose_1([CP|CPs]) ->\n"
" decompose_1(CP) ++ decompose_1(CPs);\n"
"decompose_1([]) -> [].\n"
"canonical_order([{_,CP}]) -> CP;\n"
"canonical_order(CPs) ->\n"
" canonical_order_1(CPs).\n"
"canonical_order_1([{0,CP}|TaggedCPs]) ->\n"
" [CP|canonical_order_1(TaggedCPs)];\n"
"canonical_order_1([_|_]=TaggedCPs) ->\n"
" canonical_order_2(TaggedCPs, []);\n"
"canonical_order_1([]) -> [].\n"
"canonical_order_2([{CCC,_}=First|Cont], Seq) when CCC > 0 ->\n"
" canonical_order_2(Cont, [First|Seq]);\n"
"canonical_order_2(Cont, Seq) ->\n"
" [CP || {_, CP} <- lists:keysort(1,lists:reverse(Seq))] ++ canonical_order_1(Cont).\n\n"),
"decompose_compat(CP) when is_integer(CP), CP < 16#AC00, 16#D7A3 > CP ->\n"
" case unicode_table(CP) of\n"
" {_, [], []} -> CP;\n"
" {_, _, {_,CPs}} -> canonical_order(CPs);\n"
" {_, CPs, _} -> canonical_order(CPs)\n"
" end;\n"
"decompose_compat(CP) ->\n"
" canonical_order(decompose_compat_1(CP)).\n"
"decompose_compat_1(CP) when 16#AC00 =< CP, CP =< 16#D7A3 ->\n"
" Syll = CP-16#AC00,\n"
" T = 28,\n"
" N = 588,\n"
" Lead = 16#1100 + Syll div N,\n"
" Vowel = 16#1161 + (Syll rem N) div T,\n"
" case Syll rem T of\n"
" 0 -> [{0,Lead},{0,Vowel}];\n"
" Trail -> [{0,Lead}, {0,Vowel}, {0,Trail+16#11A7}]\n"
" end;\n"
"decompose_compat_1(CP) when is_integer(CP) ->\n"
" case unicode_table(CP) of\n"
" {CCC, [], []} -> [{CCC,CP}];\n"
" {_, _, {_,CPs}} -> CPs;\n"
" {_, CPs, _} -> CPs\n"
" end;\n"
"decompose_compat_1([CP|CPs]) ->\n"
" decompose_compat_1(CP) ++ decompose_compat_1(CPs);\n"
"decompose_compat_1([]) -> [].\n"),
"compose(CP) when is_integer(CP) -> CP;\n"
"compose([Lead,Vowel|Trail]) %% Hangul\n"
" when 16#1100 =< Lead, Lead =< 16#1112 ->\n"
" if 16#1161 =< Vowel, Vowel =< 16#1175 ->\n"
" CP = 16#AC00 + ((Lead - 16#1100) * 588) + ((Vowel - 16#1161) * 28),\n"
" case Trail of\n"
" [T|Acc] when 16#11A7 =< T, T =< 16#11C2 -> nolist(CP+T-16#11A7,Acc);\n"
" Acc -> nolist(CP,Acc)\n"
" end;\n"
" true ->\n"
" case compose([Vowel|Trail]) of\n"
" [_|_] = CPs -> [Lead|CPs];\n"
" CP -> [Lead,CP]\n"
" end\n"
" end;\n"
"compose([Base,Accent]=GC0) ->\n"
" case compose_pair(Base,Accent) of\n"
" false -> GC0;\n"
" GC -> GC\n"
" end;\n"
"compose([CP|Many]) ->\n"
" compose_many(Many, CP, [], class(CP)).\n"
"compose_many([CP|Rest], Base, Accents, Prev) ->\n"
" Class = class(CP),\n"
" case (Prev =:= 0 orelse Prev < Class) andalso compose_pair(Base, CP) of\n"
" false -> compose_many(Rest, Base, [CP|Accents], Class);\n"
" Combined -> compose_many(Rest, Combined, Accents, Prev)\n"
" end;\n"
"compose_many([], Base, [], Prev) ->\n"
" Base;\n"
"compose_many([], Base, Accents, Prev) ->\n"
" [Base|lists:reverse(Accents)].\n"
"compose_compat_0(CP) when is_integer(CP) ->\n"
" CP;\n"
"compose_compat_0(L) ->\n"
" case gc(L) of\n"
" [First|Rest] ->\n"
" case compose_compat(First) of\n"
" [_|_] = GC -> GC ++ compose_compat_0(Rest);\n"
" CP -> [CP|compose_compat_0(Rest)]\n"
" end;\n"
" [] -> []\n"
" end.\n\n"
"compose_compat(CP) when is_integer(CP) -> CP;\n"
"compose_compat([Lead,Vowel|Trail]) %% Hangul\n"
" when 16#1100 =< Lead, Lead =< 16#1112 ->\n"
" if 16#1161 =< Vowel, Vowel =< 16#1175 ->\n"
" CP = 16#AC00 + ((Lead - 16#1100) * 588) + ((Vowel - 16#1161) * 28),\n"
" case Trail of\n"
" [T|Acc] when 16#11A7 =< T, T =< 16#11C2 -> nolist(CP+T-16#11A7,Acc);\n"
" Acc -> nolist(CP,Acc)\n"
" end;\n"
" true ->\n"
" case compose_compat([Vowel|Trail]) of\n"
" [_|_] = CPs -> [Lead|CPs];\n"
" CP -> [Lead,CP]\n"
" end\n"
" end;\n"
"compose_compat([Base,Accent]=GC0) ->\n"
" case compose_pair(Base,Accent) of\n"
" false -> GC0;\n"
" GC -> GC\n"
" end;\n"
"compose_compat([CP|Many]) ->\n"
" compose_compat_many(Many, CP, [], class(CP)).\n"
"compose_compat_many([CP|Rest], Base, Accents, Prev) ->\n"
" Class = class(CP),\n"
" case (Prev =:= 0 orelse Prev < Class) andalso compose_pair(Base, CP) of\n"
" false -> compose_compat_many(Rest, Base, [CP|Accents], Class);\n"
" Combined -> compose_compat_many(Rest, Combined, Accents, Prev)\n"
" end;\n"
"compose_compat_many([], Base, [], Prev) ->\n"
" Base;\n"
"compose_compat_many([], Base, Accents, Prev) ->\n"
" [Base|lists:reverse(Accents)].\n"
gen_ws(Fd, Props) ->
WS0 = maps:get(pattern_white_space, Props),
WS = merge_ranges(WS0, split),
io:put_chars(Fd, "%% Useful non-breakable whitespace chars\n"
"%% defined as Pattern White Space in Unicode Standard Annex #31\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "-spec whitespace() -> [gc()].\n"),
WsChars = [CP || {CP, undefined} <- WS],
io:format(Fd, "whitespace() -> ~w.\n\n", [[[$\r,$\n]|WsChars]]),
io:put_chars(Fd, "-spec is_whitespace(gc()) -> boolean().\n"),
IsWS = fun(Range) -> io:format(Fd, "is_whitespace~s true;\n", [gen_single_clause(Range)]) end,
io:format(Fd, "is_whitespace([13,10]) -> true;\n", []),
[IsWS(CP) || CP <- WS],
io:put_chars(Fd, "is_whitespace(_) -> false.\n\n"),
gen_cp(Fd) ->
io:put_chars(Fd, "-spec cp(String::unicode:chardata()) ->"
" maybe_improper_list() | {error, unicode:chardata()}.\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "cp([C|_]=L) when is_integer(C) -> L;\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "cp([List]) -> cp(List);\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "cp([List|R]) ->\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, " case cp(List) of\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, " [] -> cp(R);\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, " [CP] -> [CP|R];\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, " [C|R0] -> [C|[R0|R]];\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, " {error,Error} -> {error,[Error|R]}\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, " end;\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "cp([]) -> [];\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "cp(<<C/utf8, R/binary>>) -> [C|R];\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "cp(<<>>) -> [];\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "cp(<<R/binary>>) -> {error,R}.\n\n"),
gen_gc(Fd, GBP) ->
%% see http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr29/#Grapheme_Cluster_Boundary_Rules
"-spec gc(String::unicode:chardata()) ->"
" maybe_improper_list() | {error, unicode:chardata()}.\n"),
"gc(Str) ->\n"
" gc_1(cp(Str)).\n\n"
"gc_1([$\\r|R0] = R) ->\n"
" case cp(R0) of % Don't break CRLF\n"
" [$\\n|R1] -> [[$\\r,$\\n]|R1];\n"
" _ -> R\n"
" end;\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "%% Handle control\n"),
GenControl = fun(Range) -> io:format(Fd, "gc_1~s R0;\n", [gen_clause(Range)]) end,
CRs0 = merge_ranges(maps:get(cr, GBP) ++ maps:get(lf, GBP) ++ maps:get(control, GBP), false),
[R1,R2,R3|Crs] = CRs0,
[GenControl(CP) || CP <- merge_ranges([R1,R2,R3], split), CP =/= {$\r, undefined}],
io:format(Fd, "gc_1([CP|R]) when CP < 255 -> gc_extend(R,CP);\n", []),
[GenControl(CP) || CP <- Crs],
%% One clause per CP
%% CRs0 = merge_ranges(maps:get(cr, GBP) ++ maps:get(lf, GBP) ++ maps:get(control, GBP)),
%% [GenControl(CP) || CP <- CRs0, CP =/= {$\r, undefined}],
io:put_chars(Fd, "%% Handle ZWJ\n"),
GenZWJ = fun(Range) -> io:format(Fd, "gc_1~s gc_zwj(R1, [CP]);\n", [gen_clause(Range)]) end,
[GenZWJ(CP) || CP <- merge_ranges(maps:get(zwj,GBP))],
io:put_chars(Fd, "%% Handle prepend\n"),
GenPrepend = fun(Range) -> io:format(Fd, "gc_1~s gc_prepend(R1, CP);\n", [gen_clause(Range)]) end,
[GenPrepend(CP) || CP <- merge_ranges(maps:get(prepend,GBP))],
io:put_chars(Fd, "%% Handle Hangul L\n"),
GenHangulL = fun(Range) -> io:format(Fd, "gc_1~s gc_h_L(R1,[CP]);\n", [gen_clause(Range)]) end,
[GenHangulL(CP) || CP <- merge_ranges(maps:get(l,GBP))],
io:put_chars(Fd, "%% Handle Hangul V\n"),
GenHangulV = fun(Range) -> io:format(Fd, "gc_1~s gc_h_V(R1,[CP]);\n", [gen_clause(Range)]) end,
[GenHangulV(CP) || CP <- merge_ranges(maps:get(v,GBP))],
io:put_chars(Fd, "%% Handle Hangul T\n"),
GenHangulT = fun(Range) -> io:format(Fd, "gc_1~s gc_h_T(R1,[CP]);\n", [gen_clause(Range)]) end,
[GenHangulT(CP) || CP <- merge_ranges(maps:get(t,GBP))],
io:put_chars(Fd, "%% Handle Hangul LV and LVT special, since they are large\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "gc_1([CP|_]=R0) when 44000 < CP, CP < 56000 -> gc_h_lv_lvt(R0, []);\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "%% Handle Regional\n"),
GenRegional = fun(Range) -> io:format(Fd, "gc_1~s gc_regional(R1,[CP]);\n", [gen_clause(Range)]) end,
[GenRegional(CP) || CP <- merge_ranges(maps:get(regional_indicator,GBP))],
io:put_chars(Fd, "%% Handle E_Base\n"),
GenEBase = fun(Range) -> io:format(Fd, "gc_1~s gc_e_cont(R1,[CP]);\n", [gen_clause(Range)]) end,
[GenEBase(CP) || CP <- merge_ranges(maps:get(e_base,GBP))],
io:put_chars(Fd, "%% Handle EBG\n"),
GenEBG = fun(Range) -> io:format(Fd, "gc_1~s gc_e_cont(R1,[CP]);\n", [gen_clause(Range)]) end,
[GenEBG(CP) || CP <- merge_ranges(maps:get(e_base_gaz,GBP))],
io:put_chars(Fd, "gc_1([CP|R]) -> gc_extend(R, CP);\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "gc_1([]) -> [];\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "gc_1({error,_}=Error) -> Error.\n\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "%% Handle Prepend\n"),
"gc_prepend(R00, CP0) ->\n"
" case cp(R00) of\n"
" [CP1|_] = R0 ->\n"
" case is_control(CP1) of\n"
" true -> [CP0|R00];\n"
" false ->\n"
" case gc_1(R0) of\n"
" [GC|R1] when is_integer(GC) -> [[CP0,GC]|R1];\n"
" [GC|R1] -> [[CP0|GC]|R1]\n"
" end\n"
" end;\n"
" [] -> [CP0];\n"
" {error,R} -> [CP0|R]\n"
" end.\n\n"),
IsCtrl = fun(Range) -> io:format(Fd, "is_control~s true;\n", [gen_single_clause(Range)]) end,
[IsCtrl(CP) || CP <- merge_ranges(maps:get(cr, GBP) ++ maps:get(lf, GBP) ++ maps:get(control, GBP))],
io:put_chars(Fd, "is_control(_) -> false.\n\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "%% Handle Extend\n"
"%% To simplify binary handling in libraries the tail should be kept binary\n"
"%% and not a lookahead CP\n"
io:put_chars(Fd, "gc_extend(T, Acc) ->\n"
" gc_extend(cp(T), T, Acc).\n\n"),
"gc_extend([CP|T], T0, Acc0) ->\n"
" case is_extend(CP) of\n"
" zwj ->\n"
" case Acc0 of\n"
" [_|_] -> gc_zwj(T, [CP|Acc0]);\n"
" Acc -> gc_zwj(T, [CP,Acc])\n"
" end;\n"
" true ->\n"
" case Acc0 of\n"
" [_|_] -> gc_extend(T, [CP|Acc0]);\n"
" Acc -> gc_extend(T, [CP,Acc])\n"
" end;\n"
" false ->\n"
" case Acc0 of\n"
" [Acc] -> [Acc|T0];\n"
" [_|_]=Acc -> [lists:reverse(Acc)|T0];\n"
" Acc -> [Acc|T0]\n"
" end\n"
" end;\n"
"gc_extend([], _, Acc0) ->\n"
" case Acc0 of\n"
" [_]=Acc -> Acc;\n"
" [_|_]=Acc -> [lists:reverse(Acc)];\n"
" Acc -> [Acc]\n"
" end;\n"
"gc_extend({error,R}, T, Acc0) ->\n"
" gc_extend([], T, Acc0) ++ [R].\n\n"
[ZWJ] = maps:get(zwj, GBP),
GenExtend = fun(R) when R =:= ZWJ -> io:format(Fd, "is_extend~s zwj;\n", [gen_single_clause(ZWJ)]);
(Range) -> io:format(Fd, "is_extend~s true;\n", [gen_single_clause(Range)])
Extends = merge_ranges(maps:get(extend,GBP)++maps:get(spacingmark, GBP) ++ maps:get(zwj, GBP), split),
[GenExtend(CP) || CP <- Extends],
io:put_chars(Fd, "is_extend(_) -> false.\n\n"),
"gc_e_cont(R0, Acc) ->\n"
" case cp(R0) of\n"
" [CP|R1] ->\n"
" case is_extend(CP) of\n"
" zwj -> gc_zwj(R1, [CP|Acc]);\n"
" true -> gc_e_cont(R1, [CP|Acc]);\n"
" false ->\n"
" case is_emodifier(CP) of\n"
" true -> [lists:reverse([CP|Acc])|R1];\n"
" false ->\n"
" case Acc of\n"
" [A] -> [A|R0];\n"
" _ -> [lists:reverse(Acc)|R0]\n"
" end\n"
" end\n"
" end;\n"
" [] ->\n"
" case Acc of\n"
" [A] -> [A];\n"
" _ -> [lists:reverse(Acc)]\n"
" end;\n"
" {error,R} ->\n"
" case Acc of\n"
" [A] -> [A|R];\n"
" _ -> [lists:reverse(Acc)|R]\n"
" end\n"
" end.\n\n"),
GenEMod = fun(Range) -> io:format(Fd, "is_emodifier~s true;\n", [gen_single_clause(Range)]) end,
EMods = merge_ranges(maps:get(e_modifier, GBP), split),
[GenEMod(CP) || CP <- EMods],
io:put_chars(Fd, "is_emodifier(_) -> false.\n\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "gc_zwj(R0, Acc) ->\n case cp(R0) of\n"),
GenZWJGlue = fun(Range) -> io:format(Fd, "~8c~s gc_extend(R1, R0, [CP|Acc]);\n",
[$\s,gen_case_clause(Range)]) end,
[GenZWJGlue(CP) || CP <- merge_ranges(maps:get(glue_after_zwj,GBP))],
GenZWJEBG = fun(Range) -> io:format(Fd, "~8c~s gc_e_cont(R1, [CP|Acc]);\n",
[$\s,gen_case_clause(Range)]) end,
[GenZWJEBG(CP) || CP <- merge_ranges(maps:get(e_base_gaz,GBP))],
io:put_chars(Fd," R1 -> gc_extend(R1, R0, Acc)\n"
" end.\n\n"),
%% --------------------
io:put_chars(Fd, "%% Handle Regional\n"),
[{RLess,RLarge}] = merge_ranges(maps:get(regional_indicator,GBP)),
io:put_chars(Fd,"gc_regional(R0, Acc) ->\n"
" case cp(R0) of\n"),
io:format(Fd, " [CP|R1] when ~w =< CP,CP =< ~w-> gc_extend(R1,[CP|Acc]);~n",[RLess, RLarge]),
io:put_chars(Fd," R1 -> gc_extend(R1, R0, Acc)\n"
" end.\n\n"),
%% Special hangul
io:put_chars(Fd, "%% Handle Hangul L\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "gc_h_L(R0, Acc) ->\n case cp(R0) of\n"),
GenHangulL_1 = fun(Range) -> io:format(Fd, "~8c~s gc_h_L(R1,[CP|Acc]);\n",
[$\s,gen_case_clause(Range)]) end,
[GenHangulL_1(CP) || CP <- merge_ranges(maps:get(l,GBP))],
GenHangulL_2 = fun(Range) -> io:format(Fd, "~8c~s gc_h_V(R1,[CP|Acc]);\n",
[$\s,gen_case_clause(Range)]) end,
[GenHangulL_2(CP) || CP <- merge_ranges(maps:get(v,GBP))],
io:put_chars(Fd, " R1 -> gc_h_lv_lvt(R1, Acc)\n end.\n\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "%% Handle Hangul V\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "gc_h_V(R0, Acc) ->\n case cp(R0) of\n"),
GenHangulV_1 = fun(Range) -> io:format(Fd, "~8c~s gc_h_V(R1,[CP|Acc]);\n",
[$\s,gen_case_clause(Range)]) end,
[GenHangulV_1(CP) || CP <- merge_ranges(maps:get(v,GBP))],
GenHangulV_2 = fun(Range) -> io:format(Fd, "~8c~s gc_h_T(R1,[CP|Acc]);\n",
[$\s,gen_case_clause(Range)]) end,
[GenHangulV_2(CP) || CP <- merge_ranges(maps:get(t,GBP))],
io:put_chars(Fd, " R1 -> gc_extend(R1, R0, Acc)\n end.\n\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "%% Handle Hangul T\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "gc_h_T(R0, Acc) ->\n case cp(R0) of\n"),
GenHangulT_1 = fun(Range) -> io:format(Fd, "~8c~s gc_h_T(R1,[CP|Acc]);\n",
[$\s,gen_case_clause(Range)]) end,
[GenHangulT_1(CP) || CP <- merge_ranges(maps:get(t,GBP))],
io:put_chars(Fd, " R1 -> gc_extend(R1, R0, Acc)\n end.\n\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "gc_h_lv_lvt({error,_}=Error, Acc) -> gc_extend(Error, [], Acc);\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "%% Handle Hangul LV\n"),
GenHangulLV = fun(Range) -> io:format(Fd, "gc_h_lv_lvt~s gc_h_V(R1,[CP|Acc]);\n",
[gen_clause2(Range)]) end,
[GenHangulLV(CP) || CP <- merge_ranges(maps:get(lv,GBP))],
io:put_chars(Fd, "%% Handle Hangul LVT\n"),
GenHangulLVT = fun(Range) -> io:format(Fd, "gc_h_lv_lvt~s gc_h_T(R1,[CP|Acc]);\n",
[gen_clause2(Range)]) end,
[GenHangulLVT(CP) || CP <- merge_ranges(maps:get(lvt,GBP))],
io:put_chars(Fd, "gc_h_lv_lvt([CP|R], []) -> gc_extend(R, CP);\n"), %% From gc_1/1
io:put_chars(Fd, "gc_h_lv_lvt(R, Acc) -> gc_extend(R, Acc).\n\n"),
gen_compose_pairs(Fd, ExclData, Data) ->
GetPairs =
fun(CP, #cp{dec=[DCP,_]=Pair}, Acc) ->
case array:get(DCP,Data) of
#cp{class=0} -> [{Pair, CP}|Acc];
#cp{} -> Acc %% Ignore Non-Starter Decompositions
(_, _, Acc) -> Acc
DeCmp2 = array:sparse_foldl(GetPairs, [], ExclData),
[io:format(Fd, "compose_pair(~w,~w) -> ~w;~n", [A,B,CP]) || {[A,B],CP} <- lists:sort(DeCmp2)],
io:put_chars(Fd, "compose_pair(_,_) -> false.\n\n"),
io:put_chars(Fd, "nolist(CP, []) -> CP;\nnolist(CP,L) -> [CP|L].\n\n"),
gen_case_table(Fd, Data) ->
Case = array:foldr(fun(CP, #cp{cs={U0,L0,T0,F0}}, Acc) ->
U = def_cp(U0,CP),
L = def_cp(L0,CP),
T = def_cp(T0,CP),
F = def_cp(F0,CP),
case T =:= U andalso F =:= L of
true ->
false ->
(_CP, _, Acc) -> Acc
end, [], Data),
[io:format(Fd, "case_table(~w) -> ~w;\n", [CP, Map])|| {CP,Map} <- Case],
io:format(Fd, "case_table(CP) -> {CP, CP}.\n\n",[]),
def_cp([], CP) -> CP;
def_cp(CP, _) -> CP.
gen_unicode_table(Fd, Data) ->
FixCanon = fun(_, #cp{class=CCC, dec=Dec, comp=Comp}) ->
Canon = decompose(Dec,Data),
#{ccc=>CCC, canonical=>Canon, compat=>Comp}
AofMaps0 = array:sparse_map(FixCanon, Data),
FixCompat = fun(_, #{ccc:=CCC, canonical:=Canon, compat:=Comp}) ->
Compat = decompose_compat(Canon, Comp, AofMaps0),
{CCC, Canon, Compat}
AofMaps1 = array:sparse_map(FixCompat, AofMaps0),
Dict0 = array:sparse_to_orddict(AofMaps1),
Def = {0, [], []},
Dict = lists:filter(fun({_, Map}) -> Map =/= Def end, Dict0),
[io:format(Fd, "unicode_table(~w) -> ~w;~n", [CP, Map]) || {CP,Map} <- Dict],
io:format(Fd, "unicode_table(_) -> ~w.~n~n",[Def]),
decompose([], _Data) -> [];
decompose([CP|CPs], Data) when is_integer(CP) ->
case array:get(CP,Data) of
undefined -> [{0,CP}|decompose(CPs,Data)];
#cp{class=CCC, dec=[]} -> [{CCC,CP}|decompose(CPs,Data)];
#cp{dec=Dec} -> decompose(Dec, Data) ++ decompose(CPs,Data)
decompose_compat(Canon, [], Data) ->
case decompose_compat(Canon, Data) of
Canon -> [];
Other -> {compat, Other}
decompose_compat([], {CompatMode, CPs}, Data) ->
{CompatMode, decompose_compat(CPs, Data)}.
decompose_compat([], _Data) -> [];
decompose_compat([CP|CPs], Data) when is_integer(CP) ->
case array:get(CP,Data) of
undefined ->
#{ccc:=CCC, canonical:=[], compat:=[]} ->
#{canonical:=[], compat:={_,Dec}} ->
decompose_compat(Dec, Data) ++ decompose_compat(CPs,Data);
#{canonical:=Dec} ->
decompose_compat(Dec, Data) ++ decompose_compat(CPs,Data)
decompose_compat([{_,CP}|CPs], Data) ->
decompose_compat([CP|CPs], Data).
gen_clause({R0, undefined}) ->
io_lib:format("([~w=CP|R1]=R0) ->", [R0]);
gen_clause({R0, R1}) ->
io_lib:format("([CP|R1]=R0) when ~w =< CP, CP =< ~w ->", [R0,R1]).
gen_clause2({R0, undefined}) ->
io_lib:format("([~w=CP|R1], Acc) ->", [R0]);
gen_clause2({R0, R1}) ->
io_lib:format("([CP|R1], Acc) when ~w =< CP, CP =< ~w ->", [R0,R1]).
gen_case_clause({R0, undefined}) ->
io_lib:format("[~w=CP|R1] ->", [R0]);
gen_case_clause({R0, R1}) ->
io_lib:format("[CP|R1] when ~w =< CP, CP =< ~w ->", [R0,R1]).
gen_single_clause({R0, undefined}) ->
io_lib:format("(~w) ->", [R0]);
gen_single_clause({R0, R1}) ->
io_lib:format("(CP) when ~w =< CP, CP =< ~w ->", [R0,R1]).
merge_ranges(List) ->
merge_ranges(List, true).
merge_ranges(List, Opt) ->
Res0 = merge_ranges_1(lists:sort(List), []),
case Opt of
split ->
split_ranges(Res0,[]); % One clause per CP
true ->
Res = Res0,
OptRes = optimize_ranges(Res),
true = lists:sort(Res) =:= lists:sort(OptRes), %Assertion.
false ->
merge_ranges_1([{Next, Stop}|R], [{Start,undefined}|Acc]) when Start+1 =:= Next ->
case Stop of
undefined -> merge_ranges_1(R, [{Start, Next}|Acc]);
_ -> merge_ranges_1(R, [{Start,Stop}|Acc])
merge_ranges_1([{Next, Stop}|R], [{Start,Prev}|Acc]) when Prev+1 =:= Next ->
case Stop of
undefined -> merge_ranges_1(R, [{Start, Next}|Acc]);
_ -> merge_ranges_1(R, [{Start,Stop}|Acc])
merge_ranges_1([{Next, Stop}|R], [{Start,undefined}|Acc]) when Start+1 =:= Next ->
case Stop of
undefined -> merge_ranges_1(R, [{Start, Next}|Acc]);
_ -> merge_ranges_1(R, [{Start,Stop}|Acc])
merge_ranges_1([Next|R], Acc) ->
merge_ranges_1(R, [Next|Acc]);
merge_ranges_1([], Acc) ->
split_ranges([{_,undefined}=CP|Rs], Acc) ->
split_ranges([{F,L}|Rs], Acc) when F < L ->
split_ranges([{L,L}|Rs], Acc) ->
split_ranges(Rs,[{L, undefined}|Acc]);
split_ranges([], Acc) ->
optimize_ranges(Rs0) ->
PF = fun({N,undefined}) when is_integer(N) -> true;
(_) -> false
{Singles,Rs} = lists:partition(PF, Rs0),
Singles ++ optimize_ranges_1(Rs).
optimize_ranges_1(Rs) ->
case length(Rs) of
N when N >= 4 ->
{R0,[Mid|R1]} = lists:split(N div 2, Rs),
_ ->
hex_to_int([]) -> [];
hex_to_int(HexStr) ->
list_to_integer(string:strip(HexStr, both), 16).
to_atom(Str) ->
list_to_atom(string:to_lower(string:strip(Str, both))).
foldl(Fun, Acc, Fd) ->
Get = fun() -> file:read_line(Fd) end,
foldl_1(Fun, Acc, Get).
foldl_1(_Fun, {done, Acc}, _Get) -> Acc;
foldl_1(Fun, Acc, Get) ->
case Get() of
eof -> Acc;
{ok, "#" ++ _} -> %% Ignore comments
foldl_1(Fun, Acc, Get);
{ok, "\n"} -> %% Ignore empty lines
foldl_1(Fun, Acc, Get);
{ok, Line} ->
foldl_1(Fun, Fun(Line, Acc), Get)
%% Differs from string:tokens, it returns empty string as token between two delimiters
tokens(S, [C]) ->
tokens(lists:reverse(S), C, []).
tokens([Sep|S], Sep, Toks) ->
tokens(S, Sep, [[]|Toks]);
tokens([C|S], Sep, Toks) ->
tokens_2(S, Sep, Toks, [C]);
tokens([], _, Toks) ->
tokens_2([Sep|S], Sep, Toks, Tok) ->
tokens(S, Sep, [Tok|Toks]);
tokens_2([C|S], Sep, Toks, Tok) ->
tokens_2(S, Sep, Toks, [C|Tok]);
tokens_2([], _Sep, Toks, Tok) ->